Recent Developmental in Biology Repair

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Perspectives on Modern Orthopaedics

Recent Developments in the

Biology of Fracture Repair

Francois N. K. Kwong, MD Abstract

Mitchel B. Harris, MD Fracture repair is dependent on local and systemic molecular and
cellular processes. During fracture repair, mesenchymal stem cells
are systemically recruited to the fracture site, and cytokines are
released from the fracture site into the vascular system. In a
significant minority of fractures, healing delays result from adverse
clinical factors that interfere with these processes. Extrinsic
factors, such as aging and smoking, adversely affect the molecular
and cellular processes occurring locally in the fracture site.
Fracture fixation affects healing through local changes in the
biologic signaling within the fracture callus. Current biologic
treatment of fractures includes the local application of
Perspectives on Modern Orthopaedics osteoinductive bone morphogenetic proteins (ie, BMP-2, BMP-7)
articles provide an objective appraisal of and cell-based therapies. Although clinical results with bone
new or controversial techniques or areas
morphogenetic proteins have been satisfactory, they have not been
of investigation in orthopaedic surgery.
as impressive as those reported in animal studies. Further
Dr. Kwong is Research Fellow, Center understanding of the biology of fracture repair may lead to
for Molecular Orthopaedics, Brigham
improved treatment modalities.
and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA. Dr. Harris is

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic racture healing is a highly effi- Fracture healing may be seen as
Surgery, Harvard Medical School, and cient repair process resulting in both a local and a systemic process
Chief, Orthopaedic Trauma Service, newly formed bone, similar in qual- (Figures 1 and 2). There are local mo-
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, ity to the original tissue. However, lecular and cellular signaling path-
Partners Orthopaedic Trauma Service,
in a small but significant number of ways, and evidence is emerging of
Boston, MA.
instances, adverse conditions impair the systemic recruitment of mesen-
None of the following authors or a this process, causing significant chymal stem cells (MSCs) to the
member of their immediate families has morbidity. Because fractures are fracture site. Extrinsic factors, such
received anything of value from or owns common in the general population, as drugs and aging, influence local
stock in a commercial company or delayed healing and nonunion are processes to alter the outcome of
institution related directly or indirectly to significant health care issues. Thus, fractures, while the biomechanics of
the subject of this article: Dr. Kwong and there remains a need to develop fracture fixation affect the biology of
Dr. Harris. treatment methods that enhance fracture healing.
Reprint requests: Dr. Kwong, Center for
fracture healing and improve out-
Molecular Orthopaedics, Room BLI comes.
Pathophysiology of
044, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, Biologic methods of bone regener-
Delayed Fracture
MA 02115. ation will continue to have an in-
Healing and Nonunion
creasing role in the treatment of
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008;16:619- fractures. To further develop these Bone regeneration depends on three
625 methods, knowledge of the patho- essential elements: progenitor cells,
Copyright 2008 by the American logic changes in the fracture repair growth factors (osteoinduction), and
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. process that lead to delayed union or the appropriate milieu (osteoconduc-
nonunion is important. tion). Delayed fracture repair and

