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Cairo University

Faculty of Engineering

Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering Department

Fourth year

Antenna Project

Submitted to: DR/ Eslam Ishra

Submitted By:
Name Section BN
Amira Ahmed 1 45
Eman Hassan 1 50
Norhan Mohamed 4 40
Ola Gamal 2 55

Toqa Mohamed 2 5
Table of figures

Figure 1: rectangular microstrip patch antenna.......................................................................................................3

Figure 2: Micro strip patch antenna calculator........................................................................................................4
Figure 3: Return loss................................................................................................................................................5
Figure 4: Zin on smith chart....................................................................................................................................5
Figure 5: E-plane Co-Polarization...........................................................................................................................6
Figure 6: E-plane x-Polarization..............................................................................................................................6
Figure 7: E-plane Total............................................................................................................................................7
Figure 8: H-plane co-polarization............................................................................................................................7
Figure 9: H-plane x-polarization.............................................................................................................................8
Figure 10: H-plane total...........................................................................................................................................8
Figure 11: efficiency vs frequency..........................................................................................................................9
Figure 12: Gain vs frequency..................................................................................................................................9
Figure 13: equivalent circuit model.......................................................................................................................10
Figure 14: Return loss............................................................................................................................................10
Figure 15: Final Design layout for rectangular patch antenna..............................................................................11

Table of Contents
Problem Description................................................................................................................................................3
Design Procedure:....................................................................................................................................................4
Results and Discussion:...........................................................................................................................................5
Final Design Layout:.............................................................................................................................................11

1. Introduction
An antenna is a device used to transform an RF signal, travelling on a conductor, into an
electromagnetic wave in free space. Antennas demonstrate a property known as reciprocity, it
means that an antenna will maintain the same characteristics regardless if it is transmitting or
receiving. Most of the antennas are resonant devices, which operate efficiently over a relatively
narrow frequency band. A Microstrip antenna consists of a metallic pattern on one side of a
dielectric substrate and ground plane on the other side of the substrate. The antenna patch can
have different shapes, but is most likely rectangular.

Figure 1: rectangular microstrip patch antenna

2. Problem Description
Using Hfss simulation tool to design a rectangular microstrip patch antenna operating at 2.4
GHz with edge feeding.

3. Design Procedure:
-There are various theories that can be used in analysis and design of rectangular microstrip
patch antennas like Cavity model, Transmission Line model etc. We have used Transmission
Line model here. According to this model, rectangular patch is viewed as very wide
transmission line that is transversely resonating, with the electric field is varying sinusoidal
under the patch along its resonant length.

-In order to make performance predictions the rectangular patch antenna has the following
parameters, where λ0 is the wavelength in vacuum also called the free-space wavelength.

• Length (L): 0.3333λ0 < L < 0.5λ0

• Height (h): 0.003λ0 ≤ h ≤ 0.05λ0

• Thickness (t): t << λ0

• Dielectric constant (ε r): 2.2 ≤ ε r ≤ 12

-Using Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator, we calculate L&W of the patch:

Figure 2: Micro strip patch antenna calculator

4. Results and Discussion:
 Return loss of the designed antenna.

Figure 3: Return loss

 The input impedance of the designed antenna on the Smith chart.

Figure 4: Zin on smith chart

 The radiation pattern (co-pol and x-pol) in the E and H planes.

Figure 5: E-plane Co-Polarization

Figure 6: E-plane x-Polarization

Figure 7: E-plane Total

Figure 8: H-plane co-polarization

Figure 9: H-plane x-polarization

Figure 10: H-plane total

 Comments on Radiation & Return loss:

o When phi=0 we get E-plane and when phi=90 we get H-plane.
o The intended radiation (co-pol) gain is much more than unwanted radiation (x-pol) gain.
o Return loss should be less than -10 dB, and as shown in figure 3 it’s -24.4394 which is good.

 The gain and radiation efficiency of the antenna vs frequency.

Figure 11: efficiency vs frequency

Figure 12: Gain vs frequency

 Equivalent circuit model of the antenna that matches its S11 in the
range of interest.

Figure 13: equivalent circuit model

Figure 14: Return loss

 Comments on equivalent circuit and its return loss:

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o It’s not easy to match the antenna performance to a circuit model across a large band. But
basically we can start with a RLC circuit to model the band close to the resonance. As R-L-C
connected in Parallel creates equivalent circuit where R represented loss factor and L store
and forward magnetic field, C store and forward electric field. Then we add other elements
as needed.
o Return loss should be less than -10 dB and as shown in figure 14 it’s -11.664 dB .it’s good
value but it’s worse than the designed antenna return loss, which is expected.

5. Final Design Layout:

Figure 15: Final Design layout for rectangular patch antenna

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Figure 14: Final Design layout for rectangular patch antenna

Figure 15: Final Design layout for rectangular patch antenna

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6. Conclusion:
In this project we have designed of Linearly Polarized Edge Fed Rectangular patch antenna.
First we investigated the dimensions at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, dielectric constant of 4.4
and dielectric height of 2.5mm using microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator. Then we analyze
properties for the optimized design using HFSS EM tool. Also we have made the equivalent
circuit model of the designed patch antenna then compared results between them.
We also have used the attached paper as a reference.

7. References.

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