Letters From God and His Christ - Volume6

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Volume six

Volume Six  Letters from God and His Christ

Letters from God and His Christ  Volume Six
Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

Page Title

3-8 Table of Contents for Volume Six

11 Let The Lord Lead and His Word Be Your Guide

12-13 Keep Not the Company of the Wicked... This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow
14-15 All Are In Subjection to the Word... My People Shall Live By Faith!
16 Kathy’s Dream About a Family Hike
16-17 Interpretation: All Things Work For the Good of Those Who Love and Obey The Lord
18-19 Hear the Word of The Lord
19 Parable of the Wild Horses
20-21 To The Church, Who Bear My Name, Who Neither Know My Church Nor Remain in His Body
22-23 First Fruits in Love (for Pentecost)
24-25 Awake, All You Churches of Men
26-27 Understand Love, Know Forgiveness... Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit,
And Make It Part of You
28 Bear Fruit According to the Spirit of Truth
29 The Kingdom of God and His Christ Is Coming... Awake!
30 Blessed Be the Name of The Lord
31 Testimony
32 In Purification of Faith Shall All My Disciples Find Strength and Freedom From Fear
33 Resist the Devil, Embrace The Lord’s Commands... I Am Your Strength
34-35 Abide in the Doctrine of Christ
36-37 Enmity and the Word... A Great Forbearance
38 The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers as a Testament Against You
39 Let My Grace Be Sufficient For You
40 Afflictions and Sorrow Turned to Rejoicing... Yea, A Multitude of Joy and Praise in the
Presence of The Holy One
41 My Image, My Mercy, My Love
41 Death to Life
42-43 The Father and The Son are One... We Shall Surely Sit Upon the Throne of Our Glory
44-45 Unification
46 Turn to The Lord When You Stumble... Turn Away, and You Shall Surely Fall
47 The Lord Will Carry You
48 Dream of the White Walkway
48-49 Interpretation: The Walk
50 I Have Purchased You in My Own Blood... You Are Mine
50 The Husbandmen and The Harvest
51 Men of Promise
52 Thus Says The Lord
53 Testify to Love, Obey the Word of The Lord
54 Step Out in Faith... God First
55 All Things Are Possible With God And Received By Those Who Love His Son
56-62 Letters to Brothers and Sisters in Christ, From Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit
61 Jesus Christ, Our Carpenter and Savior
63 Receive of That Which is Seasoned With Salt and Flavored With Honey
64-65 Love, Forgiveness and the Law (The Ten Commandments)
66 Chosen Vessels

Volume Six  Letters from God and His Christ

Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

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67 The Stepfather and His Son, the Returning Soldier

67 Separation
68 Saturday is the Sabbath... The Ten Commandments Stand Forever
69 My Disciple and Lampstand (for James)
70 Testimony and Prophecy
71 Blessed Are Those Who Overcome For My Name’s Sake
72 Regarding the Holy Spirit
73 Those, Who Have Ears to Hear, Let Them Hear
74 Rebellion, Recompense, Reformation
74 A Blessing and A Curse
75 Those, Who Forebear, Will Suffer Great Loss... And Those, Who Bear, Will Be Taken Up
76-77 Receive The Lord’s Blessing
78 The Witnesses Shall Prepare the Way of the Coming of The Son of Man, The Holy One of Israel
79 Desolations Are Determined and Great Want for My Beloved Children
80-81 Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen... *All Shall Be Saved.
The First Harvest Shall Be Lowly... The Second, Plenteous.
82 Faithfulness in Marriage
83 Remembering the Sabbath Day... To Keep It Holy
84-85 Refinement... The Day of The Lord
86-87 Born Again
88-89 I am He, Says The Lord. Come and Follow Me Closely... Chase Not After the Wicked
90-91 To the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand... Hear the Word of The Lord
92 These Things Must Be Until All is Fulfilled... The Chosen Gathered, The Wicked Blotted Out...
Behold a New Day
93 Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
94-95 Keep the Passover, Even All Seven Holy Days Set Forth By God, And You Will Begin to
Know and Understand the Glory of God and His Christ
96 Come, You Blessed of My Father
97 Servants, in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet!
98-99 Love One Another and Obey All I Command You, Says The Lord Your Redeemer
100-101 Whatsoever You Have Done to the Least of These, My Children, Assuredly I Tell You,
You Have Done It Even Unto Me, Their Father, Says The Lord Your Redeemer
102 Smoking Fire-Brands
103 The Time of Harvest
104 Be Still and Know... I AM The Lord
105 The Oppressor is Broken... The Humble are Uplifted
105 Great Offenses are Coming. Take Not Offenses From Among My Own Flock,
Nor From Within Your Family, to Yourself... Forgive and Forget
106 My Servant, My Prophet
107 Come and Lay All That is Burdensome at My Feet and Be Healed, Says The Lord
107 A testimonial from Lisa, regarding her healing
108 Trust in Me, For the Time is at Hand
109 All Burdens Lifted
110 Those Fallen Asleep in Christ; Trumpeters of My Coming;
My Sparrows Held Fast in My Right Hand; Eternity with The Lord
111 Stand Up

Letters from God and His Christ  Volume Six

Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

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112 You Are Mine
113 Turn to Me... and Trust
114 The Watchmen
115 Turn Aside
116-117 My Candlesticks Shall Light the Way for All These Who Walk in This Present Darkness
118 Faithfulness
119 Those, Who Have Received, Shall Be Given More
120 Signs and Promises
121 To My Chosen Daughter
122 Who is First?
123 Abide in My Love
124-125 The Rod of Discipline
126-127 Enter Into My Fullness and Receive of Me
128-129 Integrity, With All Trust... Bringing Forth Fruit in the Beloved, in Whom We Are Also Accepted
130-131 A Servant, a Hire, and the Heirs
132 The Cups of the Thirsty
133 He, Who Bestows Life, is Also Its Source
134 Trust and Obey
135 Perfect Trust in The Lord’s Will is Where All Miracles Are Realized
136-137 My Witness, My Husbandman... My Friend
138 What is Given Can Also Be Taken Away, Until You Are Again Ready to Receive
139 Thus Says The Lord Against His Servants Who are Called By My Own Name, Who Hear Not
My Voice Nor Give Heed to My Correction, Who Persecute My Prophets Sent to Them:
You Shall Be Broken!
140 Hold Fast, and Do Not Waver, When Calamity Comes
141 The Son of Man, Who is in Heaven, Also Came from Heaven, and Sits at the Right Hand of Power
141 Awaken... Partake of the Living Bread
142-143 A Servant, A Vine Dresser, A Man of Stumbling, The Lowly and Penitent Man...
A Man Exalted, A Man Thrust Forward, One Sent to Glorify the Name of The Lord...
A Prophet of The Most High God
144 There Am I
145 Sons of the Kingdom, Trumpeters of My Coming
146-147 From Betrayal to Victory
148 Forsake All, and Embrace the True Word of God
149 My Love I Give to You
150 My Beloved Ones... Run to Me
151 Steadfast Faith
151 Endure with All Patience and Long-Suffering... Proclaim Truth
152 Be Cleansed, Be Filled... Shine
152 Follow My Voice... I Am The Way
153 The One Who IS, and Was, and Is To Come, Shall Gather and Return in His Glory, And Evil
Shall Be No More in the Earth... And That Which Was in the Beginning Shall Be Again...
Evil Blotted Out, Righteousness Reigns.
154 What More Do You Seek?... Seek Me Only, Partake of My Words, and Be Filled
155 Be My Example... Even When No One is There to Hear You or Behold Your Actions
156 Arise and Go Forth

Volume Six  Letters from God and His Christ

Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

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157 Seek Me, and Be Led into Obedience

157 Bathe in My Waters of Life
158 I Search the Hearts and Minds
158 Love One Another as I Have Loved You
159 It Is I, Even I, Who Had Done It
160 Hear My Words, Beloved
161 Shine
162-163 Be Separate, Says The Lord
164-165 Whether You Live or Die, You are Mine, Says The Lord
166 Holding the Good Father’s Hand
167 Meet For the Master’s Use
168 Come Forth! Ears Open!
168 Glorify My Name
169 I Shall Be Your Fulfillment, Says The Lord
169 Now is the Time For My Strength
170 I am Yours
171 I, The Giver of Life, Am The Father Who Has Loved You With His Whole Heart,
Having Also Given You of My Own Life Which I Have Poured Out For You,
So You May Have Life Eternal, Abiding Always With Me Where I Am.
172 Perversion Among Many Faces
173 I Am Yours... Your First Love
174 Become My Witness and Lampstand
175 Beloved Daughter of God... Break Free!
176 No Eye Has Seen, Nor Has Any Ear Heard, and No Mind Has Conceived
Of The True Beauty of Childbirth
177 My Grace is Sufficient
178 My Will Is Set Forth In Stone... Nothing Shall Overwrite That Which Has Been Written
179 It Is Time to Receive of My Fullness and Be Sent Out Amongst the Wolves,
Proclaiming My Name, Being a Witness of My Return, Sounding The Trumpet
180-181 The End of the Age
182-183 Culmination
184-185 The Time of Testing, A Trying of Your Resolve... The Refinement of Your Trust
186 Householders and Servants of the King
187 Rest in Me... I Uphold You
188-189 It Is Time
189 My Beloved, My Servant, My Witness… Your Time Has Come
190-191 Infinite Love
192-193 Forever I Remain the Same and Unchanging
194-195 The Testimony and The Witness... I Am The Lord
196 My Witnesses Set Up and Established... Evil Abased
197 Engravened
198 Be Set Apart in Love
199 You Shall Stand Up
200 Promises
201 Wholly of The Lord
202 A Faithful and Wise Servant
203 Blow the Trumpet

Letters from God and His Christ  Volume Six

Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

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204 Seek My Will and Give Heed to My Leading... Run Not Ahead, Nor Lag Behind...
Walk Upright, Beside Me, Holding Your Father’s Hand
205 The Innocent Are Mine! Says The Lord
206-207 Receive of Me and Embrace My Correction
208-210 All Shall Be Broken
211 Give Thanks Without Ceasing, Offer Up Praise and Thanksgiving Before Your God...
Be Set Apart for His Glory
212-214 Concerning My Servants, All Those Who Shall Go For Me in the Day... And For All Those
Who Seek to Please Their Lord
214 Holy Convocation
215 There is But One... Seek His Face
216 A Gift from God, Rejected, Shall Be Given to Another
217 Blessed Are Those Who Partake of Me and The Food I Offer
218 The Deep Things of Christ
219 Service
220-221 Lord and Teacher
222-223 My Lambs, My Joy
224-226 Come to Me... No More Time to Tarry
227 Seek Out My Will For You... Make Me Your Treasure and Only Refuge
228 Discernment
229 Surrender to Your First Love
230 Here I Am, Choose Me... For I Have Already Chosen You
231 The Zeal of The Lord of Hosts Has Done It and Shall Surely Perform It
232-233 Come to Me and Let Go... Receive of Me
234-235 My Son... A Vessel For My Glory
236-237 Bearing Fruit in The Beloved
238-239 One Commandment Broken Are All Commandments Broken...
Therefore, Choose Righteousness... Choose Me
240-241 Walking in the Footsteps of My Passion
242-244 A Leap of Faith
245 Wheresoever One Partakes of Me With Their Hearts Contrite, With Their Spirits Hungry,
And With Their Souls Thirsty... Behold, I Am There Also... Sitting at Their Table,
Sharing from My Own Plate... Overflowing Their Glasses
246-247 Passover... Come and Partake of My Supper, Receive of Me Fully
248 That, Which Remains in Part, Shall Be Made Whole
249 Let Each Be Given, Receive, and So Do... Each According to Their Faith
250-251 Prodigal Sons
252 My Passover, My Table... Come and Partake of That Which I Offer
253 My Sons, My Friends... Witnesses of My Name and My Glory, Trumpeters of My Coming
254-255 My Love is Greater Still
256-257 Hidden Treasures in the Fields of The First Harvest
258 Until Every Last Tear Has Fallen
259 Be Still
260 Behold My Face
261 Come to Me and Take Shelter... It is Time
262 I Am Close at Hand
263 Married Unto God

Volume Six  Letters from God and His Christ

Table of Contents: VOLUME SIX

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264-265 Draw Near

266 Poured Out
267 Love One Another, by First Loving Me
268-269 This is My Will For You
270 Wisdom
271 Hold Fast to the Line
272 I Am Yours... Receive Me
273 Go Out and Trumpet My Word
274-275 A Trying of Your Trust, A Testing of Your Resolve... Your Faith Revealed
276-277 Workers in the Field of The Lord’s Harvest
278-279 The Gardener’s Children
280-281 Spoils of War
282 Fasting
283 Testimony Shown by Your Example... Signs Wrought in Obedience
284 The Ill-Favored of the Flock
285 Begin Again, in Me
286 Abide
287 That, Which is Not of Me, is Against Me, and Comes From the Evil One... Says The Lord
288-289 Serve Me, as I Have Loved You
290 New Wineskins
291 A Faithful Witness
292-293 The First of Many
294 Deny Me Not... Receive of My Love and Have Peace
295 Foremost
296-297 Offenses Must Come
298-299 Flowers You Are
300 Son and Heir
301 Abide Until Called
302-303 Pray With Thanksgiving... Completing Your Trust, Strengthening Your Faith
304 Polluted Fountains
305 A Bruised Reed Swaying in the Wind
306-307 In Spirit and In Truth
308 I Am The Lord Alone, and I Shall Surely Tend to My Sheep
309-312 I Am Calling You Out

Please Note: The Table of Contents for Volume Seven

May be found at the beginning of Volume Seven,
Located on pages 315-317.

Letters from God and His Christ  Volume Six

Volume Six  Letters from God and His Christ
Letters from God and His Christ 10 Volume Six
5/5/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Carolyn, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Let The Lord Lead and His Word Be Your Guide

Question asked by Timothy, for Carolyn: Lord, should she go to Portland to visit her daughters?

Answer from Jesus The Christ: Carolyn, My child, why do you ask of The Lord those things which you already know?
Trust in your heart and the voice of The Lord’s Spirit within you. Why, oh My child, do you resist The Lord and give
into the works of the devil? He does continually press you in spirit, straining your desire to fulfill The Lord’s purpose
in you. By any and all means does he wish to devour you. Fear, sorrow, doubt, distraction, sin/transgression,
depression, slothfulness, gluttony, pride, arrogance, envy, strife, lying, evil-speaking and anger are his devices.
Even through those you love, does he work his evil purposes, and in your night visions is he there also.
Fear not, My beloved little one, the day is coming, and is already here, when you shall be delivered from the evil
one, delivered up into My hands, placed in the bosom of The Father.
Yet you still wish of Me to answer you? Beloved, listen to the Word of The Lord, and obey. Follow the example of your
son, for in he is the light I have given him to shine upon you, of which shall also light the way for you to come into
the fullness of faith by the Truth Absolute, which I am. I have spoken it many times, and I shall speak it once again, so
you may hear. Carolyn... Blessed is she who fears The Lord and delights in His commands. And My commandment
to you is that you continue to pray for your children, and teach them My ways... From afar. You are the mother, even
burdened as it were two parents, as I have told you. Command, of your daughters, respect. Tell them of My sacrifice
in love, of which you have accepted, and is the love which is of such a kind that they long for with all their being
and realize it not. For they are those, who have received of the Word on the wayside, where satan came quickly and
snatched away all I had planted in them. So you must continually plant without ceasing, until the day the latter rains
come, where I will fulfill the increase in them... And your son shall lead them out of their affliction.

Heed My commands, and do not go.

Take no part in the fornications of the heathen... Be then separate.

Only sorrows and pain await you in the houses of the wicked,
Though it need not be, for all things are possible with The Lord.

My people shall live by faith!

Let the wicked go their way... I am He, who shall turn them aside from the wide path. Judgment shall fall, signs and
wonders are coming quickly... The weight of the Truth shall free the captives, break them upon The Cornerstone,
and grind to powder the truly wicked of heart, children of satan... Of which your daughters will escape by great
distress, leading into joy and much rejoicing.

Who comes to love Me the most?...

Those whom I have forgiven a little, or those forgiven much?...

For this reason did I come into the world... To save the afflicted, who are gravely ill.

In Me shall all find healing from sin,

By My death suffered on the cross, raised to life the third day...

As all those, who shall also receive life in the third day.


Volume Six 11 Letters from God and His Christ

5/14/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Keep Not the Company of the Wicked... This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow

Trina, My beloved little one, why do you forsake My teachings? You have yet to come into My fullness. In My love,
you remain always, My child crying out in pain and confusion... I will heal your pain, but let us first understand
your pain. You have not revealed your whole heart to Me, beloved, though I know it and see what is there... A heart
torn. And so in the world, you seek to mend it by affirmation of others and by the approval of your earthly father,
pushing away those who love you and would sacrifice of themselves for you, even unto death, yet you scorn them
and run after the wicked.

Listen, Trina, and wail. In your wailing will the Truth become evident amidst this world of evil, longing for all
that is forbidden, where all run greedily for the very sake of being unclean. Blessed is she, who fears The Lord
and finds delight in His commands! And the blessing is this, My child: Those who obey, and take up their cross
and follow Me, shall be lifted up out of affliction... The rest, left and purified, or burned as it were, by fire, even
seven times. The wheat and tares must be separated in preparation for the harvest. My Spirit is poured out.
The workers are in the field, binding together the wheat that shall be housed in My Father’s barn, and binding together
the tares to be burned. Think not, for a moment, this is to be taken lightly or as a mere intellectual metaphor. It has
begun, and had already commenced, since the first day The Son of Man opened His mouth, also declaring His glory by
the works of His hands. All have been separated since the curtain was rent and My Spirit was given up. Now comes the
consummation of all things. One to My right, the other to My left; one taken, the other left. Though I take no pleasure in
the trials of the wicked that must come, even so, it shall surely come, for The Father waits no longer. The cup is filled to
overflowing with the abominations of mankind, and it shall shortly be overturned. Then shall He pour out on the nations
His judgments, and all shall be baptized in the fires of His indignation.

So hear and understand, My little one...

Grow in your faith, and trust in Me... I AM THE WAY.

Keep not the company of the wicked...

They are given into My hand for judgment,

As you are given into My arms unto salvation...

What company does the redeemed have with the ungodly?

Be clean and separate... Only heartache and continual pain are at the heart of the heathen and blasphemer.
Darkness is their companion - haters of good men, disobedient to parents, proud, perverse, idolators, blasphemers,
vain, boasters, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce
traitors, heady, high-minded, abusers, quarrelsome, liars, lovers of self and pleasures rather than lovers of God,
altogether consumed by the lusts of this world, of which they run headlong into their destruction. These are of such
a kind, who sneak into houses and lead captive weak women of little faith, burdened with sin, leading them away
from the Truth by diverse lusts.
Know this, when the tares are given up to the fire, I shall sift them from the ashes and salvage what remains, as it
will have been tried in the furnace, the ashes blown and swept away... Behold, a clean white stone.
Trina, I know the loving heart of a mother. I see Myself in you... I being your Father and your children’s Father, also
by which you were made and came to be. Remember, I am also your Brother and Teacher, for I was in the world
as man... Follow Me! Obey My words... They are the source of life as I am The Source of Life.

Letters from God and His Christ 12 Volume Six

5/14/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Keep Not the Company of the Wicked... This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow cont.

Beloved, why have you forsaken Me and dishonored those I sent to you? You have forsaken Me by your absence at
the table of your edification, of which I have answered your prayer in fellowship. You have desecrated My Sabbath,
the day I gave you to rest in Me. You have dishonored your husband, My servant in The Lord, by placing the blame
on him because of his actions to escape the snare you have placed at your own feet, of which you are guilty. Follow
My commandments! Repent for all you have done, crucify your life daily; humble yourself before your God, in My
name, purge yourself of all that binds you to this world... And you shall surely see the Kingdom of Heaven.

Know you not, your husband bears the cross in your home, yet you and your daughter throw dirt on him and spit
at him with a froward mouth. I have given him to you, not you to him. You were lost and weak, so I sent to you
one whose heart is like Mine, and yet you stand afar off. Stand with your husband, lest he cast you out with your
children. In so, he would be justified, as it is written... Yet he has chosen the Way, and taken the narrow path, of
which I have lain in My own blood. You see Craig as weak... I tell you the truth, he is very strong. It is the strong man
who chooses love and forgiveness, through sacrifice of himself and his own desires, not following after the ungodly
men of this world. His justification is in The Lord, and he chooses to follow Me... In My very footsteps. For this, he
will be hated and persecuted, and glorify My name. For the world first hated Me, and so all who truly love Me shall
the world hate also, for they can not bear to hear the Truth or live by the Word, lest they hear and be converted.

Trina, trust in Me, and strive to love your husband as you strive to love Me. Obey him as you obey Me, for he
speaks for Me, and will soon be given a mouth which is not his own, and knowledge he never thought possible...
And you, beloved, you shall see My dwelling place.

My path is not easy, this I know, but it is the only path that leads to life...

The only way to The Father and the place He has prepared for you, by Me.

Come to Me... You remain in My love.

All those, who love Me, remain in Me and I in them...

And because of that love, they seek to obey Me, because they also first trusted in Me...

This is the Highway of Holiness, of which I am also...

Walk in Me.

Volume Six 13 Letters from God and His Christ

5/10/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For David, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Are In Subjection to the Word... My People Shall Live By Faith!

David, why do you fight against The Lord? You say you fight to defend Me. Am I in need of defense? Vengeance
is Mine, says The Lord... I will repay. Know you not that human power is of no use at all? Only the grace of God,
given to men, through Me, is the power wherein they shall glory. I do have men in the earth who are, and shall
become, warriors for the Word, but only to those I have chosen, in number that which The Father has ordained
from the beginning. Yet you act as if you are of the number, though you are of the number of which the sent have
come to minister.
Receive My words... David, your name means “beloved”, and so you are beloved. I created you and knew you
from the beginning, having come to earth in your image, dying, so you might live. This you know to be true... Then
why do you forsake Me? Neither do you follow after Me. Why am I not your Beloved? It is the world you love and
the praise of men you seek. Seek God! And His approval only... And I, even I, The Christ and your Lord, will lift
you up. I see your heart, I know your mind... I do not dwell there. Rather, I see a world of lies, doctrines of men,
anger, hate, arrogance, no compassion, all in the name of pride... A mask of strength and elevated ego, putting
yourself above other men.

David, come to Me as you really are... Shed this skin of vanity...

Come to Me in love, and bare yourself before Me...

I will never forsake you.

In your weakness, a complete letting go, is My strength made perfect in you.

Do you not see? Open your eyes to the Truth. It is the humble, penitent man, who shall know God, for God resists
the proud and exalts the meek. I want you to be where I am, but you keep yourself outside the gates holding your
lamp with no oil.
David, beloved, keep My Father’s commandments, and follow My teaching. Know you not, by these commands of
The Father, you are guilty? By proclaiming Me and My ways, but you, yourself, not embracing them, nor following
them, you shall be found a liar in the Day of Judgment that comes quickly.
Why do you commit theft and rob from God? By denying the words given to Timothy, you have robbed yourself of a
greater joy, which comes from the understanding of the fullness of the Truth, which you have also read in the Bible.
Greater still, you have denied My words in the hearing of others. Woe, I say to you, repent. To insult the messenger
is to insult He who sends him also. Timothy has given of himself completely to Me. Where do you stand? This is
why he hears My voice and has understanding. He has no understanding of himself, nor does any man... It is the
gift of God, through the Spirit, which is of Me. Your knowledge has led you into confusion, having desecrated My
temple which I gave you, by your consumption of false words found in the books of false religions. Any pure water
mixed with poison becomes poison. All you do is vanity for pride’s sake, so you may elevate yourself above men.
I will exalt, and I shall abase. I abase you this day, so I may come again where you may be exalted.

Seek after Me, David... I am The Truth, The Way and The Life...

There is no other.

Search in the Scriptures of Truth, and there you will find Me. Shed the doctrines of men, and put away your pride,
and you will begin to know Me. For I am also in the Letters of which Timothy has written, even on every page,
though you believe it not.

Letters from God and His Christ 14 Volume Six

5/10/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For David, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Are In Subjection to the Word... My People Shall Live By Faith! cont.

The day is coming, and is already here, when all Timothy has written, as I have commanded him, will come to
pass... And it surely will. Then you, and all those against My works given to Timothy, will know that, indeed, a
prophet was among them. Yet you go out to stone him with the words of your mouth, and do continually desecrate
My name. You are deceived by your church, who was deceived from the beginning by their forefathers. You only
need search the Scriptures, and you will know it to be true.

You are a strong man, David...

Are you strong enough to seek the whole truth,

And humble yourself before God, in love and repentance?

The Bible is of no individual interpretation. Only the Word can give understanding of Itself, which I am. Receive
My Word, and love your neighbor and your brothers in Christ. In total faith, one does not need all the answers...
He just believes. And those, who believe in Me, shall live and not die, receiving all they long for in the Kingdom...
All things revealed to those who truly love Me.
So search the Scriptures again, and there you shall find the Truth Absolute, as it is written, not as the churches of
men have rewritten it. Where, David, in My Word, does it say to pray to My mother, or to man’s elect saints? They
are dead, sleeping, they hear nothing. All those who love Me, and obey My words, are the saints. Rather, pray to
God only, in My name. Where, David, has The Father proclaimed the first day of the week as the Sabbath, as He
proclaimed the seventh day from the beginning? Keep the Sabbath exactly as it was and is written, according to
God and not men.
The churches of men blaspheme My name and the Word continually. When men realize they know nothing yet as
they ought to know, they will repent, and come into the knowledge of the Truth given them from the beginning,
of which they have shaped and molded to suit themselves. The Word is written in everlasting stone, by The Right
Hand of God... It is not subject to men... Men are brought into subjection to it, and shall live by every word uttered
from the mouth of The Father.
And so I have revealed to you just three abominations, wrought in the churches of men. You must seek to understand
the rest by your own means, through acceptance of My words, as they are exactly written. For men do greatly err,
having both taken away and greatly added to My Word. For this they shall surely be punished by The Father, having
all manner of plagues and judgments fall upon them, having their names blotted from the Book of Life, unless they
kneel and repent with their whole hearts, humbling themselves before The Lord of Sabaoth.

David, I have not forsaken you... I call to you still. I call you to serve Me in righteousness, a fellow servant in Christ,
speaking to those who do not know Me...

So unsearchable is the love and mercies of God... Which are altogether fulfilled in Me.

This is the nourishment, that comes from The Father and feeds His people...

That He laid Himself on the altar, by Me,

So again all His lost children may return to Him, and be where He is, forever and ever...

So He may be their God, and they will be His people, once again,
Forever in the Kingdom of His joy, under the care of their Shepherd.

Volume Six 15 Letters from God and His Christ

5/1/06 Kathy’s dream about a family hike

Part 1: My family and I are taking a hike. I am excited and looking forward to it. It’s beautiful scenery, seems like
south and east of Palmer. We’re walking east up a long road, slightly inclined. In the distance, we can see black and
tan lions playing in the ditch and on the road, so we stop and turn around as quietly as we can. Then we realize
we’re helpless, if they see us, because we have no weapons. There are large and small rocks on the road so we pick
some up, just in case the lions come after us. I’m not overly afraid or panicked.

Part 2: Later, we are hiking in a different direction - south. I still have the rocks with me, and warn my kids to watch
out. It’s so beautiful here. It appears to be about sunset. I have my camera because there are exquisite flowers with
large butterflies on them, but there is still some unidentified danger we have to look for.
At some point, I am trying to make some sort of bed, or place to rest, for my kids.
Then I am holding a baby boy. He seems like my baby, but yet he doesn’t. I can feel the soft, rubbery feeling of his body.
I am stroking him because he is in great distress. He is in pain because he is being born again from his own body.

Part 3: There is also a strangely beautiful swamp that we pass on the hike. I so much want to go and photograph
the towering, strange-looking purple plants in it, but am afraid because I don’t know what is in the water.

5/5/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -

The Interpretation of Kathy’s Dream, Given to Timothy, For Kathy and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Things Work For the Good of Those Who Love and Obey The Lord

Part 1

Beloved Kathy, dreamer of dreams, having received of that which has been poured, embracing the faith and love
which is in life lived in Me, knowing that all things are possible with God.
Behold the walk of the beautiful, who carry sorrow in their hearts. Kathy, you have begun the walk into the
Kingdom... No longer do you tread the path. Your journey to The Lord is nearly complete... Soon lifted up.
Your hike is the walk of the redeemed. They have already entered the Kingdom in their hearts, for the Kingdom
has come to dwell within them. The veil is lifted, the mud gone from your eyes, washed in the pool of Siloam1 as
the blind man... Even your ears are unstopped. And so, beloved, you walk from your earthly home, leaving behind
all earthen foundations built up in your past; neither are you returning to your present home. You remain in the
field, where those beloved walk with you... In the world, yet separate from the world and all things created by
mammon2. So then, as you see yourself as free, with the beauty of My Word coming to light all around you, you
also feel exposed and unprepared, vulnerable to the evil of this world that yet remains, which seeks to devour you
and those beloved of your heart. You then reach down, picking up the stones in defense, fearing the lions may
attack. You wish to flee quietly from the lions, who are the heat of persecution, being you not yet willing to face
them and confront them. So they pursue you.
Kathy, hear and understand. What good is a rock, taken from the earth, against a lion?... Heed the commands of
The Lord. Seek not that of the earth; take nothing with you... You need no weapon at all! For He, who dwells in
you, is all you need. Turn and face the lions in faith, nothing doubting. Drop all the stones you carry... Trust in your
God. I fight the battles, I am with My people. Blessed are they who fear The Lord, and not humankind, and take
much delight in God’s commands.

Letters from God and His Christ 16 Volume Six

5/5/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Interpretation of Kathy’s Dream, Given to Timothy, For Kathy and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Things Work For the Good of Those Who Love and Obey The Lord cont.

Part 2

Kathy, again you are hiking in the fields of the redeemed, now turned aside by the lions, still retaining the rocks
you think will protect you. Drop your defenses, and speak to your children of what is coming. Unbridle your heart
before them... Nothing held back. Show them the beautiful place, of which you reside daily, that they can not yet
see. Show them all the pictures you have taken that are permanently printed on your soul. The sun is setting. It
will be dark soon, where none are safe in the open... A great forboding of things to come. Prepare a place for your
children, so they may rest from their sin and the worldly evil that assaults them on every side. Behold, you hold
your sons in your arms... Your children, but not your children. They are indeed in distress, fighting worldly powers
and principalities and spiritual evil in high places. They will be born again when the day is far spent. From their
own bodies shall they be born, of which grows more and more painful as each day passes, having trapped themselves
in a life they themselves had created in the image of the world... Of which escape, the world and its unseen ruler will
not easily concede.

Part 3

On your journey, you will pass many “swamps” where you shall behold a strange beauty, wherein grows tall,
strange-looking plants. These are the churches, which retain a beauty of which you recognize, but no longer
embrace, nor understand. For they are firmly established in the mire of man’s doctrine, growing in the midst of
waters that have become clouded and rank; neither humbling themselves before God, nor obeying His commands,
continually elevating themselves above the world and each other, clothed not in the true beauty of the Word as
it was meant to be embraced and followed; rather, growing where and how they will, with strife in their hearts.
These are no longer of the seed I had planted at all... They have become weeds in My garden and shall be rooted
up. Take not any pictures, nor accept any of their doctrine. Rather, pass them by and continue your walk where
The Lord leads you.

1. Siloam: this word means Sent

2. Mammon: an often personified devotion to material possessions; also : wealth

Volume Six 17 Letters from God and His Christ

5/19/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hear the Word of The Lord

My Kingdom is coming. Look up... it is nearly upon you. The judgments shall fall... it shall come to pass, the Day
of The Lord, the Great Trampling.
Thus says The Lord, your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting: Hear the Word of The Lord. My Kingdom
is come and shall come. I will prepare the way, I shall clear the debris. I shall sanctify the house, I shall lay the
Behold the vengeance of The Lord in His anger! Behold! The face of The Holy One of Israel is against you, oh
perverse nations! My Arm is outstretched, and you shall be punished, even consumed.
Thus is the inheritance of the hard-hearted, the wicked of spirit, followers of antichrist, children of satan: You
shall consume away where you stand, you shall be dust beneath My feet. How dare you... how dare you, wicked
children, come against My holy city and fight against My Holy Mountain! Did you think The Lord has not seen it?
I have beheld your wickedness and have read the surmising of your heart.
Oh wicked children, you are consumed by the lusts of this world... Even of all seven are you taken away, set
adrift, caught up in the whirlpool that leads to the deep. How shall you escape? Who shall save you?... For you
are drowning, though you see yourself as an immovable rock, resting solidly upon the shores of tranquility. All is
darkness, a mirage. The evil one has pulled over your eyes a haze, even scales cover your eyelids. How, then, shall
you see what is coming and is already here? You shall be utterly destroyed, found no more in remembrance, taken
back into the earth from where I formed you.

Behold! Says The Lord of Hosts...

Behold The Prince who stands upon the waters...

Hear Him, and you shall not die... You shall surely live.

Behold, your King had come unto you, lowly and having salvation, riding on a donkey. Yet you say, “We do not
know Him. We have never seen nor heard Him.” Travesty, great and bitter sorrows. The day is done, night is coming
where no one can rest. Your Redeemer lives, yet you will deny Him. Even now, all you do is vanity and vexation of
spirit, listening and giving heed to those on the screen. Do you not know satan is the prince of the air? Turn from
mankind’s evil devices... Turn to My Book. Even every volume, that is written, is written of Him I have sent to you.
Yet you will not hear Him. You deny Him still, saying, “God is dead. He has no Son. Our egos reign, and science
is over wisdom. Faith is for fools, a mere physiological storm in the brain.” Woe! Even three times... Woe! I have
proclaimed it... I announce it... And it shall surely come to pass. Judgment is here! The Day of Reckoning is at the
door! The storm is already building and shall blow as the tempest of God. The sanctuary shall be cleansed.

Thus says The Lord, your God, to the naysayers and all who live in the shadow of death: Where shall you run,
and where shall you hide? You shall call to the rocks so they may fall on you. You shall indeed stumble... you shall
surely fall... You shall never be found. My anger is kindled, My wrath has come... It shall not be turned away. The
whole world is awash in sin, giving heed to doctrines of devils.

Thus says The Lord: I have sent the Trumpet. I shall take My people out of the earth. It shall be done, it shall surely
come to pass... For I have written it... It will be done. Many shall run to and fro, knowledge shall be increased, and
shall become as the chaff on the summer threshing floors. Spring is here, summer is near... I shall thoroughly purge
My floor. Yet I, even I, the One and Only True God, Maker of Heaven and earth, am a God of Mercy. I shall not
make a total end, for I shall keep My covenant with Noah. I shall save the remnant, and lift up all the martyrs, even
all who would call on the name of The Lord, by the name of Him who I had sent to save them... He is My Mercy
Seat, and by His name, only, shall you be saved from the furnace, whose heat is kindled even seven times.

Letters from God and His Christ 18 Volume Six

5/19/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hear the Word of The Lord cont.

Call on His name...

He shall take you through the fire...

Jesus The Christ, The Only Begotten of The Father, is His name!

He is The King of Glory, who has your salvation held fast in the palm of His right hand.

Hear Him! Shout His name!...

And be healed of all your iniquities... All transgression forgotten...

Hear Him.

6/24/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -

A Letter Given To Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Parable of the Wild Horses

My children, I have fed you with the milk of the Word, as you were babes with Timothy as your father. The time has
come for you to grow strong in word and deed, growing in My Word, coming into a more profound knowledge of
the power of My Word. For My words are as a hammer... And all these before you, who resist My voice, the rocks
and twigs. By their crumbling, by their breaking, shall they be divided as the spoils, as a prey and a booty. They
shall be wounded, they shall be torn, they shall wail, they shall gnash upon their teeth, they shall shake their fists.
They shall be broken, says The Lord. They shall be undone. They shall be brought very low.

These wild horses shall be tamed, they shall be ridden hard, for The Lord your God shall capture them and corral
them in judgment. He shall surely put bits in their mouths. They shall buck at Him, they shall bite at Him, but He
shall not be thrown... I am that Rider. I shall loose those who will not be tamed, who spit from their mouths the bit. I
shall let them go their way, lost to the world of unbridled sin. Those, that remain and heed My Commands, shall be
embraced, cleansed and washed, shoed and well-fed. These also shall be set free to roam in the pastures I, Myself,
will establish for them, where they will never go hungry, nor ever see sickness. Neither will they ever again stand
outside battered by the storm, nor be bitten by the snakes lurking in the tall grass... They shall trample them.

All broken and bruised, who trust in The Lord,

Shall be healed and live forever, says The Lord.


Volume Six 19 Letters from God and His Christ

6/5/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To The Church, Who Bear My Name, Who Neither Know My Church Nor Remain in His Body

Hear what The Lord says to the churches of men, who bear the name, Jehovah: You have gone out of The Way, not
knowing where you stand. None know where they are going, all have gone their own way, and are lost without

Dear men, who speak without understanding...

Embrace The Rod, and learn of the mysteries of God.

Hear what The Lord says, lest I leave you upon this earth during The Lord’s Day that comes quickly, wherein your
backs shall be left to the smiters. You know not the will of God, nor have you kissed The Son. All foundations, built
upon the vain understanding of men, shall be brought to nothing before the power of The Holy One of Israel, wrought
in the judgments He shall cast upon the entire earth. So then, you remain in your ignorance, listening to lies and
knowledge brought forth by men of vanity, seeking after human praise, saying within themselves, “We alone are
righteous. We understand God, and we will fulfill His Word.”
Oh churches, you know nothing yet as you ought to know, nor have you any wisdom at all. Oh you blind Pharisees,
of this modern day of men, how shall I save you?... Hypocrites!... You are entrapped, having been caught up in your
own snares, you, yourselves, have placed in the Way, to keep you from the Truth of the Word. Oh blind and deaf
Pharisees, stop speaking, and become dumb so you may hear and see. You have not understanding, because you have
denied Him who I sent to you, having segregated the Word of God for your own measure, you call the truth of God
in your own name. Woe, I say to you, oh arrogant generation... Shall you speak for The Most High, and declare His
name, though I have not spoken to you?!
Know this, you have blasphemed the name of The Lord, by your corrupt musings brought forth from your own hearts,
having not truly believed in The One I sent to you. Dear little ones, you are not even on the path to salvation. You
tread upon the stony ground where thorns have sprung up.

Little children, forsake your forefathers, and come to Me, your true Father.

And to become My children, you must forsake the world and all doctrines of men,
And receive of My Spirit, which is in Christ Jesus, your Lord...

He is the Way to The Father...

By Him, only, shall you know Me...

To know Him is to know Me.

He, alone, did I speak of, saying, “Your throne, oh God, is forever and ever,” calling Him by His name to be called
among men, Immanu El. So then, you bear falsely for My name, having brought My Son low, having taken His glory,
the glory I gave Him, which is also My glory... The Son and I are One!
Have understanding... To understand My words, you must know and accept the Word who became flesh, who
gave up His glory, so again He might be glorified for My glory, which is Our glory. You have not understanding of
God, nor who He is. Nor can any approach Me, save Him, who alone is as The Father.

Letters from God and His Christ 20 Volume Six

6/5/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To The Church, Who Bear My Name, Who Neither Know My Church Nor Remain in His Body cont.

And since you do not know Him, I sent to you, neither then do you know Me. You remain in the wilderness,
separated from God, left alone without understanding. For understanding comes from the Holy Spirit, which
teaches you all things, and will cause you to remember that which I have given you. And this same Spirit is of God,
and is received through Christ, who is, and was, and is to come... Jesus.

Listen to The Spirit, He is The Christ, and you will begin to know Me...

Fully embrace and love Him...

And oh yes, children, worship Him, even as do the angels in Heaven...

And assuredly, I say to you, I shall forget your iniquities and gather you up.

Continue to resist My Word, and accept not My correction, through much tribulation shall you come into the Truth,
which is absolute... Neither is there any shadow of turning, whatsoever, in the Word of God. By Him, who is the Word
and The Christ, were all things made... Even all these worlds. By Him are all things established. And by Him, only, shall
all, that is written and decreed by Me, come to pass and be fulfilled. For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among you... Immanu El.
Church of Jehovah, which you call yourself, of yourself, for yourself, listen to what God says: Keep My commandments
exactly as they are written, and accept My Son as He really is and follow His teachings, and I may yet pour out My
Spirit upon you. Tear down these walls of false witness you have erected; stop breaking My commandments. Do you
not know My commandments stand forever, and by the name of My Son shall you also stand?
Listen to those I have sent to you. Timothy speaks not of His own authority; neither does he know anything but that
which I have given him. For this reason have I chosen him, for this reason does he receive understanding: He was
virgin in spirit, having no doctrine, whatsoever, in his heart, of the churches of men. He was the fool who became the
wise man, knowing in himself he was lowly before The Lord and was in need of a savior. He have I called, he have I
given understanding. And with him shall there be a great multitude, who shall speak and so do as I have given them,
which is according to the very same Spirit and understanding I have given to Timothy, who loves Me unconditionally
by putting his full faith and love in My Son, who now has come to dwell in him and all those who love the name of
The Lord and wait anxiously for His coming.

Wise men, become the fool, so you may be truly wise...

Stand proud for your own glory, and you remain the fool of a wicked heart...
To this man punishment is reserved, and I shall not spare the rod or the whip...
The haughty and high-minded shall be brought very low, so they may be exalted...

By no other means shall these be saved.

The humble, penitent man shall know God and His dwelling place,
By calling on the name of The Lord...

He is The Christ and Jesus... His name, YahuShua HaMashiach!

Volume Six 21 Letters from God and His Christ

6/4/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
First Fruits in Love (for Pentecost)

[Timothy] My God and My Lord, I pray in the name of Him, You have sent to us in love. He is the Spirit, Your only
Begotten Son, the Mercy Seat for those who have fallen from Your graces. Return us to grace, by the grace You have
shared with us. Lord, I pray to You this day, on behalf of all of us gathered here today. You have loved us, and taken
us out of the world, though we are yet in the world. You have saved us by the blood of Your Son. We can never
thank You enough for what You have done for us. We have believed Your testimony, and You have poured Your Spirit
upon us, so we may know how to live in You and for You. We have become the first fruits of Your love, sanctified by
Your Spirit, because of our belief and devotion to You. We believe, Lord... We love You, Lord. Lord, come and live
fully in us. Please, Lord, establish us fully in Your glory. Make us clean, lift us up from our stumblings. Lord, reside
in Your delicate temples, keep us from temptation, and deliver us from the evil one.
Oh Lord, what can we say? What can we do to prove our love for You? Our gratitude? Our devotion?
Oh my God and my Jesus, fulfill Your love in us. Come quickly, Lord... Come quickly. Take us home... Embrace
Your children, Father. Return us to the Garden, set us upon the Rock of Your enduring promise... Eternal life with
You, who has made us and remade us, once again. Amen.

[Jesus The Christ] Oh beloved little flock, how I do love you... My first fruits of My seeds planted in My servant,
now flourishing in you. Beloved little ones, I am coming. I shall indeed gather you up beneath My wings and carry
you to Heaven. Verily, verily, I say to you, I have already gathered you and bundled you together... My first fruits of
the Harvest who I shall offer to The Father.
Beloved, understand the mercies of God, and that part of Him which is also in Me, which We have placed in you.
I have given of Myself, so shall you do as I have done. Share this gift. Bless those who curse you, kindly treat those
who mistreat and abuse you. Love your enemies, help those who are against you. Plant the seeds for the Second
Harvest, for those left behind shall grow during the storm, and be uprooted and toppled and trampled, but by no
means shall they wither. They shall shine in the darkness, and I shall be their strength and comfort... These I must
bring also.

Behold, The Spirit of God endures for all time.

His will be done on earth as in Heaven.

I have chosen and separated the wheat from the tares, and I will continue to do so. Even by these words shall it
be done and come to pass. Behold, I have left 144,000 workers in the field, and they shall gather all who The
Father has ordained to be gathered. By the power of His Spirit, fully established in them, shall they gather. All wild
wheat shall be gathered... Never was this crop tares. Rather, they have only grown too close and amongst the tares,
abiding in their shadow. They have been tamed and have come into the Light, with the new understanding that,
indeed, I AM WHO I AM. The lost have been found and refashioned in Me. These shall be gathered also... The first
fruits of God’s mercy gathered from the storm of His fury...

Lo, all, who call on the name of The Lord in that Day, shall be saved...

Behold, those who did not love their life in this world, even unto death...

They have received life eternal.

Letters from God and His Christ 22 Volume Six

6/4/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
First Fruits in Love (for Pentecost) cont.

Woe unto those who have loved their lives in this world,
So much that they strove to save themselves...

They are lost, given up to the flames of The Father’s indignation,

Destroyed by the Word and the brightness of My coming.

The dark destroyed, the wicked blotted out.

All is quiet in the Kingdom of God,

For those who sit at the right hand of His Mercy Seat...

Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of this age and ever after,
Residing in the joy of My Father.

Come and see, My beloved, who have believed without seeing...

Look down upon the earth...

Behold, the angels of Heaven do continually ascend and descend upon The Son of Man...
Reaping where others have sown, lifting up the newly redeemed of The Lord,
For they now believe because they have seen the power of God
Moving upon the face of the entire world...
Yea, even the heavens have been shaken.

The wheat is gathered...

The saints have been established in glory
And do follow The Lamb, turned Lion, wherever He goes.

Beloved, follow Me.

I will lead you into fountains of living waters...
A well, a spring, of love and life that never runs dry.

Behold, I shall even recreate the entire world for you.

You believed in Me, and you remain in My love, and will never be moved...
Nor can anyone snatch you from My arms.

Come and share in My joy forever, even forever and ever...

And know the mystery of God revealed, and the knowledge of creation...

None are found lower than the angels.

Amen and Amen.

Volume Six 23 Letters from God and His Christ

5/23/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Awake, All You Churches of Men

[God The Father] Look up, The Lord comes, The Lord of Sabaoth comes, The Lord of Hosts, King of kings, Lord of
lords... Upon His mount of white, He comes. He shall gather His saints, and lift up the flock of the slaughter, and
heal all who were trampled under the feet of oppression. Even all those, who were beheaded for their testimony,
shall rise and abide forever in His presence. My people, The Lord is with you... He has always been with you.
He dwells with His people, having never departed, though He had ascended out of their sight... Still He remains
fastened securely to the hearts of the blessed, the redeemed of The Lord. “Lo, I am with you always, even to the
end of this age”, says The Son of Salvation. Hear His words, every one, and take much comfort. Remember His
words, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you
unto Myself. That where I am, you may be also”, says your Lord.

[Jesus The Christ] Why, then, do you not believe Me, beloved? The Father had sent His messengers, saying, “You
men of Galilee, why do you stand here gazing up into Heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into
Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven.” I tell you the truth!... I am come! I
have come already! I am coming again! And I shall return in glory as a roaring lion! Yet you do not come to Me,
neither do you know Me. Why do you not understand My speech?... For I proclaim it to you through men, in your
tongue, yet you will not listen. You can not bear to hear, your heart is far from Me... Married to the world, lost in
the deluge of lies, false truths called science and religions that do not proclaim My name. I AM THE TRUTH! Of
which I was born into this world as a man to testify. I testify again through My servants, yet you will not hear them.
Even all of you, who dwell in the churches, woe, I say to you. Do I live among you? Do you even know My name?
You all sleep... A slumber in a bed filled with man’s conceit and doctrine, built on the foundation of unbridled

[God The Father] Thus says The Lord your God: You shall surely come to naught. Churches of men - REPENT! Tear
down all you have built up by yourselves, of yourselves, and for yourselves. Tear down your four walls and begin
again in Me, says The Lord. Obey My Word as it is written... Cast away all you have written. Oh sons of men, shall
you proclaim God’s will? Do you have His understanding? Have you spoken to My prophets? Have you saved your
people from death? Were you crucified for Me?... I died for you. I am in The Son, and He is in Me.

Thus says The Lord: Offer yourselves upon the altar; crucify your lives. Then, only, shall you begin to know Me.
Follow The Christ! Says The Lord. He is your Teacher and your Safety in the time of troubles, which has come upon
you. Assuredly, I say to you, little children, you do not know Him... You have no love for your God in your hearts.

[Jesus The Christ] If you loved Me, then you would follow Me and obey My commands. Make your lives a living
sacrifice... Yea, a living monument to The Lord. Do it now! Do not wait... Judgment is nearly upon you. The Great
and Terrible Day of The Lord has come, and I shall carry out His commands in all the earth. So then, beloved, where
do you stand? You must awake and ask yourselves, ‘Who do I live for? And by whose blood am I established in
life?’... I AM THE SOURCE OF LIFE! Live in Me! Do not just abide, but live! Eat, breath, move in Me. In everything
you do, praise The Lord your God. Honor Me, and you honor Him who had sent Me.

Thus says The Lord Christ, your Redeemer: You are all lukewarm water, even now growing cold. You have become
lovers of self rather than lovers of God. Therefore, I shall spit you from My mouth... I do not know you. My people,
hold your lamps up so I may behold your faces. Shine your lamps on your houses, so I may behold your works,
all your works you have done. Lo, I have heard your voices shouting My name, saying, ‘We believe in you, Lord.
We proclaim your name.’ Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you. Your lamps have went out, and you have no
oil and nothing at all with which to relight them. Neither are you willing to go out and buy that which you lack.
So you sit there in the dark, folding your hands, waiting in vain. Come out! Embrace the Light! Leave your earthly
home... Abide in the Spirit in the house of God! How long shall I wait for you, beloved? How long will you put Me
last in your lives? How long will you desecrate My Sabbaths?

Thus says The Lord: I dwell not in the churches of men made by human hands! I dwell in the hearts of men,
who truly love Me and continually seek to know and obey Me. I dwell in the temple of God made by His hands,
fashioned in fragile flesh, housing the spirit of life.

Letters from God and His Christ 24 Volume Six

5/23/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Awake, All You Churches of Men cont.

[Jesus The Christ] Listen to what the Spirit says to the churches: Come back to Me... Return to your First Love.
Embrace the Word, which I am. Be born once again... Born out of this world into the Truth, which is absolute
as spoken from the mouth of God. Be born again in spirit and faith... And rest in, and know, I am The Lord.
Obey all I have taught you, and I will return the lampstand to its proper place, and no longer will you sit there
in the dark, fading into slumber.

The Lord has come, the trumpet is sounding.

Churches, awake!... And prepare the way of My coming...

I am coming very quickly.

Oh peoples of the earth, oh mountains, oh valleys, oh hills, oh plains,

Even all creatures and foundations of the world...

Tremble in fear of The Lord!

The whole world shall shake and crumble at the coming of The Lord.
His countenance is an all-encompassing fire, burning all in the heat of His wrath.

Listen to the Trumpet, heed its warning... Escape to The Father’s house!

Volume Six 25 Letters from God and His Christ

6/12/06 From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jessica and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Understand Love, Know Forgiveness... Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit, and Make It Part of You

Faith Jessica, beloved daughter of Timothy, daughter of God, do you not know the ways of The Lord and the love
for His children? Do you not understand the ways of the sanctified?
Faith Jessica, love your God with all your heart, with all your mind and all your soul. And how you shall love Him
is to love and believe in His Son, and follow His ways, and obey His commands.
My first command to you is to love everyone, especially those who have hurt you. The greatest love of all is to die
for those who hate you, for I did not come just to die for My friends and those who love Me, I came to give up My
life for those who hate Me, and for those who do not know Me, and for those who know of Me but wish to have
nothing to do with Me, who hate My name and the sound of My voice, so in time they may come to know Me
and hear Me. And when this day comes, there will be great rejoicing, for I had already saved them and forgiven
them by My blood, though they did not ask. It was The Father who asked of Me that it be done for their sakes... The
will of The Father, their true Father, who made them and loves them, of which they had life in the beginning, then
died because of sin... Now revived to life because of Me. Through Me are all things established in life and given
breath... My breath I have placed within them. It is God’s will that none are lost, but that all are saved and come
to repentance. I have called to them, and The Father shall draw them by His Spirit, which He has poured out. And
all, who drink from His cup He has poured, shall come to Me... I am that Cup! I am the Cup of Your Salvation! I am
the Cup that shall be placed in the hands of your mother. Lo, I am already there... She has yet to drink.
Jessica, My faithful, who has come to live in Me, listen to what your father says, for he speaks to Me and I to
him. He is coming to know what I know, for I do teach him continually. So then, My beloved little one, hear and
understand, and receive My words which are also My love, the very same as the love of a father for his child, which
you are of Timothy and Brenda, and also Amy by her union with Timothy. First you were Mine and remain My child,
for I gave you to them, just as God has given them to Me and you also. You remain in My love, and I shall never
leave you, nor those you love. I came to seek and to save the lost... I am here! And all, who will come to Me, shall
hear My voice, and My Father shall make it possible for them to do so. He shall, indeed, remove all stumbling
blocks from the path of the wicked, who shall become the redeemed and righteous, for these shall come out of
great tribulation and be established in life also. For even those, who arrive last, shall receive the same reward as
those who went before. In that Day, many who would be first shall be last, and those who were last shall be first.

So then, My beloved little one, I do not ask you to die for those who hurt you...
This I have done already.

I ask you to love those who have hurt you, and to love them is to forgive them...
As I have forgiven them and you.

Faith, you shall indeed come to live with your father, and He shall teach you many things. And you shall share in
My joy and love as I have poured it out on you. And you shall also receive of My love from your father, who shall
teach you of My love, by giving you his love which is according to My love.
Beloved child, receive My love, and show your love by obeying My commands and following My ways. Keep your
virgin, for it is a most precious gift, a gift reserved for sharing only with your husband. Once lost, it may not return
to you. Keep your gift, for once it is revealed to your husband, you shall increase in joy and know the blessings of
love in marriage, sanctified and blessed of God as it was given and meant to be, a sanctuary in union between a
man and woman, apart from the world, love fulfilled in the spirit and body... They two now become one, of one
body and of one spirit, in the love of marriage under God, living together as one in life lived in Christ, who is the
Centerpiece of all happiness and life, life without end. Amen.

My little one, heed and partake of My words... Yea, devour them daily.
They are your nourishment in your time of need.

I am the Bread of Life!

Those, who eat of Me, shall never go hungry.

Letters from God and His Christ 26 Volume Six

6/12/06 From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jessica and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Understand Love, Know Forgiveness... Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit, and Make It Part of You (cont)

So then, heed My words, and obey your parents and honor them... this is the first command of promise for all
children. To honor them is to honor Me, and to honor Me is to honor Him who sent Me.
Do you not know, little one, all things, hidden and kept in the dark, have already become a lie; and all things, that
you feel must be hidden, are not of the Truth? Even so, all that is hidden shall be brought into the light. So if you
act in such a manner that is in secret, and keep hidden that which you are ashamed of, you have already judged
within yourself that your actions are sin. To keep secrets from your parents is sin, for you have lied to them without
ever opening your mouth, and this is to dishonor your mother and your father.
If that which you do is done in a corner, where none behold it, it is wrong, for all who sin wish to hide what they
have done, so they will not be found out. But all those, who have done that which is well and good, bring forth
what they have done into the light for all to see, so they may please their Father, and He will surely be pleased with
them. All temptation leads to sin, and sin to pain; and that, kept in secret, only leads to vexation of spirit. But all
things, done in sin, are not hidden from Me... One can not lie to the Spirit. Even that, which vexes your spirit, fear
not. Bring it forth and give it to Me. Let Me carry all your burdens, even all that hinders you. Jessica, My Faith, I
forgive you. You only need speak to Me, and accept My forgiveness, and forgive yourself also... And be joyful. Turn
to Me for all things, and I shall keep your feet from stumbling.
Faith called Jessica, here is wisdom. Following one’s desire for love is not sin, but giving into temptation, which
is against the commandments of God, is sin, and will only lead to pain. Physical love is reserved unto marriage
as a special gift, whose outcome leads to great and lasting depths of love in marriage, bringing forth more gifts
from God in the form of your children, who are the fulfillment of that love, being equally you and your husband
in them. Oh, what joy to those, who have the blessing of children. Even those who have not conceived, or were
not able, who have complete faith in Me, shall receive many children in My Kingdom to come. To all children is
the Kingdom assured.

Blessed are they, who bless the name of The Lord...

And happy are those, who have His name perpetually on their lips...

Life without end to all those, who call on the name of The Lord,
Forever striving to walk in His ways and keep His commandments,
Fully partaking of the fruit of the Spirit.

My Kingdom is coming...
All My sparrows shall fly to Me.


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
Goodness, faith, gentleness, humility, meekness and self-control. Against such things there is no Law.
Those, who belong to Christ Jesus, have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. ~ Galatians 5:22-26

Volume Six 27 Letters from God and His Christ

6/12/06 From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Bear Fruit According to the Spirit of Truth

Trina, beloved little one, grow in faith... Be an example. I have plucked you up and replanted you in the good
ground, but you still grow among many thorns, which are choking the Word in you. Free yourself! The child of
the flock shall follow the Shepherd, yet the wolf does continually entice you, and you have given into his devices.
Know you not your place and the path which your feet do tread? I know your love for Me, and you remain in My
love, yet you keep the company of the wicked, though you have not set foot in their houses. Study the fruit of the
Spirit: Faith, goodness, love, joy, kindness, humility, peace, self-control, patience, meekness and gentleness. Make
them a part of you, and I will keep your feet from being taken.
Spite, malice, maliciousness, jealousy, envy, anger, pride, wrath, retribution, lying, strife, evil surmisings and neglect
of those in need, are the corrupt fruit of the devil. By forsaking the sick, you, yourself, have become infected. And
by speaking to the wicked, you have acted as the wicked. Woe, I say to you, little one, where is your heart? It does
continually go from here to there, keeping you trapped in the chains of sadness and regret.
Trina, shall you decide the fate of My people? Shall you contend for the faith, and, at the same time, separate
those in marriage? Keep your eyes on The Lord and your own home. And go out and help the afflicted when they
call. Your friend has wronged you, this is true, yet what she spoke of you was true. She has acted according to
the darkness that does still have a hold over her, yet you have repaid her according to that same darkness that
has lost its hold on you, by choice. Yes, she is full of lies and hate, and does not yet know Me. Timothy shall free
her at the time appointed. Until then, you must remain a woman of God, filled with compassion for the afflicted.
Look past the surface, and forget yourself, and serve The Lord... I am with you. You have seen Me, you have felt
My presence. You read My words, your life bears the fruit of My will for you, because you have accepted Me.
My commandment to you is to love those who have wronged you, and forgive them, starting with your own self...
And be patient with those whom you have wronged. Take no action against another in malice, take no action at all
without first turning to Me. Then go and heed your husband’s counsel... He speaks for Me. Soon I shall establish
him, as I have Timothy, and you shall be amazed.
Trina, beloved, a great reward awaits you in Heaven... Overcome. I have surrounded you with many who love you
as you are, as I love you... They are your help. Accept My words and give heed to My correction. I correct and
discipline those I love.
Timothy has spoken the truth. Do not turn away out of fear. Bring your troubles into the light, and all that hinders
you shall melt away in My glory. All those, who know Me, must walk in My ways. Tread carefully, for in this age,
which has come to an end, you must shine bright and do no evil at all, lest you cause another to stumble by your
doings. What you do, or do not, reflects back on the teacher and his teachings, which come from Me. And woe to
those, who come against My prophets in these last days.

So Trina, remain in My love as I remain in your love.

The love of The Father, for His daughters, is great beyond imagining.

And He shall surely chasten them,

So they shall continue to grow in that love,
Until the day comes when He shall gather them
And comfort them in The Father’s house, for one week.


Letters from God and His Christ 28 Volume Six

6/15/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Kingdom of God and His Christ Is Coming... Awake!

[God] My children of the earth, bless the name of The Lord... Bless His name for the sake of mercy. My people, hear the Word
of The Lord.
Thus says The Lord your God, the God of Israel, the God of creation: Run to the Light, embrace the Shepherd, for He does call
His sheep, and goes about the earth to gather them. One Shepherd... One Lord... One flock gathered and prepared for their
journey, their short journey to the bosom of The Father, for I, even I, am their Father. And He, who calls to them, He is also their
Father, having given them life.
Thus says The Lord, who is full of mercy: The time has come, the time of redemption is here... I must gather My flock. They
must become one fold, and be hidden in the shadow of The Lord, where there is no shadow... Only salvation and the light of
understanding, which comes from His Grace, who died to save them, and comes to foster them under His wings, high and lifted
up to the house of The Lord where The Father dwells... So they might become the Bride of the Bridegroom, together in the house
of their Father and their God, for one week.

