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DATE : ____________________LEVEL :___________

STUDENT’S NAME : __________________________

TEACHER’S NAME : Sandra Villaseñor Córdova
SKILL : _____________________________________
1. Read the introduction to a magazine article on dating. What is the article about?

2. Read the full article. Match the questions to the descriptions. Which question (1–6) ...?

 Gives you advice about how to act ____________________

 Predicts if you'll find similar things funny ____________________

 Shows the person's feelings about risk and excitement ____________________

 Tells if your first impressions of the person are correct ____________________

 Will show things which are extremely important to the other person _________________

 Will help shy people to talk about themselves ____________________

DATE : ____________________LEVEL :___________
STUDENT’S NAME : __________________________
TEACHER’S NAME : Sandra Villaseñor Córdova
SKILL : _____________________________________
DATE : ____________________LEVEL :___________
STUDENT’S NAME : __________________________
TEACHER’S NAME : Sandra Villaseñor Córdova
SKILL : _____________________________________
Listen to the interview. Match the sentence halves.

Listen to the interview again. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 In the past, social scientists tested people's ______________to measure how happy they were.
Anxiety Salary Health
2 The happiest times of life are
The start and the end The start and the middle The middle and the end
3 There is media pressure for everyone to look like
Teenagers Young adults Sixty-five-years-old
4 Happiness starts to fall from the age of
About 20 About 45 About 65
5 The results of the study are controversial because they show that
The youngest people are Looking young is unimportant Old age is the happiest time
6 The figures show that the most difficult time for people is in
Their 30s and 40s Teenage age Their 70s and 80s
7 Marilyn says this time is the most difficult because
Teenage children are the hardest Old parents are less supportive There are many pressures at the
to manage same time
8 According to Marilyn, the most important factor for happiness is
Not to be anxious Good health Having lower expectations
DATE : ____________________LEVEL :___________
STUDENT’S NAME : __________________________
TEACHER’S NAME : Sandra Villaseñor Córdova
SKILL : _____________________________________

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