Volume 16, Number 11, November 2008 619

Recent Developments in the Biology of Fracture Repair

Figure 1 nonunion can result from a lack of to the fracture site and/or by affect-
osteoprogenitor cells, insufficient ing the local osteoinductive signals.
osteoinductive growth factors, or a Nonunions are commonly classi-
defective milieu, or, more common- fied on radiographs as hypertrophic
ly, a combination of these factors. or atrophic. Hypotrophic nonunion
Disease or other adverse factors may is generally thought to be the result
delay fracture healing by affecting of mechanical instability and is
one or more of these elements. treated by restoring stability, usu-
For example, a critical-sized bone ally by skeletal fixation. Atrophic
defect (ie, one that does not heal nonunion is thought to result from
spontaneously because of its size) biologic causes, principally poor vas-
would result in the absence of hu- cularization, and is treated by resto-
man MSCs (hMSCs) within the de- ration of the osteogenic potential,
fect, a lack of osteoinductive signals, with resection of fibrous tissue and
and a milieu that is nonconducive to bone grafting or some other method
healing. Excess motion at the frac- of osteoinduction. Both groups of
ture site impairs both the molecular nonunion contain fibrous tissue, fi-
and cellular processes within the de- brocartilage, and adipose tissue,
fect. Hypoxia affects osteogenic dif- which are not normally present in
ferentiation of hMSCs by reducing healing fractures.2 The hypertrophic
the number of viable cells and alter- group also has hyaline cartilage and
ing the molecular signals pro- bone in varying proportions.
Illustration demonstrating molecular duced.1 Blood supply is important to
signaling. Fracture repair depends on fracture repair as blood provides nu-
molecular processes occurring both
Local Molecular
trients and oxygen for cell survival,
locally and systemically. BMPs = bone Signaling
and blood vessels are the route for
morphogenetic proteins, IGF-1 = inflammatory and osteoprogenitor Osteoinductive Molecules
insulin-like growth factor-1, NSAIDs =
cells that are recruited to the frac- Fracture repair is regulated by
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
ture site. Systemic factors may affect several growth factors with varying
TGF-β = transforming growth factor-β,
- = inhibits fracture repair by reducing the num- osteogenic potential, such as trans-
ber of osteoprogenitor cells recruited forming growth factor-β, platelet-

Figure 2

Illustrations of cellular signaling and the role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in fracture healing. A, Source of MSCs.
B, Action of MSCs within fracture callus. BMPs = bone morphogenetic proteins

620 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Francois N. K. Kwong, MD, and Mitchel B. Harris, MD