[Jesus] Thus says the Shepherd, who shall smite the flock of slaughter and scatter the spotted sheep, the ill and unfavored of the
flock: I am come, though you do not behold My face, nor hear My words... I am here nonetheless. I shall gather all those who
cup their ears, and all those with kinked necks, whose eyes do gaze up continually in the anticipation of My coming, for these
do know My name, and I see of Myself in them. Blessed, oh how blessed are they who believe and embrace Me, though they
have not seen, for they shall surely see and embrace Me, though their feet no longer touch the ground. So then, My beloved and
lost, who hate My coming and the sound of My name, who trample on My commandments, oh you wicked of heart, how shall
I save you? How hard it is for you to obey My commands. You know not love, though it has been given you. I have commanded
you to love one another and forgive those who have hurt you, as I have done for you. You choose hate... You choose hate, and do
continually beat upon your breasts and afflict the poor. Once beloved, you are forsaken and poor. You have broken the covenant
and spit upon the face of The Holy One of Israel. Oh what great sorrow, what bitter anguish... My children do rise up against Me
and blaspheme the name of their Maker, Creator of heaven and earth.
Thus says The Holy One, the Lion of Judah: Your day is done... All your work shall be undone and found no more in remembrance.
I had reached out My hand to you, and yet you still drive in them the nails of abomination and hate. Therefore, you have chosen.
You have made your covenant with death, and with hell (the grave) are you in agreement, cut off from the land of the living...
The walking dead on the path to destruction.
Thus says The Lord, the Redeemer: I know you... I see deep into the hearts of men. I see among you a wild flock and a new flock,
a lost flock, who, by great travail, shall escape the storm, though they be in the midst of it.
So listen and hear, and take heed... I have chosen. I have prepared My army, the watchmen. These shall be left behind, and to
them shall the lost harken. They shall guide you to the Kingdom. All cities shall fall, a great evil shall consume the land, but these
I have left shall not fail. Though many fall and die on every side, these shall not fail. They shall march, they shall not stumble,
for I uphold them. And by the power of My arm shall they carry you, even through the eye of the storm shall they go... Behold
My witnesses, 144,000, who shout My name and trumpet salvation in the face of adversity. The winds shall blow, the earth shall
quake, the cities shall burn, the towers shall fall. Lo, through the smoke of wickedness and the breath of the beast, they shall
march free, undaunted, across the whole breath of the whole earth, to the place I will show them... Yea! They shall mount up on
the wings of eagles, with the power of God before them, and they shall hide the child who had no name, whose name shall be
given, the remnant. Even for a time, times and the dividing of time, they shall abide in the wilderness; and The Lord, Himself,
shall take them through the fire. They shall be refined and tried unto a pure white gemstone. And The Lord, Himself, shall feed
them and give them drink in the sanctuary of His mercy, until the end. Then shall they run. They shall run swiftly in the presence
of The Holy One, the Prince. They shall not tire; neither shall their shoes, nor any of their apparel, wear out.
Woe, woe, woe to those, who will not turn, says The Lord of Hosts. They shall stumble, they shall fall, and they shall not be found.
Neither shall any of the works of men be found... Neither shall anything, before, be ever again.

The Lord has come... He is calling.

The Lord shall return... He shall gather.
The Lord shall destroy... He shall shine from the east unto the west...
All darkness and wickedness into the fire.

His Kingdom shall be established on the flames of judgment, on the shoulders of retribution,
And stand forever by the strength of His hand and the righteousness of His vesture.
It shall endure forever because of His mercies...

Because of His love for His children,

Who have become His bride in the family of God, forever and ever. Amen.

Volume Six 29 Letters from God and His Christ

6/16/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Blessed Be the Name of The Lord

[God The Father] Blessed be the name of The Lord. Blessed are those, who receive of His blessings. Even more
blessed are they, who are blessed in the Blessing I had sent to them, baptized in the Spirit of Truth and the blood
of sprinkling, of which I have blessed the nations. Oh men, oh daughters, oh little children, how shall you bless
the name of The Lord?

[Timothy] I am only a man. How can I bless The Lord? How can I bless Him, who blesses and is the blessing which
I seek, and Christ Jesus, by whom we shall receive Your blessings... How can we bless the name above all names?
I am lowly; my thoughts, human thoughts. Your thoughts are high above the heavens, beyond my understanding,
Lord... How shall I bless Your name and prove my love for You?

[Jesus The Christ] Oh Timothy, you are greatly beloved, a true son of God by your belief and devotion to Me. What
you seek is good and according to My Spirit in you. You seek to please Me, and so you have blessed the name of
The Lord. Obey, and you bless His name. By example and all man’s works, worked in righteousness, is His name
blessed. You are blessed, and in all you do have you blessed Him. And so The Father shall bless His children
continually. Even the wicked does He bless. Does The Father not cause the warmth of the sun to rise upon the
righteous and the wicked alike? Does He not also provide all the needs of the righteous and the wicked alike? Yea,
the earth does bring forth a bounty, yet because of the hardness of men’s hearts are many left in severe lack and
starvation. Yet does He still cause the rains to come in their season and the fish to fill the seas, for The Father does
share of His creation freely... Even of life does He offer the wicked and righteous alike. Yet men horde the wealth
given them and reject His gifts... Even the gift of life and redemption, which is in Me.
So then, all beloved of My heart, who do love My name and take much pleasure in My words, who follow Me
wherever I lead them, bless the name of The Lord by your doings! Bless His name in the morning. Bless His name
at noontime. Bless His name before you lie down to sleep. In prayer and in secret, bless His name. In speaking and
in public, bless His name. By all you do, bless His name.
Little children, from the greatest of things to the smallest of your doings, shall you bless your Father in Heaven.
Trumpeting His name to every corner of the earth is a great blessing indeed. Glorify His name in all the earth!
Yet, give to the least of these a cool drink of water, in My name, and you have blessed God’s name in equal glory,
though it be in quietness. Keeping the commandments and blessing the Sabbath Day is a very righteous blessing for
Him, who has blessed you with His Law... In this are all blessed, even The Father and The Son, and your neighbor
and yourself, even unto the stranger. Do all things as I have taught you, and follow Me, and you bless My name,
which is the name The Father has given Me... His name. Kiss The Son, and you embrace The Father also.
Understand love... What you give, you shall receive. Give a blessing, and The Father shall impart unto you many
blessings... Yea, a multitude of joy. Lo, a great treasure awaits all those, who bless the name of The Lord God
Almighty, Maker of all things. And the blessing, in which He is most pleased, is in blessing the name of Him who
He sent to you...


Accept what The Father has bestowed upon you...

Love and mercy...
Life, without end, has He given you in Me.

Oh what riches, oh what wealth...

Treasures beyond imagining, in the Kingdom of God’s joy, await you.

Blessed is he who fears The Lord, and finds delight in His commands.

Blessed be His name, forever and ever!


Letters from God and His Christ 30 Volume Six

Early AM 7/4/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

By God’s Word and judgement shall His glory be established, even in the hearts of men, through testimony.

Kathy, I have something to say unto you. As you have obeyed, so you shall be rewarded. And as you have spoken
and testified, so then shall you receive back that which you have put forth... The Lord shall reward you. But those,
to whom you shall testify, shall return, in like manner, testimony against you and your sons and daughters, who do
love and serve Me.
So then, Kathy, I ask of you this, and do follow what I say to you, exactly: I have kept Timothy from your testimony,
for the Spirit does fill him with My anger. Neither shall he influence your works... You must grow in your faith, and
accomplish My purpose for you in standing up for My name and My prophet, through whom I shall accomplish
many things according to My will. Timothy I have watered, and he does grow... Rapidly. Even this year shall he
become a great prophet indeed, and shortly thereafter shall receive of My power with My Spirit established fully
in him, a fully ripe fruit. Then shall he depart from you and go wherever I shall send him. So then, those who have
received of his teaching, that which I have given him, must grow very strong, for they will have neither the prophet,
nor the warrior, among them. You will fight your own battles and hear My voice also. Timothy I shall send into the
heat of the battle, the very front lines of the adversary, and Craig shall go with him. Grow strong... Yea, grow strong!
Build up your husband... He shall lead you.
Now listen and give heed to My words, dear one. As I have spoken it, it shall surely be done. I shall punish those
who have spoken against My prophet, for they have desecrated My Word given him... My words. You have written
well, but this you must also write: Add to your testimony Ezekiel, Chapter 33, and speak unto your children and
kindred. Make them understand. Behold, Israel has become the world... And Timothy, Ezekiel. And those, to whom
he has spoken My words, are your children of disobedience, your kindred, and this wicked generation... They do
cover their ears.
So Kathy, speak, question, then write and so do. For even all that is written in this chapter of Ezekiel was, and is,
and is most certainly to come.
For the very sake of your earnest prayer have I held My hand, yet I will punish them for the words of their mouth
and for their doings, if they will not kneel before The Holy One of Israel, and call unto Him in full repentance for
this, and even all they have done against Me. If they heed My words and all you send them, assuredly, I say to you,
I shall deliver them. If they will not obey, and not be converted with their whole hearts, I shall repent of that which
I have written before, and by great tribulation shall they come into mercy. Do not think, dear one, all is well. All
have gone astray since the very foundation of man on My earth.

Take hope...
All shall be reconciled and restored for the glory of God and His Son.

Though many shall be scourged with the Word of My mouth,

And many burned by the hot rod of My anger in judgment...
Lo! Beyond the counting of men, like the stars in heaven, shall My children run to Me.

Though they stumble, though they shall die, they shall not sleep...
They shall arise to glory and abide in the glory of The Lord in His Kingdom...
Even forever and ever.


Volume Six 31 Letters from God and His Christ

7/5/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For Kayla, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
In Purification of Faith Shall All My Disciples Find Strength and Freedom From Fear

[God The Father] Kayla, My beloved, hear the Word of The Lord, your Redeemer.
Thus says The Lord to those who do seek Him and love Him, yet are lead into temptation by the evil one: You
are deceived and misled by the evil one. He has misled you by that part inside you which has also gone astray, for
what you seek after, and do not understand, is before your face. Neither have you understood My words or given
heed to what I have written. All you wish to know of Me, and these things you say haunt you, I have answered in
the Scriptures of Truth, your Bible. Yet I have sent unto you My Word also through men of this age. From these you
hear and testified, but neither have you heard, nor believed their testimony, though it be not their words but Mine.
Rather, you have taken to yourself only that which agrees with your preconceived notions of what the Word should
be. So take heed to yourself, and hear now the Word of The Lord, and have understanding. For The Lord does know
His children, for He sees deep into their hearts and knows them even better than they know themselves. And by
this does The Lord love His sheep, and they know His voice... And so He will lift them up out of their affliction and
troubles in spite of their errors and stumblings. They only need call out aloud His name in the face of adversity, and
believe. Believe, Kayla... Do not just say you know and believe... Shout it to the heavens with your whole heart.
Call on My name, by the name I have given My Son, Christ Jesus The Lord! And the dark shall flee from you. For
where the Light shines, and where the Spirit is established, even these deceivers shall flee at My presence in you.
So do as I ask, Kayla... Be bold for your Lord, and believe in the power of His name!... The name above all names,
and the only name under Heaven by which you are saved and will save you out of all your troubles... But you must
believe. So obey My voice, and so do, and you shall have peace. For if you obey not, neither shall I send Timothy
to help you. But if you obey and not believe, assuredly I say to you, I shall send him to you. If then, you obey and
believe, I need not send him.

[Jesus The Christ] For if you believe and obey the voice of The Lord, you have become as Timothy. In your weakness
is My strength made perfect in you. Even now, as you read My words, you may have peace, for I am with you. And
where I am, darkness can not be. All those, who abide in Me, am I also in them. Once the temple of The Lord,
always the temple of The Lord. Though you stumble, though you doubt, there I am upholding you and keeping you
from being taken, for I love My sheep and know them, and they know Me. Behold, I am coming quickly to take
them from the field to house them in My barn.
Have understanding of this you face, and give not any power to the evil one... He is the father of lies. If then, there
is no truth in him, then listen to him not, lest he corrupt you by his ways. Turn to Me only, and nourish yourself in
My Word... The Word of Truth and Life.
What you have seen and experienced is only a mirage, a deception created first in your own mind by your false
belief in that which you do not understand, nor does it exist. None of the dead have any part among the living,
neither can they be lost... I know exactly where they are. And I, even I, shall awaken them at the Last Day, and then
they shall live again. In that Day, the perishable shall put on that which is imperishable; and the earthly, spiritual.
This Day comes quickly but has not yet arrived. Do not be deceived by those of clever minds, who put good for
evil and evil for good. The devices of modern man deceive you by him, who is, at present, the prince of the air.
What you saw is this: The toilet flushed of its own accord, according to the pressure created in its inner workings,
which was released. And from that moment on, indeed you were attacked by the evil one, pouncing upon that
which your mother created in her own mind, because of that fear which came from the false belief in human
spirits. Yet the devil, preying upon her fear, did make her fear and belief manifest, sending her strong delusions for
his purposes, enticing her to pursue this fear in leading her into temptation, which she has spread to others... All in
all, a leading away to keep those, who do love Me, in derision, chaining them with fear and by fear, holding them
down by that which they have already believed, though it is a lie.
So then, all you and your mother experienced was indeed real and also imagined... All in all, a deception.

First, purify your faith, little ones.

Then call on My name, and I shall be with you.

Speak My words, saying, “Get thee hence, satan”,
Speaking in the name of My name,
And these things shall flee from you, and you shall have peace.

Letters from God and His Christ 32 Volume Six

7/11/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Resist the Devil, Embrace The Lord’s Commands... I Am Your Strength

If faith as a mustard seed can move mountains, what does it profit if you have not faith at all in yourself? Behold
the devil’s purpose: To keep you entrapped, ensnared by your own doubt and temptation, which leads to feelings
of unworthiness, casting your own self from My Kingdom and My purpose. If you are forgiven, then how are you
unworthy? If I cleanse you, how then are you yet unclean?... My child, My son, all is a lie and a deception. Nothing
can separate you from the love of God... Neither height, nor depth, nor Heaven, nor hell (the grave), nor man, nor
any angel. There is but one way and only one who can separate you: You, of your own free will, knowing the Truth
and My salvation, then in turn rejecting it, even to the denial of My name. So then, if no persons, nor powers, nor
principalities can separate us, for I am the fulfillment of God’s love, then where do you stand, young one? You stand
fully in My love, already established in life and the Kingdom... Even since the beginning had I placed you there. So
stop sinning and sabotaging the promises I have made. They can not be unmade, unless The Father repents of that
which He has promised, because of your unwillingness to follow His Word and command. I know your heart... It
remains willing, yearning to serve Me. Yet out of fear, you stumble and resist My promises because of your doubt,
which is not altogether your own, but seeds of the evil one. Him you must resist, his words lead to doubt... Cast
them from you. You know when he speaks to you, you know when he is there. Rebuke him, Timothy, in My name!
And he shall flee from you. Know this: He will wait and return when you are weak. This is how My strength will
grow in you, from your weakness, and in time will be made perfect. Grow strong... Yea, grow strong, son of men!
Put on your armor and fight, and grow strong and wise. Though you were created a little lower than the angels,
you need not abide lower, for I shall uplift you, even high above those detestable birds which dwell in the earth.
Timothy, believe when I say: I shall establish you... It will surely be done, it shall surely come to pass. God’s will,
purposed, can not be turned aside. Even The Christ, The Son of Man, can not change the will of The Father. Rather,
I am sent to fulfill it, even all in all, forever and ever.

I am your Servant and King,

Forever and ever...

Life without end.

Volume Six 33 Letters from God and His Christ

6/28/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Abide in the Doctrine of Christ

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, how can I convert the sinner from his ways and bring him the Good News and
your warning, if I am to remain separate?

[Answer from God The Father] Timothy, you have asked, and I shall answer you for the sake of these gathered, and
especially for those with children of hardened hearts.

Thus says The Lord your God, your Redeemer: I have spoken it, and these have not harkened. I have written it
with parchment and ink through the prophets... Yea, I have also etched My words in stone by My own finger. Who
has heard My message? Who has obeyed My words? Those, who are fully converted in their inward parts, have
accepted My message, and have come into the joy of The Lord, and do take pleasure in following Me, knowing I
AM WHO I AM. So then, what of these smoking fire-brands, who surround you and do rebel against their God by
both word and deed?... Hypocrites! Shall My children profess to know Me, and proclaim the name of My Only
Begotten, even Christ Jesus, and then go and sin before My face in that very same hour, removing their hearts far
from Me by all their doings? They do continually transgress! Neither do they abide in the doctrine of Christ. In
Him shall you live, and by Him are you saved! So then, it is your reasonable service to obey His words and obey
His commands. For all that He is, and has spoken, and all that is spoken of Him, in truth, is the Way, the Truth and
the Life. He is the very image of The Father, given to men, so they may know Me and return to Me. To abide in the
doctrine of Christ is not mere proclamation and belief. To abide is to live in His Word... Yea, a shining example of
righteousness, a striving to be Christ-like in all your ways, so that the passerby, and even those close to you, may
come to know the true joy of The Lord, by His disciples who glorify His name by all they do. Do you not remember
what your Lord has told you, “One does not live on bread and water alone, but by every word spoken by the mouth
of The Lord your God”? So then, little ones, do not just give voice and teach, but abide in the doctrine of Christ...
My doctrine. By example shall you lead them.
Did you think you could change the hearts of the afflicted by human power?... This is of no use at all. I shall soften
the hearts of the seekers, crack the hearts of the afflicted and harden the hearts of the wicked.
What of you, Timothy? Have you, yourself, saved even one of these thousands who have turned to Me, by your
own doings? Did you cause yourself to write these words? Did you give the newly redeemed understanding? Did
you pour out your own spirit upon them? Timothy, have peace... I know you know the truth of My words, and the
answers of your heart have spoken truth and righteousness. Yet I have, and will continue to make you an example
to the people.
My beloved, all of Timothy’s apparent success in the conversion of these many thousands is answered in one word
...obedience. He has obeyed the voice of The Lord. I gave him the seeds, he planted, and I gave the increase.
So then, beloved, how then shall you change even one thought or action of those, whom you love, by your
presence? Rather, that which is clean must stay clean. For that which is unclean is of a high concentration and does
continually flow into that which is of a lower concentration, contaminating it. Only The Lord your God, Maker of
all things, can turn back the tide and cleanse that which is contaminated. Why kick your foot against the bricks?...
You will only limp away wounded by the effort. You shall go where I send you.

Thus says The Lord...

I have come to make not peace, but war, a great division, families in derision...
Parents against the children, and the children against the parents...
Even sibling against sibling, friend against friend...

Your enemies will be they of your own house and kindred.

The wheat and the tares must be separated for the harvest,
And the wheat taken into My barn.

Letters from God and His Christ 34 Volume Six

6/28/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Abide in the Doctrine of Christ cont.

The Lord has spoken... His words stand.

Neither is there any change, whatsoever, in My vesture.

As I have always been, so I am, and tomorrow the same...

For I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me,

Save Him I sent to you who is as I am, the very Mercy of My heart.

Keep not the company of the wicked. How shall you teach the blind? What words will the deaf hear? Can you
heal the tongues of the dumb?... I shall teach them My words, so they may sing with a new voice. And if they will
forbear, and not give heed to My teaching, nor listen to My words or speak rightly, shall I not punish them?
What of this wicked generation, who speaks against My prophets and hisses at them in secret? Behold, I have put
My words in the mouths of My witnesses. Woe to any man or woman, who seeks them ill will. I have put MY words
in their mouths. Shall you, then, blaspheme your God in your forsaking of them? Have understanding and look past
your selfish desires... It is I who speaks to you! You would not hear, so I have sent to you the prophets, to give you
understanding and guidance, so I may bless you... Yet you stab at Me, by assaulting them, stoning them and killing
them. Shall I not give you recompense, in full, for your evil surmisings and wicked deeds, brought forth from your
corrupted hearts? Are you, this modern generation, so skilled in knowledge that you have put yourself above your
forefathers and ancestors?
Shall I reward you for your achievements that lead you quickly into destruction?... No! Says The Lord your God. As
I have punished all who have disobeyed the Word of The Lord, given them from the beginning, even so shall I do
to this wicked generation to the end... Yea, even twenty-one times more shall you receive at My hand. For in this
modern age, the Truth has been preached to you even many, many times and is readily available for your salvation.
Even the Gospel, at present, is being preached in all the world and will soon be known to all... Then The Holy One
shall come. Yet you have denied the very name of the One, who has given you life and saved you from death. Oh
disobedient children, shall I not punish you?

Sons of men, your kingdom is finished...

Your knowledge is come to nothing.

The Mashiach comes as the thief... You know His name.

He shall leave you in darkness, having gathered up the light.

Behold... Your King comes to destroy, and regain His inheritance.

Then shall all those, who love His coming, abide truly in His doctrine,
For He shall be in them and amongst them...
And I shall be their God, and they shall be My people. Amen.

Volume Six 35 Letters from God and His Christ

7/2/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Enmity and the Word... A Great Forbearance

[God The Father] Timothy, write as I command you, and have understanding of My words and that same Word
which I have also placed within you.
The time has come, and is yet come, for you to speak. I will put My words in your mouth and cause you to speak
them. You shall not fear. You shall not stumble. You shall not stifle My voice in you. You shall cry aloud with a new
voice... Yea, you shall shout My proclamation. In a loud voice, you shall speak My commandments... You shall sing
the praises of The Lord in this land. Yea, even in many lands I shall show you, you shall minister. You shall surely go
at My command. I shall stoke the embers within you, you shall burn from within... A blazing fire shall rage within
you. You shall spew fire in the face of the multitude, and they shall be singed, they shall be burned. Even they who
withstand you, who do rebel against their God and sow dissension, even these shall be burned up, fleeing at the
terror of The Lord. They, too, shall know that which you speak is not your own, but the fury of The Lord spoken
through mere men, the prophets of the end of this age... a call to repentance, My pronouncement of judgment,
carrying the full weight of My Spirit which I shall establish in you.

Beware, and give heed.

The Word of The Lord is poured out upon The Lord’s special offering.
These have received My reward... They shall not die.
They shall mount up and ride into battle.
They shall slay all enmity between Me and My people, a great division...
They shall divide My harvest.
They shall blow the trumpet, they shall not tire... they shall surely sing.

My vessels are sealed... They are filled and set in their places.

Pour, pour them out I will on all peoples,

Whether they will hear or whether they will forbear...
All shall be accountable to that which was spoken in their hearing.
All shall hear... language is no obstacle for The Lord.

For all the gifts of the Spirit shall My chosen obtain... Even more shall they receive.

Of such a one as these are you, oh beloved Timothy. Why do you doubt what is before you? Embrace My promises,
and believe, and you shall be given all that your heart desires, for what you have asked of Me is of a righteous heart
and in line with My will. Though you stumble, though you have fallen, remember, I have seen your heart. I know
that which even you do not know of your own self. Believe, and it shall be done, for the prayers of a righteous man
avail much. And that same man of pure faith, nothing doubting, can do anything The Lord asks of Him, for The Lord
does dwell in that man, and that man dwells in The Lord.

[Jesus The Christ] What then, Timothy, is it you wait for? Come here and sit beside Me, and I shall give you
understanding of all that you seek. Receive of Me, and let us arise and go forth into battle. Victory is assured, for
the enemy is and was defeated, since the foundation of the world... Fear not, The Lord is with you.
Timothy, you yet ask of that which I have already told you. If you go and be among your kindred of your wife, there
shall be no peace, but war. And if you go not, there shall be no peace, but war. So then, what shall you do in the
face of certain conflict? Shall I have mercy upon these, who have spoken against Me, even a cursing of My words?
Indeed I shall, for they will come to call on My name by tribulation. Shall I not punish these smoking fire-brands,
who make light of My prophet and desecrate My words and this gift I have given them? Shall I give unto you the
very fruit of My body, the sanctity of My words, and then feed it to the dogs?... Lo, you have given it to them, they
have eaten. Behold, they have vomited it up again and made it meat for flies. Shall I not punish them?

Letters from God and His Christ 36 Volume Six

7/2/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Enmity and the Word... A Great Forbearance cont.

What of you, My beloved? Shall you stay silent in the presence of those who have sinned against Me? I know
you, Beloved... You shall rage, and you shall be justified, but not by anger. Timothy shall speak... I will put My
words in his mouth, and he shall gouge them with the Truth. So then, Timothy, and wife, Beloved, go and honor
your parents, for they do believe in Me... In this you do well, neither is this against My will. For if those, who are
the elders of My flock, call upon you, you shall surely go. And if such others come, who are also called, though
they remain in judgment, you shall still honor your mother and your father, for their dwelling place is of God and
sanctified by My presence there.

A warning: None shall depart contented. The hammer shall drop and the gap shall be widened... A severe gash,
a great striving over words. From discontentment and hurt shall come unity. Though there is division, there shall
come unity and later reconciliation.

Remember, little ones, to stay silent, and to keep the peace in false words,
Is to deny The Lord your God and I, the One who The Father has sent to dwell among you...
In your very presence.

Be not downhearted, nor fear, for hardship is coming... A great awakening.

Desolations have been determined.

And these very same ones, who mock you and do desecrate My name, shall run...
They shall flee and seek refuge.

And to whom will they go?...

They shall go to those they had wronged, and repent.

Then you shall say to them,

“Come, you are welcome. Neither are you forsaken.
Repent not for that which you have done unto me, for I have already forgiven you.
Turn to Him, who shall save you... Turn to The Lord your God,
And call out to Him in the name of His Son, Christ Jesus The Lord.”

Rejoice, therefore, for I am coming quickly,

And I shall fight against them with the sword of My mouth.

All enmity, against The Lord your God, shall die in that Day.

I am the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever.

Amen and Amen.

Volume Six 37 Letters from God and His Christ

7/16/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Call of Themselves “Christian”, Who Do Lie, Having Not Obeyed the Voice
of The Lord, Nor Given Heed to His Commandments... Empty Vessels of Dishonor, Lamps With No Oil, Whose Hearts
Remain Far From Me, Says The Lord
The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers as a Testament Against You

Thus says The Lord your God, the God of Israel, the God of your fathers, the God of all: Timothy, I have given unto you
the Word of My mouth... Even My own voice, I have placed within you to save the afflicted in your land, for they do
rebel against their God, and their sins are great beyond measure. Even before My face do they embrace every foul and
contemptuous word and deed... Then coming before Me, even on all days I do hate and have not commanded them,
saying, ‘Oh, praise the name of The Lord. Oh, how we love the name of The Lord.’ Woe, I say to them, even three times,
woe. Shall you churches come and stand before Me, in your temples made with human hands, and say you are delivered,
and go in that self-same hour and desecrate My name by all your words and deeds?... Blasphemy! You do take My name
in vain continually! How dare you kneel before Me in repentance, as a show, with your fingers crossed behind you! You
have not forgiveness. Neither have I accepted your pleas, though you have taken the name of My Son, Christ The Lord.
How dare you kneel before Me, in the name of your Redeemer, and ask of Me forgiveness for all you’ve done, saying
in your hearts, ‘I am delivered’!... You are not delivered, for you have asked not with love in your heart, nor are you
ashamed of your offenses. Neither is there any remorse in your hearts at all! You have not forgiven every one, who has
trespassed against you, with your whole hearts. Shall I then forgive you? You speak My words in the Bible, saying you
hear them - but you will not do them!... Only to go out continually defiling each one your neighbor’s wife in thought and
action, even embracing all seven sins I hate. Stop breaking My commandments! For they do remain atop your marred
heads. Know you not, that to worship anything other than The Father, through The Son, is false?!... You worship yourself!
Know you not, to love any image or material possession, more than Me, is idol worship?! Know you not, to speak of Me
falsely, or to call on My name in unbelief, and to associate My name or The Son’s with anything I have not decreed, is
to take My name in vain?!... Desecration! Know you not, the seventh day of the week is the day you shall remember,
and keep holy, and do no works therein except that which is good and aids the fatherless, oppressed, the widow and the
hungry. Sunday is not the Sabbath! Saturday you shall keep... The Lord does not change. Neither have I commanded any
other day, neither has the thought entered into My mind! Serve Me... Not mammon! Shall you continue to dishonor your
father and mother by all you say and do?! Ungrateful... Hypocrites! Shall you continue to kill and commit adultery both
in your heart and actions?! In the hating of your brother and sister, you are guilty of murder in your hearts... You have
condemned yourself. And to look at another with lust in your heart is adultery... Even all you do is adultery against your
God! Shall you continue to steal from God, and lie to your neighbor and to yourself, even denying My words?!... Stop
your false witnessing! You know neither Me nor My will! Oh arrogant generation, how shall I humble you so you may
be saved?! Shall you continue, without ceasing, to covet even everything you behold with your eyes?!... Pluck them out
and be blind of the world... Only then will you truly see... Yea, you shall behold Heaven! Shall you continue to crucify,
again and again, The Son of Salvation, by following the evil leadings of your hearts?!... Not so, little ones. You shall fall,
you shall be broken... And the truly converted, in their hearts, shall not be found in that Day. I shall leave you upon the
earth... Your brother shall be taken, and you, oh insolent children, who do call themselves “Christian”, you shall be left
standing there in bitter, bitter sorrows.
Therefore, I have spoken it, and it shall come to pass. I have shaken the dust off the feet of the redeemed and all
messengers I have sent to you, and will leave you desolate, unless by chance you humble yourselves, forsaking your
pride and vanities, and come to Me in Truth. Then I, even I, may yet have mercy upon you and return you to your place,
even the place I had prepared for you. Do not wait, do not tarry... Run quickly and pick up your cross, and follow Him,
who I sent to you in love, mercy and truth. He is the Life you must lead, He is the only Way to follow. Do not just say
you know Him, truly know Him... This is where true love abides. Then you shall know Me.
So then, I have taken from you one of My candlesticks, for you will not give heed to his words, though they are not his
own, nor will you harken. Neither have you danced to the sweet music he has played for you... I have put My words in
his mouth. Behold, I have given him understanding of that which he did not possess, yet you stone him with the words
of your mouth, turning your backs on him, and do hiss at him in secret. Therefore, you are forsaken.

Behold, he is uprooted and sent to a far nation,

Who do hunger and thirst for My Word, and I shall surely fill them up, says The Lord.

By three shall you be saved... The Spirit, the Water and the Blood.

By three shall you be condemned...

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, not forgiving everyone their trespass,

And by your rejection of the Truth of forgiveness in Christ.

Letters from God and His Christ 38 Volume Six

7/21/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Let My Grace Be Sufficient For You

Beloved, you have served Me well, and you shall continue to serve Me on this wise: Give up nothing of which you
have come to know of Me, beloved. Hold fast to your love in Me. This shall be your strength in your time of need,
during which time I shall surely come upon you, and fill you with My grace that is Mine to give unto you, as The
Father commands, and shall be sufficient for you and fill you up.
Hence, in less than one week’s time, as a Lord’s day is spoken of, I shall come as the Thief, and I shall steal away your
flock and not its shepherd. For you shall be left, and they shall surely be gone from this place and not be found.

Behold the glory of The Lord.... Behold and listen...

The voice, the voice of The Holy One, has called unto them.
Even with the Trump of God shall they come forth and rise.
Lo, they shall be lifted up out of afflictions...
No more shall they tarry upon the earth.

They shall fulfill their innermost desire...

Yea, they shall abide in Me, and with Me, even for one week in The Lord....
Yea, years beyond counting shall they live in My Kingdom, My joy.

Be not downhearted, My beloved servant.

Rather, rejoice, for you have led them to the streams of living waters,
I have given them to drink.
And I, even I, have caused them to drink,
Because The Father in Heaven has made it possible for them to do so.

Rejoice and sing praises to The Lord!... Yea, shout praises in His Holy Name!

There is yet another flock that you must also bring. And you, beloved, shall indeed shelter them, for a great storm
is coming. Yea, it is already here and does grow in its fury. Behold the signs... They do come to fulfillment before
your very eyes. Even as I have spoken it, it shall surely be done.
The great and dreadful Day of The Lord appears, and does make itself known in all the signs and wonders that have
been determined from the very beginning. Take heed to yourself, and understand even all purposed by The Lord
can not be undone... It shall surely come, it shall surely happen. Darkness is coming, the curtain is dropping on
the end of this age. And the light, oh My most precious light, My beloved fireflies, must be taken and moved from
their place. Then shall that, which has been determined, come; and he (antichrist), who is to reign, shall reign.
Blessed are they who did watch for My coming, and did not wait. Blessed are their eyes, though they did not see...
Behold, they have understood. Blessed are their feet also, for they have walked along the Highway called Holy,
and did not tarry... They did run after their Lord, and do follow Him wherever He leads them. These have walked,
even by their own feet, from judgment into life, and I have provided the Way.

I am the I AM, the One and Only King, The Holy One of God.
I am the Path that leads My sheep into salvation.

I am its very Maker... The Truth, the Way, the Life.

I am the Highway, and all who walk in Me shall never die... Death has fled from them.
I reside in them, and them in Me... My body, My church, My bride, forever and ever.

Amen and amen.

Volume Six 39 Letters from God and His Christ

6/28/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Afflictions and Sorrow Turned to Rejoicing...

Yea, A Multitude of Joy and Praise in the Presence of The Holy One

I am The Lord your God, your Redeemer. Hear what I speak to you this day.

Timothy, you shall commit yourself to Me each day and even every other week as I command you, until such day
comes that I shall deliver you from your works and your temptations. I shall deliver you into My service, and when
you are fully established as My prophet, I shall also deliver all those who have followed after you and accepted the
words I have given you. I shall bestow upon you a bounty, and you shall deliver them into My hands for service.
And to those, who will not hear and have spoken against My words, they shall be left desolate. They are forsaken
for such a time as I deem necessary to punish them. Give not anything to them of that which I have given to you,
for I will take from them even all they have held onto, that which separates them from Me!

Desolations are coming for the haughty and high-minded,

Such arrogant children of this evil world...

A complete collapse of all their foundations,

Leaving them desolate, huddling in a corner in fear...

Then shall you go to them...

Behold, I shall go with you...

For these are also given into My hands as a prey, spoils of war.

They shall be lifted up and brought forth from their hiding places,
Captured by The Lord, brought into the light of His glory, sheltered in His presence...

With the fire of God’s mercies burning within them unto great testimonies
Which shall deliver them, once again, into My arms.

Behold the twice afflicted...

They have come into glory by great tribulation.

They shall shine and do great exploits...

And be lifted up.

Letters from God and His Christ 40 Volume Six

7/17/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Image, My Mercy, My Love

Thus says The Lord to His servant: Though you transgress, I shall uplift you. Though you obey not, you will obey.
Though you stumble, though you fall, you shall surely be exalted.
Timothy, ears open! I know your heart! You do love Me with a deep, unfathomable love, the love of which I
have not seen in your fellows. For this reason I am with you. Because of this and your openness, neither are you
weighted down with doctrine, is why I have chosen you. You have yet to tap this strength within you. Bring it
forth, and embrace the love you have for Me. In this is the power of God established in you... The Spirit... The
Son. By faith in The Holy One, nothing doubting, you can move mountains! Hear and understand: You are gods,
little children. For if God comes to live in you, and you then ask anything in My name, the name I have given The
Son, it will be manifest, it will be done. You were created in My image, reborn once again in a greater glory of My
image... Yea, the third time you shall be as I am. For all those who live, breath, and move in Me, can do anything.
By faith and total belief, man can walk on the water. Beloved, The Son of Man has shown you... Yea, even Peter has
done it. Why do you not believe My miracles wrought in men? They are men as you, nothing more, save this: They
did believe with steadfast, immovable faith, nothing at all doubting. My image is shown in you... Yea, My breath
resides in you, even Christ. Believe and use what is within you. Break free! The world has covered your eyes with
scales, and the devil does continually chain you. You hold all the keys!... I have given them to you...

Those, freed by The Son, are free indeed.

I will have mercy upon those I will have mercy,

And I will punish those who I will punish...
Until all, who will, will come to Me.


7/27/06 From God The Father -

A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Death to Life

The wicked shall surely fall by the word of their own mouth. By their own works, they shall surely stumble and
tumble into the pit. By their words and deeds, they have condemned themselves to death.
Even so, if these same ones call on the name of The Lord, in truth, by His Son’s name, Jesus Christ, assuredly I say
to you, THEY SHALL BE DELIVERED and not die... But in that same moment have passed from judgment into life,
having called on the name, the only name by which they must be saved, Jesus Christ... Both Lord and Savior of

Volume Six 41 Letters from God and His Christ

7/28/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Father and The Son are One... We Shall Surely Sit Upon the Throne of Our Glory

Who can know the glory of The Lord?

Who can measure His mercies?
Who has known the thoughts of His heart?
Who has seen the majesty of His vesture or known the likeness of His being?....

Behold the power and glory from on high, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father of His beloved, The Son of
Man, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Lo, He comes in the likeness of The Father, His Father and your Father, your
God and His God... The Father and The Son are One... The likeness of which none can approach, the glory of The
Lord God, Creator of all things, Heaven and earth. For the earth is filled with His glory! His majesty assaults you
on every side...

Embrace me now, says The Lord of Hosts.

Thus says The Lord to His children: I have spoken it... It shall be done. I have purposed it... It shall be accomplished.
The Kingdom shall be established in a day!
Thus says The Lord your God, The Lord of all power and glory: I shall tear down all these temples made with
human hands. I shall destroy and deliver. I shall punish and forgive. I shall judge and exalt. I shall destroy these
temples made with human hands. I shall destroy them for My own sake. I shall destroy them, even every one, for
My name’s sake and Namesake. I shall root them out and burn them with fire unquenchable.
Thus says The Lord in a loud voice: It shall be done. I shall destroy them. I shall destroy them all! Says The Lord.
No more shall they stand. No more shall these abominations stand desecrating My holy place, even corrupting
the hearts of the temples I created by My own hands. For I do love My temples, these beloved temples, made by My
own Right Hand in fragile flesh. Oh, how I do love My children. Oh, how I long to gather them. Come, My beloved
little ones, return to your Father who loves you. Return to Me... Embrace the Carpenter. He is your Master, your Savior,
your Life. Embrace My love and mercy, live in My love. Let Me hold you, let Me comfort you... Live in My Son. In Him
is peace, the joy of My heart... Your joy fulfilled in Him, in Me. The Father and The Son are One. Break not My heart...
Break not My commandments anymore.

Hear the voice of The Lord, your Redeemer:

Embrace My Son, He is among you.

He has not left you, though you do not behold His face...

He IS with you...

The face of your Redeemer, the love of which you have never known,
The face of the majesty of the One and Only True God,
The God of all, The Holy One of Israel.

Hear Me! My children... I AM GOD!

I am the God of Israel!
I am coming!... I am already here!
Behold, I am come with the power of My Right Hand,
The power of My Mighty and Strong One!

Letters from God and His Christ 42 Volume Six

7/28/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Father and The Son are One... We Shall Surely Sit Upon the Throne of Our Glory cont.

Thus says The Lord: Behold, you shall kneel. I shall take back the throne of My glory. The Son of the Most High
shall sit upon the throne of His mercy and His judgment. Hear Him! For I shall surely take from the earth all those,
even all those who have ears to hear. For these will see His face and hear the voice of The Holy One, the voice of
their Redeemer and the trumpet call of God. They shall surely be caught up... Yea, to the third Heaven is where they
shall abide... Even those asleep and those awake, who have been awakened from their living slumber.

Thus says The Lord to the dead, the walking dead and the yet living slumberers: Woe, I say to you. You are given
up to judgment, the judgment of this world and punishments of The Lord Most High. The stage is set, and judgment
must now reign. The wrath of God has come! Says The Lord in His anger.
But first, salvation of many... In mercy, through Mercy, because of My Mercy I had sent to them. The Shepherd
comes... He shall gather His flock and judgment shall sit. The Book will be opened, the seals broken. The Lion
shall come....

Woe to the haughty and high-minded....

Woe to the hard-hearted....
Woe to the worshippers of satan and his false prophet....
Woe to the people of violence....
Woe to the northern lands....
Woe to the people of the rising sun and the kings of the east....
Woe to all people, who come against My people and My lands....
Woe to any man, who does not kiss The Son...

His anger is kindled against you...

It is not a small chalice, but a great cup of indignation...

It shall be poured out.

The Lamb is the Lion... The Savior is the Judge.

Woe to the peoples of the earth...

The time has come...
The consummation of all things...

Call out His name!

Volume Six 43 Letters from God and His Christ

8/7/06 From God The Father and Our Lord, Jesus The Christ, and From Timothy, Inspired in the Spirit -
A Letter to Our Brothers and Sisters in Africa, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

[Timothy] Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may The Lord Jesus grant you understanding, and give you peace and
comfort, resting in the knowledge that He is The Lord, and there is none like Him. Amen.
By Him are all things, and through Him do all come into life, twice created... First, by water and blood in the
earthly places, and now in spirit, through Christ, by whom you have received redemption, a true cleansing... Being
born again the second time by water and blood in the heavenly places, shedding the skin of this world, soon
forsaking all that is earthly, putting on that which is heavenly for God’s glory by His grace and mercy, shown by
your belief and trust in God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, who is as The Father, full of grace and truth, by which you
have passed from judgement into life... Life without end.
So beloved brethren and sisters of faith, hear what The Lord speaks to you, and be not just hearers, but doers of the
Word for God’s glory, which He has also given to you in His Son, Jesus, the Gift.

[God The Father] Thus says The Lord, your God, the God of Jacob, the God of Isaac, the God of Abraham, the One
and Only True God: Beloved little ones, born into the family of Abraham, by faith and trust in My Mercy I sent to
you, whose name you know, Christ, who has come to dwell within you... Beloved, you are My children, and I am
your Father. You are My sons and daughters of whom I do know, seeing Myself in you, My own Spirit, even Christ.
Heed My words, and bring glory to My name. I have heard the cries of My people in your land, for their crying is
great beyond measure... A great pestilence overcomes the land, affliction is swelling and shall soon burst forth in
great desolations. Your princes and kings have forsaken My commandments and do follow after satan. Therefore, I
have declared their end. Behold the height of the oppressor, who would make themselves rich by the suffering of
their own people, walking upon the backs of the meek, forsaking the fatherless, upholding the sinful, and passing
judgment against the righteous and the poor.

Thus says The Lord to the kings and princes and chief elders of Africa: You have been judged!... You are condemned!
The Mighty and Strong One has come to gather and reap... And He shall surely gather up the wheat, purge the chaff
and burn up the tares. The Lord’s wrath is kindled, and it does burn as a furnace, and it shall burn and lay waste all
lands for seven years... Even all places, where they have lifted up their fists against Me and My own flock, My own
people who have and will come to Me.

Therefore, thus says The Lord to the flock, beloved of The Shepherd:

Come to Me, so I may gather you.

Come to Me in peace and truth.
Come to Me as one body... Unite, and glorify My name.
Go out into the streets, and gather as many as who will, and bring them to Me.

Men of promise, pastors and teachers,

Cup your ears and listen to those I have sent to you,
For they speak with My voice... I have put My words in their mouths.

Men of promise, all pastors and teachers,

Go out into the fields and gather for the great harvest,
And I, even I, shall bundle you together.

Become one flock, one fold, one family, one body, the body of Christ...
Closer than kindred, closer than family, all of one family,
One body of one blood, the blood of Christ shed for you,
Of which you were sprinkled and now must drink of deeply...

All from the same cup...

No divisions.

Letters from God and His Christ 44 Volume Six

8/7/06 From God The Father and Our Lord, Jesus The Christ, and From Timothy, Inspired in the Spirit -
A Letter to Our Brothers and Sisters in Africa, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Unification cont.

[Jesus The Christ] Do this in remembrance of Me, and I shall come upon you and fill you up. So go now, and gather.
Come together in My name... A great holy convocation in The Lord, and I will surely bless you, and walk among
you, and be your Lord, your strength, the love of your hearts overflowing.

So beloved, I say to you, truly you are My sheep... You have heard My voice.

And I do know My sheep... I know all their comings and goings.

So give heed to our words... Listen closely to My prophets.

I send them to you, so I may bless you and keep you,

Bringing you into a greater glory of the Truth, by guidance and correction in love,
So you may become a new bride fashioned after the Spirit,
In bright and shining white linens,
A beautiful and loving bride fit for her Husband...

Even being an example to all those who gaze at you from afar off,
So by your grace and truth, of which I have given you,
These might also come and partake of the wedding supper,
Of which the door remains open, but shall be shut in a very short season...

Yea, in less than one week’s time (less than seven years).

In that Day, lo, even in the days immediately following, you, and even all those who come to know My voice, shall
behold the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.

[Timothy] Brothers and sisters, take comfort in these words... They are not my own. Even these words I write of my
own accord are not completely My own, but inspired and written in love, because of He who fills my heart with
love for you. By God’s grace and His Truth, who is also the Way and the Life, am I both able and blessed to write
these things to you.
Brothers and sisters, come together with your Brother Osaro for a holy convocation, and glorify the name of Christ,
and bring salvation to the lost and afflicted in His name, and teach the newly beloved in Christ. In this, and all
things, honor God, and He will surely honor you.

A servant of God and His Christ, as I am now also your servant in Christ, for God’s glory,


Volume Six 45 Letters from God and His Christ

8/4/06 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For All Those Who Serve and Have Served Their God, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Turn to The Lord When You Stumble... Turn Away, and You Shall Surely Fall

Thus says The Lord God of Israel:

As I have commanded it, it shall surely be done.
As I have spoken it, it shall surely come to pass.
As I have purposed it, it shall be accomplished...
For My glory shall it surely come to pass.

I, even I, shall both make the way open and provide the means.

Though you stumble, it shall be done...

What is done can not be undone.

Whom I have chosen, I shall not unchoose.

What I have spoken to My prophets, even they shall become...

Yea, even greater things will they do.
Though they stumble, by no means have they fallen.
For they do continually come before Me in repentance,
With their faces to the ground.

Blessed is this man, who comes before Me ashamed and grieved of his trespasses, for I shall surely lift him up and
set him upon hallowed ground... My servants, remove your sandals from your feet, for wheresoever you come to
Me, I am there. Wheresoever you hear the sound of My voice is hallowed ground, for My presence does dwell
with you.

[Jesus The Christ] Yea, I have come to abide in My temples and sanctify them... A renewed cleansing. All men
do stumble; none have obeyed My voice unto pure righteousness... No, not one. All men do stumble, but these,
these before Me, I have anointed in My own blood and sealed in their foreheads. These do stumble, being men...
But THEY DO NOT FALL. All men stumble, and many have fallen and will yet fall from grace, yet My witnesses do
stand up again, shaking the dust from their clothes, continuing on in My name. Behold, they shall endure for My
name’s sake, even to the end of this age... Where at journey’s end, having sacrificed all in the name of The Lord,
they shall embrace their Master, their True Father, their Maker.

[God The Father] My mercies endure forever...

And those, who receive of My mercy, shall likewise endure....

Life without end, forever embraced by the Right Hand of God,

Living in His mercy and My joy in the Kingdom to come, forever and ever.


Letters from God and His Christ 46 Volume Six

8/13/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Lord Will Carry You

Timothy, My beloved servant, how I do love you... Oh, how you have fallen. Behold My servant of the end of this age...
I have lifted him up. And lo, even all he has I shall separate from him and lift high above the heavens... To My dwelling
place shall they be taken. Behold the man, a mere son of men, left standing where he ought not to be, alone, where all
hate him. Timothy, you shall not be left alone... I am with you. Though you are left standing in the midst of the earth, you
shall cry, you shall surely wail, tears streaming... Not as the heathen in bitter sorrows, but in glory, tears of great joy, tears
of the washing, tears of power in the full knowledge of knowing that, indeed, I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me!
Though you feel like a woman in travail, you shall stand up and wipe your face, and behold My glory, for in that very same
hour, I shall surely come upon you... I shall encompass you and fill you with gladness, and you, too, shall be gone from this
place, though none behold your comings and goings. I shall consume you; and you, Me. We shall become one in My Spirit,
which I will completely give to you in that day. Timothy, you shall behold My glory with your own eyes. Behold, you shall
be filled with My glory, and in that moment, you shall also be changed as those who have gone away. You shall become
My anointed, even in your forehead.

Behold the man who was weak, full of stumblings...

He is remade once again and cleansed from all sins,
Virgin in body, mind and spirit,
An open vessel filled with grace and truth,
Reshaped and remolded for God’s purpose.

Timothy! Hear the word of The Lord! You are My prophet, My student, My apostle. You shall become much more... Yea,
a “god” among men, for I shall share of Myself with you. I will live in you like none before. As in the days of Elisha, who
asked of God double, even so shall My witnesses have in those days... Even double times ten shall they receive. Of such
one you are, and will become, Timothy. Embrace what I say, and stop your doubt. I speak to you, and all I say is true and
can not be undone. Timothy, hear My words. Even now do you possess the power of the Spirit. You only lack the faith to
use what I have given you. Doubt is your enemy which also leaves the door open to the devil. He does continually hiss
at you as a serpent, winding his way about your feet, waiting for the moment to strike you down when you waver. Soon,
beloved, when you come into knowledge and hear the first of the seven thunders utter its voice, you shall reach down
and grab the serpent by the tail and fling him from you. Behold, in that day, even death shall go with him. Then shall you
be established... A great prophet of The Lord, one of 144,000, who shall, as Moses, lead My people from oppression and
out of temptation, from darkness into the light of life, a man in the midst of madness and great evil, desolations on every
side. Be not troubled, for I am with you to deliver you out of all things that shall happen to you because of My name.
Even when death pursues you, yea, it shall come upon you to take your life, I, Myself, shall rise up in you and rebuke
death as I have rebuked the wind and the sea, saying, “Be gone from this man... He belongs to Me. Get away death! You
shall not return to this vessel, for I have made him an unbreakable vessel of honor for My name.” As it was written of
My servant, Paul, and the viper, so shall it be with you... Even greater. For the chosen of The Lord must endure all things,
even to the very end of this age, of which I shall never leave them... Being fully a part of them and them of Me, for God’s
own purpose in the harvesting of all the wild wheat of the earth and the remnant of Israel.

The time of Jacob’s trouble is here...

The sickles are in the hands of the reapers,
The trumpets are sounding,
The Thief has already entered the house,
The judgments are set and can not be turned back...
So comes the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord.

So it begins...
The beginning of the end,
Which shall become the beginning which has no end,
When the Kingdom of God is established on earth.


Volume Six 47 Letters from God and His Christ

10/25/05 Timothy’s Wife’s Dream of the White Walkway

I am standing at the beginning of a white walkway. It is almost night, only a little bit of light remains on the horizon,
right before the sky becomes pitch black. To the left of the walkway is a huge forest with extremely tall trees, mostly
pines. There doesn’t seem to be much of anything on the right.
The walkway is suspended off the ground and gradually inclines. We cannot see the end of the walkway. It works
its way through the woods up ahead, but seems mostly to be to the right of the woods.
There are many people at the beginning of the walkway with me, all different races and men and women. It doesn’t
seem like there are children here, but I cannot say for sure. Everyone is saying or asking, “Have you seen Jesus?”
Or “Where is Jesus?” And conversations like that.
Off the walkway, right next to it, are many men. Timothy is one. At this point, the walkway is suspended and hits
right about at his shoulder. These men, who are not on the walkway themselves, seem to be making sure that the
rest of us do not fall off, catching us if we accidentally fall.
While everyone on the walkway is talking, a man with black hair and dark skin walks through us. He has writing
or symbols on His hands and a smile on His face. He catches my eye but I don’t say anything. Then I realize that
the man is Jesus. I start telling everyone, “There He is” and “That’s Him”. Everyone starts gathering around Him.
He looks at us with a big smile and holds out His hands. On His palms are symbols. The symbols are crosses with
several colored circles around the crosses.

From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
The Interpretation of the Dream, Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Walk

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, you stand upon the walkway of white. The sun is setting, this is the end of the age. Also,
as there is very little light left in this day, neither is much of the true light left, for the forest grows ever higher, full
of darkness.

Behold, all those, who seek Me, stand together and inquire of My coming.
They understand not that I am among them, in their very presence,
Guiding them along the way I have prepared for them.

This is the white walkway, the very Highway of Holiness, pure and clean.

This is a walk and is also the way...

A walk in obedience, by love, through understanding and faith...

The way to Salvation.

The Highway of Holiness dwells within the hearts of men, and is with them in the world, and yet is not of the world.
This walk is inclined toward Heaven, signifying its direction and purpose. It is the narrow path that is not easily
tread, for the darkness and tall trees are forever looming to the left, which is the wide path leading to destruction.
Stay on the path to the right, and be then separate from this world. Walk carefully, and do not hesitate. I have
placed My witnesses next to the walkway in case you stumble and fall. They will catch you and lift you up, and
place you solidly upon the path once again, for I am also amongst and within them, and they in Me. I am the Way;
and My Spirit, the path’s support and guide. My Spirit is also within My witnesses, who continually proclaim the
Way, guard those upon it and are forever watchful of the trees, fully understanding their ways.
These trees are a forest of abominations and evil, forever spreading, trying to overtake and cover the walkway that
none can cover or overshadow. It stands forever, white and gleaming, filled with light... In the world, yet not of the
world. Nothing of this world can overcome the way I have provided... I have overcome the world. For it was in
truth, and by blood, that it was created. And life is the reward for all those who take it, being led out of the forest
to the Sanctuary not yet seen.

Letters from God and His Christ 48 Volume Six

From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
The Interpretation of the Dream, Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Walk cont.

[God The Father] Have understanding of the One who is in the midst of you, yet is unseen and becomes visible only
to those upon the path. They will follow Him to salvation and be taken from the forest.
The walkway shall remain, for all those who stand at the right of the path, also stand for the Path and its Maker.
These stand at the right of the path, separated from the trees that remain at the left, which are unable to reach or
harm the chosen at the right. My witnesses will continue in their duties and their trumpeting into the forest, until all
is completed; and all, who will come, have come, and have been gathered. Then He, who is the walkway’s Maker
and the Walkway itself, shall appear with His arms outstretched and His hands open, revealing to the remnant
and elect, the seed of Israel, that He is who He is, and their Savior was that very same Savior that their forefathers
crucified and rejected. There will be great wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the end will come.

[Jesus The Christ] I am the Beginning and the End...

Become the Beginning Without End, for all those who would become new in Me.


Note: Regarding the cross in the dream: The several colored circles are gems, the many peoples and nations who
have gathered to Christ by the cross. Yet still missing at its center is the gem from which the very Salvation came...
The Jews.

Volume Six 49 Letters from God and His Christ

8/8/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Have Purchased You in My Own Blood... You Are Mine

Timothy, take up your pen and write as The Lord teaches.

These things that do plague your mind, and have become burdensome, need not be, for The Lord lifts all that
weighs down His people. Therefore, hear what The Lord says to His servants, the prophets: As I have purchased
you in My own blood, you have become Mine, for The Father has given you to Me, and I have paid the full price
for your redemption. You are Mine... The Father has given you to Me. And all those who have been given Me, in no
wise will I cast out. You are Mine, and I shall care for you... My own children, My own treasure, I shall hide away
in the Day of The Lord’s anger. So then, you have been given to Me under My care, as I have given you a wife and
children under your care... Yet all are Mine. And what is Mine is still The Father’s, for all that belongs to The Son
remains under The Father; and all that is The Father’s is The Son’s, having been placed there by Him who alone is
God. As I am in The Father, He is in Me; We two as one and three, being that third part which is given to men. What
is subject to The Father is also in subjection to The Son, for The Father has put all things under The Son. The price
is paid... The Kingdom is given into My hands, My own hands, being the same who created the Kingdom, by the
command of The Father from the beginning. I shall create the kingdom again! An everlasting kingdom under The
Son, in the name of The Father, of whose name I also own.
Beloved little ones, you know not yet what I say, nor do you understand... Have faith. You will soon come into the
knowledge of The Lord... The mystery of God revealed at the proper time and season, at the time when the seven
thunders do utter their voices. Faith until then, beloved, and trust.

8/25/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Husbandmen and The Harvest

[Jesus The Christ] Timothy, hear My words, give heed to My speech. As I have spoken it, so it shall surely be. I have
spoken of your daughter. She is Mine, as you are also Mine... I have given her to you. So then, no more is she her
mother’s... I have given her into your hand. You shall teach her of Me, and she too shall hear My voice. And in that
Day shall I take her back to Myself, even she and all her brothers and sisters, and friends, and loved ones, who I
do abide in and they in Me... Save you. You shall remain in Me, and I in you, yet you will not be where I am. Then
one week, and you also shall behold My glory, the great glory of God’s only Son... Into My arms shall you run at
Day’s end, and there shall you remain forever, even forever and ever. So then, Timothy, take nothing of these things
of wickedness to yourself... Remain clean. Purify your heart, mind and body these seven days. Do all I ask, and I
shall come upon you once more, and fill you with My presence. A great prophet shall you become... Yea, a mighty
warrior of My Word beset in you, until the Day comes when I shall be fully established in you... My own witness,
one of 144,000. Not that I need a human witness, but by no other means shall these great multitudes of wild
wheat be harvested, for they do resist the Truth, and their hearts have moved far from Me. Therefore, The Father has
ordained 144,000 witnesses to go out into the earth, and gather in accordance with My own name, for The Lord,
Himself, shall break them and bring them very low. And you shall gather them up, and they shall be brought before
The Father as a prey and booty, wherefore these shall surely kneel and confess that The Lord is The Lord... Their
God! They shall proclaim it! They shall call on His name, in the name He has given to Me, Jesus Christ, YahShua
HaMashiach, the Redeemer. Amen.

[God The Father] Multitudes, multitudes!... In the valley of decision!

Letters from God and His Christ 50 Volume Six

8/14/06 From God The Father -
A Letter to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Men of Promise

Write these words as you hear them... I shall not speak them again.

Thus says The Lord to His servant: You are forgiven your sins, by the blood shed for you, by My only begotten
Son. By His blood, alone, are you made worthy. By His suffering were you cleansed. By His own stripes were you
healed for today’s sins, for yesterday’s sins and those of tomorrow. One, who asks anything in Jesus’ own name,
shall surely have it, starting with forgiveness of sins. So then, Timothy, oh disobedient servant, obey My word and
believe what I tell you, for I shall not speak of this again. You are chosen not because of your righteousness, but
because of your own spirit, of which I, Myself, gave you.

Look not to today’s stumblings... Look to tomorrow, where you have overcome.

You have stepped out in faith, and I shall surely remain faithful to My promise. Not only are you a man of much
promise, but you, yourself, are that promise I made to many who have called out to Me for help and guidance.
And if such as these call out, shall I not surely provide for them? And if I send you to fulfill this task, shall I not also
provide for you so you may complete these tasks?... All prayers answered in their due time and season. You are
that man of promise, who shall also receive of the promises in keeping of those promises that must be met, which
you must fulfill by keeping your promise to Me by obedience, or how shall I send you? I know you... I have always
known you. And I know you, also, as you are in the years to come and the Kingdom to come, where you shall
have many, many friends indeed, for these same ones will have followed you there... Not by your own power or
leadership, but by the power of My own Spirit that shall be fully established in you. This is also how you shall walk
into My Kingdom and My arms, having served and waited even one week after your beloved were taken. Timothy,
you are chosen... Forever will this fact remain. What is it you have done worse than your fellows or worse than your
predecessors? Have you murdered as Moses or David? In your heart, yes, you are guilty, but not in action. Were
the prophets of old liken unto Me? Do not blaspheme... They were not. They, too, were men of continual stumbling
and sin. Did they not push ahead, through the pain, in spite of themselves and the tempter? Did they not become
great men?... Yes. Were they then perfect?... You know the answer. Timothy, there is none righteous... No, not one,
save Him, who alone came from Heaven and walked among you. By Him are you made perfect in My eyes, for by
Him your sins are not remembered, and they are separated from you as far as the east is from the west. I see My Son
in you, and where He resides, there is no sin. Though you stumble, you are worthy... A continual washing. Only
doubt causes you to stumble in this way. For any man, who has come into the full knowledge of the Truth, will not
stumble. This time is not yet. Faith shall be your strength... Use what I have given you. Build strength by what is in
front of you. Grow strong in faith and grow fat on the Word, and perfect obedience and steadfast faith shall follow.
You are already a prophet, you hear My voice... This is not disputed. So then, Timothy, My little one, where are
you?... You are a man of stumblings and doubt, continually assaulted by the devil, for he knows the truth of who
you are and will become. If even the devil believes, how is it you doubt? Timothy, you have but two roads before
you... Only two: To serve Me completely in faith, or to serve Me not and return to the world and serve mammon.
You can only serve one master. I know your heart. Stop staring at the fork in the road and run to the left quickly, for
I do wait for you. Let go of your worries, let go of all you hold onto... Stop listening to the devil. Free yourself... You
are already free. Run quickly, move forward. And by the power of My Spirit, in Christ, you will quickly outpace the
evil one, neither shall he approach you ever again.

What is Mine, I give to My Son,

And what is His, the devil may never own.
For though satan does seem to rule the world, he rules nothing... nothing!

The world is the Maker’s, and belongs to He who overcame the world from the beginning,
Being the very same One who fashioned it and saved it.

The world is My footstool, and all therein is put in subjection to The Son,
Because He is, and was, The Son of Man!

Volume Six 51 Letters from God and His Christ

8/19/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus Says The Lord

I am The Lord your God... Here I am.

I am come to visit My people, I shall surely visit them...

A pouring out of My Spirit, a pouring out of wrath.
I shall visit the earth! I am already here!

You shall behold My glory!

I shall uplift, and I shall abase... I shall build, and I shall destroy.

The mystery of God is no more mystery!

I shall reveal My glory... You shall behold My hand against the nations.
With your own eyes, you shall behold the mighty and awesome power
Of the One and Only Almighty wrought in His fury!

Yea, you shall see My Face, the face of your Redeemer!

Even all shall behold His countenance...

Like one thousand suns shall His glory shine in the midst of the earth.
He shall fill the heavens with His glory!... The glory and majesty of God’s only Begotten Son.

He shall surely come to save and destroy!

He shall sit on the throne of His glory, and the wicked shall be no more found in the earth.
Even the beast and his false prophet shall be destroyed, never to rise again.

The Kingdom is The Christ’s!

Even forever and ever shall it endure.


Letters from God and His Christ 52 Volume Six

9/1/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For The Lord’s New Disciples and His Scattered Little Flocks, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Testify to Love, Obey the Word of The Lord

Oh My dearly beloved of My right hand, why do you wander? I have gathered you into My love, yet you do not
obey My voice. I have listened for your voices, yet I have not heard them.
Beloved little flocks, I have sent to you one from your own family, so you may hear My own words in this present
time, and know Me. He is not just My prophet. Timothy has become an example in the midst of you, for he does
follow Me wherever I lead him. Yes, beloved, he does stumble, but understand this: He is consumed with My love,
and he has put Me first and foremost in all things... Body, mind, spirit. He does pray without ceasing and obeys My
Word. Do you not know there are many peoples, of all kinds and nations, even unto the chief princes, who desire
to hear and know what I have given you by this one ordinary man?

