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Total Performance Scorecard: Aligning Human Capital with Business Strategy

and Ethics

Article · January 2005

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Hubert K. Rampersad
Technological University of the Americas


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Total Performance Scorecard:
Aligning Human Capital with
Business Strategy and Ethics
Hubert K. Rampersad
TPS International

Hubert K. Rampersad 71 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
Dr. Hubert K. Rampersad

Hubert K. Rampersad is an internationally respected and recognized management

thinker and consultant in the field of Organizational Behavior and Business Management.
He is Chairman of the Board and President of TPS International Inc. in California He
received his formal education in The Netherlands earning a B.S. in Mechanical
Engineering from Enschede Polytechnic Institute, an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering
and Robotics from Delft University of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Management from
Eindhoven University of Technology. Hubert is author of 12 books and 100 articles.
His book “ Total Performance Scorecard” has been translated in 20 languages. Hubert’s
related article was awarded in the UK with “The most outstanding paper in 2004”. He
is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journals “Training and Management
Development Methods” and “Measuring Business Excellence” in the United Kingdom
and editorial advisor to Singapore Management Review. From 1987 on he has been an
international management consultant guiding, personal coaching, and training leading
organizations in the areas of his professional interest: Organizational Behavior, Strategic
Management, Total Quality Management, Organizational Learning, Knowledge
Management, Performance Management, Leadership, Organizational transformation, and
Leading complex change. Hubert can be reached at

Hubert K. Rampersad 72 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
Total Performance Scorecard:
Aligning Human Capital with
Business Strategy and Ethics


Numerous case studies indicate that the implementation of the balanced scorecard
concept according to Kaplan & Norton in North America have been disappointing at
best, and in Europe and South America even more so. A new blueprint for creating
a learning organization is needed in which personal and organizational performance
and learning mutually reinforce each other on a sustainable base. Traditional business
management concepts are insufficiently committed to learning and rarely take the
specific personal ambitions of employees into account. In consequence there are
many superficial improvements, marked by temporary and cosmetic changes, which
are coupled with failing projects that lack sufficient buy-in by personnel and, in
some cases, even have an adverse effect. This paper introduces a new holistic
business management concept, called Total Performance Scorecard (TPS). It stresses
the importance and need of developing an organizational structure and philosophy
that combines the goals and aspirations of the individual with those of the company.
It is a melding process, which results in a corporate culture that is both individually
and organizationally driven. The concepts embodied in this management concept
provide solutions to preserving and utilizing individual rights and capabilities while
adjusting the organizational structure and philosophy to this new environment.
This has been done by expanding and integrating concepts such as the Balanced
Scorecard, Total Quality Management, Performance Management and Competence
Management into one overall framework. The related book “ Total Performance
Scorecard” has become an international bestseller and has been translated in 20
languages. Rampersad’s related article was awarded in the UK with “The most
outstanding paper in 2004”.

A new blueprint for creating a learning importance and need of developing an

organization is needed in which personal organizational structure and philosophy
and organizational performance and that combines the goals and aspirations of
learning mutually reinforce each other on the individual with those of the company.
a sustainable base. Traditional business It is a melding process, which results in a
management concepts are insufficiently corporate culture that is both individually
committed to learning and rarely take the and organizationally driven. The concepts
specific personal ambitions of employees embodied in this management concept
into account. In consequence, there are provide solutions to preserving and
many superficial improvements, marked by utilizing individual rights and capabilities
temporary and cosmetic changes, which while adjusting the organizational structure
are coupled with failing projects that lack and philosophy to this new environment.
sufficient buy-in by personnel and, in some This has been done by expanding and
cases, even have an adverse effect. This integrating concepts such as the Balanced
paper introduces a new business Scorecard, Total Quality Management,
management concept, called Total Performance Management and Competence
Performance Scorecard (TPS). It stresses the Management into one overall holistic and

Hubert K. Rampersad 73 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
organic framework. The related book “ we are referring to is the aligning of
Total Performance Scorecard” has become individuals’ personal ambition with the
an international bestseller and has been shared ambition, which is a prerequisite for
translated in 20 languages. Rampersad’s sustainable cultural change and
related article was awarded in the UK with development of organizations. Alignment
“The most outstanding paper in 2004”. means linking the organization’s mission,
vision, and core values with the individual’s
Failures of the balanced personal mission, vision, and core values.
scorecard concept This lies at the heart of successful
organizational change and development.
Numerous case studies indicate that the Traditional balanced scorecard
implementation of the BSC according to implementations tend to be insufficiently
Kaplan & Norton in North America have committed to learning and rarely take the
been disappointing at best, and in Europe personal ambitions of employees into
and South America even more so (Angel & account. Without a set of rules for
Rampersad, 2005). An estimated 65% to employees that addresses continuous
70% of organizations within Corporate process improvement and the personal
Canada have adopted BSC’s. A few users improvement of individual employees, the
— some 10% — insist their scorecards are experience is that too little employee buy-
achieving positive results and meet with in and insufficient change in the
spirited rebuttal suggestions that balanced organization’s culture underlies BSC
scorecards do not work. In contrast, a disappointment. The result, experienced in
much larger group doubts that scorecards so many BSC implementations, is that any
achieve sustained financial performance improvement tend to be superficial and
improvement. Our view from hands on temporary. We have seen many examples
experience is that scorecards rarely of scorecards that did not achieve alignment
achieve sustained financial improvement and resulted in an apparent performance
break-throughs. BSC implementations tend improvement that dissipated very quickly.
to be insufficiently committed to learning In other cases, the improvement never
and rarely take the personal ambitions of materialized. Frequently in such cases,
employees into account. We do not argue management’s efforts to improve
that balanced scorecards are performance were seen as divisive, viewed
fundamentally inappropriate as by employees as aimed at benefiting senior
management tools. Quite the reverse, we management compensation plans and
support the philosophy of balanced fostering a “what’s in it for me” attitude
scorecards — but with a modified among the employees. In the aligned
approach, according to the OBSC system, environment, metrics needs to support the
to implementation that has been proven people alignment to organizational
to produce better results. Our position is alignment. The text box below shows ten
that organizational scorecards need to be reasons for balanced scorecard failures
aligned with individuals’ scorecards to turn (Angel & Rampersad, 2005).
the BSC into a powerful tool for sustained
organizational performance.

