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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 3, No.

4, December 1988 833


G.C. Stone, H.G. Sedding*, B.A. Lloyd and B.K. Gupta

Ontario Hydro Research Division

Toronto, Canada

Abstract Stator windings from three generators and one motor were
subjected to a wide variety of diagnostic and destructive tests prior to
the rewind of the machines. Diagnostic tests included insulation Nondestructive diagnostic tests of the insulation system are
resistance, polarization index, capacitance, dissipation factor tip-up, required by maintenance engineers since, by definition. the insulation
partial discharge magnitude and discharge inception voltage. The remains serviceable once such tests are completed. The credibility in
destructive tests included breaking down individual coils with either ac, estimating the insulation's condition using these diagnostic tests should
dc, or impulse voltages. The remaining life of the stator insulation is as- be well correlated to results of breakdown tests and dissections. How-
sumed (correctly or incorrectly) to be a function of the breakdown volt- ever, by their nature, experiments to establish a correlation between non-
age. Since the results of the diagnostic tests did not correlate with the destructive and destructive tests are very costly and require availability
breakdown voltages, it seems that remaining life can not be predicted on of a machine for an extensive length of time. Because of the cost and
the basis of diagnostic tests alone. Equations and other relationships limited availability of machines for destructive testing, most authors
recently developed in Japan to predict the remaining life of the stator have evaluated the capabilities of different nondestructive diagnostic
groundwall insulation system could not be confirmed. Diagnostic tests methods with little experimental verification of any correlation with the
are most useful to indicate the trend in insulation aging in a particular measured strengths of the machines [ 1.21.
The only extensive work on comparing diagnostic tests to
Keywords: Stator insulation, diagnostic tests, remaining life remaining life, as determined by breakdown strength, has come from
several Japanese investigators during the last fcw years [3-6,9-121.
These authors reported a correlation between the breakdown strength
INTRODUCTION (expressed as a percentage of the value for new coils, or residual
strength) and various combinations of the results from diagnostic
Forced outages of generators and motors in critical applica- measurements eg, partial discharges, capacitance, dissipation factor,
tions can cost users millions of dollars in repair and outage costs. Reli- resistance, etc.
able operation of a rotating machine depends critically on the integrity of
its stator winding insulation, which is aged by exposure to a combination Recently Ontario Hydro researchers [7] also performed many
of thermal, electrical, mechanical and environmental stresses. There- diagnostic tests and measured strengths of coils in a 542 MW gcnerator
fore, utilities have a keen interest in diagnostic measurements to assess winding. Contrary to work reported in [3-61, the results did not show any
the condition of the stator insulation in these machines. Such measure- correlation between the nondestructive and destructive measurements.
ments help in planning maintenance and repair schedules. Minor repairs Subsequently, tests partly funded by EPRI were performed on three
could be made in time to prevent forced outages with associated ex- more machines of different designs to verify the existence or nonexis-
pensive major repairs, enabling the utility to use its fiscal and human tence of a similar correlation. The combined results from these ex-
resources most effectively. tensive tests on four machines are given in this paper.

Many generating stations in North America are 25 years or WINDINGS INVESTIGATED

more old, and are nearing the end of their planned life. Financial condi-
tions and regulatory constraints have made approval for construction of Four different stator windings were tested to destruction in
new stations increasingly difficult, and extending the life of an existing this study. The details of the windings are outlined in Table 1. The
older plant may be a more palatable altemative. To determine whcther smallest machine tested was an 11,000 HP motor with a VPI epoxy
generator and large motor rewinds are necessary to achieve an extended winding; the largest machine was a 542 MW turbine generator with a
lire, methods are required to estimate the probable remaining life of ex- micafolium insulation system. Of the four machines, three had modem
isting windings. The results of insulation diagnostic methods are crucial insulation systems. Only stator 1 did not have stress rclief coatings.
in planning the cost effective life extension of older stations.
Destructive testing of these machines was possible since they
A direct measure of the integrity of an insulation system may were to be rewound. However, only one machine (stator 3) was
be the breakdown strength under dc, ac, and/or impulse stresses, as rewound because of deficiencies associated with the stator groundwall
determined through destructive testing. Another more subjective means insulation. Stator 3 was manufactured with imperfect semiconductive
of assessing the insulation's condition requires the dissection and exam- and electric field grading coatings. When placed in service, this winding
ination of some samples of the insulation. Unfortunately both of these quickly deteriorated, with the slot and grading coatings "disappearing".
procedures damage the winding, making the machine unserviceable. By keeping the winding tight within the slot, rapid "slot discharge"
deterioration was avoided, and no urlnding failure occurred. However,
* SERC Research Fellow, Brighton Polytechnic, U.K. for the 7 or so years before rewinding, stator 3 produced over 1 ppm of
ozone within the generator enclosure and had the highest partial dis-
charge activity of any generator in Ontario Hydro. Using the Ontario
Hydro on-line PDA test [8], discharges in excess of 10.000 pC were
measured in this winding, which were correctly recognized as symptoms
88 WM 026-7 A paper recommended and approved
tby the IEEE Rotating Machinery Committee of the of deteriorated coatings.
IEEE Power Engineering Society €or presentation at
the IEEE/PES 1988 Winter Meeting, New York, New As indicated above, the other three windings were rewound
York, January 31 - February 5 , 1988. Manuscript for reasons unconnected to the condition of the stator groundwall (Table
submitted August 31, 1987; made available for 1). In fact, based on in-service partial discharge testing as well as regu-
printing November 13, 1987. lar inspections, the stator insulation of these three windings was ex-
pected to be in good condition, in spite of their long service lives.