Thus says The Lord, your Savior, who has plucked you from the fire: Obey My Word, do not wait... Go out and
testify. You fear, and so you hesitate. Do you not know that your beloved are drowning in this world of sin? Even all
these, who deny My name by word and deed, also will I deny before The Father. I have taken their sins to the cross,
yet they do not accept Me. All those, who obey My teaching, will... live... forever! What, then, of these who obey
not? Shall they enter into My rest purely by the words of their mouths?... Verily, I say to you, they shall not pass from
judgment. They have sown the seed of Truth in the wind, quickly carried away, shown to be a lie, exposed by the
Light of My coming. What is faith without works?... Nothing - a lie spoken in selfishness. What of works without
faith?... Vanity - a false good, a mere boasting, covering a hard heart turned from the Truth. Therefore, all, who
obey My Word, are of the Truth. And all, who obey not, are not of the Truth, and are left in great want, not having
been led by My Spirit into salvation, denying the power thereof, lost in the great chasm of illusion called the world,
where they will remain... Refined by fire, in The Father’s judgments, for seven days (years).
So then, My lost children, I ask you, where are you, and where are you going? You do not know My will at all.
You remain trapped in your own vexed spirits, snared by the enemy you see in the mirror. I know whether or not
you have love for Me in your hearts, and all those who remain in My love. Yet even these limit My glory, that I
have placed within them, continually putting this world and themselves before Me. What then? Shall I cast them
away for disobedience’s sake?... Surely not. Though you disobey, I remain obedient. Though you doubt, I remain
steadfast. I can not deny Myself, nor will I deny those who call on My name in truth.
Therefore, My children, you shall all take up a fast this Sabbath day as a recompense unto The Lord, spending this
day in prayer and supplication, whereupon, at day’s end, you shall know I am The Lord and be strengthened by
your wanting...

For I am the real food and the real drink.

And all those, who partake of Me, live in Me and I in them.

Thus is the inheritance of the redeemed:

Eternal life in My presence, and My joy fulfilled in them in the Kingdom, to the glory of The Father.


Volume Six 53 Letters from God and His Christ

6/8/06 A Letter from Timothy Inspired by the Spirit -
To Kurt, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Step Out in Faith... God First

Kurt, The Lord wishes for you to reread the Letter, “Walk Not Where Others Walk”, in Volume 4, and have
understanding, and take its meaning to heart. This is what He has taught me today and wishes me to share with
you: Bodily exercise profits little. The Lord does desire health for the temple He has given you. Exercise is good,
but be aware of why you do it. Make sure it is for the health of the body, for the glory of God, in honoring Him by
more efficient works, and in taking care of the gift He has given you... Not for vanity’s sake. You must be honest
with yourself. Slothfulness is unbecoming of a servant who loves Him. The slothfulness, He speaks of in your
Letter, was only in a small part exercise. Not obeying His commands, nor following His ways and breaking His
commandments (you know which one), without making any effort to correct your error, is the slothfulness He was
trying to convey to you and everyone who has ears to hear... Myself very much included. Kurt, you are never alone
or singled out in your correction. Your correction is mine and everyone else’s who loves and seeks to obey The
Lord. My correction is also yours and everyone’s as well. We are all in the family of Christ, serving Him together.
God will help all those who seek to obey Him. And when they strive to obey, and go out seeking to change their
lives in keeping with His commandments, this is when the hand of The Lord manifests itself as opportunities to
please Him, and will be in line with His commandments and will for you. But you must keep your eyes wide open,
and cup your ears during prayer, to understand and give heed to His correction... Taking pleasure in obeying Him.
Embrace His words and find joy in His works for you, and He will bless you. Do nothing and seek not a new path,
and you shall find nothing; and The Lord will let you tread your own path in sin until you stumble, so you may
learn, and so He may lift you up for His glory in strengthening your faith. But to step out in faith, to please Him, will
also strengthen your faith and draw you even closer to Him, showing Him that you have truly put Him first. Kurt,
you have not put Him first, nor even second. Where is God in your life? Look deep inside your heart. I know you
say, in your heart, He is first. If He was truly first, then your life would show He is first. All things in your life were
first conceived in your heart, and then became manifest in your life according to the desires of your heart. This is
why The Lord says to those who proclaim Him with their mouths only, who do not follow His ways, that they will
be found liars in that Day, because they have first lied to themselves.
Kurt, I love you more than you know. Understand these words are from The Lord, and His understanding placed
in me, and from our daily conversations where He is constantly teaching and correcting me. Today, He wishes to
teach you and correct you, because He loves you so much (you have no idea how much - He has shown me His
love for you, there are no words to explain), and He wishes for you to serve Him in righteousness... No, not perfect
righteousness, but the best you can do.
As with Abraham, he believed and obeyed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. Kurt, in no way am
I condemning you, neither is The Lord. You are already saved and placed at His right hand. Rather, He is reminding
you, through me, that you are not giving heed to His Spirit He has placed in you, and this is unpleasant in His sight.
Remember, to the man, who knows what he is doing is sin, is sin to that man. Kurt, The Lord wishes for you to be
on fire for Him and tells me you remain only a little above lukewarm; also, that you grow in the good ground with
a good root, yet many thorns have begun to grow up around you once again. You know what they are - the cares,
fears and the deceitfulness of riches of this world, planted by the enemy who wishes to choke the Word in you. The
devil can not take your salvation, so he will use any and all means to lead you into temptation and disobedience,
in the hopes to keep you from The Lord’s purpose for you in furthering the Kingdom by your testimony and example
to others.

So Kurt, bless The Lord, and let Him bless you. Seek to please Him, and He will show you how He is pleased.
Follow Him, and He will keep you on the Highway of Holiness, and keep your feet from stumbling, as He has
already shown you.

His Kingdom is coming, and is already here, and is yet coming, and is also in you.

Resist the devil, and run swiftly into the joy of The Lord, and He will surely hide you from the Day of Troubles.
Make your life a living sacrifice and testament to Him. In everything you do, give Him glory. For He gave His life
for you and is returning quickly to glorify you for God’s glory, which is also the glory He owns. Amen.

Your Brother in Christ, Timothy

Letters from God and His Christ 54 Volume Six

8/30/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Daughter Who is Eight, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Things Are Possible With God And Received By Those Who Love His Son

Oh My beloved little one, oh how My heart yearns to gather you... I will gather you.

And when I gather you, no more shall you shed tears, no more shall you know pain,
For you shall abide in the presence of The Lord your God.

Dear one, I am the Resurrection and the Life.

Even all these things you love, I have made them.

Even though they pass from your sight, they are not gone... They remain with you.
And that which the pure in heart have loved, even for this reason shall they receive back
All that which they have loved unconditionally, for I do love My children.

And that which brings them joy, I shall give to them in My Kingdom.

Even greater things shall they have and hold, for The Father does love all His creatures.
And when they pass, the spirit of life, given them so they may live, returns to Him.

And when the Day comes, yea, it is almost here, The Lord your God shall give everything to The Son.
And I, your precious Lord and Savior, who loves you more than anyone can imagine,
Shall awake and revive all things The Father has created through Me.

And through Me shall all be again as it was in the Garden, in My Kingdom,

Which is My joy I shall share with you.

Dearest child, come to your Lord... Call on My name in that Day.

I shall answer you before you have finished speaking.

And behold, daughter, behold, there in front of you are all people, all pets,
All things you have loved with your whole heart.

I do love My children, and in so, I shall give them the whole of creation...
For nothing shall be impossible with God, and all shall be made manifest by The Son.

All My children, come to Me and remain in My love, and I shall remain in you and with you...
And I shall be unto you a Father, and you shall be My children, forever and ever.


Volume Six 55 Letters from God and His Christ

6/21/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Pastor Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Osaro, I am greatly humbled by your words. Great is your reward in Heaven. You do continually bless The Lord and
His name by your doings. You fight the only fight worth fighting, and by your mouth and your feet have you already
walked into victory. Even before your first step was taken in the salvation of others, the war had already been won in
your own heart. You have went out in the face of adversity, to share the bounty of which The Lord has blessed you,
and you have endeavored to fill the bowls of those starving for the Word. You have fed them with the sincere milk of
the Word. Some have accepted; some have rejected your offering. These, who reject you now, shall come later. You
have planted the seed, and we shall help you water it, and God shall give the increase. Well done, Brother! You are
a faithful, beloved servant of God and our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. You have embraced the work He has given
you; and soon, all those, you have led to Him, shall be with Him where He is... Embraced by The Lord Jesus, carried
under His wings, taken to The Father’s house, where they shall reside in God’s bosom for one week. Continue the
harvest, bundle the wheat. The time is short, and the Master returns to gather all who are His... He shall shelter them
in His barn. Believe what I say, and take comfort in my words... They are not my own, they are The Lord’s. For He does
continually speak to me and teach me all things I must learn for His purpose. I love you and all those gathered with
you. I feel I know you, though we have not met, nor have we seen each other’s faces, yet we remain closer than blood
and kindred in Spirit, for ours is of the same Spirit, the Spirit our Lord has given us. We have believed and trusted in
Him, confessing all we have done. So then, He having heard us, being the same One who called us, has listened to our
testimony, and entrusted us with His Spirit, which now lives in us and surrounds us, guiding us in all our tasks which
He had purposed from the beginning - feeding those who are hungry, quenching the thirst of the parched, opening the
eyes of the blind, unstopping the ears of the deaf, loosing the tongues of the dumb, and bringing the light of His Word
to all the dark places, so they may again find their way, so all captives of this world and sin might become free... And
those freed by The Son are freed indeed! Amen and amen.
Blessed be the name of The Lord and His Only Begotten! May He shower you with His blessings, because you have
also blessed Him. By all your works, done in faith and obedience, has your love for Christ been made perfect. And
even during your times of weakness shall Christ’s strength be made perfect in you also, for God’s glory. So again, I say,
I am humbled by your words and your doings. Your boldness in the face of adversity, and your love for the afflicted, has
caused me to weep tears of joy for the newly redeemed. Mine is also a daunting task, though on the surface it seems
light compared with your burden. I wish I could be there next to you, and perhaps that day shall come as God wills.
For now my God has said to me I shall stay here and serve Him, for the people here are also afflicted with a different
disease and hardship, not the disease of the body or lack of daily food. Rather, these, He has sent me to, are afflicted
and dying in spirit, consumed by all manner of sin and temptation - greed, lust, pride, gluttony, vanity, wrath and envy
- growing up in a country called Christian, once set upon Christian values, no longer even knowing who The Son of
God truly is, likening Him to myth and fairy tales, even denying the name of The Lord Jesus Christ who bought them.
What travesty! His name has become an insult and used for swearing, and many have become offended in Him.
If it were up to me to choose to whom I shall minister, I would choose the villages of Nigeria, for they know they are
in need of a savior, only huddling in fear out of ignorance of the Truth. Here in the USA, they have heard the Truth and
stomp upon it with their feet, saying they are rich and in need of nothing. The Lord says to them, “Know you not, that
you are wretched and miserable, and poor and blind, and naked?” Neither will they receive The Lord’s counsel, for
fear they will lose all their worldly possessions of sin. Oh how I pray for the hard-hearted, that The Lord might soften
them. How can the hard-hearted be saved?... I rest easy in the knowledge that what is impossible with man is possible
with God. Trust and faith in The Lord shall see me through, for all my hope is in The Lord... He is my strength and my
sanctuary in my times of need. Amen.
Osaro, I must confess to you - I am no pastor. But I do strive to be as one to those who seek the truth, love and
forgiveness in Christ. I have never been to seminary, nor have I studied the Bible until 2005, yet The Lord spoke to me,
a sinful man of no consequence, a man with no understanding, a man who did not believe. The Lord said to me that
first night, “Timothy, read My Word, and I shall give you understanding”. Soon after, I gave myself completely to God,
in Jesus’ name, confessing all I had done in my life, weeping as I had never wept before, growing in the knowledge
that, indeed, I had found the meaning of life and what true love is and was meant to be, falling completely in love
with a Man who died so I may live, though I had never known Him or asked of Him anything. Yet there He was, filling
me with His Spirit and love, taking from me the weight of my burden of sin, giving me the knowledge that if I was the
only man upon the earth, He would have still come and died for me... So unsearchable is the love of God. His mercy
endures forever, in whom He had sent to us His Son, Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. My fate is sealed in the joy of
knowing I shall serve Him the rest of my days, and even forever and ever. I did not tell you these things to impress you,
but rather to impress upon you that anyone can come to The Lord if God so wills it. I should know because I was one
of the very people I spoke of, who were caught up in the ways of the world, the same whom God has now sent me to,
to share the Gospel and to prepare for His coming, to be His Trumpet Call.

Letters from God and His Christ 56 Volume Six

6/21/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit (continued from previous page) -
To Pastor Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I know we are separated by many miles and sent to different peoples, knowing that in God’s eyes, all, to whom we are
sent, are of equal importance... Be it the bond or free, the rich or poor, or the sick or the healthy, all are in need of The
Savior. It is the will of The Father that none are lost, but all come to repentance and kiss The Son.
So brother, be safe and stay vigilant. I will pray, without ceasing, for you and your beloved brothers and sisters... Knowing
that The Lord goes before you, resides in you and will always be your Rear Guard. May the joy and peace of knowing
God’s love, which is in Christ, fill your heart and the hearts of all those you meet.

Your fellow servant in Christ,


7/24/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

To Joy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

[Timothy] Thank you for writing to me. From your very first words, you did move me in my spirit and pull upon my
heartstrings. I will surely help you according to God’s graces. I must share with you, as I have shared with all those who
have requested Bibles in your city. I know the need is great. And whoever The Lord sees fit to send to me, in no wise will
I ever turn them away. This is what The Lord has spoken to me, concerning you and all those in your area, who do hunger
and thirst for The Lord and His Word:

[God] “Timothy, you shall fulfill all these requests, and you shall fulfill them on this wise: You shall provide even double
that which these beloved have asked of you, and you shall give them My words given you also, so they may have greater
understanding of My purpose in the salvation of these very same ones from My Judgment, which comes shortly upon
the whole world... So these, who do love Me and seek Me and do kiss The Son, may escape the Day of The Lord God
Almighty. And I, even I, shall provide both the way and the means... Trust in Me.”

[Timothy] Therefore, Joy, take hope and trust in The Lord. The Lord shall surely provide, having heard your prayers. We
also will pray for you and your beloved friends, that they are comforted and find peace in The Lord. Jesus does return
very soon, and He will surely gather up all those, who do love and trust in Him.

7/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

To Pastor Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Pastor Osaro,
You are beloved of God, and the Spirit of The Holy One is seated firmly among you. I see His presence in you, and His
Spirit is shown in your words and in your understanding of His Word. In this, you shall be blessed beyond measure in
joy, which will also bring great sorrows and persecutions. This you already know and have experienced. Take hope, and
may the peace and grace of The Lord Jesus Christ be sufficient for you in your time of need.
This I know and have no doubt: The Lord has heard your prayers and will surely send upon you His graces, and by me
shall He also provide all, even all, your requests. But we must be patient, and grow in our faith, and wait on The Lord.
Trust in Him... He will not tarry. Though we wait, assuredly, I say to you, He shall not tarry. For when His will is purposed,
and when I have heard His voice, in His time He shall accomplish even all He has spoken and asked of me. He has
spoken to me many things, and has shouted many things to the people of my country... They will not hear. Neither have
these sought The Lord, nor have they approached me, saying, ‘What is the Word of The Lord? How shall we serve Him?’
Only a very few have accepted His call, and He has blessed them. And these round about me shall surely be delivered.

So then, Pastor, I turn from my people and turn to yours. I am your servant... As God commands.

Yours in Christ’s service,


Volume Six 57 Letters from God and His Christ

7/10/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Martin, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Martin, thank you for the letter, and may the blessings of God, through Christ, be with you and all those who seek
to know Him. And to know Him is to love Him, who He sent to us in His loving mercy, fulfilled in Christ Jesus our
Lord and Savior. Amen.
Martin, we are making every effort to provide you with what you need and more as The Lord commands me. I
know your need is great, and greater still will it be very soon, for The Lord has poured out His Spirit on all flesh in
these last days. And very soon, He will be sending all these, He has called, to find Him by seeking Him through
His shepherds, of which you are one. As you are God’s good and faithful servant, so am I . And in becoming God’s
servant, I have also become your servant. This is what The Lord has asked of me, and this is what I shall do in faith
and obedience to the One who speaks to me. So then, beloved brother in Christ, patience is required, seasoned
with trust and faith in the One True God, who will answer the prayers of His people. I am but a lowly messenger,
who hears His voice. Yes, The Lord does speak to me, and I do obey His words. I know who it is that speaks to
me, and this is what He has spoken to me concerning you and the many requests we have received for His word,
both there and in Bangladesh. So as I have told Pastor Osaro, I will tell you - The Lord has promised to provide a
bounty; and when He provides, I will share it with you, and even all those He sends to me, even up to the day He
commands me to travel there and help you in person.
Amen, brother. The Lord has heard you, and told me of your needs even before you, yourself, did. Take joy, and
give thanks! For The Lord of lord’s, and King of king’s, return in glory draws nigh! Rejoice! Sing praises to The Lord,
for He fulfills all the promises by His Son, Jesus!

If The Son has set you free, you are freed indeed. Amen and amen.


7/21/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

To Pastor Edogun, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thank you, Pastor, for your kind words and especially your prayers. We, too, pray for you without ceasing. Know
this, I will never forget you, for once God’s will is purposed, it can not be moved or undone. He has commanded
me, and I will most certainly obey. Therefore, trust in God, and take hope. Though sometimes being men, we are
not always faithful in our promises, The Lord remains always faithful. It most certainly will be done as He has
spoken it to me. So grow in faith continually, for we are His servants of promise to which He has also promised.
He will surely provide, even all things, according to His will and His good pleasure for the edification of those
who do seek Him.

Holy Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Your only Begotten, I pray for Your flock in Nigeria, even in all
lands who are in need of Your words. Lord, bless Your servant, Pastor Edogun, and bless his flock also. Bring to him,
by any and all means, the grace that shall uplift him and give him the strength to carry out Your will, worked in Your
name, through him. And Lord, please fulfill Your promise to me quickly, so I may work abundantly in Your name,
the works of providing Your Word that will lead them into salvation, and the knowledge of the One True God and
the One and Only Way by which we are saved... Also of the unfathomable love which establishes them in life,
enabling them to escape those things that must shortly come to pass, according to Your will in the fulfillment of the
Scriptures of Truth, which are the Word, the only words that have life in them, the Word of God, even Christ, the
Spirit and the Truth. Not my will Lord, but let Your will be done. Amen.

Yours in Christ’s service,


Letters from God and His Christ 58 Volume Six

8/4/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Joy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Joy, I greet you, and pray for you and your friends in the name of our wonderful Lord, Jesus Christ. May His grace
and mercies be with you, and may His love and sacrifice heal your hearts and bind up your wounds. In Him is
life, and all who trust and believe in Him, though they die, they shall only sleep... They shall live again! Being
raised to glory at the Last Day! Take comfort in these words... They are the Truth. The beginning of the Last Day
approaches quickly, and The Lord shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and
with the trumpet call of God, and shall gather up the elect of His heart, all those who He sees of Himself in... First,
the dead in Christ, then those of us who are awake. So then, Joy, do not thank me. Give thanks to The Lord, who
sent you to me, and I to you, and made you one flock in The Lord with His servants in your city. All is The Lord’s
doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

We will pray for you and your friends without ceasing. Thank you for your kind and uplifting words.

Yours in Christ’s service,


8/9/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

To Elder Moses, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved brother in Christ, may the peace and love of our Lord Jesus be with you, and may His hands caress the
cheeks of the redeemed and your beloved gathered with you. May the grace and power of His Spirit touch the
hearts of all those whom you have dealings, for you and your flock are His hands and His feet, and you are His
voice. May He come upon you, and give you utterance according to the good pleasure of His will. Amen.

“My brothers, if one of you strays from the truth and someone brings him back, let him be
assured that he who turns a sinner back from the wandering of his way will save his soul from death
and cover a multitude of sins.” - James 5:19-20

My brother, I shall never forget you. The Lord has sent you to me, and in like manner, I to you, to the glory of His
own name... I am your servant. As God commands me, so I will do. Go to the gathering, and there The Lord will
surely provide. Have faith, and grow even stronger in The Lord, for the prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Though we remain imperfect, yet by our belief in God’s only Son, accepting His sacrifice for the forgiveness of our
sins, are we made righteous. Though we yet stumble, by our belief and love for Christ, we will surely be lifted up...
we shall not fall. By grace we are saved... the gift of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.
So then, beloved brother, shall The Lord not provide for and feed His sheep when they are en hungered? He shall
feed them, and He shall do it quickly! You have received the good milk of the Word, and this you shall also share
with those, who are yet lambs and lost babes in this world. Yea, God shall surely provide even the meat of the Word
to His shepherds, so they may grow strong in word and deed. This He has given me, and I shall surely give it to
you... God willing, I shall bring it myself. Not my will, but The Lord’s shall be done. We are His shepherds, and we
must gather all the lost lambs, as many who would hear His voice and receive of His gifts. Blessed are those with
their heads raised toward Heaven, who do continually look up in anticipation of The Lord’s coming... They shall
surely be gone from this place! Truly blessed are those, who have believed without seeing. And to these who are yet
blind, we must open their eyes and wash the mud from their faces, by the power of God’s Word and Spirit, so they
too can be healed and see clearly and receive joy by the washing, even the complete washing of sins... A rebirth
in spirit, soon born once more, even a third time into glory, the glory of which shall never fade nor see corruption
ever again... Eternal life lived in the presence of God, seated at the right hand of the One True King of Power and
Glory, Jesus Christ, The Holy One of Israel. Amen and amen.

Your faithful servant in Christ,


Volume Six 59 Letters from God and His Christ

8/22/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Ade, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Oh dear, dear sisters in Christ, thank you for your kind words of hope and love. I greet you and all those who
fellowship with you, in the name of The Lord, our great God, and His Son Jesus Christ, in whom we shall live in...
Hope and love fulfilled. The Lord does love His children, and your prayers He has heard, and to this end has He
sent me to you. Though I am one man with a small flock here, on the internet The Lord has given much increase,
reaching to the outermost parts of this world. Although, I have not accepted any money for the Letters from God
and His Christ, this is the will of God and is expected of all those who hear Him - this is how you shall know the
true servants. So then, I will take from my own means as The Lord sees fit to bless me. And when He blesses me,
and know this, He surely will as He has told me, I will not take any to myself but give to whom The Lord does
command me, for He has uprooted me from my own country, for they will not hear, and they do fight against His
words and greatly persecute His prophets. So I will surely share The Lord’s bounty with you, and all those in need,
starting with the children, for they are The Lord’s beloved fireflies, and He will soon gather them up.
It brings great joy to hear of the wonderful unity in your city... You have fulfilled the will of The Lord! Mighty are
His works, and great is His love for the truly humble of heart. Behold, He has turned His face toward you, and will
shortly snatch you out of all affliction, seating you firmly at His right hand... All is new, all hurts have fled away...
Only the face of Love, your Redeemer, is before you forever and ever. Amen. He shall carry us all! And guide us to
salvation. Amen and amen. He is with us always, even as we walk in the valley of the shadow... He will carry us,
even raising us up at the Last Day! Amen.
Sisters, I will pray night and day for you with my whole heart, with my whole soul, and with complete love, the
love The Lord has shown me, the love of The Lord... He does love His children. What I have I will give to you as I
am able, dear sisters, and what I give is The Lord’s. I give God all the glory, lest I take even one word or act of love
to myself. All is The Lord’s doing and is so very marvelous in our eyes. Blessed be His name! And blessed are all
those, who love His name and believe in His Son, Jesus... These have passed from judgement into life, life without
end... Praise The Lord! His mercy endures forever and ever... Forever and ever... forever and ever. Amen.
Hug the children for me, and greet and send my love to all those with you.

Your servant in Christ,


8/31/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Osaro and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

[Timothy] I have prayed, and this is what The Lord says:

[Jesus The Christ] My beloved servant, you have built Me a church without walls... What need do you have of
buildings made with human hands? Even so, you have blessed the name of The Lord, so shall I bless you and give
unto you great increase, both in word and deed. For I have seen in you My own Spirit, and so shall I give you all
that is needed in the days to come. I have come to live in you. Son of men, believe My words and pray, and I shall
surely come upon you and fill you with gladness above your fellows.

Thus says The Lord to His servant: Grow in faith and build patience by trust, and you shall behold My glory.
Shortly, I shall send to you Timothy, and he shall come bearing gifts in My own name. And together, you shall
build Me a great church from My own body. For I shall increase you, for you have planted well, My son of men...
Timothy has watered, and I, even I, shall walk with you and give great increase. Abide in Me, and shortly I shall
come upon you... Says The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 60 Volume Six

9/11/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Michael, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Brother, question not your salvation in Christ, but accept that by His blood you are made worthy. To question your
salvation is to crucify our Lord of Glory, again and again, in your heart. Rather, prove your love by obedience to
His teachings, walking in His ways... Take up your cross and follow Him.
Michael, in our obedience is our love for God established. Not perfect obedience, my friend, for we do ALL
stumble... none being righteous, no, not one... But in our constant striving to please The Lord in all we do, taking
great pleasure in His commands and commandments, keeping all Ten by even writing them on our hearts. In
following Him, by continued obedience, will we in time find freedom from doubt and gain confidence in The
Lord... Not arrogance or pride, of which we must always be wary, but of holy confidence as coming from the Spirit,
and grace received through Christ who strengthens us. Amen.
Brother, believe me when I say The Lord is with me when I write this, and take much comfort in these words, for
they are inspired as I am moved by the Spirit.
I will pray for you, brother, that The Lord works mighty in you and continues to lead you along paths of living
waters. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

(2006) A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Jesus Christ, Our Carpenter and Savior

Dear Friends,
In Christ is our salvation! The name of The Lord be praised!
The name of The Lord is everlasting... The Everlasting Light of the world, in whom there is no dark at all, for He
will destroy it... Rebuilding all things on a new foundation that will never be moved from its place or destroyed,
the Cornerstone full of grace, truth and the power of the Almighty, manifest in The Son of Man for our sakes and
love, that we might abide forever with He who made us and does know us more intimately than anyone has ever
known us, even better than we know ourselves, being our Fashioner and Creator, even of all things in which we live
and breathe... For we shall live in Him and through Him, because of Him who made us in the beginning of flesh
and blood, which perishes because of sin, dying and then refashioned of a greater glory, the glory given us by Him
who is the Glory, of which we also glory in Him, He having been glorified for all so we might behold His glory...
The glory of the only Begotten Son of God, who we also, by Him, become sons and daughters of God through His
works, even the death on the cross, having saved us by perfect righteousness, by grace are we saved... Becoming
His workmanship of such a kind, an everlasting vessel of honor, forever abiding in the presence of our Lord, our
Redeemer, in the Kingdom of God and His Christ, our beloved Shepherd, Father, Brother, Friend, and King, forever
and ever. Hallelujah! Amen.

Yours in Christ’s great love,


Volume Six 61 Letters from God and His Christ

9/4/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To Elder Moses, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Praise God, brother! For the works of The Lord are mighty, and His love beyond our comprehension. Greetings and great
love in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. His peace I pray for you, and my prayers remain with
you and all your beloved.
This news of the gathering has greatly warmed my heart and enriched my life, in the knowing that God’s will was
accomplished, if only in part, knowing that there is yet much work remaining ahead for those who would serve their God,
in Christ’s name. I am very joyful, on your part, that you have received of God’s Word, and He will continue to work in
your life many blessings and comforts in your times of need, giving you great strength to endure adversity when it comes,
with the full understanding that all those, with steadfast faith in Christ, need not let their hearts be troubled, for The Lord is
gracious and full of unfathomable love for His children. Behold, my brother, He is coming quickly, having already passed
through the door. He has but to call out, and you and your beloved shall be snatched away to His sanctuary. So my brother,
take much joy, for The Lord is with you and has heard your prayers. And because of your love and faith has He turned His
face toward you, and sent to you Osaro and myself to be unto you your fellow servants in The Lord, who are also your
servants in The Lord, of The Lord, and for The Lord, to accomplish His purpose of the further edification of His flock, also
strengthening them through unity of His own body, which you are together with all those in your city, country, and of this
world, who do watch for His coming and love the sweet sound of His name... Jesus The Christ, the love of our hearts, the
song upon our lips. Amen.
Brother, send my love to all your beloved, in Christ’s name. I pray the day comes quickly when I might come and embrace
you myself, and we might fight the good fight together, and further build up Christ’s body, His church, His bride, to the glory
of God in the Highest... Hallowed be His name! Amen.

Yours in Christ’s service, Timothy

P.S. Please write to me any question you may have concerning the Letters From God and His Christ, and I will answer you
according to God’s Spirit in me and by His Holy Word set forth in the Scriptures of Truth.

9/5/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -

To Ashy (former Muslim), and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May His peace be with you, and may His grace cover you and
be sufficient for you in your times of need, blessing you in all things according to the good pleasure of His will. Amen.
Dear sister, I say you are my sister because by the blood of Christ Jesus, which He had shed for you, have you become a
child of God as I am also His child, your brother by Christ, closer than family or blood, all of the same blood, the blood of
The Lamb, that binds us in the love of God’s mercies that endure forever, manifest in Christ. Amen.
By your confession of sin, and by asking Jesus to come and live in your heart, are you saved, having called upon the name
of God’s only Begotten Son, who now shall share with you the riches of His mercy by that Spirit which is called Holy, which
is in Christ... Yea, that part of Himself He has given to you, so you may come into the full knowledge of the joys of life lived
in Him and for Him, then fulfilled in His kingdom that comes shortly to this world, where He has prepared a place for you,
but first gathering you up out of all afflictions, hiding you in His Sanctuary for one week in The Lord, then bringing you back
with Him at His glorious appearing, where He shall put all things under His feet to the glory of the great God in Heaven,
whose glory He has bestowed upon His Son, being the All in All of all things, the very Source of Life, whereby you have
been born again this second time in Spirit, leading to everlasting life for all those who believe and love Him, proven by
their walking in His ways.
Amen, I say to you, sister. You have come into the Truth and Mercy of God, for He alone has made it possible for you to do
so. And He shall share His great love for you in Christ Jesus, because He is the perfect image of The Father, so we may know
Him and come to Him... Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE... of which path you are now on, called the Highway
of Holiness, being sanctified by your belief and edified in God’s Word. Blessed are you, sister. God has seen your heart, for
He does search our innermost parts, and has led you back to Him, and given you to His Son who shall shortly bring you
to Heaven. Remember, by grace we are saved... It is a gift of God, not by works, lest anyone should boast. Jesus is the Gift.
May God bless you, and cause His light to shine upon you and from within you, so you may light the way for all your

Yours in Christ, Timothy

Letters from God and His Christ 62 Volume Six

9/4/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Receive of That Which is Seasoned With Salt and Flavored With Honey

Beloved, write these words and receive of My blessings, for I do bless you and your wife, and will yet bring upon
you a blessing.
You have eaten fully of that which is heavily seasoned with salt... Even of its bitterness, you have accepted. Yet
those against you will not drink, neither will they take part in the whole of the Truth. Therefore, beloved servants,
you, being first of My little flock, shall do as I command you. For you have bore much fruit and bore also the weight
of persecution and secret objections and hissings. So as you are first, you shall take part of the brunt of evil things,
for you have endured for My name’s sake, for, indeed, you are guilty in the eyes of the world and they who remain
desolate and void of the Spirit.
So then, My prophet, and you, My beloved scribe, take to yourselves one tenth of an epha of cornmeal, mixed
with water, seasoned with salt and flax, and now flavored with honey. Bake them into cakes, and partake of them
one for each meal, and give thanks. Do this, for one week, as a cleansing and testament in your own actions and
body, to My glory I will shortly accomplish in you. The yoke of bitter doctrine is upon you, and so shall you now
also receive of that which is sweet in your mouth also, and when ingested shall cause a heaviness, a purging of
impurities and doubt. Take up a fast from all that which is impure and filled with sugar, for this is also a testament
and metaphor against the world. For all things presented to you seem to be sweet and nourishing, but are poison
and filled with corruptions, slowly bringing about death. So avoid these things and come into My glory, forsaking
all man’s corruptible and evil ways made manifest by his own hands, coming forth from his black heart.
So as Timothy must endure two weeks, so his wife must endure one. To your wife, Timothy, salt and honey, then the
Blessing. To you, My son, first salt and honey, then great bitterness and great glory, before the Blessing returns. In
this, find wisdom, and hear and have understanding. For all I have spoken shall come to pass as I have spoken it,
in the space of these two weeks (fourteen years), of which you are now in.

As you do in your own body, so shall I also do in the world, and you shall also endure...
One of you one week, and one of you two weeks.

Thus has The Lord spoken, and it shall be done.

Great want is coming quickly...

And for you, not want, but blessing...
Of which, part you shall take and give to all those
To whom I shall send you.


Timothy, you shall have all I have promised, and go to all I send you,
But you must believe and accept My purpose in you.

Volume Six 63 Letters from God and His Christ

9/30/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love, Forgiveness and the Law (The Ten Commandments)

Jesus said, “If you obey My teaching, then you are really My disciples.”

You are Jesus’ disciples, as I am His disciple. I now teach you according to the understanding, received from Him
who we follow, by the power of His Spirit. This makes me His apostle. You also become His teachers when you
teach another of His love, by your testimony of His own Spirit working in you.
Understanding is a gift. The fruit and gifts of the Spirit are not for a few, but the whole of the body of Christ. Each
of us has received of The Lord’s gifts, each lesser or greater according to His will for each part of His body, so we
can all work together for His single purpose in the salvation of others.
So then, God has told me He has given Me, at present, a double portion of understanding according to my
knowledge and intake of His Word, so I might grow quickly in His Word, for His own purpose in the edification
of many.
To my brother, He will also give double, for he is now commanded to partake of the Word at every opportunity,
and his understanding shall grow accordingly.
If then, all of you both listen and read God’s Word more often, to a greater degree you also shall receive
understanding. God does not withhold His gifts, but bestows them abundantly upon all those who willingly and
openly accept them... “Seek and you shall find; eat and you shall be filled.”
As your understanding grows, so then must your level of obedience grow. To everyone, who has knowledge of what
is sin, to them it is sin. To disobey God is to sin. This is why we must keep the Law, not because by keeping it we
are saved... By grace are we saved, by faith and repentance through Christ, not of ourselves... It is a gift from God.
We only need accept our salvation and be humbled by it.
If then, by the Law, we were once condemned by transgression of the Law, and now we are saved from the
penalty of transgression of the Law (sin), which is death, having been freed from the Law and condemnation, has
then the Law (Ten Commandments) passed away?... No! God forbid. Rather, only the laws found in ordinances
have passed away, having been nailed to the cross with Christ, as the apostle, Paul, taught us. The Law of the Ten
Commandments has become established, because of the freedom we now have from the Law by Christ, who is
also our Helper, giving us the strength and enabling us to keep the Law by the power of His Spirit. In our salvation
and love has the Law now been written on our hearts, because of faith in God, who gave us the Law, and in our
love for Him who fulfills the Law, Jesus, being the same One who taught us the Law anew with greater meaning
and understanding, opening our eyes to God’s wisdom and love.
To the Jews, the Law was given as a rod by which to govern themselves and obey... The old covenant of outward
obedience, which led them into sin because of man’s tendency to break the Law, continually stumbling over its
foundation, proving man could not be saved of himself, but is in need of a Savior that only God could provide.
We, as Christians, have entered into a better and greater covenant, no longer bound by the old covenant, which
was outward obedience and manifest in the flesh by circumcision. We have entered into an inward spiritual
covenant, the circumcision in our hearts, a freedom from sin by forgiveness, an everlasting atonement in the blood
of Christ.
So then, if Christ has come to live in us, He being the only One to keep the Law perfectly, also being the fulfillment
of the Law, then the Law has also come to live in us, whereby we should now take joy in keeping it, establishing
our love and gratitude for our freedom by obedience, no longer keeping it out of fear in the hopes of eternal life by
works, but rather by works done in faith, being already established in life by Christ. Brothers and sisters, rejoice!
We are no longer under the Law... We live under grace.
Are we now, also, free to break the Law out of convenience, because we have freedom from it?... God forbid!
Rather, Jesus has forgiven us for our transgression, and shows us by His example with the adulteress, saying, “You
are forgiven. Now go and sin no more”. Was He only speaking to her? Every word, spoken by Christ, has entered
into the ears of those who believe in Him and will receive the Word.
God can not contradict Himself, so if He proclaims the Law stands forever, then forever it stands... Without any
shadow of turning. Jesus confirmed this so we would not misunderstand, though many remain confused, listening
only to themselves and the devil instead of listening to the Master. Jesus said, “It is easier for the heavens and the
earth to pass away than one letter of the Law to fail.”
He has also given us an easy way to always fulfill the Law, saying, “Love your God with all your heart and all
your mind and all your strength”, and, “Love your neighbor as yourself”. If we do this, we have brought the true
meaning of the Law into our hearts, and will no longer stumble over the Law’s foundations, but have now built
these foundations in ourselves.

Letters from God and His Christ 64 Volume Six

9/30/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love, Forgiveness and the Law (The Ten Commandments) cont.

The purpose of the Law is love, and to keep us from pain and to keep us from causing others pain... A strengthening
of our relationship with God and with others with whom we share this world.

So we are freed from the penalty of our sins... They have been atoned for. Are we yet freed from sin and all that
leads us into sin?... No, not yet. But The Lord comes quickly to completely set us free, so we may enter into His
rest... On the seventh day.
Satan is the source, or cause, of sin. Can we defeat him?... No. Although we are made lower than the angels, even
those fallen, we can resist the devil and defeat his power to overcome us inwardly, even though he now seems
to rule the world outwardly. For greater is He, who lives in us, than he, who is in the world. For The Lord Jesus
overcame the world from the beginning, being the same One through which even all these worlds were made.
Jesus broke sin’s power, and thereby satan’s, on the cross; and put death, the penalty of sin, under His feet at His
resurrection, where also He trampled on all the plans of the devil. Satan is a defeated foe, who now only waits for
his destruction. Therefore, faith is more powerful than the devil, if we would just believe. Our faith in Jesus has
established us in life, abiding in the Light. Any and all those who wish to destroy the Light shall be consumed by
it and cut asunder, being destroyed by that which they sought to destroy, extinguished by that which they tried to
put out and cover, blotted out by that which the world would not embrace.

God is the Light of life...

And all, that He has decreed for us to follow,

Is a lamp for our feet so we do not stumble.

God is indeed love and mercy...

And the mercy and love He sent to us is fulfilled in Christ Jesus,

Who, if we follow and obey God’s love, shall be established in us,
And we shall live in His joy, in His presence, in His Kingdom,
Which He had prepared for us from the beginning...



Volume Six 65 Letters from God and His Christ

9/4/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Chosen Vessels

Behold the vessels of The Lord set before, and in the midst of, the multitude. I have placed them and set them up.
Some have become vessels unto honor; other vessels have been corrupted unto dishonor. Yet others perceive they
are honored, but have become filled with all manner of falsehoods and bitter doctrine, the doctrines of men who
know not the Truth, nor do I reside in them... Having fed to the masses, in My own name, food that has greatly
spoiled... Blasphemy!
Therefore, I, Myself, have gathered from amongst you many vessels in great number, who were completely empty,
having no doctrine at all. These have sinned greatly in the body, as all men... Easily cleansed by the blood of The
Lamb, of which they have accepted and drank. Behold the empty vessels of dishonor... They are washed and filled
with Pure Water, of which they shall pour into the cups of the thirsty.
What of these other vessels long since filled with bitter doctrines? Shall I pour of My Truth into these? Mixing
the pure with the corrupted?... Surely not. For they have sat long and unmoved, becoming stagnant and rank,
even some beginning to ferment. When such as these fill the cups of the thirsty, they become ill and even drunk
by the contents... None able to perceive the Truth as it is, having become fully intoxicated with the doctrines of
men and this world of deception. To these vessels, who have seen corruption, they do resist cleansing, perceiving
in themselves they are already clean. To these, they shall be broken and refashioned, having all their contents
evaporate in the fire...

How easily men give heed to cleansing of the sin of the body,
And oh how they resist the cleansing of the spirit.

For this reason have I set aside a special offering, even 144,000,
My witnesses who I have cleansed and made virgin in spirit...

These shall guide you out of the fire.

And those, who resist, will be led through...

As it were, refined by fire.


Letters from God and His Christ 66 Volume Six

9/16/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Craig and Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Trina’s son, Ryan, who is returning from Iraq, living with Craig and his mother, Trina
The Stepfather and His Son, the Returning Soldier

Though Ryan is not My servant, as of yet, he shall come to serve Me in his proper time and season.

Have understanding: Ryan has served and has been your servant, commissioned for your name, in the name of
that land of which you have pledged your allegiance. So then, honor him who is returning from war, and treat him
as your beloved son.

Craig, now called Daniel, what is the wife’s is the husband’s. Be to him a father, and treat him as a son... A son, not a
guest. To honor a guest does one serve and provide, but to the eldest son do you both provide and ask of him to serve,
for as the father does, also must the son who is able. So then, shelter him... Even all who come asking. But to the son,
he must work and provide for all in the home as does the father. As the father must work, so shall the son.
Daniel, welcome all with love, especially those beloved of your wife’s heart. For if you endeavor to love your wife
as your Lord, then likewise you must also care for her children as though they came from your own body. Trina, do
likewise toward your husband’s seed, for this is well pleasing to The Lord. Let there be no strife between those married
in The Lord. Rather, let all in your home know their place, and what is required of them, while under your roof. I
require peace in the houses of My children. If the children of age will not obey, then let them go their way and take
to themselves their own paths in life, finding their own place, not forgetting to teach and be to them an example,
glorifying My name in speech and action every time you are in their company... For this is the way of My disciples.

I do come quickly... And this, above all, is that for which you must prepare.

11/1/06 From God The Father -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says the Almighty God to His servant: The Day is coming quickly, when you shall be in the midst of the
valley of the shadow of death, walking amongst the condemned and wicked. This day is not yet, for I am not fully
established in you, nor has The Son yet breathed into you the power of the Spirit, nor given you the complete armor
of God... You remain a prophet and lowly servant according to your faith, which now has begun to increase. So
then, hear this and have understanding, and so do. You shall not keep the company of the wicked... Stay pure, My
son. You are not yet sent to rebuke them in power, nor free them by the power of My name, the name I have given
to My Son. Lo, I have sent you to My lost sheep to guide them back to My own pasture. These you have spoken of
are NOT My sheep, neither do they know Me, nor I them... Soon they will know Me. And when I come upon them,
they will be as a woman in travail, and they shall surely receive My punishment. And these, who give heed, shall
be refined by fire; and those, who resist, shall be cast therein.

Thus says The Lord to the haughty and high-minded: You serve satan and shall be brought very low. Behold, you
wicked children of disobedience, My face is turned against you. You shall not speak against My prophets, nor wish
them ill will! For The Lord has spoken, saying to all servants of satan, you shall be consumed! You shall all suffer a
very grievous death in this land! You are forsaken and left desolate, a feast for the birds, hiding place of the worm...
Except you repent and give Me glory, calling on Me in the name above all names, the only name given by which

Volume Six 67 Letters from God and His Christ

10/9/06 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Saturday is the Sabbath... The Ten Commandments Stand Forever

Friends, Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I am here to tell you Saturday is the Sabbath!* ...not Sunday.
Now before you take offense, hear my words. They are not entirely my own... God’s Spirit fills me.
Indeed, you are not wrong for worshiping on Sunday. No one can ever be wrong when worshiping The Lord and
gathering together for fellowship in the name of Jesus. To worship The Lord any and all days is righteousness, but
the seventh day is the day God has commanded us to remember and keep holy.
So then on Saturday, do no work, but rest in The Lord, and pray and be merry. Then, when Sunday comes, worship
and fellowship, if you so choose, for this is also pleasing to the Lord.
I hear some of you saying, ‘Yes, but we are no longer under the Law.’ You are partially right. We are under grace,
freed from the Law’s punishment by Jesus’ death and resurrection. Has the Law also passed away? As the apostle,
Paul, says, ‘God forbid.’ Rather, only the laws found in ordinances were nailed to the cross of Christ, as Paul has
taught us.
The Law of the Ten Commandments is now established in us and fulfilled by Jesus, who is the only One who has
never transgressed, who also said, “It is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away than one letter of the Law to fail”
(Matthew 5:18); and again, saying, “Whoever breaks one of these least commandments, and shall teach others to
do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom; but whoever teaches others to keep them, shall be called great in the
Kingdom” (Matthew 5:19)... He, also being the same One who taught us the Law anew, and how to obey it. Why
teach us of that which has passed away? So then, if Jesus remembered the Sabbath and the apostles remembered
the Sabbath, how is it then we have forgotten it?!
The church who changed the Sabbath was wrong, but the churches who worship on Sunday are not wrong. For
even the apostles wrote that they did gather together on the first day of the week, which was the day after the day
they rested and kept holy. (They were Jewish Christians. They honored and kept the Law and the Holy Days, but
with a much greater understanding in the knowledge that Jesus is the fulfillment of all things and their one and
only best example.)
Rather, we, as individuals in Christ, should keep the Sabbath as it is written. In obedience to God, in Christ, is our
love made perfect.

May God’s Spirit guide you and give you understanding as you read.

Yours in Christ, now and in the Kingdom,


*Bible Studies:
Go HERE -> http://mysp.ac/9A49KD For overwhelming evidence that indeed Saturday is the Sabbath, the 7th day
of the week which should be remembered and kept holy... Plus 25+ Bible verses, confessions from clergyman and

Letters from God and His Christ 68 Volume Six

10/23/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Disciple and Lampstand

Thus says The Lord to His servant: I have set you aside as a special offering in The Lord, taking you from among
those who do consume bitter doctrine, for this was pleasing to The Lord that you be as such. For in these things of
Truth you shall be brought to the forefront for My name’s sake in the edification of many. My son, these are the last
times. I have placed My trumpet in your hand, and you shall come to hear My voice... It is already within you.
James, continue to free yourself. You have been poured out, and I shall fill you up according to the good pleasure
of My will. Beloved, you have given yourself to Me, and I have given of Myself for you, having bought you for
a price. I do know all My children and those who are my friends... Even all those who will speak for Me, I have
always known. So then, My beloved son of men, speak on and be My watchman. Speak... Yea, shout to the thirsty,
for the time has grown very short. I am coming quickly, I have already passed through the door. I have but to call
out, and you shall be snatched away. Feed My sheep, teach them to know My voice. I want them to be where I
am. And if I take them to be where I am, then shall they really know Me, and I shall be with them as I am with
you. And you also shall be with Me in the Tabernacle of Heaven, even for one week in the Day of The Lord... My
hidden treasure.
James, gather the thirsty and give them drink... Feed the hungry. Great is their hunger, yet they know it not. Lo,
these of your land have grown very fat and rich in the world, not knowing they have become so very poor, lost and
destitute of daily food. I am that bread, and you know Me... Feed them, James. They are Mine, and I have given
them to you in your charge. I will call unto them, and they shall come to you. And in the Day, that comes quickly,
even according to that which My servant, Timothy, has been given to reveal, I shall surely gather them back to
Myself, and you with them.

Those, who believe they are first, shall be last...

And all those, who come out from among them, shall be first indeed,
Having worked a beautiful work in faith and truth, a total relinquishing of their wills. Amen.

The Son of Man comes, and He shall leave the earth in darkness,
With no light at all, save those set up as beacons...
144,000 who were brought out from among many nations,
Empty vessels filled unto great honor,
Appointed to be taken through the suffering of great tribulation,
So those left in the dark may also come to see that...

I am the Light of Life!

And none come to The Father except by Me.

And in these times of tribulation, My Father shall surely make it possible for them to do so.
Darkness is coming, and great glory, the hand of The Father revealed...

I am that Light shining amongst the darkness.

James, I have now come to shine in you, so you may also shine, shining brightly amongst the darkness in men.
For by My many servants shall I bring many who know not the Truth into My fold. And those, who believe they
are already of My fold, even to these shall I give correction and discipline. For I do love them, yet they have
wandered, and I shall call them back and make them into a true Bride, gloriously adorned in white linens, fit for
her Bridegroom.

Volume Six 69 Letters from God and His Christ

11/3/06 From Timothy, as Commanded by The Lord
To His Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Testimony and Prophecy

Behold, my brethren, my sisters, my parents, my wife. I know who I am and who I am to become, for The Lord has
shown me these things... Yea, even many things to come, which are not lawful that I should speak to you this day.
Behold, The Lord has passed through the door, and so it shall begin... The Lord’s people shall have tribulation ten
days (years). After three have passed, those having been tried, refined unto to pure white in the blood of The Lamb,
shall escape these things that come upon the children of disobedience, which will be poured out, full-strength, into
the cup of The Father’s indignation.
And so it shall begin shortly, as it was spoken of by The Christ to His servant, John, saying, “Fear none of those
things which you shall suffer. Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you
shall have tribulation ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I shall give you a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10)
Beloved, I am God’s servant. Even to this end was I born, to testify of these things that must shortly come to pass,
before the great and glorious appearing of The Son of Man in His glory, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
So my God shall send me among a people I have not known, and you shall be left alone for a short season. So grow
in faith and establish obedience, and be then separate, for the wrath of God has come upon the desolate unto a
great awakening. Suffer not yourselves to be among them, for they do believe in a lie fed them of this world and its
deceiver. Keep not their company until the time appointed, when I shall go amongst them, and work a great work
of which they have never seen nor heard since the beginning, even to this day, and they shall surely be converted...
Some unto salvation, others unto martyrdom... All shall be saved, of which you call your beloved. Their hearts are
yet stone, and God shall give to me a hammer and a sharp sickle... They shall be harvested. You do not now fully
understand what I am saying, but you will later. Thus has The Lord spoken to me and shown me. And it shall surely
be done... It shall surely come to pass.
I am The Lord’s servant, I am His prophet. And I shall go amongst them and be unto them a servant, a brother, even
a father to them, an apostle and a prophet of God. To this end has The Lord called me, and this is what I shall do.

Blessed be the name of The Lord in Heaven,

And thanksgiving to The Lamb, who has overcome for our sakes.


Letters from God and His Christ 70 Volume Six

11/9/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter For Someone Who Asked If They Can Still Serve The Lord as a Pastor, Even Though They Are Homosexual,
And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Blessed Are Those Who Overcome For My Name’s Sake

Beloved, you are beloved of The Lord and have become My disciple; and if you ask of Me forgiveness, you shall
surely have it for even all you have done. Yet to continue in the sin, of which I have forgiven you, is very unpleasant
in My sight. And that forgiven becomes unforgiven within your heart, for that which you do that requires forgiveness
is that which you should do no more, lest you make My sacrifice of non-effect and endeavor to crucify Me again
and again in your heart. So then, you have asked of Timothy the question of service while you yet remain in sin.
For Timothy brings before Me all that is asked of him, so he might not judge anyone of his own accord, lest per
chance he fall back into temptation.
All have sinned, there is none righteous... No, not one. Behold, even Timothy, a man who hears My voice, does
continually stumble, but in his stumbling is he made strong, for he kneels before The Lord, seeking of Me forgiveness
of these things over which he stumbles, being fully tempted of the evil one as all men yet remain. I have not yet
delivered you from temptation, nor delivered you from the evil one... Yet from the power of sin, which leads to
death, are you delivered. Therefore, My beloved, you know the answer of which you have spoken, for all is written
in the Scriptures of Truth. Can one, who does that which is abomination in the eyes of God, serve Me?...
Thus says The Lord: He may not! Yet if he comes to Me, and asks of Me forgiveness, a continual washing in My
own blood, he shall have it. Even if he comes to Me seven times, even seven times seventy times, I shall forgive
him. I forgive all those who come to Me. Then shall your love be made perfect, by abstaining from that which is
not lawful... Yea, a sacrifice in abstinence to The Lord.
Beloved son, take up your cross and follow Me. For whoever loves their life, more than Me, shall lose it. And
whosoever loves his mother, father, sister, brother, child or close friend, more than Me, is not worthy of Me.
So then, I do call you to serve Me, if you will strive to serve Me in all righteousness. I ask not that you be then
perfect... There are none perfect. Rather, that you strive to be unto Me a servant of pure heart... My disciple. For one
is not crowned unless this same one strives lawfully. If you obey My teaching, then you are really My disciple.
So then, beloved, come to Me... I shall forgive you. Then arise, and now walk in My ways, for you are a child unto
Me, and I am a Father unto you. This is why I must correct and discipline those I love, lest the devil get advantage
over them. Come to Me... I am your Healer. Serve Me as I am and how you wish to be. Turn away unto strange
flesh, and I also shall turn away and not gather you. This is the blessing of The Lord: That you were lost, now are
you found; that you might come and live in Me and abide in My doctrine... The doctrine of Life. And I shall give
you a cool drink of water, for you are yet thirsty. Understand this: I died and rose, and am risen, so that you might be
free. And you are free, if you would be fully converted in your heart. I died and sin also died!... Not just your sins gone
before and those sins of this day, but of all sins, even those of tomorrow. Beloved, do not revive your sins. Let them die,
that you might become completely new.

Hear My words...
In My words are life for all who walk in them.

And if you walk in them, you abide in Me and I in you.

If you love Me, then follow Me.

I am the fulfillment of the Law. All those, who love Me, are freed from the curse of the Law, which is death, but by
no means are they now free to forsake the Law. Rather, let the Law be written in your hearts, and obey, for now you
are under grace... And by the power of My Spirit can you now keep the Law, if you would only ask.

Blessed are those, who overcome for My name’s sake...

To these is there a place of great honor,

Where they shall be placed upon the mantle of The Lord in His house.


Volume Six 71 Letters from God and His Christ

1/5/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the Holy Spirit

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, can You help me better understand John 16:13-15?

[God The Father answered] Timothy, think not in earthly or human terms. Rather, know and understand that which
I send is Spirit and Truth, the very same as Christ, who I also sent, being manifest in the flesh, the same as God. So
that received is of God and of Christ... The Father and The Son are one and two. If then, you receive of My Spirit,
the Spirit you received is of Christ. The Comforter is of Christ and is Christ and God. I, We, are omnipresent, being
not bound by earthly laws, but of a spiritual freedom of which you can not yet understand. So then, if the Holy
Spirit is that part of Christ, which is also in God, then The Lord has left that part of Himself that dwells in you, even
to the end of the age.

[Jesus The Christ] This is why I said the Spirit shall not speak of Itself as one separate, but shall receive of Mine and
show it to you. The Spirit and The Christ are completely one, and I am in The Father and The Father is in Me. And
all The Father wills is made manifest by Me and through Me. The Spirit is given so you shall be with Me, and I with
you, always, though you remain in your flesh.

When the day comes, when you are changed from perishable to imperishable,
In that day no longer shall I dwell only in you, but you shall dwell in Me.
And you shall truly know Me as I am, for you will be like Me in spirit.

Then shall these sayings come to pass: “Death is swallowed up in victory”,

And, “I will be their God, and they shall be My people, says The Lord”,
And again, “For I shall dwell among them and in them”...

And they shall dwell in Me.

The old order of things shall pass away...

Behold, all is made new.


Letters from God and His Christ 72 Volume Six

1/17/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Emily, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those, Who Have Ears to Hear, Let Them Hear

[God The Father] I have given to My servant, Timothy, ears to hear My voice... Not as man hears, but in his spirit does he
hear Me. To him, this is given, and many like him, in number 144,000.
All people do not hear as he hears, yet I do speak to them. Some listen, while others stifle My calling of them and turn
unto fables and the diverse lusts of this world, turning not toward the Master with their ears cupped in reverence of His
Word. Rather, they run headlong into destruction, becoming adopted sons and daughters of Beliel and his servant, who
is to come and is already in the world... His time has come, and many ten thousands shall follow his voice and receive
of his mark and the number of his name. Let your heart not be troubled, for these things must be. And then The Holy One
shall come and put this evil one, son of satan, underfoot, and grind his kingdom to powder in that Day, which comes
very quickly, says The Lord.
So then, beloved, you wish to hear as Timothy hears. You already do in your spirit and within your heart, yet to converse
with The Lord your God is given only to the prophets of The Lord’s Day. Within the body of Christ is each given gifts
and must receive of the Spirit, each in accordance with their faith, bearing fruit after their gift in kind, for the benefit of
all, unto the salvation of many who have yet to come seeking after Me. So then, I will speak to your heart, and you will
know Me because you have embraced The Christ, your Jesus. Yea, I have spoken to you in your dreams and will do so
again. And so it comes to pass, and is fulfilled... I shall pour out My Spirit on all flesh in the latter days, and your sons
and daughters shall see visions, dream dreams, and prophesy.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, pray in My name, and I will be with you... And in you does My voice abide. Yea, all My sheep
hear Me... All those who love Me and follow Me. I have come to live in them and they in Me. Amen. And so it is given
and received, each in accordance with their faith and the will of The Father who is in Heaven.
Beloved, these very words you are reading are My voice and those in the Scriptures also. Read them, even devour them,
and My voice shall grow strong in you, for My Spirit resides in you and shall cause you to remember even all things I
have taught you. So eat of this Bread, and drink from My cup, and you shall be satisfied and never grow hungry. In this,
My child, be then contented and grow in faith, and wisdom shall soon follow. So speak, beloved, to those around you,
of My love, and they too shall come to embrace Me in time and their times appointed unto them, when they shall know
Me as I really am. This is My will for you, beloved, and all those who follow Me, to do as you have seen Me do. Take care
of My lambs, and gather in My sheep, by what I have given you.

[Jesus] The time has come, and is already here, when, by the power of God’s Spirit and His Right Hand,
All shall be gathered in preparation for God’s Judgment... the Day of The Lord...
And He shall surely visit the earth in wrath, a great awakening.
And many shall behold the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.

Make ready...

I am with My people, and I shall surely deliver them out of all that which shall come upon the earth.
And these, My beloved sheep and their beloved lambs,
Shall be sheltered in My Father’s house, even for one week in The Lord.

Rejoice and make ready, the time has come... The glory of The Father revealed.

And that same glory, wrought in The Son, shall shine from the east unto the west, and all shall see and KNOW...

I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me. Amen.

...And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear
My voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd. ~ John 10:16

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. ~ John 10:27

Volume Six 73 Letters from God and His Christ

1/22/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Rebellion, Recompense, Reformation

Thus says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer, The Holy One of God, the Master of all Israel, The Son of God, the
Jesus and Christ of your heart: As I have spoken, so it shall be done, says The Lord. What I have purposed can not
be moved. What I say shall surely come to pass, and you shall be left in amazement and give Me glory.
Lo, in all the land of Egypt unto the uttermost parts of the earth, even unto the end of days, shall all fall down. All
valleys shall be brought up, rising high above the hills... Even the tallest mountains shall crumble and be brought
low. So then shall it be among men... By the words of their own mouths shall the wicked shine a light on their own
guilt, so all may behold their wickedness and evil deeds. What was unseen shall be seen, and these, such arrogant
and high-minded children of disobedience, even these, shall be abased in the sight of men. Thus is their reward,
a great recompense, paid in full, for that which they have taken and all that which they sought to destroy, so they
may exalt themselves and steal for their own glory and greediness, fueled by their never-ending contemptuous
lusts, diverse in their fornications.
And so shall it also be with the wicked and the heathen, for they do rebel against their God and embrace all forms
of [superfluity of naughtiness]*, saying within themselves, ‘I am, and there is none like me. I bow to no one, and I
am against all who do not give heed to my will and join with me in all my fornications against both God and man.
For I go my own way and will not listen to another.’ And so it is fulfilled and shall be done... Why does the heathen
rage and shake their fists against Heaven? They shall fall, and great shall be their falling, with none to catch them,
for one can not save oneself by one’s own hand... Only in the reaching out to another can one be lifted up. So the
desolate are left standing alone by the evil course of their own wills, with none left beside them. And so it shall be
in the last days, the wicked shall be left utterly alone in a desert of lies, alone with nothing at all at which to grasp...
All shall be destroyed. Some shall stand still, others shall kneel, and many shall lie down, yet all shall be awakened
and pricked in their hearts... Many unto salvation, and many more unto wickedness and destruction.
Thus shall it be in your life, Timothy... The wicked shall be punished, a great humbling. For those, who have, shall
be given more; and those, who have not, even what they have shall be taken, so they may see. In Truth shall one
find freedom... To the rest, these shall abide in captivity until the time of reformation.

*superfluity of naughtiness - an excess of immoral behavior

1/29/07 From God The Father -

Given to Timothy during a prayer session with Osaro -
Regarding the suffering of the lepers and the African people
A Blessing and A Curse

Thus says The Lord: I will provide for them, and I shall do so very quickly. They have blessed the name of The
Lord and put their trust in the only Begotten of The Father, and so I will bless them, and curse all those who have
forsaken them, those who have not even raised a finger to help them. For the hardness of men’s hearts shall not
endure... I shall break them as the stone, and My Word shall be as the hammer. No more shall they afflict My
sheep, for My hand is against all the kings of Cush. And I shall lay Africa waste, and lift up My people out of all
afflictions, leaving the heathen and oppressor desolate, says The Lord!