derived growth factor, insulin-like have already demonstrated the pos- cause for this difference remains un-
growth factor-1, and bone morphoge- itive effect of the application of clear. Clinically, poor fracture heal-
netic protein (BMP). Of these, BMP BMPs on the outcome of fractures ing in humans may be associated
appears to be among the most conse- and nonunions. Because a review of with adverse factors not present in
quential. BMP was discovered and all available evidence is beyond the animal studies. For example, soft-
named by Urist3 in 1965; he also first scope of this article, we will focus on tissue coverage of the fracture may
described the phenomenon of os- the treatment of segmental bone de- not be adequate. The initial dose of
teoinduction. Urist observed new fects in patients because this allows BMPs given to human subjects (7 mg
bone formation occurring locally in a direct comparison with the studies of BMP-7 and 2 g of collagen carrier,
rodents after they were given intra- of BMPs in animals. or 12 mg of rhBMP-2 and collagen
muscular implantation of bone cyl- In most clinical studies of the sponge) was much higher than in the
inders decalcified with hydrochloric treatment of segmental bone de- animal studies. Because the release
acid. This phenomenon was attrib- fects, BMPs have been used in con- of BMP inhibitors depends on the ex-
uted to the presence of a protein, junction with allograft or autograft tracellular level of BMPs, it is postu-
BMP, in bone matrix. Since that dis- bone. Jones et al8 demonstrated that lated that this higher concentration
covery, at least 16 different human a combination of BMP-2 and al- of BMPs leads to the expression of
BMPs have been identified. These lograft bone was equivalent to autol- several BMP antagonists, which fur-
proteins affect cells and tissues in- ogous bone for the treatment of seg- ther limits their efficacy and reduc-
volved in the repair process in a mental bone defects. In that study, es the rate of bone healing. It is also
number of ways, including the re- patients with a tibial diaphyseal speculated that BMP receptors in an-
cruitment of MSCs from surround- fracture and a residual cortical de- imals and humans are different in
ing tissues to the fracture site, fol- fect were randomly assigned to re- their degree of responsiveness to the
lowed by their proliferation and ceive either autogenous bone graft BMP molecules.
differentiation into chondrocytes or allograft with an onlay applica-
and osteoblasts, invasion of blood tion of recombinant human BMP-2 Role of BMPs and
vessels, and, ultimately, bone forma- (rhBMP-2). Radiographic and func- Their Inhibitors in
tion. All of these effects are mediat- tional outcomes were similar in Fracture Healing
ed by the binding of BMPs to specif- both groups. To date, the only pub- The activity of BMPs can be lim-
ic transmembrane receptors on lished clinical study on the treat- ited by several antagonists, which
hMSCs, active osteoblasts, and ma- ment of segmental defects with bind to them and interfere with their
ture chondrocytes as well as to the BMPs alone (with a nonosteocon- ability to induce receptor activation.
subsequent activation of various in- ductive carrier matrix only) in hu- One of the most characterized BMP
tracellular messenger systems.4 mans showed healing of critical- inhibitors is noggin, a protein that
sized fibular defects in patients binds to both BMP-2 and BMP-7 and
Therapeutic Application undergoing opening wedge high tib- antagonizes their actions by prevent-
of BMPs ial osteotomy with fibulectomy.9 ing binding with their membrane
Extensive animal data have dem- RhBMP-7 bound to collagen type receptors.10 Its expression by osteo-
onstrated the potential of BMPs to 1 sponge induced bony union in five blasts is induced by BMP-2,10 imply-
induce healing of critical-sized (ie, of six patients with a critical-sized ing that BMP-2 and noggin are in-
large) bone defects.5-7 In animal mod- fibular defect, whereas there was no volved in a negative feedback loop
els, BMPs alone (with their carrier healing in any of the six patients during bone formation. This may
matrix) have been shown to induce treated with the type 1 collagen car- provide a physiologic mechanism
rapid bone bridging of a defect. The rier only. Despite these favorable re- that prevents overexposure of osteo-
quality of the repair tissue was sults, no large studies have been blasts to BMP signaling.
equivalent to or better than that ob- done on the use of BMPs alone in The balance between BMPs and
tained with autologous bone graft- humans. their inhibitors is likely to be a crit-
ing, the standard treatment for bone The pace of healing of segmental ical determinant of fracture healing,
defects and nonunions in clinical defects treated with BMPs differs with a decreased expression of BMPs
practice.6,7 At present, only BMP-2 significantly among species. Seg- and/or a relative increase of BMP an-
(Infuse; Medtronic Sofamor Danek, mental defects in large animals tagonists adversely affecting healing.
Memphis, TN) and BMP-7 (OP-1 Im- treated with BMPs alone healed in In a rat model of fracture nonunion,
plant; Stryker Biotech, Hopkinton, <3 months,5,6 whereas in humans, a downregulation of the gene expres-
MA) have been approved by the US critical tibial defects treated with al- sion of BMPs was demonstrated.11 In
Food and Drug Administration for lograft bone and BMP-2 required ≥6 an animal model of atrophic non-
clinical use. Several clinical studies months to achieve bony union.8 The union, reversal of this decreased ex-

