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Fajar pamungkas

English education
Semester 3

1. Explain please, what is Part of Speech? What are the functions?

Words are important elements of each sentence and based on their function, words are
classified into eight types of parts of speech. However, 8 important parts of speech are noun,
pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

Noun: This is the easiest one among the eight parts of speech. The words that refer the names
of places, things, persons, animals, events and others are known as a noun. Students of the
elementary classes first learn this part of speech.

John is a nice person.
It is my mother’s birthday.
Here, John and birthday are noun.
However, different types of noun are there in English grammar.

Proper Noun - It starts with a capital letter and it signifies the names of places, persons and

Examples: Park Street, Robert Pattinson, Piano.

Common Noun - This kind of noun is opposite of the proper noun.

Examples: car, tv series, book, etc.

Concrete Noun - This kind of noun can be felt through five senses.

Examples: sand, dust, etc.

Countable Noun -It refers the things that are countable.

Examples: ball, flower, kite, etc.

Collective Noun - This type of noun refers the group of things, persons or animals.

Examples: class, faculty, folk, etc.

Mass Noun - It is also referred as a non-countable noun. However, these nouns are used with
counters (kilo, meter).

Examples: Flour, rice, etc.

Abstract Noun - This kind of noun cannot be felt through five senses.

Examples : happiness, sorrow, bravery, etc.

Pronoun: It is always used in the place of a noun.

Examples: I, he, she, we, they, etc.

This big copy is mine.
She is not interested in learning music.

Verb: It is one of the main parts of speech as it gives the completeness of a sentence. It refers
state of being or an action of the subject.

Examples: He is an intelligent student.

Gaurav missed the flight.

Adverb: Adverb usually modifies the verbs and adjectives and sometimes, it describes
another adverb.

Example: Riya has completed her tasks smartly.

However, different types of adverbs are there in English grammar.
Adverb of Time: She came to home yesterday.
Adverb of Manner: Radha performed on the stage gracefully.
Adverb of Degree: She is very rude in nature.
Adverb of Place: I searched my notebook everywhere, but could not find it.

Adjective: This part of speech describes the noun or pronoun in the sentences. It adds more
information about the size, quality and the number of noun or pronoun.

Examples: I have two nice dresses.

The birthday cake was delicious.

Preposition: It adds the location in the sentences and it describes more about the subject.

Example: The cat is hidden under the study table.

She reached at the restaurant before me.

Conjunction: This part of speech joins the words, phrases as well as clauses and makes each
sentence interesting to read.

Example: This sweet is good to taste and well-shaped.

Interjection: It refers the words that show emotion.

Example: Hurray! We got the first prize in skit competition.

2. What are the definition of Clauses and Phrases?

A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb. An independent clause is a simple
sentence. It can stand on its own.

She is hungry.
I am feeling well today.

A phrase is a group of words without a subject-verb component, used as a single part of speech.

Best friend (this phrase acts as a noun)
Needing help (this phrase acts as an adjective; see Adjectives and Adverbs)
With the blue shirt (this prepositional phrase acts as an adjective; see Prepositions)
For twenty days (this prepositional phrase acts as an adverb)

3. Write 5 sentences that consist of Noun Phrase!

1. The spotted puppy is up for adoption. ...

2. The bohemian house was brightly decorated for the holidays. ...
3. At the zoo, I saw a striped zebra. ...
4. I want a cute puppy for Christmas. ...
5. Mary lives in an eclectic household. ...

4. the functions of Tenses? Explain it, Give the example

Grammatical tense definition: English tenses are the form the verb takes to show the time of an

Grammar tenses refer to the state of the verb. The state, or tense, of the verb explains the time
of the action.

There are three major tenses in English. These include past, present, and future. Each of these
tenses can explain an event that occurred in the past, an event that occurs in the present, or an
event that will occur in the future.

Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have
already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). The present tense
is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous. The future
tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three
years from now).
5. Write 5 sentences that consist of Verb Phrase!
1.She was walking quickly to the mall.
2.He should wait before going swimming.
3.Those girls are not trying very hard.
4.Ted might eat the cake.
5.You must go right now.

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