Our conclusion, based on 20 years of

research, is that scorecard performance
depends on alignment between the goals
1. Emphasis on financial rather than
of the organization and the personal
nonfinancial measures, leading to
goals of the employees to realize
transformational performance change. What

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Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
measures that do not connect to the changes in direction and an
drivers of the business and are not unmanageable scope
relevant to performance 9. An implementation plan that is not
improvement grounded in reality and unable to
2. Too many objectives defined and respond quickly to unforeseen
too many performance metrics events
being measured to enable the 10. A climate of defensiveness and
organization to prioritize mistrust that leads project
improvement steps adequately participants to respond to missed
3. Poor data on actual performance, deadlines and overspent budgets
negating most of the efforts with buck-passing, bitterness and
invested in defining performance scapegoat-finding
measures by not being able to
monitor actual changes in results
from changes in behaviour Total Performance Scorecard
4. Inadequate linkage between the
critical success factors of the Total Performance Scorecard is defined
organization and the personal as the systematic process of continuous,
critical success factors of individual gradual, and routine improvement,
employees — creating human development and learning, focused on a
capital tensions between work and sustainable increase of personal and
nonwork aspirations organizational performances.
5. Managers not communicating the
cultural change clearly and This management concept encompasses
continuously, supported by the personal and organizational mission,
management deeds that confirm vision, key roles, core values, critical
that management is serious success factors, objectives, performance
6. An employee mentality that is measures, targets and improvement
hostile to management messages actions, as well as the resulting process of
(the obverse of the previous point), continuous improvement, development
often because communications and learning. It consists of the following
have tended to be one-way and elements (see figure 1):
forced on an unwilling labour force
7. An employee compensation plan 1. The Personal Balanced Scorecard
that focuses too much on the (PBSC) entails the total idea of personal
money side and not enough on mission, vision, key roles, critical
delivering organizational values, success factors, objectives, performance
leading to a “what’s in it for me” measures, targets, and improvement
culture actions (Rampersad, 2003). The PBSC
8. A business strategy that is poorly regards the continuous improvement of
understood and therefore your personal skills and behavior,
impossible to execute — it may also focusing on your personal well-being
be either inflexible, not keeping and success. Self-management stands
pace with changes in the central here and focuses on the
marketplace or too flexible, causing managers as well as employees within
confusion because of frequent the entire organization. For this I have


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Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
introduced a new Plan-Do-Act-Challenge 4. Competence Management
cycle (PDAC-learning) for personal encompasses the process of the
improvement. continuous development of human
potential within the organization. The
2. The Organizational Balanced goal of Competence Management is
Scorecard (OBSC) encompasses the continuously delivering top
total organizational mission, vision, core performances with a motivated and
values, critical success factors, developed community. It focuses on the
objectives, performance measures, maximum development of employees
targets and improvement actions (Kaplan and makes optimal use of their potential
& Norton, 1996, 2000). The OBSC regards in order to achieve the goals of the
the continuous improvement and organization. Competence management
controllability of business processes involves the development of job-related
focusing on achieving competitive competences; a collection of
advantages for the company. This information, capabilities, experience,
corporate BSC is communicated and skills, attitudes, standards, values,
translated into all business unit BSCs, views, and principles (knowledge) that
team BSCs and the performance plans of is focused on the expert fulfilment of
individual employees. The organizational your job. The development cycle is
improvement actions are implemented central here, which consists of the
according to the Plan-Do-Check-Act following phases: result planning,
cycle of Deming (Deming, 1985). This coaching, appraisal, and job-oriented
cycle consists of the following 4 phases: competence development.
1) Plan (develop an improvement plan);
2) Do (execute this improvement plan 5. Kolb’s Learning Cycle. This process
on a limited scale); 3) Check (review of instinctive learning (learning by
the results of the improvement actions; experience) is seen in all four
and 4) Act (implement the proven management concepts mentioned.
improvements). Together with the process of conscious
learning (learning by education) they
3. Total Quality Management result in individual and collective
encompasses a disciplined way of life behavioral changes. These two
within the entire organization whereby learning forms as well as individual
continuous improvement of oneself, learning based on the PDAC cycle,
one’s job and the organization stand PDCA-learning based on the Deming
central. Defining problems, determining cycle and collective learning are
root causes, taking actions, checking the important themes in the TPS-concept.
effectiveness of these actions and These are used to create conditions for
reviewing business processes are done effective organizational change. Kolb’s
here in a routine, systematic and learning cycle contains the following
consistent way (Rampersad, 2004 ). four phases (Kolb, 1984): Gaining
The emphasis is on the mobilization of hands-on experience, observing this
the entire organization in order to experience, drawing conclusions from
continuously satisfy the needs of the this experience, and testing these
customer. It is a philosophy as well as a ideas in experiments, which again
set of guidelines forming the basis for a will result in new behavior and
continuously improving organization experiences.
using the Deming cycle. This learning
cycle (PDCA-learning) is used in the TPS- Figure 1 illustrates the correlation
concept for process improvement. between the different elements of the Total

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Figure 1: The TPS-Concept (Rampersad, 2003)

Performance Scorecard. This philosophy

includes a composition of closely related Developing:
management concepts, which together
form a harmonious whole. In this integrated This process entails gradual individual
TPS concept, the key elements of development and education through the
improving, developing, and learning are absorption of knowledge. It focuses on
defined as follows: performance improvements that are
directly related to the daily activities of
individuals within the organization (job-
Improving: related competence development of
individual employees).
This process encompasses the
improvement of individuals and Learning:
business processes based on the PDAC
and PDCA learning. The focus here is This process entails internalizing and
on the improvement of personal skills actualizing knowledge in order to
and behavior of individuals related to change behavior. Learning is a personal
their functioning in the society as well transformation that depends on self-
as process improvement (controllability knowledge and that, in turn, results in
of business processes). collective behavioral change.

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Figure 2: The Interrelated Parts of the TPS-Concept

There are overlaps between the Personal vision, key roles, critical success factors,
Balanced Scorecard, Organizational objectives, performance measures, targets,
Balanced Scorecard, Total Quality and improvement actions (divided along the
Management, and Competence four perspectives: financial, customers,
Management (see figure 2). The black area internal processes, and knowledge &
in the center of this figure illustrates the learning), see figure 3. The formulation and
similarities between the aforementioned use of the PBSC make up the first step in
management concepts. Improvement, change management. It enables you to
Development, and Learning form part of distance yourself from your mindsets (your
this common area. mental frame work, assumptions and beliefs
coloring the world) and allows you to listen
Seen from a strategic point of view the effectively to your inner voice. By scrutinizing
Total Performance Scorecard is thus ourselves (through a better self-image and
continuously on its way to be the routine self-knowledge) we improve our learning
improvement of the entire organization, as ability. Self-knowledge means self-awareness.
well as the development of human potential Formulating your personal ambition is a
and individual and collective learning, search for your identity. Understanding your
using the PBSC and the OBSC as a starting identity is the key to action. Through this a
point. The PBSC focuses on your personal stable basis will be created for your own
life, well-being and behavior, while the credibility. This has a positive effect on the
accent of the OBSC falls on achieving loyalty, motivation, and dedication of
competitive advantages for the others around you. This also involves self-
organization. guidance, motivation, enjoyment, passion,
commitment, energy, inspiration, and
Personal Balanced Scorecard enthusiasm (see also Senge, 1990). The
development of the shared ambition and
The Personal Balanced Scorecard (PBSC) the personal ambition takes place
forms the total of the personal mission, simultaneously; when answering the