0885-8969/88/1200-0833$01.0001988 IEEE

Table 1
Measurementson Machines Tested


Rating 4 pole, 6.6 kV, 4 pole, 24 kV, 48 pole, 13.8 kV 72 pole, 13.8 kV,
11,ooohT 542 M W 80 MW 60 MW
Motor Turbine Generator Hydro Generator Hydro Generator
Insulation Epoxy resin bonded Shellac bonded Epoxy resin bonded Polyester resin
System mica paper micafolium mica paper bonded mica split.
Operating'Time 56,000 hours 12 years 13 years 20 years

In-service PD 700 pc 2OOo Pc 11,Ooopc 3000 pC

Magnitude 1"
Reason for Turn-to-tum Coolant leaks Loss of semiconductive Severe core prob-
Rewind insulation failures coating on stator bars lems
Visual Inspection YeS Yes Yes Yes
Resistance No No Yes Yes
Index No No Yes Yes
dc Ramp To 20 kV To 49 kV To 30 kV No

Capacitance At 1,23,4,5,6 kV At 3,6,9,12,15 kV At 1,2,3,4,5,6kV At 1 and 8 kV

Factor As above As above As above As above
Partial Discharge At 24,5,6 kV At 6,10,14 kV At 4 and 6 kV At 6,8,10 kV
dc Breakdown Withstand only Withstand only
ac Breakdown Withstand only Withstand only Yes Yes
Breakdown No Withstand only Yes Yes

Dissection Yes No Yes No

The ac diagnostic tests included the measurement of

capacitance, dissipation factor and partial discharge intensity for a range
of voltage steps up to rated line-to-ground voltage. For the ac testing,
the winding (or portion of winding) was energized by a 30 kV, 40 kVA
Hipotronics series resonant test set. In most cases, because the stator
TEST PROCEDURES frame was solidly grounded, the capacitance bridge (a Guildline trans-
former ratio bridge) had to "float" above ground potential. As with the
Diagnostic Tests dc testing, the stress relief coatings were not guarded out, because this is
virtually impossible in an installed winding.
Prior to the destructive breakdown tests, the four windings
were subjected to a variety of nondestructive diagnostic tests which have
been used in the past to help assess insulation condition. In most cases The partial discharge measurements were done with several
these tests were done on the complete winding, individual phases, phase types of detectors. The Hipotronics detector operating in the
groups and individual coils or bars. As with all the breakdown tests, all "wideband, 70 kHz and 30 kHz modes was used. In addition, the
the diagnostic tests were done with the coils or bars installed within the Ontario Hydro 10 MHz detector [l] was employed, as was the PDA [81.
stator, that is, the coils were not removed from the stator core prior to In all cases, the discharge detectors were calibrated in picocoulombs
testing. using the appropriate technique for the detector. Since the results with
the various detectors more or less agreed, only those from the Ontario
Direct current diagnostic tests included insulation resistance Hydro detector are given below.
(IR) and polarization index (PI), both done at 1000 V dc according to
IEEE 43. These tests (as all the other tests) were done with the winding Once the diagnostic tests on complete phases were finished,
at m m temperature. No special precautions were taken to guard the the windings were sectioned into coils. Diagnostic tests were then done
stress relief coatings. A dc "ramp" test was also performed on three of
on individual coils. Due to time constraints, not all coils in a winding
the stators. In this test the dc leakage current was recorded as the volt-
could be tested. In general, about 60 coils were isolated in each winding
age was increased at a rate of 2 kV/min.
for testing. Further details of the testing are given in Table 1.


