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Name: Ryuji

Scenario: You have been hired as an ​APP DEVELOPER ​by app development company in Silicon Valley that is
looking to make the next big app. You will need to do market research, develop several potential ideas, and finally
create and evaluate your own app for iOS/Android. In return you will be paid a competitive salary and receive
company shares each month.


SOI: Developing functional innovative products can help us find opportunities in markets and trends.

Task Description
G​OAL To create an app that is marketable and can bring in huge profits for the app company.

R​OLE You will be an app developer at an app company that makes both iOS and Android apps.

A​UDIENCE Your audience is the app user. Your product should be built around the user’s needs.

S​ITUATION You are in the first few weeks of a new job as an APP DEVELOPER.

P​RODUCT 1. A completed app.

2. A Design Journal which shows your creative process.

S​TANDARDS You will be assessed against MYP Design Criteria A - D.

ATL Skills
Thinking skills The Inquiring & Analyzing section of the design journal will require you
to challenge own perceptions of what a popular app could be.

Self-management skills You will need to manage your time wisely, as your summative will be
completed over a period of many weeks.


PROJECT PHASES Required Completion Date Finished (X)

A. Research and Analysis - A.1 - A.3 as formatives

A. Developing Ideas and Designs - B.1 - B.3 as formatives

A. Creating and Improving the Solution - C.1 - C.3 as


A. Evaluating - D.1 -D.3 as formatives

End of Unit Reflection & Finished Journal/Product - ALL

strands complete - A.4, B.4, C.4, D.4 as summative
(link to your app)

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​the need for a solution to a Outlines ​the need for a solution to Explains ​the need for a solution to Explains ​and ​justifies ​the need
problem for a specified a problem for a specified a problem for a specified for a solution to a problem for a
client/target audience client/target audience client/target audience client/target audience


P  PROBLEM​: What is the problem

you are going to solve?
My problem is I need to create an app for smartphones to make to profit for my company.

The information that I already know is the website to create my smartphones app. I will use thunkable
What information do you already to create my app for the client.
know about this problem?

C  CLIENT​: Who is the client? My client is an android and IOS app user.

Why are you interested in designing I am interested to design the app for my client because I want to make an app that help will my user try
for this client? something new from their normal life.

E  evidence,
observations, or ideas do
The evidence, observations, or ideas that I have is the income and profits that I will get after I release
an app. If many people buy my app the income will increase.
you have about the nature of the
problem? My client asked me to create an app for them because they want me to built an app that have
everything what they need.
Why has the client asked you to
solve this problem?

IMPORTANCE​: Why is this
This problem is an important one to solve because I need to follow what my client wants and to make
the profit and income to my company.
problem an important one to solve?
Our Global Context is Scientific and Technological Innovation. This project helped me to understand
How will solving this problem help the Global Context by my app making process it related to the technology innovation and scientific, I
you understand the Global will understand it during the process.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​a research plan, which Constructs ​a research plan, Constructs ​a detailed research
identifies primary and secondary which identifies and prioritizes plan, which identifies and
research needed to ​develop ​a primary and secondary research prioritizes the primary and
solution to the problem, with some needed to ​develop ​a solution to secondary research needed to
guidance the problem, with some guidance develop ​a solution to the problem


(create a Mind Map of the information you will need to research to complete this project.I recommend ​​. You can start
with a center node called “RESEARCH”)
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Analyses ​one existing product Analyses ​a range of existing Analyses​ a range of existing
that inspires a solution to the products that inspire a solution to products that inspire a solution to
problem the problem the problem in detail


You will be asking potential app users about your current phone habit and what they might want out of a new app. Interviews will
require at least 4 questions. App analysis will help you explore what apps are currently popular. Make sure the apps you choose are
doing well in the app store or on Thunkable

Choose two apps from the iOs or Android app stores and two apps that you found on Thunkable.

Interview Questions for App Users

1. What app that you use the most for a day?

= Youtube (Ben). Youtube (Jun). QQ (Shawn).

2. What is the good app should be?

= Easy to use, Wearious function (Ben). Easy to use, useful (Jun). Useful, free app (Shawn).

3. What apps do you think is the most popular?

= Facebook (Ben). Facebook (jun). Facebook (Shawn).
4. What is your favorite app?
= Youtube (Ben). Youtube (Jun). QQ (Shawn).