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Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
question of what we want for the are putting yourself in front of a mirror; based
organization and where we want to go on the acquired clarity you will become more
together, we also ask ourselves at the same resolute, get more creative ideas, learn better
time, what we want for ourselves and which and become more successful. Therefore,
win-win situation lies between both interests. everyone in your organization should be
Hidden behind our behavior are the inner stimulated and encouraged to formulate his
needs (incentives) related to our mindsets. or her own PBSC in order to develop self-
These needs and those of the organization knowledge. A better self-image and greater
have to be aligned for the sake of more labor self-knowledge lead after all to greater
productivity. Moreover, it can be seen in learning ability. To that objective we have to
practice that if one has a clear personal continuously ask ourselves three primary
objective, it gives meaning and direction to questions, and open up ourselves to them:
one’s life. By formulating a Personal Balanced Who am I? For what purpose am I here on
Scorecard and reflecting on it, you’ll gain earth? And, Where am I going? The
more control over your own life and finally aforementioned questions have to do with
you’ll learn to get to know yourself better. It our personal ambition. This personal
is a personal notice about yourself and is mission, and vision should be formulated
meant to bring you into motion with positively and in the present tense, as if
determination and energy, to prepare you for everything is happening now. Your personal
action and to stimulate your inner mission statement includes your life
involvement. By writing down your personal philosophy and your primary life objective,
mission, vision, key roles and objectives, you and indicates what you are living for and

Figure 3: Questions dealing with the PBSC-elements (Rampersad, 2003)

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what your deepest aspirations are. It
experience, however, an enormous
functions as an ethical compass that gives
lack of interest and hardly feel
direction to your life. Your personal vision
stimulated. This was proven in
statement deals with a description about
research done by the Bureau Interview
where you want to go, which values and
NSS in 2004 among 250 managing
principles guide your way, what you want to
directors. The research shows a large
help realize in your life, which ideal
difference between how managers
characteristics you would like to have, which
think they lead and how employees
qualities you like to have if you could be
experience it. 86% of managers feel
exactly the way you want, and what is your
that they show sincere interest, only
ideal with respect to your profession,
41% of the employees agree with them.
environment, health, etc. It is a concrete
84% of managers are satisfied in the
translation of your inner longings. Your inner
way they manage, a mere 42% of the
voice and your deeper convictions of how
employees are satisfied with the way
life should be, therefore, play an important
they are being led. Besides, 64% of
role here.
managers feel that they are able to
motivate themselves, while 31% of the
The formulation of your personal mission
employees feel that their manager is
and vision is meant to improve your learning
able to do so. 83% of managers stand
ability and thus enable you to improve your
at the ready for their employees, 34%
behavior. This individual behavioral change
of the employees feel that their
results from organizational learning to a
manager is ready to oblige. And, 66%
collective change pattern, called
of managers feel that they know
organizational change. The more innovative
exactly what happens in their
an organization would be, the more its
department, only 32% of the
employees and managers should develop
employees agree.
their self-knowledge or self-image. A recent
survey shows that many European
managers have a wrong self-image (see Self-knowledge or self-image includes
boxed text below). They have an enormous self- awareness. It is an inner and spiritual
destructive impact on the health of their learning process, which is connected to
people and their organization. Without being emotional intelligence and spiritual
aware of this they cause disastrous intelligence. This inner process starts with
destructions within organizations. Research self- knowledge, or knowing. By doing or
in Europe shows that more than half of by routine application of the complete PBSC
all employees have changed jobs or method, self-knowledge will lead to
organizations at least once because of wisdom. Between knowing and wisdom lies
their managers’ behavior and that an enormous distance, which can be
mismanagement is the reason of their poor reduced with the complete PBSC system.
performance in their job. In their
unawareness managers cause large Your key roles relate to the way you wish
damages when applying the PBSC results to fulfill the various essential roles in your
to real learning. life and thus realize your personal mission
and vision (Covey, 1993). Thus, which
Managers Have a Wrong Self- types of relations would you like to have
image with your colleagues, friends, family,
neighbors and others? The formulation
European managers think that they thereof will also benefit a greater self-
motivate, stimulate, and listen well to knowledge and better self-image, and
their employees. Their employees therefore also your own learning ability.

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The personal critical success factors are objectives. They relate to improving your
derived from the personal mission, vision, personal competences and behavior. The
and key roles. The central questions here how is central here: How do I want to
are: Which factors make me unique? What achieve my personal results? How can I
factors decide for my personal success? realize my personal objectives? How can I
Which factors in my mission, vision, and improve my behavior? Which improvement
key roles are essential for the realization actions should I execute in order to achieve
of my personal objectives? What are my this? How do I see to it that I learn
most important competences? The central continuously, individually as well as
questions regarding the personal objectives collectively? How do I get to know myself
are: Which measurable short-term personal better? The same four perspectives in the
results do I want to achieve? They describe OBSC-concept form the starting point in the
a personal result that you want to achieve PBSC-concept. In content, however, they
to realize your personal vision. They are have a different meaning. Here the
derived from your personal critical success perspectives include the personal results
factors and also result from your personal that are of essential importance to your self-
strength and weakness analysis. They form development, personal well being and
achievable milestones. As a continuation success, namely:
to this, you can also ask yourself the 1. Financial: financial stability. To what
following question: What is the most degree are you able to fulfill your
important change I face regarding my work financial needs?
and career? Factors that could be related 2. Customers (external): relations with
to the aforementioned questions are, for your spouse, children, friends,
example: aptitude, talent, ability, employer, colleagues, etc. How do they
intelligence, being goal-oriented, see you?
perseverance, self-control, health, integrity, 3. Internal processes (internal): your
creativity, tolerance, enthusiasm, the physical health and mental state. How
situation at home and at work, more can you control these in order to create
responsibility, prestigious job, status, value for yourself and others?
power, being free, having more free time, 4. Knowledge and learning: your skills and
having more time for the children, etc. The learning ability (the ability to learn, that
personal performance measure deals with is, how to learn learning). How can you
the following questions: How can I measure remain successful in the future?
my personal results? What makes my
personal objectives measurable? A personal
performance measure is a measuring point PBSC = personal mission + vision + key
related to the personal critical success roles + critical success factors +
factor and objective through which your objectives + performance measures +
functioning can be assessed. These targets + improvement actions (divided
indicators are criteria that measure your along the four perspectives: financial,
personal objectives. Personal performance customers, internal processes, and
measures make your personal vision and knowledge & learning).
objectives measurable. A personal target
is a quantitative objective of a personal
performance measure. It is a pursued value The Personal Balanced Scorecard differs
to be measured through a personal in essential ways from Stephen Covey’s
performance measure. Targets indicate brilliant “7/8 Habits of Highly Effective
values that should be obtained. Personal People”. The boxed text below shows what
improvement actions are measures used to makes the difference between these two
realize your personal mission, vision, and concepts.

