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Project Assessment Task 1

You are required to develop a risk management plan for a company of your choice, or for an area of the
Registered Training Organisation in which you are studying. Your risk management plan must include:
- a detailed stakeholder analysis;
- explanation of the risk context;
- critical success factors;
- identified and analysed risks;
- treatments for prioritised risk;
- details of the monitoring arrangements; and
- an evaluation of the risk managements plan efficiency in treating risks
- SWOT analysis
- PEST analysis
- all required forms for implementation within a workplace (to be developed by you)

Your evaluation of risks must include

- considering the likelihood of the risk occurring
- considering the impact of the risk
- determining which risks are most significant and are therefore priorities for treatment

Your action plans should include

- what actions are required - time lines
- who is taking responsibility - monitoring processes

Your risks may include those relating to:

- commercial relationships - human behaviour
- economic circumstances and - individual activities
- legislation - management activities and controls
- natural events - political circumstances
- technology

To perform this task, you will be required to submit a written risk management plan. Do your research. Find
out what the business does, how it operates, and investigate the industry as a whole.

Assessment Summary

You are to submit the following evidence / perform the following tasks
 Develop and submit a written risk management plan as outlined above
 Include your stakeholder analysis


This plan is based on AS/NZS 4360 – Risk

Risk Management Plan
1. Introduction and Context

The event titled Tour Operation To Australia In COVID-19 Spead is being organizaed by Travel
AGENCY G Adventures and wil take place on next month. The objective of this event is

- Prevent the spead of COVID-19 in Australia

- Protect travellers who are visiting Australia and citizens
- Avoid unexpected events for the company

The context within which this plan has been developed is outbreaks of the Novel Coronavirus
virus (COVID-19)

China and South Korea are currently experiencing outbreaks of the Novel Coronavirus virus (COVID-
19). Outbreaks of the virus originated in the city of Wuhan but cases have spread to other major cities
within China and to other destinations. Travel restrictions have been imposed by Chinese authorities
and many governments around the world are elevating their travel advisories with regard to some

(As an example: the context within which this plan has been developed is to run the most
successful event possible, ensuring at the same time the patrons attending in the event are
protected from harm, the property and environment are protected from damage and the
event provides a positive contribution to the community while enhancing the reputation of
(G Adventures).

1.1 Background/Event Scope

Background of Event
China and South Korea are currently experiencing outbreaks of the Novel Coronavirus virus
(COVID-19). Outbreaks of the virus originated in the city of Wuhan but cases have spread to
other major cities within China and to other destinations. Travel restrictions have been
imposed by Chinese authorities and many governments around the world are elevating their
travel advisories with regard to some destinations.
Details of Activities of the Event
- Outbeaking COVID-19 in China since the early year 2020
- Speading over the world, esspecially in Korea and Japan
- Governments and airlines have applied entry restrictions to individuals who have recently
travelled in or through mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore,
South Korea, Italy, Iran or other countries that have experienced outbreaks of COVID-19.
1.2 Organisational Details
Business name: G Adventures Agency

Business structure: Partnership

Business location: 3/419-425 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

The company specialises in corporate travel, group travel and also services individual

The agency is a full service operations offering assistance in booking all aspects of travel:
accommodation, flights, insurance, transportation hire and tour arrangement. The agency
can also assist clients with travel advice and obtaining visa.

2. Definitions
Risk – The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives.
Risk Assessment – The overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk
Risk Management – The culture, processes and structures that are directed towards realising
potential opportunities, whilst managing adverse effects.
Risk Reduction – Actions taken to reduce the likelihood, negative consequences or both,
associated with a risk.
Risk Treatment – The process of selection and implementation of measures to modify risk.
Risk Transfer – The process of selection and implementation of measures to modify risk.
Risk Acceptance – Risk acceptance is the acknowledgement that there is a risk and of the
consequences that may result, which is accepted.

3. Stakeholders and Key Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis
(At this point detail all agencies, organisations and businesses who are involved in preparing and
providing input into the Risk Management Plan. Indicate who was involved in the consultation

Explain what the business is, the business operations,

Describe your stakeholders of the business both internal and external stakeholders
Critical Success factors

How is your business successful? Explain in 50 - 100 words.


