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Beauty School Dropout

CUE: Frenchy: "Ik kan niet zomaar iedereen vertellen dat ik een dropout ben." Grease
Freely D9 D B‹7 E‹7 A F©‹7 B‹7

Your sto ry's sad to tell: a teen age ne'er do well; mostmixed up non de lin quent on the

5 E‹7 A F©‹7 B7 E‹7 C9

block. Your fu ture's so un clear now. Whats's left of your ca reer now? Can't

D B‹7 G‹6/B¨ G/A Moderately (q. = 80)

[A] D B‹

e ven get a trade in on your Smock.

12 E‹7 A D B‹ E‹7 A

Beau ty school

[B] D B‹ E‹7 A

drop out, no grad u a tion day for you. Beau ty school

22 D B‹ G A

drop out, missed your mid terms and flunked sham po. Well, at

26 D B‹ E‹7 A

least you could have tak en time to wash and clean your clothes up, af ter

30 F©‹ B‹ E‹7

spend ing all that dough to have the doc tor fix your
33 A [C] D B‹ E‹7

nose up. Ba by, get mov ing? Why keep your fee ble hopes a
37 A D B‹ G

live? What are you prov ing? You've got the dream, but not the
41 A D D& G

drive. If you go for your di plo ma, you could join the sten o
45 C9 D B‹ E‹7 A D

pool. Turn in your teas ing comb and go back to high school.
49 B‹ E‹7 A [D] D

Beau ty school drop out

53 B‹ E‹7 A B‹

hang ing a round the cor ner store Beau ty school drop out,
57 G A D B‹

it's a bout time you knew the score. Well, they could n't teach you
61 E‹7 A F©‹ E‹7

an y thing. You think you're such a look er. But no cus tom er would
65 A F©‹ E‹ [E] D

go to you un less she was a hook er. Ba by, don't sweat it.
69 B‹7 E‹7 A D

You're not cut out to hold a job. Bet ter for get it.
73 B‹ G A D

Who wan'ts their hair done by a slob? Now your bangs are curled; your

77 D& G C9 D B‹

lash es twirled. But still the world is cruel. Wipe off that an gel face and

81 E‹7 A D A [F] D

go back to high school. Ba by, don't blow it.

85 B‹ E‹7 A7(b9) D

Don't put my good ad vice to shame. Ba by, you know it.

89 B‹ G A D

E ven Dear Ab by'd say the same. Now, I've called the shot. Get

93 D& G C9 Freely D B‹

of the pot. I real ly got ta fly. Got ta be go ing to that

97 E‹7 A D B‹ D B‹

malt shop in the sky. Beau ty school

[G] D B‹ D% B‹ D

drop out, go back to high school. Beau ty school drop out...

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