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Category A ( 10-9 points ) B (8-7 points) C (6-5 points) D/ F ( 4-1 points)

The map follows The map follows The map follows The map
Character the instructions the instructions the instructions somewhat
Analysis and has a rich and has a and meets the follows the
and detailed satisfactory expectations for expectations for
analysis of the analysis of the all the all categories and
character, character in all categories. is not thoroughly
exceeding list of categories. following.
expectations. All or most of
All of the the bubbles are Some or most of
All of the bubbles are present and the bubbles are
bubbles (or present and complete in the present/complete
more) are complete in the map. in the map.
complete and map.
present in the
The character of The character of The character of The character of
Russian choice is choice is choice is choice may or
Revolution appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and may not be
Analysis has a has a detailed has an analysis appropriate and
thoroughly analysis of of similarities has little to no
detailed analysis similarities between both analysis between
of similarities between both figures. both figures.
between both figures.
The The The The collaboration
Collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration analysis is not
analysis exceeds analysis is analysis is met met. The student
the satisfactory. The as expected. and their partner
expectations. student and The student and may have
The student and their partner their partner attempted an
their partner demonstrated a performed an analysis or may
demonstrated a great analysis of analysis of the have not. If it is
detailed analysis the relationship relationship present, the
of the that their their characters analysis is the
relationship that characters have. have. Their same for both
their characters While they analysis may or individuals and is
have. While worked may not be very basic.
they worked together, their unique to them.
together, the analysis is still (They both have
analysis is unique. the same
individual. analysis).

Grammar and The conventions The conventions The conventions The conventions
Organization of grammar are of grammar are of grammar are of grammar are
perfect or near great with little standard with used but has a lot
perfect and do to no errors. errors that may of errors. They
not detract from They do not or may not detract from the
cohesiveness of detract from detract from cohesiveness of
analysis. cohesiveness. cohesiveness. analysis.

Organization of Organization of Organization of Organization of

the map is the map is the map is the map may or
appropriate appropriate and appropriate and may not be
making it easy makes it easy may or may not appropriate,
for the viewer for the viewer make it easy on making it difficult
to make sense to follow. It also the viewers. for viewers. The
of the has all of the May or may not map is also
information. It categories in the meet all the missing
also follows all instructions. categories in the categories.
categories in the instructions.

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