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"Discovering the Awareness of Marcelonians in their own School the

Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School S.Y 2017-2018"

Survey Report

Presented to

Mr.Renz Africa

(English Practice Teacher)

The Faculty of Marcelo I.

Cabrera Vocational High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Academic and Professional Purposes


Hemie Lyn Presto Jhon Paul Gervacio Doniza Seraspi

Judy Asauro Jessa Cawaling Marjorie Ylagan

Table of Content


What's have in MICVHS?...............................................

Findings and Conduction of a survey...................................





This survey is about Discovering the Awareness of Marcelonians in their own school
the Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School S.Y 2017-2018.This survey is
conducted on March 5,2018,among 20 Marcelonians taken from different sections of
Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School S.Y 2017-2018.The purpose of this survey
is to discover how aware are Marcelonians in their own school.The survey was
conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the Marcelonians to complete.The
result of the survey showed that Marcelonians don't have an assurance for giving
strongly agreed in every question because almost high percentage of Marcelonians
have agreed.Less percentage for disagreed.However,no percentage recorded for
strongly disagreed.The result of this survey can be used as a supporting evidence of
future researchers who's taken a same study.School admistrator of MICVHS can be
used this as a basis for the improvement of a school.


What's have in Marcelo I.Cabrera Vocational High School?

Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School has founded in the year 1993 having a
fulfillment through House Bill No 27463.This school is tribute for Marcelo I. Cabrera
as the father of school and not because of him MICVHS will not be founded.School
starts operated with only less students with the nipa huts served as a
classrooms.With the help of teachers and other government officials the gradual
development of school have seen.School initiates with just only 3 main buildings for
the grade level of 1st year high school up to 3rd year high school. It has been
completed with the year 2001-2002.Based on Status Report of Enrollment from
MICVHS office(2017),the number of students from school year 2014-2015 is 1,405
it's lower than the year 2016-2017 with the number of 1,535.As stated in Human
Resources of MICVHS Office (2017),the number of teachers is also rising in the same
years from 50 up to 69 teachers.In the consecutive year of giving efficient
education MICVHS became a technology-based school.MICVHS has been
acknowledged as first secondary school in Roxas offers a technical vocational
courses.Also,MICVHS is the most likely prepared public school in the town of
Roxas.In the increasing numbers of students in school the faculty and staff hit the
terms "Marcelonians" stands for the students of MICVHS.

Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School has more developed since the time when
K-12 Program has implemented.They've offered Junior High School from Grade 7 up
to Grade 10.However,they have started offering Senior High that composed only of
12 students taken from graduates of 4th year high schools from the year 2015-
2016.They have offered different home economics strand.Lately,they have added
the GAS (General Academic Strands).Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School is
efficient for developing skills and knowledge of students technically.Before
Marcelonians will be directed in grade 8 they are freely to choose what course
he/she will take in his/her whole Junior High School life.List of courses are
Electronics,Electricity,Food Processing,Cookery,Computer Hardware Services and
etc.Because of the said courses Marcelonians in a young age is already being
exposed for a competitions.One such competition is technolympics wherein MICVHS
is one of the best schools which hard to oppose.Marcelonians always bring different
medals from district level up to national level.

MICVHS will not be efficient without the help of teachers competencies.Teachers

strengthen the academic learnings of Marcelonians inside the
classroom.Marcelonians are always knowledgeable in English,Science,Mathematics
and etc.In fact,from MICVHS Office(2017)"Comparative Results of NCAE for 10
years",NCAE results have seen more development from S.Y 2012-2013 with the rate
of 46.64% has been up to 43.77% from S.Y 2014-2015.MICVHS' campus journalists
are talented students by bringing different medals taken from different levels and
places.Marcelonians are also a sports active.Marco Vilog(who won a silver medal in
Sea Olympic game)once who became a Marcelonians that will proved that
Marcelonians are really sporty.In every school activities or programs Marcelonians
can show off their talents like for singing and dancing.Marcelonians talents in
singing gives an opportunity for teachers to form a Glee Club and Marcelo Theatro
for dancing.When it comes of having loudly and happy sounds Marcelo Band is
there.Marcelo Band is always invited for weeding,business open and other parade
events.Many another programs and activities are monthly conducted by teachers
and Marcelonians.The most waiting activities is the Career Week which
Marcelonians are freely to express his/her passion in life by wearing uniform same
in his/her chosen dreams.

MICVHS is now in 21 years of giving efficient and admirable service of education.No

doubt because of capable leadership of former principals and the recently principal
Mrs: Miriam Magracia.MICVHS is now very different than before and almost far has
reached.This study will discover how aware that Marcelonians are in their own


The findings and discussion of a survey

On 5th March 2018,a survey was conducted among 20 students of Marcelo

I. Cabrera Vocational High School S.Y 2017-2018.The purpose of this
survey is to discover how aware are students in their own school.The
survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students
to complete. The questionnaire dealt with the awareness of Marcelonians
in Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School.
1. Students in my school treat one another with respect.

There's have 25% Marcelonians were strongly agreed that they treat one
another with respect.Most of the students were agreed with 70% it
composed of Marcelonians taken from Grade 11 and Grade 10.It's either
there were still Marcelonians have experienced a less of respect.There's
still 5% disagreed in the statement.No one were strongly disagreed.