APP ANALYSIS 1:​ Youtube

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the product Youtube have a menu bar Youtube it doesn't have a A small tutorial for Youtube it is a good
easy to understand?) to tell you everything that tutorial for beginner users. beginners users. product that don’t need to
you can access as they be improved too much and
can do like a it is hard to have something
recommendation, trending, to replace it.
history and more.

Aesthetics (color, Youtube have a good Youtube have only two Youtube should have more Compare to other products
design, organization) organization to easy to background colors. background colors. that have the same
understand for the users to function, they all have only
find a video. two of the same colors as

Function (what is the It for watch videos from The advertisement it will They should reduce a little Compare to other products
product used for?) around the world. It can show up a lot when you bit of the advertisement that have the same
make money as a watch a video. time. function, it have
youtuber. Advertisement advertisements as youtube,
for other product. but they didn’t have too
much as youtube.

Cost Normally youtube it free for Youtube it have a youtube Youtube premium it too Compared to other apps
all users. premium to access more expensive for a week, I that have the same
videos, but you need to pay think they should change function, youtube is the
for it. the cost of youtube only app that need to pay
premium. for more premium videos.
Positive for Creating a Have many people access to the application. Many companies will pay us for the
Similar app: advertisement.

Negatives for Creating a It hard to have much people to post the videos as much as youtube.
Similar app:

APP ANALYSIS 2:​ Call of duty mobile

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the product The product it have a The tutorials didn’t show They should have more Compare to other products,
easy to understand?) tutorial for the news users much information. tutorials or a text to show it has a tutorial too.
to understand most of the all the info they have.
function in the app.

Aesthetics (color, The graphics, colors, or Compare to other products,

design, organization) design of the app it it has the same design, and
depend on the users organization too.
mobile. If the users have a
good mobile they can set
everything as high.

Function (what is the It is a FPS game that It is an online game that They should have some Compare to other products,
product used for?) about the military. mean you need to access game mode that can play it has the same design, but
Everyone can play. the internet network. as offline. it have more offline game
mode to play too.

Cost It free for everyone. You can buy a stuff in the Compare to other products,
game, but you need to use it has exactly the same
your real money. function.

Positive for Creating a Can have more profit by selling stuff in the store. This kind of app will get famous very
Similar app: fast.

Negatives for Creating a It will access to only one type of a user.

Similar app:


SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the product This product is very easy to This product don’t have It should have more Compared to other apps it
easy to understand?) understand. The app have much description as it need description for more have less understanding
the description to describe to have. understand. than others.
what you need to do.

Aesthetics (color, This app isn't colorful, and This app should have more Compared to other apps it
design, organization) don’t have much good color and a better design have less aesthetics than
design. and organization. others.

Function (what is the This app will say that you This app should have more Compared to other apps,
product used for?) just need to click on the interesting part like the this app the function it look
object to get the score. event or a shop. more different to other.
Cost This app is free from

(screenshot/picture of Positive for Creating a Everyone that download the app can understand everything.
app) Similar app:

Negatives for Creating a This app will not be able to create enough profit.
Similar app:


SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the product This product need you to This product should have Compared to other apps,
easy to understand?) understand by yourself. some description. this app is the only one that
don’t have description.

Aesthetics (color, This app have a pastel This app have less than 5 This app should have more Compared to other apps,
design, organization) colors that look good. colors. color to be more colorful. this app have less color
and bad design.

Function (what is the This product use for fun or Compared to other apps,
product used for?) to waste the time when you this app have the same
are bored. function.

Cost This app is free from

Positive for Creating a Many people will access/download this app for a short period of time.
Similar app:

Negatives for Creating a From the positive part, users will stop using the app in the short of time too.
Similar app:


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Develops ​a basic design brief, Develops ​a​ ​design brief, which Develops ​a design brief, which Develops ​a ​detailed ​design brief,
which ​states​ the ​findings​ of outlines ​the analysis of relevant explains​ the analysis of relevant which ​summarizes​ the analysis of
relevant research research research relevant research


What type of app do you want to make?