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Personal Balanced Scorecard time, such as the development of skills
versus Stephen Covey’s “7/8 related to this, more pleasure at work,
Habits of Highly Effective a more effective use of free time and a
People” good balance between work and
private life. The PBSC is a continuous
Stephen Covey’s “7 habits of highly discovery trip towards perfection,
effective people” is about personal personal integrity, self-mastery, and
leadership with key words as fairness, happiness, at work as well as in
integrity, honesty and human dignity. people’s private lives amalgamating
His new book, “The 8 habit” adds that both lives into one complete,
every individual has within himself the integrated and happy life. Stephen
means for perfection. If only they can Covey, however, departs from the
manage to balance the four human two different lives, based on the
attributes: talent, need, conscience and assumption that someone with a
passion. According to Stephen Covey perfectly strong personality will
we face in today’s era of the 8 habit a flourish in any organization. Despite
th th
more complex and challenging world the above criticism the 7 /8 habits
than in the last decade (era of the 7 is a splendid concept that makes a
habits). Independence, individualism most useful contribution to the
and autonomy are constantly increasing formulation and implementation of
in all facets of our lives. This implies your PBSC. The introduction of the
according to him that you need to PBSC is almost like launching an
manage yourself more and more and integrated 9 habit that has been
not to rely on others. Covey’s approach proven in practice to produce better
is mainly focused on personal and sustainable results – not only for
leadership, individual learning, and the individual but also for the
personal growth. The Personal Balanced organization.
Scorecard (PBSC) though, picks up
where Stephen Covey left off.
Specifically the measurable translation To illustrate the foregoing, the personal
of the personal vision into concrete ambition of Jack Johnson is shown in the
personal targets and improvement boxed text below. He is the owner and CEO
th th
actions is missing in his 7 / 8 habits of a small management consulting firm in
concept. Also the concrete balancing of the UK, a workaholic and born in 1953.
the personal ambition with the shared
ambition, the embedding of ethical
Personal Ambition of Jack
behavior in people’s minds and the
holistic link with talent management all
are missing in Covey’s concept. The
Personal Mission
consequences of this are
Enjoy the freedom to serve others and
suboptimalization and personal
to create a world of love and
improvements that will only work
superficially and for that reason will be
of a temporary and cosmetic nature.
Personal Vision
This is also because of approaching it
I want to fulfil my mission in the
in a holistic way. This will cause a basis
following way:
that will not be stable and sustainable
• Earn the respect of my customers,
enough to support the continuous
colleagues, friends and loved ones
acceptation of new challenges each

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• Continue to look for challenges in continuously develop your skills and to
my work, accept them and enjoy keep improving and become more creative
doing so on the basis of the PBSC. I introduce a new
• Help organizations to be successful learning cycle to accomplish this, the Plan-
• Continue to further develop my skills Do-Act-Challenge (PDAC), which keeps
and competencies, and learn running continuous (see figure 4). To live
continuously in accordance with the PBSC and the
• Not act in conflict with my implementation thereof as per the PDAC
conscience cycle, requires a cyclical learning and step-
• Continue to increase my inner by-step process in order to increase
strength and keep this in balance awareness, joy, fun and creativity, at work
with my physical health as well in your spare time. This cycle
• Achieve financial security consists of the following four phases
(Rampersad, 2005):
Key Roles
In order to achieve my mission, the Plan; Formulate or update your
following key roles have top priority: Personal Balanced Scorecard (PBSC), which
• Spouse: A maximum fulfilment of focuses on your job and your free time.
what is important for my wife, based
on love, faithfulness, support and Do; Start with a simple objective
unconditional trust from your PBSC with corresponding
• Father: Be an example for my improvement actions, keeping in mind the
children so that they treat priority this has been given. Submit
themselves and the people around yourself with courage to this objective,
them with respect and give them the even when you run into resistance. Root
ability to make the right choices and your good intentions with an agent
take decisions (spouse, friend, colleague or manager), or
• Consultant: Competent, honest, co- with your group, which will ask questions
operative, and committed and gives you honest feedback. After that
• Fellow man: Give and receive trust you start your improvement actions with
emotional dedication, self-confidence,
willpower and purpose and concentrate on
The translation of Jack’s personal your actions. This must be in accordance
ambition into his PBSC can be found in with your present skills. The “doing” is
my books Total Performance Scorecard related to acting with purpose and to
(Butterworth-Heinemann Business Books, deliver efforts to realize your objective. Ask
2003) and The Personal Balanced often for feedback from your agent. This
Scorecard; The Way to Individual gives you the opportunity to measure the
Happiness, Personal Integrity and improvement you have made. Start with
Organizational Effectiveness (Tata habits, which restrict you, influence your
McGraw-Hill, 2005) life unfavourably, and deliver poor results.

Implementing the Personal Act; Check if the improvement actions

Balanced Scorecard are working and take action when it is not.
Review the results according to defined
The next step is the implementation of personal performance measures and
the formulated Personal Balanced targets and check to what extent you have
Scorecard (PBSC) in the (self) coaching realized your personal objectives. If you
process. This is necessary to see your have not been able to realize your
awareness grow step-by-step, to objective, please do not worry about it. Just

Hubert K. Rampersad 83 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

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Figure 4: The Personal PDAC Cycle ( © Rampersad, 2005)

start again. You will improve steadily and In the appendix, I introduce a simple
it becomes a habit to do good things, if integrated breathing and silence exercise,
you evaluate your PBSC each month with which, in practice, proves to be very
your agent, and learn from the acquired effective and which will help you formulate
experiences. Develop your skills and and implement your PBSC effectively.
competencies to achieve the target you Performing this breathing and silence
selected. Implement the proven personal exercise for twenty minutes early in the
improvements, assess the personal results, morning and twenty minutes in the evening
document the lessons learned, and improve will provide you with exceptional results if
and monitor your actions and thinking regularly practiced for six months.
continuously. Also think about bringing
your personal ambition and your personal Aligning Personal Ambition and
behaviour in balance, which will result in Personal Behavior
influencing your ethical behaviour.
The first step on the way to sustainable
Challenge; Accept larger challenges by personal improvement is to give attention
selecting a more difficult objective and to your personal ambition. Aligning your
corresponding improvement actions from ambition with your behavior is necessary for
your PBSC and get on with it. Take your developing inner peace and personal
chance and be conscientious to choose a charisma, as well as for improving your
more challenging objective in line with your credibility with others (Rampersad, 2003).
improved skills when the current When you do this you avoid conflict with your
improvement actions start being boring. conscience and act in an ethical manner.
Enjoy the pleasant experience and Indeed, whereas we judge ourselves by our
document what you have learned and invisible behavioral patterns, others judge
unlearned. us by our visible behavioral patterns—what

