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23 Jalan Campbell, 70000, Seremban,
Negri Sembilan, MALAYSIA. TEL: 012 7700 364,

There are two parts to what our company Algae International Bhd and its fully owned subsidiary
Josens Projects Sdn Bhd have developed.

First is the technology. After 15 years of research, trials, actual projects being set up and
studied, we have fine-tuned a set of technologies to grow any of the hundreds of thousands of
microalgae species producing clean biomass competitive with current agriculture in closed photo
bio reactors. Microalgae are the largest and most productive plant genetic base and can replace
most of current inefficient agriculture.
In converting agriculture to microalgae, the set of technologies helps in many other problems.
Microalgae are also the healthiest of all food.
This technology is different from current practice of growing microalgae as the current open
raceway ponds can only grow about a dozen species not hundreds of thousands of species and
the closed system produces clean microalgae without pond muck.

Detailed costings and designs, methods and case studies have been done that allows rapid
deployment of the technology. Nothing has been left to the imagination, everything has been set
up, costed, tried and productivity determined. The systems are modular, so scaling is just
repetition. There will be no cost overruns or surprises on establishing large scale projects. This
vastly diminishes the technology and production risk. This technology allows hundreds of
thousands of new species of microalgae to be grown at scale which was not possible in the global
industry previously.
This very valuable knowledge and technology has been licensed exclusively to Josens Projects
Sdn Bhd, a fully owned subsidiary of Algae International Bhd, for application globally

Second is future food that has a base of microalgae and is perfectly balanced to provide ideal
nutrition for a disease free life.
Clean microalgae grown in closed systems does not have unpleasant smell and taste. Being able
to grow such microalgae at a competitive price allows for a major expansion of microalgae based

There are various estimates that the metabolic syndrome, low levels of any of the 45 essentials
and lack of exercise combined account for an astounding 95% of all diseases!

Unbalanced unhealthy food and lack of activity causes metabolic syndrome and nutrient
deficiencies. The percentage varies between countries with the low end of between 20 to 25% in
Europe, China and Indonesia and higher in others like India about 30% and USA about 35%. The
UAE has one of the highest rate. According to
“The age-adjusted prevalence of metabolic syndrome using the NCEP definition was 39.6%, which
was similar to 40.5% using the IDF definition.”

In each area, this minority group with metabolic syndrome represents the vast majority of all
In layman’s terms the metabolic syndrome can be visualised as follows: If I bring in more stuff into
my bedroom every day than I take out, there will come a time when it will be difficult to move
around in the bed room and it would not be as functional as in the past. A similar effect is
experienced in our bodies, our systems and organs get clogged up.
Please remember that once one has the metabolic syndrome, the clogging is very bad. Most
people without the metabolic syndrome showing will have some clogging.
23 Jalan Campbell, 70000, Seremban,
Negri Sembilan, MALAYSIA. TEL: 012 7700 364,

The current health situation stated above could be dramatically changed to a health care system
not the current sick care system. This implies that precision medicine becomes preventive
medicine. Healthcare truly becomes a system to support health rather than a way to fight disease.

By definition an essential ingredient is one we cannot live without. For example, a large
percentage of the early European sailors used to get sick with scurvy when vitamin C became low
and die when vitamin C became zero.

There are 47 essentials for life to exist, water, oxygen and the 45 essential ingredients we get from
food. Low levels of any causes disease, zero means death. The 45 food based essentials are the
9 amino acids, 13 vitamins, 20 minerals and 3 essential oils.

Our survival instincts are very strong and without us realising it we eat much more than our basic
needs of calories as the body wants to ensure it’s got good levels of all the 45 food essentials.
Sometimes we have cravings. That’s due to the body remembering that the essential ingredient
short was in that food.

Low level of any essential can cause disease, like the scurvy example. Another example is breast
cancer, according to, good levels of selenium can reduce the incidence of breast
cancer for women.

If one has all the food 45 essentials at good levels, one naturally starts to cut down on food intake
which reduces the chance of developing the metabolic syndrome. Hence, the 45 essentials
combined with activity and intermittent fasting are the essential keys to keeping healthy. That’s
why calorie restriction and the all 45 essentials are so important in our mission to convert the
current sick care system into a health care system.

It’s really easy to do 16 hours of fasting with the all 45 essentials as our hunger level and the need
for food goes down with taking the all 45 essentials. Just have an early dinner at say 6 or 7 pm and
nothing with calories until 10 or 11 am the next day. Try it, it’s really easy and the easiest way to
lose weight.

There are now numerous reports of people benefitting by taking the all 45 essentials, fasting and
exercising; blood pressure becoming normal, weight reduction, allergies disappearing,
improvements in diabetes, sinuous problems improving, having more energy ….. lots more.

The side benefit is that they all save money as they eat less and do away with medicine.

Josens all 45 essentials

Josens has produced a powder that has all the 45 essentials conveniently in one pack. The basic
all 45 essentials has 2 versions one including milk proteins and one without for those who are
lactose intolerant and Vegans.
If one has allergies and sinus problems, the vegan version is more effective.
Currently, these are the only ones being trial marketed.
There are a number of very good medical outcomes; including a stroke patient coming good,
several people with high blood pressure getting back to normal and many improving their allergic

The initial products to be manufactured mostly using contract manufacturers in Malaysia are:
1. All 45 powder (health supplements) in sachets;
2. 3 different types of all 45 meal bars
23 Jalan Campbell, 70000, Seremban,
Negri Sembilan, MALAYSIA. TEL: 012 7700 364,

3. All 45 cake mix including for diabetics

4. All 45 healthy party bites like papadom, chips
5. All 45 Jelly beans for children
6. All 45 Chocolate products including for diabetics
7. All 45 with Lou Han Guo sweetener and fruit powders
8. All 45 with tiger nuts powder
9. All 45 burgers
10. Algae Face Mask
11. Phycocyanin ( Blue Pigment for natural food colouring ) Business to Business
12. Protein Powders ( Business to Business )

Jag Kaurah
January 2020
Algae International Bhd
Josens Projects Sdn Bhd

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