Volume 16, Number 11, November 2008 621

Recent Developments in the Biology of Fracture Repair

pression of osteoinductive factors, this has not yet been specifically were recruited only locally. Howev-
induced by an early local injection of demonstrated in fractures. MSCs are er, a systemic mobilization and re-
rhBMP-7, prevented the develop- thought to be recruited locally from cruitment of osteoblastic precursors
ment of nonunion.12 The expression the cortex, bone marrow, perios- to the fracture site from the periph-
of chordin, a BMP antagonist with a teum, and external soft tissues (Fig- eral circulation have now been dem-
mode of action similar to that of ure 2). The relative contribution of onstrated in several recent studies.
noggin, was upregulated in an ani- MSCs from each tissue is uncertain In a rabbit ulnar osteotomy model, it
mal model of fracture nonunion,11 but is thought to depend on the local was demonstrated that some osteo-
suggesting that downregulation of parameters present at the injured tis- blasts involved in fracture healing
chordin in a fracture nonunion has sue, such as growth factors, oxygen were systemically mobilized and re-
the potential of improving bone gradient, and mechanical stability. cruited to the fracture from remote
healing. The clinical relevance of muscle as a bone marrow sites.20 Shen et al21
In normally healing fractures, the source of progenitor cells during demonstrated in a murine model
balance between BMPs and their in- fracture repair has been the subject that, following systemic injection of
hibitors can also be manipulated to of several recent studies.16,17 MSCs, osteoprogenitor cells local-
hasten repair. This would involve The presence in muscle of a pop- ized to the fracture callus.
the addition of the osteoinductive ulation of adult stem cells that can These studies have implications
factors (eg, BMP-2), inhibition of the differentiate into cells of different for the development of future cell-
activity of BMP inhibitors, or a com- lineages has been suspected for some based therapies for fracture healing.
bination of both methods. So far, bi- time based on two observations. Cell-based therapies are needed
ologic methods of enhancing bone First, muscle has the potential to when insufficient cells are present
regeneration have centered on the turn into bone, as occurs during het- within a fracture callus (eg, segmen-
promotion of osteoinduction via the erotopic ossification. Second, the tal defect). In such a situation, even
delivery of BMPs. However, it was original description of osteoinduc- when all of the osteoprogenitor cells
recently demonstrated that noggin tion by Urist3 has been attributed to at the site of fracture are working to
or chordin suppression can acceler- the effects of BMPs on progenitor the maximum, there will be no bony
ate osteogenesis in vitro13,14 and that cells within muscle tissue. Howev- union, nor will any osteoinductive
noggin knockdown increased the er, the isolation of the relevant MSC agents be effective because maximal
rate of intramembranous ossifica- population from this tissue is rela- osteogenesis per cell is already oc-
tion in an animal model.14 We be- tively recent.16 Clinically, the impor- curring. In a level III study (case-
lieve that these findings will be ex- tance of muscle as a source of os- control), Hernigou et al22 demon-
tended to fracture healing and that teoprogenitor cells is underlined by strated the clinical effectiveness of
blockade of the activity of BMP in- the poor outcome of fractures in local percutaneous injection of bone
hibitors may provide a novel strate- which muscle has been devitalized, marrow aspirate in treating tibial
gy for expediting fracture repair. although this poor outcome is often nonunions. We believe that the stud-
attributed to the coexisting damage ies mentioned here suggest that it
to the periosteal blood supply. Mus- might be possible to develop cell-
Local Cellular Signaling
cle resection significantly reduces based therapies in which cells are
Complete fracture healing requires callus formation and the biome- systemically administered and local-
that a sufficient number of hMSCs chanical properties of the healed ized to the site of injury.
differentiate into chondrocytes and bone, while a muscle crush does not Evidence is emerging that distant
osteoblasts, as well as other cells of significantly affect bone healing.18 skeletal sites can be affected in re-
the mesenchymal lineage, such as Conversely, heterotopic ossification sponse to a local bone injury.23 An
adipocytes, and stromal and endo- in acetabular fractures has been re- increased osteogenic response has
thelial cells. In addition to differen- duced as surgeons have become been detected in sites distant from
tiation, the trophic, or nutritional, more aggressive in débriding injured the fracture in animal models.23 This
activity of MSCs in the repair of oth- and necrotic muscle from the surgi- may result from the release of
er tissues is now well established.15 cal field.19 growth factors (eg, transforming
This refers to the capacity of MSCs growth factor-β, insulin-like growth
to secrete growth factors, which factor-1) from the fracture site into
Systemic Recruitment
stimulate blood vessel formation the systemic circulation, as shown
of Cells and Molecular
and the proliferation of other local in a clinical study.24 It is not known
MSCs.15 It is postulated that MSCs whether the level of these factors in
exert a trophic activity in the early Traditionally, it was thought that serum reflects the repair activity of
stages of fracture repair, although the cells involved in fracture repair the fracture.

622 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Francois N. K. Kwong, MD, and Mitchel B. Harris, MD