Relevance:​ From my research, I found a good app that I will start to do it, it is a musical app. From my research, I found that many people have a
problem on downloading music /song and they can’t listen to it or the file it gone. The app that I choose to make it will make the users don’t need
to be worry about to lose everything that want to download. I will create an app that will help music lover to keep the music into the app to listen to
the song/music they like. From my app type research, I found many different functions of the app that I can do it. There are.

Product Feature:
● My app must include the playlist of the different type of song.
● My app must be easy to understand;.
● The feature of the app it should be fun to use.
● The design of the app it should be colorful, modern, and cool design.
● The organization of the app it shouldn’t be too messy.
● The app it should be the same as what my users want.

Rough Process​: From my research that I found that it has many different ways to make the app. I choose to make many different examples of
the design/organization, but still have the same function and users target. After that I will choose only one design/organization that is the best.
Then create the final process.

Resource:​ From my research, I will choose youtube is the best resource for me to making the app. It has many examples to create the app, many
functions that I can make or to see how many different people make different types of apps.

Time scale:​ This project that I will crate it should take time not later than 2 or 3 months. That mean I should finish on or before that time.

Target users:​ From my research, my target users was able to listen to the song/music they like by when they download the song/music by not
lost any file.

Outcome:​ When my product it finish, I hope that my app it will be on the target of my users. It should be able to reach all my goal (users don’t
need to be worry about to lose everything that want to download, and they can listen to the song/music that they all like).


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Lists ​a few basic success criteria for Constructs​ a list of the success Develops ​design specifications, Develops ​a design specification
the design of a solution criteria for the design of a solution which ​identify t​ he success criteria for which ​outlines ​the success criteria for
the design of a solution the design of a solution based on the
data collected

Create a minimum of 5 specifications for your app.

Design Specifications (what does success look How will I know I met the specification?

My app will function consistently without bugs. Have 5 people test the app for 3 minutes each and report back if they experience bugs.

My app will be beautiful with many colors. Have at least 5 or 6 colors in the design and survey for at least 5 people to say whether
it looks good or not.

My app will be popular with many downloads. Have 6 or 10 people download the app with many different types of people

My app will be on the target of the users. Do a survey to ask the users whether the app matches them or not, or are they have
any problem that you don’t like?

My app will be useful to all users. My app should have many functions that all users can get easy to understand and at
least 5 users like it.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8
Presents one ​design idea, which Presents ​a few feasible design Presents ​a range of feasible Presents ​a range of feasible
can be interpreted by others ideas, using an appropriate design ideas, using an appropriate design ideas, using an appropriate
medium(s) or ​explains ​key medium(s) and ​explains ​key medium(s) and annotation, which
features, which can be interpreted features, which can be interpreted can be correctly interpreted by
by others by others others


In this strand you will come up with at least 5 app ideas and describe them in detail. For the description include: 1) the function of the
app(what will it do?) 2) the potential interface(describe the menu/layout etc.) and 3) why you think it will be popular.


Function​: An app that will download/upload an mp3 audio.
Interface​: It will have a function bar that you can import the video, playlist, or an
Why it will be downloaded​: People they like to listen to music and that need an app
that can import or export the mp3 audio.
Function​: An app that you can organize your own calendar.
Interface​: In the app will have the calendar of every day/month/year, you can edit or
write of what you will do in each day.
Why it will be downloaded​: Many people always forget what they need to do each
Function​: An app that is a puzzle game to waste time.
Interface​: In the app will have many different levels of the game that you can choose
to play with the instruction.
Why it will be downloaded​: Many people don’t have much things to do and they need
something to waste time.
Function​: An app that you can order the school shop delivery.
Interface​: In the app will have a list of the stuff that you want to buy, where do you
want it to deliver, and your name.
Why it will be downloaded​: Many students don’t have much time to buy stuff in the
school shop. They need an app that will


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Justifies ​the selection of the Presents ​the chosen design and Presents ​the chosen design and
chosen design with reference to justifies ​its selection with justifies fully and critically​ its
the design specification. reference to the design selection with ​detailed​ reference
specification. to the design specification.


Key Features:

● This app will have an account log in/sign in to not lose your history.

● This app can download music /songs from this app.

● This can create a playlist of the song.

● You can listen to the song offline.

● This app can go to your history to see the music/song that you had watched.

● You can edit/name a song/music.

● You can listen to the song/music while your phone is close.

● This app can download/upload an mp3 audio.

