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Student management Association


SNIST College with its noble vision to prepare educationally strong and culturally. Central
to this mission is the assurance of the standards and quality of education imparted at the
college, the Student management association (SMA) was set up on October 14th 2019 to
develop and direct the quality assurance function so as to assess compliance with laws,
regulations, institutional policies and procedures. Therefore, we firmly believe that
Improvement begins with ‘I’ and Quality follows with ‘U’.

Business Management Club

The management Club provides an outlet for student who have interest in business to
enrich their collegiate experience. The Management Club provides a forum for management
related discussions that encourage students to explore their interests and passions. We
provide a forum that goes beyond classroom learning by creating interaction with
practicing managers and business professionals. Through club functions students have an
opportunity to network with other students, business leaders and potential employers.

Article I. Name.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Student management Association

Article II. Executive Council.

Section 1. The Executive Council shall be composed of the officers of the Student
Association. These executive council positions include the President, Vice President,
Secretary, and vice secretary.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Executive Council to provide leadership toward
the fulfillment of the goals and purposes of the association as stipulated in this

Section 4. Officers of the Executive Council.


A president is like the captain of a ship. He or she needs to know how to handle
many types of situations, be mature, organized, have sound judgment, and possess an
ability to work with many different kinds of people. A president who lacks the leadership
ability to direct council affairs may face an unmanageable student body or council.
Keeping the delicate balance between lead the student council and encouraging
other, members, and interested students to take on leadership responsibilities is a
challenge. In addition, the practical side of being president requires energy, careful
management of time, and a good relationship with the student body. The president’s
responsibilities extend beyond the students within the student council. An important
responsibility of a president is to serve as a spokesperson for the student body at large,
since representing the students is the primary goal of the entire student council.

Vice president

The role of the vice president must be defined with the president. A good president is
eager to help develop the vice presidential position into a creative and productive one, but
sometimes the president must be reminded to do that. The vice president can become the
right hand assisting the president. In the absence of the president the vice president will
have the right to take decisions. At that particular part of time the vice president will act as
the president for the student council.

Outline of vice president’s responsibilities

 Work closely with the president
 Assume the president’s duties, if necessary
 Coordinate the work of the committee members.
 Assist the president in preparing meeting agendas.

Secretary and Vice Secretary

The duties of the secretary and vice secretary are much more comprehensive than simply
taking minutes. The secretary and the vice secretary will need to attend every meeting to
get all student council information, or arrange another member of the executive committee
or an approved substitute.

Outline of the secretary and vice secretary responsibilities:

 Prepare and distribute the agenda for meetings
 Take roll of the attendees at the meeting
 Receive all main motions and amendments proposed during a meeting to be
included in the report
 Prepare and distribute report in a timely manner.
 Maintain file of original agendas.
 Type all required letters of the president, vice president, and advisor
 Maintain files of student council
 Maintain contact information of people with which the student council regularly
 Send thank you notes, cards, or correspondence to teachers, administrators, and
support staff members.
 Produce a student council directory.
Section 5. Executive Members

Vision: To be a globally recognized institution for creating leaders in the emerging areas of
 Mission: To transform the lives of our students and stakeholders by enriching learning
experience, providing exposure to advanced areas of knowledge through research and
reinforcing the commitment to human values.

The executive members are the helping hand of the association. They act as a mediator
between the students and the council members.

Activities to be performed

Sharmila Bezawada - President

Sunil - Vice president
Nikhil Reddy - Secretary
Sanjay- Vice secretary


Imran Khan

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