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we do and say. This balancing process is act ethically? Are there contradictions in my
about the interaction between, on the one personal ambition? In what way does my
hand, your aspirations, intentions, purpose, behavior influence my views, and vice versa?
principles, ethical standards, and values—in Do I act in accordance with high ethical
other words, your personal ambition—and, standards?
on the other hand, how others interpret you.
There is always potential difference, which Personal (<Mission>, <Vision>,
is often difficult to accept, between how you <Key Roles>) ≈ Personal Behavior
see yourself and who you want to be, and
how others see and judge you. To become
Personal Ambition ≈ Personal
the person you have envisioned in your
personal ambition, you also have to know
how others see you and what they think of
you. When you know this, your self- When people find harmony between their
knowledge increases and you are able to personal ambition and their personal
improve the effectiveness of your actions. behavior, they will not come into conflict with
Therefore, this process of developing self- their own conscience and will be able to work
knowledge involves the establishment of a efficiently in a goal-oriented way for
balance between your personal ambition continuous improvement, development, and
(which envisions a higher level of learning. According to Selvazajan Yesudian
consciousness) and your personal behavior (1991), our conscience is the inner voice that
(which refers to your present behavior) [see talks to us with firm conviction to help us
Figure 5]. In order to achieve real personal distinguish between right and wrong,
improvement and change it is necessary first between fact and fiction. It is a voice that
to find a balance between behavior and inner whispers to us what we can do best and
motives. The central questions in this guides us in our daily activities. It is a voice
contemplative process are: How do my that we can trust and on which we can build
ideals, ambitions, intentions, needs, and our existence. It is the only reliable compass
deepest desires fit my present actions? Does to follow if there is a conflict between the
my personal ambition reflect my desire to mind that reasons and the heart that decides.

Figure 5: Aligning Personal Ambition with Personal Behavior (Rampersad, 2003)

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Aligning your personal ambition with methods, and so on are therefore also
your behavior ensures that your actions in inevitable. Creating organizational
society are right and in accordance with your harmony between personal and shared
conscience. I have defined this action as: ambitions is discussed in the second half
of this chapter. Balancing these two types
Right personal action = being + PBSC + of ambition is the essential first step in the
doing + aligning personal ambition with process of achieving durable organizational
personal behavior improvement and change. Unfortunately,
these are steps that are often ignored by
According to Chatterejee (2002), right management.
action is one that flows from our being;
being is the very spirit of action. To act Organizational Balanced
right, you should obtain better insight into Scorecard
your own behavior, strengths, and
weaknesses, as well as your personal goals. The Organizational Balanced Scorecard
This is not only based on insight into (OBSC) has the same framework as the
yourself but also on reality. Continuous PBSC and therefore will not be discussed
learning and the gaining of knowledge here in detail. For detailed information
about people, theories, techniques, of the OBSC, see Rampersad (2003).The

Figure 6: Questions Pertaining to the OBSC-Elements (Rampersad, 2003)

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elements of this strategic management
5) Continuously developing our
concept are presented in figure 6.
human potential, and, based on our
knowledge, skills, and capabilities,
OBSC = organizational mission + vision acquiring competitive advantage.
+ core values + critical success factors
+ objectives + performance measures In order to be the safest and most
+ targets + improvement actions reliable business travel company,
(divided along the four perspectives: everything within our organization will
financial, customers, internal be focused on achieving top
processes, and knowledge & learning). performance with a motivated work
force that cares for the needs of the
To illustrate the foregoing, you will society we take part in.
find in the boxed text below the shared
ambition of Business Jet; an airliner for Core Values
business people. The translation of this We are being led by the following core
shared ambition into the OBSC can be values, which we regard as most
found in Rampersad (2003). important:
• Integrity: Doing business with
Shared Ambition of Business integrity. Integrity is never
Jet compromised.
• Enjoyment and Passion: Working with
Organizational Mission devoted people who enjoy their
We are a safe and reliable airline work, are passionate, and are driven
company for business people. to achieve superior performances in
everything our airline company
Organizational Vision undertakes. Employee involvement is
In all aspects we want to be a our way of life.
professional organization, one that is • Customer Orientation: Listening
the customers’ first choice for business continuously to our customers,
travel in all the regions where we discovering their expectations and
operate. We want to achieve this by: providing them with the quality
1) Achieving excellent financial services they expect of us, and
results, and through the successful satisfying them constantly. They are
introduction of innovative products the focus of everything we do.
and services; • Safe and Reliable: Being known as
2) Offering our customers high- the safest and most reliable airline
quality services and, due to our company.
image, having a dominant share in
the global market of business
travel; Aligning Shared Ambition with
3) Having airplanes depart and arrive Ethics
on time, doing so more
successfully than competitors; Business ethics is an essential part of the
4) Creating an inspiring work Total Performance Scorecard concept. This
environment that provides an implies that organizations must care about
atmosphere of team spirit, open ethics and corporate social responsibility to
communication, and process ensure that their actions have integrity and
thinking; reflect high ethical standards. The shared
ambition should, therefore, be inspired by
ethics. Ethics concerns human duty and the

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principles on which this duty is based products give customers the flexibility
(Thompson and Strickland, 2002). Every they need to compete today.
company has an ethical duty to its
shareholders, employees, customers, What Do We Believe?
suppliers, and the community at large. Each We begin with a fundamental belief in
of these stakeholders affects the the inherent wisdom of open markets.
organization and is in turn affected by it. We are convinced that consumer choice
and competition lead to lower prices
A shared ethical ambition requires and innovation. Enron is a laboratory
ethical behavior of everyone within the for innovation. That is why we employ
organization. In order to be successful, the best and the brightest people. And
management and employees should act in we believe that every employee can
accordance with the formulated principles make a difference here. We encourage
and values. The boxed text discusses the people to make a difference by creating
infamous example of a successful company an environment where everyone is
that had an effectively shared ethical allowed to achieve their full potential
ambition but nevertheless went bankrupt and where everyone has a stake in the
because it was undermined by the unethical outcome. We think this entrepreneurial
behavior of its management (Thompson approach stimulates creativity. Our
and Strickland, 2002). The Enron case success is measured by the success of
stresses the importance of balancing the our customers. Together we are creating
personal ambition of management and the leading energy company in the
employees with their personal behavior and world. Together, we are defining the
with the shared organizational ambition. energy company of the future.
The mutual alignment of the personal and
shared ambition will be discussed in the Our Core Values
next section. It forms a strong base for Integrity: We work with customers and
ethical management. prospects openly, honestly, and
sincerely. When we say we will do
something, we will do it; when we say
The Enron Debacle: A Bold we cannot or will not do something,
Shared Ambition Undermined then we won’t do it.
by Management’s Unethical Respect: We treat others as we would
Behavior like to be treated ourselves. We do not
tolerate abusive or disrespectful
Who Are We and Why Do We Exist? treatment. Ruthlessness, callousness,
We offer a wide range of physical, and arrogance don’t belong here.
transportation, financial, and technical Excellence: We are satisfied with
solutions to thousands of customers nothing less than the very best in
around the world. Our business is to everything we do. We will continue to
create value and opportunity for your raise the bar for everyone. The great
business. We do this by combining our fun here will be for all of us to discover
financial resources, access to physical just how good we can really be.
commodities, and knowledge to create Communication: We have an
innovative solutions to challenging obligation to communicate. Here, we
industrial problems. We are best known take time to talk with one another and
for our natural gas and electricity to listen. We believe that information is
products, but today we also offer retail meant to move and that information
energy and broadband products. These moves people.

