Reviewer Sa Org MGT

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 Tall – Tiers between common worker and Owner Company or management.

 Flat – between common workers and owner.

 Line function – has direct chain of command/ achieving an organization’s goal.
 Staff function – provide expertise, advice, and support for line position.
 Organizational Design – aligning org structure base on its vision and mission.

Organizational structures 3 types

1. Functional – Org is grouped acc. To its function and purpose.

2. Divisional- used in large companies with several branches geographic area.
3. Matrix – hybrid of 2 structures (functional and divisional), multinational companies to
exist in one org.

2 Broader organizational structures

1. Formal org – represented with organizational charts and position description.

2. Informal org – relationship and patterns of human interaction within an org.


1. Gathering and synthesizing information

2. Formulating alternatives
3. Deciding on the course of action
4. Establishing goals

 Vision – Commonly shared picture of what the org wants and committed to become
sometime in future.
 Mission- enduring statement of purpose of an organization.
 Values - fundamental and shared belief provide org behavior.
4 steps of GOAL SETTING

Data gathering and synthesizing information – embarking a project and gather information will
help found out.

Formulating Alternatives – through effective data gathering and synthesis.

Deciding on courses of action – planning stage is the most difficult stage in management

Establishing goals – defining goals is the fourth and final steps

1. SPECIFIC - goals should reflect accomplishments that desired, not ways to accomplish
2. MEASURABLE – to determine when they have accomplish
3. ATTAINABLE – real art of goal setting is creating challenging, achievable target.
4. RESULTS- FOCUSED- should specify an end result outcome
5. TIME – BOUND – specify short time for meeting the goal

Strategic management Framework (SMF) -Integrates the SWOT analysis and the balanced score
card (BSC)


 Capitalize on strengths
 Reduce Weaknesses
 Use Opportunities
 Neutralize Convert “threats” into opportunities
Human Resource Management – management of people to ensure that people’s performance
is optimized.

Human Capital Management – employee as human capital company’s profitability as capitalist

and industrial.

Human Resource – looks at people as an organizational resource and focus on contribution to

its success.

Human Resource Development

1. Career Development
2. Performance Management
3. Employee Relations
4. Learning and Development

Human Resource Management

1. Organizational Design
2. Workforce planning
3. Recruitment, Selection, and Placement
4. Rewards and Recognition

People Management more critical in present time

1. Changing mix of the workforce

2. Changing values of the workforce
3. Changing demands of employers
4. Changing demands of government
3C’s of Leadership

1. Character

2. Competencies

3. Commitment


SKILLS - the things a person knows how to do

KNOWLEDGE – person knows about particular substantive area

ABILITIES - have the potential

VALUES – deep seated pervasive standards, person moral judgment

ATTITUDE – mental or emotional state or condition of an individual

BEHAVIOR – person’s observable conduct, action, or function in particular way.

Motivational theories

1. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

2. Chris Argyris

3. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

4. Friedrick Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation

Examples of how different Leaders will behave

1. Indifferent – avoid direct conflict

2. Controlling – cut off conflict
3. Accommodating – attempt to divert attention away from conflict by comfort or
4. Status quo- prefer to remove itself from direct conflict by neutral position
5. Paternalistic – diminishing disagreement in relationship because they consider conflict
as weakness
6. Opportunistic – conflict to personal ambition
7. Sound – explore disagreements and conflicts in order to underlying causes that are
barriers to effectiveness

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