Letters from God and His Christ 74 Volume Six

2/2/07 A Letter from Timothy, Inspired by the Spirit -
To a Brother in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those, Who Forebear, Will Suffer Great Loss... And Those, Who Bear, Will Be Taken Up

The Lord has told me the churches will not listen and will greatly resist this message I have to give them, yet I must
proclaim The Lord’s Word to them in spite of my fears and their resistance. To those, who do not accept The Lord’s
correction, to them it becomes a warning and proclamation of judgment. And to those, who accept, to these has it
become a great blessing, a gathering in of The Lord’s harvest.
To this end am I sent: To cause a great division by that which The Lord has given me. It is not that The Lord wants
division in His members... Unity, as at first, He requires. Yet this is not possible with men, for they hold fast to
singleness of doctrine, their own doctrine. They abide not in the true doctrine of Christ, wherein unity would be
established. And so, The Lord will separate the wheat from the tares, and then try the wheat that remains, as He
also tried Israel when He brought them forth out of Egypt.
As I remain yet a babe, who The Lord has taken out of the world, who also was unlearned in the Scriptures and
had never sat in the churches of men, for this reason He now sends me... An empty vessel of dishonor because of
sin, yet remaining an empty vessel fit for The Lord’s use. The Lord can easily cleanse sin by the blood of The Lamb,
but doctrines of men cling tightly to the inside of the vessel and become harder and more difficult to cleanse with
the passage of time.
So I have been sent to just a very few churches, at the present time, because my faith and my strength are still weak.
I have delivered the messages He gave me, and these churches have greatly lashed out against me and the Word
given me, with great anger and contempt, calling me a son of satan, though the songs of Jesus and His great love
are continually on my lips and fill the pages of the Letters from God and His Christ.
And so all has seemingly changed, but all remains the same. The spirit of the Pharisees and Sadducees of old is still
alive today, for they still exist, only now having changed their names and their vestures.
And so The Lord will, with a mighty hand, discipline these who do rebel against Him, who will not give heed to His
Word, seeking not God’s approval nor giving Him all the glory. But rather, they seek only praises from men unto
self-glorification - a false righteousness, built up and passed down over the generations, through false doctrine,
in the name of pride. So then, The Lord’s correction is now being broadcast to every corner, by the pouring out of
His Spirit, and is now coming forth both written and spoken through His prophets. Those, who will forebear, will
forebear and suffer great loss. And those, who bear, will be gone from this place, housed in the Sanctuary for one
week in The Lord. The rest left unto refinement by fire, and in this will they be saved...

These left behind will come running,

Kneeling down with their faces in the very sand atop which they had built their own houses.

They will call on the name of The Lord,

By the only name under Heaven by which you must be saved...


And when they come this second time, The Lord will see of Himself in them,
A complete shedding of the skin of this world, void of all vanities of men... A pure and shining vessel.

And these shall stand up again in the same office, for which they were called the first time, which they had
corrupted, to once again gather in a great harvest of all the wild wheat, the new wheat, those who did not harken
to the blowing of the trumpet. These shall suffer much in the name of The Lord, and do great exploits. And when
the time comes, when they must die because of the testimony they carry in their hearts, they will surely be lifted
up and join their brethren in God’s Sanctuary, where they also shall receive robes of white...

And then will they return, at the time appointed, with the King in all His glory...
And forever shall they be with The Lord. Amen.

Volume Six 75 Letters from God and His Christ

1/26/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Nancy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Receive The Lord’s Blessing

[God The Father] Thus says The Lord to His servant: Be not troubled nor down-hearted, for that which I am about to
do shall be done quickly. And though it tarry, it shall surely come; and when it comes, it shall not tarry.
You speak of many things, all of which the devil has used to cast you into confusion and doubt. The Holy One comes
nigh, and the wicked shall soon suffer at the hand of the One True God, the only God, the God of Israel... Yet you
question. This is good, My child, for one can not receive unless one asks in Christ’s name... His name is Jesus. He
is the gift of which you have received, but only in part, and His Spirit has begun to work in you... This is also your
feeling of uneasiness. For the Truth, when it is established in you, must destroy that in you which is not of the Truth
and is a lie... And so the battle rages. Yet this battle has already been won, for The Christ died so you could be free
and live. Though you do not yet understand all these things, abide in faith with all long-suffering, with all patience in
faith, trusting in your God, the only God.

Abide in My Son... He is your Sanctuary in these times of trouble,

That are from within and without and shall encompass you roundabout.

Trust in Him, and He shall give you rest.

In true faith, one does not need all the answers.

One only need rest in the knowing, I AM The Lord... and there is none like Me.

And by Him, who I have sent, is that rest of which you have known from the beginning,
Being the same One through which you were made,
Even all these worlds and all things of which you have seen with your own eyes...
They are His as you are His.

I have given Him to you, and in Him shall you have life in His joy,
Having received of the Living Water, receiving life because of Him the second time.

All have sinned... And in that same moment, those who live have died. And in the same moment of which I draw
them, and they turn to me in Christ’s name, are they made alive... Not as at first, but forever, for the power of the
second death has lost its grip on the redeemed.
So then, My child, continue to seek Me, for that which was written is coming to pass in your lifetime, but is by no
means complete. All, that must be, is not accomplished... Much work is to be done. Even in you do I work, for My
Spirit, which is in Christ, is always working, for in you is much of man’s doctrine. For one need only call on My name,
by Christ, and then walk in My ways according to how your Lord, your Redeemer, has taught you. Abide not in the
doctrines of men, nor follow their teachings, for in no wise do I dwell in the churches of men. For the light has gone
out of the churches of men... Only bitter and corrupt doctrine resides there, fed to the multitude, who are asleep,
sitting in the dark. Break free, beloved, and seek Me in all truth and supplication, and then you shall begin to know
Me as I really am. Shed the skin of this world, and do not give heed to any tradition of men. These, though they have
a veneer with a similitude of truth, they are not the Truth, for any pure water mixed with poison becomes poison.
Drink not from the cups of blasphemy, held fast by the hands of men... Turn to God!
Read My Word only. And there in the pages of My Book, the Scriptures of Truth, shall you find Me and have peace
from all that ails you. And so it begins, the final temptation by him called evil and him who he sends, who shall lead
many into perdition. Fear not... I am coming quickly. And The Holy One shall gather even all these, who He sees of
Himself in them, those who know Him and walk in Him, and He in they, for these are converted in their innermost
parts and give heed to all the Spirit speaks to them.
And so you groan... These are but the birth pains of your heart. To be born again is the process by which you become,
in all ways, liken unto Christ, of whom you have come to love with your whole life, strength and soul. Not that you
shall be, at present, perfect... There is none perfect, save He who remains perfect, having come from He who alone is
righteous. No, My child, I say that you shall strive for a completion in faith, which is all in all in Christ Jesus, for He
is the Author and Finisher, the only True Gift, the Fulfillment of all things... The Love and Mercy of God.

Letters from God and His Christ 76 Volume Six

1/26/07 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Nancy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Receive The Lord’s Blessing cont.

[Jesus The Christ] You also ask of tithes... Here is wisdom: Abraham, your father, gave ten percent of his spoils to the
king of Salem, Melchizedek, and later a portion was also given of the tribes of Israel to the Levites so they may serve
God, and so it is today. Yet today, the voice of God is not with His people, as it was then, for none will listen. So give
directly to the poor, as your heart leads you, for in serving God shall no man profit by monetary means, but shall
profit only by that which The Lord God gives. And the profit God gives is true, and in no wise is it of men or mammon.
For The Lord delights in that which one gives to another, in My name, and by the works of their own hands and feet
in all righteousness... This is the tithe in which The Lord delights most. If one comes to you, saying, ‘Give me a cup
of water’... Give them a drink in My name.
If one comes, saying, ‘I need a shirt, for I am naked and cold’... Give them your shirt and your coat also. And if this
same one asks, ‘Will you walk with me this far?’... Go with them double. So tithe not just of your money, but of your
possessions, of your body, of your strength, of your time, of your very life, and you shall receive ten-fold in Heaven
and in the Kingdom to come. Do this, and you shall really know Me and The Father also, for I am of The Father.
And it is He who has sent Me to live in you, because He had also given you to Me, and I had given of Myself for you...
Even of My very life to save you. I know you, beloved, I have always known you... I created you. I am your Father, as
God is your Father. I am your Fashioner, the Carpenter, your Shepherd. Come to Me, and dwell in My sheep pen, and
dwell no longer in the world’s or the churches... I am the Church. There are no walls preventing you from seeing Me
as I am. I am all around you and in you... You are in My body. My church is not made with human hands... It stands
forever by the power of God’s Spirit, which is in Me and I am. All those, who love Me with their whole hearts and
drink of My blood and eat of My flesh, are the True Church, which is of Me and in Me. No church of men, made by
human hands, shall endure... Only the church of My body shall endure. For it is built upon the Rock of the Everlasting
Covenant, which is in Me, and I am in The Father... The Chief Cornerstone of which all things have life and are built.
Trust not in man’s doctrine. It is built upon the shifting sands of religion and tradition.
No one comes to Me unless The Father first draws them to Me. No man can draw you... Human power is of no use
at all. Abide in Me, and I shall abide in you and give you life in abundance.

I am the only Begotten of The Father...

There is none other and none like Me.

I am the only Way to follow... The only Path to redemption...

The Truth and the Word... The Life that never ends...
The Light that shines in the darkness...
The Beginning and the Ending, who comes quickly to make a quick end,
So again there may be a new beginning which has no end. Amen.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Restoration of all things,

The Unbreakable Stone that fills the entire earth, which will endure forever and ever,
And forever shall I be... I AM.

And in this is all wisdom and all prophecy fulfilled:

In the knowing that there is One God and One Son, the Way to The Father,
And One Life, which is never-ending, of which all were made and have life,
If they so choose to receive of this Gift...

I am that Gift... Receive Me and have Life.

My Kingdom is coming and has come already.

Come and dwell in The Father’s Joy, which is in Me. Amen and amen.

Volume Six 77 Letters from God and His Christ

8/8/06 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Witnesses Shall Prepare the Way of the Coming of The Son of Man, The Holy One of Israel

To the servants and prophets at My right hand, hear and have understanding of The Lord’s purpose. As I have done, even
shall I do again. As I have spoken it to the prophets, so shall it be trumpeted again.
Do I call out My prophets only to have them heard in secret or in a corner? Shall they whisper My words only to the
purified in heart? Shall I place My candlesticks under the bed or put them in a closet? Shall I hide them away in the Day
of The Lord’s wrath?... Surely not! Behold My prophets, the candlesticks... I have placed the flame of My own spirit within
them. Lo, I have called them. Behold, they shall surely come out and be placed upon the rooftops, set upon the hills,
standing upon the mountains... Flaming torches, beacons in this dark night which has consumed this world. They shall
surely burn brighter, and brighter shall they become, the flame of which can not be exhausted or put out. Their words
shall be like fire! Their proclamation, a mighty and strong wind toppling all trees, pulling them up by their roots, causing
all houses to come crashing down upon their cracked foundations. Behold, the words of the Most High are sent out and
shall proliferate through the multitude... Yea, My mighty lampstands shall be placed even in the midst of all peoples.
The Lord’s army shall push at them... My anointed ones shall turn the world on its side. There shall be great wailing and
gnashing of teeth. The Lord’s Day comes quickly and shall not be moved... The world is condemned. The prized of The
Lord must be gathered and removed... Yea, My precious little ones must be taken out of the way and held in safety. They
shall be cradled in My love... In the arms of their Shepherd shall they be carried away. For the Shepherd does love His
lambs, and He shall gather His sheep. He has laid down His life for them, He shall surely come for them. He shall not
tarry, He shall come very quickly... In a twinkling of an eye, He shall steal them away.
So to the peoples of this evil world, who have neither seen, nor heard - what is your answer? Who shall I send to you in
your time of need? Who shall guide the brokenhearted? Who will bind up your wounds when you call on My name? Lo,
The Lamb of God shall heal your heart during this time of great trouble, and My witnesses shall lead you and give you
shelter. Yea, even Moses and Elijah shall come. Many of you shall die... Let your hearts not be troubled, these things must
be... But you shall not sleep. You shall surely pass from the shadow of death into the light of life. In those days, you shall
know God’s sanctuary... You shall worship in His tabernacle, clothed in white robes.
To the prophets, My witnesses, 144,000, to you it has been purposed, and it shall be done. You shall not be of the world,
though you remain in it. All stumbling blocks shall be removed from your path and all chains loosed from your body.
You shall be at The Lord’s beck and call. Indeed, I shall send you here and there according to the good pleasure of My
will. I will provide even all things you will need. Nothing shall keep you from My purpose or halt your steps. Even all I
shall give to you, you shall keep, and those of your own body shall be taken. And in that self-same hour, you shall lose
everything and lose nothing... You shall gain the world, and the world shall become your enemy.
At this present time, your first enemy is yourself, only second to the devil, for he will try to turn you against yourself,
even endeavoring to turn even all those you love into your enemies. Be not troubled in this... You shall become strong.
And by My own word, you shall become great, great in word and deed. For The Lord, Himself, shall teach you, and you
shall overcome. And when the Thief comes and spoils the strong man’s house, you shall be fully established, following
after Me to take yet more from him who has cursed My name and corrupted My vessels. I shall purge them by fire, even
seven times, and you shall carry them. And when I command you, you shall mount up on the wings of eagles, and I shall
carry you with them to a place I will show you, and there shall you abide for a time, times, and the dividing of time.
Then The Lord shall come in great glory on His mount of white, with clouds roiling. Yea, there shall be great lightnings
and thunderings proceeding the great and awesome coming of The Son of Man in His glory... Even the sun, the moon
and the stars shall not give their light.

My glory shall permeate the whole breath of the whole earth... Every crack, every crevice.
No shadow shall escape My glory.
The heavens shall be scorched and rolled up as a scroll!

Behold the glory from on high, wrought in the same glory of God’s only Son... The very same as God!

[Angels] Bow before The Holy One of God, the King of nations, the Carpenter of all these worlds... Bow!
Every knee bow before your Lord and your God... Even all of darkness and light, earth and Heaven.
Blessings, power and dominion to our great God, and to The Lamb, forever and ever...
Forever and ever... forever and ever...
Amen... amen... and amen...
It is accomplished.

Letters from God and His Christ 78 Volume Six

8/18/06 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Desolations Are Determined and Great Want for My Beloved Children

To all My beloved little flocks, seated firmly at My Right Hand, soon gathered into His arms.
Great times of tribulation are coming and shall surely reach around the world, even into your own lives. Be strong,
yea, be strong... I am with you to deliver you.
Great hurt is coming and great want, a dark and widening valley where the cliffs are sheer... And in the midst of
it, the pit.
Parents, call out to your children... The vipers gather, the jackals have begun their attack. Little ones, I am with
you... Do not forsake Me. Call on Me in your time of need, which approaches very quickly. Do not be alarmed or
overtaken, as an unarmed man in sudden travail by a band of thieves.
See, I have told you in advance. Rest easy, let not your hearts be troubled... I am with you to deliver you... Rest
easy, and know I AM The Lord.

You shall behold the power of The Lord God Almighty.

My name shall resound in all the earth!

Behold, the heathen shall come to know God!

He shall kneel...

He shall bow his head...

He shall humble himself before Me, calling Me “Lord”.

And Gog and his army, and his evil covenant, shall be broken...
Yea, total destruction shall become of him and his princes!

God shall surely visit the earth.

And I, even I, shall visit them in My wrath...

A great recompense for the evil conceived of in the hearts of these men,
Who would destroy My own children and their land which I had given to their forefathers forever...

The Lord has spoken!

Volume Six 79 Letters from God and His Christ

11/12/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen... *All Shall Be Saved. The First Harvest Shall Be Lowly... The Second, Plenteous.

Timothy, write as I speak, and hear and understand The Lord’s purpose. I have sent you out among My sheep, as a
shepherd who has no experience nor knowledge of My flock. Yet from your birth, yea, before your formation, you were
ordained as a beacon and a light, a prophet and an enemy to men. I have called you out as an empty vessel of dishonor,
of which I have cleansed and filled unto great honor, a man who shall be greatly hated of men and the world. Even men
of My own fold shall come to hate you and cast stones at you. I have called you out of the world, and I send you back
into the world... Even among My own church shall I send you. Lo, you are of My body, but separate from that which is
called My body by men. Behold, Timothy, I have sent you out amongst wolves and sheep, of which both shall bite at you
and wish to trample you. You are sent to speak the Truth Absolute, and to make war in My members... To make enemies,
not friends. You shall slay your brother in his heart with the sword, which is the Word of My mouth. In one hand, a sharp
sword with two edges, which is the Truth Absolute; and in the other, a trumpet to sound the warning.
Here is wisdom: God is just in everything. And if The Father’s justice is not a respecter of persons, then it shall surely come to
pass in these last few short days (years)... Those who would be first shall be last, and those who were last shall be first.
For what shall I do, and what shall I say, to these who speak My name continually, invoking My words from Scripture and
My statutes, and then going in that self-same hour and disobeying them? Shall any man, who thinks himself righteous
because he knows My name, be taken out of The Lord’s day as a reward for his disobedience and high-mindedness?...
Surely not! What of all these men, who speak My name and My Word continually, in the judgement of others, to exalt
their own selves? Shall I then reward them for their lack of humility, exalting them to Heaven, though they stand firm
for themselves and not Me?... Surely not! Of My servants, I require all humility and meekness and faith, rightly dividing
My Word unto edification of their brothers and sisters, not in justification of themselves, by themselves, for their own
churches who do not keep My commandments nor honor My statutes.

Thus says The Lord to all servants, who call of themselves servants in My name: Do you really know Me? Do you abide
in Me?... And if I abide in you, then where is My fruit of My own Spirit of which I have given you?... I have not seen it!
What have you done with My gifts? My lost sheep, where have you laid them?... They lie next to your faith, which has
also been misplaced. Why do you now come against Me? For all you have done shall be accounted to you, unless you
repent and cast away these filthy robes of arrogance and pride. You have asked of Me forgiveness, in My name, and I
have washed you in My own blood... You are now married unto Me, beloved! How is it that you now play the harlot and
return to those same things of which I have forgiven you? Beloved, The Lord does not change! Yet you have endeavored
to change My Word to suit your own selfishness, to hold onto that which is abomination in the eyes of God! Shall I then
gather you up and reward you for your error?... Surely not! Are you saved in spite of your error?... Yes, The Lord does not
lie to His sheep. But remember this: The Lord will surely correct and discipline those He loves, making His bride fit for
her Husband when He returns for her.
My servants, hold your lamps up so I may see your faces! Why have you poured out the pure oil I gave you and
intermingled it with the dirt upon the ground? Your lamps will not light, they have gone out. Hurry and buy some new
oil, quickly, from those who I have sent to sell you of the pure oil, which I have given them.

Thus says The Lord, who died and is alive forevermore... Amen: I have sent out the watchmen, My prophets, of whom
you shall know by their fruits. Woe to those, who do not embrace their words and give heed to their correction, for it
would have been better for you if you had never met them, nor heard them, and remained in your ignorance. Lo, you
have heard them, and now you are bound by their word, a cord you shall not cut, for theirs is the Word of God brought
forth through their own mouths. Behold, it is I , even I, who speaks! So then, all those, who come against them, come
against Me. And those, who stone them by rock or word, even these shall I not gather, for I shall leave them in the midst
of the fire, left unto refinement... A great humbling. There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Thus says your Master, your Teacher, the Bearer of your cross, of which I carried because of My love for you: Servants,
you stand too tall, your girth is too wide, you are unable to pass... For small is the gate and narrow is the way into Heaven.
NO MAN, great in stature, may enter... Called Christian or otherwise. For it is the humble, penitent man who shall enter.
No name, nor mere proclamation or work, shall bring you to My Father’s house, for I search the hearts and minds! Do I
require, then, perfection?... Certainly not. I require a sincere, loving heart, a man fully converted in his inward parts, a
sincere striving to obey, a man who continually comes to Me in total love and trust when he stumbles, a man of My own
Spirit, a man after My own heart.

So beloved, and all those who call themselves by My name,

I ask you again, do you really love Me?... Then follow Me.

Letters from God and His Christ 80 Volume Six

11/12/06 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen... *All Shall Be Saved. The First Harvest Shall Be Lowly... The Second, Plenteous. cont.

Beloved, who call of themselves by My own name, do you really love Me?...
Then obey My Word. Follow Me.

Beloved, who call themselves by My own name, do you really love Me?...
Then leave everything and follow Me.

Stop breaking My heart and giving heed to the devil... Follow Me!

I have always loved you. Even from the beginning, I have loved you... I am your Maker, your Carpenter, your Father. Let
go, beloved, let go of your pride, let go of this world, let go and come to Me in Truth... Your salvation is assured.
I know all, who are in My Kingdom, given Me of The Father. I know who all of you are, I know who you are to become.
Hear Me, beloved. Turn not to the right, nor the left, stay focused on Me... I am the Truth, the Way and the Life, the Path
you must follow. I do not change... I am the same yesterday, today and all tomorrows to come. What I have written let
no man change. Rather, follow Me as I have said and not as you would have Me say. Keep The Father’s commandments,
as He had written them in stone by His own finger... In number, ten. Keep them all, remember them all, and do them
according to how they are written, not as man has rewritten them, and it shall be credited unto you for righteousness.
I have freed you from the curse of the Law; I have not freed you from obedience to the Law. Rather, I have given you
the means, by My own Spirit, to keep the Law. Oh beloved, why do you not understand My speech? Why do you not
love Me? Why have you lost the desire to follow Me? My love has not changed, yet you have changed, becoming lords
unto yourselves. Beloved, keep what The Father has given you... Stop desecrating His Sabbaths! The Law stands forever,
and all that is contained therein also stands. Even from Sabbath to Sabbath, in the Kingdom, shall the nations come up
to Jerusalem and worship Me. So then, My beloved, follow Me, and make our love perfect in obedience, and embrace
My prophets, and separate yourselves from those who are false, who deny My name by all they do. For any man, who
embraces those who deny Me, embraces he who is against Me. And any, who embrace those I send, he also shall My
Father embrace and hide in His Sanctuary.
Beloved, you shall surely know My prophets by their fruit, of which the devil can not duplicate... Imitate, yes... Duplicate,
no. Thus shall you know them by their fruits and by their continual trumpeting of My name and My coming. I am in them,
and they in Me. Woe to any man who comes against them in these last days: To the wicked, they shall be burned and
consumed; and to the false-righteous, these shall be left standing where they ought not to be... Left in bewilderment and
tears... Abased for their arrogance, pride, judgements, persecutions, false teachings, evil surmisings, envy, foolish-talking
and wrath. Yet shall they be saved, as one being refined by the fires of The Father’s correction and discipline, but not
falling under His judgement because of My name... Rather, coming into My Kingdom by great tribulation of the world
and men, taken through by the Right Hand of God... Some martyred to the glory of God, others hidden in the desert for a
time, times and a half of time. Many shall behold the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon The Son of Man
in those days. Timothy, sift My wheat by all I have given you!

The Trumpet is blowing, the bride is being prepared... the wedding supper approaches.

The seals are placed in the hands of The Holy One of Israel...
The Great Day of The Lord God Almighty is upon you.
Look up, your redemption draws nigh.

My people, remember, God is just in everything. Amen.

*(Not all people, but only those Christians who give heed to The Lord’s correction and repent. The Lord is addressing
those, who call of themselves “Christians”, in this Letter).

Volume Six 81 Letters from God and His Christ

2/9/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kudos, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Faithfulness in Marriage

My son, stay faithful both to Me and your wife, for in this are you clean. She has gone out of the way, and you and
she have not followed Me as you should, neither have you obeyed all My laws of marriage... My commandments
of love. You have not walked fully in My ways.
I say to you this: Greater is the sin of your wife, for I have commanded all to abide in marriage under God, as they
should. Yet the Cornerstone, of which I am and have placed within you, to it you have not harkened. And your wife
has endeavored to cast it and the sanctity of marriage away, as a cord strewn about her neck. And so, My son, stay
faithful. You both remain married in the eyes of God, for the laws of men have no bearing on the true judgment of
God carried out by The Son. So then, married or unmarried in the eyes of men, married you remain, until which
time she binds herself to another by intimacy. Whether it be in the body or of the mind, whether it be before or after
the certificate of divorce is confirmed... IT IS ADULTERY, and a desecration of that sanctified by The Father, also
sanctified in blood between all those who have retained their virginity until the night of their copulation.
So then, pray for your wife and stay true to her in body and mind, and it shall be credited unto you for righteousness.
And to her, it shall be as rebellion, for she has not followed after Me, nor has she turned to Me in truth. Rather,
she has given heed to sly and seducing words of others, to justify that within herself that she knows to be wrong
and against My commandments. I have given her of Myself, yet she does stifle that which was given unto her as a
blessing and a cleansing, choosing sin and disobedience. And so it is with heavy of heart, I must let those, who go
their own way, stumble, so they might return to Me again, asking that I might lift them up. And if these do not come
before the time appointed, and will not walk in My ways, I shall behold their hearts... And if I see not of Myself in
them, they shall not be gathered but left unto refinement, whereby tribulation they shall return to Me, and in this
they shall be upheld and lifted up.
And what of these, who spew false doctrine and divide that which is not to be divided?... They shall receive
recompense, in full, for their error. Thus is the love and severity of God, for He shall correct and discipline even
all those He loves.
Remember God is just in everything and knows all the works of His children, and will judge... And so manifest all
things which will bring them back to the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, which is in Me and I am. For your wife
has become a wild olive branch and shall be broken off, but The Lord’s will is that she be grafted in again... And
I am able to graft her in again according to the good pleasure of The Father’s will. I am her Father also, and her
Shepherd, and so I let my sheep wander where they will so they may learn. Yet I will not let them fall, for I am He
who will always go out for them and lead them back again. I have already laid down My life for them and have
taken it up again, so they might be established in My sight, in My very presence. These know My voice and will
again return at My calling of them.
So take heed to yourself, and do all I ask of you, and abide in all patience and faith, trusting in God with all long-
suffering and prayer. And when the day comes, for it comes quickly, you shall be gone from this place and all your
beloved with you, and your wife also, if she so chooses to heed My calling of her before the time.

In the days following, you shall see the angels of Heaven

Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man...

In this, take great comfort.

I know all My sheep...

I have always known them...
And with Me shall they abide, forever and ever.


Letters from God and His Christ 82 Volume Six

2/15/07 From Timothy, With understanding received from Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding those, who seek to honor The Lord, though they be in ignorance
Remembering the Sabbath Day... To Keep It Holy

[Timothy] If such an one, called beloved of The Lord and in whom He dwells, comes before God and dedicates any
day of which The Lord did not command, yet dedicates it to The Lord in ignorance or because of false teaching...
to The Lord it is dedicated. For this is acceptable and well pleasing to The Lord. And to this same one shall it be
credited unto righteousness according to their heart, though they be in error according to which day shall be kept
holy unto The Lord.
Yet if another, who has full knowledge, come and say, ‘I also dedicate this certain day to The Lord’, and it be the
correct day, the seventh, according to The Father’s commandment, proclaiming his righteousness before men,
casting judgment against those he perceives as less worthy because of their error... to this man shall it be credited
unto shame, though he be not in error according to the commandment. Though he has kept this day by his mouth,
he did not keep it in his heart, nor unto God, but to himself has he kept it... having not kept it at all. To this man,
he shall be abased.
And to the one who is erred, who yet remains humble with a sincere heart, they shall be exalted. And from this
place shall they come into the correct knowledge in keeping the seventh day holy, according to the Word of The
Lord, for they have already kept it in their heart, though they have lacked knowledge of which day should be
dedicated. So then, in their sincere striving toward righteousness, and by the intent of their heart, shall their faith
come to completion in the keeping of the fourth command of The Father, when they come into the true knowledge
of the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy, being the seventh as it was written.
It is far easier to move a man, whose heart is in the right place, to a new day, than to move a man, with a wrong
heart, to a place that is right, if he feels he already abides there.
Yet, remember this: All, who come into the true knowledge of the Word, must then walk in its ways and no longer
in their own way, nor in man’s ways.

[Jesus The Christ] Walk uprightly in Me, in My footsteps, abiding in My doctrine...

According to the faith and knowledge you have received.

Progress toward perfection, seeking on by faith...

Not according to tradition or the commandments of men.

Seek and you shall surely find,

For all you need is written for your edification in the Scriptures of Truth.

Volume Six 83 Letters from God and His Christ

12/11/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Refinement... The Day of The Lord

[God The Father] Thus says The Lord your God, the God of Israel: My anger is kindled against you. You have not
harkened to My words, neither to the words given My prophets of old, nor of this day, even to the forsaking of the
One you call Christ, calling of yourself by His own name. Shall I reward you for your disobedience, simply because
you are called by His name?
My children, I have sent to you many in My name, with My own words in their mouths, and I am yet sending
144,000 more, the witnesses, yet you scoff. Oh disobedient generation, who call of themselves by The Christ’s
name, you are given up to refinement in the fires of the Last Week... You shall not be gathered. There shall be great
wailing and gnashing of teeth. And so it will come to pass, those who would be first shall be last and those who
are last shall be first. For every man, who thinks himself righteous, shall be left. There are none righteous! No, not
one!... Not one person or church. All is vanity and pride, a complete vexation of spirit.
I have already told you, I require humility, a complete forsaking of your wills, walking in faith, abiding in the
doctrine of Christ. Yet all you men abide in your own doctrine, walking in religion, not in faith in obedience to
God. All religions shall fail... Not one shall persist.
Children, salvation is nowhere to be found in man’s religions, nor shall one find Me in any denomination of
man’s churches. All your attempts to hold onto your self-righteousness and bitter doctrine is in vain. My children,
Christ’s church dwells in Him, and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple
that has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world, mixing worldly with spiritual and pure worship with

[Jesus] Be separate, says The Lord of Hosts!

Come out from among them, and follow Me.
My servants, take nothing with you.

I abide not in churches made with human hands... Why do you not understand My speech?
Those who love anything in this world, more than Me, are not worthy of Me.
To be a friend of the world is enmity with God.
Stop stifling the Spirit I have given you.
To celebrate and worship Me, in any way not as it is written, is a desecration of My name!
To mix anything I have given, with that which is of satan, is abomination!

Little children, come out of her. The harlot has deceived you, and you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling
in all her fornications. You are lost, given up to punishment... Enduring desolations on every side. For I shall indeed
correct and discipline all those I love. You have not given heed to The Father’s, nor My own correction, so then I
must bring My hand against you, so you may yet enter My rest. Children, if I do not leave you unto refinement,
assuredly, I say to you, you may not enter. For this stiff-necked generation does continually honor Me with their
lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Who do you serve, little ones?... The world, and all its adulteries against God?
Or God, in spirit and in Truth, void of the world?
The day is coming, and is already here, when The Father shall receive the worship He really wants... The first
harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly; and the second harvest shall be plenteous, of the refined and penitent. Repent,
therefore, and humble yourselves, and escape all these things that must shortly come to pass. Repent, I say, repent
in truth, and take up your crosses and follow after Me. If you repent, and then return to those things of which you
have repented, endeavoring not to change, has not your repentance become unrepentance? My children, if you
come before Me, repenting of your transgressions, in where you have not kept the Law of The Father, and then
continue in your transgression forsaking the Law, have you not committed greater evil? For you have made Me the
author of sin, saying, ‘We are in Christ. We are free from the Law.’... Desecration!
Little children, hear Me. You are free from the curse of the Law. You are saved by grace, and now live under My
grace, which shall enable you to keep the Law of The Father, because you are free from the curse of the Law...
Death. You are by no means free to break the Law. Have I not said, you are forgiven... Now go and sin NO MORE?
Continue to transgress, not endeavoring to change your ways, you remain in unforgiveness, having lied to The
Father in My name... Neither are you born again of the Spirit. For all those, who receive of the Spirit, walk in My
ways... I walked in perfect obedience to The Father.

Letters from God and His Christ 84 Volume Six

12/11/06 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Refinement... The Day of The Lord cont.

I say not that you shall walk perfectly, only that you sincerely strive to walk in uprightness, a completion of your
faiths, having received of My gift, even of the new heart I have given you. And by this shall you be judged, for
I search the hearts and minds, and I know if you have been wholly converted in your hearts, even unto your
innermost parts... One who seeks to please The Father by all his doings, one who truly loves Me.

[Jesus The Christ] My children, I shall speak plainly so you may be saved...

Love one another.

Feed the poor in spirit and in body.
Visit the widows in their affliction.
Uphold the fatherless.
Speak to those in prison.
Help the sick.

Forsake these modern “holidays”...

Embrace the Holy Days, as I am their fulfillment and as they are written.

Get understanding, get wisdom.

And remember the Sabbath Day, the seventh day, to keep it holy.

Obey all of The Father’s commands... By My own grace shall you keep them. Listen to those I send you. You shall
know them by their fruits and by their sword, for they come not to make peace but war in My members... A great
division, a sifting of My wheat for the harvest. My children, you grow too close to the tares, you are entangled.
Uproot yourselves and be planted in the good ground, where the latter rains are abundant. Regain the line, put
your feet back on the path, for it is narrow. Go your own way, and you shall not be gathered. Walk in Me, I am the
only Path to follow... Be free. For in Truth, which is absolute, one shall find respite and be gathered up to Heaven...
Even one week in The Lord. My children, God does not change... His Word is forever.

[God The Father] I am The Lord!

I shall have mercy upon those who I shall have mercy,

And I shall punish those who I shall punish...
Yet call on the name of The Lord in these final hours of darkness,
And you shall be saved.

Behold, you shall see the angels of Heaven

Ascending and descending upon The Son of Man.

I am The Lord!...

Hear Me!

Volume Six 85 Letters from God and His Christ

2/6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Born Again

Trent, My servant and beloved, hear My voice and receive understanding of The Lord’s purpose, fulfilled in My
servants of the new and everlasting covenant.
None can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are born again. All are born physically of human flesh, by great
travail, into a world of sin. So then, to enter into My rest and My joy, the Kingdom of God, one also must be born
again of the Spirit out of the world, a separation from all that is sin.

My beloved son of men, you are being reborn and have been already.
In the moment, in which you came before Me in repentance,
Were you freed from the power of sin...

This is My gift to you, this I did for you.

Your freedom was not accomplished by human means.

Rather, by My grace and the love of The Father are you saved.

So then, My son, you ask how it is that The Father has said to Timothy, “You must be born again and again”. Beloved,
I have spoken. And all that is written, according to the Word spoken of which Timothy has heard, stands... No
contradiction found. Rather, in men’s understanding do men struggle.

If one comes before Me, in all repentance and truth,

With sincere remorse in their hearts, these shall surely be born again.

Those, who do not and will not, shall be born once and die twice.

And to those, who are born twice, it is appointed to them to die once,
But by no means shall they die the second time.

Yet here is a mystery:

There are those among you, of this generation, who shall never taste death,
Having passed from death to life, who will be awake at My coming.

To My elect, there is a death of the body unto resurrection.

And unto those, still living at My coming, is another kind of death...
The death of their own spirits unto salvation, the putting on of the new man in Christ.

So when born of human parents, a child and the mother suffer tribulation until the birth is complete. In so doing, they
suffer and rest many times, but are only born once. It is not like this in the spirits of My elect. You are reborn once, in
the Spirit, of the Spirit, and that Spirit I am. Yet by no means are you separated from the world in which you now live. So
then, being born again is the process by which you are transformed into a child of Zion, a continual washing.
Yes, I have died for the forgiveness of your sins, those of today, yesterday, and those sins of tomorrow. Yet man does
continually stumble in this world, and so he must continually come to Me... And even seventy times seven times
shall I cleanse him and lift him up.
And so to Timothy, it has been spoken and written that he must be born again and again until I present him to The
Father clean. This is not rebirth in the Spirit, again and again, but rather the process by which Timothy sheds the skin
of this old man, and puts on this new man I have given him, in Me and of Me. And so there is one rebirth of the Spirit,
but many rebirths of man’s own spirit, because of man’s continual sin, fear, doubt and temptation.

Letters from God and His Christ 86 Volume Six

2/6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Born Again cont.

So as Paul, so then likewise, must My servants die daily and be born again and again, a continual washing, even a
strengthening, so they may stand in the Day of Troubles, able and worthy to uphold the full weight of the fullness
of My Spirit, wearing the complete armor of God.
Yet in another place, you asked, concerning those who teach in My name, “Why must these become, again,
children of God?” This is not rebirth in the Spirit, but rather a correction and a washing, for these have strayed off
the path, though they claim to follow Me. And when one strays off the path and follows after the world, teaching in
the churches doctrines of demons, what father, I ask you, have they accepted, and whose child are they becoming?
And so, with a firm hand, I will surely correct and discipline those I love, so they may again return to Me. And all
those, who follow Me in truth, are children of God once again.
So then, all must be born again and again, according to their own spirits, in their walk, for My road is hard and the
way is very narrow. But all this stumbling and lifting up is part of the same single rebirth and transformation of and by
the Spirit... My children learning to walk in Me and My ways. For My Spirit has come to live in you, and will convict
you in your hearts, over and over, of all things in your life that are against God and unseemly in His sight.
So Trent, My son, you have become reborn in the Spirit and have a new heart, but by no means is this birth
complete... You are that fruit that is still ripening, as you have said. In this, you have spoken well by the wisdom I
have given you. And when the Day comes, and is coming quickly, and is nearly upon you, I shall come and gather
you and pluck you out of this tree, which is the world, because you also grow from the True Vine, wherein these
last days you have been and are now being pruned.

And when you are taken, the mystery shall be no more a mystery...
The birth shall be complete...
The old order of things in you passed away...

You have become completely new.

As a new babe is born naked and wrapped in soft linens,

So also will My people be born naked,
Void of all things of this world,
And clothed in fine linens of white.

Behold, the old man is the new man... The earthly, heavenly.

The corrupt has put on incorruption... And the mortal, immortality.

That created, refashioned in glory...
Of which shall never fade, nor be covered over, again.

The Morning Star has risen and shines upon the new age of men,
For they are forever seated at His right hand,
Bathed in glory, their joy fulfilled...

A return to the Garden and paradise lost...

All things restored.


Volume Six 87 Letters from God and His Christ

2/14/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Carolyn and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I am He, Says The Lord. Come and Follow Me Closely... Chase Not After the Wicked

Daughter, beloved, why do you ask of things of which My own Spirit within you has already answered?... Trust in
You do follow Me, yet only loosely and from afar off. How can one hear My voice and walk in My footsteps, if
one follows Me being afar off, never striving toward the front? Beloved, how is it that you say you love Me and yet
tarry?... Run to Me! Come forward, push your way to the forefront, and take My hand and walk beside Me... See
My face and listen closely to My voice. Know you not, all those, who truly love Me, hear My voice and follow
Me closely? And when it is finished shall they walk next to Me and sit upon My throne with Me, as The Father had
also given Me to sit on His throne with Him. Blessed are those, who overcome for My name’s sake, for they have
earned the right to share My throne. Know you not, My little one, I have overcome the world and all sin in you?
How is it you yet revel in it?! Cast sin and things of sin far from you! Be completely free... Abide in Me as I am in
you. Stop stifling My Spirit in you, listen to all I teach you. And that same Spirit, I have given you, shall cause you
to remember all I have taught you. What bounty, a multitude of blessings, I have laid up in store for you, and for all
those who love Me and walk in Me. Open yourself to Me, little one, and I shall work a great work in you. Continue
to resist, and I will be unable to gather you. The blessing is already given... You have yet to accept it and receive it
according to My Word.

In My words are life, the love and knowledge of My heart, My gift to you.

This is but the beginning, for no man has imagined,

Nor can they know what The Father has prepared for those who love Him.

And to love Him is to love the One He sent to fulfill that love.
I am He by whom you shall enter into joy everlasting,
Yet I do not hear your footsteps behind Me, beloved.

Run to Me, daughter!...

Embrace Me now, says The Lord of Sabaoth.

I am He...
I am He, beloved.
I am He, who formed you and breathed into you.
I am He, by which all things exist and were made...
Even all these worlds.

There is none other and none like Me.

Behold, I am the fulfillment of all things!...
The Meaning of Life!

Come to Me, beloved.

I am the Healer of those with afflicted hearts.

Beloved child... I am He.

Letters from God and His Christ 88 Volume Six

2/14/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Carolyn and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I am He, Says The Lord. Come and Follow Me Closely... Chase Not After the Wicked cont.

And so you ask of your children who have gone astray. I shall answer you for My servant, Timothy’s sake, so you
may have understanding and obey that which you already know.
It is written, “Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you,
goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. And they also, if they do not
continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.” [Romans 11:22-23]
And it is also written that you keep not the company of the wicked. And so, I say to you, go not, but abide in all
patience in faith, and fervent prayer, trusting in God.
If these of hardened hearts will not hear your voice, and do continually dishonor their mother and My servant,
also being afar off, how much more, then, shall these same ones resist your words and dishonor you while in your
presence?... Only heartache and discontent await you there... Even many tears. For if you heed not My word, and
go in spite of My word, out of unbelief, putting your own needs and your false sense of your daughters’ needs
above Me, the error of your heart shall be compounded seven-fold. For I, even I, shall cause you to see them with
My own eyes, which peer deep into the hearts of all people, and you shall behold them as they truly are, seeing
all they have done and heap up within themselves.
Beloved, go not, for this truth you are not able, at present, to bear, for I am not with them or in them... Only
wickedness and the dark dwell in your daughters, the many chains of the evil one who holds them captive,
separated from the light and life which is in Me. Yet, fear not, nor wail.

For My servant’s sake, and because of your prayers,

I will cause them to tarry, so they might behold My glory...

And in this shall they wail and come to repentance.

And Timothy, My servant, shall go to them and lead them

By the power of My own Spirit soon established in him,
Through great tribulation,
To the gate which opens into My arms and My sanctuary...

Even one thousand years.

And there shall you be waiting for them,

With tears streaming,
The joy of your heart fulfilled in Me and in them...

Seated at My right hand.


Volume Six 89 Letters from God and His Christ

2/15/07 From God The Father, Given to Timothy -
A Letter For the United Church of God and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand... Hear the Word of The Lord

[God The Father] To the church in the midst of the earth, who call themselves by My own name.
You remain seated firmly at My right hand, because of your faith and all works done according to that faith, I Myself have
given you. So then, call yourself no more, “The United Church of God”. Rather, call yourself, “The United Church, In
Jesus Christ, Under God”. Are you of God? Is it My body in which you dwell? Have I appointed you to call yourselves
by My name?...

Christ is the Church and the body in which you shall dwell....
By Him, and through Him, are all things...
To Him shall the Gentiles flock.

He is your Shepherd,
And by His blood are you made sons and daughters of God.

You are of His body and are seated firmly at His right hand... In this am I well pleased in you. Continue in your
ways, and rest firmly and immovable upon My Word. For you have greatly pleased The Lord, your God, by all
your comings and goings. You have kept My commandments and remembered My Sabbath days, even all seven of
which you shall honor, and that one reserved unto Me each week. You have begun to understand the mysteries of
God in the salvation of man, in the keeping of them, and to Him who is their fulfillment. You have forsaken all that
I hate and is detestable in My sight, which man celebrates in ignorance and sin, calling it by My own name, the
name I have given My Son. You have not made your members in Christ to be the members of an harlot. Great shall
be your reward in Heaven and your wealth in My Kingdom. For all sin is not equal... Only forgiveness is equal.
Yet this you must remember, abiding in all humility in service unto Me: No church, named of men, is the True
Church... Not one. Rather, to each individual in Christ, abiding in His body, this is the True Church... No walls,
only Spirit and Truth.
So then, beloved church of men in Christ, if you would then strive to perfection, hear My words. And take to
heart all I have told you, and make it not a point of contention between you and other churches of men, nor turn
your good works into pride or a measuring stick to count others unworthy. I, alone, shall judge and correct and
discipline those I love.
Take all I have given you in knowledge and understanding, and become your own students. Take heed to yourselves,
and hear what The Lord says to the church at My right hand. Your robes are white and washed in the blood of The
Lamb, this you know, yet many of your daughters go their own way and have returned to the ways of the harlot,
doing that which is unseemly in My sight, returning to the traditions of men and those holidays, falsely called so,
which I hate... Mixing the things of God with the pagan teachings of men. Be strong, yea, be firm... With a very
strong arm, turn them back again, lest I destroy them also when I turn My hand against the mother and harlot.
Strive toward perfection, and you shall surely be gone from this place when the wrath of God is poured. Oh yes,
My sons, I shall take My people OUT OF! You shall surely behold the angels of God ascending and descending
upon The Son of Man in that day. For these in Christ are not appointed unto wrath, but have passed from judgement
into life. And so, as in the days of Lot, so likewise shall I do before The Lord’s Day. For the One who withholds, and
they who abide in Him, must be taken out of the way. Then shall The Lord judge the earth and strike at the nations.
By no means shall these, who are converted in their inward parts, be taken through. Give heed to My words and
My correction, and come into a greater glory and understanding of My will. Search the Scriptures according to My
Word, and not your false belief, and you shall behold My glory and this truth.

Understand the love and severity of God:

For those, who forsake Me, and trample on the name of The Holy One of Israel, great severity...

But for those who embrace Me by Him, who continually run to Me in His name,
Great love, a multitude of joy, an escape from My wrath...
My elect wheat housed in My barn, even for one week in The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 90 Volume Six

2/15/07 From God The Father, Given to Timothy -
A Letter For the United Church of God and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
To the Church at The Lord’s Right Hand... Hear the Word of The Lord cont.

Beloved flock of My Right Hand, I have but one more correction for you and no discipline at all, for you have done
all things very well according to My will. And only by those things, that you are yet lacking, have you spoken in
error, a mere stumbling in your walk with Me in the service of others in Christ’s name. And so to many, a firm hand
of correction and discipline... And to you, correction only.
So then, hear and understand the truth of baptism, of which you hold in such high regard. Be careful that you do
not make this also a rod or measuring stick used in judgement against others, nor make baptism by water more
than it was ordained to be.
As was circumcision, so is baptism... Neither are necessary for salvation. You speak without full understanding of the
mercies of God, fulfilled in Christ. You only need look to the thief on the cross and have understanding. A man, having
never known baptism by water, nor stepping foot in any church, was assured of salvation, having asked The Christ with a
true and penitent heart. In that same moment, He was forgiven and will enter into paradise at the Last Day, as Jesus had
spoken to him that day, saying, “In truth I speak to you this day, you shall be with Me in paradise.”
So My sons and daughters, heed this Word I have already given to My servant, Timothy, which speaks to the truth
of baptism... “Know the wisdom and understanding of God. Many will there be, who arrive at the Kingdom, who
had not been baptized of water. Rather, they had been fully immersed in My Word and enveloped in The Son’s
sacrifice and love, for they have been fully baptized in the Spirit. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward
as do you, My precious child. From the beginning, I have known you and loved you, who was baptized in water.
So also, do I love and know those without baptism by water, for they love Me as you have loved Me. Do not cast
stumbling blocks before the feet of those who love Me... Be all one in Christ. Amen. So if these, who dispense the
food of God to the hungry, using their own salt to salt that which has salt in itself, then that food which is given, has
it not lost its flavor and become bitter in the mouths of those who came looking to be fed? This I say to you, and
to those who hold baptism in high regard as a measuring stick by which you shall be counted worthy or unworthy
unto God, I say to you, what God has cleansed is worthy... Call it not unworthy. For baptism by water was given
to men as a solidification of one’s commitment to God, in Christ’s name, and fellowship with one to the other to
build Christ’s church and make it of one body. So I say to you, careful what doctrines you hold steadfast to, lest you
fall into judgment for that by which you have judged. What is earthly, let it be earthly. What is spiritual, let it stay
spiritual. Hold not to the earthly... Hold fast to God by way of His Christ. Where, in the commandments of God,
have I written all must be baptized of water by men? Baptism is good if it is a confession poured out from one’s
heart unto faith, belief and forgiveness in Christ. The water from the earth can only cleanse that which is soiled on
one’s skin. By no means can it cleanse that which is soiled in the spirit. This is reserved for the blood of The Lamb.
So, again, I say to you, baptism by water is nothing in and of itself, unless first one comes to know the Word and
be baptized of the Spirit, which is in Christ Jesus. He is the Baptism and Water by which all is built and come to
their salvation. So remember this: The spirit of the Word, and not its letter, is the Way, the Truth and the Life, leading
to your entire life becoming baptized by the Waters from Heaven, which are, and flow from, Christ The Lord. The
Christ comes quickly to baptize all with fire and glory... Those of the wicked heart, in fire; and those of the Truth
and the Spirit, in glory forever and ever. Amen.”

Servants, Timothy is My prophet. And though you resist, all I have spoken by Him shall surely come to pass, and
lo, it will come... It shall not tarry, it shall surely come. Then all will know that which was written was spoken by
the mouth of The Lord... And, indeed, a prophet had been among them.

Volume Six 91 Letters from God and His Christ

2/27/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

These Things Must Be Until All is Fulfilled...

The Chosen Gathered, The Wicked Blotted Out...

Behold a New Day

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, why does there have to be so much evil and suffering in the world?

[Jesus The Christ]

Beloved, your heart is heavy... Turn to Me.
Beloved, your tears I have numbered... Come to Me.
Beloved, you fear and lack understanding... Trust in Me.

All things set up by The Father, from the beginning, are put under The Father’s will, in accordance with the times and
seasons in which He has chosen to reveal them...

Abide in faith, My child. Seek not why... Seek God, by Me.

Live in Me... I am your Sanctuary.

Beloved, all must be fulfilled. All will come to pass and be finished in less than two weeks (less than fourteen years) time.
Amidst great darkness, brighter does My glory shine. For one to be as I am, one must suffer as I suffered, and know what
I know, and choose righteousness.
Beloved, none of the innocent have perished, though you do not behold them with your eyes. Have you forgotten My
mercies, which endure forever? Beloved, My children must run to Me. They must give of themselves completely to Me,
a complete forsaking of evil and the world. To live in the True Light, one can not do so without having knowledge of the
dark. You are yet carnal, and so without the knowledge of the dark you would not have recognized the Light. The greater
the evil, the greater does My glory become...

I am that Light which shines in the darkness!... Behold, I shall destroy it utterly!
Then, they will know... I AM The Lord! And there is none like Me!

Beloved, My children must choose God and RUN to Me. So then, evil is permitted only for this very short season, so all
may be divided for the harvest. And that harvested shall be replanted in the Garden for eternity. Evil can not persist and be
in eternity, lest the Garden and all therein be destroyed. So then, Beloved, I shall surely intervene with an outstretched arm,
and I shall do so very quickly! Beloved, I have told you already, understanding is coming and shall be your meat for one
week in The Lord. Amen. So watch and wait with a kinked neck. For the day draws nigh, when you shall be huddled with
your family, and in that same instant you shall be no more in the earth, nor of it. And that same moment you are changed,
so shall your husband be changed... You and your beloved shall be taken, and he shall stand up and be set upon a rock,
an unbreakable foundation, and another with him. He shall blow the trumpet! And be given power, the power of The Lord,
even as the twelve were given, even as Elijah, even as Elisha... Yea, much greater things shall he do in the sight and hearing
of men.

Trust in Me... I am with you.

What must be shall soon pass away, found no more in remembrance...

A new day.... One thousand years.

Letters from God and His Christ 92 Volume Six

3/19/07 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Thus says The Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the God of all creation: Behold and take heed to the Word of The
Lord your God. Thus is the guise of the wicked, clothed as a minister of light, though inwardly full of wickedness...
The wolf in sheep’s raiment. Beware and take heed, for the one who seeks his own glory and riches, by great
perversion of the Truth and that which is detestable in My sight, is of the evil one... His acolyte. Perversion, filth
and perversion!

Woe to any who mix poison with the Word,

For it is holy as I am holy!...

These shall suffer in the heat of The Lord’s wrath!

Woe to the serpent, the dragon, who does continually entice those who are void of the Spirit, with cleverly crafted
tales... Lies within lies, sold to the ignorant as truth. For even satan will paint himself as an evil, detestable creature,
so none will recognize him when he comes to lead many away from the Truth, which is absolute. Neither is there
any shadow of turning, whatsoever, in My Word, nor can even one tittle be broken.
And so satan goes out to corrupt the hearts of many in preparation for the harvest, the gathering up of those who
live in The Son of Salvation, so when the wide sweeping blow is carried out, he may stop many from believing
the truth of who I am, lest the whole of creation turn back to The Lord their God. For there shall be many taken
in that day, lowly of the lowly who stand upright before God, and every single child of innocence shall be gone
from the earth. And the fathers and mothers shall mourn, and great shall be the wailing of them. For one shall be
taken and the other left. Thus is the inheritance of the hard-hearted in that day. The earth shall be left in darkness,
its light taken!
Woe to those who are left! Woe to those, who will not believe, you shall believe the lie that even aliens from other
worlds and serpents have stole away your beloved... Wickedness! Great Blasphemy! You shall receive judgment, in
full, for your wickedness, following after satan and his servant into condemnation and destruction...

Yet call on the name of The Lord in that day,

In all truth and supplications,
And you shall be delivered!

The Lord has spoken!

It shall be done...
The sun is setting on this age of men.

Behold the Morning Star, for it rises quickly,
And shall make an end and a beginning, which has no end.

For as I am, so is He I am sending....

The Alpha and Omega,

The Lord and your God, your King!...

The Holy One of Israel, Yeshua The Anointed of God...

By whom all things are and have life...

Even the Fashioner and Carpenter of all these worlds.


Volume Six 93 Letters from God and His Christ

3/20/07 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Keep The Passover, Even All Seven Holy Days Set Forth by The Father...
And You Will Begin to Know and Understand The Glory of God and His Christ.

Thus says The Lord God of Israel:

Keep The Passover...

Keep it according to the New Covenant...

Keep it in faith and love.

Forsake these vanities of men, false doctrines, taken from that which is unseemly in the eyes of The Lord your
God. Unleaven yourselves and give Me perfect praise, pure worship in Christ, your Sanctuary. Keep The Feast of
Unleavened Bread also... Seven days as an offering of thanks for Him who I sent to you, the very same who has
removed all leaven from within you.

My children, Jesus The Christ is your Passover!...

YahuShua is His name.

How is it that you do not remember Him, according to how He, Himself, has shown you?... Stop following the
world and the perverse doctrines of men! Return to your First Love... And remember.

For upon this one sacrifice rests the salvation of all mankind...

The Lamb of God,

Who has taken away the sins of the world.

Yet I do not see you, even you, who call of yourselves by The Christ’s own name, keeping that which I, even I,
have set forth that you should keep, even all Seven (The Holy Days). Know you not, in these Seven is wisdom and
understanding?... Yea, the very mind of God?! Yet you choose vanities on top of vanities. You are a perverse and
adulterous generation, even all of you who call of yourselves by My own name, the name I have given My Son,
The Holy One of Israel.

[Jesus The Christ] I tell you the truth...

The time is coming, and is already here,

When I shall pass through the door and reap, for the harvest is ripe...

And many shall be left wanting, in tears.

So then, prepare yourselves and make ready,

For the age of men is finished, and judgment shall reign seven times...

And then the end shall come, which shall also be the beginning.

Letters from God and His Christ 94 Volume Six

3/20/07 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Keep The Passover, Even All Seven Holy Days Set Forth by The Father... And You Will Begin to Know and
Understand The Glory of God and His Christ cont.

I am not of this world... My children, you are of this world. And so all those, who love and accept Me, are no longer
of this world, for I reside in them. And if I am in you, how is it you do not follow Me? For if you follow Me, you
would do as I did, and learn from those I sent out, bearing the Gospel of My own name...

Follow Me, beloved, follow Me!... I shall bring you into glory.

I am coming quickly... Yea, I am already here.

Though you do not yet behold My face,

I have never left you...

Beloved, I am coming quickly.

And all those, who are truly converted in their hearts, shall be caught up and never leave Me... Nor shall they be
separated from Me ever again. And these same ones shall also return with Me in all My glory, and not just them, but
all those who I shall gather up, who did not love their lives more than Me, who sang the song of their new hearts,
even unto death, even all these during the times of great tribulation.
So then, beloved, even all those who call of themselves by My own name, as I had received of The Father... Keep
The Passover in remembrance of Me, even all of The Father’s most Holy Days, according to Me, and you shall begin
to know My glory.

Behold, I am coming quickly to fulfill and restore all things!

As I am holy, so shall you also be holy...

And do that, which is holy.

Know this... Four are fulfilled...

Salvation assured, sin and death overcome, the Spirit given...

Three are coming quickly...

Sin destroyed, evil bound, My seat taken... Judgment...
A new day, even one thousand years.

Then a short season.... Consummation.

Behold, an everlasting day in The Lord.

Amen... And Amen.

Volume Six 95 Letters from God and His Christ

4/12/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Emily and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come, You Blessed of My Father

Come, you blessed of My Father,

Come and stand, kneel or bow your head in silence...
For wheresoever you call on My name, I am there...

Even in your trials and tribulations, I am with you.

My glory is coming, and you shall behold My face.

And in that same moment, you shall be no more in the earth...
Forever in My bosom shall you remain.

Take great comfort in this...

For the day is coming, and is already here, when I shall do these things,
And never again shall you shed a tear, for they are wiped away in My love.
You remain in My love, and you never leave My sight.
Receive My joy, and trust in My voice in you...

All those of the truth hear My voice.

And of these, given Me of The Father, I shall lose not one.

So then, beloved, trust in Me and know...

In the days ahead, when troubles have come,
Remember The Father is just in everything.

And when all is put under My feet,

I shall show My glory and restore all things,
With you, My treasure, hidden away until these things are done.

Then shall you enter into My joy and the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning.

Share these words and take them to heart, for they are true, and will come to pass quickly.

They shall not tarry... Though they seem to tarry, they shall surely be.


Letters from God and His Christ 96 Volume Six

5/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, and Timothy Inspired in the Spirit -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Emily, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Servants, in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet!

[Timothy] You are greatly beloved of The Lord, and your heart is filled with love for Him... to love The Christ, the Jesus
of our hearts, is to know true love; and to know Him is to know The Father, for The Father and The Son are One. So
then, to have Jesus, The Messiah, is to have The Father. And because of this, He has opened within you that place of
understanding, of which He made and placed within you, so you may know Him and come into His glory... It is from this
place that He speaks to you. For you have been baptized, not of the earth, of the water of the earth that only cleanses the
skin, but you are indeed baptized in the Water of Christ, which is eternal life, and bathed in His glory and the knowledge
of His coming.
He has awakened many, and more shall be awakened and come into the light of life at the Last Day. And so, The Lord,
our Savior, is calling those who are His, and He sees of Himself in them, to awake out of there waking slumber and
stand up... Yea,, a blowing of the trumpet... The alarm of war, the trumpet of harvest, the sound of reconciliation. Even
all parts of His body shall noise to the four corners and be given understanding, those who are truly the new wineskin,
those who are sanctified, those who are now in the earth as His treasure, of which shall be shortly hidden and taken
out of the way... The wheat and tares are being separated and bundled together. And of the wheat, even these shall be
tried before the harvest and sifted, as Israel was tried in the desert forty years. Yet this trial of the wheat, the first harvest,
is coming to a close and the second harvest is coming soon after. And these, the wild wheat, they shall receive correction,
a great refinement in The Lord’s Day... Tried stones purified by fire, made unto precious gemstones meet for the Master’s use,
even to the glory of His name.
Therefore, The Lord is calling to all flesh, having poured out His Spirit on all who dwell on the earth. Few have harkened...
They cover their ears; but those, who hear and give heed, even these shall do great exploits and shall shine like the stars
in heaven, says The Lord.
The time is at hand for you to also shine, for your heart is open to Him... Fear not. We shall suffer much for His name,
yet your suffering shall be cut short and you shall fly away.
The Lord knows His sheep, and they hear His voice, for the Truth resides in them. And if He knows them, as He knows
Himself, then He will not give them more than they can bear, but will guide them quickly along the path, and shelter
them from the rains that must soon fall... The latter rains, of which He has poured on all flesh, the water of the Spirit
for those who will endure for His name’s sake. And to the nations, a hard rain shall fall, a bitter rain - judgment. And it
shall surely fall, reigning down from Heaven and God’s throne. For the former has come and had come, never leaving
those who call upon His name. And so the latter is here so the division might be made clear. Then the end will come and
progress quickly for the elect’s sake.

[Jesus The Christ] Servants, stand up! Says The Lord of Hosts. Stand up for Me, and I, even I, shall feed you with knowledge
and understanding... The Word of God as your drink, and the knowledge of The Lord as your meat... You shall sing and
you shall stand up, you shall shout with a new voice in the face of adversity. And in that very same day, you shall be
gone, you shall surely be taken and be found no more in the earth... Eternal joy and all tears wiped away in the presence
of The Lord, your Redeemer is your reward, and it shall never again depart from you, says The Lord.

[Hosts of Heaven] Glory in the Highest, the King is come. And He shall gather, He shall gain His inheritance and hide
them in His bosom; and He shall be a Father unto them and they shall be His children, and He shall never leave them.
Yea, in one week’s time, the world is made His footstool, and He shall reign even one thousand years and forever, says
the hosts of Heaven. Hallowed be the name of the King, the Right Hand of The Father. All praise and thanksgiving to The
Father, the great God who rules forever and ever, and to The Lamb who died and is risen even forever and ever. For you
have stretched out Your hand and have begun to show Your power. And with Your scepter, You shall break in pieces all
who oppose You, and sanctify and heal all those who know You and call on Your name in all truth and supplications.
Behold the power of Your name, the name above all names, exalted high above the heavens! Your word, oh Lord, is truth;
and Your name endures forever. And with it, great power... The power to save and grant eternal life, and the power to
destroy and cleanse the sanctuary from all its fornications against God.

The Lamb is come, The Lamb of God is come!

He shall call out, and all sheep and all lambs shall be gone from the earth!... They shall fly away.

Darkness, the earth is filled with thick darkness, thick clouds and darkness... The beginning of the end...
Which shall bring forth a new beginning, which has no end.

Amen and Amen.

Volume Six 97 Letters from God and His Christ

6/22/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love One Another and Obey All I Command You, Says The Lord Your Redeemer

To My little flock at My right hand, you have heard My voice... Lo, you have a prophet in your midst. And so I speak
to you this day, as your Father and your Teacher.
Know you not, the devil is next to you? Yea, even now he is holding your hand, leading you all, one by one, into
temptation. Even of My own prophet does he continually cast a hook into his mouth. So then, little children, what
shall you do? How, then, can you resist one of whom you can not see, who works continually to separate and divide
My sheep, hoping that one shall wander, so he may strike and devour them, where in time the whole of the flock shall
be scattered? This he has already done, yet your eyes remain closed, seeking on your own way, HIS WAY!
Little children, all your lambs have gone astray; and you, yourselves, have also begun to wander. None of you have
obeyed My voice! How, then, shall you see? You still stumble in the dark, though the sun is risen... Shining a light on your
transgressions. This day is ending; night is coming, where no one can work and where many shall fall and stumble.

Beloved, where are you?! Why have you not harkened unto Me?...
To disobey My commands is sin.

