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m M.PHIL / PH.D. IN POPULATION STUDIES ENTRANCE TEST MODEL QUESTION PAPER Section A Objective type questions — circle the right answer category 1) A scientific theory consists of . a. A set of imerconnected propositions that have the same form as laws but are more general or abstract Ideal research speculation Scientific inquiry of the accumulated knowledge . Description of causal relationship pS 2) i) Inductive reasoning moves fiom speci ic instances to general principles ii) Deductive reasoning starts from general principles to specific facts i) is correct b, ii) is correct c: Both are correct al, Both are incorrect 3). Serendipity pattern in science means a. Following the principles of logical reasoning b, Occurrence of unanticipated findings during the course of research c. Describing the causal process that connect events . Accurate description of what is actually happening 4) bility off a measure is confirmed by a. Low validity, high random error and low systematic error b. High validity, low random error and low systematic error ©. Low validity, high random error and high systematic error d. Low validity, low random error and high systematic error 5) Which of the following statement is correct? a, Reliability ensures validity b. Validity ensures reliability Reliability and validity are independent of each other Reliability does not depend on objectivity 6) The meaning of ‘nonspurious” causal relationship is: a, Confirmed causal relationship between two or more variables by Cause must prevede its effect c. An association or correlation between variables cannot be explained by an extraneous variable d, Determining the direction of causal relationship 7) Research design refers to a. Formulating hypothesis b. Determining sampling plan €. Deciding methods of data collection An overall framework and strategy for research investigation 8) The main characteristic of experimental research design is Controlling threats to internal validity of cause and effect relationship Randomization of experimental and control group ¢, Botha) and b) 4. None of the above 9) When the size of the population being studied is small and illiterate, which of the following tools of data collection cannot be used? Schedule b. Questionnaire 6. Observation d. Case Study 10) Which of the following is ror & type of qualitative interview? a. Unstructured interview b. Oral history interview ¢. Structured interview dl. Structured observation isa function of a, Sample size b. Population c. Parameter d, None 11) Consisten: 12) Using the simple random sample one would fike to measure the mean value of a population indicator, choose the correct formula to provide standard error of estimate from below Ss Ja-Ny w au (l-ni N). s len » | n (I-A) © N iF gy 1A 13) The power of the test is give by a. Type I error b. Type I error e. IType- Terror dg. [-Type I error 14) What size of sample should be sclected from each of two groups of people to estimate a risk difference to within 5 percentage points of the true difference with 95% confidence, when no reasonable estimate of PL and P2 can be made? a. 749 b.759 0. 769 ud, 789 15) Intra-class correlation coefficient is associated with which sampling method a. Simple random sampling b, Cluster sampling ¢. Stratified sampling d, Two phase sampling 16) Ifthe two variables have reverse causation which of the technique should be used a. Ordinary least square taking reverse coefficients b. Two stages least square ¢, Simultaneous equations d. Path Analysis 7) Refore using Cox-regression analysis, one should test a. Multicalinearity b. Truncation e. Censuring d. None of the above 18) The use of multiple data sources to help understand a phenomenon is one strategy that is tised to promote qualitative research validity. Which of the following terms describes this strategy? a. Data matching », Pattern matching ¢. Date triangulation 4. Data feedback 19) Acculturation is the process of a Acquisition of culture of different society b, ‘Transmission of eulture ¢, Orientation in the native culture Gd. None of the above 20) Attrition generally occurs in research where 2. You do demographic research b. The study fails ¢. Some participants do not complete the study d. The study is very brie @ 21) When-a citation ineludes more than authors, only the surname of the first author is cited followed by etal b.4 46 22) Likert scale is an example of a. Nominal b. Ordinal ce, Ratio a, Interval 23) Which of the following scale of measurement is used forattributes? a. Nominal bb, Ordinal Interval d. Ratio 24) What is self weighting sampling desi a, Equal weight for each interview b. Weight =I c. Weight = d. None of the above 25) Which method of data collection is likely to result in highest response rate in India? a Telephonic interview @ b, Sclfadministered questionnaire c, Face-to-face interview dl None of the above Scetion B: Writea research proposal on any one of the following topics: 1. Implications of domestic violence on health of women 2. Economic inequality and universal health eare in India 3. Noncommunicable disease burden in India 4. Gender equity and family building process 5, Household environment and vulnerability of women and children in urban setting,

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