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The Surprise Party (Script)

NRC: 3148
Student 1 (name): Aiby Maibely Dominguez Sanchez (Role: Sister 1)
Student 2 (name): Andrea Carolina Camelo (Role: sister 2)
Student 3 (name): Ana Maria Cardona Rivera (Role: sister 3)

Start you script or dialogue from here……………………………………

A big party

Aiby: (Sister 1) Hi girls, how are you doing? I'm glad to greet you.

Andrea: (sister 2) Hi sister, very good.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) Hi sister How are you?

Aiby: (sister 1) Hey, did you know that this weekend is Joseph's birthday?

Andrea: (sister 2) I forgot it.

Ana Maria: (Sister 3) I forgot it too..

Aiby: (sister 1) I planned to prepare a surprise party on Saturday.

Ana Maria: (sister3) That’s a good idea.

Andrea: (sister 2) That is a good idea, and it could be at our parents' house.

Aiby: (sister 1) Great! The house is big

Andrea: (sister 2) We will call all our friends.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) Yes, and I can buy drinks.

Aiby: (sister 1) I’ll make the sandwiches so guests do not go hungry.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) You are a great sister cook; the guests will be happy with your

Andrea: (sister 2). If you are, I'm already exciting, it will be a great party.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) But now we have a problem.

Aiby: (sister 1) What's the problem?

Andrea: (sister 2) We have no one to play good music.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) I can tell our cousin to help us with music, he is very good at
encouraging parties.

Aiby: (sister 1) Our cousin would be very generous.

Ana Maria: (sister 3) Yes, he has a DJ concert on Saturday night and from there he
would go to our house to put on the party atmosphere.

Aiby: (sister 1) So let’s get to work.

Andrea: (sister 2) It’s right, we are on Thursday and do not have much time.

Aiby: (sister 1) We’re talking about how we preparing tomorrow again

Ana Maria: (sister 3) Great will be a real surprise.

Andrea: (sister 2) total. It will be a real surprise for our friend Joseph, he will be
very happy at his party.

Aiby: (sister 1) see you on Saturday at the party.

Andres: (sister 2) …ok

Ana Maria: (sister 3) Great, I want it to be Saturday.

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