Motivation Letter For A Master

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Motivation letter for a Master's in Food Safety

Dear Committee,

Allow me first, to express my deepest gratitude to [university name] for allowing me to take part
in the selection process. I am Kelali Mehari, a fresh graduate from Haramaya University
Ethiopia. Herewith, I would like to request your kind permission as to request a review and
further assessment for myself to be considered as a student for a Master’s degree in [university
name]. Kindly allow me to briefly elaborate the reasoning of my request.

Since I want to deepen my previous education in Food Science and Post-harvest Technology, the
perfect choice for my graduate study is at Haramaya University I would like to conduct a Master
of Food Science and Nutrition as my first preference and Master Food Technology as my second
preference. I’m interested in studying food production processes as an integrated system and
their relation to the legal, economic, risk management and communication aspect of food safety.
I consider that I can get valuable knowledge about the determinant factor of sustainable
development. And I also believe the course will give me the opportunity to deepen my
knowledge about legal and policy aspects.

This Master course offers everything I need to become an expert in food nutrtion. The program is
taught through collaboration between academics with world-class expertise in diverse aspects of
food safety and gives students an opportunity to learn about a wide range of problems in food
safety and their application. Furthermore, the outline of this program provides a balance between
technical analysis including microbiology and toxicology, and food policy framework. Also, the
master course offers broad specializations, such as applied food safety, food safety law, and
supply chain safety.

In my university years, I was active in my program. I was an assistant for food processing
engineering and agricultural product quality evaluation and learnt the basics of food processing
along with skills to review and measure the properties and quality of food. I learnt further when I
did an internship for one of Indonesia’s biggest research institutes, Indonesian Coffee and Cacao
Research Institute, working in the product process and quality department. Working with this
institution has given me many important insights on the importance of delivering high-quality
food. This was very rewarding as it led me to gain a grant for my final research entitled “Process
Analysis of Sorghum Crackers Drainage Using Hybrid Type Dryer with Energy Sourced from
Solar Light and Biomass”. This research aimed to improve the quality of drainage food product
properties and the potential to produce best quality food based on local resources.

I was involved in some experience such as supervisor in the program handling food-insecure
areas in Seram Bagian Barat District, Moluccas, East Indonesia by Ministry of Rural,
Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration and was involved in some voluntary
experiences such Green Village Klabanan (voluntary action to make a green environment based
on organic farming), as a coordinator. By taking this Master’s course I hope I can deepen my
knowledge, improve the quality of my work and continue my contribution for Indonesia.
[University name] is also known as one of the best for its specializations in food safety, which
means that I will be taught by top researchers and experts. Studying in [university name] also
offers opportunities for professional networking, and will be my collaboration partner in the
future. This will bring me to the greatness of Indonesia food safety development. Pursuing a
Master’s degree in [university name] will not only help me to gain better knowledge, but also to
open my vision more about developing food safety in a global perspective. I can fit with this
program considering my background study, my life experiences, my maturity and my passion.

At the end of my study, I believe that I can contribute to the development of Ethiopian food
nutrition and safety activities in academia. I will teach at the Department of Agricultural
Engineering at [university name2]. At the same time, I have a dream to be a director of
Indonesian Agriculture Consultant focusing on community-based sustainable agriculture and
food safety. Finally, becoming a Ministry of Agricultural Affairs in the next 15 years is one of
my long-term plans, so I am ready to take this place and get involved with my hard work and
best efforts. Hopefully, with suitable courses that fit with my interest and prior education, my
study in [university name] would lead me into a brighter future to give a valuable contribution to

Lastly, allow me to express that I do strongly believe that I deserve to be in the list of master
degree student from this respectful institution to continue my study in Netherlands. I will be
patiently waiting for a positive reply. Please accept my deepest appreciation and gratitude to
your further assessment and consideration.

Yours Sincerely

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