Strengths Weaknesses

 Excellent staff, highly skilled at selling  A limited marketing budget to develop

local domestic and overseas tours. brand awareness.

 Great location.  Limited space and capacity to serve

more customers.
 High customer loyalty.

 Product offerings that exceed

competitors’ offerings in quality and

Opportunities Threats

 Strong market potential.  Competition from local Agencies,

online businesses and other travel
 A significant percentage of the target
service providers.
market still not coming into G
Adventures  Uncertainty of worldwide security
 Expansion and franchising.
 Change in visa regulations to countries
 Extension of business hours during week
of interest
and over weekend with demand.
 Potential shifts in population when
buildings or streets are redeveloped.

POLITICAL There are some legislations we must consider,
including Health and Safety, International
Immigration Laws, Banking implications
following Global Financial Crisis (GFC),
Industrial Relations (IR) Laws, Possible
packaging of tours and multiple entry points,
and Visa Laws.
The legislation may be particularly important
for our business and marketing activities. As
noted, ethical business practice such as
sustainable and ethical travel are beginning to
be increasingly on people’s political radar.
More stringent visa and travel regulations may
allow us to highlight its ethical and responsible
approach to our travel business.
In a similar way, environmental legislation
may allow us to promote its low-impact
approach to advertising while also
disadvantaging the competition, which may
need to alter their practices to comply.

ECONOMIC The unemployment rate remains at under 5%.

Steady or moderately falling interest rates
underpin business and consumer confidence.
Growth is forecast across the economy at a
modest 2–3%. Travel growth for corporate and
overseas leisure travellers are forecast to grow
in this mid-range.
However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19,
the global economy is down, therefore,
spending on travelling can be limited.

SOCIAL Consumers are increasingly aware of working

conditions in other countries and
increasinglywant to contribute to better social
and economic outcomes globally. Consumers
are alsoconcerned about the environment.
But the risk of COVID-19 limits the demand
of customers to travel.
TECHNOLOGICAL Using GDS and online booking platforms G
Adventures will develop a business model to
fit within the market requirements.
Internet, information, and social networking
technologies continue to evolve and provide
new challenges and opportunities for
marketing. The company will continue with its
effective use of its website and social
networking to reach its target markets.
Social network channels can help the agency to
communicate with their customers to provide
information of the desease.

4. Risk Identification
The following checklist items are not exhaustive, but can be used as a prompt. You will also need to
consider site and event specific risks such as drowning if your event is in a reserve which has lakes.

5. Assessing Potential Risk

Once risks are identified, they are evaluated on a two (2) dimensional matrix using a qualitative
rating of the likelihood of the event occurring and the scale of the possible consequences.
When risks have been identified, they are analysed by combining the consequences and
likelihood to produce a level of risk. This form of evaluation provides a good graphical
representation of how serious the risk is or where it lies within a group of risks. The risk
analysis provides information critical to determining what risks need to be treated and what
risks are accepted.

Rank the table: Likely: Almost Certain – Likely – possible – Unlikely – Rare

Impact/Consequence: Low - Medium - High

Risk Likelihood Impact Strategy

Business closing down due to Likely High Create an online ecommerce platform so
lack of customers due to customers can order products online and
Corona Virus walk in stores.
Limtation by governments in Likely High Inform the related parties to receive help in
departuring and arriving managing the customers

Risk of COVID-19 in travel Likely High Require all stores arranged in tours to
destination cleand and make the solution for limiting

Customers who come through Unlikely Medium The information about health of customers
the desease areas but not is collected and managed during tours. Any
inform systoms are observed by supervisors

Downturn of economy limits Likely Medium The strategy for reducing cost and
the demand of travelling conducting promotion to encourage
customers to buy services.
Table 4: Risk Register

Compiled by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Function / Activity:

Use the template provided in Appendix 1, to come up with your own.