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A variety of methods can be employed special training to enable directors to
to improve business ethics, such as (BSR carry out their ethical responsibilities
2005, Rampersad 2003): confidently. Many U.S. companies have
instituted board ethics training in
• Build ethics into the personal and shared recent years, a move motivated in part
ambition statement. The emphasis in the by the 1996 Caremark decision, which
ambition statement is on unselfishness. established the precedent that directors
It includes ethical principles, values, and may be held liable for corporate ethical
standards, such as integrity, reliability, transgressions.
trust, helpfulness, credibility, frankness,
and other values. This helps senior • Integrate ethics into all aspects of
managers and employees understand company communications. Develop
that values and ethical standards are communication programs with
integral to all company operations and emphasis on personal and corporate
activities in spare time. ethics to inform and motivate
employees, customers, suppliers,
• Stimulate everyone within the shareholders, and the general public.
organization (most of all top Leverage existing company
management) to formulate their PBSC infrastructure to demonstrate to
and to align their personal ambition with employees that ethics is an integral part
their personal behaviour; also, stimulate of all operations and decision-making.
them to do this at home. Make them Bell South has integrated ethics and
aware that they must not act in conflict compliance training materials into
with their conscience, at work as well multiple delivery sources including new
as in their spare time. Help them to employee orientations, management
become better human beings. courses, sales training, business
meetings, business plans, and other
• Commit to ethical behavior. Top aspects of day-to-day business.
management must be openly
committed to ethical conduct and must • Develop an ethics code or code of
provide constant leadership in tending business conduct. It tells employees
and renewing the values of the and managers how to act in various
organization. Everyone within the situations, and makes clear to them
organization must be made aware of that they will be expected to recognize
their own personal ambition and of the the ethical dimensions of the corporate
core values within the firm’s ambition. policies and actions. It also includes
Involvement and commitment of what is required of employees, where
personnel at all organizational levels is leeway is allowed in decision-making,
important in order to develop higher where employees can go for advice
levels of trust and pride in the business. or to report possible violations,
Senior managers should participate in and which ethical issues are non-
training sessions, make ethics a regular negotiable.
element in speeches and presentations,
and align their own behavior with Comprehensive codes are aligned with
company ethical standards. Engage company values and applicable laws,
them in the ethics process by creating address the full range of ethical dilemmas
a board ethics committee or corporate employees are likely to face, and are
responsibility committee, and by updated regularly as new challenges
placing ethics on the board agenda as emerge. A study of three hundred large
a regular item for discussion. Consider corporations showed that companies that

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made a public commitment to their ethics their duty to report violations. A
codes out-performed companies that didn’t growing number of leadership
make such a public commitment by two to companies take this one step further
three times as measured by market value by developing staffed “help-lines” or
added (Miller an Pruzan, 2003). “advice lines,” allowing employees to
ask for advice or raise concerns
• Identify and renew company’s core without the potential stigma of using
values. Companies without a clear set a communications resource viewed
of core values find themselves at a solely as a vehicle for complaints or
disadvantage when developing ethics accusations. Companies find that such
programs. Research shows that ethics help lines are effective at preventing
programs are most effective when misconduct rather than simply
perceived by employees to be “values- identifying it after it has taken place.
driven” rather than simply compliance- Stakeholders need to know that if they
driven, and that values-based programs raise an ethical issue they will be
are most effective in reducing unethical protected from retaliation.
behavior, strengthening employee
commitment, and making employees • Conduct in-house ethics seminars and
more willing to deliver bad news to PBSC workshops. Design a comprehensive
managers. Many companies conduct program of ethics training that enables
regular company-wide initiatives that employees to become active participants
involve employees at all levels of in their own learning.
responsibility to renew company values
and update them when appropriate. A • Execute ethical audits and evaluation
number of leadership companies also programs to ensure compliance by
distinguish which of their corporate personnel on at least an annual basis.
values are ethical values (integrity, Follow up training with regular
fairness, honesty) as opposed to evaluations of the ethics program to
performance values (innovation, make sure employees are retaining and
leadership, low-cost), and make it clear acting on what they have learned.
to employees that if values come into
conflict, ethical values must prevail. • Penalize unethical behaviour. Introduce
enforcement procedures, including
• Set up board ethics and corporate social discipline and dismissal for violations.
responsibility committees. Let ethics Let employees know how many
officers or other senior managers with employees have been disciplined or
ethics responsibilities report directly to terminated in a given year over ethical
the board. Ethics officers should have offenses.
regular access to executive decision-
makers. The basic functions of an ethics • Show transparency and accountability.
office are: identification and renewal of Regularly publish detailed reports
values; development of an ethics code; on own citizenship/sustainability
training and education; and providing performance, including specific ethics
counsel and guidance to staff at all initiatives.
• Give recognition and reward ethical
• Establish “hot lines” for comments and behavior. Build incentives for ethical
complaints regarding unethical acts. behavior into compensation systems,
To process reports of unethical for example a bonus for ethical
behavior, employees should feel it is performance.

