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Observational learning, method of learning that consists of observing and modeling another

individual’s behavior, attitudes, or emotional expressions. Although it is commonly believed that

the observer will copy the model, American psychologist Albert Bandura stressed that
individuals may simply learn from the behavior rather than imitate it. Observational learning is a
major component of Bandura’s social learning theory. He also emphasized that four conditions
were necessary in any form of observing and modeling behavior: attention, retention,
reproduction, and motivation.

Conditions For Observational Learning


If an organism is going to learn anything from a model, he or she must be paying attention to it
and the behavior it exhibits. Many conditions can affect the observer’s attention. For instance, if
the observer is sleepy, ill, or distracted, he or she will be less likely to learn the modeled
behavior and imitate it at a later date. In addition, the characteristics of the model have an
influence on the observer’s attention. Bandura and others have shown that humans pay more
attention to models that are attractive, similar to them, or prestigious and are rewarded for their
behaviors. This explains the appeal that athletes have on the behavior of young children and that
successful adults have on college students. Unfortunately, this aspect of modeling can also be
used in detrimental ways. For example, if young children witness gang members gaining status
or money, they may imitate those behaviors in an effort to gain similar rewards.

The second requirement of observational learning is being able to remember the behavior that
was witnessed. If the human or animal does not remember the behavior, there is a less than
probable chance that they will imitate it.


This requisite of behavior concerns the physical and mental ability of the individual to copy the
behavior he or she observed. For instance, a young child may observe a college basketball player
dunk a ball. Later, when the child has a basketball, he or she may attempt to dunk a ball just like
the college player. However, the young child is not nearly as physically developed as the older
college player and, no matter how many times he or she tries, will not be able to reach the basket
to dunk the ball. An older child or an adult might be able to dunk the ball but likely only after
quite a bit of practice. Similarly, a young colt observes another horse in the herd jump over the
creek while running in the pasture. After observing the model’s jumping behavior, the colt
attempts to do the same only to land in the middle of the creek. He simply was not big enough or
did not have long enough legs to clear the water. He could, however, after physical growth and
some practice, eventually be able to replicate the other horse’s jump.


Perhaps the most important aspect of observational learning involves motivation. If the human or
animal does not have a reason for imitating the behavior, then no amount of attention, retention,
or reproduction will overcome the lack of motivation. Bandura identified several motivating
factors for imitation. These include knowing that the model was previously reinforced for the
behavior, being offered an incentive to perform, or observing the model receiving reinforcement
for the behavior. These factors can also be negative motivations. For instance, if the observer
knew that the model was punished for the behavior, was threatened for exhibiting the behavior,
or observed the model being punished for the behavior, then the probability of mimicking the
behavior is less.

Observational learning describes the process of learning through watching others, retaining the
information, and then later replicating the behaviors that were observed.

Observational learning is sometimes also referred to as shaping, modeling, and vicarious

reinforcement. While it can take place at any point in life, it tends to be the most common during
childhood as children learn from the authority figures and peers in their lives.

It also plays an important role in the socialization process, as children learn how to behave and
respond to others by observing how their parents and other caregivers interact with each other
and with other people.

How Observational Learning It Works

Psychologist Albert Bandura is the researcher perhaps most often identified with learning
through observation. He and other researchers have demonstrated that we are naturally inclined
to engage in observational learning. In fact, children as young as 21 days old have been shown to
imitate facial expressions and mouth movements.
If you've ever made faces at an infant and watched them try to mimic your funny expressions,
then you certainly understand how observational learning can be such a powerful force even
from a very young age. Bandura's social learning theory stresses the importance of observational
In his famous Bobo doll experiment, Bandura demonstrated that young children would imitate
the violent and aggressive actions of an adult model. In the experiment, children observed a film
in which an adult repeatedly hit a large, inflatable balloon doll. After viewing the film clip,
children were allowed to play in a room with a real Bobo doll just like the one they saw in the
What Bandura found was that children were more likely to imitate the adult's violent actions
when the adult either received no consequences or when the adult was actually rewarded for their
violent actions. Children who saw film clips in which the adult was punished for this aggressive
behavior were less likely to repeat the behaviors later on.
Examples of Observational Learning

 A child watches his mother folding the laundry. He later picks up some clothing and
imitates folding the clothes.
 A young couple goes on a date to a Chinese restaurant. They watch other diners in the
restaurant eating with chopsticks and copy their actions in order to learn out to use these
 A boy watches another boy on the playground get in trouble for hitting another child. He
learns from observing this interaction that he should not hit others.
 A group of children plays hide-and-seek at recess. One child joins the group, but has
never played before and is not sure what to do. After observing the other children play,
she quickly learns the basic rules of the game and joins in.

Factors That Increase the Likelihood a Behavior Will Be Imitated

According to Bandura's research, there are a number of factors that increase the likelihood that a
behavior will be imitated.

We are more likely to imitate:

 People we perceive as warm and nurturing

 People who receive rewards for their behavior
 When you have been rewarded for imitating the behavior in the past
 When we lack confidence in our own knowledge or abilities
 People who are in an authoritative position in our lives
 People who are similar to us in age, sex, and interests
 People who we admire or who are of a higher social status
 When the situation is confusing, ambiguous, or unfamiliar

Real-World Applications of Observational Learning

Bandura's research on observational learning raises an important question: If children were likely
to imitate aggressive actions viewed on a film clip in a lab setting, doesn't it also stand to reason
that they will imitate the violence they observe in popular films, television programs, and video

The debate over this topic has raged on for years, with parents, educators, politicians, and movie
and video game makers weighing in with their opinions on the effects of media violence on child
behavior. But what does psychological research suggest?
Link Between Observational Learning and Violence
Psychologists Craig Anderson and Karen Dill investigated the link between video game violence
and aggressive behavior. They found that in lab studies, students who played a violent video
game behaved more aggressively than those who had not played a violent game.
In 2005, the American Psychological Association issued a report concluding that exposure to
violent interactive video games increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Researchers have found that it is not just observed violence that can influence behavior;
depictions of sexual behavior may also lead to imitation as well. A study conducted in 2004 by
psychologist Rebecca Collins and her colleagues found that teens who watched large quantities
of television containing sexual content were two times as likely to begin having sex within the
next year as teens who did not view such programming.

"Of course, most people who consume high levels of violent media, adults or youth, do not end
up in prison for violent crimes," Anderson explained in testimony offered before the U.S. Senate
Commerce Committee. "The more relevant question is whether many (or most) people become
more angry, aggressive, and violent as a result of being exposed to high levels of media
violence…. The answer is a clear 'yes.'"

Using Observational Learning for Good

Observational learning is often linked to negative or undesirable behaviors, but it can also be
used to inspire positive behaviors.

Television programming has been used to promote a range of healthy behaviors in areas
throughout the world including Latin America, Brazil, India, and Africa. For example, non-profit
organizations have produced programming aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS transmission,
reducing pollution, and promoting family planning.

Observational learning can be a powerful learning tool. When we think about the concept of
learning, we often talk about direct instruction or methods that rely on
reinforcement and punishment. But a great deal of learning takes place much more subtly and
relies on watching the people around us and modeling their actions. This learning method can be
applied in a wide range of settings including job training, education, counseling,
and psychotherapy.

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