After completing the diagnostic tests on individual coils, the
groundwall insulation of each coil was subjected to gradually increasing
dc, ac, or lightning impulse voltages, until the insulation punctured. The
dc or 60 Hz ac voltage was manually increased at about 1kV/second. A 0.4

power transformer was required for the ac breakdown tests. since the
resonant test supply could not sustain resonance at high voltages due to
discharging in the coil. The impulse voltage was a negative 1/40 ps o'5

surge. Three impulses were applied at each voltage level, with the volt-
age raised in 5 kV increments until breakdown occurred. Obviously, any
particular coil or bar could be tested to breakdown with only one type of
In some cases, flashovers occurred between the exposed coil
copper conductors and the stator frame. By insulating the exposed con-
ductors and spraying SF6 in the vicinity, such flashovers were often pre-
vented. However, in several cases surface flashover still occurred in 0 1
spite of the above measures, and the true breakdown voltage could not 0 0.2 0.4

be determined. Details of the destructive tests are given in Tables 1 and A T a n b (X)
Figure I : Comparison of diagnostic quantities ACICo VS Atan6
RESULTS measured at 1 kV and 8 kV (stator I )
Results of Diagnostic Tests

Prior to destructive testing, various diagnostic tests were per-

formed on the phases, parallels, coil groups, and coils in the winding as
outlined above (Table 1). Although a complete battery of nondestructive
tests was performed, some of these tests essentially measure the same in-
sulation parameters and are therefore well correlated. For example, the
change in coil capacitance (ACICJ versus the change in dissipation fac-

tor (Atans) from 1kV to operating voltage for machine 4 are highly cor- a
related (Figure 1 and Table 2). Physically both parameters are a measure 5
0 1 -
of the void content in the insulation and we would therefore expect such a
a high correlation. Other parameters such as peak partial discharge U
levels (Q") at operating voltage and discharge inception voltage
(DIV) show little correlation with CO, ACIC, or Atan6 (Figure 2 and
Table 2). The discharge levels are a measure of the largest void dis- 0 ~ , 1 , , ( , , , , ( , , , , ,
charging at a given applied voltage and may not be correlated with
ACIC, or AtanS, which are quantities averaged over the whole coil. Maximum Discharge Magnitude (1000 pC)

Figure 2: Comparison of diagnostic quantities capacitance vs dis-

charge magnitude measured at 8 kV (stator 4 )

Table 2
Correlation of Diagnostic Tests for Four Machines.

ACICo Atan 6 IR

:ator 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


Atan6 0.97 0.92 0.25 0.95

Qmax 0.37 0.18 0.06 0.56 0.45 0.32 0.53 0.53

DIV -0.31 -0.36 -0.23 -0.22 -0.31 -0.23 -0.15 -0.23 0.05 0.22 0.07 0.05

IR __ __ -0.6 -0.07 __ __ -0.69 -0.16 -- _- -0.46 -0.06 -- -- 0.35-0.14

__ __ __ 0.00. __ _- -- 0.19 -- -- -- 0.24

+ The numbers in the table are the correlation coefficients between different diagnostic tests for each stator. R
number close to either fl.O indicates that the two diagnostic tests are well correlated. If the number is between
about -0.5 and t0.5, they are essentially uncorrelated.
__ No measurements taken.

Due to the higher electrical stress on line end coils, degrada- Table 3
tion of the semiconductive paint and possible void growth due to dis- Correlation of Non-Destructive Tests Results with Coil Position
charge erosion would be expected to be more severe in line end coils. In
Figure 3, the capacitance at 1 kV is plotted as a function of coil position
in the winding for stator 3. As expected if electrical aging were occur-
Stator 1 Stator 2 Stator 3 Stator 4
ring, the capacitance shows a slight decrease towards the line end. Fig-
ure 4 shows the change in capacitance with applied voltage which tends ACICo -0.2 0.44 0.27 -0.1 1
to increase slightly as we move toward the line end thereby indicating
higher void content in the line end coils. However in both cases, the Atan6 -0.12 0.42 0.64 -0.12
scatter in the data is larger than any measurable trend and only a weak
correlation of capacitance with coil position exists for any of the ma- -0.09 0.27 0.46 0.22
chines tested (Table 3). No correlation between coil position and maxi-
mum discharge magnitude or discharge inception voltage was found DIV -0.38 0.10 0.11 0.66
(Table 3).
IR -0.36 -0.15

PI 0.15

Results of Destructive Tests

The primary purpose of the destructive tests was to estimate
the remaining life of the insulation system, which is assumed to be a
function of the insulation strength. At present breakdown voltage is the
only indicator which has been proposed to provide a relatively quantita-
tive measure of remaining life. A full consideration of the advantages
and disadvantages of such an indicator are beyond the scope of this

