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Dear Fellow Creative Soul!

This Business Workbook for The Arts is a super handy tool for making sure you
are ticking all the boxes when it comes to the business side of your creativity. It
will only work if you actually fill it out - so press print, grab yourself your
favourite pen, pour a cuppa and let the ideas flow.

My lifelong passion has been the arts and I live and breathe all things creative.
I’m a muso myself and have been a film maker, actor, even briefly a fair trade
fashion designer! I've gathered tons of skills and knowledge after almost 20
years working in the arts and my mission at Creative Consultancies is to unleash
creative potential, support artists to thrive and inspire people to create.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your inbox for my very arty newsletter. I’ll be
sharing the very latest arts business and creativity advice and stories from my
blog every month or so. You’ll be first to hear about my upcoming events (which
means you’ll have first dips on early bird offers) and I’ll link you in with key arts
and creativity news from around the world.

If this sounds like you but you want MORE, venture over to the Facebook page
( for an almost daily dose of
inspiration, links and tips for artists, lovers of the arts and creative souls.

My website has more info about me and the

services I offer (like online courses, creativity retreats, planning intensives, 1 on
1 creative life, career and business support). It also has an archive of all my
blogs and articles as well as links to other cool arty stuff.

Go forth and rock your arts business!


Christina Giorgio
Creative Consultancies



Step 1 - Get Your Whole Creative Life Vision Crystal Clear

This is going to help you stay on track and meet your goals. A life and business
driven by heartfelt vision is more creatively satisfying and ultimately more likely
to lead to success. Remember what defines success is personal to you. So whether
it’s to reach more people, make more cash or simply create for the sake of it, your
vision will help you stay on track to your version of success.

In a nutshell – Sum up the essence of what you do.

My Creative Vision



Step 2 - Write a Juicy Mission Statement

This sounds pretty high scale and corporate for creatives, but it isn’t. This is just
WHAT you do, HOW you do it and WHO you do it for. Written in a really juicy way it
will communicate to customers, fans, even friends the essence of what your
business is all about.

In a nutshell – Clarify exactly what your creative product is all about.

My Creative Mission



Step 3 - Check Out What Other People Are Doing

Explore what other people are doing in your little corner of the market. This
process is about getting ideas, making sure that you’re working in the best
possible way and getting inspiration. Have fun on Google.

In a nutshell – Get to know your marketplace.

What I Know About My Marketplace



Step 4 - List All of Those Operational Needs

Get across all the equipment and cash you need to get going and keep going. Make
sure that you’ve got the equipment and resources you need sorted. Set yourself
up so that you can create your best and put out there in the world that special
creative something that you’re here to share.

In a nutshell – Sort out your stuff.

Everything I Need to Run My Business



Step 5 - Get All Your Legal Ducks in a Row

Make sure that you’ve got the legal documents you need sorted. Organise any
insurances, permits, copyright permission and other legal requirements that are
related to your creative business. Check you are legally across your business and
you’re doing a professional job without treading on anyone’s toes legally or lining
yourself up for trouble.

In a nutshell – Make sure you are legal.

Legal Things I Need To Consider



Step 6 - Count Your Pennies and Know Your Costs

Don’t be afraid of being real about money, it’s a really sticky one in the arts. Just
get to understand how much money you need, how much money you have, and
how you’re going to go about getting the money that you need to live your best
creative life.

In a nutshell – Understand your cashflow.

A Snapshot of My Finances



Step 7 - Answer Those Big Money Questions

It’s time to have the big money conversation with yourself. How much money do
you need to live? How do you feel about day jobs? How do you feel about your
hourly rate? Just be really real with money. As creators, we’re often trapped in
some unhelpful money myths about starving artists and day jobs. Taking some
time to focus on getting real about money can help you to reclaim your stories
around money and being a creative.

In a nutshell – Explore your relationship with money.

My Money Stories



Step 8 - Sort Out Your Branding

What’s the essence of your brand? Check in with your vision and mission
statement. Now reflect that message in the way you communicate with your
customers. Work out your logos, color pallete, website template and how you’re
going to present yourself to the world.

In a nutshell – Define your brand.

My Brand Image



Step 9 - Create a Marketing Plan

Who is it that’s interested in your creative special something? Who is it that’s

going to buy from you, watch you, come and engage with your creativity? Do a
little bit of research and define who it is you want to reach with your creative
something. Then take that a step further and make a plan for how you’re going to
let them know all about what you do.

In a nutshell – Let the right people know about your art.

My Marketing Strategy



Step 10 - Start Building Your Online Universe

Create an integrated online profile. Get yourself a great website, register your
domain, create your email account and get sorted with social media. Find out
which platforms are best for your business and use them to build relationships
with your customers.

In a nutshell – Sort out your web presence.

My Online Universe



Copyright - Christina Giorgio 2015






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