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• Rotate promising managers though the provide guidelines on how to make
ethics function, grounding them in appropriate decisions, and list resources
ethical values as they move toward to call. Every new employee receives
leadership roles. ethics training, and the company
plans to create web-based training
• Pay special attention to personal ethical for all employees, tailored to
values in to personal ambitions in each department. The company also
recruiting and hiring practices. provides an intranet ethics website that
provides immediate on-line access to
The boxed text below shows a key policies, subject- matter contacts,
leadership practice, which has been chosen and all printed materials and supporting
as an illustrative example in this area of resources. A seven-point Quick Test is
corporate social responsibility. used to help guide all employees
through ethical dilemmas. The Ethics
Leadership Example: Texas Office has set up an anonymous e-mail
Instruments system and a 24-hour toll free line for
feedback and reporting of issues.
Texas Instruments (TI) is recognized
Source: Business for Social Responsibility
for developing a strong ethics program
(BSR, 2005)
that is actively communicated to all
employees. TI’s code of ethics was first
written in 1961 and has been
Aligning Personal Ambition
periodically updated since then. A
with Shared Ambition
brochure entitled “TI Values and Ethics”
serves as TI’s basic ethics infrastructure.
In the first half of this paper I discussed
The brochure was most recently
the alignment of personal ambition and
updated in 1998, when the company
personal behavior for the purpose of acting
moved from a rules-based ethics
ethically, creating inner peace, developing
approach to an approach centered more
personal charisma, and improving personal
firmly around values. At that time, many
credibility. Here the alignment of the
of the existing policies and procedures
personal ambition with the shared
were eliminated in favor of statements
organizational ambition is central for the
based on the company’s core values of
purpose of stress and burn-out reduction,
innovation, integrity and commitment.
stimulating the enjoyment, active
While the code serves as the foundation
participation, and motivation of employees.
for the ethics program, TI’s Ethics Office
Once these two ambitions have been
has strengthened the program by
formulated there is the need for a period
developing a strong support structure
of reflection, a time in which to think
and a number of tools to help employees
profoundly about balancing these two
make ethical decisions. Brochures
scorecard elements. This process of
addressing a range of ethical issues
balancing deals with obtaining a high level
including “Working with Competitors,”
of concordance between personal and
“Working Globally,” “Working with
organizational goals and a mutual rise in
Suppliers,” “Product Safety,” “Business
value. People do not work with devotion
Intelligence,” “Workplace Safety,” and
and do not spend energy on something
“The Networked Society” have been
they do not believe in or agree with. Clarity
widely distributed to employees. These
and uniformity of personal and
brochures describe real-life situations,
organizational values and principles are,
address the risk of improper behavior,
therefore, essential for the active

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involvement of people. Experience teaches Private matters, as well as work related
us that identification with the organization aspects will be confidentially discussed,
is the most important motive for employees at least private matters that have an
to dedicate themselves actively to the impact on job performance. The following
organizational objectives. People all have questions are central in the ambition
different personal values and principles meeting: Do you act in accordance with
that we must try to understand and key to the formulated shared ethical ambition?
the values of the organization. Only by Can you identify with the shared
doing this will changes and improvements organizational ambition? In doing this, do
have a permanent nature. The questions you feel personally involved and
that are central here are: Does your addressed by the organizational
personal ambition match the shared ambition? Do your personal values and
organizational ambition? Do they balance? principles match the organizational vision
As a summary: and core values? If they conflict, is leaving
the best answer? Do your most important
Personal (<Mission>,<Vision>,<Key personal values do justice here? Which
Roles>) ≈ Organizational points in your personal ambition are
(<Mission>,<Vision>,<Core Values>) strengthening to and which conflict with
the shared organizational ambition?
Personal Ambition ≈ Shared Which ones are neglected? Is there a win-
Organizational Ambition win situation between your own interests
and the ones of your organization? Are
1. I recommend introducing an your personal mission, vision, and key
ambition meeting within organizations roles to be found in the shared
between the line-manager or superior and organizational ambition? If not, do they
his/her employees. The ambition meeting have to be expanded or adjusted? Are
is a periodical, informal, voluntary and they acceptable? How can they flourish
confidential meeting of maximum one within the organization? Does your level
hour between line-manager and his/her of ambition have to be lowered? Which
employee, with the employee’s PBSC and skills do you need to be a pillar of the
the shared ambition as topics. It is organization and thus realize the
recommended that this meeting is held organizational mission? What do you want
structurally at least once per quarter, to gain yourself with this? Are your
preferably more often. The results of developmental expectations in tune with
these informal meetings are highly those of the organization? Do you have
confidential and have to be kept out of ethical problems on the job? How does it
the personnel file and not be used against go with the implementation of your PBSC?
the employee. The manager functions as Did you reach your target? Could it be
a trusted person or informal coach. To be better? Where did it go wrong? What have
able to talk about the employee’s PBSC, you learned? What did you unlearn? What
one needs a confidential, informal and motivates you? What de-motivates you?
friendly atmosphere, an atmosphere of Do you have ethical problems on the job?
trust and open communication. This is Have you considered a job change
essential, as human values will be because of this?
discussed. Experience teaches us that this
intimate atmosphere can be reached if the Aligning personal ambition with shared
manager formulates his/her own PBSC ambition deals with the mutual
beforehand and shares it with his/her co- concordance of the Personal and
worker. Also, the implementation of the Organizational Balanced Scorecards or
employee’s PBSC comes up for discussion. individual versus collective learning (see

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Figure. 7: Aligning Personal Ambition with Shared Organizational Ambition (Rampersad, 203)

Figure 8: Match between Personal Ambition and Shared Ambition (Rampersad, 2005)

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Figure 9: Linking the OBSC to the Business Units’ BSC, Team BSC and Individual Performance Plan

Figure 7). This ensures that your Communicating and linking

organizational actions are right. I have
defined this action as: To be able to put the strategic vision into
action, it will be necessary to link the
corporate (OBSC) to the scorecard of the
Right personal action within your
business units and teams, as well as to the
organization = being + PBSC + doing +
individual performance plans of the
aligning personal ambition with
employees. Figure 9 illustrates the different
personal behavior + aligning personal
cascading layers in this process. Each
ambition with shared ambition
process participant formulates his or her
own Personal Balanced Scorecard, which is
Alignment of the personal ambition with then situated on a higher abstraction level
the shared organizational ambition is than the related individual performance
central for the purpose of commitment, plan. With this approach, a bridge is drawn
trust, inner involvement, stress and between the successive organizational
burnout reduction, stimulating enjoyment, levels; the message from top management
active participation, motivation and is consistently articulated to the lower
empowerment of employees. It has to do levels and visa versa.
with reaching a higher degree of match
between personal and organizational By linking the objectives as such, the
objectives and mutual value addition, as local efforts are aligned to the overall
shown in figure 8. organizational strategy. The formulating

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Figure 10: The TPS-Cycle (Rampersad, 2003, 2005)

process is identical for the first three implementation of the TPS concept. This
organizational sections mentioned. The cyclic model consists of the following four
formulated organizational mission in the phases, see figure 10 (Rampersad, 2003,
OBSC and the perspectives apply to all 2005):
organizational levels. The organizational
vision and linked critical success factors, 1. Formulating. This phase involves
objectives, targets, and improvement the formulation of the Personal and
actions are adjusted and fine-tuned to the Organizational Balanced Scorecards.
related business units and teams. Here the
OBSC is used as a frame of reference. Each 2. Communicating & linking. Here
lower level member should also reflect all stakeholders share in the business
upon the alignment between the personal strategy by effectively communicating
ambition and the organizational, business and translating (rolling out) the corporate
and team ambition. scorecard to all scorecards of the
underlying business units and teams, and
The TPS-Cycle finally linking the team scorecard to the
individual performance plan of the
The TPS cycle has been developed in employees. This top-down and bottom-
order to guide you in the successful up process is implemented, step-by-step,