Embrace Me now! Says your Redeemer... Follow Me.

To obey all I command you will lead you into greater joy!

My children, you have obeyed many things, even in the face of persecutions and adversities... In this you have done
well. Yet the inward obedience and leading of your hearts remains wanting. Ask yourselves, beloved, and be truthful, is
your heart in line with Mine? Do you look on others, as I have taught you? Are you ready for My kingdom?
Say not that you are unworthy, for by My own sacrifice, yea, in the outpouring of My own blood, even unto death,
are you made worthy. And if by this, you are washed, how is it you do continue to throw mud on yourself, holding
onto all uncleanness in your hearts, shown also in your deeds?
Beloved ones, know you not, the devil is cast down and seeks to devour you as a roaring lion? He sees you and
knows who you are, and hates you with a hate you have not known, some of which you have experienced through
others. Soon the whole world shall come to hate you and spit at you, for it first hated Me, and whatsoever your
Master suffers, so then shall you. What then? Shall you turn and run? There is no place to hide in this world... TURN
TO ME! I am your Sanctuary. I shall hide you in that day. I am The Lord, I will repay!... Turn to Me.
Know you not of your prophet? Know you not of him and his ways, and even of all that he does in secret? I shall
reveal to you his ways, for he is a man of continual stumblings. Yet in his stumblings, he does always come running
to Me, with many tears of all kinds, kneeling, bowing down, pressing his face to the earth. This is not weakness,
for in his times of weakness is he made very strong. In his weakness is My strength made perfect in him. In these
times does he abide in My grace, and does the power from on high overshadow him... A continual renewing of his
spirit, even unto the preparation for war.
So then, beloved, why do I not hear you wailing over your sin? Why do you not shed rivers of tears of joy in the
understanding and knowing, I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me...

I am the Meaning of Life!

I am that Bread sent down from Heaven!
Partake of Me and drink My blood.

Don’t just say you know Me... Live in Me!

Bear your cross and follow Me.

Read My Word, as though you were starving. For in this truth, you realize not that, indeed, you are. For all, who
remain in the world, are starving. Eat this bread I have given you. I am first, says The Lord! And I am also the Last.
I am the Author and the Finisher of your faiths, yet you must strive on toward perfection in Me. For I am holy, so
then, you must also be holy... Even in all thoughts and actions. By example shall you shine My light on another.

Letters from God and His Christ 98 Volume Six

6/22/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love One Another and Obey All I Command You, Says The Lord Your Redeemer cont.

Beloved children, obey My voice and hear what I say to you: You remain in My love and shall never leave it, yet of
My body, you are not yet one. For your hearts cry out to Me, but from each other you remain separated. Know you
not, the power of My Spirit on earth is manifest through My body? You have not used even one tittle of that which
I have given you. Therefore, My commandment to you is to love one another and wash each other’s feet. Listen to
Timothy, and do even all he commands you this day and the days to come... He speaks for Me. Yes, he is as you,
not at all greater, but I have given to him to hear Me, and take what I say and say it to you. Therefore, listen to him.
And do not hesitate or resist his commands, for they come from Me... Resist the devil.
Yet one more command do I give to you, of which you know: Forgive. Do not just speak it aloud or say you have
done so. For it is written, and remains standing, “For if you do not forgive even every one who has trespassed
against you, neither will My Father in Heaven forgive you.” Stop with these questions, even all these disputings of
your heart. Shall you contend with Me, even Me, your Maker? Hear, listen, and so do, and you shall know life and
have it in more abundance.

Arthur, love your wife and treat her as you would treat your Lord, even with the love by which you love Me. Know
you not, she is My handmaiden and daughter. How, then, shall the handmaiden of The Lord be treated?

Kathy, love your husband and given unto him respect. As I am the head of the church, so is your husband the head
of his house. He is My son. How, then, shall one love a son of God, even his servant? Kathy, tear down these walls
and forgive. Stop resisting My Word and stifling My Spirit.

Art and Kathy, behold one another. Do you love Me?... Then love one another.

Craig, Daniel, give up your will. Give of yourself to Me, and you shall come to do great things. Love your wife,
even as you have loved Me. Give to her understanding, and search her heart, and see her as I see her... Forgive her.
Craig, look to your children, for they do wander. Speak to them, and above all, listen to them... And watch.

Trina, My flower, why do you wither?... Grow in Me. Guard your heart. Love your husband, and harken unto him
as you harken unto Me. See with greater eyes, and let go of offenses... And love. For in the giving of love shall you
receive that which you desire. Serve Me. And help your son, for he abides in darkness. Yet has he called unto Me
from the depths of his sorrow... See with eyes wide open. Not with your own eyes, but through Mine, and even by
those who serve Me.

To Timothy and Beloved, I do not write this day, for to them I have already spoken and Timothy has written many
times... Even continually do they hear My voice.

Volume Six 99 Letters from God and His Christ

6/26/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Whatsoever You Have Done to the Least of These, My Children, Assuredly I Tell You,
You Have Done It Even Unto Me, Their Father, Says The Lord Your Redeemer

Question asked by Timothy, for Trent: “Was Jesus ever ill? It is written, that ‘I was sick and you visited Me.’ And it
is hard to imagine that He could be scourged and crucified but never suffered a migraine. Provided that Jesus was
ill as we are, then this would undo all the teaching on health and wealth and prosperity that infects the minds of
the materialistic audience of such teachers.”

This is what The Lord says to His servant: Trent, My beloved, you seek Me, and this is very good. Continue in Me, with
all zealousness, and in the times to come shall I bring you riches of the kind you have not known, of the kind that shall
bring a multitude into My joy. Seek on, and serve Me in all patience and steadfastness of faith, with all long-suffering
for those who know not Me and resist My Word. For I am not in them, for they do stifle My Spirit and have yet to
receive of My fullness, though they have spoken in My name and confessed a good confession before men. Yet in
their heart, of which I know, they have not confessed; neither have they let go of offenses; neither have they forgiven
even everyone their sins, which have been wrought against them; neither have they given up that which I require;
neither, in their weakness, has My strength been made perfect in them. For they go their own way, and closely adhere
to all doctrines of men and the churches, endeavoring to teach others on My behalf, wherein they go astray and do
greatly err. For that which they have wrought in the Word, according to the traditions of men, is a rewriting of the
Word spoken in Truth, of which none shall change. And so, they have endeavored to teach Me and not others. For if
they taught others, according to that doctrine which is true, then, by this, they would know that the teacher, who has
received of Me and of those gifts given by My own Spirit, teaches not by speaking, but by listening and by example,
walking beside Me, holding My hand. And then, when those with sincere hearts come inquiring of Me, then those,
who are given to teach, shall only speak that which I, Myself, have spoken to them. And those who are not given
to hear, and wish to teach others of Me, even these, if they be wise in the Word by the reading, and have received
understanding, say only that which is written in the Scriptures of Truth, and search the Scriptures according to how I
lead them in the edification of those who came before them in the asking. I am the Master, having never ceased from
being with My beloved... Yea, I am with them always, even to the end of this age.

Here is wisdom:
Apart from Me, one can do nothing...
Human power is of no use at all.

A faithful, humble servant is what I require...

One who listens to all I teach Him, and then teaches it to another.
Only those, who have ears to hear, are given to teach.

To the rest, it is not given, for they do strive in vain, walking not next to Me, holding My hand, laying upon My breast.
Rather, these men of vanities, of which you have spoken, walk among men and the earthly churches, built up by human
power, seeking after human praise, elevated and uplifted in their own egos... They shall be brought VERY low, abased in
the sight of others, and by this, alone, shall they come into glory. By no other means shall these high-minded come to
know Me as I truly am, according to the true grace and truth I offer them... Yet they will not come, for they have made
Me in their own image, and have forgotten their Maker and His Law, and all that I have commanded them.
Beloved, the churches have all gone out of the way, and do wander wheresoever the world leads them. This has
become enmity with God, for they no longer have ears to hear, and refuse The Father’s correction and will not
obey His commandments, and have forgotten even all His decrees, of which He has said they should keep, making
my sacrifice into a perversion of faces, using My name and glory as a proverb of which I despise, even unto the
proliferation of sin, excused in My own name... Desecration!
Trent, My beloved, I have called unto you, and you have harkened. For you have endeavored to become completely
virgin, as I have called Timothy, who was virgin according to doctrine, an empty vessel, meet for the Master’s use. And
in like manner, are you also becoming, even very quickly now. And you also will come to hear Me as Timothy hears,
for you hear Me already from within, even deep within the recesses of your heart, where I have come to dwell.

Letters from God and His Christ 100 Volume Six

6/26/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Whatsoever You Have Done to the Least of These, My Children, Assuredly I Tell You,
You Have Done It Even Unto Me, Their Father, Says The Lord Your Redeemer cont.

I have made you and continue in your formation,

Until the Day comes when you are united to Me,
And we become one, just as The Father and I are One.

In that Day, no longer will you ask anything of Me at all,

For you will be where I am, and I will be perfected in you and you in Me.

And when you call to Me, I will answer before you have finished speaking,
And your knowledge of Me will fill you as your blood fills your veins,
Wherein is life, of which I am.

You ask of Me questions, of which others think not of, even questions from deep within your conscious. Beloved,
you know the answers already. Yet of this question, you think too deeply. Look simply and in faith, Trent, My son,
and what do you see? ...
I have come to minister and not to be ministered unto. I came to heal the sick, even to all those who were in need
of the Physician... Beloved, I bore their infirmities. By no means did I, Myself, become sick, for The Father allowed
nothing to keep Me from My mission in the fulfillment of all that was written. I came as you, in flesh, to live as
you, and to be fully tempted as you, yet I did not suffer illness of the body. For men do not realize that The Father
made the body and mind to be one; and in this, He made them to not suffer illness but to abide in health. So as
I came from The Father, and The Father is in Me, and I am in The Father, so also was My body in like manner, the
body of which even Adam owned and would have kept to this Day, if he had not transgressed. All those, without
sin, live forever and suffer not. And so I was without sin and abide forever, and came to carry the infirmities of those
who came to Me in faith, asking that I should heal them. In the same way, I carried their sin, though I had no part
in sin Myself. How can one, who is in need of a physician, heal others? Or one, who has sinned, bear and forgive
the sins of another? Trent, I was completely clean, so by this, you and all those who seek Me, might also be clean.
Remember and understand My words, spoken and written down in the Scriptures of Truth: No man takes My life
from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This
commandment have I received of My Father...

I am and will always be the perfect Lamb without spot or blemish...

Given up for many...


I am the restoration of all things.

Volume Six 101 Letters from God and His Christ

5/2/07 From Timothy, Inspired in the Spirit -
A Letter for a Brother in Christ, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Smoking Fire-Brands

Brother, you have spoken the truth and issued a just challenge. These proclaim that we should test the spirits, as
1 John 4:1 says, yet they will not do it. For if they would, they would see that which I have posted is indeed true
and of God. And in this, they fear and hold onto transgression, for they do greatly fear that one should come and
speak to them in the name of The Lord, saying, “Thus says The Lord!” This has come to pass and so they scoff, for
they no longer have any excuse for their disobedience. Neither do they have any love at all in their hearts for God;
neither does Jesus live there. For where the spirit of the world is, combined with pride and slothful arrogance, The
Lord can not be... satan lives there, continually leading them astray, having already put his hook in their mouths
and does lead them about wheresoever he wishes, causing them to speak lies... Even two at one table, and by three
they go into judgment.
And so I have separated myself from them (by deleting their comments), according to the apostle Paul’s teachings,
which come from The Lord. For I have also attempted to show them their error, with sound doctrine and Scripture,
even the very words of The Lord Jesus Christ, even having another with me (you), and yet they still turn away.
Instead they choose to embrace all the corrupt fruit of the evil one, shown by their pride, their foolish-talking,
doting about questions and strifes over words, with envy, strife, railings, evil-surmisings, perverse disputings, corrupt
minds destitute of the Truth, seeking only glory for themselves which they count as spiritual gain, having no good
conversation in Christ... He is not in them. The world and the corrupt doctrines of men have become their masters,
and they have become lords unto themselves. They have not recognized their true master and adversary... satan is
the master of corruption. He is the adversary, who, indeed, disguises himself as a minister of light, speaking lies and
pleasant things, even smooth words of deception, saying, ‘You are now free to disobey. There is no accountability,
there is no such thing as sin. The Lord has changed, He no longer sends prophets. You don’t need them, for you
alone are righteous. You know the mind of God... You are above reproach. The Lord is silent. Neither does He watch
or listen, neither will He give correction or discipline for those He loves. Do as you feel is right, for righteousness is
in the eye of the beholder.’ And for this, satan shall surely be brought down to everlasting punishment. And those
who would mock The Lord and those He has sent, who serve Him in His own name, they shall surely receive
recompense in full for their error. They shall be left wanting, in sorrows and tears, abased for their haughtiness and
blasphemies against God, unknowingly saying, by there foolish-talking, that Christ, even Christ, The Holy One, is
the author of sin and has cast away the Law of His own Father, which He upholds and has taught us to follow, even
giving us the means by which we will do so. The Holy Law stands forever. And we obey it because Christ, Himself,
lives in us, and because we love Him.

These smoking fire-brands shall be refined... They shall be brought very low...

Yet The Lord will save them, in the midst of their sorrow,
When they bow down and humble themselves, and call on His name in TRUTH,
With sincere remorse for all they have done against God and His servants, the prophets.

Letters from God and His Christ 102 Volume Six

6/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, and From Timothy Inspired by the Spirit -
A Letter For Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Time of Harvest

[Timothy] Blessed are the feet of those who bring the Gospel of Christ to the hungry and thirsty... Even more blessed
are those who eat and drink of that which you have offered them.

All we have in this world is the love of Christ. And by sharing that love is the love of God fulfilled in us, and also
in them to whom we give of ourselves in His Holy name, even Yeshua The Christ, the Gift and Life. Amen.
The Lord’s love for you is great. And from this, He has caused my love for you to grow, and even for all those near
to you, so that I might soon come to you and pour out that love, which is of Him and for Him, given up for you.

Great and terrible things are coming...

And a great and wonderful time of healing is coming, even in the midst of great travail.

Many shall fall because of His name...

“By no means shall these fallen be left, they shall be lifted up and gathered”, says The Lord, our Redeemer.

[Jesus The Christ] I am come, and I am moving upon the face of the deep. And by My servants, I shall gather many
ten thousands, a new and beautiful meek people for My name. Upon the face of the whole earth, I shall gather
them... From the dark, from the nations, and from all isles and lands shall they run to Me, says The Lord. They
are Mine! And none shall be forsaken. Of these, I SHALL LOSE NOT ONE OF THEM, of which The Father has
given Me. They are Mine, My own treasure... I, even I, shall keep them and hide them away, far from him who
hisses at them. They are Mine, beloved... Of My own body, My own blood. These are My children, My sons and
Son of man, I am with you. And by Me shall you do great exploits, for I have called to you, and you have listened,
saying, ‘Here I am’. And so all that you have prayed for, I shall fulfill. For lo, I have gathered together these who
know Me, and will send them, and you shall justify many in My sight. And I shall come upon them, and heal them,
and give them an everlasting peace... Even that peace which flows from My own heart. I have heard their cries, and
I shall surely come and wipe their faces. And in them shall I put a new heart, a heart of hope in The Lord, where
sorrows cannot prevail.

Rest easy, My son...

Rest in Me...

And know, I AM The Lord.

Volume Six 103 Letters from God and His Christ

7/27/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ-
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Carly, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Still and Know... I AM The Lord

Carly’s Question: “Timothy, I have a question for God... Why do I worry like I do? What can I do to relax more and be
at more peace and enjoy life more?”

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, you are most beloved... Serve Me and you shall have peace. In the serving of another shall one
follow Me. As I came unto you and you have known Me, you have yet to come into My fullness... Knowing of Me, yet not
having come to abide in My love, which is the foundation of all truth and prophecy fulfilled in you. For though I am as The
Father, He of Me and Me of He, I laid aside My glory so I might come to you as you are in the flesh, yet not living as any
man. I am yours and you are Mine. For I was lifted up and nailed to a tree, so you might come to Me. Even then I knew you
and loved you, writing your name upon the palm of My right hand. And in that same moment was I fashioned upon your
heart, though you had not yet been born into the world, having been saved already, held fast by My love, cleansed in My
blood. I know all who will come to Me, and all who are Mine, received of My Father. For I am also your Father, and through
whom you were made, even in the beginning. It is My breath by which you have life... It is of My Spirit you shall be born
again into glory, of glory, by glory, held fast under My bosom, in that Day which approaches quickly.
Peace is in the knowing that I AM WHO I AM, and there is none like Me. Joy is coming to live in Me... I am your Sanctuary.
Trust comes by faith and acceptance that I am the All in All, under which all things exist and have life... Even all things have
been put under My feet from the beginning, as I am He by which all things that are were created, even all these worlds.
I died, My glory set aside, so I might be glorified in you... I am risen, death is overcome, so you might be born again into
that life which is without end. Behold, you are also risen and shall be lifted up.

Oh death, where is your power? Oh death, where is your sting?...

Death is put to death, and the grave is covered over in Me.

All these things you know. How then, beloved, My precious little one, do you yet ask of life and how you might have it in
more abundance?... Just believe and be still, and know... I AM The Lord. What of all these things of the world that catch
your attention?... They are but a wisp, a moment soon passing into a sea of forgetfulness. Know you not, this world, as
you now see it, is passing away? For I am come, and have come already, to free you, beloved... Behold! I am coming to
steal and take back even all My treasured ones... They are Mine. Lo, I am returning and shall condemn the world and all
therein, which is against Me, rebuilding it upon the new and everlasting foundation, which shall never be moved. For
lo, your fathers had rejected Me, and to this day I am despised of many nations, yet the Cornerstone is established still,
even in the hearts of men, holding up that which had fallen down.

And so I am come to place in Zion a Rock, even the head of the corner,
Of which the whole world will behold...
Even all shall see the Morning Star arise upon the Mountain,
Which fills and encompasses all things...
Bringing forth a new heavens and a new earth.

Beloved, your concerns are answered in this: There is one constant in all the universe, and by whom all things have their
being, even all life and even all these stars in the heavens... What is His name?! What is His Son’s name!?...

Shed the skin of this world and put on Christ and walk in the fruit therein,
And have peace, joy and love, of such a kind that surpasses understanding,
Nor is it of the kind that one can find in the world...

Trust in Me... And know I am with you always, even to the end of this age and ever after.

Sing amen, beloved. Sing for Me, and you shall behold My glory...
The glory of God’s one and only unique Son... Who was given up for you.

Letters from God and His Christ 104 Volume Six

8/13/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Osaro, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Oppressor Is Broken... The Humble Are Uplifted

Thus says The Lord: If I am with you, beloved, then who can be against you? Beloved servant and brother of these
gathered in My name, hear Me, and know I am coming quickly. And if I am coming, then I shall shortly send those
who abide in Me, to help you make all paths straight which lead to Me... A baptizing of many children in Me, even
to the bringing of My Word to this multitude over which I have set you... Believe, beloved.
My son, the means needed to accomplish and fulfill these promises are no obstacle... Ask and it shall be given
you. For My will is fulfilled already... My name shall be glorified among many, even among these you call kindred
and countrymen. These are Mine, beloved! Even everyone who is reborn in Me, given Me of My Father, these are
all Mine, and no longer shall they endure afflictions... They are Mine! They shall be gathered... I, even I shall hide
them away!....
Then behold, I shall come as the whirlwind, and I shall bring great vengeance upon the adversary and those kings
and princes who serve him and his devices.

Lo, it is written of Me!... Behold, I am coming quickly!

Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord of Hosts!... I shall repay!

I have seen the hearts of those who oppress My own... They will not turn.
And so I have come to break their backs and uplift the downtrodden.

The Lord has spoken and shall not repent.

06/21/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Great Offenses Are Coming...
Take Not Offenses From Among My Own Flock, Nor From Within Your Family, to Yourself... Forgive and Forget.

Kathy, I am ever present... I am with you and next to you.

Remember this: You are not yet delivered from the evil one. And in so, be not quick to take offense, nor look for
motive, nor ill will, where none exists. And if another has brought an offense, let it pass and accept it, and look past
the surface... and forgive. The mind is a place where one can bring oneself into fear and the depths of darkness and
sorrows. And in the same manner, by fully embracing the truth of who I am, and by that which you have come to
know of Me, and by Me, shall one also soar high above the heavens in forever joy. Be then very mindful, and guard
your heart against thoughts and musings, increased in you by the evil one.

Volume Six 105 Letters from God and His Christ

7/15/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Servant, My Prophet

Timothy, you have fallen... Yet now you stand. In this find wisdom and joy that surpasses understanding. To the
Gentiles shall you go! And to them you are sent. Yea I am sending you, and with you another who is not yet mature.
So shall you go where I send you, but at present you shall go alone. You know the place I am sending you, for
you have been there before. It is also a place of rest and holy things, of which you have yet to possess and make
your own. Yet I have given them and you have yet to believe. This place is Me, and in Me, of which you have been
and known the power and wisdom of The Lord... Yea, a great multitude of love for His created. Here you shall
soon go and in so be established. And from thenceforth no more shall you stumble, nor doubt, nor hesitate, nor
sin anymore. For one established in My Spirit, washed in My blood, wields the sword of truth, of which none can
stand against nor turn aside. Though many shall encompass you roundabout, they shall not stand in the Day of
Judgment... A striking to the heart, a dividing asunder of My flock, a division, a separation of those called by My

And so it begins, and so I send you...

Whether they will hear or whether they forbear,

You are sent and I am sending you.

Listen, beloved. Perk up your ears and have understanding: You are My servant, My prophet!... Of which can not
be changed or undone. So stand up, and gird yourself like a man, and speak for Me! Speak decisively and in all
righteousness... Speak as you wield a sword. Command attention, for that spoken is My Word, and of My authority...
Speak as such. Do not second-guess, nor repent, nor backstep, nor enter into any debates. Speak and deliver, and
let My judgments fall upon the ears of all who listen, whether they be in front of you or behind, whether they be a
passerby or one who stands with you. Let them be cut to the heart in joy or in pain, in recompense or reward, in
repentance or in rebellion... Even unto the embracing or the clasping of the hands over their ears. And Timothy, My
servant, once delivered, depart from that place... Blessing those with ears to hear, and wiping the dirt from off the
underside of your shoes as a testament against those who fight against you.

Letters from God and His Christ 106 Volume Six

8/6/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ-
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Lisa, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come and Lay All That is Burdensome at My Feet and Be Healed, Says The Lord

Thus says The Lord God of creation, by His Son Yeshua, the Gift and Salvation of your hearts:
Lisa, My beloved, hear Me... Beloved... Lisa, in Me is life. And that life I have given you is because of the life I
received of The Father, being made in the flesh. So then, if that life, of which you have received, is in Me and of
Me, how is it that you yet doubt My glory and pray, believing that which you pray will not be fulfilled?... Trust in
Me! Beloved, I have heard you. And of your tears, these I have counted; and of each one I, Myself, have tasted and
shed with you. Let them be wiped away in Me... Embrace Me and come into My fullness. Not one of these things
that trouble you shall endure. They are quickly passing... Found no more in remembrance.
Lisa, My child, I am completely clean; and if I am that Lamb, without spot or blemish, then give of yourself to Me.
Give Me all that you own and weighs so heavily upon you. Receive of Me and believe. Receive of Me, and come
to Me in all faith and love... Come and lay at My feet. Even now, go and pray. And when you return, leave all that
which you have revealed there upon the floor, and carry it no more. Go now, beloved, and when you return it shall
be finished. I shall command My servant, and he shall speak to you, and it shall be finished. And the path before
you shall be that which you have not yet walked... Go and pray, and I will come upon you... Go!

Lisa, I now speak as The Lord commands me... Fear not, joy is coming and great love.
Do you believe in what The Lord has given me?
Do you believe in the power of His name?
Do you believe The Lord is bound by time or space, or even this technology?
Do you believe that He, our Savior, can work in you no matter how or where you receive Him?

Then hear this Word and believe, and you shall behold His glory in you.

Adonai, I pray... Hear me...


8/31/07 A testimonial from Lisa, regarding her healing

I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism for over 20 years and with herniated discs in my back for over five
years. My thyroid was way out of control, and I had not been able to bend or twist hardly at all for a long time due
to my back. I was online in a Bible study with Timothy and other members of our regularly meeting group, when
out of nowhere Timothy suddenly was given a message for me. He immediately typed to me as The Lord guided
him. The Lord told me to pray, to go and pray and when I came back, I would be healed. I did as The Lord asked
and came back online and let them know I was back after I was done. At that time, being led by The Lord, Timothy
rebuked all my infirmities and declared me to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. During this process,
I felt a slight popping sensation in my throat. I also tried to bend, as I normally cannot, when I went to get a drink.
This is when I realized that I had been healed, right there and then. I had a doctor’s appointment shortly after this
and was told that my thyroid levels were now perfect. I have been bending, twisting and lifting more than I have
been able to in years. I eventually also came to realize that I have not had any hay fever or asthma problems since
I was healed. When The Lord said all my infirmities, He meant all my infirmities. Praise God!!! I have shed many
tears of joy over this miracle, and cannot express my gratitude enough to The Lord. Hallelujah!!!

Volume Six 107 Letters from God and His Christ

9/13/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent and Emily, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Trust in Me, For the Time is at Hand

This nation shall be shaken to its core, says The Lord God of Hosts! For the time has come for these insolent
children to be shaken, a great awakening... Even these among the churches, who do walk blindly in the dark,
saying they are in the light. And when all these things begin to happen, even as they are written in the Volumes
and the Scriptures of Truth... Then they will KNOW a prophet had been among them!

Trent, listen and hear Me... Do not stifle My voice in you, but listen, for you also must hear, My son. The time is at
hand when you must also work. The time is at hand... The time is at hand.
My son, when you have returned home, go and pray and kneel, and lie at My feet, and know I am with you. Go and
let go of your will, and of all these things you count to yourself as unworthy, for whom I have cleansed is worthy of
all I shall bestow upon them. Therefore, have peace, and know I am your Lord. I have cast all these sins far away
from you, never to be remembered again. Take all that is of burden to you, and lay it at My feet. Leave it there, and
go away in freedom... Without hindrance, with joy in your heart... Knowing, and in belief that, if all these things
you possess were taken, you would be richer in the lack...

TRUST in Me...

Trust of such a kind you will not find in your fellows...


Abide in My love, then you shall behold My glory and arise as one in whom I am well pleased, one filled with the
Spirit... A soldier of God, a fearless lion... Gentle as a lamb... The boldness of which only God can give and is in Me.

Be still now, My son... Be still now, My beloved daughter.

You already know Me and have received of Me. Yet the gift, of which you have not yet known, is also yours and will
be manifest to the glory of The Father. And by this shall many grasp your hands, and you shall place their hands in
Mine, and I shall take them... And they shall be no more in the earth. This is My command, as I have received of
My Father, that I call upon My elect, and they go out in My name, and gather up all those who have been trampled
of the world, and uplift and uphold. The harvest is ripe, and I shall harvest My own, even all these who I see of
Myself in them.

The Time is at hand... Believe My Word through My servant. Count not according to men, but according to the Truth.
Trust not in man’s devices... Trust in Me, and those times and seasons that are set within My own power of The Father...

I am come and will gather and return in My glory!

Today, let it be counted.

For today begins that which The Lord God of Heaven and earth
Had declared from the beginning, that it should come.

Today is the day... Stand up and be counted!

For today is the season foreordained that it should come...

Today is the beginning of the end,
Until the New Day come, which is without end...

One thousand years and forever.

Letters from God and His Christ 108 Volume Six

10/2/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Timothy’s Wife, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding a feeling of deep sorrow she had, but could not understand, after her visit with her Grandmother
All Burdens Lifted

Beloved, be not swallowed up over much sorrow. Trust in Me, and have understanding of The Father’s mercies that
endure forever, and the Love that never fades, of which I AM... Sent from The Father, the fulfillment of God’s love
in them, who accept Me and I live in and among, the well-favored of My flock.

And so, Beloved, you ask of this burden, built up and increased in you because of your cycle. Though built up, it
remains true and is brought forth because of My Spirit in you, which has given you knowledge, earnest groanings
which surpass human understanding, even unto the deepest connections among kindred and family, which have not
yet been discovered, written deep within the fabric of your being, even throughout the strands of your make-up.

Fear not, nor grieve over much sorrow, but through your tears, rejoice and understand My mercy in this one aged,
you call beloved. For I have written it in the Volumes, and so it shall be and come to pass: She shall sleep and
precede you into glory, but you shall behold her form, all of you together, even four generations in whom she lives
and has passed on her being, holding hands before The Most High God in His Sanctuary, at peace, one in Me who
is of The Father and remains always at His right hand, where you also shall abide for one week and forever, with
them beside you.
Beloved, your grandmother seeks not healing, but rest. Even now she lets go of her spirit, which has started
ascending, yet for yours and the love of your mother she withholds, not wanting to cause you much grief. And so
I will take her, and she shall be spared, resting and at peace, escaping in sleep all these troubles which are about
to overtake your land and your people.
Oh beloved, weep not in sadness, but in joy and love. For that which is done is for her benefit. Only joy will she
now own... No more pain, nor weakness, nor the weight of years, all tears gone from her cheeks. Behold, the face
of her Redeemer is before her face, swallowing her up in love, the kind of which no one has known, nor can they,
until the day comes where I lift them up out of their afflictions, and embrace them tightly under My bosom, where
they shall sigh and receive of Me once again, life without end.

Trust in Me, Beloved.

I know the hearts of My own... I live in them.

And they shall come and live in Me and be Mine, and I shall be theirs,
Until time is no more time, and the counting of days, a distant memory...

Only love shall they know forevermore...

I shall be their God, and they shall be My people, forever and ever.

Beloved, though she pass from your sight,

By no means has she passed from Mine...

She is already with Me, resting securely in The Father’s right hand.

Volume Six 109 Letters from God and His Christ

11/1/07 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those Fallen Asleep in Christ
Trumpeters of My Coming
My Sparrows Held Fast in My Right Hand
Eternity with The Lord

Questions asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, who was this man, parked on the side of the road, in his anti-
abortion truck, who she felt overwhelmingly compelled to stop and talk to? Also, is it necessary for her to go to her
niece’s baby shower?

[Jesus The Christ answered] Beloved, take great solace in this, and let your heart be at peace. Your Grandmother
is Mine, and her heart I know. I tell you this day, she shall be with Me in paradise. And you shall behold her form
and embrace her, in My presence... The forever young.

You ask of this man. Behold, I shall reveal him to you... He is of the number. Even as Timothy is, so also is this
man... Kindred in My name, trumpeters of My coming, proclaimers of My glory, warriors of My Word.

Of your niece, do as you are moved. It matters not, as the Day has come, and her joy and peace in this world shall
be short, overcome with much sorrows over that which is coming to pass in the world. Yea, these young ones, even
these you call beloved, their hearts shall wax soft, they shall wax cold with fear. Then shall they seek Me, and you
shall light the way and show them My glory and My voice, so I may heal them and gather them. Yea, their father
shall become great in their eyes... And I, even I, shall come and live in them and take them to be where I am...
They shall be met with much singing...

Lo, I shall be there...

And then you shall really know Me as I am,

And never again depart from My care.

I shall be your God...

And you shall be My sons and daughters for a week and a day...

Until time has no meaning shall you dwell in My presence.

Letters from God and His Christ 110 Volume Six

11/19/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Stand Up

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, what I have made worthy, call it not unworthy, for I am come and am coming and will
return in My glory, says The Lord. The time has come, the time is already here, the consummation of all things is at
hand. The heavy stone shall be revealed, the yoke of which all nations shall try to cast off... They shall not stand.
For I coming, and My arm is outstretched... You shall behold the power of The Lord in His anger. Many shall fall,
many shall come to know the name of The Lord. For I shall cause My name to resound in all the earth, from the
uttermost isles even unto the beloved city.

The time has come... It has come...

BEHOLD the power of the one True God.

[Timothy] Give Him glory. Servants, the time has come for us to arise and speak... Shout and pick up our crosses.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, you are Mine... I am married unto you. And if I am yours, and you are Mine, then obey
My voice and do as I command you. For after thirty will I establish you, and after forty you will stand up for Me,
says The Lord Yeshua... You shall go where I send you.
Look upon Me, beloved... Look to Me. Turn your cheek from this world... Look upon Me! Behold My face. Know
Me. Live in Me. I am with you to deliver you, you know My voice... Follow Me. The time has come for you to stand
up and sing... Stand up and shout. Be bold, beloved. Be bold, and I shall arise and be emboldened for you... Yea,
I shall over shadow you.

My children, where are you? And what are you doing?...

Where am I?... Am I first?...

What is My name?

Volume Six 111 Letters from God and His Christ

11/22/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For All Those Who Abide in The Lord and He in They, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
You Are Mine

[Timothy] The Lord is present and very close. Receive of His love and be blessed therein, beloved. For you are most
beloved of our Lord, the Redeemer. Open fully to Him, let Him be your consuming fire. All else is dull and paled
darkness, all else is vanity and vexation of spirit. Look to Him... Look to Him. Know Him as He is... Pure love, pure
joy, living inside peace... Bliss. There is none like Him... Perfect love, the Meaning of Life... Indescribable love... Such
wisdom... Beyond all words. Behold His glory, let Him reveal His majesty. Beloved, the time is here, it has come.

[Jesus The Christ] Where will your hearts abide? Where have you put ALL your trust? Says The Lord. Come to Me... I will
deliver you, it will be done... Trust in Me. Receive of My words... Let them be your meat. Ingest them fully, so we may be
one, even as The Father and I are one. Come and sit at My table and sup, for the food I will bring shall sustain you unto
eternal life. Behold, the table is set, the feast prepared. Lo, the time has come... You shall be uplifted into glory, seated at
the right hand of your Father in Heaven... My Father, your Father, even as I am your Father... You are Mine, and I live in
you. Receive of My love, abide in My house... Abide in My love, oh most beloved.
Know you not that you are of My own flesh... Partake of Me, receive of My love. I had given all for you... My glory
set aside, My body broken. Will you not give of the same, so you also may be glorified, even at My right hand? Even
as I am sat down at the right hand of My Father?... I am seated there. And all who love Me, and I abide in them and
they in Me, shall also come to sit... Even with Me on the throne of My glory.
I am come, beloved. I am with My people, having never departed... I am with you to deliver you... My treasure, the
beating of My own heart. Receive of Me, abide in My love. The time has come, and the great indignation of The
Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth, shall be poured out... And evil shall reign for a short season.

Be not troubled or fear... I am your own Father...

Your Fashioner, your Healer,

Your Sanctuary from all the troubles that have come
And shall consume the entire world.

Trust in Me... Receive of My love.

The weight of all these sorrows has come, and shall drown the whole world in tears and blood... REMEMBER, I, Myself,
am with you to deliver you, and no one can steal you away from Me. No one, in all creation, can pluck you from My
hand... The Father has given you to Me. You are Mine... No one can pluck you from My hand. You are My treasure, just
as I am yours... And no one can pluck you from My hand. You dwell there, even in the palm of God’s right hand.

Beloved, I have defeated the world...

Death has been put underneath My feet, My enemies are made My footstool.

I shall sit on the throne of My glory,

And I shall destroy all enmity and wipe away all tears...

NO more pain, or death, or dying... NO more war...

Life without end, in the Sanctuary of My loving kindness,

Abiding in the joy of The Father...

Forever in the presence of your Beloved...

Life without end. Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 112 Volume Six

12/31/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, Timothy, Trina, Arthur, and for The Lord’s Little Flock
Turn to Me... And Trust

Trent, hear the Word of The Lord: My beloved servant, I am with you and I will deliver you. The time has come for
you to go for Me, and for you to trust... with complete abandonment, My son. I am with you, and I will surely go
with you wheresoever I send you. You are greatly beloved, you have been faithful, and so I shall surely send you.
Believe My words, and take My convictions to heart, and make them your own. The time has come... Lo, it is here.
Son of men, the time has come. Hear My voice and receive of Me. Go to your brother, and lay upon him your
hands, and speak and pray the words I will give you, and you shall behold My glory. Son of men, believe and it
shall be, and you shall become new in Me... a renewed and strong servant... My friend. Take My hand, and listen
to My voice in you. Beloved, listen and hear, and so do as I command you.

Even all of you gathered here, I am with you and I will deliver you. Worry not on these, your children.
Timothy, why do you cry over these beloved, as though I can not save?
Trina, how is it you wail and worry, as though I can not reach into the most hard of heart, and deliver?
Arthur, trust in Me, and so do. Though these, who weigh upon your heart, are grown, and do not know Me, they
shall come to know God!... Even The Father of Lights who shall shine.

Behold, I am come... Lo, I am already here!

And if I am come and live in you, do I not know your pain?... Is not yours, Mine?

This is My house, and this is My own body, even as it is called by My own name. And if you are Mine, of My own
body, shall I not heal and sanctify that which is of Myself? And what of all these I have given you?... Beloved, these
are also Mine, My own gifts to men and women. Shall I not bring forth? Shall I not humble these? Shall I not break
them, even as you were broken? Shall I not uplift and heal? I have heard you, beloved... It was I, even I, who caused
you to pray these things. Is not My heart also heavy, over all this sorrow and madness?...

Your tears are Mine.

Trust in Me, and I shall lead you along living waters. And all these, of your body, these I will also bring, for the
prayers of a righteous servant avails much...


I live in you. You shall speak, and so do as I command you. Timothy shall grow less important among you, and I
shall grow in you, and he shall be snatched away... Turn to Me. For he shall go for Me, and you shall be left all
alone. Therefore, turn to your Shepherd, as I am Timothy’s also. He is a hired man, bought for a price. He is Mine,
as you are Mine also... Turn to Me.

I am with you... I shall deliver you.

Therefore, take comfort in My words.

Volume Six 113 Letters from God and His Christ

11/22/07 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Craig (Daniel) and Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Watchmen

Will you stand up for Me?... Says The Lord... Will you run for Me? Will you go wheresoever I send you?... Says The
Lord. Son of man, where are you? Where do you stand?...

So then, beloved of My heart, who has My image, My own heart, will you be free?

Beloved daughter, trust in Me and look to him, your beloved. He shall go for Me, and I shall surely send him.
Daniel, you are called by My own name... Receive of Me. I have not heard you calling. Son of man, what is it you
wait for?... Arise and speak.
Turn to Me and I shall surely fill you with My glory, and you shall come to really know Me. Beloved, turn to Me
now, and do not doubt these words... Consume them... They are My own words. Timothy IS My prophet, stand with
him. For the time has come, and is nearly here, when he shall no longer be called teacher and servant. He shall be
called a prophet of the Most High God, a prophet of The Lord’s Day, the mouthpiece of God... And you shall go
with him. Doubt no longer... Only believe and trust.
You shall stand in the face of great adversity, death shall stalk you as the prey... Yet I shall establish you. Even My
fullness shall overshadow you... Yea, I, Myself, shall come to abide in you fully. And death shall flee in terror at
My presence in you, nor shall it come near to you in that day, for I AM The Lord. And those who I send and am
sending, even all these shall stand up and not be moved... They shall run to fro in all the earth, moving in the midst
of the multitude... Blowing the trumpet unfettered, unhindered, seen and unseen, with the power of The Lord in
their nostrils. They shall march, they shall sing in concert, they shall gather and bundle... The second harvest shall
be reaped! Says The Lord.

Behold the husbandmen, the empty vessels of The Lord...

They shall be filled, and set in their places, to the glory of The Lord,
Even to the reaping of the remnant, the wild grapes,
The saints of The Lord’s day, the martyrs for My own name.

It shall be done, it shall surely come to pass, says The Lord of Hosts...

The Holy One of Israel is My name!

Craig... Daniel... son of men... No more time to tarry, My son.

Letters from God and His Christ 114 Volume Six

12/31/07 From Jesus The Christ, YahShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jessica, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Turn Aside

Thus says The Lord: Jessica, beloved Faith, as long as you go your own way and run NOT to Me, refusing to walk
in My ways, but continuing in all ways as the world loves, you shall by no means be gathered, says The Lord.
Therefore, turn from the world and seek My face, in truth, and I shall surely deliver you out of all these troubles
that are about to overtake the world.

Walk in Me, receive of My love...

Lean not on anything of this world, nor on any person, nor yourself...

Trust in Me, and you shall behold My glory.

Beloved, let go! For the time is at hand...

Lo, it is here, My child, it has come.

Run quickly...

I await you with arms open...

I shall surely hide you, and you shall surely fly away.

Turn, beloved, turn aside. Abide in Me... And I, even I, shall come and live in you. And you shall know pain no
more, nor shall you cry even one more tear. All sorrows shall depart from you, only rejoicing shall you know... You
shall even be met with much singing in the house of The Lord, your Redeemer. My child, turn aside, the world has
deceived you. Run quickly and receive of Me...

Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of this age,

Even to the end of time, even unto the eighth day, where time is no more...

Only life is ...

Life without end.


Volume Six 115 Letters from God and His Christ

1/25/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy... To Kathy, and For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Candlesticks Shall Light the Way for All These Who Walk in This Present Darkness

Beloved, you have done very well. Continue to progress toward perfection, with renewed and strong trust.
Before the setting of the sun, cast out all that remaining, which you have laid up in store... An inventory of material
things which have collected dust, having become a manifestation of the inward heart, a placing of all things against
My love, debris in the path of love and everlasting freedom, of which I am.
Beloved daughter, receive of Me, and let My grace be sufficient for you... Let My strength become yours. Beloved, all
these things are passing away, and will be remembered no more. No more shall they be set as naught against Me.

Beloved, as you have done, have understanding, and look, and now see:
What you have done in your house, so must I do with all these houses called by My own name,
Even of these called by the name of The Father in Heaven...
Yea, even greater things must I do also.

For lo, I, even I, come to cleanse the entire world of ALL its fornications against God,
Even for all these things they have built up and kept in store,
Having set all as naught against Me to blaspheme and desecrate My name,
The name The Father gave Me...

His name!

Therefore, beloved, come now and abide in My love, and experience My joy, and trust in Me. And do even all I
ask of you, and hesitate not... Only do, and receive My blessing.
Here is wisdom amidst blessings: If you do all I ask, then you do it out of that trust which is in you, received of
The Father, by Me and because of Me, strengthened and renewed through obedience, built up in action, building
further upon all actions manifest because of My word, which you carried out.
Therefore, know and understand, that which remains after sunset must be taken and destroyed on the eighth day.
For you shall do no work on the Sabbath, the seventh day, but rest, hear, and pray. For that remaining, which was
not removed, must be destroyed, even as I shall do the same, before the setting of the sun upon this age of men.

Blessed are those, who put their trust in God, and abide in His Son.

For to these shall they receive blessing upon blessing,

Grace upon grace, wisdom with trust.

For lo, Kathy, beloved, look now and see... Look upon all you have done, the purging of your house. Let it be also
of the heart, and that done in the fulfillment of My Word, even prophecy, learned and taught in action, because
you have first trusted in Me. You and your husband are the elders of My little flock, which you see only with your
eyes and have seen on the screen. Yet you know not of these you have not seen, nor of all these who shall soon
come, even of these many thousands who have come already... This being only the very beginning, a flash, a small
spark that shall soon set a great multitude ablaze in My love... Yea, many ten thousands, cleansed and refashioned,
hearts become new, burdens lifted.

Rejoice, beloved, I have done it, and I will continue to do so.

For My joy is made complete in all these who will come to Me.
And I shall not lose even one of all these, who come to Me,
Of which The Father has given Me...

They are Mine, as even I am given to them.

Letters from God and His Christ 116 Volume Six

1/25/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy... To Kathy, and For Art and Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Candlesticks Shall Light the Way for All These Who Walk in This Present Darkness cont.

So then, this Word, given your son, is but a seed...

Even a trumpet, even an alarm of war.

Yet to the humble and penitent hearer, it is become hope...

Written upon a strong foundation, brought forth from the Unending Covenant...
Soon fulfilling all promises, of which My Father has written upon the hearts of all sons and
Daughters by My blood, and will be written again, and fastened...
Of such a kind which can never be undone...
True hope in the knowing that it is already accomplished,
And shall soon be done.

For all that is purposed, by The Most High God, is done already...
Being written in everlasting stone, of which I am, of which I was also cut out and made from...
Cast into the midst of the earth, destroying all powers, principalities, rulers and kingdoms...
Growing, spreading, until the Rock, cut out without hand, becomes, indeed,
The Mountain which fills the entire world... Yea, even the heavens.

For even of these, they are Mine also.

And what is Mine, I shall surely give to all those who are of Me, and I in them.

See with greater eyes, and be My candlestick set in the midst of this darkness, in the midst of all the faces who have
gathered blackness and paleness. Shine upon them, and reveal My glory I have placed in you. Break free and shine
bright. Be My examples, of My life given up for you.
Art, Kathy, you are My beloved children. Love one another, and become My friends. Deny yourselves, and take up
your crosses, and follow Me. Fear not its weight, I am with you. My burden is light, for all those who trust in Me.
Let My works be shown through you. Lay all your burdens at My feet, all that is heavy upon you... Give it all to Me.
Then will you be able to carry that which I, Myself, have given you. Your time has come to cleanse your house, for
I have already cleansed you from all sin. Let that, which you have received of Me, be brought forth as a reflection
of Me in you, shown in all you do, even of where you live, so others might see and ask you of the hope and joy
that is within you. For this is a true and trustworthy saying: “Faith without works is dead.” Show others your faith
by your works.

Trust in Me, for this is first...

Then strive each day to reveal My glory in you.

I am the Author...

Behold, I am also the Finisher...


Volume Six 117 Letters from God and His Christ

2/14/08 From Jesus The Christ Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Day has come for Me to reveal My glory, says The Lord. The Day is at hand, for the Master to cleanse His house.
Lo, the Day has come, where I shall destroy all wickedness, and plow the field, and tear up all these weeds that have
sprouted in My garden...

Behold, The Mighty One of Jacob is here! Says The Lord.

I am with My people, and to them shall My glory be revealed. For lo, I shall be glorified in them and among them.
Yea, they shall bow down and worship, they shall bow down and I shall take them. For all who bow down shall
be exalted, and all those who stand firm, with their necks outstretched, shall be abased in My anger, in My hot
displeasure, says The Lord of Hosts... The Holy One of Israel is My name.

I Am The Lord, and who shall stand against Me?!

Who shall overcome Me and take that which is Mine?

Who shall trample upon My Bride and not receive of My anger?! Who shall stand?!

The earth is My footstool...

I shall purge, I shall cleanse with fire! Says The Lord.
The Day of The Lord has come!... It is here, it has come.
And My wrath shall in no wise depart, until all enemies are made My footstool,
And all the blessed of My heart taken and gathered.

Beloved, I have come, having never departed, says The Redeemer.

Embrace Me now, for now is the time appointed.

I have called, and who has answered? I have poured, and who has drank?
Lo, I have given of My own spirit, and who has received?... You have received, beloved.

Come to Me, and know Me as I am, beloved. I no longer call you servants, but friends, for servants know not what their
Master is doing. My friends, come and enter into My joy. Oh most beloved, how I have loved you. Trust in Me, in this
time which is upon you... Never depart from My love. Remain in My love, even as I remain in you, and you in Me... Our
love fulfilled in Me. Come to Me, beloved, for I am revealed in you. Look upon Me, beloved... You have always been in
Me. And if you have never departed, then who can snatch you from My bosom? Though all must crumble, though all
must be wiped away, yet forever shall you remain. Come and enter into My love... Let our joy be complete. I shall make
you one! And you shall sing... Yea, you shall stand firm, you shall stand up! Sing for Me, beloved, My voice is in you.
Trust in My love, abide in My mercy. I will never forsake you, nor any of all you bring to Me...

Ask anything in My name, and I will do it...

Call on My name.

I have defeated the world. And if all is Mine, then cry out to those you love, and sing of My glory. Reveal My love... Speak of
the Hope that is in you. Place their hands in Mine, and I shall take them and lead them along streams of Living Waters.

Know you are clean, beloved. Trust in My words, for in them also are you made clean.

I am with you always.

Letters from God and His Christ 118 Volume Six

3/1/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Those, Who Have Received, Shall Be Given More

Beloved, you have seen well, and by your ears have you also heard. For indeed, that written on paper with ink,
which bore your own name, even the name by which you are to be called among men, was My word. Not as
Timothy supposed, but written for your benefit, even as a builder’s stone, to build up in you that which is already
resting solidly upon the cornerstone of faith already established in you.
So take to heart My words, and understand, and grow quickly. You also are called, and ears you have received.
Therefore, walk in Me, and know I am with you always. And that same voice you perceive is indeed My voice, and
shall grow in you quickly, and become for you even as it is for Timothy.
Beloved son of men, give heed and do all I command you, and learn patience, even as I have given you. Receive
of Me and so do... Walk even as I have walked. Follow close behind Me, and you shall behold all things according
to My purpose in you, and according to that trust in which you abide. My son, this work in which you have and
hold fast to is indeed a finished work, and can by no means be undone, nor can it depart or be taken from you... It
remains an unbreakable cord... Everlasting, according to the promise fulfilled in Me, in you.
Know this, and take heed to yourself, and know the truth of My words, even of all these given to Timothy, your
brother. The work is finished, and was completed even from the foundation of the world. Yet in the world you
remain, even clay in My hands, softened and fit to be remolded, even as I have known you and see you in the
season to come, even as you are in My Kingdom.

Therefore, strive and obey, and seek My ways,

And search out My will for you...

Follow Me...

Serve Me...

And soon you will be with Me, where I am.

My son, know and understand, and rest in this: You are already with Me, as I am always with you, where you are. You
have never left My sight, even from your formation. All I have made, and all are made through Me. Therefore, prosper
in Me, as I am growing in you. You remain in Me, having been pruned of The Father until now. The time has come for
you to bear much fruit and prosper. So then, remain in My love, and do all I command you. For that written, of which
you have heard, you heard according to the ears I have given you. And that Letter received by Timothy, he did hear,
and wrote, yet did not perceive to whom it was intended, and has remained unsettled in his spirit to this day, but has
now come to realize that written, according to My voice, was for you, and not to those who stone him and cast My
words as evil. For I know My sheep, and they hear My voice. And that James had not ears, nor did his eyes recognize
My image; nor did his spirit perceive My glory, though it remained very close to him.
Therefore, take much solace in this, My son, and receive of Me, even as I have poured out. Go forth in all
steadfastness, with long-suffering for your beloved, and even for those who remain hard-of-heart and unseeing,
even standing firm, refusing to hear My voice. Go out, amongst My sheep and those wolves which encompass you
roundabout, and reveal that which I have given you, and that which I will give at the time appointed.
Remain in My love, united to Me, and with love toward those who are united to you because of Me. Trust in Me, hear
Me, and wait in all patience of faith... Listening... And then doing. Run not ahead, nor lag behind, for you are at, and
have come to, that place of which I had prepared and called you for, that you should be and remain until I send you.
Remain in My love, even as I was in the flesh and remained in The Father’s love. And of these things, remember
and study the fruit of the Spirit, for this fruit, received, is meet only for the use in blessing others, starting with your
wife, who is also called My handmaiden and daughter.

Peace, then, is what I give you,

Until that required is able to be received.

Volume Six 119 Letters from God and His Christ

3/7/08 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Signs and Promises

Regarding the following, which my wife saw earlier in the day: The first being a cloud at sunset, in the perfect shape
of a dove. And also, shortly thereafter, when she was contemplating the dove, she also saw a cross, which appeared
among buildings and street poles, seemingly made of gray clouds or smoke, but it was a perfect cross and separate
from the things surrounding it. The dove she first noticed as she was giving thanks to The Lord. The cross was only
there for a few moments.

[Jesus The Christ] Beloved, hear Me and search your heart... And have understanding of The Lord’s purpose,
according to all those He has bundled and gathered close... Soon carried to His bosom.

The thoughts of your heart came up before Me, and you and I were glad together, according to My promises soon
fulfilled. So as Noah sent out the dove to confirm the promise, though he yet remained in the midst of the flood of
waters, so likewise you remain in the midst of the time of the flood of fear... Even of many sorrows, unable to see
the Mountain for the storm.
Therefore, you gave thanks in love, from a sincere hope in The Blessed. And likewise, I did manifest the dove flying
high above the setting of the sun, to remind you and give you peace. As Noah put his hope in the dove, so I have
given you a sign of the same, signifying that which I am about to do, just before the setting of the sun upon this age
of men. And to confirm this promise and its completion, even as I have promised to your children in the kingdom,
so in like manner shall all My promises to your beloved be brought to completion. For I will bring him through to
the end, and he also shall lay upon My breast, and again be reunited with you in My kingdom.

For the sign of The Son of Man shall appear, and all the people of the earth shall mourn...


The coming of The Son of Man in His kingdom, with great power and glory.

So that asked was confirmed of the same... For no vision of the cross can, nor ever shall, be considered an
hallucination. For no one can behold the vision of the cross, save to those I wish to reveal it, even as The Father
shall also reveal it before all those who dwell on the earth at week’s end.
So Beloved, know and understand, all thoughts and desires of My people are known to Me, even as My own. For
as I am, so is My body. And that which is in Me, I am in also. And that, made, was made through Me, and given
life because of Me.

Beloved, what shall be impossible with God?...

And what is withheld from those who love Him, even as they love Me,
Being accepted in the Beloved, in whom The Father is well pleased?

Beloved, this is but a beginning of things to come...

Where, in the days that follow, things of this nature

And of this glory shall become commonplace for all My beloved,
Even among all those who abide in Me, and I in them...

Those who have put all their trust in Me.

Letters from God and His Christ 120 Volume Six

6/13/08 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, A Letter Given to Timothy -
For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear the Calling and Trumpet of The Most High God
To My Chosen Daughter

[God The Father] Oh beloved, My precious beloved, you have set yourself up... Lo, you have fallen. Not from
heights, but from a pedestal, even the one you have placed at your own feet, upon which you have climbed, now
endeavoring to stand... You have fallen. You have been shaken and stripped naked of all your clothes, even every
veil and garment you have worn, of which I have not given you. Thus is the severity and thus is the unsurpassed
love of your Father, manifest through your Redeemer.

Oh My beloved, you have tripped, you have stumbled, you have toppled over...

Yet you will stand, for I, Myself, have caught you...

Even by the power of My own Right Hand are you upheld and gathered up.

[Jesus Christ The Lord]

Turn to Me... You are married unto Me, My bride.

Therefore, understand and know this, and give heed: I have withheld the testimony of My servant, even of your
brother, Timothy, My prophet, saying, “Speak not to your sister, until the day comes in which she, herself, asks you,
concerning this word, which is not My own; for she, who is not against us, is on our part.”

Beloved, therefore run to Me, and I shall teach you discernment, even a more perfect way...

Trust in Me.

These words, you have written, were not of My mouth, nor of The Father’s. Rather, these were brought forth from
your own heart, even by your own personal inner voice, according to your own understanding and intake of My
Word, in the Volumes and those in the Scriptures of Truth. Cry not, nor fear... Wipe these tears, beloved. Neither
let any foul fruit swell up in your heart. I am with you to deliver you. Return home, for you are greatly beloved.
You are not given to be My mouthpiece, yet My Spirit remains with you. Therefore, accept it and now abide in Me,
even as I shall abide in you.
Many have strayed. Do I not continually go out after them and lead them home again? Do I not then hold these
even closer? Are they not then held tightly upon My breast, until every last tear has fallen?... Abide in My love.

For many are called, few are chosen... You are chosen.

You shall climb the Ladder... Even I shall carry you home... and those with you.

Rejoice, beloved!... You are Mine.

And no one can take you from My arms.

Let My grace wash away all things in you.

Am I not sufficient in your times of need?... Your strength in your weakness?...
Your strong foundation when yours is shaken?

Beloved, many has The Father drawn to Me...

I know My own, and of these I do love and discipline, even as a sincere correction,
By which they are refined and made wise and strong...

I am with you.

Volume Six 121 Letters from God and His Christ

5/24/08 From Jesus The Christ, Yeshua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent and James, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Who is First?

Thus says The Lord Jesus: My beloved, who I have called My friends, trust in Me... Stop denying My name, and
cease from covering over My doings. I have called you, even I have done all these things. Yet you keep secret that
which I have said to show before all, and quieted that which I have commanded be trumpeted... Even to the closing
of your mouths, also speaking in soft tones, saying, ’Hush, lest others hear’, when I have spoken it, saying, “Shout
it from the rooftops.” Therefore, give heed to yourselves and that which you know is true... Say it aloud, or be still
and be quiet. Yet serve no more, as one who hides what He is doing, as though he was ashamed of what he has
You say, ‘Keep the peace’... Yet there is no peace. You have said within your heart, ‘Let me serve You in secret’... I
say, you have denied Me. Therefore, My sons, let your yeses be yeses and your nos, no. I ask you, beloved, who is
first? You say I am, and that you seek to hold onto that which is not your own and keep the peace, not realizing that
this only serves to expose that you have placed not your wives or fear of strife above Me, but yourselves have you
put before Me. Serve Me with your brother, even at his side, as he is My servant and yours also... Or serve Me not.
For it is better to do nothing, than to deny Me by concealed works and speeches, even to the justifying by false and
erred parables, of which you have not received of Me. For you deal not with children, as those who are ignorant,
but with them of your own flesh, of which you were to be the head. Rather, it is you, My sons, who have added to
their quandary, when instead, you should have made a quick end of it, bringing all which you do into the light for
all to behold. Have you not read My words, where I had said...

“Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.
But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth...

I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

For I have come to set a man against his father,

A daughter against her mother,
And a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law;
And a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.

He who loves father or mother, more than Me, is not worthy of Me.
And he who loves son or daughter, more than Me, is not worthy of Me.
And he, who does not take his cross and follow after Me, is not worthy of Me.

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life, for My sake, will find it.
He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.
He who receives a prophet, in the name of a Prophet, shall receive a prophet’s reward.
And he who receives a righteous man, in the name of a Righteous Man,
Shall receive a righteous man’s reward.”

So then, that which I had spoken to Peter, I also say to you:

Do you love Me more than these?...

Then take care of My sheep, and feed My lambs.

Letters from God and His Christ 122 Volume Six

6/4/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Daughter Who is Ten, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Abide in My Love

Beloved little one, ask and it shall be granted unto you... Trust in Me.

I am also your Father, even your closest friend. Call on Me, and KNOW I am with you, and will always be your
Shelter, even your Stronghold against all these storms.

Little one, do you believe My Word? Do you know and remember My love? I created the universe and everything
in it... Even you. I knit you together with the finest of Love’s threads, with all joy. I live in you, having formed you in
My image, having written in you all things that you shall be... Even according to a life that is without end, because
of My breath in you.

Abide in My love...

Breathe Me in...

And receive healing and deliverance from all these worries.

Timothy, place your hands on your precious beloved, and believe, and she shall receive healing of both the body
and that of the mind....

For her heart is already Mine, even as Mine is hers...


Time without end...

Neverending joy in The Beloved...

Even by Whom you came and shall return...

Renewed once again...

Made perfect...

In Me and of Me...

United in My joy, which is also The Father’s...

Love fulfilled.

Volume Six 123 Letters from God and His Christ

3/22/08 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Rod of Discipline

[God The Father] This is what The Lord your God says, concerning all beloved sheep who have gone astray, having
wandered far from The Lord and His graces, even to the embracing of the world and all its deceptions and false
witnessing, against God and His Anointed and the salvation He brings.
Parents of such children, who do continually forsake The Lord for their own way, running eagerly after all diverse lusts
of this world, running along a wide path, heavy-laden, paying no attention to all these stumbling blocks laid at their
feet - mine-fields - of which satan has laid to bring about severe injury and death and pain to all involved, bringing
forth a multitude of evil fruit... Hopelessness, fear, darkness, licentiousness, lusts, pharmacopeia, disobedience,
lying, scheming, vanities, the love of money, vexation of spirit, a hardening of hearts, lack of affection... Even
to blasphemies and the misuse of My name and The Christ’s, because of faithlessness... Having that seed sown,
choked and taken away... Never really receiving, but rather, taking that which was given, and grasping it only
lightly, holding it before them for all to see, where it is quickly blown away by deceptive winds, never having been
sown in their hearts, nor clinging to it with all the heart, nor with all the mind, nor all the strength... Forsaking their
neighbor for the love of self and foolish desires, which only brings upon them more of the same. This only serves to
widen the gap, increasing the darkness inside them, where they then seek to fill this darkness and emptiness with
those things of the same... Bitter sorrows and deceptive pleasures, the many poisons of this world, thick chains
and mire holding them fast, sinking into sorrows. Yet when brought to light, that darkness in them recoils and then
strikes in rebellion.
Therefore, Timothy, what shall you do, when faced with all these things brought forth of the tempter, which grow
rapidly in this world? And how shall you teach your beloved wisdom and knowledge, even of the deep riches in
Christ, when she remains consumed, lost in confusion and vexation of spirit? Timothy, shall you blame yourself?
What of her mother?... The world? I tell you the truth, what is done is done, and can not be undone, save The Lord
choose to move His hand. I have not, and will not yet move, until the Day comes and is at hand, that I shall bring
My hand against this nation, for all its forsaking of Me. And so, at present, My hand is removed and your nation
is given up... My face is turned against it. And what it shall suffer is of itself and according to all its enemies, from
which I will no longer protect it.

Yet remember this, beloved:

By no means shall I lose even one who I see of Myself in them,

Nor one who comes to call on My name.

Therefore, Timothy, do you love Me? Do you trust in your God and do you abide in My Right Hand?... You are in
Him and He in you. Hear My words, and do them: When such an one, of whom you love, and I also, come of age
by sin and continue therein, despite the word of their parents, even despite the Word of The Lord Most High, they
must be punished and disciplined according to, and in accordance with, their sin. For to spare the rod is to hate
your child. And to not respond with correction is to encourage further disobedience and sin. The rod, of which I
speak, is of discipline and correction, and not of physical punishment. Oh vain and ignorant peoples of this world,
stop perverting My Word! And gain knowledge. All children’s disobedience comes from ignorance and from the
troubles of the heart and spirit. How, then, shall a beating correct the heart?! And how shall the striking with a rod
bring about a new spirit? DO NOT exacerbate the problem with your children, by bringing them into subjection by
abuse! Let the children first learn and show piety at home, and requite their parents, for this is good and acceptable
before God.