Positives of Chosen Design: Negatives of Chosen Design:

This app will be the lovely of the song/music lover. Many This app will have many rivals because in the store it has many apps that are the
people will access to this app because people like the app that same type of the chosen app. This app will not create much profit.
is free, can listen to offline and can play while the phone it
close. You can listen to your own song by download/upload as
an mp3 audio.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

creates ​planning drawings/diagrams develops ​accurate planning develops ​accurate and detailed
or lists requirements for the creation drawings/diagrams and lists planning drawings/diagrams and
of the chosen solution. requirements for the creation of the outlines requirements for the creation
chosen solution. of the chosen solution.


Here you will draw your final machine design you made on a piece of A3 using pencil or using drawing software. It should be
adequately labeled and be followed by an explanation about why you chose this design.

Design each page of the app and annotate the features to earn a high level of achievement.
1. My app has a button that can change a song back and forward for more function of the music app.
2. My app has a function to create a playlist of the song a users that have many categories of the songs.
3. My app has a scroll bar that you can use to scroll up/down for faster to find songs.
4. My app has a play and stop button to stop and play the songs anytime you want.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Constructs ​a plan that contains some Constructs​ a logical plan, which Constructs ​a detailed and logical
production details, resulting in peers considers time and resources, plan, which describes the efficient use
having difficulty following the plan sufficient for peers to be able to follow of time and resources, sufficient for
to create the solution peers to be able to follow to create the



I will design the homepage of the app. 30 mins

I will design an introduction and create a tutorial. 30 mins

Create another category page. 25 mins

Create the button and coding for all pages to link together. 40 mins

Try to put some of the song into the app as an experiment. 20 mins

Improve the system of the app 30 mins

Ask my friends to try the app and ask them to give me some feedback 10 mins

Fix the app from our friend feedback 20 - 40 mins

Finish the app and prepare for the class test. 10 mins


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Demonstrates​ minimal Demonstrates​ satisfactory Demonstrates competent Demonstrates excellent

technical skills when making technical skills when making the technical skills when making the technical skills when making the
the solution solution solution solution


Use the table below to document workshop days in which you are coding your app. You need to document at least 6 days of work and
include a minimum of one screenshot showing the “block” section of the workspace.

Date Screenshot Description of Work Done

Jan/2020 ● I started the project by creating the page of the song.
● I create a play, forward, and back button.
● Paste the logo of the song.
Feb/2020 ● I started to code the app by watching a video to give me a tutorial to
do a music app.
● I found a song to put it in my app.

Feb/2020 (No picture) ● I found the website to put a special code into my app, but it has a
problem that makes me need to change my plan to make another
type of the app.
● I decided to make a different app.

Feb/2020 ● When today's class started I started to find the video to make a quiz
● I made the home page and game page of the app before coding.

Feb/2020 ● I made a code for the home page and 50% coding of the game page.
● On the coding part of the game page I create a code of the choice of
the question.
● I create a game over page that has a button to go home and restart
the game.
Feb/2020 ● For the last day of the app making I finish code the choice of the
game with the answer.
● If the choice is correct the button will show as green, if not it will go
● On Game Over part I code the button to go to home page and restart
the game.
● The app will show the score that you will get in one game in Game


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Creates ​the solution, which Creates ​the solution, which Creates ​the solution, which Follows the plan to ​create ​the
functions poorly and is presented partially functions and is functions as intended and is solution, which functions as
in an incomplete form. adequately presented presented appropriately intended and is presented


Complete this section when you have a functioning app. Assess whether you think your app will satisfy the needs of the cliente(your
employer). Why or why not?

After I change my plan to do a different kind of app I think this app will not satisfy the first group of clients, but it will satisfy other types
of clients and still have the same app specification still be the same. This app is a quiz app that makes the user understand how to
play it very fast, but the difficulty is the categories that were too specific because the quiz is about the game caLl “Counter Strike
Global Offensive” or CS:GO. That will make normal people that don’t know anything about this game will be more difficult to play.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8
States one change​ made to the States one change ​made to the Lists the changes​ made to the
chosen design ​or​ plan when chosen design ​and​ plan when chosen design and plan when
making the solution making the solution making the solution


State at least four changes that you made and explain why you made the changes. Here you can write about features that you changed
or omitted entirely.