Systemic Factors and pair. Delayed fracture healing in the (P < 0.05) longer by 4 weeks than in
elderly may be caused by differences nonsmokers.32 This effect may be
Local Fracture Healing
in molecular signaling locally with- mediated by either nicotine or some
It is widely accepted that extrinsic in the fracture callus as well as to other, yet undefined components in
factors have an influence on the out- systemic factors. Meyer et al28 re- cigarette smoke,33 or both.
come of fracture healing. However, it ported a decreased expression of In animal models, nicotine has
is often difficult to isolate the role of BMP-2 and Indian hedgehog (a factor been shown to delay cellular differen-
a particular systemic factor in clini- related to endochondral callus for- tiation into chondrocytes and to slow
cal situations. For example, impaired mation) in fracture calluses of older the physiologic transition from car-
fracture healing in the elderly may be rats. Noggin expression was not tilaginous callus to bone.34 It is also
related to age, osteoporosis, drugs, changed with age. However, the de- highly likely that the compromise of
malnutrition, and/or anemia. Evi- crease in expression of BMP-2 im- microcirculation secondary to nico-
dence gained from animal models as plies that the BMP inhibitor predom- tine causes a delay in fracture repair.
well as recently uncovered cellular inated over BMP-2 in older rats. It remains to be seen whether the
and molecular processes have led to Hormonal differences with aging deleterious effects of smoking are re-
better understanding of the role of may also be a factor. Sera obtained versible with smoking cessation and
systemic factors. from aged donors are less potent in- whether BMPs can improve healing
ducers of osteoblast differentiation of in smokers. These questions should
Nonsteroidal hMSC than are sera obtained from be investigated using animal models
Anti-inflammatory Drugs young donors.29 These effects were of fracture healing and smoking.
During fracture repair, the en- specific for osteoblast differentiation
zyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is because no donor age differences in
Influence of Fracture
activated to produce prostaglandins, the ability to support differentiation
which are needed during inflamma- of other cell types were observed.
tion and are critical for starting the Short-term bone marrow cultures es- The local mechanical forces on a
osteogenic response.25 Nonsteroidal tablished from young and old donors fracture resulting in movement at
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) contain similar numbers of hMSCs the fracture site are critical factors in
inhibit COX-2, dramatically reduc- and exhibit similar proliferation the success of fracture repair. Excess
ing prostaglandin production, and rates.30 In addition, the capacity of motion can delay healing; casting
therefore have the potential to nega- hMSC to differentiate into osteo- and fracture fixation aim to provide
tively affect fracture repair. Al- blasts and adipocytes was main- a mechanical environment in which
though results in various animal tained irrespective of donor age.31 strains are decreased to avoid de-
studies have been conflicting, it is These studies suggest that there are layed union or nonunion. However,
generally accepted that NSAIDs im- no intrinsic defects in hMSCs with some movement, referred to as mi-
pair fracture healing in animal mod- aging and that extrinsic factors cromotion, is beneficial to fracture
els in which a high dose has been ad- present in the aging environment of healing. Different fractures and dif-
ministered.26 This inhibitory effect hMSCs may be responsible for the ferent areas of the skeleton respond
is most potent during the early phase impaired osteoblast functions seen differently to mechanical forces and
of healing, thereby underlining the with aging. resultant strains. Yet precisely how
importance of the initial inflamma- These observations need further these changes in local mechanical
tory reaction.26 investigation. If poor fracture repair loading result in a cartilaginous cal-
Although it is not known in in the elderly is related to impaired lus or intramembranous ossification
which clinical situations NSAIDs in osteoinductive signals rather than to remains speculative. The influence
high local concentrations will affect differences in the cellular compo- of the mechanical environment on
early-phase fracture healing, admin- nent of the healing fractures, then the fracture repair can be viewed at
istration of NSAIDs has been associ- the elderly patient with trauma is three levels: tissue, cellular, and mo-
ated with delayed union and pseud- more likely to benefit from an os- lecular.
arthrosis.27 The inhibitory effect of teoinductive agent, such as BMP-2, Tissue differentiation requires
COX-2 blockade in vitro has been than from cell-based therapies. mechanical stability. In an animal
shown to be reversed by the admin- model, Claes et al35 demonstrated a
istration of BMP-2.28 Smoking strong association between fracture
Smoking has an adverse effect on stability and the spatial distribution
Age fracture healing. In one study, the of newly formed blood vessels and
Aging is an independent factor time to union for tibial fractures specific tissue formation. It was also
that negatively affects fracture re- among smokers was significantly independently demonstrated in an

Volume 16, Number 11, November 2008 623

Recent Developments in the Biology of Fracture Repair

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