Category Risk – what and Consequence Likelihood Existing Controls Consequence Likelihood Level of Risk
how can it happen Rating Rating Risk Priority
Health/ Outbreak of (Economic cost) Lkely Conduct plan to 3 Y High 2
Injury/Disease COVID-19 can News coverage prevent the spead
spead when (Loss of reputation) when travellers join
travellers joini Legal action tours
tours (Financial loss) Control strictly the
Injury to people health situatiton of
(Economic loss) travellers who come
from or go through
the countries in the
Economy Outbreak of COVID- Economic cost Likely Develop plan of cost 4 Y High 1
Financial loss management to minimize
19 limits the demand Affect on employee’s cost
of both domestic and salary Conduct plan of promotion
international strategies to increase sales

travellers. This leads

to the situation in
which sales of tours
and flights reduces. It
means that profit also
6. Evaluating and Treating Potential Risks

Table 5: Risk Treatment Schedule and Plan

Compiled by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Function / Activity:

Use the template provided in Appendix 2, to come up with your own.

Risk Possible Treatment Preferred Risk Rating Risk Rating Cost/benefit Person Time ‐ Table How will it be
Options Options BEFORE AFTER Analysis Responsible for monitored?
Treatment Treatment A – Accept Implementation
B ‐ Reject
Health 1. Quit tour provisions to 3 High Medium A Managers Immediate Reports of desease
Risk the countries in red list situation of destination
including China, Korea, is collected and sent to
and Japan. office for decision
making on whether
tours are quited or not
2. Provide visitors to 1 A Tour operators Ongoing The number of medical
medical materials to materials is reported
limit the infection directly to supervisors.

Economic 1. Cut unessential 2 High Medium A Tour operator and Ongoing The cost estimation is
Risk services to reduce supervisors controlled and
cost reported to supervisor
2. Increase the price to 4 R Supervisors Ongoing New pricing strategy is
keep tour operation developed on the
supervison of office
7. Risk Action Plan
For those risks that are High, Extreme or deemed to be unacceptable, they need to be evaluated and specific action plans need to be
developed to manage the risk appropriately.

Table 6: Risk Action Plan Table

Risk COVID-19 Outbreak
Summary (recommended To ensure that the outbreak of COVID-19 is not impacting more on the tour operaton by G Adventures, the
response & impact) report of risk management plan is submited to managers. The company develop a procedure to ensure that
the risk of desease is acceptable.
Proposed Actions  Contact governments and related partities to manage risk from COVID-19 outbreaks
 Prepare plan to deal with risks in tour operation
Resource Requirements  Time
 Human resources
 Medical materials
Responsibilities To prevent the COVID-19 and limit its impacts on the agency, responsibilities are assigned to:
 Managers and employees in agency office in Australia and other destinations to conduct risk
management plan basing on the situation of desease
 Tour operators follow the safety guidelife to protect visitors
Timing  Procedure to be completed during the outbreaks and at least two months later
 Reports to managers and responsible parties are required often
 Checklist of actions are updated, basing on the sutuiation of outbreak.
 Tour operators conduct reports to managers and office centers during the work
 Checklists are completed, added, and fixed basing on the level of flexibity of outbreak.
Project Assessment Task 2

Using the risk management process developed in Assessment 1, you are to perform a Risk Assessment
on a vocational area of your choice. This may be a department within the college, a business structure
you are aware of, or any other vocational area.

You should use the forms developed in Assessment 1 for this task, and submit them to your assessor
as part of your review

As part of this task, you are to record:

- who was involved in the assessment

- the processes you undertook
- any issues you came across and how your dealt with them
- your findings from the risk assessment

Assessment Summary

You are to submit the following evidence / perform the following tasks

 Perform your risk analysis

 Submit your completed risk analysis report with supporting evidence as outlined above
For this risk assessment, I chose Travel Agency G Adventures I used information about the agency
through my friend, because she is working as tour operator. We explored the different risks that
can come up in the agency. These were the ones that we came up with:

1. Economic risk to business – High: It can be seen that the outbreak of COVID-19 over the world
put strongly negative impacts on global tourism industry when with scare of desease, visitors
limit travelling.
2. Desease infection risk – High: It is clearly observed that when operators and visitors
communicate many people in tours, the risk of infection is high. This harm is difficult for the
agency to manage
3. Information miscontrol – Medium: By the way due to any reasons, customers do not inform their
situation, which can lead the health risk (2020). [image] Available at:

matrix-simple-3x3.html [Accessed 6 Feb. 2020].
Written Questions Assessment Task 3

1. Define the terms RISK and RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS.


Risk is an opportunity or probability for a person to suffer harm or adverse effects on their health if
exposed to a hazard. It can also apply in situations where the loss of property or equipment or adverse
environmental effects occur.