[Jesus The Christ] Timothy, all that you and your wife have spoken, do. Yet I tell you the truth of these things, even all
of this shall be played out once again, at which time you shall reveal to her both this Word and My Word spoken to
her of not returning home, and by what means she shall come to live with you, fulfilling all I had spoken through
you concerning her.

Letters from God and His Christ 124 Volume Six

3/22/08 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Rod of Discipline cont.

[Jesus The Christ] Know you not the love of a father is displayed in tenderness and kindness? And is it not also
shown through discipline and correction, especially for those he loves? And what of your Father in Heaven? Have
I not done all of these things, even to the displaying of My hot displeasure toward My enemies, who have hurt My
beloved?... Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord, I shall repay.

Here is wisdom: The Father and The Son are one, and yet two, and that third part, the Spirit, which comes into
the world, manifesting His will. Therefore, that which you have received of Me must in turn be made into actions,
bringing forth obedience in those children who remain destitute of that which I bring. For how can one walk in Me,
if one will not walk in the ways of their earthly father, nor obey his commands? How much more, then, shall it be
impossible for one such as this to obey My commandments? Therefore, this work must be done by you, according
to what you have received of Me, also forever being an example until the Day comes... And it will surely come, it
will not tarry...

And when it comes, I shall come to live in them...

Whereby, through many tears, they shall truly call upon My name,
Inviting Me in, grasping desperately at My robes...

Wherein I shall rush in, healing them swiftly, wiping away all these tears of anguish...

Even before they have finished calling .

Then shall their tears be renewed, even as a torrent of a new kind,

Even in great joy and thanksgiving...

All burdens lifted...

My glory revealed...

Where, then, The Father will come to say,

“Behold, the sons and daughters of God... I see of Myself in them”...

“Come up here!”

Volume Six 125 Letters from God and His Christ

3/20/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Enter Into My Fullness and Receive of Me

My children, I have always been and will always be your Father,

Your brother, your closest friend, from now and forever, until even time passes away...

No more counting of days, forever in My presence...

My own beloved...

Remade and refashioned, of such a kind that will never fade nor see corruption ever again.

Beloved, know you not that I am with you? How is it, then, that you come before Me, asking of that which is already
fulfilled in you? Beloved, you seek Me and this is very good. Yet you resist Me in the asking; neither embracing, nor
believing, that which is in you. Beloved, you are already delivered from all your infirmities... Seek Me, and ask, and
believe, and it shall be done in you. And that, which is worked through Timothy, is done in all My body... Human
power is of no use at all, beloved. All, that is done, is done through Me and given to you. How, then, do you not
believe? It is even for this reason and according to that, given you, which you have yet to walk in. Therefore, walk
in Me and receive of Me, and all that you desire, according to Me and My will, shall be manifest.

For where I am, there can be no darkness...

Where I am, all evil flees away...

And where I am, healing abides and is enabled by your faith...

Trust, of such a kind, never looking back or to the left hand or to the right hand, but straight forward...

Eyes fixed upon Me.

For that, in which you have become fixated, is that which you shall receive. This is why I said, “Those in Me are no
longer in the world, though they remain in it.” For I am not of the world, it is My footstool.
Therefore, beloved, remain in My love, and that is what you shall receive... Even an abundance, bursting forth in
rivers of running waters, healing all things which have become burdensome to you.

My yoke is easy, and My burden is light, for all those who live in Me.
Therefore, beloved, this is My commandment to you:
As you love Me, even so shall you love one another,
Until which time I come and gather you.

Wait, wait in all patience and faith, trusting in God, even The Father,
Knowing He is of Me and Me of He...
The Father and The Son are One.

Wait, beloved, with all long-suffering, and take and eat of all this bread I have given you,
And drink deeply of My Spirit poured out.

Letters from God and His Christ 126 Volume Six

3/20/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Enter Into My Fullness and Receive of Me cont.

Beloved, consume My Word, even daily, and at every opportunity, both in that written in the Scriptures of Truth,
even all of it, and also take of this present bread given you, and eat and digest it fully, even of all these Letters...
They are My gift to you, that love letter written to My beloved saints of the end of this age, and left for those who
are yet untamed.
Beloved, you remain in My love... Walk in Me. And watch now how many I shall bring, yea, a great multitude that no
man can number!... For lo, the first harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly, and the second plenteous, says The Lord.

Trust in Me, for nothing remains outside My will.

Therefore, rest in the hope and the blessing,

Understanding that The Father knows all things, even from the beginning...

Nothing has escaped His eye.

For all the works, prepared of The Father,

Were known to Him before the foundation of the world,
And have been prepared and set up for all those, foreordained,
Who will come to Him and have already.

For the Day appointed has come, and will progress quickly,
Until the fullness of all those, who were also appointed, come into salvation...
Even until the time of all those, appointed unto wrath, is fulfilled.

Behold a new day, even one thousand years...


Volume Six 127 Letters from God and His Christ

4/17/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Integrity, With All Trust... Bringing Forth Fruit in the Beloved, in Whom We Are Also Accepted

James, My servant, listen to what your Lord says to His beloved. In Me, you are accepted; and of Me are you made
and reborn, even a second time... Even to the continual washing of your spirit.
Beloved, I have come to live in you, and you have begun to walk in Me... Receive of Me. Partake of Me fully,
and continue to cast out this leaven of fear, malice, and dishonesty. Speak not with a harsh tongue, but with love
and steadfastness of faith. For one who loves Me is not ashamed of what they do in My name. Neither does one
hide what they do, if that done is well and good. How, then, is it you hide that which is good and bears fruit in
righteousness, and submit to that which bears only corruption and leads to vexation of spirit? Your beloved will
soon awake, yet remains a stone of stumbling, with you willingly keeping this stone in place at both your feet, by
making that which you do to become seen, by others, as veiled and sinister. For that done in a corner, or in secret,
is not of God. For that held in secret has already become a lie in your heart, even a denial of My name... In where
you have put yourself and your wife ahead of Me, out of fear of discontent and strivings. Know you not, to love
anyone more than Me, is to be counted unworthy of Me by your own admission. For I am faithful, and have made
you worthy of all I shall give you, even for all time... Yet you deny Me.
James, My son, hear Me... Do not run ahead. For in quiet boldness shall you shine for Me. I have seen your heart,
it is open to Me. And that which I see is a sincere hunger and thirst for righteousness...

I am The Lord your Righteousness... Deny Me not, and you shall be filled.

Strive to walk as I walked, and they will see, for all veils are lifted in Me.
Yet the hands of many have come up to replace that which is taken away in Me.

Therefore, son of men, walk in Me, and I shall be established in you.

Be steadfast and forthcoming with your beloved,
And honest with your hire.

Make honesty your companion, and integrity, your close friend.

Return to your wife love, for her heart is in disarray and greatly fears those things coming upon the world, even to
the fearing of those things I have brought forth in you. So then, kindly entreat those who mistreat you, and love
your wife, even as I love My body, the Church. Be My example, with quiet boldness and steadfast faith, and they
shall begin to see. Trust in Me, for this is all together lacking amongst you.
You have done what is well and good, and chosen the greater. However, in dishonesty have you made your
testimony into no testimony, and your doings suspect. Suffer persecution for doing what is right in the eyes of God,
for this is acceptable with God. But to suffer for doing wrong only brings forth more of the same, adding fuel to any
fire. For in doing so, you only hurt your beloved. Therefore, My son, let them speak against you for doing what is
right and in obedience to God. Give them no occasion to speak against you for your wrong-doings... Give nothing
to the Adversary.

I am with you... Turn to Me in all things... Ask, and so do.

For the days are coming, and are already here, when you shall go for Me...
And in those days shall you receive all that is required.

Stand for Me, obey My voice, and I shall surely bless you in kind...
Even blessing upon blessing, in grace, of Grace.

Letters from God and His Christ 128 Volume Six

4/17/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Integrity, With All Trust... Bringing Forth Fruit in the Beloved, in Whom We Are Also Accepted cont.

All you have is Mine, and all I have is yours.

You are of the inheritance... Which shall also be your wife’s reward...

Trust in Me.

For there is no greater love than that by which I have loved you.

And of the sheep, who have gone astray, how much more shall I go out after them?...

I shall heal them.

For they will come to Me, for The Father has made it possible for them to do so.
They shall come to know Me, as I really am... I shall surely gather them into My arms.
They shall lay upon My bosom, and they shall wail as never before... Wherein they shall be healed.

Then all tears will be wiped away.


The Father’s joy...

One thousand years.

Volume Six 129 Letters from God and His Christ

4/27/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Servant, A Hire, and the Heirs

Timothy, read My Word, and so do as I command you. For I have not brought you to this place to exalt you, neither
have I brought you here to abase you... Rather, that I might be exalted through you, and to teach you My ways and
of My love, even to the giving of Myself to you and the accepting of your decision to relinquish all of yourself to
Me... And by this, I shall be established in you and you in Me.
Fear not, nor consider... Only ask, and listen, and so do. I have given you to hear... Use what you have received,
and have peace. Build trust, never abandon hope, nor turn aside anyone I have sent to you. Have I not made you
My servant? And your wife, My handmaiden? And if you are My servants shall I not command My own, so they
may also serve all My guests arriving at My house? And what of My own children? Does not the servant also serve
the Master’s heirs, as they do the Master? Yet hear and understand, I have also set you over them, even as a flock...
My shepherd. Is not the shepherd’s job the same? Does he not tend to the sheep? Is he not the hire, both shepherd
and servant, of another man’s sheep? Timothy, you and your wife shall serve and submit... Even to the giving of
everything. Even all of which I shall give you, you in turn shall give it away... Feed My sheep. Even all of which I
command you, you shall do toward them.

Trust in Me.

When they call, answer them. When they cry, comfort them. When they are injured, bind up their wounds... even
by the power of My name. Above all, feed My sheep. They are en hungered, they do hunger and thirst. Timothy,
you hear My voice! Beloved, I am with you. Timothy, stumble no more... Walk in Me and find freedom.

One can not sin when in My company.

Neither can one’s eyes cause them to sin, while beholding My glory.
Neither can the heart of man conceive of sin, when it is filled with My love...

Pray without ceasing... Be still... And know, I AM The Lord.

For one who is consumed with My love, and feeds himself My Word continually, has ceased from sin... His flesh
he has forgotten. One who truly walks in Me, who I see of Myself in him, will not stumble.
And what of stumbling? Is there one righteous among you?... Not one. Take My hand and be lifted up... I bind
up the broken-hearted. Therefore, Timothy, My servant, and wife of Timothy, My beloved, why do you trouble
yourselves over all these things? Shall the hands say to the head, “I will not obey. I make my own way”? Do the feet
also dictate in which direction the body goes?...

I am the Head...

You shall go where I send you, and do as I command you.

Listen, be quiet, call on My name. Let your hearts be still, and quiet your minds... I am with you, even you two have
I chosen. And if I, Myself, have called you, how then is it you question My ways and count yourselves unworthy?
Are not all My chosen made worthy?... Therefore, trust in Me.

By Me were all things made, even by My knowledge...

All, seen and unseen, known and unknown, is before Me.
And what men see, they do not know.
And that unknown to them is not hidden before Me.
I created all things, and by My knowledge they are and were created.

Letters from God and His Christ 130 Volume Six

4/27/08 From Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Servant, A Hire, and the Heirs cont.

You have written out questions, even to the putting forth of rules and regulations, prepared for a flock which is not
your own, though I have set you over it, forgetting you are the hire... Yea, you are also the heirs, even as the flock
is also. So then, take these words to heart, and so do, and do so rejoicing.

1. Let them come, Beloved. Welcome them with open arms, and then place their hands in Mine.

2. Be given to hospitality, with abandonment of your own wants and desires... Let go of this world. Give, and you
will in turn receive. Yet even more blessed is one who gives, expecting nothing in return... This is to walk in Me,
even as I have walked.

3. Correct all who treat you as a sounding board before The Father. Let them turn first to Me, and search My Word
with their husbands. And if still they seek understanding, let them write to you; and I, in turn, will answer them
by filling you with knowledge and understanding, even to the hearing of My voice, according to My will.

4. Timothy, cease not from teaching them... Feed My sheep. For the Day is coming, and is fast approaching, when
they shall be left alone, without My prophet... Yet I will be with them. Even they shall also come to hear My
voice in those days.

5. Whosoever comes seeking and stands upon your doorstep, welcome them in, for I Myself have sent them.
For whosoever welcomes one I have sent, welcomes Me; and whosoever turns away any I have sent, deny
Me. And whosoever denies Me, by the one I have sent, will I also deny... They will not be gathered! Yet have
understanding in this... I speak concerning My servants, the prophets, and not of those brothers and sisters I
have sent to unify My body, for My purpose. Timothy, these are your helpers, even as you are their servant also.
Beloved, wash each others’ feet, in My name... Love one another.

6. Do not feed the children’s food to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine. Keep your location, and access
to you, private. Let them seek The Lord... Let them read what I have spoken and you have written down. What
purpose is there in seeking out My prophet, if My Word is already before them? What does it profit to seek out
the messenger, when the Letter is within their hand?... Let them hear and let them forebear, until the time be

7. Trust in Me. For if there is more you require, you have but to ask, and it shall be granted unto you. Yet remember
this: Arise each day early, and seek My will, and do it. Then ask of your own, and it shall be given you.

Trust in Me...

For in perfect trust is there also perfect peace.

Timothy and Beloved, even all of you, My beloved, blow this trumpet I have given Timothy...

Sound it continually, even in every manner of speaking and devices.

Volume Six 131 Letters from God and His Christ

9/29/08 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua HaMashiach -
The Lord’s Word given to Timothy during an on-line Bible Study fellowship -
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Cups of the Thirsty

Thus says The Lord: Let it be heard, and let it be known among those here... I am come, and dwell with you, and shall
return and gather you... Even all of those here. From among you, will I also leave a remnant, which will be replanted
in the midst of the flood of evil and great fear.
For those among you, who are able to receive My word, even you shall walk in it. And those among you who have
not received, you shall indeed receive, for My Father shall make it possible for you to do so. And those among you
who have received, even of you who have fallen on your faces and received of Me, wailing, and repenting with
many tears, even of that which I have numbered and counted unto love’s purpose, a true washing... you shall, by no
means, suffer in the Day of The Lord’s wrath. And of those who have suffered My fierce rebuke, yet walk away... even
these shall be turned back again, for I am their Father. Lo, I will go and bring them back again, even all My sons and
daughters, those who are called and known to Me before time was time.
Yet hear Me now, regarding those who have received heartache at the Word of My mouth, and turned: You have received
it, and on your heart it was written, and can never be cast off. Neither can My Word return void, for as I am, so it is. And
from among you I have taken some who were made examples, and I will continue to do so, so those called will hear. Not
just you, to whom I have spoken, but to all of these who remain outside the gates, waning in the world’s shadow. To these I
have spoken, as I have done to you first... So by you they might receive Me, and repent also, coming into true knowledge...
The only joy wherein all shall find peace... I AM THAT I AM, and there is none like Me.

Come and drink, beloved, of that which is so very sweet... Come and drink.

Come also, and ingest fully of that which is bitter in your eyes, and very hard to swallow,
For it too shall become sweet when understanding comes.
Let your pride no more lie to you, nor let arrogance have any ground.

Receive of Me! And partake of MY Words - EVERY one!

And that which is poured, take it and fill your cups,

And run quickly and hand them to all the dying and thirsty in this world...

Yes, of both the bitter and that which is sweet.

And among those, who scoff and push forth the hand and roll back the eyes, pour it out upon the ground in front
of them. For in the Day of The Lord, they shall also drink and be brought very low. They shall be dying for thirst and
grovel in the dark, endeavoring to lap up that which is about to evaporate, with their faces pressed to the ground.
Take hope, for even among these vipers and wicked of heart, such arrogant, high-minded children, there is a remnant
of whom I know. For in this also is the glory of The Lord revealed!... For that poured out as a testament against them
contains wrath, yet in it is also life. And those who taste even a single drop, even in this are all the riches of Heaven
consumed... when understanding comes, and is given and received.

For I am The Lord... There is no other besides Me!

Thus says The Lord: Come forward, peoples of this earth! Come forward, your hearts are displayed before The Father.
And I, even I, The Holy One of God, shall search!... And make My proclamation known.


The Holy One comes, and I shall surely gather... And even I shall judge the earth.

The DAY has come... Sound the Trumpet!

Letters from God and His Christ 132 Volume Six

10/27/08 From Jesus, YahShua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Sasha, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
He, Who Bestows Life, is Also Its Source

Timothy asked The Lord this question, for Sasha: Lord, is it OK to use birth control pills?

[YahShua answered] Sasha, beloved, you know not My will, nor what tomorrow will bring...

Trust in Me today.

And that which you struggle over, give it to Me. For one, who is in love with Me, shall surely receive of My love.
And that brought forth of a woman, is it not also a gift, according to that same love, the gift of life, which is in Me
and of Me? Why do you fear, and use pharmacopeia, as a means by which you institute your own will, wherein
the world has deceived you?...

Trust in Me, and abide in My love.

And If I bless you with life from your womb, is it not Mine, even a gift you have received of Me? Am I not able to
care for it and you? And what if I withhold, will you trust?...

For this, and much more, shall all receive in My Kingdom.

Trust in My will, and take no body-altering drugs at all. See, I have spoken it plainly. Be blessed in My words and
have peace, for My peace I give to you, and My strength shall be fulfilled in your husband.

Volume Six 133 Letters from God and His Christ

2008 From Jesus The Christ, YahShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Trust and Obey

Timothy, write to your beloved, so she may know the words of My mouth, and gain knowledge and embrace

Beloved, I am The Holy One. Even I am He, your Savior and Deliverer... Yet you obey not My voice. Neither do
you seek My face at all times I would desire that you come to Me... kneeling, even bowing down. I have spoken to
you many times, yet you fail to listen. Neither do you walk in that which you know to be true and of Me. I am very
close to you, yet you resist and go your own way. To self do you turn, and from your mouth you spew judgment
toward The Lord’s servant and disrespect toward The Lord’s anointed. Neither do you hear him, or cup your ears
when he speaks for Me. Shall I then free you from your affliction, which will serve to humble you?... Even to the
grasping of My robes?

I have beheld your form and peered deep into your heart, and what do I see?... A young child, reaching out, taking
hold of all that which is not yours in an effort to gain control over your life. Beloved, behold your face in the mirror,
and ask yourself, “Who am I, and to whom do I belong?”... You will find the image staring back at you remains
your enemy.
Beloved, weep not... Know ME! I am the Source of Life. Nothing is outside of My control; neither can anything
continue outside My will. You asked for a new heart, even of that brokenness which Timothy has come to know...
You had only just received, then quickly stitched up the rent, which would have led you to the deeper sense of My
presence in you. What I have spoken to your mother, I say to you... “Let go, My child! Be free in Me!” For that which
you hold onto so tightly bears fruit of the same in your body and is revealed to the world from your mouth.
Beloved, have you understood My sayings?... Cease from judgment. Give respect to your husband. Hear him, for
he is My anointed, he speaks for Me. Is it not written, “For he who receives a prophet, in the name of a Prophet,
shall receive a prophet’s reward.”? If you can not embrace your husband, and honor him, even as he does you, how
then do you say you accept him as the anointed of God?
Beloved, I had spoken to you at the beginning, saying befriend your sister, even to the taking of her under your
wing. Yet you judge and cast her off as a burden you refuse to bear. Beloved, how should the handmaiden of The
Lord be treated?... She is your own sister, of My blood.

Beloved, My love for you surpasses understanding. Let go, and receive Me fully, and you shall receive healing of
such a kind, as you never thought possible, nor imagined. Obey My voice, and do all I command you. Give up
everything, and I shall enter you and be revealed in you, and you shall find grace in Me... Even peace which flows
to every part of your being, both in the flesh and in the spirit. And when you do these things, these things that
trouble you in the body will pass away, barely noticed, for you had first received healing of the heart...

For I am the Faithful and True Witness,

Who beholds the hearts of all My sons and daughters...
Even knowing them from the beginning.
And when I hung upon the cross, I did remember them,
Even every one appointed and given Me of The Father.

Therefore, trust in Me, for I have seen you, Beloved...

Even as you are and when I held you in My joy...

Through many tears, soon wiped away,

Where you were once again My treasure,
Restored in My image, held fast at My bosom,
Dwelling in the Garden, to the joy of your Father who is in Heaven...

Of which I AM.

Letters from God and His Christ 134 Volume Six

11/4/08 From Jesus, YahShua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Art and Kathy, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Perfect Trust in The Lord’s Will is Where All Miracles Are Realized

What is it that you would have Me speak? What more shall I say, than that which you know and is written? Have I
not always comforted you?... Even to the fulfilling of My Word, through My servant, David? (Psalm 23). How is it,
then, that you seek My prophet and miracles for one who I know, yet you do not. Why did you not go to him, and
say, “Beloved, how is your heart and to Whom does it belong?”

My children, what is the fleshly body to Me?

Is it not here for a time, then soon passed away, even as the fading flower?

None of you will truly believe and trust, unless I do miracles of flesh. Nor shall one embrace My prophet, and heed
the Word he brings, unless he also performs signs and wonders. Indeed, he will perform them, even in the sight
of men, yet they will in turn say, “Aha, now we know you have a devil, for you perform signs and wonders to fool
the elect, if that were possible”... Not at all beholding that which is done by the Spirit, which they say is in them,
for they remain lacking and destitute. Neither do they hear the name by which these things are done, being blind
also, looking past the glory shown them, even before their own eyes. For that, which is first born in the heart, is
reflected in the senses... Either from the light to light, or from the dark to darkness.
Yet of those, who are humbled and have received of Me, they will behold My hand through men, and see My glory
shining there, and they will fall down and give Me glory, and be healed of all that which had afflicted them. For
many proclaim their righteousness before men, but few have truly received.

And so you have asked of this certain man, who is kindred and beloved. His time has come, and he shall sleep.
Therefore, pray that he receives, and I will surely receive him...

Even all those I see of Myself in them, when I call them to awake...

For this is the true miracle and eternal life.

Trust in Me, and seek not after miracles for the dying, for they only sleep,
And I will raise them up at the Last Day, which is upon you and is coming quickly.

Ask anything in My name, even as I have taught you, and do so believing...

And you shall receive it and that which I have laid up in store for you also.

Pray, beloved, and trust in My will... Submit, and lay yourselves aside...
And your will will become Mine, and Mine yours, as we become one...
You in Me, and I in you, together in The Father.

Then you will see that which no eye has seen, and with the understanding that comes
From knowing the Only True God and His Christ, The Messiah...

All tears wiped away.

Perfect Love.

Perfect Trust.


Volume Six 135 Letters from God and His Christ

7/12/08 From Adonai, God, The Father, and YahShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Craig, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Witness, My Husbandman... My Friend

[YahShua] Hear and understand the will of The Lord Most High and those of one body, sanctified and made one in
Him called Christ and Messiah: Of those called to be prophets and teachers and witnesses of My coming, even of
these they shall also become apostles for Me to the masses. Of such an one you are and your brother also, even
watchmen set on a hill, blowing the trumpet.
Yet of you, Craig, My beloved son, you shall not go into battle, but a watchman you remain, even a husbandman
set over this present vineyard, even a close friend of the Bridegroom. And with Me shall you stand in Heaven in
the day you are lifted up.
For Timothy had called to Me, on your behalf, as one who should go into battle with him... A fine choice, a brother,
one’s heart who is liken unto Mine. Yet your spirit remains unwilling, and by your actions is your heart revealed...
The same. Therefore, My son, I have taken from among you one who descends from Israel and have set him in your
place. You shall be taken, and he, left. He shall run into battle, and you shall rest until seven days pass over.
Feel not regret, nor anguish; neither harden your heart. Run to Me... I am the Healer. Call on Me, and receive all
I shall give you. Then, in turn, take it and now stand up for Me. And above all, stand up straight, and take of Mine
and go feed your lambs, for they do go astray. They are wayward and hungry, and thirst for lack of knowledge.
My son, how can one, who rules not over his own house well, neither having his own children in submission, with
all reverence, take care of even one flock in the body of Messiah? For My witnesses shall lead and care for many
ten-thousands, even as Moses plus one-hundred fold... Yet you hesitate. I have beheld the love of your heart, that
your ways are liken unto Mine. Yet of a soldier and a witness, even of the 144,000, you are not... But a witness
you remain.

I am sending you still, even during these last two days before My calling, and the shout that approaches quickly.

Draw near, My son, and I will draw near to you.

Call out, and I will answer you.

Enter into your closet, and I will go with you.

Go out, and I will go before you.

Bundle, and you shall be bundled also.

Bear your cross, and I will make My strength perfect in you.

Open your mouth, and My breath shall flow from you.

You are My witness and a husbandman... My friend.

Now go, and gather up that which is set before you,

For great is the reward that awaits you in Heaven...

My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.

Letters from God and His Christ 136 Volume Six

7/12/08 From Adonai, God, The Father, and YahShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Craig, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Witness, My Husbandman... My Friend cont.

[Adonai] For I am not a God afar off, but close at hand. Neither am I a God of force. For those, called, must
embrace their calling. Then, only, will I send them. Yet beforehand they must be prepared, and stand still in
Me, with complete abandonment of themselves, whereby they become completely empty... A willing and empty
vessel, meet for the Master’s use... A lamb prepared, made, and sent out as a lion. Therefore, embrace that which I
have given you, and wear it, and walk in it well...

[YahShua] For you are greatly beloved...

A vessel prepared, even fashioned to great honor,

Resting in the place I, Myself, had prepared for you, even from the foundation of the world...

Of which you were also written in the Book, I hold in My right hand.

Craig, My beloved Daniel, trust in Me and go...

For there remains many in your circle, that you have yet to confess to of My glory...
Even of that Word written in the Scriptures of Truth, even of this Word and these Volumes,
Which are of the same and will be added... The Word of The Lord.

Volume Six 137 Letters from God and His Christ

11/30/08 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy and For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
What Is Given Can Also Be Taken Away, Until You Are Again Ready To Receive

Oh My beloved children, why have you wandered so far from Me? You say within yourselves, “We are nigh to
The Lord. We have drawn close to Him... Look how we walk in His footsteps and obey His commands.” You
disobedient, selfish children, open your eyes! You have hoarded these things, as though they were spoils. YOU
have not upheld the cause of the widow, nor have you obeyed her requests.
Craig and Trina, where are your hearts? You have acted in guilt, by which you visited the widow... This is not love.
Kathy, you have not given even one word of correction to your children, nor do you listen to your husband, but
do continually heap upon him sins he no longer owns... They are accounted to you. My words fall upon you as
one deaf, in where you say within yourself, “This Word from The Lord is for others. It in no way applies to me,
for I am righteous, and know and do what The Lord requires.” You know Me not, neither do you seek My will as
it is. Rather, you seek your own will in My name. Kathy, your children remain far from Me. None seek Me, save
these two; and of these, only one has upheld My command concerning the widows, and that in love, not out of
obligation. Yet of those who have no love in their hearts for their God, and who have forsaken the widow without
a second thought, you now reward as though they had received some spoils of her passing.
Oh insolent little flock, whose hearts even now I have seen growing resistant to My prophet and his scribe, even his
beloved, for by their light is your darkness shown up. Kathy, even the newness I have planted in your husband, do
you turn away from, and cover over in harsh words. Kathy, you were to be My servant, writing each of My words
on your heart. Yet those who scoff at Me, you put first; and those who uphold My word, you put last. Therefore,
all these things you have hoarded and held fast are taken from you. You had an opportunity to greatly please your
Lord, even a freeing of yourself from these chains with which you bind yourself to the material world. Yet you
turned and forsook the poor; and instead, with delight, gave to those who were not in need, thinking within your
heart by this you can still hold onto these things by giving them to your children, though they are not given, but
loaned. Kathy, your true intentions are revealed and are perverse in My sight. I told you, from the beginning, to
not hold onto that which is of this world, nor these things that belonged to your mother, but to let them go and
trust in Me, believing that I hold your mother in the palm of My right hand, as one sleeping. And of those things
she owned, you were to give them to the poor, even as an example to your hard-hearted brothers. You did well in
caring for Anne, even as your daughter has done very well. Even Arthur freely gave, as Timothy did also of his time
and love... Yet this you never considered.

Therefore, thus says your Lord: Do you love Me?...

Then give all you have taken, and give it to the poor and the needy... Yea, seek them out and give it to them. Only
those personal items are yours, only those I will allow you to keep, and this to honor your mother’s requests. But of
the rest, give to the poor, even of that which you own... Anything you have two or more of, give it away.
Even of the whole flock, I now command to do likewise. If any among you have two coats, take one and give it
away. If any among you have two pairs of shoes, take one and give it away. Take all of which you have and do not
use, and give it all away... Do it now! And do so rejoicing, and with all trust in the knowing that I am Lord, and
that which I have freely given am I also able to take away and give to another. I speak not just of possessions. Get
wisdom and receive understanding, and truly become My body, My servants.
Now go, and seek out the poor. Do not be lazy... Be diligent, and give not to just one or one place that is convenient,
but seek them out. Ask who is in need in your own communities, for they are all your neighbors....

For as you have done to the least of these, assuredly, I say to you, you have done it to Me.
And any you have forsaken, it was I, even I, you forsook.

Walk in Me, and do good in My name.

And that, which you give, give it in My name.

For all you see and all you have, even all which you can imagine...

All of it is Mine!

Letters from God and His Christ 138 Volume Six

3/31/09 A Conversation Between YahShua HaMashiach and James -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus Says The Lord Against His Servants, Who are Called By My Own Name,
Who Hear Not My Voice Nor Give Heed to My Correction, Who Persecute My Prophets Sent to Them...

You Shall be Broken!

[YahShua] James, let your anger be turned to sadness, says The Lord, for they will not turn. Neither will they allow
their eyes to be opened... Having preferred the darkness amongst the churches of men, for the light has gone out of
the churches of men, and My hand is removed... Neither does My Spirit remain. For they do continually say within
themselves, ‘Cast these cords from us. We go our own way’. Therefore, My son, they have chosen, even as you have
chosen. Let all who say they are Mine walk according to that which their hearts reveal. For those who do rebel against
Me, in heart and in mind, and by both word and deed, can in no wise be gathered. My hand is far from them, neither
can they receive it back again, until they bow their heads low, and say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The
Lord”... Grasping at the hem of My robes, saying, “Lord, take me by the hand and show me Your ways, so I may now
walk in them”. Yet they have not done so, neither have they been broken, neither are they willing...

For they remain married... They are not My bride, neither do I know them...

Where it is written and fulfilled,

”Depart from Me, all you who practice lawlessness. I know you not”...
Neither do I see of Myself residing in you... Sorrow, bitter tears, such enmity and tears.

[James] Lord, it makes me want to wear sackcloth and ashes for my bride, and beseech you like I never have!

{YahShua] This you should have done from the beginning, My son, yet you were not ready.

Behold, the day is upon you...

A great forsaking....
Many have departed, giving heed to seducing spirits.

Behold, they shall be broken!

Behold, they shall come to know Me as I AM!
Brokenness... Many tears... All walls shall be torn down.

Therefore, My son, where do you stand?... You have been called, even according to My own voice which you have
heard, fulfilling that which had been placed in you, even from your formation in the womb. You shall go where I
send you. And you shall stand, according to that which is set against you... Stand up, yet not as the man you know
and have been, but according to My strength and grace I have given you... Bear fruit!

No more cast My pearls before swine.

Feed the dogs no more what I have reserved for the children...
These hungry and thirsty children who seek Me, to them are you sent and to these shall you go.

And to the rest: Sound the trumpet and the alarm of war and judgment, for it has come.

Volume Six 139 Letters from God and His Christ

6/25/09 From YahShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible Study, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hold Fast, and Do Not Waver, When Calamity Comes

Prepare your hearts, and do not abandon hope... Much death draws very near.

Hold fast... Grasp no longer at My robes, My beloved... Hold Me fast. With all that you are, give yourself to Me...
HOLD FAST, and do not waver. Proclaim My name... Speak to all of My sacrifice in love, whereby I saved them;
call out, and trumpet My Word and also My warning very loudly... The time is upon you.

Hold Me fast... Stop grasping at My robes.

Embrace Me now, My beloved...

I am with you.

Let those, who know Me not and come to seek Me, grasp at My robes in the Day,
For I will lift them up to glory and tread upon their oppressors.
And let those, who know Me, hold fast and grasp Me tightly,
For it is appointed to these to be lifted up OUT OF persecutions and sorrows...

They shall pass from Judgment into the Light of Life.

Therefore, again I say, call on My name in your time of fear... Hold Me fast through all these tears. All foundations
must crumble... The whole world will fear. Yet of you, I say, fear not... No one can steal you out of My love; no one
can break My hold or loosen My grip...

NO ONE can take My treasure, for you are Mine...

Even the apple of My Father’s eye.





I AM The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 140 Volume Six

2/26/09 From YahShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Son of Man, Who is in Heaven, Also Came from Heaven, and Sits at the Right Hand of Power

A question was asked, regarding John 3:13, where Jesus said, “No one has gone up into heaven; there is only the
one who has come down from heaven, The Son of Man”: Lord, how can this be, when the Bible also says Elijah
was taken to Heaven; and Enoch was also taken?

[Answer from YahShua] No man, who has died, has ever risen, nor ascended up to Heaven... Save The Son of Man
ONLY. Neither has any man ascended to the right hand of The Father, as The Son of Man has; neither has any man
ever ascended in the manner of The Messiah. Nor has any man come down from Heaven, in the manner in which
The Son of Man has...

And NO man can, nor ever shall, return in full power and glory,
Wearing the raiment of The Father, as The Son of God will...

Says The Lord!

4/6/09 From YahShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -

A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear, Spoken by The Lord during an on-line Bible Study
Awaken... Partake of the Living Bread

Thus Says YahShua: There is none here who have come into perfection... A finishing of that which I, Myself, have
planted within you and watered... To some, quick growth... While still others, I have set next to Me in quiet... Still,
with enduring trust.

Therefore, understand the word of My mouth, and that which is set before you, and even of that which is upon
each one of your plates...

I have bore you, even twice have you come forth...

First, by water and blood in flesh; and a second time in spirit. Yea, even a third time where you shall come into
glory. And that which is sown is first sown by that which is the Living Word. And that which grows in Me bears fruit,
according to the food and drink which I provide... The written Word. Therefore, both are necessary, yet one is first
and that part you have chosen. Yet understand this: One, who is awakened, can not remain so, unless they eat of
Me and of that which I provide. For all those, who slumber, slumber because they lack in thirst and no more wish
to eat. For these is there much pain and sorrow, because that revived soon falls back to sleep and eventually dies.

Therefore, abide in Me... And also partake daily of My supper, says The Lord.

Volume Six 141 Letters from God and His Christ

2/17/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

A Servant, A Vinedresser, A Man of Stumbling, The Lowly and Penitent Man...

A Man Exalted, A Man Thrust Forward, One Sent to Glorify the Name of The Lord...

A Prophet of The Most High God

Timothy, I am The Lord your God... Even I bore you. You are My prophet. And when one, such as yourself, falls
from grace, stumbling in sin, is it not removed from him? For as I have spoken to you and My servants of old: One
cannot fall from grace once it is given. One can only stumble over sin and those stumbling blocks, which satan
places at the feet of all God’s messengers, of which you have and will continue to stumble over, until the day comes
when I establish you, and all debris is swept clean from your path... Then will you no more stumble. For as I cannot
stumble, neither shall you, for I shall be perfected in you, and My glory shall be shown upon you and within you...
Even as flames of fire shining forth through your eyes, even to the singeing of flesh, according to the word of your
mouth, even to the subduing of spirits and of kings and great men, the treading down of mighty nations. For strong
is The Lord, who bought you, and marvelous are His ways. And what darkness can stand against Me and those
I send? And who can overcome Me? And if no one can overcome Me, then by what means shall they overcome
those I send? For I, Myself, shall be established in them, even as a flame of fire!... And, they, who come to provoke
Me to anger, shall all be burned! Many to the humbling, an embracing of the warmth of My Word unto repentance;
and to the rest, the despised of The Lord, these shall be singed and writhe in pain, according to the power of My
Word put forth in My hot displeasure. And My Father shall judge them, and they shall receive their due reward.

So then, Timothy, My beloved son of men, how is it you fall at My feet, as though you also have been burned, though
I have not spoken to you in this manner?... Speaking to you always in soft words of grace and encouragement, of
wisdom, and when required, stern and soft words... Yet you writhe as one injured... Why? Stand up! Gird up your
loins like a man and face your adversary, and bring also that man, you behold in the mirror, and the flesh thereof,
into subjection... Doing so by the power of My own Spirit in you, and by the power of My Name, of which you
know and love. Do so in all confidence and faith, and satan shall flee from you and your fleshly mind... Also
causing your body to succumb to your authority. As I am the Head of My Body, so then have I made you master
over your own body. Human power profits little and comes to nothing... Your will is fleeting. Therefore, take
what I have and make it yours, for I have given it to you. Why do you not make use of My gifts? Neither have you
endeavored to put on all this armor which lays on the floor in front of you. Pick it up, and reign! Reign over this
darkness that troubles you. For satan is put under My feet, as he is placed under yours. Be deceived no longer. For
where I dwell, darkness has no foothold... Light reigns. Therefore, make your members members of Christ, and I
will cause your adversaries to come and bow at your feet.

My son, you are set apart and holy, even as I am set apart and Holy...
For where I am, so will these vessels become...
Set apart in glory, for My glory, at My right hand...
Even as I sit at the right hand of The Father in Heaven.

So then, the time has come for you to lead, yet not as you have imagined, but according to service... A servant and
vinedresser, a messenger of God, an apostle and a prophet of the Most High and His Christ.

What is a servant compared with his Master?

And what is the messenger to Him who sent him?

Letters from God and His Christ 142 Volume Six

2/17/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear (continued from the previous page)

A Servant, A Vinedresser, A Man of Stumbling, The Lowly and Penitent Man...

A Man Exalted, A Man Thrust Forward, One Sent to Glorify the Name of The Lord...

A Prophet of The Most High God

Therefore, you shall lead by example. You shall make a path for others to follow, by being their servant and washing
their feet. You shall reveal My glory not by your speech, nor according to the thoughts of your heart, but according
to My deeds, which shall be shown through you, and by the power of My thoughts and My Word spoken through
you. And when this day comes, even it has come already, and begins anew as I command you, many will come and
gather around you and say among themselves and within their hearts, “What manner of man is this? What a strange
and unusual man this is, who stands before us, speaking unintelligible words and working magic?” Even those
of the Christian faith, and those of the Jews who are known as devout and orthodox, shall also come and gather
around, and say in like manner, “What manner of man is this, who has come before us and speaks such lies and
blasphemies against God and men? Look at his works, are they not evil and deceptive? His words, contemptible?
For no man can do such things unless he had the power of satan in him!” WOE to them, Timothy!.. Woe to them!
Such high-minded hypocrites of the end of this age... Deceivers lost in their own deceptions.

And when this day comes, Timothy, look out past these mockers, and behold the harvest for which you are sent
out... Behold their streaming tears, the bowing of their heads, repeating softly prayers and supplications, praise
and thanksgiving... Humble and penitent. And when you have ceased from all I have commanded you, they shall
come forward silently and reach out the hand, and you shall grasp it, departing through the midst of the throng,
going with them to break bread and give thanks, and to pray. Even I shall go with you, and be amongst you, and
fill your hearts with grace and peace as a river, even to immovable and steadfast resolve. This have I spoken in your
ear, beloved, and so shall it be.

Trust in Me.

Be My broken vessel, exalted to great honor among those who know Me...
My immovable vessel, even a detestable lampstand to the world
And to the men of this present age of darkness.

Fear not, for I Myself am going with you.

I live and dwell within you, so shall I be your Refuge...
For you also shall dwell in Me, and we shall be one...

Thus is the prophet’s reward.

Volume Six 143 Letters from God and His Christ

2/26/09 From YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, as spoken by The Lord during an on-line Bible Study, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
There Am I

Look, My beloved, my precious treasure...







You need look no further, nor in any other direction. There I am... With you and in you... Always... Even to the end
of this age and ever after.

NO ONE can pluck you from My hand!

Look up, My beloved. Look upon My face, for it does continually shine upon you... Why look anywhere else? Here
am I... Choose Me, for I have already chosen you... Even from the foundation of the world you were Mine.

I AM...

And you are in life because of Me.

No one can snatch you from My hand, says The Lord YahShua.

Letters from God and His Christ 144 Volume Six

7/4/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahShua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher and Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Sons of The Kingdom, Trumpeters of My Coming

Thus says The Lord, even I, whom you call YahShua and Lord, The Jesus of your hearts, The Song of your lips... I, your
Beloved, in whom you are made acceptable before The Father in love: You have come to seek out one who serves in My
name, even to the honoring of God, even as you also honor Me... Well done, My good and faithful servants.

Therefore, this day you shall not afflict your souls in fasting, nor in want. You shall eat and be merry, and love
your brothers and sisters in Me, and rejoice this day... However, not in the honoring of your land, nor of its
independence, for it shall soon be lost. It is given up. And I, even I, have given it over for all its forsaking of Me, says
The Father in Heaven. So then, go to the celebration as one who has put on sackcloth, as one who sits in ashes...
One who mourns in his heart over that which is about to be poured out on your nation.
My beloved sons, you have asked, and so I have put forth My word through My servant, Timothy, to hear and write.
Yet you need not have asked Me to speak through him, for I am with you... And of My voice, it is within you.

Therefore, perk up your ears, and you will also hear...

For I, Myself, have healed you, and in so doing have your ears been opened.
Beloved, My sons of these latter days, sons of the Kingdom, listen and you will also hear...
Yea, much more will you behold, for the time has come...

Yea, it is here!

By twos shall they go out, and in twos shall I send them, of which you both are chosen...
And by no means can you be unchosen.

Proclaim My Word to this generation! Speak to them My name!

Shout to all of My coming and the judgment which I am about to pour out!...


And I shall surely gather...

Yea, I shall return in FULL POWER AND GLORY!
Even every eye shall behold My countenance, for it is as a raging Lion...
Even all dark places shall be consumed and destroyed from My presence...

I Am The Lord!...

King of kings....

The One and ONLY Mashiach!

Every knee shall bow to Me and give Me glory...

EVERY knee...

Even all things on earth, and under the earth, and all things in Heaven.

Volume Six 145 Letters from God and His Christ

6/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua The Messiah -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
From Betrayal to Victory

It has come up before Me among My flocks, this question, and now of your wife also. For your sake, Timothy, I shall
answer, for you came and humbled yourself before Me, sincerely seeking to hear, even if it means your correction...
Not at all doubting the word of your brothers in the Scriptures of Truth, nor that Word in the Volumes, which reveals
My glory according to that gift which was seemingly rejected... Then, once again, received by repentance, sincere
remorse, proven also in action.
So then, My beloved lambs, indeed you remain babes and yet lack understanding. Nor can you see past that wall
you have built up in yourselves, which yet blocks your vision... Tear it down, so you may see! Soften your forehead,
and perk up your ears, and wipe your eyes... See clearly and hear My Word.
Before you in the Scriptures, you see the man called Judas who betrayed The Son of Life unto death... Who, by
receiving the bribe, revealed The Son of Man’s location, even leading His accusers to Him, not realizing that each
step taken was bringing him that much closer to destruction by his own hand, and that out of extreme remorse
for what he had done... Only realized because of My spirit which had returned, whereby his walk with satan had
ended... Where he again took the money, the price for which I had been weighed, and cast it down at the feet of
the guilty... Who then took the money and bought the Potter’s Field, as it is written, the Field of Blood, where Judas
also hung himself.
Therefore, Judas could not buy a field with the money he did not own, nor did it enter his mind. Rather those, with
evil and hardened hearts, bought the field to bury those they saw as unworthy in their eyes... Whereby a sign was
made and fulfilled by Judas, written in his own blood, splattering it that no man may ever be buried there. And so
it remains to this day... The desolate Field of Blood.

And of Judas, he shall be with Me in paradise. Do not speak to the contrary, lest I leave you upon the earth at the
Last Day, for the blaspheming of the Spirit and My words...

For I forgive all who come back to Me,

Even that one sheep in ninety-nine who was given Me and went astray...
Even that one among twelve shall be returned to Me.

For I am The Lord...

And of all those The Father has given Me, I shall lose not one.

Therefore, oh wicked and hard-hearted sheep, do you really know Me?... And of that one sin, which cannot be
forgiven, of which Judas did not commit? For though he died before Me, his sins I also bore, even crucifying them
upon the tree in My own body.

All those who repent, with sincere remorse in their hearts, are saved...
For I am the One that makes it possible for them to do so.

And though some have fallen asleep in death, while others are destroyed by death, even at their own hand,
I ask you, does death have the last word?!...

By NO means...

For I shall raise them up at the Last Day!

Letters from God and His Christ 146 Volume Six

6/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua The Messiah -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
From Betrayal to Victory cont.

For I have granted them the victory,

Even as I am the Victory, being the First Fruits from death...

And those given Me shall likewise be first.

And those, who think of themselves as first and well-deserving,

While condemning others in their perverse judgments of the heart and mind,
Never coming into the true knowledge of who I am...

They shall be last.

That, which is accomplished in Me, is, and was, and is coming quickly...

Even from the foundation of the world, it was finished and completed,
For I had overcome the world from the beginning...

ALL is Mine.

And this is the will of the One who sent Me:

That I should not lose any of all those He has given Me,
But should raise them up on the Last Day. ~ John 6:39

Volume Six 147 Letters from God and His Christ

7/7/09 From Yeshua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Forsake All, and Embrace the True Word of God

[Jayse] Hear, oh you men of the world: Do you not know that human power is of no use at all? Can you not see
that all things men touch fall apart? How is it that men have appointed themselves, as if they have understanding of
God’s Word in and of themselves? How can anyone gain understanding, if it is not first given to them by the Spirit
of God?... For surely men can do nothing apart from Christ.

[Yeshua] Yet many are deceived, saying to My flock, ‘You can’t understand that which is written by God in the Holy
Bible, unless you have been through seminary or Bible college’... Stop leading The Lord’s flock astray! Behold, the
image of God stands before you each moment, being the perfect Father, wanting to teach His sons and daughters...
Disciplining and correcting His beloved, revealing Himself to them, saying, “You only need ask, then receive of
that which is of your Lord Yeshua, Jesus The Christ.” Yet many say, ‘Come to my school or church, and we shall
teach you about God. By and upon our teachings does one build their faith, for we have knowledge, we have

Thus says The Lord:

My spirit is removed from this generation of high-minded people.

Forsake all your teachings, and submit to God,

And He will show you The Way, which is The Word become flesh...
Alive and living,
Moving and breathing,
Hearing and speaking,
Correcting and disciplining,
Loving and pouring out grace upon His children...

And only then will they truly understand and know of My Love,
And be able to witness and testify to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, The Lord, before all people!
For it is not attained of their own selves, nor any other man,
But given to them from the One True God of Heaven and Earth!


The Lord is coming quickly...

To steal away all who are His bride, in whom He sees of Himself.

He shall turn the daughter against her mother, a father against his son...
The members of your own household shall be against you.

But remember this: I am your Lord.

And assuredly, I say to you, oh son of men, you are Mine.

Rejoice, for the time is at hand,

When you will forever behold the Glory of God before your eyes!

Amen and Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 148 Volume Six

7/7/09 From Yeshua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Love I Give to You

Hear My words and have understanding: Jayse, do not doubt yourself, for by you I have chosen to write the Word of
God and shout it to the masses. Beloved of My heart, hear My voice as it is and as it shall come to be within you.

Arise and walk in Me, My son... I shall be your sanctuary. Even I shall hide you in the shadow of My wings.
Embrace that which you have received in Me, and melt into that which now surrounds you. Write all that I say, and
doubt not My words. Submit to Me, whom you call Savior and Friend. Obey My voice and proclaim My coming.

Thus says The Lord, to the wounded and broken-hearted:

Love do I give to you, and that Love shall guide you to The Father.

I am the All in All, says The Lord,

And all shall see My glory in the days to come.

Turn to Me now, says The Lord,

And I shall lift you up out of great tribulation.

I AM COME! Says The Lord...

I shall destroy and make all things new...

My will be done.

Amen and Amen.

Volume Six 149 Letters from God and His Christ

7/9/09 From Jesus, YahShua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Beloved Ones... Run to Me

[Jesus The Christ] Hear My words, beloved, and give heed to My voice, for soon you shall indeed hear as My
servant hears. Even as I have come in the name of The Father, so shall you go in My name, prophesying to the
peoples of this world. And I, even I, shall prick their hearts, leading them to repentance in My name, before The
Father. I shall surely come! Says The Lord. I shall surely send you, My son, proclaiming My word to all, speaking
to them My name.

[Jayse] To those, who call of themselves Christians: You say you believe in the name of Jesus, then how is it that you
do not seek His face nor hear His words? You say you believe in the name of Jesus, but deny the power of God put
forth through the entire Holy Bible, stealing the glory of The One True God of Heaven and earth and His Beloved
Son. Yet you say, ‘Then was then and no longer does God send prophets, or speak to His people’.

Thus says The Lord: Assuredly, I tell you, I, The Lord your God, do not change... I am the same yesterday, today,
and all tomorrows to come. Therefore, go out, says The Lord! Shout My name from the rooftops! My judgment
must soon reign! And though you peoples of this world cast stones at My prophets, I shall lift them up to My Glory!
The Spirit of The Lord is put forth within them as witnesses of My majesty, shepherds of My flock, guiding all those
who come to them to MY NAME, YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, The Only Begotten Son of God who laid
down His life, only to take it back up again, being the very Salvation for all My beloved ones, even all those who
call upon My name...

I AM COME! Says The Lord YahShua.

I shall steal away all those who are Mine, and give them rest seven days.

Repent, beloved little ones, and be lifted up to The Father’s bosom;

Be spared from the Day of Troubles...

Call on Love to save you.

Thus says The Lord to all those afar off:



Says The Lord, for the time has come.

You shall be left desolate, great wailing and gnashing of teeth...
Crying out to the rocks to fall upon you to take your life.


And I shall bring you home.

Oh how I long for you to be where I am.

I shall give you shelter,

And bring you nourishment, abounding in life...

Life everlasting.


Letters from God and His Christ 150 Volume Six

7/12/09 From Jesus, YahShua, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Steadfast Faith

Shout My name, even as you have done today. Follow Me wheresoever I send you. You shall give Me praise and
worship, in spirit and in truth, allowing Me to be the fulfillment of which you lack, moment by moment embracing
the Light and walking upright, as I lead, says The Lord. Worship Me daily, show your love in obedience, even as
you are doing now. Come to know My voice as it is, nothing doubting, says The Lord. In due time, you shall be
established in full glory, in the power of The Spirit of God.

7/13/09 From God The Father -

A Letter Given to Jayse, For Chris, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Endure with All Patience and Long-Suffering... Proclaim Truth

Christopher, My beloved, continue to seek My face and trust in The God Most High. Soon shall you be sent along
with your brother, proclaiming My soon coming. Meanwhile, continue as you are, and trust in Me, My son. Tell all
peoples of My coming, and do not withhold from The Truth...

I am come! Says The Lord.

Soon shall you be fully established and one with The Son.

Prepare the way of The Bridegroom...

Make straight His path...

Proclaim truth.

Volume Six 151 Letters from God and His Christ

7/15/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Yeshua, Jesus, The Christ -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Cleansed, Be Filled... Shine

Christopher, My beloved, hear My voice and know that I speak to you. Cast your doubt far from you, and embrace
Me... I shall fill you. Remain in obedience, and all, of which you have asked, shall be given... For you have truly
given yourself to Me, forsaking that which is of the world, for My Kingdom. Well done, good and faithful servant.
Abide in Me, call upon My name, and I shall be in the midst of you. Continue to show that love placed within
you... My Love. Even on the cross did I know you and love you.

Come to Me, beloved...

Be cleansed...

Be purified...

Be filled...


7/15/09 From Our Lord and Savior Yeshua, Jesus, The Christ -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Follow My Voice... I Am The Way

Listen to My voice as I speak to you. Hear with greater ears, clearly... Know I Am God. Purify your heart and truly
embrace Me, says The Lord. My voice shall indeed grow within you. You shall hear, even as all the prophets of God
have heard. You shall obey, even as all the prophets of God have obeyed.
Open your heart to Me, My beloved son. Cast all your cares upon Me, I shall carry your burdens... Be still and
know, I Am God. Soon you shall be where I am, as I am... One in Me and with Me, as I am one with The Father.

I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

I am lifted up...

I shall draw all peoples unto Myself.

Holy is The Lord God Almighty.

The Kingdom of God shall reign forever.


Letters from God and His Christ 152 Volume Six

7/20/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua The Messiah -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-line Bible Study, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The One Who IS, and Was, and Is To Come, Shall Gather and Return in His Glory,
And Evil Shall Be No More in the Earth...
And That Which Was in the Beginning Shall Be Again...

Evil Blotted Out, Righteousness Reigns.

[God The Father] Beloved, hear and consider My words: When My will is fulfilled and completed, satan shall be
NO more... Or would you rather I be as he?

Therefore, My sons and daughters, consider this and pray, and seek My face according to this truth: If in My
Word, as it is and was in the beginning, written in My chosen’s own language, there was no trace of this doctrine
of hell and torment, as it is spoken among the churches of men, how is it now come to be in the New Covenant
Scriptures?... Consider and pray, and seek My face by Him, alone, who is My image, given to men so they may
know Me, says The Lord.
Do not be deceived, My beloved ones, by him who is a very subtle deceiver. He knows his time draws short, and
so he goes out to deceive by this one doctrine - That all have eternal life, whether they believe and accept The Son,
or whether they forbear and reject Life. He is deceived, and deceives, being also the father of lies, saying within
himself, ‘I will be like the Most High. I will live forever’... Believe him not.

[YahShua] See with greater eyes.

Seek Me, in truth, and I will surely show you... Even things which the angels long to know.

Trust in Me and give up... Let it all go.

And come to Me naked and empty, and I, even I, your Redeemer, shall clothe you in knowledge...

In the newness of revelation...

Filled up in righteousness, by the knowing...

I Am The Lord, and there is none like Me.

Life without end is in Me, who has made you and molds you yet still...
Your Author, your Father, your Life, your Love that never fades... Your Finisher... Your Friend.

My peace I give to You... Receive it...

And I will come and steal you away into freedom and love...

No more tears, no pain, no more death...

No more evil...

All things made new!

Amen and amen.

Volume Six 153 Letters from God and His Christ

7/21/09 From YahuShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy and Jayse During an On-line Conversation -
For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Listening to Sermons Put Forth Through the Churches of Men
What More Do You Seek?... Seek Me Only, Partake of MY Words, and Be Filled

[YahuShua] What more do you seek than that which I have placed in front of you?

I am with you...

Come to Me...

Ask, and it shall be given you.

How is it you yet seek Me among the churches of men?...

Come to Me...

I will show you things, which men have not seen or known in over two days,
As a day in The Lord is spoken of.
As My apostles were, so shall you be also...

Even greater things shall you do.

Remember My words: Though in the churches of men, many are now awakened, and many have also been shaken
out of their slumber, by no means are they yet clean according to doctrine. The poison remains and has polluted
the entire glass, though many have ceased to drink and have also begun to pour it out.

Spend time in MY Word...

I am with you, your Friend...

I have not ceased from being your Teacher...

Ears open...

Continue to seek Me...

Live in ME! Says The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 154 Volume Six

7/23/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahShua The Messiah -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-line Bible Study, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be My Example... Even When No One is There to Hear You or Behold Your Actions

If I have called you, and placed in your hands these gifts to be used according to My will, yet you take of them
and then misuse them, even if only in secret... I tell you the truth, I know, and I, even I, have seen it... Even the
innermost intent of your hearts I know. Beloved, I give, and I shall surely take away, according to that which your
hearts reveal. And think not that I do unto you, as one who seeks you harm, or as one who is unjust...

I am your own Father... Your Carpenter...

Your most beloved Friend.

And if you are My treasure, then I shall surely refine you. Then, when the day comes wherein you have overcome
and endured, you will come to Me and I shall hold you close, even upon My bosom... And speak to you soft and
kind words, words of loving kindness and assurance, saying, “Well done, My beloved. Well done, My good and
faithful servant. Now take this stone, in where I have written your new name. Come now, take My hand, walk with
Me. Let us now enter into My Father’s joy”...

For this is your inheritance, which is also Mine,

Even according to that which I had prepared from the beginning.

You are Mine...

And I, yes, even I, Maker of all these worlds, am yours.

And from Me shall you never again depart,

For as I AM so also shall you be...

With Me, where I am.


Volume Six 155 Letters from God and His Christ

7/24/09 From Our Lord and Savior, YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Arise and Go Forth


Come to Me, says The Lord YahuShua.

[Jayse] The Lord’s hand shall cause destruction in this land and among our people. The very hand, which brought
Israel out of Egypt, shall destroy and tear down, for the fury of The Lord’s wrath shall soon be poured out upon the
entire world...

REPENT!... Cry out to your Savior!

Call on His name, and be spared from these days of troubles...

Wail and lament, oh you who call of yourselves Christians,
For The Great Day of The Lord God Almighty is upon you!

Return to your First Love, Jesus The Christ, and fall before His feet!...


Thus says The Lord of lords, YahuShua HaMashiach: THE TIME HAS COME! Who will go for Me?... Prophets,
Arise! Go, and I shall lead you... My authority put forth within you, even a sharp, double-edged sword, which shall
cause a division.

Let the pure in heart be spared!...

Those who diligently seek after My name,
Keeping The Father’s Commands.

Be lifted up, My Children...

A return to innocence...


Letters from God and His Christ 156 Volume Six

07/25/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Christopher and Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Seek Me, and Be Led into Obedience

[God The Father] Hear My words and have understanding: You have beseeched Me and have asked, in the name
of My Beloved Son... I shall answer you. In this you do well, continually seeking after My own face. My beloved,
of little faith, where is your trust and who is it that you trust in?...

[YahuShua] Seek Me daily, even as you have done today.

Call on Me throughout these days of brokenness.

Live fully in Me! Says The Lord Yahshua.

Hear My voice, and obey... No more time to tarry.

Submit and surrender all, even all of your ways.

Embrace Me, and be led into obedience,

Continually emptying yourselves in fasting and submitting.

The time has come! ...

Receive and enter into My glory! Says The Holy One of Israel.


7/26/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, Yeshua The Messiah -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Bathe in My Waters of Life

Thus Says The Lord of Hosts: Hear My words and have understanding. Come to Me, beloved... Let Me heal you.
Come and bathe in My waters of life, and be cleansed by God... Even in your most beloved Savior, Yeshua. Be
cleansed, My son, for love’s purpose. Walk with Me in the garden, rejoice with your brothers. Amen. For only a
short season shall you face tribulation and persecutions... Then, forever in the arms of your Savior.

Give of yourself to Me, and become a beacon of light...

Even My own light placed within.

Shine, My son, shine...

Testify to Love.

Volume Six 157 Letters from God and His Christ

7/27/09 From YahuShua, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Search the Hearts and Minds

Timothy asked this question of The Lord, for Suzanne: Lord, are you coming only for those who are looking for You
(the Rapture)?

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: I am coming for those who are Mine, who I see of Myself in them, and for those little
ones who remain in their innocence.
And of those, who carry Me within them, these look for My coming and know it is nigh, for they are fully awake in
Me, and wait anxiously with kinked necks.
And those who truly love Me, yet gaze as one having man’s veil atop their heads, not believing those who are Mine
will escape but will endure great tribulation, these shall also be taken according to that which their hearts reveal, in
spite of their error, for these have also passed from judgment into the Light of Life. It is only the leaders in the churches
of men, who led them astray, according to their own arrogance and false doctrine, who shall be left.

I search the hearts and minds! Says The Lord.

8/1/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love One Another as I Have Loved You

[God The Father] Hear My voice, beloved... I love you. And I, even I, am establishing you in Me, according to your
faith. It is time, My son. Completely surrender all of yourself to Me, and become My anointed... Yea, even a prophet
of The Most High, a messenger unto My peoples.

[YahuShua] Receive of My words, and write all that I say to you. Draw close to Me, I will carry you. Wash your
brother’s feet, sharing that which you have received... Yea, even The Gift of My Name, Immanu El, The Risen One...
Even to the cleansing of the heart, in Love.

For I am He who sits at the right hand of God...

Share Me in everything you do, giving The Gift of eternal life...

Yea, everlasting life.

[God The Father] Hear My voice, beloved: This day, I have given to you. Rest in the knowing that, I AM WHO I
AM, and have peace. My love for you overflows. Seek Me, beloved, and ask, in the name of My Son, YahuShua
HaMashiach, He who is from everlasting to everlasting... Yea, even My name... And it shall be given.

Receive... Become one with The Son.

The time has come, the world shall be made His footstool...
His Kingdom shall be on earth as it is in Heaven.

Amen... Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 158 Volume Six

8/2/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
It Is I, Even I, Who Had Done it

[God The Father] Who has set the stars in the heavens?!
Who has laid the foundations of the earth?!...
And when were they brought forth for My purpose?...
Answer if you know...
It is I, even I, who had done it!

Who holds tomorrow in His right hand?... It is I, even I...

He who has also taken yesterday from men,
The Giver of today, even of the gift of this moment in The Lord...
By He who is the Author of Life... Its Source... Him who has given you breath...
And by Whom it also continues according to the desire of the heart, in love,
Or cut off due to the rebellion thereof.

And Who, by His power and wisdom, has brought you into being, according to the good pleasure of His will, even
to His own joy, according to the time and in that season, for My purpose, in which you are called and has now
come?... And so, Christopher, My son, question not; nor be swallowed up over this sorrow, which is of such a kind
that leads you into doubt.

