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Career Options After Fashion Design

Designers in any field, go through a lot of training to imbibe that thought process and to
become experts in developing new ideas and deriving concepts. Thus, a lot of fields and job
prospects open up for them. Designers are inherently creative people, and so they can put
their minds to any venture and its going to be successful! Lets take a look at some of the
career options and job prospects after pursuing fashion design!


Fashion designers need no introduction! We are all familiar with their work and idolize
fashion designers like Sabyasachi, Manish Malhotra, Masaba etc. Bollywood has always
been a key element which introduces fashion to the masses and Indians are no strangers to
this ever booming market. However, if you are someone living under a rock, let me clarify
that fashion designers create original clothing, footwear, jewellery, accessories etc. They
sketch the designs, select fabrics, patterns and textures and style outfits and looks.


As a fashion designer, you gain a good insight as to what clothes will work with the
Indian/Western/Global fashion market. The kind of colors, silhouettes and designs which are
trending, or which are predicted for the oncoming fashion season, is something fashion
designers are privy to. As a retail buyer, you can start your own store, and source the best
options (designer, local, self made, etc) This is a great business idea and can never go wrong
in India. Ready made garments are a hit venture to try here and pretty lucrative if done


A job as a retail manager in a departmental store, fashion boutique or big brands such as
ZARA or Lifestyle etc. can be highly satisfactory. A retail manager is responsible for setting
daily targets for the staff, ensuring that promotions and marketing gimmicks work smoothly,
customer satisfaction etc. He or she also heads the human resources and finance
department in smaller enterprises.


The best job profile according to me, and also one of the toughest. As a stylist, it is your job
to pick the right pieces from anyone’s wardrobe or from a designer’s collection, which
would suit the client’s character, body type, the kind of occasion the dress is getting
selected for. The stylist also suggests the kind of makeup, accessories, hairstyles to make the
overall look a smashing success. Big time bollywood celebrities hire stylists on a regular basis
for red carpet events and parties. Stylists are also in demand for creating and organizing
wedding trousseau, for models, photographers, influencers, magazines etc.


As the name suggests, they are responsible for designing 2D patterns, both repititive and
unique for knit patterns, weave and printed fabrics etc. These fabrics maybe used in
interiors as soft furnishing or to make clothes. Textile designers work both independently or
as part of a design team in both indusrial and non industrial settings. They use CAD to
develop patterns and textures and must be abreast with all the technological advancements
and new innovations in fabrics and materials.


As a fashion designer, jewellery and footwear are right up your alley. Recent trends have
shown the jewelry and footwear market as independent of clothes. They are a whole new
market in their own right, and thus a very lucrative design field to go into! We all know that
one can never have enough shoes, and thus being a footwear designer is a never ending job
scope, with the plusses of being surrounded by beautiful shoes and heels.


Do you love shopping? Well, then this job is perfect for you! A personal shopper is hired by
celebrities, brides to be and even everyday fashionistas, to help you pick the best clothes,
designs, brands at the best prices. You should be an expert shopper and should be able to
carve out the best deals, know the best shops, and select the most suitable brands and
designs as per your client’s needs!


Make up goes hand in hand with fashion. It is imperative to pair the right makeup with the
right outfit to achieve an overall diva look. As fashion designers undergo severe grooming,
styling, skincare and makeup workshops, they can opt for a career as a make up artist. These
artists are different than beauticians, as they do not take up normal beauty treatment jobs.
Make up artists are hired for fashion events, weddings, pre wedding photoshoots, bridal
makeup, for models and celebrities. Make up artists these days also diversify as youtubers,
giving out make up advice as tutorials on the internet.


If you have the gift of the gab, or amazing writing skills, you can pursue a career in writing
for a fashion magazine or become an independent fashion blogger. There are scores of
fashion magazines, who are always on the lookout for fresh new talent and you can be their
newest find! Fashion editors and bloggers earn a lot of money for their generated content
and invaluable fashion tips and hacks. You can also deliver your ideas in the form of videos,
articles or stories on your social media. Influencers on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube
earn a lot based on their views, likes and subscribers. So if you think you have what it takes
to become a fashion icon, you too can start your own handle.


Yes! A lot of times, fashion designers become models and are seen wearing their own
creations. Poise, personality and panache is what you need to become a model. You can
become a freelance model or start working with an agency who will connect you to the best
brands, designers, photographers, etc. which can land you your big break. The option of
ramp model or print media modelling is also open. Needless to say, being a model is a fun
and fulfilling job, with lots of perks and excitement. It is also an exhaustive job, but one with
high returns!

I hope this article serves as a good parameter to select fashion design as a course of study!
To be a part of this fun and exciting career path with loads of job prospects, join Cindrebay
School of Fashion and Interior Design. We have more than 8 branches all over India, with
the best and most experienced faculty, curated and indepth syllabus as well as guaranteed
placement programs!

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