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3/9/2020 5 Roles That Artificial Intelligence A Game Changer In Education Industry

5 Roles That Arti cial Intelligence A Game Changer

In Education Industry
venkat vajradhar
Mar 5 · 4 min read

Science fiction writers, futurists, and filmmakers have been predicting for decades that
the spectacular (and sometimes catastrophic) changes that may arise with the advent of
widespread artificial intelligence.

The educational world is becoming more

comfortable and personalized thanks to the many
applications of AI for education. It has transformed
the process people learn, as educational materials are
available to everyone through smart devices and

N ow, students do not have to visit physical classes to study as long as they have
computers and an internet connection. Artificial Intelligence also enables the
self-regulation of administrative tasks, enabling organizations to reduce the time needed
to complete difficult tasks so that educators can spend more time with students. It is
time to discuss the transformations that AI has brought in education

Although we have not yet created self-aware robots such as Pepper Popular Movies
2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars, we have made smart and frequent use of AI
technology in a wide range of applications that, while not mind-blowing as androids,
still change our daily lives. One spot where artificial intelligence is ready to perform big
changes (and in some cases already) is in education. 1/5
3/9/2020 5 Roles That Artificial Intelligence A Game Changer In Education Industry

While we may not see humanoid robots acting as teachers in the next decade, there are
already many projects that use computer intelligence to help students and teachers gain
more educational experience. Those tools are just a few of the paths here, and those that
follow will shape and define the future educational experience.

1. Artificial intelligence automates basic activities in education such as grading.

In college, grading homework and testing for large lecture courses can be tedious, even
when TAs are split between them. Even in the lower grades, teachers often find that
grading takes considerable time and effort to communicate with students, prepare for
class, or strive for professional development.

AI may never really replace human grading, but it’s

pretty close. It is now possible for teachers to
automate grading for almost all types of multiple-
choice, and the automatic testing of blank testing 2/5
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and student writing may not be far behind. Today,

Essay-grading software is still in its infancy and is
not quite the same, although it will improve (and
will) in the coming years, enabling teachers to focus
more on class activities and student interactions
than grading.
2. Educational software is tailored to the needs of students.

From kindergarten to graduate school, one of the key ways to influence artificial
intelligence education is to use higher levels of personalized learning. Some of this is
already happening in the growing number of custom learning programs, games and
software. These systems respond to the needs of the student, put too much emphasis on
certain topics, repeat things that students are not familiar with, and generally help
students work at their own pace.

To Read More: AI In Education: Top 12 AI Applications in Education

This sort of custom-tailored learning can be a machine-assisted solution to help students
of different levels work together in a classroom, while teachers facilitate learning and
provide help and assistance when needed. Adaptive training has previously made a huge
impact on education across the country (especially through programs like the Khan
Academy), and as AI develops over the coming decades, such adaptive programs will
improve and expand.

3. It can point out areas where courses need to be improved.

Teachers may not always be aware of the gaps in their lectures and educational
materials, which may confuse students about certain topics. Artificial intelligence
provides a way to solve that problem. Coursera, a large open online course provider, is
already putting it into practice. When a large number of learners submit a wrong answer 3/5
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to a homework assignment, the system alerts the teacher and gives prospective students
a customized message that hints at the correct answer.

This type of system helps fill in the gaps in interpretation that occur in courses and helps
ensure that students are building the same conceptual foundation. Instead of waiting to
hear back from the professor, students get immediate feedback, which helps them
understand a concept and remember exactly how to do it next time.

4. Students may receive additional support from AI tutors.

While it is clear that human tutors can provide those machines, at least not yet, most
students in the future will be taught by tutors who have zeros and only them. There are
already some training programs based on Artificial Intelligence and help students with
basic math, writing and other subjects.

Is Artificial Intelligence A Game Changer In Education Industry, To Read

These programs can teach students the fundamentals, but so far, they are not ideal for
helping students learn high-order thinking and creativity, and are still needed to
facilitate real-world teachers. It should not rule out the possibility that AI tutors will do
these things in the future. With the rapid pace of technological advances that have been
recognized over the past few decades, advanced training systems may not be the pipe

5. AI-driven programs can provide helpful feedback to students and faculty.

AI not only helps teachers and students to create courses that are customized to their
needs but also provide feedback on both the success of the entire course. Some
institutions, especially online offerings, use AI systems to monitor student progress and
alert professors when there is a problem with student performance.

These types of AI in education systems allow students to get the help they need and find
areas where professors can improve instruction for students who are struggling with the
subject matter. However, the AI programs in these schools do not offer advice on
individual courses. Some students are working to develop systems that help them choose 4/5
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majors based on areas of success and difficulty. Students do not need to take advice, it
represents a brave new world of college major choice for future students.

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