[YahuShua] I am with you...

Wait upon Me, with all patience, and in all trust,
And it shall be given you... In due time...

THE time, My time, according to My will.

And when the day comes and is fulfilled, you shall shout and bring it forth, and leap for joy, though your heart
remains heavy and has become also like an adamant stone. For in that day will your eyes be opened, in the knowl-
edge of the One and Only True God, and in Him sent, who has come to dwell fully in you... And in that day shall
your love and faith be perfected.

And of this time, it shall NOT be changed, says The Lord of power and glory...
Even I, The Reward and Rewarder of those who will perform great exploits, in My name,
Before The Father and against all this wicked multitude... In the Day...

To throw down... To abase... To break down...

And to uplift those who stretch out the hand and call on My name...
No more in unbelief, nor with a froward mouth or elevated ego,
But in sincerity, with many tears, from a new and humble heart, in love...
A new and refined stone, a precious gemstone,
Which shall be gathered up to The Father’s house
Even in the midst of great tribulation...

Behold, a clean white stone.


Volume Six 159 Letters from God and His Christ

8/3/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Christopher, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hear My Words, Beloved

Thus Says The Lord YahuShua HaMashiach: Hear My words, beloved... Know that I speak to you. You have
beseeched Me... I shall indeed answer you, My son.

Thus says The Lord: Your doubt is much and your faith is little. Trust in My voice, for assuredly, I, The Son of Man,
even I, YahuShua HaMashiach, speak to you... How is it you do not hear?

Come to Me, beloved, and I shall cause you to hear.

Be still, quiet your soul before Me... I shall indeed open your ears.

Run to Me... Yea, even now...

And stand in awe of The Lord your God,

The Maker of all things, The Author and Finisher of your faith.

Hear My words, beloved.

Letters from God and His Christ 160 Volume Six

5/30/09 Jayse’s vision of the baby’s face on the right side of the moon

On Pentecost of this year, I was outside when the sun had just gone down. I was praying to The Lord (YahuShua
HaMashiach), and as I was praying, I was also looking at the moon and praising God for His creation. Then, in the
middle of my prayer, I saw a perfect image of a baby’s face on the right side of the moon. The baby’s mouth was
moving, but I couldn’t hear any of the words it was saying. Ever since then, every time I look at the moon, I see a
baby’s face in it.

8/4/09 From Jesus Christ, YahuShua, Our Lord and Savior -

The Interpretation of the Vision Given to Timothy, For Jayse, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved, hear Me and receive understanding, though I need no longer speak to you through My servant.
Of the moon and of the vision: You have beheld your form... Even of that which I have begun to mold and by which
you shall be shaped; even as I shall do likewise with your brothers, who are sent and shall go for Me in the Day.
Again, you are that babe whose mouth has begun to speak, yet remains unheard by those of hardened hearts. Lo,
the day is approaching quickly when you shall no more behold the image, for the boy shall become man. Behold,
he who is lowly and penitent shall shine brighter than the stars in the heavens, as the moon shines in the darkness...
Yes, beloved, you shall shine. Yet not by your own light, but as that reflection of Me... As a beacon shining in the
darkness, which shall come and is already here and is about to begin, soon reaching its pinnacle during this very
short season, allowed by The Father.
Therefore, understand this also: As I am the Center, and by which all things are held together and set in their places,
also receiving of the light which shines in the darkness, so is this parable. I am the sun and you are the moon...
Even I have placed you between Me and the earth, as a beacon to those who will come to grovel in the dark. And
of those who revel in it, this present darkness and sin, even on the shores of judgment, you shall be to them as a
dark tide which has come in. And the Word of your mouth, it shall crush them upon the rocks, drowning them in
bitter sorrows and the enmity of this world.


And as the moon can not be reached, so also shall you be...

An immovable stone...

Which no one of this world may tread upon, nor touch, to do you any harm...

For I have spoken it!... Lo, even I have purposed it!... And so shall it be!

Says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and earth.


Volume Six 161 Letters from God and His Christ

8/9/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy and For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Separate, Says The Lord

Timothy asked the Lord this question, for Kathy: Lord, should she take part in a family gathering, where unbelievers
and scoffers will also be attending?

[God the Father] Your mother shall not take part. And if she does indeed go, she shall see with her own eyes and
hear within her own heart, the evil which has come to dwell in the hearts of men... And of that evil unseen, which
abides with these who say they are My people, who are not at present My people... From whom I have removed My
hand, according to that heart within them, and because of all their words spoken against Me and My servants.

Kathy, My beloved, you already know what you should do. Yet that, which you know to be true and should follow,
that you forsake and reason within yourself that the greater good is accomplished by your own will... In so doing,
you forsake Mine, oh you of little faith. Yea, I have placed My will in your heart, and have manifested it through
My servants, even by your own daughter and her beloved, My anointed. Yet of their examples, in obedience, you
and My own flock take little notice, seeing only as one with a veil atop their heads. And worse still, there are those
among My own little flock, who see with eyes to judge and to find fault, though My servants have done no wrong
at all before them. Yes, they stumble, but these stumblings are in the heart and are of the mind, and are no concern
of yours nor of the flock. For I speak directly to them, and they receive Me and embrace My correction. Yet among
this little flock, there are some who plug the ears and withdraw from My Spirit, when correction comes... This is to
deny Me and reject My love.

Little children, it is time to RUN!

Yet I see that you are barely able to stand... How can this be?!

Take My hand... Even as I had called to you at first, so I call to you still, oh you of little faith. Come to Me, and I
shall uplift you once again. Now go, and read that which I have placed and put forth in these Volumes, which are
true, and that which is in the Scriptures of Truth which speaks to My will, concerning taking part with unbelievers
and those who wag the tongue and hiss in secret. Beloved, what part do you have with those of hardened hearts,
who carry Christ NOT within them?...

BE SEPARATE! Says the Lord.

Pray for them, and be separate.

Even pray double, and be separate... Be no more unequally yoked.

Take MY yoke upon you. Be a slave unto ME and find freedom, even life in abundance... Life that never ends,
where all joy flows from The Beloved, by whom you are accepted. Remain a friend of this world and continue to
walk among the ungodly, and a slave of another kind shall you become, even as one chained, who is unable to
escape when calamity comes... For I am God!

Therefore, let your eyes never cease from gazing at The King, nor ever cease from seeking His righteousness, even
to walk in it. Draw very close to His love, which is also Mine... The mercy and love of God, which endures forever...
By Him alone, who was and is both God and man, Father and Son... Immanu El... YahuShua HaMashiach.

Letters from God and His Christ 162 Volume Six

8/9/09 God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For The Lord’s Little Flock and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Separate, Says The Lord cont.

Who is The King of Glory?!...


All else is a quickly fading flower...

The seeds of which, even now, have fallen and sprung up,
To become as weeds in My garden.

He, who is the First and the Last, must become and remain the same amongst and in My people... Even the
foremost. If He is not, how can I gather you, and how shall you escape as one accounted worthy?...

For He, alone, is worthy...

And you may only become worthy by Him...

Run to Him now!

Forsake this world and all those who revel in it, they who forget God!

The time has come!...


Stand up and RUN!

Volume Six 163 Letters from God and His Christ

7/30/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Whether You Live or Die, You are Mine, Says The Lord

Timothy asked this question of The Lord, for Trent: Lord, how is he to satisfy the scrutiny of a scoffer, who says that
the Letters contradict Scripture, saying, “My children” in the letter “Transgression”, to those that altogether forsake
The Lord Jesus, before they have repented to become “children of God”?

[God The Father answered] Trent, My son, answer not the obstinate, nor answer they who reject My Word out of hand,
nor give answer to those who strive to tear down My words... For in doing so you enter into agreement with them, that
indeed their point is valid, though you argue. Is My Word in need of human power or wisdom to uphold it?...

Thus says The Lord to this modern and perverse generation, such high-minded peoples: When has the Word
proceeding from My own mouth been in need of, or ever required, My own Word to be used as a foundation stone
placed beneath it, to uphold it as though it could topple... Or even as beams to steady and to prop it up, as though
it could fall?!... What I, Myself, have spoken, I speak by Myself; and that sworn in My wrath, I swear by Myself...
IT STANDS... And you, oh arrogant and deceived generation, shall live by it! Says The Lord. And if you forbear and
reject it, shall you not come to know the power of The Lord in His punishment?... Yes, you will come into judgment,
you will surely behold the hand of God upon ALL this multitude! Then you will know I AM The Lord!... And I, even
I, have spoken it; and I, even I, have hastened to perform it... Even I have done it!

Therefore, Trent, My beloved, I will answer you simply, to keep your foot from stumbling...

Yet of the scoffers, let them stumble.

And so I ask you: Who among all those created by My own Right Hand, whether on earth, under the earth, or of those
in Heaven, are not My children? And who among all these are, at present, blotted out? And who among men has done
right in all the earth? Who among you, upon the earth, is not a child of the flesh?... Answer, if you know...

There are none righteous in all the earth... No, not one!

Yet here is a mystery, of which you know: If all being alive in the flesh are dead, how then is it you all remain alive?
(I speak not of salvation in The Holy One, but of those with breath)...

All are in their Father,

Even in He called the Vine of Life...

None are made alive, nor can continue therein, except by Him.

So then, ALL peoples are My children. Yet among My children, only those who accept The Son are given the right
to be called children of God, and receive that inheritance according to the seed of which they have become and
now are, also being grafted into the olive tree.

Letters from God and His Christ 164 Volume Six

7/30/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Whether You Live or Die, You are Mine, Says The Lord cont.

Yet all, both the children of the kingdom and those who will be cast out,
Grow in and are attached to the Vine, for He is life and its source...

Nothing can exist or be made alive, apart from Him.

Therefore, again I tell you, the Day has come and is nearly here, when the harvest shall be made. And those, yes,
My children who reject life, will be no more My children, and will cease... They will be broken off and thrown into
the fire. And of those who remain in the Vine, also bearing fruit in The Beloved, these shall enter into Life anew...
Life everlasting.

So then, My son, you have searched the Scriptures with your eyes, yet only dimly.
And of the scoffers: They see as one who remains blind, not at all willing that I should wash them; nor do they seek
the Shepherd in truth, according to My Spirit which is in Christ... It is not in them. The mud remains on their eyes,
in spite of their proclamation, saying, ‘I see, I see... I, and these with me, know and understand the mind of God
and shall teach others of His ways’... They know not My ways! Neither do they have any understanding at all; and
of all those things they teach in My name, they themselves do them not... HYPOCRITES!

Therefore, Trent, My Son, and child of God by Christ, stay separate... Learn to see with greater eyes.
And of the scoffers: Separate yourself from them. Be then separate, until the day comes and My words are fulfilled,
when these same ones return to you in repentance, in where I will cause them to bow at your feet...

And you will lift them up, and say in a soft, loving voice,
“I have forgiven you... Give me your hand.”
Then you will take their hand and put it in Mine...

This is My will for you, and this shall you do.

Until then, feed the hungry,

And those who come seeking to be fed in sincerity and Truth...

Those who love Me and carry The Son within them.

Volume Six 165 Letters from God and His Christ

8/7/09 A Parable From The Lord Yahushua, Jesus -
Shown to Timothy’s Wife, With Understanding Received by the Spirit, Written in Her Own Words
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Holding the Good Father’s Hand

While praying, The Lord gave me this parable:

First, picture a young toddler holding hands with their father, walking side by side. A good father always adjusts
his pace, according to what the child can handle. He does not walk at his pace and drag the child behind. So, if
the child is a toddler, the father will walk very slow. And if the child is a little older, maybe five or six, the father
can step up the pace a little. And so this goes on, even up to the point where the father can now walk at a normal
pace, while still holding hands with his child the whole time.

The maturity of our faith is equivalent to the pace of the child. At the beginning of our faith, even though we are
holding The Good Father’s hand, we must still move slowly, unable to go any faster, as the toddler. And like a child
who is growing, who is now able to move at a faster pace, so does our faith also grow, enabling us to move faster,
while still holding The Father’s hand the whole time. And so, like the toddler whose learning to walk, who then
grows and matures, so does our faith likewise grow and mature.

He gave me understanding, and showed me all of the above...

Then said in a strong voice...

“Beloved, are you ready to RUN?!”


The Lord gave me additional understanding, regarding the parable above:

As the father in the parable must adjust his pace for the toddler and the young ones, he must carry the babes. He
does not expect the babes to walk beside him, but he carries them. In the same way, The Lord carries those who
are new in their faith, as they are not yet able to walk on their own.

Secondly, two things always happen when a (healthy) person runs:

1. A feeling of exhilaration. 2. You leave everything behind you.

Letters from God and His Christ 166 Volume Six

8/9/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Meet For The Master’s Use

Christopher, listen to your brother, for he speaks for Me. And of My voice in you: Discern the fruit thereof, and that
which is of Me shall be brought to the forefront, and that which is not of Me shall be consumed and destroyed,
and that which is brought forth from your own heart shall fade and give way to My voice in you. This shall be as
a progression, which moves quickly toward its fulfillment, according to My will. It is all in all a matter of trust and
that new heart which is, even now, being reformed for My purpose. You are trying and not letting, considering
and not trusting, reaching out the hand to grasp and not accepting... You must surrender all. And even of this I will
cause in you.

Forsake everything and want for nothing, make ME the centerpiece...

Become a slave to righteousness...

And I will show you My glory, in where freedom comes by service...

Not as pleasing men, but as one who lives unto God...
Separated for My purpose, even from your “old man”, which is alive still...
Set apart.

Patience, My son... Patience in love, with all trust...

Submission... Wanting for nothing...

And that which is required shall come.

Spend time in My Word...

Both in the Scriptures of Truth and in the Volumes (Letters),
Which are of the same.

My peace I give to you, it shall overflow...

Yea, even of My life, it is poured out...

Partake of it...

Eat of My flesh, drink of My blood, and we shall become one...

My son... Flesh of My flesh, blood of My blood... Father and son...
The created returned and renewed, in his Creator...
My shining vessel emptied and filled... Meet for the Master’s use...
To the glory of The Father in Heaven. Amen.

Volume Six 167 Letters from God and His Christ

8/10/09 From Our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come Forth! Ears Open!

Hear My words, beloved. Plug not your ears, nor run from My correction... Open up to your God. Let Him speak
through you, for I have anointed you. I have emptied you, so I might come to live in you fully, making you a vessel
unto honor, to the joy of your Father in Heaven.


I say to you, come forth! Ears open!

For I have spoken.


8/10/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Glorify My Name

Hear My words, beloved: Today, you have fasted unto Me. My will is being established in your life, according to
your obedience and your continual striving for My love. Continue in obedience... Partaking of My food, trusting in
The Holy One, receiving of The Spirit called Holy and True. Call on Me, and I shall be in the midst of you.
My Son, I shall fill you and set you as an example before My people. Become My anointed, and speak all that
which is whispered in your ear... Yea, even to your brothers, out of love for them and in obedience to The Father.

Receive, My son... Be filled...

Glorify My Name!


Letters from God and His Christ 168 Volume Six

8/13/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Shall Be Your Fulfillment, Says The Lord

Hear My words, beloved: This day I have given to you. My son, what have you done this day?... No longer put
off My Spirit! Come to Me upon waking each morning. Call on The Name Most High... Yea, the name of your
Everlasting Father, YahuShua HaMashiach. Ask of Me My will... Give of yourself to Me, and make My will yours!
My son, I have said to you, speak... Yet in fear, you do not speak. Come to Me, and I shall cause your ears to hear
My voice, and your mouth to speak My words. Beloved, you are Mine and I am yours. Receive of these gifts, which
I have given you by My own Spirit, and make them your own! My son, as I AM, so are My words, which also reside
within you... The very Spirit of God, given to all those who come to Me in The name of My only Begotten Son, fully
accepting His sacrifice on the cross.

Jayse, receive... Stand up, and embrace your God...

My Son shall never depart from you...

Do not hold back!

8/18/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Fellowship, For Abir and Jason, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Now is the Time For My Strength

[YahuShua] When you have made your decision, and there it is within your heart, I will finish it, says The Lord. Call
upon Me, for it is time. Think not that I have come to tread upon the wicked of heart only, My sons. I have come to
tread upon the whole of this present darkness, even upon that which has hold of My witnesses.

These cords shall be broken... It shall not rise up again, a second time...

I AM The Lord.

Yet I say to you these words, My sons: Look not to tomorrow, for tomorrow is where you must decide, even as I
behold it within you today. For in these short days to come, you must overcome for My name’s sake. Yet understand
this: As I have spoken, so shall it be. In the day I come upon you, and make you new... In this day, the prophet’s
reward shall be yours. Gird up your loins, therefore... Stand up, and receive of Me. For I have already shown you
the sufficiency of My grace given you, which you have received in Me. Now is the time for My strength... It shall
come... Lo, it is time. It shall be made perfect in One, according to those weaknesses you have suffered and now
must lay at My feet... Your time has come.

I will be glorified!... Even as My Father is glorified through Me.



Volume Six 169 Letters from God and His Christ

8/14/09 From God The Father, and Our Lord and Savior, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I am Yours

Thus says God! The Lord!... Hear My words, oh beloved son of men. Jayse, I see your heart’s desire... Behold, My
good and faithful servant, I hold all things in the palm of My Right Hand.

[YahuShua] Yes, My beloved son, I have been with you, and have known you from the foundation of the world...
Yea, from the very beginning! Oh My son, I see of Myself within you, I see your need for Me... And of your works,
in them I am well pleased. I see into the deepest part of your heart, how you long for love...

My son, I AM...
And I am that love which you long for...

I love you.

I had laid aside all that I am, even unto death...

I did this gladly for you, My son,
For this is the very purpose of love...

I am yours.

[Jayse] Fill me, Lord... Overflow my heart with your love!

[God The Father] Receive of My Son... Yea, I shall fill you.

Let it be so.

Letters from God and His Christ 170 Volume Six

8/18/09 From Our Lord Jesus Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jessica, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I, The Giver of Life, Am The Father Who Has Loved You With His Whole Heart, Having Also Given You of My Own
Life Which I Have Poured Out For You, So You May Have Life Eternal, Abiding Always With Me Where I Am.

My beloved daughter, hear My words and receive the Love of your Father in Heaven: Faith, beloved of My heart,
worry not on your mother, for indeed I have begun to work in her. Soon that, which I have told you, shall indeed
come to pass... She shall be left all alone, with nothing, in the midst of great chaos and tribulation. My daughter,
rejoice for your mother, for as I hold all things in the palm of My hand, so also do I hold your mother in My hands.
And in that day, she shall indeed come to Me, and I shall bring her home to The Father. She shall come to Me, and
I shall restore her heart and mind, for nothing is outside My will. Just as all things are made new in Me, so shall
your mother be made new in Me... A day of great joy.

My beloved, I see your heart and know your innermost thoughts. This I say to you: No eye has seen, neither has
any ear heard, and no mind has conceived of those things The Father has prepared in heaven, for those who love
Him. Faith, indeed I have blessed you, and I will continue to bless you... Yea, even with a daughter. Even now I
hold her in My hands, and soon shall she be placed in your arms... That most precious gift anyone could receive,
which is given by God, manifest by and through Me, your Lord and First Love, YahuShua... Yea I, Jesus Christ, The
One through whom all things are made.
Of the future, I hold it in My hands. Therefore, each day come to Me, and I shall provide for you comfort and love,
and peace and joy and happiness... Not as the world gives, but that which can only be received through The Spirit of
God, which I Am. Even as I have told Jayse, I now say to you, as you grow with and in Me, so shall your love grow for
My son... For I have given you to Jayse and Jayse to you. This I foresaw, and purposed... And indeed, it was pleasing in
My sight, for his heart also desires that which I have placed within you. Therefore rejoice, and grow with each other
as you grow in Me, and be blessed in all things, for Jayse does keep My commands and his heart is open to Me. What
The Lord has spoken shall by no means be undone, for that which is spoken is according to My will.
Now I say to you, beloved: Continue in My ways and obey The Father’s commands. My command to you is to love
all those who have hurt you... Yea, even all people... Just as The Father in Heaven has shown you love... And oh,
how great is His love for you, My beloved daughter.

Faith, I am well pleased in you. Read My Word, and it too shall be a blessing... And you shall indeed behold My
Spirit and My love, written there for you.

As I am the fulfillment of all things,

I shall fulfill ALL your heart’s innermost desires...

Yea, the time has come for you to return home to The Father,
And for all things to be made new...

My kingdom shall come on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Glory to God Most High...

The One and Only True God of Heaven and earth, The Giver of Life!


Volume Six 171 Letters from God and His Christ

8/18/09 From God The Father -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-Line Fellowship, For Abir, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Abir’s Church and That Perversion Which Has Been Displayed and Taught, in The Name of The Lord
Perversion Among Many Faces

Thus says The Lord, The Only God! I have seen this perversion among those who say they are My people... THEY
ARE NOT MY PEOPLE! Evil dwells there! And that which is for show is of the like... All in all fantasy, vexation of
spirit, great evil and wickedness, perverse divinations, doctrines of devils!

Abir, My servant, RUN!

Run, I say... Do not look back... Run!

Be separate... Partake no more from the table of devils!

Be then separate, set apart for My glory!...

Until the day comes and is fulfilled, when you shall again run, the day you run gallantly for Me, in where I send
you back, even into the lions’ den. You shall strike them down! You shall wield the staff and strike them down,
and all these serpents shall come and writhe at your feet. And you shall consume them, by the fire I shall place in
your mouth... They shall be consumed in that day. And of the people... They shall be set free, as one who has been
awakened from a deep sleep, as one aroused from a long sleep wrought with nightmares... Even as one who has
been called back from the edge of the abyss, and death. Behold, I shall put MY Words in your mouth, and I shall
be glorified. And these who have worshiped in vain, in all darkness, in their performing of all this wickedness,
they shall be struck down. They shall receive My strong rebuke, abased in the sight of many witnesses... Emptied,
and set free, says The Lord. You shall then depart through the midst of them, and those chosen and accepted shall
depart with you. The rest left in deep sorrows and tears, bitter anguish over all that which they had done against
The Lord their God, in the polluting of MY name... Left desolate, for they yet refuse My correction, and withstand
The Doctrine and the power of The Lord, sent forth through His witnesses...

Abir, My servant, your time has come.

Letters from God and His Christ 172 Volume Six

8/18/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jessica, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I am Yours... Your First Love

Faith Jessica, hear and receive of the love of your Father in Heaven, through The Word of God, of which I am...
Jesus The Christ, I am The Messiah given from God… I am yours.
Faith, I am The All in All... Yea, I am the fulfillment of all things, seen and unseen. I bring all good things into the
light. And that which is hidden, and tucked away and kept in the dark, soon it too shall be brought forth into the
light... Nothing shall be left hidden... Yea, all shall be shown up by the light of The Lord.

Therefore, this is what I say to you, My beloved daughter in whom I see of Myself: Come to Me, and lay all that
burdens you at My feet… Faith, I Love you. And to all those who come to Me, they are given life… Yea, even a
lightening of their burdens, a bounty of joy, the love of such a kind, which can only be received from God by your
acceptance of My death on the cross, where I also bore the sins of every person, who had received of My breath
which I had breathed into them... The breath of life.

I have been sacrificed for all… This is My love.

And because I love you, I gave up everything that I am,

So I might come to live in you and be your fulfillment...

Your Best Friend... Yea, your First Love.

I am Jesus, I am The Christ… Receive of Me, My beloved daughter.

I have created you in My image, and now I am calling you to return to Me in your innocence, for I have cleansed you in
My blood and have given you life once again... Not as the world gives, for I am not of the world, and there you will not
find Me, says The Lord of Glory, who is set apart... Yea, the very Lamb of God whose Kingdom is not of this world!

Faith, I am The Lord... I know all things...

And of your heart, I know also. I have seen that which you desire, for this is My desire also.
And that brought forth in your prayers shall be fulfilled in Me, in My time.

And on that day when you are brought home to The Father...

Then you will see...

Then you will understand...

Then you will receive of that, which you have and do continually long for, which is fulfilled in Me.

Faith, receive these words, and run to Me as you are... My daughter, I shall carry you home. Amen.

Volume Six 173 Letters from God and His Christ

8/21/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Christopher, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Become My Witness and Lampstand

Question asked by Jayse, for Christopher: Lord, did the dream that Chris had last night come from you?

[God The Father answered] Indeed, My son, I have given this dream to you. Christopher, you are growing in your
faith and your trust in Me is nearing its completion. But know this: In absolute trust one does not need all the
answers. So this I say to you, give everything to Me... Your heart, your mind, your body, and your soul... All for
love’s purpose.

[YahuShua] Christopher, let go of your will, a complete abandonment of your ways... Embrace Mine. Yea, I Am
The Way in which you shall soon be established… Your First Love, YahuShua HaMashiach. Then, My son, I shall
continue to fill you. And when My works within you are complete, then, My son, you shall shine!...

I shall set you upon a hill, and you shall shine forth!...

A witness of the Most High God, in the Day.

Christopher, do nothing apart from Me, and I shall bless you. For all things done within The Son of Man are indeed
a blessing, leading you into joy and peace, which can only be received from your Father in Heaven, which is given
through Me...

Come to Me, My son... Glorify My name! Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 174 Volume Six

8/21/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jessica, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Beloved Daughter of God... Break Free!

Faith, I hear your prayers... Yes, beloved, I know of your needs. I have also beheld your willingness to come to Me.
Faith, you have wandered far from Me, yet now your Father calls you back... Hear My voice, beloved, and receive
of My spirit, partaking of all the fruits therein. Behold, I have already begun to work in you, and assuredly, I say to
you, much more will I pour into your heart, even according to that which you have longed for, which can only be
found in The Lord.
And of your pain... My child, I know it, even I have shared in it with you, though you did not always turn to Me.
Faith, run to Me always and in every situation, and I will make your path straight... I am your security and comfort.
I see the pain within your heart, which soon shall be turned into joy, even much rejoicing!

Jessica, I have been with you all your life... I have never left your side, and I will never leave you. My child, break
free. Forgiveness is what The Lord requires... And in total forgiveness do you find absolute freedom! Remember
this: All things work together for the good of those who love The Lord and are called according to His purpose. And
so, I have allowed all things in your life, to come together and work for your benefit, which has brought you here,
where you have come to truly love Me, accepting My sacrifice on the cross for you... For My purpose is love. And
My will is that you have life, even in abundance through Me... In where is eternal life.

My beloved daughter, know this:

The Son of Man has overcome all things!...

Yea, I have defeated the world.

Faith, endure these times of troubles with all patience and trust. Continue to spend time with Rebecca, and share
the love I have placed within you. Honor your mother, as you honor The Lord. In this I am well pleased, and My
work is shown through you. Faith, be a living example of Christ in you for your mother, always showing love… Yea,
even the love I have and shall continue to place within you.

Beloved, listen to My servant, for indeed I have filled him with My words, and soon shall he go for Me. Many shall
come against him, but by no means shall they overcome him, for assuredly, I say to you, HE IS MINE. I shall provide
all his needs, and shelter him in his times of trouble. He shall glorify My name, showing the light I have placed
within him, which shall blind the evil of this world, and bring healing to those without sight… Many will come to
Me in that day, seeing Me as you now see, and receiving of My love just as you had received.

Faith, come to Me and receive life...

Be filled, My beloved daughter, and then witness of My love...

Shine forth in this dark world, reflecting The Light of your Father in Heaven!


Volume Six 175 Letters from God and His Christ

8/21/09 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
No Eye Has Seen, Nor Has Any Ear Heard, and No Mind Has Conceived of The True Beauty of Childbirth

Hear My words: Beloved, you ask of that which can not be understood by your mind, at present. For your faith
remains weak and you do not fully know, nor can you comprehend, the true glory of God wrought in His Son, who
is The Author and Fashioner of Life.
This I say to you, about childbirth in My Kingdom to come: No eye has seen, nor has any ear heard, and no mind
has conceived of the true beauty of childbirth, in which you both shall behold in My Kingdom! And in that bright
and glorious day, when you both behold the miracle and blessing of a newborn child, then shall you know and
understand the true beauty of childbirth, which is shared between a man and a woman... Love fulfilled within
the union of marriage... Two of one flesh, brought to completion in the bringing forth of a child of beauty, which
testifies to the glory of God!... Let this be a joyful gift unto you…

Look to your God, and be in awe of His works…

Receive of His Spirit, and see through His eyes,

And be blessed therein...

Forever and ever...

Grace upon grace,

Blessing upon blessing,

Life without end...

In the presence of God and His Love...

Eternal joy which is made manifest through Me,

The Never-ending Love of The Father, who is in Me and I AM... Amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 176 Volume Six

8/25/09 From Our Lord and Savior, YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For James, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Grace Is Sufficient

James, My son, in you I am well pleased... My son, continue to run to Me in all things. Am I not faithful? Have I not
provided thus far? James, My son, you have received of Me, now this is what I say to you: It is time for My grace to
be sufficient for you and for My strength to be made perfect in you!  Worry not on your wife. Do I not uplift those
who I have abased? Take comfort in this: She does not exalt herself, but does sincerely seek the truth... Yet not as it
is, but instead by her own intention, and according to that doctrine which she has accepted, and because of this
she is unable to embrace The Lord as He really is. Rather, she believes on that which man has made, who has now
come to make God in his own image. Oh you of little faith, do you not know it is the will of Him who sent Me, that
I should not lose any of all those He has given Me?...

I shall, by no means, lose one... No, not even one!

For I am God, I am The Christ, I am also The Good Shepherd,

Who shall lead all those whom The Father has given Me into the pastures of life!... 

Yea, life everlasting.

James, My son, come to Me... Drink of My blood and partake of this bread I have given you this day, and be filled.
Continue in My ways, for in this you bring honor to your Father in Heaven. Read My word and you shall receive
understanding, which surpasses human knowledge. Then, you shall indeed grow in your relationship with Me, even
we shall become one, with the power of My own Spirit fully established in you... Says The Lord over all creation, The
Beholder of Life, The Mighty and Strong One!  

James, My son, your time has come!...

Glorify My name! Shout it amongst My people!...

Let My love shine through you!  

Be strengthened by My Word… The Living Word...

For I Am The Word become flesh,

And you, My son, are flesh of My flesh,
Because of that which you have eaten and received of Me...

Born again in My love, by My Spirit.

James, hear these words, and receive the love of your Father in Heaven!

Even according to your name, so shall it be done through you.

Volume Six 177 Letters from God and His Christ

8/26/09 From God The Father and Our Lord and Savior, YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Will Is Set Forth In Stone... Nothing Shall Overwrite That Which Has Been Written

Thus says The Lord: Timothy, you are My prophet and you shall endure. Have I not said, many will come against
you, but I, your God, shall deliver you!? Have I not said, that even those of your own household, which is also this
flock, those who take part in this Word, endeavoring to share in this Trumpet, shall turn their back from you?... But
you, My son, shall in no wise turn from them... You shall not withhold the Truth! You shall continue as you are, and
serve My beloved as I command you... This is My will, and so shall it be. I require absolute trust, not only of you,
but of all those who love Me with their whole hearts.

Let this be known, says The Lord: You are a messenger of God. So then, all those amongst this flock, who will no
longer embrace or give heed to the words given you, having turned their ears from The Lord, not recognizing that I,
Christ Jesus, The Lord, live in you, and have also chosen you to be a vessel of honor who writes The Word of God...
These shall have no more part in this ministry, nor of this Trumpet. But you, Timothy, this is what I say to you: You
shall, in no wise, turn from them.

In this time, you shall surely be humbled, wherein I shall then, indeed, exalt you for My purpose. Timothy, have I
not said, I exalt the humble? Therefore, hear My words and give answer:

Will you give everything for Me?... Will you leave everything?

Will you trust in Me!?...

It is time, My son!

This I have purposed from the very beginning, and so shall it come to pass.

Worry not! Trust in your God…

The God of Jacob, The God of Isaac, The God of Abraham!

How is it that you doubt? I have been with you all your life... Yea, even now I am with you... Yet you doubt? Come
to Me... Broken... For in this is My strength made perfect in you.


Thus says The Lord God of Israel:

My hand is moved upon your nation.

Your time has come, Timothy!... I shall cause you to shout!...

Thus has The Lord spoken.

Letters from God and His Christ 178 Volume Six

9/1/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
It Is Time to Receive of My Fullness and Be Sent Out Amongst the Wolves, Proclaiming My Name,
Being a Witness of My Return, Sounding The Trumpet

My beloved son, hear the word of The Lord: Cast your doubt far from you, and embrace Me, says The Lord. There is
no more time to tarry… Worry not, I say to you. To doubt Me is to deny Me… Do not doubt Me! Jayse, can you not
see the work of God wrought in your life? Even now I am speaking to you, yet you doubt? This is what I say to you...

Give up, give heed, be still and listen…

Submit, hear, and so do…

Obey My voice.

In your times of fear, call on Me... I will be your sanctuary and give you comfort. But you must submit to Me, then
resist the devil, and he will flee from you. And when he flees, a flood of peace will cover you, and I shall be in the
midst of you!

Receive of Me, and I shall open your heart even more, unto the Glory of God…
YahuShua… The Everlasting Stone, who has overcome all things…

Yea, even all this wickedness shall be put under His feet…



Eat that which has been set before you.

And of My voice, do not consider, nor doubt...

Receive of My Spirit, and be moved within the presence of God.

Write all that which is spoken... Learn to trust, learn to abide.

My son, hear the words of your Father: Lo, I have given you these gifts, and you have received of them. But this is
what I say to you: You have yet to embrace them and make use of them fully, even of all that which I have given.
Jayse, your love for Me is great, and you do continually strive and grow in your relationship with Me, but now is
the time for you to come to Me as never before… It is time for you to receive of My fullness. Pick up the trumpet,
shout the words of the Most High God.
Hear My words: It is time for you to be filled and sent out amongst the wolves. You shall cause many to come to
Me, by the words which I have bestowed and placed in your mouth. And yet many will cover their ears and wag
their heads, and in fear they will lash out against you, to keep your mouth from speaking.

Thus says The Lord:

Nothing shall close the mouths of My witnesses...

Yea, I shall cause them to shout even louder!...

It is time.

Volume Six 179 Letters from God and His Christ

8/25/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to James and Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The End of The Age

Behold Me!... Look upon My face...

Is there any who can shine as the stars in the heavens?...

I am The Light, and soon all will behold My Coming...

All will give Me Glory!

No crack, in the foundation of the earth, shall be unlit!...

There shall be no corner to escape My Glory...

All will shine and be shown up as My glory befalls them...

All darkness consumed in the Light of My coming...

All things, hidden and unseen, revealed and brought forth into the light.

Do you not see Me coming? Have you not discerned the signs thereof and this season which overtakes you?! My
watchmen are sent... Around the world they proclaim My Coming. My watchmen do not lie!... They know! For
they do continually hear Me speaking, and within them does My voice resound... Lo, I, even I, declare it to them,
and they in turn declare it to you, oh wicked and perverse generation.

I am come!...

I have passed through the door...

Nothing can withhold Me from My Father’s will!

Have I caught you unaware? Did I not say to you, “Lo, as a thief comes in the middle of the night, so shall The Son
of Man be at His coming”? I shall call out, and all My beloved shall be taken and transformed. Even in the twinkling
of an eye they shall be gone from this place... Yes, all those who I see of Myself in them, and yes, all these little ones
in whom The Father’s light yet shines.

And to the rest: Hear Me now and receive of this warning, and open your ears to the trumpet which is already
sounding... Do not believe the lies! Turn your faces from all these winds of deception, which blow upon the face
of the whole earth. Bow down, and call out to Me. Show Me true repentance, bearing the fruit thereof, walking in
My Commands, even to do them. Listen for My Voice... Wait upon Me, and I will reveal Myself to you. For this has
always been My will... You in Me, I in you.

Letters from God and His Christ 180 Volume Six

8/25/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ -
A Letter Given to James and Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The End of the Age cont.

Therefore, wait upon your Lord!...

Though deep sorrow may overcome you, I will heal your hearts... When you call, I will answer.

Beloved, listen for Me...

For like the man dying of thirst in a desert, seeking water to quench his thirst,
So shall My voice be to you.

You will surely come to know Me as I am...

I will come in and dwell with you, where we shall sup together,
And I will feed you of My bread, and you will drink of My blood, and be filled.

Then shall you know My Peace,

Though you remain in this dark and desolate time upon the earth...

The End of the age...

Taken through, by the power of God’s Right hand, of which I am.

Grab hold!...

Grasp Me tightly...

And know the true love of The Father

And the steadfast resolve of The Shepherd,
Who goes out into the dark, the dark and treacherous night, to find that one,
Even that one among ninety-nine, who has gone astray, bringing them back again...

For Love has saved them.


Volume Six 181 Letters from God and His Christ

8/27/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Behold, My sons and daughters, behold and see with greater eyes. Before you is the man, My prophet... Before you
is a man. He is a man in whom the Spirit dwells, a man of flesh and stumbling, stumbling over that stone which, at
present, I Myself have allowed him and made him to be... Yes, a stone of stumbling. Yes, beloved, he did open his
mouth in sincerity, but I did not speak. He did open his mouth, hearing his own inner voice, and the tempter that
I, Myself, allowed to be brought near to him, and he did speak... And that spoken was not performed.

So then, beloved, I now ask you to look inside, and see who you really are, and ask yourselves, “What is my faith
made of, and upon what does it stand? And in Whom must I now put all my trust?”... Not in a man, nor in your
brother, according to your faith... I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY. Timothy is My vessel, by which I have given you
a cool drink of water... Yea, he was My lamp amongst the darkness of your lives. Yet he was not poured out for you,
neither did he shine by his own light... It was not he who was the author of your faiths. He is My vessel by which these
things were done for you, a servant and vine dresser, My servant, your slave, serving the Master’s children. Trust in Me
and hear MY words, yes, even those in the Volumes, My Letters... They are food and drink for this starving generation,
correction for this insolent people called by My own name amongst the churches of men, and that Trumpet which I
said would come and is now here... The trumpet of alarm and war, the trumpet of judgment, a call to repentance...
The trumpet and announcement of My coming, which is nearly fulfilled - The Trumpet of Evacuation.

Hear Me now and doubt not, nor lose heart, nor let your faith wane, as though you now tire and want to rest and
step off the path... Run forward and embrace My ways. I know they are not at all like man’s ways, nor as you would
have Me do, yet I say to you, embrace them and grab hold of Me, and trust... Trust of such a kind, which has only
come by a letting go, a letting go of all you thought was true, a releasing of all you thought must be held fast and
of all that which you had come to lean upon. Give up now and come to Me, and see with eyes wide open, and
together with you in Me and I in you will your faith be made new... Made only by that which is of Me and in Me,
standing upon that foundation, which I am the Stone thereof. Let go of your teachers, your guides and My prophet,
and love them, for they are but men, My sons and your brothers, your beloved friends. Love them, I say, for they
love you with the love I have placed within them. Yet no longer take hold of them, nor reach out to grasp their
hand, nor place your hand upon their shoulders to steady yourselves... Come to Me! Run to Me only. For they are
Mine and have been tested, refined, even humbled and set in their places... Prepared. Even as you also are being
prepared... A tying down of My bundles in preparation of the coming storm and the First Harvest.

Beloved, pray for My witnesses, for they do remain My witnesses... Even Timothy shall go for Me as I have said,
though he will now walk through a dark sea of scoffers, and among those who stretch out the hand and disfigure
their faces, even to spit upon him and seek him harm... Yes, he shall walk, he shall boldly go with the power of
My Spirit fully established in him. And even you, who must abide for a very short season, holding fast in safety,
even you, beloved, shall also suffer increased persecutions from many and from among those in your own circle,
for it is My will they increase their noise and depart further from Me for a time. Lo, I have provided the means and
the stone, by which they will justify their outbursts of perverse and wicked speeches. And so the gap shall widen,
with the bundles set in their places, even as yours... One to the harvest, and the rest to be tried in the fires of The
Father’s indignation. They will be tried... Yea, they shall be burned and taken through the fire. And those who are
abased and penitent, with true remorse in their hearts, shall receive a cool drink of water by the very same hand
which was first offered to you and by whom you had come to drink... Yes, beloved, the very one they hated and
spoke evil against, even the very same one who they made the cause of all their anger and wrath, though it was
My words, even Me they hated, not he...

My ways are not the ways of men.

I search the hearts and minds, and every thought I know.

I mold the clay, I alone make them new...

I, the Refashioner of the thoughts and innermost intents of the heart,
Of those who have truly partaken and received of My body and My blood.

Letters from God and His Christ 182 Volume Six

8/27/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Culmination cont.

Therefore, beloved, perk up your ears and be humbled by My words... Even as Timothy has been humbled greatly,
and has now been prepared, and is now ready to receive that which is required. Doubt not, nor lack trust in My
words, nor that spoken and written through him. For that spoken and that written, in My presence, is purposed, and
shall not at all return void. Even of that done by one who truly loves Me, though it appears to others as error, will
not return void. For all acts of My beloved are done in My sight... Even all their comings and goings I foreknew,
preparing their path ahead of them or leaving it unkempt so they may stumble, to bring about My purpose of
establishing Myself in them, to the glory of The Father in Heaven and of that name which is His and I own.

So the time has begun, and now is, and will shortly be fulfilled for My servant, even as it is for all My witnesses,
which is according to My will and brought to pass by My own hand... Even as all of you have entered into a time of
refinement, in the testing of your faiths, and will continue therein. Yet of his, it shall be completed shortly... Even a short
work must be performed in him and among My witnesses who shall go out, following Me wheresoever I lead them...
Even they shall receive the prophet’s reward, and you, oh beloved little flock, shall be left alone without a shepherd...

Yet of The Shepherd, He will be with you... And His voice shall you hear and obey.

And the hired men shall be gone from your sight, for a time and that season,
Which has been spoken of from the foundation of the world, that it should come and is now here.

Yet of it, none of you shall behold....

For you shall be broken and uplifted, escaping The Father’s judgment.

Believe My words and doubt not.

Receive of Me and be remolded, as I have purposed and am now bringing forth.

The time has come for Me to arise from My place... Lo, I am already here.
I shall arise and fill My vessels and defend My servants,
With a stretched-out arm and a loud voice...
Even My breath shall come forth out of men,
And those within hearing shall fall down at the power of My voice in them.

My servants are poured out and I shall come in,

So again they may be poured out in power and by many signs,
With many words, a whirlwind of proclamations...

Bringing great glory to My name.


The time is now.

I am come.

Volume Six 183 Letters from God and His Christ

8/31/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding those servants, who would withhold from one in need... This is to withhold from The Lord.
The Time of Testing, A Trying of Your Resolve... The Refinement of Your Trust

Thus says The Lord your God: I withheld My servant, that he not speak, and inclined My ear to hear your speech,
yet I have heard no answer... I have set before you yet another stone, over which you have stumbled. And before
Me, even among this flock, there remain many, who at present have no part in this ministry, nor part in this trumpet
which I have set before them... My servants, did you think this was a small matter before The Lord?!...

The time has come!

And those who would trumpet My words are tried, even as Israel was tried...

It is time.

And so I have set before you a man, of whom you have no knowledge and no assurances, whose heart is very
heavy with sorrow and fear, and you have turned to him the back... I require of all My servants, that they have no
reservation toward one who is in need. Therefore, refine your hearts. Seek My face as never before, and do so
bringing nothing with you, nor ask of Me anything according to your wills...

For I am The Lord...

I bless the thankworthy and the slothful;

I have caused the sun to rise upon the wicked and the righteous alike.

Yet of you, none of you have fully partaken of Me. None of you trust with abandonment. None of you believe
without seeing... Oh yes, beloved, Timothy also. Yet there are those few among this flock, who sought to help one
in need, doing so in spite of themselves and their error... Yea, with no assurance at all that the need would be met.
And that need was provided for... By Me was it provided, even I foreknew and provided it. Yet, at present, it remains
unfulfilled according to My will...

So you may be tried, so you may be tested,

So your hearts may be displayed and the innermost intent made subject to judgment...

Mine and your own...

Not amongst yourselves...

Rather, brought forth before your own eyes,

So all that remains unseen is seen, and that realized might now come to be stripped away.

The form of this world is passing away,

And all which you think you have attained, by human means, shall also pass away.

Letters from God and His Christ 184 Volume Six

8/31/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding those servants, who would withhold from one in need... This is to withhold from The Lord.
The Time of Testing, A Trying of Your Resolve... The Refinement of Your Trust cont.

Therefore, stretch not out the hand, nor wag the head. Nor let even one thought enter in, which is against Timothy,
My servant, for he is also abased even as you, so his resolve may also be tested to discern the quality thereof...
Even as yours.

My children, abandon yourselves and the ways of this world...

GIVE, without a second thought.

Know you not, that you have become slaves to the poor?
Know you not, that you shall soon be as they?...

Therefore, it is a faithful and wise servant, who gives and does not withhold from his neighbor... Even his neighbor
unseen, even everyone in the earth with whom he shares this world...

For that given in love is given to Me...

Whether given and snatched by an enemy, or given and received among brothers...


Even if one gives of his very life... Or loses it...

Whether one dies or whether one lives...

They are Mine.

You have entered in, and now all sup from the table of The Lord’s testing, and will continue therein...

Until those appointed to escape are taken, and those appointed for battle are sent...

I am The Lord.

“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it

To one of the least of these, My brethren, you did it to Me.” ~ Jesus

Volume Six 185 Letters from God and His Christ

9/4/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Householders and Servants of The King

Hear Me now, once again, and I shall speak plainly... Yea, I shall even speak of it once more.

Jayse is My prophet, a mere babe, one who carries a multitude of love in his heart for his Father. And that word he
has heard was true, and misunderstood by those who also have not yet come into maturity. For all those who come
seeking to take part in this ministry, of this trumpet, have become a part of your household, whether they are near
or afar off, with Timothy as My householder. Therefore, I will speak, even as I have already...

And I will try this household...

Even as all who bear My name must be tried.

And many will depart for a time, while others will come to bear more fruit...
Even an abundance as never before,
Even well above that which they conceived was possible for them...

For I am The Lord, and the Vine...

And My Father, the Gardener...

Some branches lay dormant, some pruned, while others wither.

Let it be known to you:

The Father hastens His work,

And is in a hurry to perform His will among you...

Embrace it!...

And abide in trust.

Letters from God and His Christ 186 Volume Six

9/13/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Rest In Me... I Uphold You

Beloved, fear not their faces, nor be dismayed at their looks, nor be turned aside by their reproaches... For I, The
Lord your God, shall fill your lips with My own truth, and My words shall you speak.

Know you not, beloved, that I have created you for My own glory, to fulfill My will and plan for you? I have known
you from your beginning... Even to your end, where I shall finish you. For all of your days have been ordained by
Me... And in Me, and with Me, shall you be always. Therefore, do not run from My hand of correction, nor hide
behind empty words or vain imaginings. Know this, beloved: I discipline those I love, even all My beloved children
who are formed in My own image. I shall never leave, nor forsake, even one of My beloved children.
Arise, oh daughter of Zion, for the days ahead are few. Seek to please Me, and Me alone. Let nothing distract you,
nor cause your gaze to depart from Me. Be bold in Me, for I alone am your strength and your shield... I will shelter
you beneath the shadow of My wings. Soon beloved, I shall shake the heavens and the earth, and no one will be
able to stand, save those who stand in Me. You will face much sorrow and great persecution, yet be not afraid, for
I, yes I, The Lord your God, shall be with you.

Do not love the things of this world, for these things are passing away and shall soon be destroyed. Come out of
this world and be separate!... Cleave to Me. Seek not the approval of men, lest you fall with them. For My strength
is made perfect in your weakness; and apart from Me you can do nothing.
Beloved, I have carried you all the days of your life. I have put My own Spirit within you, giving you a heart which
desires to know Me. This, beloved, is a gift, the gift of My grace and love, so you may truly come to know Me. For
you have always been Mine, and so shall you be... Forever. Let nothing come between us. For your enemy, yes, the
fallen one, whose doings I hate, satan, who remains full of pride and wrath, shall soon be bound. He is the father
of lies... Lo, many have been lulled to sleep by him, and many will be swallowed up and overtaken by his smooth
and cunning words and deceptions.

You have been shown many things, beloved, by My Spirit in you. Do you discern the times? Let no man cause you to
doubt, for I shall surely bring all I have shown you to pass... Yes, beloved, you shall see the end of all these things. But
understand this, and rest, being fully assured in the knowing that I, The Lord your God, am The One who shall uphold
you. I will keep you through all these troubles, that must come and have come already... Soon lifted up to glory. So
then, purify yourself in Me, by My Son, until He comes to gather you... And be holy, even as I am holy.

Volume Six 187 Letters from God and His Christ

9/25/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
It Is Time

Hear the word of The Lord... Jayse, My child, hear My voice. I died for you, laying aside My glory, even unto death.
I am risen, and you have received of My Spirit, and I have come to live within you. I have given My heart to you...
Yea, it is yours. From within My own heart The Father brought you forth, made in and for love. My son, you have
always been with Me... And I, you... Connected... United with The Father, through Me. I have always known you,
and you, My beloved son, have always been a part of Me... Made in My image. A precious babe are you, soon
becoming a man who honors God and delights in His commands, taking every step while abiding in The Son.

I have, and will always hold you close to My heart, says your Lord…

He, who founded the earth and all that is in it...

He, who created man in His image...

He, who is The Only True Love…

Perfect in The Father.

Holy is He above all things, says God The Father...

And He shall reign in all His Glory...

He shall rule with the rod in His Hand...

He is Christ The Lord, Immanu El, YahuShua...

Indeed The Father and Son are One...

And I will reign, says The Lord of Glory!

No longer doubt My voice, says The Lord. Hear and believe, for it is I, even I, your best friend and Savior, YahuShua...
I, who was nailed to a tree. It is I who have cleansed you in the blood of sprinkling, which was poured out from My
side, bearing all your sins... I am The Passover Lamb without spot or blemish… I Am The Lord! Hear these words
and tuck them in your heart.

Come to Me, My son, and lay all your doubts at My feet. Let go, fall into My arms with complete trust... It is time...
Your time has come, says The Lord. Ask of Me and receive of My fullness, let My love blossom within your heart...
A love no longer held back, a stream of joy and life fulfilled in My love... Peace, a renewing of your spirit… Father
and son united in The Spirit. Come home, My son, open yourself... Tear down these walls which separate us. You
have asked, and according to My will it shall be done for you... I love you... Rest in Me. Be still and know that I
am with you, says The Lord. Trust in the voice of The Lord your God, The Everlasting Father... He, whose love never
fails, nor does it ever fade. I am your Father... Receive of Me, and no longer doubt.

Letters from God and His Christ 188 Volume Six

9/25/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
It Is Time cont.

Let go, My son, for I am He who holds you up...

I am He who walks beside you...

Directing your every step upon the path,

Which is narrow and leads to life everlasting.

Jayse, grab My hand... Leap into My arms, and let us run together through open fields... Headed home. Let Me
carry you to the doorstep of your Father. Let us enter and partake of His supper…

Rejoice! Oh beloved, rejoice!...

The time has come!

9/1/09 From God The Father -

A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Beloved, My Servant, My Witness… Your Time Has Come

Hear the words of The Most High: Do not doubt My voice within you! I have chosen you to be My mouthpiece.
Though many around you doubt My words, yet you shall not doubt. Come to Me in complete abandonment,
forsaking yourself fully, and watch Me establish you… A mere boy made a prophet of the Most High God, a faithful
witness of YahuShua HaMashiach, Yeshua The Messiah, yes, Jesus The Christ! You will bring glory to My name and
do many miracles before My people, yet not of your own power or will, but by the power of God working in and
through you, according to the command of My Only Begotten Son, Jesus The Christ, by whom you have been
redeemed, cleansed and made worthy… And now filled. You will bring glory to My name!
My son, in you I am well pleased. Though you are still a mere babe, soon you shall be filled with The Lord’s portion,
and those around you will come to not recognize you, for the old man, which you still carry, shall be no more...
And you shall be reborn by the Spirit of God, once again! Then, you will no longer be that babe who is, at present,
unheard. You shall become a man, whose voice does not cease from speaking the Truth of Who I Am! Amen. The
Lord has spoken.

Volume Six 189 Letters from God and His Christ

9/9/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Infinite Love

Why do you continually doubt My existence?... I must do all things in an orderly fashion. Oh My flower, be not
afraid or scared! You are but a lamb terrified of the storms. You bundle up and cling to anything you can find... Do
you not realize, I am by your side? Oh My flower, stop giving in to these thoughts of sin. The evil one wishes to
devour you, for you hold Me deep within. Be strong, and know this world is masked... Lies upon lies, deceits cover-
ing deceits. Believe what you already know to be true in your heart... You are the only one blocking Me from filling
you... Let Me in! Let me fill your heart with joy and peace! Do you not understand?... This suffering shall only be
for a little while longer; I come very soon to protect you... Flower, do you not know I am already here?...

I hold infinite love...

My love never abandons... It will never leave you...

My love is accepting... I accept your bruises and all that you are...

I am the Healer... I am also the Maker of Life.

Rest in Me, and all these bruises will vanish from sight...

Do you not know I have conquered death?!... Yea, death lies down and serves Me as King.


I AM the Giver of life...

I hold the whole universe in the palm of My hand!

Yea, great things await you, My flower!... There is no more time to tarry.

Grab hold of My hand and RUN with Me!

Do not let go or look behind you, for this will only lead to death.



I crafted your beautiful blue eyes and your bouncing curls, to My delight. I have watched you grow from afar, yet
always being near. Seek not to understand, for I have not given you these abilities... You must trust in the knowing I
am who I am. Believe, Flower... Even now I count the days until we are together again. I have chosen you, and The
Father will not allow any of those given Me to be lost... Though they be led astray in the world, I shall not lose one.

Letters from God and His Christ 190 Volume Six

9/9/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Infinite Love cont.

You are My beautiful and fragile flower...

If planted rightly and watered daily,

You shall blossom into a new and shining creation...

Even a joy to look upon...

Beauty in the eyes of My Father...

Believe what I, YahuShua HaMashiach, have told you...

Keep these things close to your heart,

And do not let anyone interfere with your purpose, your destiny...

The very reason I crafted you, Flower…

You were meant to shine!

Volume Six 191 Letters from God and His Christ

9/10/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany and Timothy, For Bethany, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Forever I Remain the Same and Unchanging

Thus says your Lord: Do not deny Me, Bethany! For the way you have been living is an abomination in My sight.
Is not the liar just as guilty when silent? Stop giving heed to the devil! Learn My ways and obey. The time is now,
Flower!... Run! And be gathered. To be left behind is to be a fool, for you were warned by My very mouth, through
My servant, Timothy.
Therefore, listen... Child, listen... My love for you never fails. Why do you continually bring Me sorrows?... Know
and believe My promises, which I, Myself, have spoken. For to ignore My Spirit, and give heed to doubt, is to deny
Me. Break apart, child! Break apart!... Be separate, and set apart... Now is the time!

Have life in Me...

Father and Son, together as One...

With you in Me and I in you,

Forever and ever, to the joy of The Father. Amen.

Why must you continually stray away from this flock?

Do you not understand the meaning of life, of which I AM?!...


Stop taking part in the pleasures of this world. Do you not know that I, even I, see all that you do?!... I behold the
hearts and the minds... Even the innermost intents I know, for nothing is hidden before Me... All darkness revealed
in the light of My glory!... The very same glory, which The Father owns and I am. Evil flees at My presence, and
from the sight of My power... Left trembling in fear... I am The Lord!... All darkness into the fire! All wickedness
consumed in the brightness of My coming, and destroyed by the sword of My mouth!
Do not finish something I, Myself, have not silenced! Nor say amen as though it is finished, when it remains
incomplete... I am The Lord. And that which I speak to you, I have spoken to many. And that which you have heard
is also spoken to Timothy, lest you be swallowed up over the brilliance of this gift, accounting even the smallest
part to yourself, where you are led quickly into temptation... I will not share My glory.
Therefore, those who come to prophesy to My glory were also given to hear, yet only in part, lest the evil one get
advantage over them because of pride. Beware of his devices, for he is subtle, a clever deceiver... Even the father
of all lies, using that which is of the flesh to gain a foothold over the mind.
Therefore, to one who is given to hear, let them hear according to their faith and that love which is revealed
through many tears, cast before My feet in submission to God. Cursed be the deceiver, who speaks in the ears of
My new lambs, grabbing hold of that which is weak in them... Stalking them as the prey, as one who has wandered
from the flock or become ill, whose steps stagnate, waning in the heat of the midday sun. Fear not... I am He who
goes out for them, and also knows their weaknesses and that which ails them... Coming forth quickly out of My
hiding place, fulfilling My strength in them when they cry out... Soon snatching them away... Stomping on the head
of the deceiver.
Therefore, hear now and understand: I am The Lord! And I shall speak in part to My prophets... One in order, and by
two at a table, and by three at a time one after another, or by two in concert... I am The Lord! Yet the day is coming,
when those who have been given to prophesy shall be taken, and those who prophesy falsely shall receive of My
punishment... Even of their due reward in the Day of The Lord. And those sent into battle shall come to speak My
Word and in My name, no more in part, but even apparently and in power, as though I, Myself, were speaking... My
Word put forth fully and completely... Even as a consuming fire! And the hearers in that Day, who refuse it, opening
their mouths, also raising their fists in protests, they shall be as stubble, and none shall be able to deliver them!... Says
The Lord, who has come and shall fight against them.
Bethany, you shall not go for Me as these men, nor shall you prophesy in this manner. Rather, you shall go out and
you shall come in, blessing My name in open and in secret, testifying to all those I send you and to those you meet,
according to that which you have received, to My glory.

Letters from God and His Christ 192 Volume Six

9/10/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany and Timothy, For Bethany, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Forever I Remain the Same and Unchanging cont.

This, you have received, shall also be for a sign and a humbling, that My voice may also come to abide in Jason,
for he shall go for Me... And you, delicate flower, shall come to know Me as I am, wailing softly upon My bosom
in the house of The Lord.
Flower, do not be left as those withered and destroyed! Storms have come and are already here... Yea, even now
they form in My anger. Desecration, abominations, who are they to be as Me?!... Woe to them! My cup of wrath
is filled, it is overflowing. My anger is kindled for all their forsaking of Me and My Israel. Do not be left as those
weeping; do not be left as those crushed underneath the weight of My judgment... Let them fear. And let those who
are Mine fear not... Let them give Me glory, and know...

I, Myself, am The Redeemer.

I come to raise all those in whom I see of Myself... For anything not of Me is against Me, and that which is not on
My part scatters abroad. Verily, I say unto you, stop your wicked ways and embrace My love. This life is fading
away... Even now it comes to its end. Stop! And come forth. Stand up, and sound the trumpet... The Lord, of
Heaven’s army, comes. Yea, He comes with a double-edged sword to strike at the nations... To destroy, to tear
down, a breaking in pieces of all those who follow him who is full of lies, the deceiver.
Bethany, understand, he has no power at all. My name, alone, brings evil to damnation! Stop skipping blindly... Not
realizing that one, who refuses to embrace Me fully, denies the truth of Who I am. Stop these pestilences, deceiving
locusts, which encompass you roundabout. Grab the trumpet, speak My name aloud... Live for Me and Me only...
Life awaits you, Flower!
Believe not the ways of this world, nor seek them out to know them. I have placed you here to live, yet not as one of the
world... True life awaits you. This chapter is nearly done, and shall be brought to completion, for it was set up and put
forth in accordance with The Father’s will, which can never be undone. I lie not... This world has become enmity with
God. This world shall burn in anguish and with bitter weeping... Heavy sorrows. My arm is outstretched, vengeance is
Mine... I shall repay. Wrath must come and shall be brought to pass. You can not know My ways, nor can you fathom
the reasons for My doings...

Just be still and know, I AM HE...

He who is righteous...

He who is true...

He who is all-powerful...

He who has conquered death...

The Beginning and The End... I AM!

Rest in these words, and seek to know Me as I am. Run as a baby lamb would run, fleeing from ravening wolves...
Flee these wolves who seek their prey, day and night, without respite. Run! Run to Me!... I am The Good Shep-
herd... I will deliver you. For I shall raise you up... Even I shall speak through your lips, words of grace and sup-
plication, even words of power and edification, removing all that hinders you. Rest in these words... I am here...
Even now and before, and always I remain. Amen.

Volume Six 193 Letters from God and His Christ

10/13/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jayse and Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Testimony and The Witness... I Am The Lord

I am The Lord, your God... Even I am He. Of these things, which trouble you, from within and without, they confess
of that which I am about to do. Yet you do not heed them, instead drawing back in fear, mistaking your own fear
for another’s. For behold, I shall shed light upon the darkness of your understanding and upon the counsel of your
hearts... Yea, I shall bring forth the hidden agenda of the adversary, to reveal his power... For it comes to nothing
before Me and My name, says The Lord. For who is this who darkens counsel, and casts fear over revelation?... It is
him, even he called lucifer and satan. The devil had brought fear into the house of My servants, and shall no more
return... For he is cast out as an abominable branch, even as a burning branch which has caught fire, quickly cast
out into the cool of the night, that the dampness thereof may put out its burning.

Here is wisdom and greater understanding: It was satan’s fear you felt and his counsel you heard. For in desperation,
as one wrought with fear, he has spoken against you and My servant and My Word, in an attempt to sway your
resolve, to chain you in fear according to that with which he is already held captive... Cast him off, and turn to him
a deaf ear. For the fear he owns comes from corruption of spirit, in the hating of My glory, in where he preys upon
the weak and seeks to cast down the upright, even to turn aside the faithful and the wise in Christ.