Risk Management

Risk management is the guiding principles used for risk management by the organizations and details
of the practical operation of these principles. This allows companies to identify potential risk scenarios,
assess the risk aspects and determine the organizations ' ability to manage the risk.

2. What are the 10 principles of risk management (the 10 P’s)?

1. POLICY: Theoretically the starting point, in practice not necessarily where people begin,
certainly not in smaller firms.
2. PLANNING: Planning at both strategic management and practical operations level, deciding
priorities for action.
3. PRODUCT OR SERVICE:. Risk factors associated with the product or service including purchasing,
production, waste management.
4. PROCESS: Risks associated with the process, techniques, methods, plus controls and skill levels.
5. PREMISES: Often a significant risk factor for smaller firms with limited access to suitable
premises when starting or expanding.
6. PEOPLE: Including workers at all levels in the firm, especially those with non-traditional forms
of work contract and temporary workers; risks to visitors and the wider public.
7. PROTECTION: Includes risks associated with health & safety and protection of premises,
materials, intellectual rights, data, security, environment.
8. PROCEDURES: Relates closely to other “P’s” , particularly Product, Process and People.
9. PURCHASING: Often isolated from consideration of the other elements, includes use of
Standards, policy on Quality, payment conditions, technology and “green” issues.
10. PERFORMANCE: Risk factor relating to criteria and performance measures chosen by the firm,
either at worker, department, or company level.
3. Explain how will you communicate the risk management processes to alert the relevant parties
(internal & external stakeholders) for potential hazards and risks in the workplace?
The 3 different ways to alert people to potential hazards and risks in workplace is by the following
1. Making billboards which contains the details of potential hazards at places where there are
potential hazards or any risk of getting any injury.
2. Imparting verbal communication or training about the potential hazards places and making
them aware of potential hazards and risks in the workplace.
3. Demarcating the area with danger symbol or the other symbols used for demarking the place
of hazard such as high voltage current can be demarked with danger sign with the high voltage
current symbol which will enable the people working nearby to understand the potential
hazards and risk at the workplace.

4. What are the sources of gathering information for determining the level of risk within an
In order to identify risk in an organization, a risk management plan is important for identifying
potential risks, considering critical activities such as key services, resources and staff, and matters
which might affect them, such as power failures, natural disasters and diseases. The information
for risk analysis can be obtained from risk registers and incident reports, problems records, audit
reports and internal and external assessments.

5. Outline a strategy that you could implement to create awareness and interests among employees
in the company’s risk management process.
To make the employees of my company aware about a riskmanagement process, first it should use
all the communication channels available tomake them know the process. Throw the intranet,
newsletters, meetings, I willcommunicate and then evaluate that the process is known. To create
interest about the process, it should show the employees theconsequences of not taking care of
risks. Showing real cases of other companies, real statistics and the serious consequences of not
taking care and considering risks,I will create the interested that is needed.

6. Outline a strategy that could be used to ensure participatory arrangements are established and
maintained with employees and their representatives within a small business. Be sure to include
how you would document this process and make the information available to all employees to
ensure you meet legislative requirements.
First of all, it should communicate the reasons why is important to established sucharrangements,
re-establishing all the time the importance of fluid communication andparticipation, and the need
of follow policies and procedures for this to be document. Secondly, it is fundamental to have all
the information in the intranet, web site, or anykind of source where employees and
representatives can access easily and at anytime. Having all the arrangements, news, and policies
and procedures alwaysavailable for the members of the organization will help me to be sure that
the arrangements are recorded and evaluated at any time.

7. Outline the process you would use to ensure that any issues raised through participative
arrangements and consultations are dealt with and resolved promptly and effectively?
Creating first a procedure about how to deal with disagreements or issues within theorganization
is fundamental. On it, it can clarify the steps that employees how tofollow when they have different
opinions about a topic that is important for thebusiness. It is suggested to have a meeting first,
between the different parts with a superior that is neutral and informed about the topic, and try to
make them reach an agreement. It is recommedned to the superior to follow the problem, and if it
is not easily solved, ask help for the HR department to interfere. Constant feedback throw the
process are asked, and it also helps to stablish that with time someone will check that the issue
waspromptly solve.