2. My school disciplines students fairly.

Less of Marcelonians were strongly agreed that the disciplines in their

school was fair. It only 20% less than those who agreed with 70%.They
were not confidence to say that in their school disciplining students were
equal.The remaining percent was 10% wherein students who disagreed.No
percentage recorded for strongly disagreed.

3. My principal models respectful behavior.

Almost of the Marcelonians were strongly agreed that their principals

models respectful behavior with 65% which is higher than those who
agreed with only just 35%.No doubt because of capable leadership of
recently principal Mrs.Miriam Magracia.No one were disagreed and
strongly disagreed for the question.

4. My school respects all races and cultures.

Less than half of Marcelonians were strongly agreed that their school
respects all races and cultures.It's only 45% lower than 55% who agreed
for the question.Still the percentage of agree is higher than strongly
agree because Marcelonians don't have yet an assurance about respecting
races and cultures in their school.No percentage were recorded for
disagreed and strongly disagreed.
5. Students in my school care about learning and getting a good

More than half of Marcelonians were strongly agreed that their school
care about learning and a good education.It is real that in MICVHS you will
learn academically and technically.It's 65% higher than 30% who agreed in
the question and the remaining 5% were disagreed.No recorded
percentage for strongly disagreed.

6. Most of my teachers are enthusiastic about teaching and communicate

this to students.

Half of Marcelonians were strongly agreed that in their school most of the
teachers were enthusiastic about teaching and good in communicating
learnings.Teachers of MICVHS are really competent in teaching.Only 45%
were agreed in the question and the remaining 5% were disagreed.No
recorded percentage for strongly disagreed.

7. Students in my school help one another even if they are not friends.

There's have only 20% of Marcelonians strongly agreed that in their school
they help each other even if they were not friends.Almost of the
respondents with 75% were strongly agreed in the
respondents.However,there were still 5% of Marcelonians disagreed in the
question.No percentage recorded for strongly disagreed.

8. My talent has discovered and improved in this school.

Half of Marcelonians strongly agreed that their talent were discovered and
improved in their school.Also half of the Marcelonians were agreed in the
question.No percentage recorded for disagreed and strongly disagreed.
9.I feel physically safe outside of the
classroom(restrooms,canteens,library and etc.).

Less of the Marcelonians were strongly agreed that they physically safe
outside of the classroom in their school.It's only 30% less than 70% of
Marcelonians who agreed in the question.No percentage recorded for
disagreed and strongly disagreed.

10. Students in my school has given a chance to be a Supreme Student


It's only 35% of Marcelonians were strongly agreed that they were given a
chance to be a supreme government in their school.It is lower than 65%
agreed in the question. No percentage recorded for disagreed and
strongly disagreed.


Referring to the discussion cited in the preceding pages, the

researcher enumerated the following conclusions:

In conclusion,there are two questions got a higher percentage for strongly

agreed.One question is their principal models respectful behavior.No
doubt because of capable leadership of the recently principal Mrs.Miriam
Magracia.The other one is in MICVHS students learnings are care to have
good education.With the competencies of faculty and staff of MICVHS it
shows that students are really diligence when it comes in learning.It is
real that in MICVHS you will learn academically and
technically.Nevertheless,students are don't have yet assurance for giving
strongly agreed in every question because almost high percentage of
Marcelonians have agreed.Less percentage for disagreed.However,no
percentage recorded for strongly disagreed.


Based on the discussion and conclusion, the following

recommendation should given a consideration :

1. Students must be more aware about themselves in their school.

2. Students should be build more relationship in each other.

2. School Administrator should be considered the awareness of students.

3. Future researcher should add more respondents to make the study

more valid and reliable.



Respondent Details:


Grade and Section:

Direction:Below is a list of items,which would discover the awareness of

Marcelonians in their own school the Marcelo I. Cabrera Vocational High School S.Y
2017-2018.Please put a circle in the number that corresponds to your answer.Use
the following scale.

1-Strongly Disagree



4-Strongly Agree

1. Students in my school treat one 4 3 2 1

another with respect.

2. My school disciplines students 4 3 2 1


3. My principal models respectful 4 3 2 1


4. My school respects all races 4 3 2 1

and cultures.

5. Students in my school care about 4 3 2 1

learning and getting a good education.

6. Most of my teachers are enthusiastic 4 3 2 1

about teaching and communicate this

to students.

7. Students in my school help one another 4 3 2 1

even if they are not friends.

8. My talent has discovered and improved 4 3 2 1

in this school.

9. I feel physically safe outside 4 3 2 1

of the classroom (restrooms,canteens,

library and etc.).

10. Students in my school has given 4 3 2 1

a chance to be a Supreme Student



MICVHS Office(2017). Status Report of Enrollment.Reported of Enrollment signed by

Mrs Miriam Magracia.

MICVHS Office(2017).Human Resources.Listen Human Resouces signed by Mrs

Miriam Magracia.

MICVHS Office(2017).Comparative Results of Marelonians' NCAE for 10 years.Listed

of NCAE results signed by Mrs Miriam Magracia.

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