Figures 5.6 and 7 show the breakdown voltages as a function

of the position of the coil in the winding of stator 3 using dc, ac, and im-
pulse voltages respectively. Table 4 shows the correlations between
breakdown voltage and coil position for all four machines. From the
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 ID 21
data in Table 4 it is evident that the breakdown voltage is not correlated
Neutral Line
End Coil Location End with the position of the coil within the phase. If any significant electri-
cal aging of the line end coils had taken place, the breakdown voltages
for these coils would have been reduced.
Figure3: Capacitance as a function of coil position in the winding
measured at I kV (stator 3)

15 1 _ j h

-Z 10 j
z o o - u
80 -1

3 70 - O D

g 8 0 - o
$ 50 -
W 40 -
U 30 -
Nleutral 5 7 D 11 13 IS 17 ID 21

Line LO -
End Coil Location End
0 , , , ( , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (

Figure 4: Change in capacitance as a function of coil position in the

winding for I kV and 8 kV (stator 3)
Table 5
6 Breakdown Voltage (kV)

Stator 1 Stator 2 Stator 3 Stator 4

E o Voltage Rating 6.6 24.0 13.8 13.8

DC Breakdown
Average 66 >I16 75 98
Minimum 45 105 56 56
No. of Coils Tested 9 14 22 21

AC Breakdown
Average 38 >49 38 51
Minimum 29 24" 13 35
No. of Coils Tested 10 5 23 21

Figure 6: AC breakdown voltage as a function of coil position in the Impulse Breakdown

winding (stator 3) Average 111 >I25 71 133
Minimum 90 >125 60 90
No. of Coils Tested 13 18 23 21

* breakdown at locations of previous insulation repairs

0 0 0 o
O D 0
t: 0
00 0

Comparison of Diagnostic and DestructiveTest Results

To examine the effectiveness of the various nondestructive

tests in predicting insulation condition. we can compare the breakdown
strength of various coils in a winding with nondestmctive test results.
Although exhaustive correlations were attempted for the various non-
destructive and destructive measurements, only some of the parameters
1 3 5 7 Q 11 13 15 17 18 21
Neutral Line commonly used to indicate insulation condition are presented here. Fig-
End Coil Location End ures 8-10 are plots of ac breakdown voltage versus some of these
measured or derived diagnostic parameters for stator 3. These include
maximum discharge magnitude, discharge inception voltage, and change
in dissipation factor (Atan6). Table 6 shows correlation coefficients for
Figure 7 : ImpuLre breakdown voltage as a function of coil position in these and other parameters for ac, dc. and impulse breakdown levels
the winding (stator 3) from all four machines. The data with all four machines clearly show a
lack of correlation of any of the diagnostic parameters with the break-
down levels.

On two of the machines tested (3 and 4). insulation resistance

and polarization index were also measured. For stator 3, the insulation
resistance of the coils was of the order 200-1000 GQ after 1 minute and
Table 4 was in excess of 1.5 TL2 after 10 minutes yielding polarization indices of
Correlation of Destructive Tests Results with Coil Position 5 or greater. Using the IEEE 43 criteria for polarization index levels, the
winding could be deemed to be in excellent condition. The high
polarization index values are also consistent with high dc and impulse
breakdown voltages but are suspect when considering the ac breakdown
levels (Tablet5). The polarization index is sensitive to the dampness and
Stator 1 Stator 2 Stator 3 Stator 4 contamination of a winding. It is essentially insensitive to the presence
of voids or delamination which are likely to result in pd under high ac
stress. Thus there are doubts about the usefulness of insulation
DC Breakdown -0.09 -0.27 0.59 resistance and polarization index (both dc tests) in assessing the condi-
tion of materials operating under ac stress, at least for epoxy or polyester
AC Breakdown 0.15 0.21 0.005 windings, when gross cracks, etc. are not present.
Impulse 0.17 _- 0.19 0.05



00 0
W 40 0 0 0
0 0 0 Q o 0

0 9
30 J

20 -
z 20
0 0 & o n

U 10 -

0 ~ , , , , , , , , , ,
0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20
0 1
0 2 4
Maximum Discharge Magnitude (1000 pC) Discharge Inception Voltage (kV)

Figure 8: AC breakdown voltage vs maximum discharge magnitude at Figure 9: AC breakdown voltage vs discharge inception voltage
operating voltage (stator 3) (stator 3)


' 30 -
2 0
2 20 -
0 0

2 10 -

0 2 4 8 8 3

Figure IO: AC breakdown voltage vs change in dissipation factor from 8

kV to I kV (stator 3)

Table 6
Correlation of Diagnostic and Destructive Test Results

BC Breakdown DC Breakdown Impulse Breakdown

Stator 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ACICo 0.5 -0.24 -0.43 0.20 0.04 -0.19 -0.52 -0.31 0.22