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to all successive organization levels in personal ethical behavior is also part of this
increasing detail. In this way, the overall process). The organizational improvement
strategy of the organization (OBSC) is actions are implemented according to the
systematically translated into more Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle of Deming.
specific plans on each organization level.
This is needed to shift the strategic 4. Developing & learning. Here the
version into action. Every individual emphasis is on job-related talent
on these three organizational levels management and learning. To be able to
formulates his own PBSC and share this manage and use the talents within the
with colleagues. organization effectively, it is necessary to
embed the personal and organizational
3. Improving. This indicates balanced scorecards together with the
continuous improvement of yourself and ambition meeting in the talent management
your work. It concerns the implementation process. This is done on the basis of the
of the personal and organizational introduced talent management cycle that
improvement actions based on the PBSC consists of the following phases: Result
and OBSC, respectively. The focus here is Planning, Coaching, Appraisal and
on correct mistakes, improve existing Competence Development. The learning
things, do things right the first time, and process in this phase encompasses the
obtain new skills and capabilities through review of the scorecards, the actualisation
step-by-step improvement. The personal of these scorecards based on changing
improvement actions are implemented conditions, the documentation of the
according to the introduced Plan-Do-Act- lessons learned, and checking which things
Challenge cycle. This results in a step-by- went well and which went wrong during
step increase in happiness, awareness, joy, the previous phases. Depending on these
pleasure, learning and creativity which evaluation results the implementation or
occurs at work as well as in your free time. the formulation of the scorecards may be
The alignment of personal ambition with adjusted. This deals with learning from

Figure 11: PBSC Concept Creates a Foundation for Effective Talent Management

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gained experiences. It refers to
internalizing acquired knowledge and
actualizing it through experience in order
to change both the individual and collective
behavior of employees and thus enable the
organization to perform better. The
concordance of personal ambition and
the shared organizational ambition is
taking place at all lower levels of the
organization.The alignment of the shared
ambition with business ethics is also taking
place in this phase of the TPS cycle. Figure
11 shows how the PBSC concepts creates
a foundation for effective talent

After completing the last step in the TPS-

cycle, it will again be followed through in
order to continuously align the BSCs to the
surroundings. Through the thereby created
learning effect, your organization will get
to know itself and its surroundings better
and will thus improve. This will
continuously improve your organization’s
learning ability. Naturally, the same also
applies to you. For example, by reviewing
your PBSC quarterly with a trusted
representative and by learning from
previously obtained experiences, you’ll
learn to get to know yourself and your
surroundings better and through this you
will improve. Strategy formation,
improvement, development of human
potential and learning are thus a perpetual
process. Continuously going through the
TPS-cycle will result in the continuous
improvement of business results through
the years.

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An Integrated Breathing and Silence Exercise

(Rampersad, 2005)

STEP 1: Breathing exercise STEP 2: Silence exercise

1. Look for a quiet spot with fresh air and 1. After finishing the breathing exercise,
make sure that you will not be disturbed. remain in your sitting position with your
back straight, relax your arms, keep
2. Sit in an easy chair with an upright back, your eyes closed and breathe normally
and keep your back straight, and your through your nose.
shoulders and neck relaxed.
2. Focus entirely on your thoughts; do not
3. Gently rest your hands relaxed on your concentrate on anything else. If
knees, with your palms upward and shut thoughts do enter, do not force them
your eyes. out but simply let them pass like clouds
making way for the beautiful blue sky.
4. Breath deeply through your nose
according to the following rhythm: 3. Allow your thoughts to come and go,
inhale deeply during a count to four including the thoughts related to your
(your stomach fills like a balloon), hold personal ambition questions. Simply
your breath during four counts, and think about your identity, who you are,
exhale fully during a count of six (your why you are on this earth, what is
stomach flattens again) and stop for a important to you in your life, etc.
count of count. Focus on the rhythm of
breathing in and out. 4. Be open to all images that come up in
your mind. Imagine that you are in a
5. Focus your attention entirely on your garden and that a wise man approaches
breathing during this process and you who, after introducing himself, asks
observe how your life energy flows you some of the ambition questions I
through your body. During the breathing mentioned above. Listen carefully to the
you will become more relaxed. answers of your inner voice.
Concentrate on the feeling of relaxation
in your whole body (face, shoulders, 5. Open your eyes after 10 minutes slowly
hands, feet, etc.) and write the answers of your inner
voice in a ‘silence diary’. The purpose
6. Repeat this process during 10 minutes. of this diary is to be able to use this
information to formulate or update your
It is very important that you breathe Personal Balanced Scorecard and keep
through your nose. Because of this, your record of your experiences and progress
breath will be preheated and deeper. in each session.
Deeper breathing gives you more life
energy in your body. You need this energy
to turn your personal ambition purposefully
into action. After all, ambition without
energy to proceed to action is senseless.

Hubert K. Rampersad 98 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
Literature Rampersad, H.K., The Personal Balanced
Scorecard; The Way to Individual Happiness,
Angel, R. and H.K. Rampersad, Why Personal Integrity and Organizational
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Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), Rampersad, H.K., Personal Management, US, 2005 based on the Personal Balanced Scorecard.
Today’s Manager, Singapore Institute of
Chatterejee, D. Light the Fire in Your Management, Singapore, June 2005
Heart. New Delhi: Full Circle Publishing,
2002. Senge, P.M., The Fifth Discipline: The Art
& Practice of the Learning Organization,
Covey, S.R., The seven habits of highly Doubleday, New York, 1990.
effective people, Simon & Schuster, New
York, 1993. Thompson, A.A. & A.J. Strickland,
Strategic Management; Concepts and
Deming, W.E., Out of the crisis, cases, McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2002.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1985.

Kaplan, R.S. & D.P. Norton, The Balanced

Scorecard: translating strategy into action,
Harvard Business School Press, Boston,

Kaplan, R.S. & D.P. Norton, The Strategy-

focused Organization: how balanced
scorecard companies thrive in the new
business environment, Harvard Business
School Press, Boston, 2000

Kolb, D.A., Experiential Learning,

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1984.

Miller, W.C., and P. Pruzan, Spiritual-

based Leadership: A Matter of Faith and
Confidence, Puttaparthi: Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning, 2003.

Rampersad, H.K., Managing Total

Quality; Enhancing Personal and Company
Value, Tata McGraw-Hill, India, 2004

Rampersad, H.K., Total Performance

Scorecard; Redefining Management to
Achieve Performance with Integrity,
Butterworth-Heinemann Business Books,
Elsevier Science, Massachusetts, May 2003.

Hubert K. Rampersad 99 Nanyang Business Review Vol. 4 No. 1 2005

Nanyang Business School
Nanyang Technological Unversity, Singapore
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