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Finally, the end of the year of the students and everyone saved to go to a hotel.
Theodore is a boy with strict parents, he was praying because he didn’t want to
take his parents with him. He sit with Chase in the bus.

They arrived in Washington. The teachers had planned a list of places to visit,
Theo and his friends chose the Ford theater, but to get there they needed to go
by subway. They visited the Ford theater, and when they got back on the subway
to return to the hotel, Theo noticed that there was a man who was known, his
name was Pete Duffy, a criminal. When the train stopped and his friends got off,
Theo stayed to record Pete.

They scolded Theo for staying in the subway, which did not interest him much as
he continued to doubt Pete. He called his uncle and told him what had happened,
he sent the video, and Uncle Ike told him he would go to DC to investigate about

Uncle Ike came to DC. They met at the hotel's cafeteria and asked Theo how he
had been going on the trip, He told him about the places they had visited and the
ones they were going to visit, and then asked him about Pete Duffy the uncle
answered him that he saw him after several attempts, and that the next day he
would try to follow him in the morning because he was going to leave D.C. at

At the next day, uncle Ike didn’t find anything.

He returned from DC on Monday. his mom went to look for him and as always he
asked him questions about his experience visiting museums, Theo told her that
he wasn’t in the mood to answer the questions, they decided to leave them for
the dinner.
In the afternoon he went to visit his uncle to ask him what they were going to do
and how the face recognizer was working, they decided to tell to mr and mrs
boone what was happening. They went to Theo’s parents office and told them
the things about Pete, they decided to go to the FBI.


The day of the meeting arrived, Theo was in his school when the director
approached him to tell him that he could withdraw from school to see his mother
at her office, Theo went and he saw that 2 FBI officers were waiting for him. They
went to the office and Theo started to talk about the suspect. The officers thanked
Theo and they told him that they were going to investigate about Pete.
Theo imagined how the whole investigation was going to be, however, he ended
up disappointed because at eight twenty of that day, his uncle called him and told
him that the FBI had spoken to Ike to tell him that there was no sign of the suspect.

Theo believed that the FBI officers were angry with him because they didn’t
found Pete, he thought that maybe he was the wrong man.
FBI were convinced that the man of the video was Pete, they asked Theo if he
could help them.

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