A t an8 0.46 0.04 -0.38 0.16 0.22 -0.13 -0.38 -0.24 0.11

0.14 0.09 -0.29 0.46 0.22 -0.05 00.22 -0.02 -0.07


DIV -0.007 -0.19 0.46 -0.15 0.18 -0.22 00.30 0.34 -0.07

IR -0.29 -0.02 0.08 0.27 0.18 -0.12

PI -0.05 0.57 -0.08



As described in the above section, no correlation was found

between the diagnostic tests and breakdown voltage (or presumably
remaining life), Figures 8.9, and 10. This finding is opposite to the find-
ings of several manufacturers [3-6, 9-12]. In all cases and in varying
degrees, they found correlation betwecn breakdown voltage and parame-
ters such as Atan6, Qmax, etc. As indicated in Figures 8-10 and Table 6,
we could not confirm their findings. Additionally, predictive equations
for specific applications were amved at [5,9,12], and derived parameters
[12] were postulated as predictors of insulation remaining life. In
several cases good correlations were indicated. When similar derived
quantities were calculated based on the Ontario Hydro data (Figures 11,

12, and 13), no obvious correlation was found.

o ! , , , , , , , I ,
0 20 40 BO BO 0
The contrast between this work and that of other studies in
this area is of considerable concem. Especially so when the other efforts K = Z ( A - 0.8) + 67 log m9
came from a number of major manufacturers and not just a single orga-
nization. The other studies also covered a wide range of insulation sys-
Figure 13: AC breakdown voltage vs the diagnostic parameter (stator 4 )
tems and applications, ie polyester and epoxy residmica systems in ma-
chines ranging from 3 kV motors (91 to 18 kV turbine generators [ l l ] as
well as model coils [10,12]. It is therefore appropriate to consider pos-
sible reasons for the discrepancies.

One possible difference is that the prior studies are primarily
00 laboratory-based with the testing done on individual coils which were
usually removed from the slot. In our studies, all coils were tested
within the stator core, as would be the situation for diagnostic tests on
normal machines. In the work presented in this paper, the electrode sys-
tem was composed of the copper conductor - composite insulation -
stator core iron. The contact between the stator bar surface and the core
iron is facilitated by a semiconductive coating. The integrity of the con-
30 tact is dependent upon the condition of this coating, and how well the
stator bar conforms to the slot shape. It is difficult to sec how some of
20 the electrode strategies in the other studies which employ silver paint
ground electrodes [lo] relate to the real situation. Obviously the use of a
10 conductive paint provides an intimate contact. It is of relevance to note
that stator 3 had undergone severe deterioration of the semiconductive
coating. In the studies which used a simulated slot [12], a coating of
0 I
semiconductive paint was not applied. Another significant difference in
RC ohm farad some studies [lo] was the omission or elimination of the end winding
grading paint. The distortions due to the influence of the nonlinear
Figure 11: AC breakdown voltage vs the diagnostic quality RC stress control system are well known and was acknowledged [lOj. How-
measured at 1 kV (stator 4 ) ever, although acknowledged, the influence on the results does not ap-
pear to have been explicitly considered.

70 Apart from testing differences, a major factor may also be

how severely degraded the coil samples were prior to test. In the litera-
-5 BO - ture, the insulation systems were polyester/mica or epoxy/mica. Thcse
systems were derived from machines which had service lifetimes com-

W 50 - 0 0
0 parable to our study. In addition, the referenced studies made and aged
M 0 some bars specifically for experimental purposes. It is possible that the
=: used coils employed in the other studies were very severely dcgradcd
3 40 -
and very near to the end of their life. On the other hand most of the
samples tested by us had given no indication that their dielectric strength
30 - had been significantly impaired in service. Hence, diagnostic tests may
best as indicators of remaining life when the insulation is close to fail-
20 - ure. Diagnostic measurements might then be relatively insensitive life
U indicators for bars which still have significant life remaining.
d 10 -

Since the referenced work is usually based on laboratory tcst-

ing circumstances, and the results could not be verified by ourselves
8 10 12 14
using diagnostic test procedures which can be practically applicd to
A=AC/Co + A t a n 8 (X)
stators which are expected to remain in service, equations which purport
to predict insulation condition should be used with caution.
Figure 12:AC breakdown voltage vs the diagnostic quantity A measured
at I kV and 8 kV (stator 4 )

