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Riska Galih Utami Rosidi

From: Muhammad Rizky Ichwani <m.rizkyichwani@gmf-aeroasia.co.id>

Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 8:51 AM
To: Kholifatul; list-ADG@gmf-aeroasia.co.id; riska.kopkar@gmf-aeroasia.co.id
Cc: Fenny Noviantus S.; Nazarullah Ibny; Faza Maulana Mahnan; Muhammad Rivaldi
Subject: RE: W2(16627518)

Dear Mbak Olif,

P/N already created. Please crosscheck and close notification.

Dear Mbak Galih,

Please attach ref di bawah ini ke P/N F5218213600000

Best regards,

M. Rizky Ichwani
Development Engineer | Master Data Management (TED-2)

PT. GMF AeroAsia Tbk.

Material Building, 2nd floor
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
Tangerang – Indonesia, 19130
P : +62 21 550 8577
E : m.rizkyichwani@gmf-aeroasia.co.id
W : www.gmf-aeroasia.co.id

From: Kholifatul <kholifatul@gmf-aeroasia.co.id>

Sent: 01 August 2019 8:22
To: list-ADG@gmf-aeroasia.co.id
Cc: Muhammad Rizky Ichwani <m.rizkyichwani@gmf-aeroasia.co.id>; Fenny Noviantus S. <fenny.ns@gmf-
aeroasia.co.id>; Nazarullah Ibny <nazarullah.ibny@gmf-aeroasia.co.id>; Faza Maulana Mahnan <faza.mahnan@gmf-
aeroasia.co.id>; Muhammad Rivaldi Tristiansyah <m.rivaldi@gmf-aeroasia.co.id>
Subject: W2(16627518)

Dear ADG,
Please create material master for material number listed in the attachment document

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Kholifatul Akhiroh
Cabin Base Maintenance Hangar 3

PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk.

Hangar 3 GMF AeroAsia, 1st floor

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

Tangerang – Indonesia, 19130

P : +62 21 550 2845

M : +62 81646083380

E : kholifatul@gmf-aeroasia.co.id

W : www.gmf-aeroasia.co.id

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Concern for People, Integrity, Professional, Teamwork, Customer Focused

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GMF Values:
Concern for People, Integrity, Professional, Teamwork, Customer Focused

This message may contain confidential and/or proprietary information of Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia, PT., and /or their affiliated companies. This
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