Evaluation Form

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School Fair 2020 “Intwine”

“Weaving the Harmony of Spirituality”

February 21 and 22, 2020
I. Committee: Confianza
II. Committee Chairpersons: Miss Via Marie Roxas & Mr. Elbert Mutuc
III. No. of Teacher Assistants: 3
IV. No. of Student Assistants: 19
V. Date and Time of Event: February 21, 2020 (Thursday) – 10:00 – 12:00nn
Flow of Evaluation:
A. Preparation Period
Based on our planning experience,
1. I/We want to continue the following:
 the meetings/preparation before the event because we were able to brainstorm and come up with
exciting and feasible ideas that will entertain the audience.
 the proper scheduling of meetings and distribution of tasks because we were able to manage our
time considering the different time schedules
 the early audition, so that the committee will know the number of contestants for the show itself and
be prepared for the planned activities.
 the promotion of the Confianza through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter because it
helped the committee to promote the event easily.
2. We want to improve on:
 having less meetings and the little time to prepare because if affects the outcome of the show.
 Despite having a prepared plan, we had to make last minute adjustments.
B. Main Event Period
1. I/We are happy about
 finishing the event successfully and teamwork. Each one of us worked hard in order to make the
event successful.
 the opportunity given to the contestants, not only to the students, but also to our teaching and non-
teaching personnel, to showcase their talents in the event.
 the event proper run smoothly and finished and started on time.
 a lot of people came and we sold a lot of tickets.
 we shared a common goal and everyone really did their best in doing the tasks assigned to them
during the program that caused the show to finish successfully.
 the guest performers who willingly performed during the event to give more life to the show.
 the good number of contestants who joined Confianza.

2. I/We faced the following challenges such as….

 having difficulty looking for sponsors and outside performers.
 stress due to the time constraint and budget because the proposed budget was not approved that’s
why some of the members of the committee had to pay on their own will.
 we also had difficulty in monitoring the contestant’s stubs.
 unfair treatment between minor and major committees. We noticed that they gave more importance
to the major event committees.
C. Post Event Period
1. For all the things that I/We experienced before and during the main event, I/We suggest
 that there would be separate meeting time for committee meetings and PA practices. This is because
there was scheduling conflict and some members cannot go to the meetings at the same time.
 the school and fairboard committee to trust its members, so that they may be able to give their best
and show their true potential.
2. We would like to recommend ______ as the next chairperson because:
 Mr. Mutuc – he is very hands-on with everything and he reminds the committee most of the time. He
disseminates the tasks and appoints students and sets deadlines for the students.
 Mrs. Dela Torre – she has the most knowledge about the over-all fair along with this she is able to
communicate well with the students and faculty due to her pleasing personality.
3. If we were to have a new event next school fair, we recommend the following:
 Dance concert or a concert that would be enhanced. The dance concert would be greatly appreciated
because of the different steps, styles and music that would shown.
Accomplished by:

Miss Via Marie Roxas

Confianza Committee

Mr. Elbert Mutuc

Confianza Committee

Noted by:

Miss Jianna V. Dela Torre

School Fair Chairperson

Mr. Aldrin Flores

School Fair Chairperson

● Please answer the following statement for us to use during our meeting.
● Please submit the following for documentation purposes:
o Accomplished evaluation form (Soft or Hard Copy)
o Collected Pictures of the Event with caption (Printed in a long bond paper or Softcopy)
● See you all on Wednesday wearing our fair shirt.
● Nothing less; nothing more

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