8. You are to detail how you would identify an intervention point for expert risk management
advice. Be sure to provide examples of when you would seek expert advice, and who you would
contact to receive such advice.
In order to ensure that risks associated with any entertainment activities are identified at the design
stage, especially in major productions, it is recommended that expert assistance is obtained to
provide advice at the following stages of design:

- Preliminary design/conceptual stage

- Design presentation
- Manufacturing stage
- Construction stage – in the venue (Bump in)
- Production period (Technical period, rehearsal and performance)
- Disassembly – bump out and waste management

It is recognized that some sets are stored for use in later production runs. It is important that the
same process is carried out on these sets and that modifications are made to minimize the risk to
the end users.
9. Outline the Hierarchy of Control, explaining how it affects your suggested control measures.
Hierarchy of Control of risks is a business structure used to mitigate or reduce threat exposure. It
has been widely accepted by a variety of safety bodies.
The Hierarchy of Control risk management initiatives from the highest level of safety and reliability
up to the lowest level of safety and reliability. The most successful way to eliminate the danger
generating is to replace the risk with more protection, to separate it from people or to minimize
risk by engineering controls.

10. Describe AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines.
ISO 31000:2009 sets out standards and common risk management guidelines. In ISO 31000:2009, a
wide range of practices, including policies and decisions, procedures, systems, roles, programs,
goods, services and properties, may be implemented in an organization's lifetime.
To order to harmonize risk management processes with current and future requirements, it is
expected to use ISO 31000:2009. It offers a common approach to help and does not replace
guidelines dealing with different risks and/or sectors.

11. Describe the documentation retention policy that applies to risk management paperwork.
A properly managed document retention policy can provide the following benefits:
- Improve business efficiency by a consistent implementation of record keeping policies
- Improve the ability to locate and retrieve records when needed.
- Provide better utilization of resources by removing outdated records.
- Reduce litigation risks
- Demonstrate compliance with federal and state laws and regulations

It is important that all types of records should be accounted for in the document retention policy.
Each type of document or data should have a retention schedule and a secure destruction schedule
to reduce risks associated with data breaches. Irregularity or inconsistency in a company’s records
program can damage a business’ credibility with clients, government agencies, courts, etc.
Additionally, keeping records for longer or shorter times than guidelines dictate exposes a
company to unnecessary risk.

12. What information should you include in your risk management action plan?

A risk management plan should also include specific roles and responsibilities of the project manager,
team members, and stakeholders. If projects include the need for IT personnel, IT members should be
identified as well
13. Describe the steps you would take when implementing and monitoring a risk management action
- Step 1: Identify the Risk. You and your team uncover, recognize and describe risks that might
affect your project or its outcomes. There are a number of techniques you can use to find
project risks. During this step you start to prepare your Project Risk Register.
- Step 2: Analyze the risk. Once risks are identified you determine the likelihood and
consequence of each risk. You develop an understanding of the nature of the risk and its
potential to affect project goals and objectives. This information is also input to your Project
Risk Register.
- Step 3: Evaluate or Rank the Risk. You evaluate or rank the risk by determining the risk
magnitude, which is the combination of likelihood and consequence. You make decisions about
whether the risk is acceptable or whether it is serious enough to warrant treatment. These risk
rankings are also added to your Project Risk Register.
- Step 4: Treat the Risk. This is also referred to as Risk Response Planning. During this step you
assess your highest ranked risks and set out a plan to treat or modify these risks to achieve
acceptable risk levels. How can you minimize the probability of the negative risks as well as
enhancing the opportunities? You create risk mitigation strategies, preventive plans and
contingency plans in this step. And you add the risk treatment measures for the highest ranking
or most serious risks to your Project Risk Register.
- Step 5: Monitor and Review the risk. This is the step where you take your Project Risk Register
and use it to monitor, track and review risks.
14. Describe the steps you would take when evaluating a risk management action plan.
- Step 1: Identify the major outcomes of the process. For example, ask yourself, ‘What processes
are we doing now?’ and then for each activity, ask ‘Why are we doing that?’ The answer to this
‘Why?’ question is usually an outcome. This is a last resort approach, though; it may just end
up justifying ineffective activities you are currently undertaking, rather than examining what
should be done.
- Step 2: Choose the outcomes you want to examine and prioritise; if time and resources are
limited pick the top two to four most important outcomes to examine first.
- Step 3: Specify observable measures, or indicators, for each outcome that can help you
evaluate whether you are achieving the required performance. It helps during this process to
have someone who can question why you can assume an outcome was reached because
certain associated indicators were present.
- Step 4: Specify a target level or goal of achievements, that is, how often the risk management
process succeeded based on the criteria identified in step 3.
- Step 5: Identify what information is needed to show these indicators, such as statistical records
of decreasing downtime or losses, increased productivity or profits.
- Step 6: Decide how information can be efficiently and realistically gathered. Consider program
documentation, observation of program personnel and stakeholders in the program,
questionnaires and interviews about clients’ perceived benefits from the program, case studies
of program failures and successes, etc. You may not need all the above steps.
- Step 7: Analyse and report the findings.
15. What are the 5 main risk types that face businesses?
- Strategic Risk.
- Compliance Risk
- Operational Risk
- Financial Risk
- Reputational Risk.
16. Perform PEST (Political, Legal, Social and Technological) analysis on the risk management policy
and procedures of your workplace. (Student can choose any organisation of their choice).
Nature Care Products Company
Political - Laws of Australia committing to support for businesses which
develops sustainability on the environment
- Open trade

