Diwali Homework

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i) Moral- L 1 to L 7 between difficult words write and

listen- Story of jesus, king roma and lord krishna, hanuman etc
ii) Eng- Write two letters word 25
three letters word 25
Four letters words 25
Five letter words 25
Ten letters words 25
III) Vegetables name,Fruits name, lefy, vegetables, small plants, Big Trees, Red, Colours flower, write
colors flower, one seed fruits, Many seed fruits, Natural things, Man made things, people who help us,
Uses of water,

Let us do:
1. Observe the shapes of the moon every right and draw them
1st week- Monday, Tuseday, wednesday etc
2. Paste pictures of two people who help you in your daily life write two sentences on how they
help you
3. Keep two bowls in your verandah put grians in one and water in the other Watch the birds
eating and drinking write the names of birds that you know
Eng Grammer-
1. Write seven sentence from this table

2. Look at these answers and write each questions answer

In her bag
She is Neha,
She is six year old,
Yes, she is my friend,
She is going to school,
Her father is an artist,
Her mother is a teacher
1. Who is that girl?
2. Is she your friend?
3. How old is she?
4. Where is she going?
5. What is her father?
6. What is her mother?
7. Where are her books?
Draw an elephant, color it then complete the five sentence

Maths: Write 1 to 100 in word daily write 2 to 12 tables and your friends name and mobile number
make a time watch with craft write one digit number, Two digit Numbers and 100 to 500 in numerals
Hindi: Daily write and and read hindi stories

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