3. To estimate remaining life of rotating machine windings not Only

requires that diagnostic tests be done (preferably over time), but
Diagnostic ac and dc testing has a long history in helping that an individual with expericnce in judging aging processes and
maintcnance pcrsonnel dcterminc the condition of the insulation systems aging rates, as well as other relevant data, be available to examine
in rotating machine stator windings. At the present time, most the winding.
maintenance cngincers use diagnostic tests for trending, rathcr than
providing objective estimates of remaining life [1,2]. For example, if in- The most desirable test strategy is to perform all types of diag-
sulation resistance, tip-up, partial discharge activity, etc is measured on a nostic tests, since each test can give a slightly different view of
regular basis, when consistent dccreases in IR or consistent increases in the winding condition. However, as a minimum, at least one ac
lip-up or partial discharge magnitude arc noted over time, then a more
(preferably a partial discharge test) and one dc test (insulation
in-dcpth invcstigation of the winding may be warranted. For three of the
resistance) should be done.
stalors tcstcd, such trending was done, and the condition of the insulation
was correctly prcdicted [ 1,8]. Unfortunately, cstimating the remaining 5. There is some evidence that ac hipot testing may be more sensi-
life of a winding is best done by a person who can draw on past experi- tive to insulation weaknesses in real windings than dc hipot test-
encc with similar insulation systems, manufacturers, operating practices, ing.
etc. The outcome is a very subjcctive estimate.
Since individuals with such experience are not always avail-
able, it would be highly desirable if the remaining life could be objec-
The tests described above were very time consuming and expensive, re-
tivcly estimatcd from test results alone. Based on the testing of the
quiring the cooperation, funding and technical knowledge of several or-
abovc four windings, it seems that diagnostic tests alone cannot objec-
tivcly estimate remaining life, especially if the testing was only done ganizations and individuals. We are indebted to the production branch
of Ontario Hydro which allowed us access to machines, sometimes caus-
once. However it docs seem that at least on complete windings, some
diagnostic tests, such as partial dischargc magnitude, do indecd give an ing the extension of machine outages. In particular we thank B.J.
Quartemaine and J.F. Lyles as well as the staff of Pickering Nuclear
indication of relative condition [1,8]. On thrce of the windings, diag-
nostic tcsting done on the entire machine indicated that the insulation gencrating station, Beck GS, and Harmon GS. We also thank Messrs.
DiPaul, Jack, Campbell and Anderson who did most of the testing. This
was rclatively healthy, in spite of the many years of service aging (Table
work was partly funded by EPRI Projects RP 2307-1 and RP 2577-1, Dr.
1). This condition was gcnerally verificd by the high average breakdown
voltages and winding dissection. The fourth machine, stator 3, had ex- D.K. Sharma and Mr. B.S. Bemstein, project managers. Dr. H.G. Sed-
ding would also like to thank the British SERC for funding his visit to
trcmcly high partial discharge activity and high tip-up, and was verified
to be in rclatively poor condition by visual inspection and some very low Ontario Hydro.
ac breakdown voltagcs. Howevcr, given the cost of testing, too few ma-
chines wcrc tested to derive any quantitative relationship between the
diagnostic tests on complcte windings and lowest winding breakdown REFERENCES
voltagc, or somc other numerical indicator of remaining life. It is un-
likely that sufficient data will ever be collccted for a quantitative rela-
1. Kurtz, M. and J.F. Lyles, "Generator Insulation Diagnostic Test-
tionship to bc developed, especially when a rclationship would be neces- ing," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and Applications, Vol