Policies and Procedures is developed to conduct CSRs in the production.

Economical - High natural resources and also encourages foreign investments

- Stable economy

Social - Interest more on the skin care eco-friendly products to maintain

skin with a good hygiene

Technological - Support for new product development

- Improvement in customer relationship management

17. Review Strengths and weaknesses of exiting policy and procedures of your workplace.


- Provide guidelines for organizational operations

- Be a tool to get more rational decision
- Method of dealing with complaints and misunderstandings

- Lack of instructions to follow

- Lead to the limitation of changes
18. Assess the impact or consequences if risks occur in an organisation. Also, determine how will you
choose most appropriate options for the treatment of risks?
These impacts of risk can be both beneficial or harmful to the objectives. The impact of risk events
on different project objectives can be defined in both a qualitative and quantitative manner.
In order to evaluate, prioritize and choose the most appropriate risk treatment options, risk analysis
is carried out in order to understand the complexity of each risk, including the severity and
likelihood of its impacts and, therefore, the risk level. In addition, risk assessment uses risk
identifying information and risk analysis to determine whether each risk is within the requirements
of the company and whether treatment is needed.
19. Define critical success factors, goals or objectives for risk management process.
- Critical Success Factor (CSF) is a management term for an element needed to succeed in the
risk managing process by an organization or project.
- The goal of a risk strategy is to be defined as a continuous, structured process in which the
team regularly defines, manages and prepares risks. This is needed in order to integrate the
risk management process with the organisation, planning, budgeting and cost control of the
other processes.
- The objectives of risk management process are to mitigate and minnimize risk’s affect. Risk
detection, evaluation, prevention and control. The strategy for the management of challenges
and opportunities is the key to success.
20. Following from the previous question, you are to provide an example of a risk and a risk
management strategy for each risk type.

Risk Type Example Risk Risk Management Strategy

Strategic Risk. Competitor coming on to the Change its business model.


Compliance Risk. Introduction of new rules or Accept it.


Financial Risk. Interest rate rise on your Change in financial plan

business loan or a non-paying
Risk Treatment: Compiled by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Function / Activity:

Category Risk What & how Consequence Likelihood Existing Controls Consequence Likelihood Rating Level of Risk
can it happen Rating
Compiled by: Date:

Reviewed by: Date:

Function / Activity:

Risk Possible Preferred Options Risk Rating Risk Rating Cost/Benefit Person Timetable How will it
Treatment BEFORE AFTER Analysis Responsible for be
Options Treatment Treatment A: Accept Implementation monitored
B: Reject


Summary (recommended
response & impact)
Proposed Actions

Resource Requirements




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