Sir Maglangit - Edited

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Every child has the right to have a name, nationality, to love and be loved for every individual is

unique according to God’s plan. It has the right to live and explore in this world. This movie entitled “
Every Child is Special " gives a big impact or realization to me. Upon viewing it, it somewhat crushed my
heart so deeply. The main character of the movie is a boy named Ishaan who has dyslexia or has a
problem in reading, writing and even analyzing things. It made me realized how tragic it is on his part
who is just a nine years old boy doing everything he could to learn but at the of the day, he finds himself
a failure and losing self-esteemed. His mind is full of confusion in adopting all the teachings of his
teachers in school and even at home. A child who is struggling with how to fit in the community or
society. I can say that Ishaan’s parents are blinded of what is wrong with their child for they treated and
nurtured him the same as what they did to their elder son who is excellent in all academic subjects as
well as in sports. They are not fully aware of the true dilemma or condition of Ishaan. They thought that
Ishaan was just a stubborn student who did not listen attentively in the class that is why he’s being
punished always in the class and even scolded by his parents at home.

The teachers also fail to understand Ishaan’s condition as well. They did not exert effort to
identify the root of Ishaan’s performance in school that is why they cannot relate the child and they
scolded and punished him all the time because they base their teachings on standard students with
standard psychological and brain functions which lead him to depression and lack of self-confidence.

His classmates also bullied Ishaan because of his low performance in school and for being an
alien in the class because every time his being told to read a sentence or paragraph, he saw the letters in
an inversive way, so he read it as how he saw it which is different from the actual or proper way and in
terms of mathematics he calculates differently also as if he was in the outer space

His brother loves him and he is aware of his spectacular talent in painting so he gave him a set of
pastel to use it for his drawings and paintings. Ishaan's life changed when a substitute teacher came into
his life, he saw his life same as Ishaan. He also has dyslexia. He exerts effort to develop and overcome
the depression and suffering of the child. He serves as an instrument to free him from his cage of
resentment. He teaches him how to read and write differently by his condition and encourages him to
paint to develop his talent and acquire freedom from himself and gain the respect and worth of the
people surrounds him. He also serves as an inspiration for Ishaan he even research some of the people
who have the same condition of his who succeeded in life. Some of them are inventors, artists, and
writers who did not give up against all odds.

As a whole, this movie put me into a realization that never judge someone is different by
appearance or retarded in mind instead encourage them to develop the ability they have, pursue their
dreams and make them believe that the world is for everybody regardless on how you look and how you
act. People in this world must bear in mind that every individual and other creation in this world is
special and unique. We must not deprive those special ones to live and explore in this world for they are
also created by God and every creation is perfect in God’s sight.

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