sary for every different insulation system and operating environment. PAS-98, Sept 1979, p 1596.
2. Simons, J.S., "Diagnostic Testing of High-Voltage Machine Insula-
Considerable statistical data was collected however, on the tion," IEEProceedings, Vol 127, Pt.B, No.3, May 1980. p 139-154.
rclalionship bctween diagnostic tests on individual coils and the break- 3. Yoshida, H. and Y. Inoue, "Test Methods of Rotating Machines,"
down voltages of those coils. As described above, no correlation was IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation, EI-21, No. 6. Dcccm-
found. That is, coils with the worst results from the diagnostic tests ber 1986, p 1069-1071.
often did not have the lowest brcakdown voltage. Thus, at least for indi- 4 Yoshida, H. and K. Umemoto, "Insulation Diagnosis for Rotating
vidual coils, a sct of diagnostic tests taken at one time do not seem to be Machine Insulation," IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation,
able to predict the insulation condition. If the condition of individual EI-21, N0.6, December 1986, p 1021-1025.
coils could not be predicted, one wonders if diagnostic tests on entire 5. Kadotani, K., T. Myashita, F. Ako, and K. Matsunobu, "An Ap-
windings could reliably predict the condition of the winding with a proach for Insulation Diagnosis of Mica-Resin Coils," IEEE Trans-
single measurement or group of measurements at one point in time. actions on Power Systems and Applications, Vol PAS-100, No.,
September 1981, p4136-4141.
We therefore conclude that until a more searching diagnostic 6. Kadotani, K., T.Hakamada and S. Yamatake, "A Proposal for In-
tcst is dcvclopcd, the estimation of remaining life must be based on the sulation Diagnosis of 3 kV Motor Stator Windings," IEEE Transac-
trcnd of the diagnostic tests over time, as wcll as the availability of a tions on Electrical Insulation, EI-18, No.1, February 1983, p 59-63.
howledgeable expert to visually examine the winding and assess other 7. Gupta, B.K., M. Kurtz, G.C. Stone and D.K. Sharma, "Destructive
pcrtincnt information. To help rotating machine users understand the Tests on a 542 MW Generator Winding," Conference Record of
complcxity of cstimating the remaining life, a Handbook is bcing devel- 1986 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation,
oped under EPRI project RF'2577-1. Washington, DC, June 9-1 1, 1986.
8. Kurtz, M., J.F. Lyles and G.C. Stone, "Application of Partial Dis-
CONCLUSIONS charge Testing to Hydrogenerator Maintenance," IEEE Transac-
tions on Power Systems and Applications, August 1984, p 2148.
1. AC and dc diagnostic tcsting'of stator windings gives useful in- 9. Tsukui, T., M. Takamura and Y. Kako, "Correlations between Non-
formation on the relative condition of the winding insulation. destructive and Destructive Tests on High-Voltage Coil Insulations
The information from such diagnostic tests is most useful when for Rotating Machines," IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insula-
rcsults are taken over time, so that a historical trend can be tion, Vol. EI-15, No. 2, April 1980, p 118.
dctcrmincd. 10. Kadotani, K. and Y. Kako. "Capability of Insulation Diagnosis for
Mica-Resin Insulated Coils," IEEE Transactions on Electrical In-
2. Based on tests on individual coils, existing diagnostic tests, when sulation, Vol. EI-15,No. 6, Dccember 1980, p 481.
done at one time, arc not able to predict breakdown voltages. Fur- 11. Kaka Y., K. Kadotani, S. Kenjo, S. Hirabayashi, T. Tani and F.
thermore, no group of tests on individual coils scems to be able to Natsume, "Multi-Stress Degradation of Insulation Systems for High
predict breakdown voltages. Thus, other widely publicized work Voltage Rotating Machines," CIGRE Paper No. 15-02, 1982.
which has established such a relationship could not be duplicated. 12. Itoh, S.. T. Tani, H. Koshiba and T. Kawakami, "An Estimation of
It is assumed that coil breakdown voltages relate to rcmaining life Breakdown Voltage of High-Voltage Motor Insulation by RC
in some fashion. Value," Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol.l04A, No.1, 1984, p7.