Modification Explanation for Modification

Change design of the The design of my first app will have a lot of different
first application. categories of the song, but I changed it to be only one page
with a logo of the song, but you can change the song by
pressing a back or forward button.
Change to do the all This change came from the problem of the first application
new application. that I can’t put an extra code to the app.
Change the amount of First, I create only 4 questions in the app, but after testing with
the quiz. classmates I change from 4 to 6 questions for more time to
Change the loading First, The loading time of the quiz is about 5-6 seconds, but
time of the quiz. after testing with classmates I change the loading time to 0.01
seconds by coding for faster loading time.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Designs​ a testing method, which is Designs​ a relevant testing method, Designs​ relevant testing methods, Designs​ detailed and relevant testing
used to measure the success of the which generates data, to measure the which generate data, to measure the methods, which generate data, to
solution success of the solution success of the solution measure the success of the solution


After you’ve made your original modifications you can have users test out your app. Document the issues and the user reviews here.
Next, you will evaluate your success against your design specifications.


User experience: It's good. Easy to use, have a good Issues: The question is loading too slow.
function, and it works well.

Describe the CHANGES you will make:

● I will fix the coding to take less time to wait for the quiz.


User experience: The app is good, but still has some Issues: The loading time of the question is too slow. Quiz needs to be harder.

Describe the CHANGES you will make:

● I will fix the coding to take less time to wait for the quiz.
● Make more questions that have a different level.


User experience: It's nice. Issues: The time it takes too long to finish the quiz.
Describe the CHANGES you will make:
● I will fix the coding to take less time to wait for the quiz.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​the success of the solution. Outlines​ the success of the Explains​ the success of the Critically ​evaluates​ the success of
solution against the design solution against the design the solution against the design
specification based on relevant specification based on relevant specification based on authentic
product testing product testing product testing



Specification Testing method Evidence from tests

My app will function consistently Have 5 people test the app for 3 minutes each and A user tested my app for 3 minutes and
without bugs. report back if they experience bugs. one bug was found.

My app will be beautiful with many Have at least 5 or 6 colors in the design and survey for A user tested my app for 3 minutes and
colors. at least 5 people to say whether it looks good or not. my users found only 2 or 3 colors.

My app will be popular with many Have 6 or 10 people download the app with many A user tested my app for 3 minutes and
downloads. different types of people one of my users said this app may be

My app will be on the target of the Do a survey to ask the users whether the app matches A user tested my app for 3 minutes and
users. them or not, or are they have any problem that you some of my users like the app.
don’t like?

My app will be useful to all users. My app should have many functions that all users can A user tested my app for 3 minutes and
get easy to understand and at least 5 users like it. all of my users understand how the app
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​how the solution could Describes ​how the solution could Explains ​how the solution could
be proved be improved be improved


For this strand you will write about how your product could be improved. Imagine you have greater resources or a larger skill set.

For the improvement of my application, I need to improve the function of the app,
add more questions, and create many levels of the quiz for more challenge of the
users. Maybe the application can have music during the app running to make the
users not get too bored too much. For the design of the application I can add more
color to make the app look more colorful, but it needs to be matched to the
application categories to satisfy the type of users that I have to focus on and make
the application look interesting.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​the impact of the solution Explains​ the impact of the Explains ​the impact of the product
on the client/target audience. solution on the client/target on the client/target audience.
audience, with guidance.


Describe in detail if you think your app met the needs of the user. Consider the following questions:
● To what extent has the client’s or target audience’s problem been solved?
● How does this solution improve the client’s or target audience’s situation?
● To what extent has the design brief been met?


We just need to make the app that our audience never found before of that type of categories that they like that will make the audience enjoy the
app more because they never try out this kind of app

This app does not really improve the audience situation, but this app will make the audience enjoy their favorite type of category more than

This extent had met the design brief by most of the people like the app. The time to make the app is on the plan. The app have most of the
features that in the design brief.

What was your greatest success in this unit?

What was your biggest challenge during this unit?


Do you think you met the needs of the app development company?

This unit we worked on the ATL skills of Self-management and Thinking. More specifically, we focused on ORGANIZATION and
CRITICAL THINKING. Which one was the hardest? Why?

What did you learn about SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION this unit?

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