Discussion This supports the Authors' suggestion that low AC strength of a sample
W. McDermid (Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg, Canada): from an aged machine would indicate that it would soon have failed in
The a u t h o r s have r e p o r t e d d a t a u s i n g a number of common
service. I would suggest that long-time AC voltage endurance tests of such
samples might be more informative for less advanced deterioration and
d i a g n o s t i c and d e s t r u c t i v e t e s t methods and have made
longer prospects.
some i n t e r e s t i n g comparisons.
It should be emphasized that Direct Voltage tests have the sole purpose of
I t i s r e p o r t e d t h a t measurements of i n s u l a t i o n r e s i s t -
detecting cracks and fissures through the groundwall. Such damage is
a n c e and p o l a r i z a t i o n index may n o t be u s e f u l f o r
usually caused by mechanical vibration or impact, aggravated by localized
p o l y e s t e r windings. T h i s i s c o n t r a r y t o t h e e x p e r i e n c e
heating from discharges, strand faults, or core faults. Direct overvoltage
of Manitoba Hydro.
tests by the Ramp Method give reliable non-destructive indications when
We have twelve 120 MVA 13.8 kV hydro g e n e r a t o r s w i t h
done on a winding which has cooled to ambient temperature while open to
polyester-mica insulated multi-turn c o i l s t a t o r
air of normal humidity, to provide a little moisture to enhance conduction in
windings. On two o c c a s i o n s , i n v o l v i n g d i f f e r e n t u n i t s ,
any fissure. These facts are well known to the Authors, but still not widely
we have e x p e r i e n c e d low i n s u l a t i o n r e s i s t a n c e and low
enough appreciated.
p o l a r i z a t i o n index r e a d i n g s on some, b u t n o t a l l , s t a t o r
These two Papers present very valuable means of assessing the future
c i r c u i t s f o l l o w i n g t h e o p e r a t i o n of t h e f i r e p r o t e c t i o n
trend of a stator winding's reliability, in terms of probable ability to
w a t e r d e l u g e system.
withstand "events" incidental to operation, such as overvoltages and
I n t h e c a s e of U n i t 5, one s p l i t phase had a 1 minute
overcurrents from external causes. There are now two requirements for a
i n s u l a t i o n r e s i s t a n c e o f 714 megohms and a p o l a r i z a t i o n
Utility to realize the economic benefits of such information:
index of 1.5 a t a t e m p e r a t u r e of 22"C, w h i l e most o t h e r
s p l i t p h a s e s had a n I R of12COmegohms and P I of a t 1. Assessment of the probabilities of such events and their probable
l e a s t 4.4. Some c l e a n i n g and d r y i n g was done b u t d i d severities in future periods of time.
n o t improve t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e one s p l i t phase and 2. Realistic estimates of the dollar values of reliability levels of given
f i n a l l y two s t a t o r c o i l s had t o be r e p l a c e d . Both machines at future times, whereby the indicated repairs and rewinds can
d e f e c t s were found t o be a t t h e p o i n t a t which t h e c o i l be times for optimum costibenefit ratio.
e x i t s t h e s l o t and appeared t o i n v o l v e a c r a c k o r t a p e
Manuscript received February 23, 1988.
s e p a r a t i o n i n t h e groundwall. Both c o i l s had been
involved i n l i f t s during t h e o r i g i n a l i n s t a l l a t i o n .
I n t h e c a s e of Unit 6 , two p h a s e s were found t o have
a n l m i n u t e i n s u l a t i o n r e s i s t a n c e of between 1 and 2
megohms and p o l a r i z a t i o n index v a l u e s of 1 . 0 a t approx-
i m a t e l y 60"C, w h i l e t h e t h i r d phase had a n I R of 700 G.C. Stone, B.A. Lloyd and B.K. Gupta would like to
megohms and PI of 6.4, The above d a t a were o b t a i n e d thank Mr. McDermid and Mr. Cameron for their interest in our paper. Mr.
a f t e r a p r e l i m i n a r y d r y o u t . Following e x t e n s i v e McDermid's examples of how the insulation resistance (IR) and
c l e a n i n g of o r i g i n a l l i f t c o i l s i n t h e end t u r n a r e a polarization index (PI) tests can be useful to determine the condition of
immediately a d j a c e n t t o t h e s l o t , and f u r t h e r d r y i n g , epoxy or polyester insulated windings are very pertinent. As stated in the
i t was p o s s i b l e t o r e t u r n t h e u n i t t o s e r v i c e w i t h o u t
paper, such tests are useful for any type of insulation to determine if
having t o r e p l a c e any c o i l s .
excessive moisture (such as occurs after a deluge) or major flaws such as
I n a d d i t i o n t o m o i s t u r e , b r a k e d u s t and s o o t a r e
b e l i e v e d t o have been f a c t o r s i n making t h e groundwall cracks are present. These dc tests are also uscful if direct comparisons can
c r a c k s o r t a p e s e p a r a t i o n s f u l l y c o n d u c t i v e [l]. be made, such as the discusser's contrasting a "good" and a "bad" phasc.
Our point is that these tests taken in isolation are rclatively incffectivc for
Reference the more usual types of aging which occur in thermosetting windings. For
example, PI and IR are essentially useless in evaluating the degree of
[ 11 W. McDermid, " I n v e s t i g a t i o n of Groundwall D e f e c t s aging caused by slot discharge.
i n Polyester-Mica", Minutes of t h e 5 0 t h Annual
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference of Doble C l i e n t s , 1983, Another variant of dc testing is mentioned by Mr. Cameron.
Sec. 7-301. DC ramp tests to twice the phase-to-phase operating voltage were done on
Manuscript received February 17, 1988 many phases and coils in our test program. Thc dc ramp test results
essentially duplicated the IR and PI data. Since none of the tested bars or
coils failed below the test voltage, we did not have the opportunity to
utilize the dc ramp test's principle advantage: the ability to abort thc tcst
A. W. W. Cameron (Retired, London, ON, Canada): The reported lack of prior to puncture.
correlation between short-time AC breakdown voltage and other experience
or diagnosis of remaining insulation service life may be explained by known As our tests have shown, assessing insulation condition
Voltage Endurance characteristics. The high short time AC strength of an should not be done on the basis of any single mcasurcment. All tests may
insulation sample is determined mainly by the effective thickness of solic yield useful information. when put into perspective with past tcst data,
insulation in it. The droop of any AC voltage endurance curve towards insulation type, prior problems, etc. We believe much more cfforl is
reduced breakdown voltages of identical samples, after long times of
required bcfore objective, reliable estimates of insulation remaining life
stressing, is caused by progressive ionic erosion of voids, by localized
can be determined.
heating by void discharges, and by dielectric heating approaching runaway
in remaining solid insulation. Manuscript received April 15, 1988.

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