Hear Me now, My servants: To you have I witnessed, and to you have I given wise and loving counsel. Even of
My glory have you come into knowledge, bringing forth understanding of such a kind you will not find in your
fellows... All these amongst the churches of men, who sit in the pews and folding chairs, underneath the fading
lights of darkening counsel... Not realizing the lampstand is removed and shall not be returned to its place, until
the days are fulfilled, and the high-minded man and the eloquent orator, and all these self-appointed teachers
and ill-favored shepherds, are brought down... With their high looks and expensive clothing stripped from them...
Wherein they lie down pressing their faces in the dust, laying their bodies upon all these ashes... Ashes which will
come, and I have prepared, even as a bed and a covering brought forth from retribution, even the fruits of My hot
indignation, which shall be poured out as a recompense... In where they repent and lay all they are at My feet, even
to the offering of themselves upon the altar, as a sacrifice and a testimony to My glory... In where they have now
taken a vow to keep My Commandments, to walk in them and to do them, both in secret and in the sight of men,
living in a world which shall hate them and seek to do them harm... Yet within them, and upon their lips, shall be
The Testimony, and it shall flow without ceasing, even like a song among the oppressed, to crack the heart of the
wild wheat and the seeker... The Testimony of Christ, The Only Begotten of God The Father... Speaking aloud, yea,
shouting it in the streets, saying, ‘Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, is both Lord and Lamb, Lion and King...
The Only Way, Truth and Life! For He is The Song and Salvation, The Only One who died and is risen... There is
salvation in no other, nor any other name by which you must be saved!’

Again, My sons, hear My voice, and seek to know of My understanding and to trust in My ways, so you may never
be moved. Before you have I set an open door... And of death, and he who stalks you as the prey to harm and
destroy, to him the door has been shut.

The path is laid, and you shall be set upon it...

Even as Timothy and Craig shall be called, and taken, and left...

Even as all those I am sending shall also tread upon it, with Me in the midst of them...

Both going before them as a burning fire, and after them as a dark, swirling smoke,
To choke any enemy which endeavors to pursue them...

Even I shall be established within them, with eyes of flaming fire,

And My glory set within their countenance,
Even all around them and upon their vesture...

Letters from God and His Christ 194 Volume Six

10/13/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jayse and Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Testimony and The Witness... I Am The Lord

I AM The Lord!...

...And who can turn Me aside, or shut My mouth from speaking, or bend My arm,
When I have put it forth to accomplish or when it is out-stretched to judge?...

And who can remove My hand, when I have laid it down to heal, to bring forth and gather?...

I AM The Lord!...

Even ADONAI is My Father...

Even I remain, and am always, in His bosom...

The Father and The Son are One.

The time is here!... It has come.


Death is at the door, for all nations who forget God...

And glory for those who have entered in and sup from His table...

The Amen is come for them...

The Lion has come out of His thicket, out of His sanctuary, to judge...

Volume Six 195 Letters from God and His Christ

10/13/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Christopher and Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Addendum to “The Testimony and The Witness... I Am The Lord”
My Witnesses Set Up and Established... Evil Abased

Behold... I, The Lord, shall speak a second time, to shed light upon that which was allowed, and that thing which
was done and came to pass before your eyes, and also in the sight of those who hold vain deceits and evil counsel
against The Lord’s anointed.

Lo, an evil one, a bold and wise deceiving spirit, one knowing dark sentences, did seek to take hold of Christopher
and to enter him. And indeed, I removed My hand, and he did enter. Even it was known to satan, and he did send a
deceptive and strong spirit, to perform his evil intention... A spirit, the kind of which can only be driven out by much
prayer and fasting. Yet one feeble, and very low in years, did cast him out with power and authority... Yea, with haste
and strong trust... For My hand was upon him. And the spirit did depart, even as one laid hold of by the neck and
thrust out... Even in a word, and by The Name... So by this you may no more doubt, but KNOW I am God...

And I, even I, have a Holy One, a Mighty and Strong One...

The Only Begotten of The Father...

By whose name, called out in power,

Shall cause ALL to give heed to its sound... Left trembling in fear.

For lo, My hand is removed in all the earth,

And evil shall reign a short season...

Yet the hand of God shall remain with His witnesses...

Even the power of My breath shall remain in their nostrils, and My words in their mouths.

Behold, I have called satan to My trumpet, even to come near My two witnesses, of which he had greatly
underestimated and cast off... Yea, he sought to divide My lampstands and put out their light... Only to find
himself thrust out in a word, having not seen My name put forth in such a manner, nor with such power, for over
a millennia... And he did fear, and rush backward in fear, blaspheming as he went.
Thus the matter is made known to My servants: My trumpet was sounded before an evil counsel, who sought to
divide what I have purposed be joined together, and to pollute that which I have sanctified... Yet to no avail. For in
vain, they do and have devised plans, yet they come to nothing before Me, turning to dust before the power of My
name... Even to give heed to the voice of My prophet, though he remains only a boy, one who is few in years...

For I will be glorified! Says The Lord, ADONAI...

And the name of My Son shall resound in all the earth...

Even among all dark and high places...

Its sound shall be heard, and the inhabitants thereof shall tremble.

It is time...

My witnesses shall go forth, to do battle and to sound the trumpet, the alarm of war,
And to proclaim the hour of My judgment and the coming of The Son of Man...

For it has come!

Letters from God and His Christ 196 Volume Six

10/11/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Twelve-Year-Old Daughter, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

My precious little one, know you not I am with you?... Even always do I behold your form. Even every cell of your
body, and all that is within them, is known to Me, precious beloved...

I am your Fashioner...

I am The One, who knit you together in your mother’s womb...

Having known you even before your formation...

Holding you fast at My bosom, in the house of The Lord.

Therefore, worry not on these things, nor give them a second thought, for I am coming quickly now, wherein you shall
come to truly know Me as I am, in where all these troubles shall pass away... Even every tear shall be wiped from your
cheeks in My love. Even all that ails you, and weighs heavy upon your heart, shall pass from you, never to return...

For I am The Lord...

And I am also your Father...

Even I, The Lord of Heaven and earth,

Am He who is, and remains always, your Closest Friend.

Therefore, draw close to Me, little one, and abide in My love and receive of Me, and I shall renew your spirit and
restore your joy... For it is not fleeting, but eternal, even according to that life I have given you.

Daughter, in you is nothing awry... All is at it should be. And that, which is set in order, shall be renewed and refashioned
even in a greater glory. In My Kingdom and in My presence shall you grow to maturity, after the time in where I must
hide you amongst all lambs in My sheepfold, for one week and in the Day, until you return with Me in victory.

I am The Lord... Trust in Me.

Call on My name, at all times you are in need...

No matter how great or how small you perceive it to be, at present...

For in Me will you find rest and that comfort you seek.

Turn to Me...

For your name was engravened upon the palm of My right hand from the beginning...

Even as all those beloved of The Lord were written in the Book of Life, before the foundation of the world...

In where I have always stood as both Author and Finisher...

Even The Creator of all these worlds and all that is within them...

The Alpha, The Omega... The First and The Last. Amen.

Volume Six 197 Letters from God and His Christ

9/28/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Lauren, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Set Apart In Love

Look to The Lord in all things, for He is The Author of love...

And you, My daughter, shall shine in My love, says The Lord.

Run to Me, Lauren... You are My beloved. And I, yea, even I, The Lord, The Jesus and Christ of your heart, even I, The
One who has anointed your heart with the oil of gladness, do call to you. Beloved, listen, and hear the love of your
Father in Heaven... Oh how I have longed for you to be with Me, in My arms. But you must become separate from
all that is not of Me, My love, before I may gather you.
Seek not after the world; no longer embrace its ways. For it knows not the will of The Most High God, nor does it
honor Me... For in the world, you will find NO truth at all. For I am not of the world, nor do I dwell in it... Even from
it My hand is removed. It shall soon wither, its light taken… Fading fast because of all this thick darkness, which
shall cover it. Yea, by My hand, it shall be torn down, it shall be destroyed, for all its forsaking of Me and My Israel,
says your Father in Heaven!
Therefore, Lauren, beloved little one, come to Me. Here I am… Waiting... In all patience, with love and gentleness.
I am The Good Teacher, and will not give you more than you can handle... Putting forth only portions befitting
a newly beloved handmaiden in The Lord. Therefore, again I say, come to Me, My love, and be spared from the
fires of God’s refinement. For I am He who shall lift you up, even I am He who created you... From My very heart
you were brought forth in The Father... Made and crafted by His hands, in and for love’s purpose... And I saw that
it was very good. Lo, I have seen the day you would come to Me, and the day you would come to embrace the
love of your Father in Heaven... Even all your steps were and are known of The Lord. So then run, My love... Run!
Call on Me in all times you are troubled... Even in all your weakness, call on Me... And I will be there, in your very
presence... For there I am, with you and in you... The beating of your heart, the salt of your tears...

For I AM The Lord...

Your Creator and Fashioner... Your Carpenter... Even of all these worlds.

I know ALL THINGS...

Even your innermost desires are known to Me,

For I behold them, reading them upon your tears,
Searching them out within your groanings...
Even of that which remains hidden and can not be heard.

Lauren, fear not. Open your heart to Me, and I will come into you and set you free. I will show you that love, which
you have always longed for... A love that endures forever, a love that none can fathom or grasp, nor describe... A
love that has never entered into the mind of men... The love of such a kind, only I can give and is to be received in
Me... The love of which I am...

And soon, so very soon, My love,

This love shall be fulfilled with you in Me, and I in you, to the joy of The Father…

Completion of faith... Perfect fulfillment in The Beloved...

I love you.

Letters from God and His Christ 198 Volume Six

10/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Abir, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
You Shall Stand Up

Abir, My son, I am in the midst of you. I see the troubles of your heart, and how you long for My embrace.

Therefore, this is what I say to you, My son: Surrender, lay yourself aside... And all that which weighs heavily upon
your heart, lay it down at My feet, and take My yoke upon you... For My burden is light; and My yoke, easy, for all
those who trust in Me.

I am The Lord, and you are My servant...

Gird up your loins, My son,

For the time is at hand when I shall cause you to shout,
To make the glory of The Lord, your God, known...

Yea, you shall lift up the name of The Everlasting King of Righteousness!

For I Am He, says The Lord.

I shall stomp upon all the plans of the evil one,

And upon the whole of his company,
Grinding them to powder beneath My feet...

By the brightness of My coming, they shall be brought down,

By the sword of My mouth, I shall destroy them,
And by the strength of My arm shall the deceiver be bound...

It shall be finished!...

And the earth shall, once again, be at rest for one day in The Lord.

Volume Six 199 Letters from God and His Christ

10/22/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy, For James, During an On-Line Conversation

[James] Lord, just when I think You have cut ties with my beloved... It’s not Your plan for us to wander and not know?

[YahuShua] Indeed I have cut them, my son. Yet of the ties that bind, these shall not be loosed... For the heart I
know, the mind I know... Even the innermost intent is revealed before Me.
And so I shall send you... Even I shall make it possible for you to go for Me. Even I, The Lord of heaven and earth,
shall make you My sanctuary and dwelling place... As I shall be yours also. And because of this, you must be
consecrated, and emptied of this world... You must be severely broken, you must be made completely clean...
Virgin... Or how shall I dwell fully in you?
Your eyes look always toward what is, bringing tears of loss and bitter sadness... Waiting always for that glimpse
of reconciliation, even one moment of that which was and now is set aside. Your eyes have been blinded by this,
and have failed to see, My son...

Behold!... It is I who stands before you!

Even I am He, who stands with you and knows your tears...
My son, I share them and count them.

Yet of that, which I give you and now offer, even the knowledge of The Holy One and the understanding which
your peers and beloved have not known, have you not looked upon... Neither has My glory caught your gaze.

Look to Me!...

Eyes lifted, eyes straight forward... No looking backward...

There I am upon My throne!

And behold... Look... There, in My right hand, will you see that I had already written each name of your beloved...
My son, I hold all who are Mine in My love, engravened upon My heart and in My hand. Yet you doubt My will,
and question My ways, as though they are not according to love’s purpose. And so I have closed My hand, so you
may not behold your beloved for a time. For I will take you from them, even as she has cast you out... So shall you
depart and go for Me, says The Lord. Fear not, nor wail, for by you I shall bless many...

And because of this, many will come in the day, from the east and the west...
And sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at the table of The Lord in His Kingdom.

Then will your beloved also come running forward...

And at that time shall she hear Me say to you, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”
And she also shall fall down, shedding many tears at My feet,
Wherein I shall gather her up and hold her close, with you standing near...

And she will hear the words, which she also longs to hear...

All promises met and fulfilled...

The mystery of God revealed...

All tears wiped away in The Kingdom of God, which I Am.

Letters from God and His Christ 200 Volume Six

10/28/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Wholly of The Lord

Timothy, I have spoken these words to you, concerning your brothers who go out testifying on My behalf, and for
you also, so you may know what I require... Who you are at home reveals the person you remain... Do not be as
the hypocrite, who has two faces, for I see all your doings and know your hearts.

The servant I call is that same one, who is to be wholly of The Lord...

At all times and in all seasons...

One, who serves Me in open and in secret...

One, who keeps The Lord close to his heart and present in all his thoughts,
Seeking always and in all ways to please Me...

Whether he is seen by men or hidden from their eyes,

Whether he is at home, or whether he is in the public square...

Whether he is trumpeting My Word in the streets

Or has entered into his closet and shut the door, making quiet supplications...

The Lord has seen it, and knows all his goings out and comings in.

Therefore, again I tell you, who you are at home is who you are... By a man’s actions is his heart revealed, and
by his mouth is he defined before others. Therefore, first honor Me at home, and among your beloved, as I have
commanded you and according to how I have written it. Then go out and reveal Me to the world, and among your
kindred and countrymen, by both word and deed. Yet do not be as the hypocrites who honor Me with their lips,
but at the same time have removed their hearts far from Me... And by their actions do they reveal the same.
Let each man set his house in order before he departs, lest I take it from him, so he may serve Me without distraction.
And if My servants do indeed endeavor to set their houses in order, yet their spouses refuse to heed them, they shall
still depart, and their spouses shall be left in bitter tears, until the days of his service have been completed... Also
according to rebellious children shall it be. Yet not with the young ones, they shall be taken, for they are Mine...

I am The Lord.

Volume Six 201 Letters from God and His Christ

10/29/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Abir, and For All The Lord’s Servants Who Have Ears to Hear
A Faithful and Wise Servant

Amen. You have prayed well, but did not ask of Me that which you most desire...

Those, who are most in need, shall be called forward to express their need before their brethren, in My name...
For nothing shall be hidden among My witnesses. For they shall become one in Me, just as you individually shall
become one in Me... Even you shall have all things in common and come into My fullness. Therefore, those who
stumble shall be called to stand up; and those who stand up straight, they shall become their servants... Even all
who love Me shall wash one another’s feet. And by this shall others know I am The Lord who bought you, and you
are really My disciples.

It is the wise and faithful servant who questions his own ways,
But trusts in Mine, with all abandonment...

For the servant, who walks in his own righteousness, is no more My servant...

I am The Lord.

Therefore, as I have commanded My servant, James, so also do I command you and those with you, even all who
are on My part, those I am sending...

You shall call upon Me at all times, and when you pray...

And testify of Me among all those you meet...

By The Name you know, and with this title, “The Lord my Righteousness”.

Letters from God and His Christ 202 Volume Six

10/30/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-Line Conversation, For James, Christopher, Abir and Jayse... And For
Those The Lord is Sending, Who Have Been Called to Take Up the Trumpet, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Blow The Trumpet

Hear Me now, My servants. I have heard your speech... Even I have provided for all your needs, so you may serve
Me. I have placed you in this fold to blow My Trumpet, this Trumpet, a trumpet of the end of this age. Yet I ask you,
as I have asked you before, saying, “How can one blow any trumpet while talking”? I have appointed to you times
for fellowship, and it remains well-pleasing in My eyes that you should come together in My name, to seek My face
and My understanding and to give worship... Yet the days are evil and you are to be My candlesticks.
And so I ask you, who has received of Me, by you, this day, even during this hour? Your love for one another is well
and good in My sight... Yet I ask you, each of you, do you love Me more than these? And what of all these in the
world?... What of them, My beloved sons, what of them? Do you not hear them wailing?... Do you not hear them
groaning? The darkness overtakes them and the fire comes, and it shall consume and destroy seven days...

Quickly, take of My cup and pour it upon them,

So they may remember, and be shielded, in the Day of The Father’s fury.

Let no one prevent you or bar your way... Tarry no longer... Let no one impede your doings... Yea, bring that man you
behold in the mirror into subjection, for it is he who withholds you. I love you, My sons, and have called you My friends...
Yet My children suffer day and night, in all this present darkness... And you, you My sons, are The Master’s servants!

Awaken them with a shout...

Shine the light on their darkness, and feed them with the Manna of Heaven...

That which I, Myself, have given you...

And do not forget to anoint their eyes with eye salve, as many as I send to you.

And to the rest, the worldly and those insolent children among the churches of men: To them, blow the trumpet of
warning and do not tarry, but continue on, turning to them the back and not the front, lest they strike you upon the
mouth. Of your backs, yes, I have given your backs to the smiters, as an example to the sincere and as a testament
against the froward, of which they have ignored and failed to recognize. So then, I will reveal, to the simple and to
the wise in the Word, Who it is you serve... You being those servants who obey their God, rather than men. And of
this testament, which shall be wrought against the froward, those who purse the lips and the brow, and shake their
head, they who shoot out the lip to slander and to blaspheme... According to all they have done in the persecuting
of My messengers, so shall it be returned to them... Ten-fold in The Day.
My sons, as I had suffered, so shall you. And that, by which they mistreat you, so shall they receive in turn... For
by that which they have judged, so shall they be judged. And that, which they have built up in their own names,
is the same by which they shall come to ruin, for it shall crush them... Severely abased and left broken in a pool of
tears, yet uplifted because of My mercy.

I AM THE LORD, and I shall not share My glory!

Neither shall My name be polluted anymore!... The time has ended!

I am come out of My place...

And from My Sanctuary I have come forth to judge the earth... Starting with the house of God.

The time has come... Blow The Trumpet!

Volume Six 203 Letters from God and His Christ

11/5/09 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Christopher, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Christopher’s computer

Seek My Will and Give Heed to My Leading... Run Not Ahead, Nor Lag Behind...
Walk Upright, Beside Me, Holding Your Father’s Hand

Christopher, I will speak through the mouth of My prophet, for his mouth is not His own... It is Mine. And not by
his only, but by two together in concert, even as I have shown you already.

Thus the matter is made known to you My son: You shall not obtain a computer, until I command that it be done...
And according to My will shall it be fulfilled. Yea, I, The Lord your God, your Provider, will provide for it.
Christopher, it was indeed I who allowed the malfunction in your computer. For you had taken that which was
Mine, even this trumpet I had set before you, and made it your own unknowingly. You did not seek My will for you,
moment by moment, nor did you give heed to the leading of My Spirit... Even to the putting off of your Lord, who
bought you and loves you... Yea, He who dwells among you, Immanu El.
I have spoken to your heart, saying, “Give heed to Me”, yet you have put yourself and the desires of the flesh before
your Lord... Lacking faith.

Christopher, My servant, know this: I speak to you! Therefore, come to Me at all times I call to you, and be still
and listen... Want for nothing... Nothing, My son. Have peace, and trust in the knowing, I am The Lord your God.
Therefore, I shall teach you, for I love you and you are My son, and it is My will you learn from Me.

Hear the word of your Lord: Let not your heart be troubled...

Everything you have is Mine...

And all that which is of Me I share with you, giving and also taking away,
According to the good pleasure of My will to the completion of your faith...

The solidifying of your trust, says The Lord.

Trust in Me!...

And seek My face in all things and at all times,

And in all seasons when you have need...

And cease not from seeking first My will, in all things you do in My name...

I Am The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 204 Volume Six

11/19/09 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an Online-Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding children being “slain in the spirit”, as certain churches call it.
The Innocent Are Mine! Says The Lord

Thus says The Lord God: Must I speak to that which is obvious? Says The Lord. Must My servant be drawn away
continually, so he may convey the Word of God before you, My beloved? How is it you partake of the images on
the screen, knowing in your heart the truth of the matter, with My Spirit speaking softly, “Turn away”? Therefore,
this is what I say...

Woe to those who lead My lambs astray...

And punishment to those who cause them to sin...

And death to those who corrupt them for evil’s own purpose,
To uphold that which they claim is of God, yet has no part with Me...

Woe to those, who shame My name and bring disgrace to My house...

Woe! Woe, I say again...

WOE to those who take advantage of the little ones, to pollute My name!...

And destruction and great wrath for all those who murder the innocent!

Therefore, My children, turn away!...

And fall down and wail, and bring before Me supplications for these who are perishing...

Yet of the children, you need not pray on their behalf, for they are Mine!...

And I am come to steal them away!

Volume Six 205 Letters from God and His Christ

11/19/09 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Receive of Me and Embrace My Correction

Beloved, I had spoken to you, saying, “Do not find fault”, yet in this also you refuse to obey. Even now I behold
contentions within your heart, even strivings to uphold your own way...


Listen to My words... Seek My face and SUBMIT.

Come to Me, and say, “Yes, Lord”,

And with your husband you shall do in like manner.

In all I have shown you have you failed to see, for your eyes are closed to understanding, and you stop your ears
from hearing. For you come seeking answers, with a bag which remains full, asking also of your husband while
in unbelief, refusing the words of his mouth, not recognizing The Source. Yet I tell you this once again, though it
wearies Me to do so: Your husband is the head of you and his house, and whatever he speaks on his own shall be
obeyed, even as I am to be obeyed. He need not come to Me in everything concerning his house, for he is the
man, and you are to obey him.

And so we come to the sum of the matter, of which I will tell you plainly: You refuse to obey your husband in all
things; neither have you allowed yourself to be put into subjection to him. And further, you refuse his counsel, though
I have made him a teacher; neither do you heed his words, though he is My prophet... And because of this you deny
Me also. For I had first commanded you regarding your husband. Then, by him, I also commanded you Myself...

If one can not respect their husband, how can they obey The Bridegroom?

And if one refuses the messenger, how can one receive the message,
Though it comes from The Most High?...

Therefore, I have said to you, do this and you do it. And then later, I said by your husband, My servant, do this and
not this. And in these simple commands have I tested your willingness and your resolve, according to all I have
spoken in this very letter... Yet you question... Questions which led you not into understanding, but along stepping
stones leading you into further disobedience...

My ways are not your ways!

You had asked of Me for that brokenness of spirit and heart, which is required, and I have answered... Laying at your
feet many stumbling stones, with many tasks and several commands to try your faith and to test your obedience,
to bring about this brokenness as a progression in which your eyes would be opened, to make your ears hearing
and your understanding brightened. Yet when the tests come, you immediately look outward and point the finger
toward your husband, even to compare yourself with others, which is not wise...

Letters from God and His Christ 206 Volume Six

11/19/09 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Receive of Me and Embrace My Correction cont.

Where is your trust?... Stop looking outwardly!...

Here I am, with you and in you.

Have you not read the book of Job, in where I said, “I had done it!”?... Even I, The Lord your God, who has created
all things! By MY knowledge have all things come to exist or pass away... By My power...

Who is The Lord?... Beloved, who?

And who is My prophet, even one in your own house?

Brokenness is the chief matter, leading you into profound trust, with unwavering obedience... Of which these
others in the flock1 have not asked for, in truth... Save one.

Therefore, My precious Beloved, drink these Words in deeply, and make them part of you... Where I will then pour
upon you all the blessings you seek, by which you shall also be drawn very close to Me... Then shortly lifted up.

I am The Lord...

And I am He who bought you and loves you still...

Even I am He who had loved you first...

Even from the beginning, from the foundation of the world.

1. This refers to The Lord’s “local” flock only.

Volume Six 207 Letters from God and His Christ

11/23/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Shall Be Broken

[YahuShua] Speak, My son... It is time for you to speak, and I will answer you.

[Trent] Do we love our friends and family? And if so, do we not need to tell them, tell them to drop what they are
doing, to take a vacation, to spend time in prayer, to fast and pray, and decide, and choose whether or not this is
the trumpet call?

[YahuShua] What you ask is hard, says The Lord... What you ask shall be wrought with much pain, many tears.
What you ask shall be done. It shall shortly be done and brought to the forefront, where you, even all you here,
shall go to them, and with many tears shall beg and plead with them... It shall be done. Shortly, I shall cause it to
come into your hearts, and it shall boil up within you as a heated spring about to burst forth from the earth. It will
happen, and you shall cry, you shall wail. And many of those, whom you love, shall not even reach out the hand,
nor wipe your tears... They shall turn to you the back, and leave you there in tears, with your hearts left broken
over the hardness of their hearts...

Then will the trumpet sound...

And though they hear it not, something deep within them will be shaken,
And they will turn to speak and you will not be there...

And all these tears you have suffered, over all this pain, for their sake,
Because of the hardness of your beloved, shall in turn well up in them...

Yet yours shall be wiped away in the house of The Lord, coming to rest softly in My arms.

Fear not... They are Mine also...

And by no other means shall the hard of heart be broken.

Therefore, rejoice, for I am The Lord...

Even I have purchased them...

And by that same blood shall they be made white.

Yet understand this: Yes, you have told them... Yes, you have made My words known... And yes, some of you
have blown the trumpet in their hearing... And some of you have not. Therefore, do not ask Me again, “Why?”,
concerning these things. Rather question yourselves, and ask yourselves, “Why have I not done these things?”

Beloved, do you really love Me?... Beloved, do you really love your own?...

BELOVED! The time has come!

Where are your hearts?!... Do they belong to Me?! And if you are Mine, why have you not pleaded with your beloved,
on My behalf?... What is it you fear? Yes, I hear you say, “Lord, have I not delivered to my beloved Your message?”

Letters from God and His Christ 208 Volume Six

11/23/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Shall Be Broken cont.

Yes, some of you have delivered it, yet none of you have spoken to it; nor have any of you truly revealed to them
that which you keep secret, laying your hearts open before them... I hear no wailing at all, nor any testimony of My
love, coming from the mouths of My beloved, as it truly is. Are you not moved by Me?... Why have you not made
yourselves a spectacle?...


There is no other WAY!...

There is no other TRUTH!...

There is no other LIFE!

To keep quiet is to be the same as one who cares not for their beloved. The time has come... Go and tell your
kindred and friends the truth of who I am... Then turn aside, into the streets, and invite all who are willing, that
they may come to the banquet which I have prepared. The time is ending... Death is at the door, evil surrounds you
on every side, darkness is closing in. Yet you have seen a Great Light, even I have given you eyes to see. Shall you
forsake the poor and the needy?... And refuse to speak to the blind? Beloved, you say within yourselves, your hearts
are softened, “Yea, we are broken”... You are not broken! For you remain unwilling, you refuse to surrender.

My beloved, most beloved, I gave up everything for those I love...

Even I was broken for those who hate Me...

What will you give up?...

For one you love?...

For one you have not known?...

For your neighbor?...

What will you give up for Me?...

For they are Mine, as you are Mine... And whatever you refuse to give up for them, the same you have not given up for
Me. Beloved, you fear... And that, which you hold onto, is not yours and was given you of another; and that received
of the evil one you walk in. How then shall you make it known to those who are dying?... Beloved, they are losing their
lives. It pours out from them as one who is continually injured, waning, with no knowledge of their bleeding wounds,
which at present remain incurable. This world is passing away, and all who live in it are also passing away. How is it you
come to Me, and are not moved to lay yourselves upon the altar?... This is to truly know Me...

Beloved, cast yourselves down!... Cast yourselves at My feet!...

Cry out! Wail! Plead with Your God!...

Volume Six 209 Letters from God and His Christ

11/23/09 From Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
All Shall Be Broken cont.

Be broken!... Let your hearts burst inside you!...

Empty yourselves!

For I am come, and in you shall I shine...

For by you shall My hands reach out, by your mouths shall My voice be heard,
By your actions shall they see Me...

You are My Body... My Bride.

Lose your lives in this world...

Be persecuted and bruised for My name’s sake.

For those, who are truly Mine,

Have become prisoners of Christ, and have tasted freedom...

Yet those, who run free in this world, remain chained and can in no wise escape.

Beloved! Cast all that withholds you to the wind!...

Your beloved are drowning! They are suffocating in a world of unbridled sin!...

Break free in Me!...

Cast yourselves down and be broken, and I shall rush in!

Look! I am with you even now...



For I am going with you...

I am The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 210 Volume Six

11/26/09 From God The Father -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the holiday of men, called Thanksgiving
Give Thanks Without Ceasing, Offer Up Praise and Thanksgiving Before Your God... Be Set Apart For His Glory

Thus says The Lord: To those among you who take part... Let them not sin in doing so.

Yet if one takes part, let them give thanks to the one true God only, in the Name of The King... For by Him do all
things consist.
Yet wiser still is the one who has drawn very close to Me, and sees past this holiday’s veneer, for it is of men and
the world... I am not in it, nor is it in My honor. Be separate from the world, and be separate even as I have called
you... Have no fellowship with the unbeliever, nor with those who push out the lip and make light of My words
and persecute My beloved, in open and in secret. Yes, you shall go to them... Only when I command you, and at
the time I appoint, when I fill you to speak... I am The Lord.

This holiday of men has not aroused My anger, because they, who first took part in it, had a heart to honor Me, yet today
it is not so. However, in the giving of thanks am I well pleased, for this is pure worship. Yet I call you, who are Mine, to
grow wise in Me... To heed My Spirit which I have given you, to see with greater eyes... To be set apart for My glory... To
be separate from all that which is of the world, and is corrupted by the hands of men and their wicked hearts.

Give thanks, therefore, says The Lord...

Yea, bow down and give thanks seven times per day...

From morning to sunset, give thanks...

From day to day, worship your God...
And give thanks, without ceasing, for The Lord your Righteousness...

For in Him is your life, and by Him shall you receive all I have prepared for you.

In Him are all things brought forth,

And in Him do all good things come to their completion.

He IS... Even as I Am...

The Kingdom...

The Power...

And The Glory...

Forever and ever!...

Says The Lord, who reigns and has come!

Hear Me now, once more, My sons and daughters...

Thus says The Lord, to His greatly beloved, and for those of you in the presence of your kindred: Do not deny
Me... Neither by speech, nor in silence, nor in action... Do not deny My name.

Volume Six 211 Letters from God and His Christ

11/26/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Concerning My Servants, All Those Who Shall Go For Me in The Day... And For All Those Who Seek to Please Their Lord

My Son, I have called unto you, and you have heard My call, even that which I had spoken to you at first, saying,
“You are My prophet, and you shall endure”.

Therefore, this is what The Lord your God says: Now is the time in where you shall stand up for Me... Behold,
I have put My words in your mouth, and yes, you shall prophesy and proclaim My judgments. Even all, I speak
in your ears, shall you shout and speak aloud, in the hearing of great multitudes, even amongst great and mighty
men... Even in your own land shall it be done, says The Lord. You shall prophesy and speak MY words aloud. Then
they will know, it is I, The Lord of Hosts, who has spoken it... Even I am The One who has sent you, to deliver the
word of My anger, the word of My fierce wrath, which shall be poured out upon this nation, oh house of harlots...
You, who have all together forsaken Me... Chasing after every vain and deceitful thing, in the name of self and false
freedom, to fulfill the lusts thereof.
Yet you, My son, shall behold My image... Yea, it shall become permanently burned upon your mind’s eye, when
you rise to meet your Lord in the air. And on that day, I shall write all My commandments upon your heart, filling
every part with My presence, The Spirit of The Lord. You shall become My temple, sanctified... My dwelling place.
Then you shall sing! To your Lord you shall offer up praises! You shall go out, I shall send you, and you shall work
seven days and tend to My sheep, the wild flock of whom I must also gather... Yea, you shall prophesy, and do
many great exploits in the name of The Lord your God, and by The Name, YahuShua The Mashiach, bringing great
glory to The God of Israel, revealing His Salvation, returning many to their First Love.

Therefore, this is what The Lord says to you, My son: From this day onward, when I call to you, you shall come
before Me with an open heart and with a still spirit, where I shall then fill you with Mine... Beholding to you truth
and The Word of God, for this is the will of The Father. And this is what I have set upon your table: The interpreting
of dreams... And so it shall be.
My son, gird up your loins, and bear your Lord upon your chest, and wear around your neck the sweet fragrance of
His Spirit, which has come upon you... Soon you shall breathe Me in. Keep your Lord in front of you at all times...
Seek My face. Proclaim My name and My sacrifice, and warn them of My coming, call them to prepare, so all who
look upon you will see and know that, indeed, it is I who bought you... Even I dwell within you, and My glory is
shown roundabout you. You shall go here and there, wheresoever I command you, with The Lord always before
your eyes, and with His name upon your lips... THIS is how you shall serve your King.

And this is what I command you:

Be separate from the world...

Be pure in all your ways and in all your doings...

Set your steps aright, calling on My strength when you are weak...

Again, this is what I command you... Even to all My servants, who shall go for Me in the Day: You shall no longer
give your time to the things of this world. No longer shall you partake of the perverse images upon the screen...
You shall behold My Word only. Nor shall your computer be used for any other means, save for trumpeting My
Word only, and to fellowship with your beloved in My name. You shall also be clean and eat in a healthy manner,
according to how I shall lead you by My Spirit, The Counselor. You shall keep your body and mind healthy, fully
partaking of all I have given you...

Letters from God and His Christ 212 Volume Six

11/26/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Concerning My Servants, All Those Who Shall Go For Me in the Day... And For All Those Who Seek to Please Their Lord

And in so doing, I shall bless you and fill your heart with gladness...

For I am The Lord...

And you, My son, are forever Mine.

Therefore, this day shall you begin...

From this day onward shall you stand up and become My servant...

One with courage in his heart...

One who takes refuge in his Lord, in Whom he finds all his strength...

One who does all I command him, without hesitation, according to trust...

One after My own heart, with his obedience built upon the foundations of love.

You shall serve Me standing upright, in and by My Spirit,

And you shall not be turned aside...

For who can turn aside The Lord?... Again I ask, who can turn aside The Lord, when He has purposed?! I can not be
moved, and neither shall My servants! Though they will be hated and spit upon, they shall continue on... Serving
The Lord their God, with a deep and profound love, going out and coming in with peace in their hearts... All of
which I shall be to them and is fulfilled in Me. Even as it shall be for all those who call upon the name of The Lord,
in truth, by way of His Son.
Therefore, Jayse, you shall no longer live according to your own will, nor according to the desires of your flesh.
Rather, you shall become a living sacrifice, to the glory of My name. In all things, I shall speak to you, directing
your steps along the path... For I am your Shepherd and Lord, and I shall see to it...

All My sheep follow Me closely, with their ears perked up...

Listening for the voice of their Shepherd,

Waiting eagerly to go wheresoever He leads them.

No longer shall you doubt My voice, for I am The Lord. And that, which was in part, I shall now bring to its
completion, a full measure of My Spirit... I am The Lord. I shall cause you to die to yourself, once again, so you
may be reborn into the fullness of My Spirit. My will shall be accomplished, for it is purposed... Even now it is
established. Therefore, My son, you shall live unto The Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. For I am He,
both Lord and God... Immanu El... YahuShua HaMashiach is My name... The Father and The Son are One! You shall
come to Me when I call to you, and you shall put forth the word which I behold to you... I am The Lord, and I can
wait no Longer.

Volume Six 213 Letters from God and His Christ

11/26/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Concerning My Servants, All Those Who Shall Go For Me in the Day... And For All Those Who Seek to Please Their Lord

Behold, amongst your kindred, your brothers in My blood, have I given many gifts... A multitude of blessings,
according to the good pleasure of My will, which shall increase quickly for My purpose, bearing fruit of the same...
For I am The Lord, and it is well pleasing in My sight.

Behold, the Day of The Lord is coming quickly... Yea, it is at hand...

No longer will I stay silent, says The Lord.

Come to Me, when I call to you...

Write each word uttered from My mouth...
Do as I command you, for My word will continue to be put forth.

In an ever-increasing manner shall it proliferate, and I, Myself, shall see to it...

I will be glorified!

11/26/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Abir, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Holy Convocation

Abir, stand firm for Me. Hear the Word of My prophet, and pay close attention to My teacher, for that which is put
forth comes from Me... Add not to it, nor take from it. Rather, write it upon your heart, and seek full understanding
by Me. And then take all you have received, as it is, and share it with another, and trumpet it to all who have ears
and strain to hear, even among those who will not listen, so they may be warned of My coming and of that which
The Father requires... For the time is at hand... Neither hide your doings, nor cover over My words. And as you
stand up for Me, also stand up for your brothers, for they are My servants... I have sent them. Be bold on their
behalf, when people come and speak against them. To deny them or to insult them, for their message, is to deny
Me and pollute My name, for I have sent them... And that which they carry is Mine, given them to share. And after
you have done all these things, with a heart true to My purpose, which even now I behold forming within you, then
shall you receive in like manner... And you and your brothers shall be as one in Me, going wheresoever I send you,
even to the feeding of the flock of the slaughter, in My name. So again I tell you, be no more distracted, and attend
all banquets I have prepared, wherein you may receive the food of My making, so you may then in time, even in
this short space remaining, sup fully from My table in the house of The Lord your God.

One, who shall be mighty for Me and in Me, must first be as I am, walking as I walked... Gentle and lowly in heart.
Then only, can he be exalted for My purpose, brought to the forefront for My name...

I am The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 214 Volume Six

11/05/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Conversation
For Bethany, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
There is But One... Seek His Face

Come to Me...

Seek MY face, and ask.

My servant is My servant, I command him...

He shall not be as a sounding board...

There is One Mediator between God and man, and One Teacher and Comforter...

And One Spirit which is given, which also convicts, and in the end brings peace...

Seek My face, and ask, and receive of Me and so do...

Submit... Trust... Then walk in obedience...

I am The Lord...

Even I am your Righteousness...

Come to ME.

Volume Six 215 Letters from God and His Christ

12/01/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jessica, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Jessica’s baby and her concerns for her younger sister
A Gift From God, Rejected, Shall Be Given to Another

She (your sister) is Mine... Worry not, nor shed a tear over her... She is Mine. And I shall call her home, and upon My
bosom shall she rest from all that ails her. I shall wipe all her tears and hold her fast in My love, says The Lord...

For I am The Lord over all!... I am a Mighty King!...

And MY love is never-ending.

And so I shall come swiftly, and steal away every lamb...

Yes, beloved, even of yours shall I take back. Therefore, come to Me, and lay all that you are aside... Come to Me!
Lay yourself down and be Mine, and I shall fill you and be yours... Come to Me! For your gift shall be taken. Though
you have sinned, I have forgiven you, My beloved. And because of this, I have given this gift according to My love,
so you would grow quickly and come to Me.

For that, which another has aborted, is by no means lost...

For My gifts, murdered at the hands of their mother, return to Me and are given to another...

Even by way of the next generation are they received into the world...

A gift given in love... Taken...

Then given once again,

Into the arms of one who will love them and is grateful for the gift...

The gifts of God The Father, of which no one can destroy.

For I AM LORD over all creation!...

Just and righteous are My ways.

Even I AM The Creator... He, by which all come into being.

Amen... And amen.

Letters from God and His Christ 216 Volume Six

12/03/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Blessed Are Those Who Partake of Me and of the Food I Offer

Are you not hungry?... Is your thirst quenched? Says The Lord...

All those, who put forth My words, serve you the food from My own table. And when My Spirit comes upon them,
and is with you also, are your glasses not filled? Know you not, where two or three are gathered in My name, I
am there also, in the midst of them? How is it then, you have not come running to partake of this banquet, this
blessing, I have prepared and put forth through My servants?... Beloved, they are also your servants. And if they
are My servants, which I have commanded be your servants, in My name, are you not then the heirs?... My very
sons and daughters?! Yet many of you, among this flock, fail to sit down with Me at My table, so I may feed you
and fill your cups...

Beloved, when you fellowship in My name,

Offering up praise and thanksgiving, I am with you...

You fellowship with Me also...

I am with My people.

How is it then, you find something in the world more to your liking?... I am here! Beloved, if I walked among you
this day in the flesh, as I had done among My apostles of old, would you not come running and follow Me?
Therefore, again I tell you, blessed are those who partake of Me, without seeing... They shall be filled. Come to
Me... Come to Me at all times, and in every season, every moment, and when I call to you... And I will be with you.
Whether you are in a public place or in your closet, I will be there...

And when I have set My table and called My children to My supper...

Even of these banquets I have prepared...


For I am The Good Shepherd... Yes, I will go out for My sheep...

Yet the wise of My flock know My voice and come at My calling...

And of these, they are well-fed and shall never go thirsty...

I am The Lord.

Look, I am coming quickly to gather all My sheep...

Those who know Me and heed My voice...

Yes! The time is now come for Me to house them in My Father’s barn...

Before the bitter rains descend...

Come to Me.

Volume Six 217 Letters from God and His Christ

12/03/09 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Deep Things of Christ

During fellowship, we were discussing this question: “Why would angels long to know the deep things of Christ?”

[YahuShua answered] My sons, why do you consider and wonder with awe?...

That which is of flesh, and is corruptible,

Is in need of that which is pure and incorruptible...

Thus the angels can not know the love you have for Me, as one redeemed from the corruption and sin of the flesh...
Nor will those fallen know what it is to be uplifted, nor will they experience the depths of love, which is fulfilled
in My salvation... All burdens lifted... Nor can they be broken atop The Stone as you will be, nor will they partake
of My glory, being refashioned therein...

For you are flesh and they are spirit...

I being The Only One who is spirit, who also became man...

And when it is finished, you will be like the angels in Heaven.

Yet they will never know what it is to be flesh, nor of that love you shall partake in when your transformation
comes. Therefore, the depths, I speak of, are the depths of love... The likes of which creation has never known.
Also understand this: I have made you servants to the heirs, as I have said, in the same way I formed the angels
to serve... They were made to serve all those who are Mine. And of those fallen, who became envious, they too
were allowed to serve... Though their service was of another kind and known to The Father, allowed for six days, so
those of the flesh may know good and evil, and choose with knowledge... Even as the glory of God is revealed and
separated from the darkness, so all those of The Light may flock to it and receive life, which Light and Life I am...
And those of the dark, let them be cast into it, destroyed along with all those who propagated it.

Thus says The Lord, Creator of Heaven and Earth: I am The Lord... All was known to Me from everlasting, and is
fulfilled in Me to everlasting... I AM. And you are in Life because of Me, made and fashioned according to love. And
for this same reason, though it is with much sorrow, must I destroy all those who hate that Love, destroying them
from My presence and from among My beloved... Evil and darkness shall by no means rise up a second time!

I am The Lord, by which all things came into being...

By My Word did they come forth...

By My knowledge were they formed...

By My wisdom are they made.

By My power, and according to My will, do they continue...

And by My Son do all things consist...

All creation is Mine!

Letters from God and His Christ 218 Volume Six

12/25/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Abir, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Fear not... I am a God close at hand.

I know My own... And those who are given Me, they shall come also. They must be purified and made white, but
first they must be broken. Even I shall cause them to come and bow at your feet... Take this not to yourself, for it is
I who shall perform it.
And that, which comes to pass, is of the same which you suffer now... They will again mistake The Source. Yet in
that day, it will be in the seeking of The Sanctuary, in hope, brought forth out of their desperation. Yes, they shall
be severely tried, yet they will be delivered at your hand, My strength in you...

And you shall lift them up in that day,

And set them upon The Rock, where I will then take them from you,
And you shall no more see them until your service has come to its end.

I am The Lord... You know Me...

YahuShua is My name, and its sound shall come to resound in you.

Therefore, My son, abide not in sorrow, for you have not partaken of true sorrow, nor shall you drink from the
fountain of My tears, lest you be swallowed up in it.

Abide in My love...

Seek My face, immerse yourself in trust and produce obedience,

For in this is your love perfected.

Rejoice!... The time has come!

Though pain and sorrow shall increase, as never before on earth, yet it will have an end...

Even I am The Escape...

I am The Refuge for all who truly know Me.

And of this knowledge, you shall share it with the masses...

With it, you shall feed the destitute and fill up the hungry...

For the knowledge, of who I truly am, shall be made known to you,
And shall fill you, as the rivers continually fill the sea...

The knowledge of The Holy One.

It is time.

Volume Six 219 Letters from God and His Christ

12/9/09 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany and Timothy, For Bethany, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Lord and Teacher

[Bethany] Lord, fear blocks Your voice to my ear like ear wax. I know with just one bold shout of faith, in Your
name, would all be washed clean... Yet in the name of fear, I continue to let it accumulate, trembling at the thought
of facing my demon.

[YahuShua] Embrace Me now!... For MY love casts out fear. Now is the time... Mature in Me, My little lamb, it is
time to run with your Shepherd. No more shall you tarry or lag behind, for I shall see to it.

Thus Says The Lord God: Storms are forming, and the inhabitants of the earth shall give way... Yea, take shelter,
for they are already here. Behold, they are full of darkness, full of thick clouds and deep darkness... They bring
weeping, and great want for this nation, once called of itself under God, and for all those who follow after it, these
acolytes of satan. Fear not, for YahuShua, The King above all kings, in Whom you have found favor, has left the
ninety-nine and is coming quickly to deliver you.

Thus says The Deliverer, The Risen One: My love is great, and I must see to it that none... No, not one... Shall be
left behind, of those who are counted worthy to escape... For I see of Myself in them, and they shall by no means
be taken through. They shall be held fast in My arms, in the house of The Lord, during the Week and in the Day.
I know your fears, Bethany... I know your thoughts, My flower. Place them at My feet in faith, and be free... Am I
not The Healer? Why do you continually doubt that which I have come to accomplish in you? We are of the same
heart, My child... Your desires are Mine, and Mine shall be fulfilled in you. For nothing shall be impossible with
God, and that made possible is accomplished through Me. So then, why do you doubt?... Stop giving heed to the
faint whisperings of the adversary.
I have placed in your heart understanding, even that which the angels long to know. You are chosen, beloved, elect and
precious, delicately crafted... Now being remolded to complete My will and My joy... Rejoice!
Yet remember this: For those, chosen to bring Me honor, also carry great responsibility. Therefore I, Myself, shall feed you,
and your portion shall be triple in these last hours, according to The Spirit of Grace which is given. I shall fill your cup to
overflowing, and nourish your starving limbs. You shall grow quickly, in three stages shall you blossom... For this shall be
the work of My very hands. You shall come to Me at all times I call to you, receiving wisdom and understanding. Beloved,
this blessing is of such a kind, that you shall rejoice and break forth into singing, singing praises to your God...

For I am come, having never departed...

And in these last days is My Spirit poured out,

So you may truly come to Me, and know Me as I am...

The Only One True God and Savior, YahuShua HaMashiach,

Who was sent and remains with His people.

Therefore, you must also be separate... Flee from all goats, who have grown fat for the slaughter. Move away
quickly, for these know not My ways, nor do they care for the things of God. They care only to save their own lives
in this world, and remain in willful ignorance of that which is to come. They indulge in wickedness, while hiding
in darkness. They greatly fear the light, and will not come to The Light... For where My light resides, no darkness is
found... All things revealed. Lo, the Day is coming, and is already here, when the hard-hearted will no longer be
able to pervert their ways, nor shall it stay hidden in secret... For who has seen the likes of a people such as these,
of this modern generation?!... Blinded by the darkness which they love, gladly walking in it to partake of all the lusts
thereof, greedily choosing the wide path which leads to destruction.
The time is now here, Flower, when these wolves, clothed in sheepskins, shall no longer tempt you, for you shall sound
My name in power and glory, with the sound of the trumpet. Be not fainthearted, for I have many works to finish in you.
Beloved, this Word contains correction from your Heavenly Father... Embrace it! For only the humble can truly know Me...
A breaking down of your pride, the casting away of your apprehension, the purging of all that which is not of Me.
Here is wisdom, surpassing human knowledge... Revealing human power to be of no use at all: For I am The Giver
of Life! With My own breath, I gave life to your father and mother... Even to Adam, the father of all. Know this also:
He, who has given life, is also able to take it away. Therefore, as I have said, fear Him only, who is able to destroy
both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom, for this is the beginning of wisdom.

Letters from God and His Christ 220 Volume Six

12/9/09 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Bethany and Timothy, For Bethany, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Lord and Teacher cont.

Seek knowledge, which can only be found in Me, for this is true knowledge and understanding. Pray, and come
to Me as often as I call to you... From waking until you lie down to sleep, come to Me. For in this shall I complete
your understanding, according to My will. Seek also to do all I have spoken to you, for this will build your trust by
obedience. Flower, understanding is only given by Me, and can only be received in Me... With one’s heart contrite,
and their spirit still, before Me... Knowing I am The Lord and there is none like Me.
So then, this is what I command you: No longer live in this world... Abide in Me, and consume My Word daily. For
the one who seeks perfection, in an imperfect world, shall only find it in Me. Look to The Author and Finisher of
your faith, as The Example, though you remain here on earth. Look not to your left hand, nor to your right, for this
is to be as the blind fool, who leads himself aimlessly in a world of distraction, wrought with confusion... Failing to
look ahead, nor does he notice that which is in front of him... Continuing on, giving no heed to the signs, ignoring
the warnings... Falling headlong off the edge of the cliff.
Do not be taken aback, nor let your heart melt within you, when you are not welcomed, being rejected in this
world... Look to YahuShua, your Righteousness, and be conformed to My image... A strange and peculiar servant
in the eyes of this world... One who bears witness, continually, of her one and only Consuming Passion. Again, I
tell you, listen... And consume My Word daily, and also of My Word given to My servant, Timothy, for he speaks
for Me, in My name.
Forsake this world, and stay separate from all those who dwell in it. Be unknown to the heathen and to the wicked
alike... For what shall My servants have in common with them? Stop your wicked ways, for they are known to Me...
Seek MY strength in your weakness. Cease from using the name, Temptress, when in the presence of My servant,
Jason, for he is a rock, gaining strength and weight in Me, so when the Day comes, no one shall be able to move
him!... Rather, serve him. Strive to be a woman of The Lord, an encouragement, for this is what he most delights in.

Now hear the word of The Lord and the power of His might...

Thus says The Creator, of the heavens above and the earth beneath:
I AM The Creator of all things, known and unknown, seen and unseen...

I hold the knowledge of the universe in My understanding.

The laws of creation are subject to My every command,

For by My wisdom were they manifest,
And according to My will do they continue...

Yea, every detail, in all creation, was known to Me from the beginning... With My beloved being formed from the
dust of the earth, receiving breath through The Son... Then refashioned, with the finest of love’s threads... Created
anew to receive The Everlasting Promise, according to the election of grace... To the glory of His majesty!...

Behold, I am The Master over all creation...

And if I am The Lord over all,

Then the day shall surely come, where every knee shall bow,
And every tongue shall confess YahuShua is Lord, The King above all kings...

Even those who hate Me, and rebel against Me to the end, shall confess it...

Struck down with His scepter, destroyed by the sword of His mouth.

The Day has come!

Volume Six 221 Letters from God and His Christ

12/14/09 From YahuShua, Jesus, Our Precious Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Son, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Lambs, My Joy

My beloved little one, My precious lamb who was made in My image, and given as a gift revealing My love, your
day has come... Come to Me, and know Me as I am. For I shall soon come and lift you up, where you shall find
joy and love, of such a kind which can not be found in the world...

And when this day comes, you shall remember...

Tears shall flow, with a smile of overwhelming joy filling your face, and we shall laugh together...

Welcome home, My son... Welcome home.

Come now and receive of My love...

Our joy fulfilled.

My son, I know you, and I am with you... Even My voice resides in your father, and of your mother, she hears
Me also... So shall you know Me. Yet not as one who needs to learn, or as one in need of cleansing, but as My
son in whom I am well pleased, who I shall cause to remember... A beloved lamb healed in My love...

And in this shall you remember the place in which you were formed,
And The Light from which you came forth...

Your first home... Your very first love...

The One who has always been with you...

The One who is coming quickly to steal you away into My love,
To lift you up to The Father’s house.

My son, know and consider the giver of your name, even through whom I whispered it... The voice of angels
spoken through babes. From The Light you were formed, and that light remains in you and with you, of which you
have shared and will continue to share, until once again you are received back into it...

Escaping, yet at the same time returning to eternal joy... HOME...

The place where all those you love shall return, and you shall be united with them in My love...

The Kingdom of God, which is in The Son...

Letters from God and His Christ 222 Volume Six

12/14/09 From YahuShua, Jesus, Our Precious Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Son, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Lambs, My Joy cont.

Yes, you know Me!... I am The Christ, The Jesus of your heart.

YahuShua is My name, even as The Father’s...

The Healer...

Whose hand shall come upon you, and you shall receive of Me,
Even according to all My promises, and also of those spoken to your father.

So then, pray often, My son, son of Timothy, who is also My son. Speak to Me as you would your father, as you
would your closest and truest friend, and I shall hear you and come to you... For I am already close at hand, in your
very house I dwell. Even My angels watch over you, and behold My face continually.

My son, love your family and your neighbors, obey your parents in everything, and help your siblings... And
above all, love your God with all your heart and mind and strength... For this is also how I love you. I am
coming so very quickly now!... Take much joy in this. Yes, happiness, love, and peace, is coming quickly and
is already with you. Therefore, again I say, pray... Pray often and speak to Me... I hear you, My son. At all times
I see you... My lambs never leave My sight...

For I am The Lord over all things...

Even over all the heavens and over all the earth, which I made for you...

Yea, I am coming to remake it for you, My son,

And you shall surely walk with Me in the garden, holding My hand,
Where we together shall discover many glorious things...

Where also there shall be no more pain, nor tears, nor death... No...
Nor shall anyone ever suffer sickness there...

Only life and the joy of The Father shall be there...

All things restored and shared with His beloved,

Which you are and have always been.

Volume Six 223 Letters from God and His Christ

12/17/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me... No More Time to Tarry

[YahuShua] My son, tell them from Me: The time is now come! No more time to tarry... The fire is kindled. Soon
the winds will come, and this world shall be ablaze in My judgment. Where will you run, My beloved? How long
shall you tarry and fail to be moved? How long shall you fail to raise your voices? How is it you tarry? Have I not
spoken to your hearts? Have I not blessed this generation, with a multitude of words, in their hearing? Is not My
word in front of you?... Take your fill! STOP listening to the adversary!...

I am Your Freedom... Come to Me.

Stop judging My word, for one who is a judge has ceased from being a hearer, and has also cut himself off from
being a doer... Where only pain, confusion, and tears follow. I am not of this world, though I had formed it. Evil
now reigns... Its time short and soon cut off. Yet My children dwell in the world and remain married to it, lusting
after every unclean thing... This should not be...

Come to Me, and I shall make you clean!

I am The Lord at all times,

And in all seasons shall I reign in you... You have only to ask.

Come now and be broken,

And I shall uplift you into the Sanctuary of My joy, where we shall laugh together.

For I am a God very close at hand... Come to Me.

And when you have supped with Me, and have taken your fill, stand up and go and tell your neighbor; and when
they refuse to hear, go into the streets and tell the stranger; and after they turn away, go and seek out the homeless,
the fatherless and the widow, and speak to them My words and tell them of My glory and of My sacrifice in love.
Beloved, each minute you withhold does your faith weaken, each second you hesitate from coming to Me does
your trust break. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!... I HAVE DEFEATED THE WORLD! I bear the full weight of your
burdens, yet you hold onto that which I have taken... Give it away, give it to Me...

Know you not, I am The One who bought you?... I am He!

Beloved, I am married unto you!... You are Mine, even as I am yours.

Beloved, I am speaking! Be no longer confused in the flesh... It deceives all who allow it to be their master. You
have One Master!... COME TO ME! See Me as I am... No more time to tarry. Beloved, Timothy IS My prophet! Look
past him, and what do you see? What do you see? Tell Me what is there...

[Bible Study participants] YahuShua!... Jesus... You, Lord.

[YahuShua] You have answered rightly... And if I am there, and you behold My form and see Me there in My own
Word, then where also must I be?

[Bible Study participants] With us and in us.

Letters from God and His Christ 224 Volume Six

12/17/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me... No More Time to Tarry cont.

[YahuShua] Yes, My treasure... For one to see Me, I must be in them; and for one to speak My words, in them I
must live also. For one to see Me as I am, one must see with My eyes, where they look upon another and there I
am looking back at them... My sons, My daughters, do you really love Me?

[Bible Study participants] Yes, Lord.

[YahuShua] Then make Me your treasure! For you are already Mine, even I have set you apart for My glory... My
sons, My daughters, do you really know Me?

[Bible Study participants] Yes, Lord.

[YahuShua] I have always known you, and from everlasting you were Mine. And if you have always been Mine, then
come to Me as you are, nothing held back. Ask Me to reign in your hearts... Say it not in doubt, nor in passing... Ask
as one dying for thirst, as one who is starving in this world, as one with few breaths left, suffocating in this world of
sin... ASK... And come to Me quickly, and be broken atop this Stone. Your hour has come... Run... It is time. The
Amen is come.

[Abir] I know of You. I know about You, but I don’t know You the way I want to. If I knew You the way I want to, I
wouldn’t be asking You what I’m asking You right now, waiting for You to answer me, so that I won’t doubt.

[YahuShua] Abir, My son, I am already with you. Know you not, I am yours and you are Mine? Test not My servant,
for this is to try Me. Rather, come to Me now and bow down and ask, and I will surely answer you... Come now,
and be humbled at My feet, and hear the voice of your Redeemer.

[Abir] If You truly are with me, why don’t I hear You anymore? Why don’t I feel You? Why is my heart troubled? Why
is my faith shaken? Why don’t I know who I am?... How did I forget? Why do I do the opposite of what a person
who has You?

[YahuShua] You fail to listen, and this because of your obedience which can only come by trust, of which both
remain lacking. Demand nothing of Me, and I shall give you everything. Demand everything of yourself, and I will
take it from you, and you shall be free.

[Abir] Let it be so according to the will of The Father.

[YahuShua] Abir, have you not read or listened to My Word, in which I had just blessed you?... ”Each second you
hesitate from coming to Me does your trust break”.

[Abir] Have mercy, oh Lord, for I still am so dull.

[YahuShua] GO!

Volume Six 225 Letters from God and His Christ

12/17/09 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me... No More Time to Tarry cont.

[Bible Study participants] What does it mean when He says to stop judging His Word?

[YahuShua] Beloved, the time of testing is past, yet you test Me still. I had sent out My messengers to give you meat and
drink for your souls... Even My word convicts, and brings all who receive of it into subjection... Even it has become your
judge, causing you to judge within yourselves also... A revealing of your faiths, and that which your trust is built upon.
Yet you sit there, pushing out your hand when the Word opposes your will, refusing to be broken. Therefore, you have
judged My Word and My prophets, and to judge My messengers is to also judge My Word, for any who refuse My
messengers can by no means receive My message... And one who judges them has blinded themselves to My Word,
unable to see. There are none righteous... No, not one... Save He who has sent the Message. For one who delivers My
word must also be its recipient, or how can I continue to send them? Therefore, again I tell you, one who is a judge can
do nothing and will receive nothing... Even that which they have will be taken from them. For human judgment leads to
doubt, listening to the accuser rather than God... There is one Judge!

The time of testing is past, beloved...

What I have written, stays written, and what I have spoken, STANDS...

Those, who refuse to be moved, remained chained.

The time of choosing has come and shall soon be finished... All shall be sifted.
Even by this word it shall be so, even by My words gone before is it accomplished...

For I am that sword, slaying all in their hearts...

Some to brokenness, while others to the hardening...

Even so, amen.

For the time has come, where ALL shall be moved from their places and shall serve...
Serving God in Truth, or this world and its false king...

Even with many tears, amen.

Even now, these hardened serve themselves and have forgotten Me. Therefore, come to Me as a child, for in this is
My love revealed. For that which I have spoken, concerning the little ones, is that which I require of you, for they
remember, and from this knowledge will not hesitate... They run to Me with all abandonment, even as a moth to a
flame... For the little ones hate the darkness and live in the light...

Therefore, come to Me... I am your Father...

Collapse in My arms, and never leave Me.

Write My name in your hearts, and do My commandments, for by these shall you testify.

Go!... No more time to tarry.

Letters from God and His Christ 226 Volume Six

1/4/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Seek Out My Will For You... Make Me Your Treasure and Only Refuge

[God The Father] Trent, My son, you have spoken with knowledge, yet with understanding you have not spoken.
For I had revealed My power and glory in Egypt. And My judgment was revealed to the Egyptians and to My
people; and forewarning was given them by My prophet, Moses, and by My mouthpiece, Aaron.
However the lesson, of abiding in Me, was taught not in the battle, nor by My judgment on Egypt, nor by the
deliverance of Israel out of the hands of their oppressors... The lesson, of abiding in Me, was taught in the desert
forty years, of which few received, nor was it accepted, nor did My people embrace Me in this manner... Save two,
and the one which I had appointed to be their shepherd, says The Lord.

[YahuShua] My sons and daughters, you have come far quickly, yet not one among you is broken... Not one among
you knows what it truly means to abide in Me. I am The Lord, and know each of you. And, in My love, I will that
you should come to know. For without this knowledge, none of you will be able to endure what is coming upon
the world. Therefore I, Myself, shall show each of you. And when the time comes and this time has ended, I shall
remove you, and you shall be no more in the earth... Abiding no more in Me by trust and in secret, as one who can
not see Me, but abiding in My bosom as one who is with Me, where I am...

For I am The Lord, He who is very close at hand...

And you are My treasure...

Make Me yours also.

Says The Lord YahuShua, Your Refuge.

Volume Six 227 Letters from God and His Christ

1/5/10 From God The Father and Jesus The Christ, YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding someone who claims that the Apostle Paul was a false apostle

Thus says The Lord God of Israel: You have failed to see, for the scales removed from the eyes of Paul have become
securely fastened upon your eyes. How is it you do not recognize My servants, giving heed continually to lying
and deceptive winds? Have you not read nor understood My speech, written down in the Scriptures of truth?... For
those who know Me know those I send. And those, in whom I truly dwell, know Me and receive My words with
gladness... These are also they who are able to recognize Me in others. For I, even I, had spoken to the discernment
of spirits and to the discernment of prophets, when I walked among men in the flesh, saying, “You will know them
by their fruits”... Therefore, I ask you, what fruits do you see, concerning My servant, Paul?
I will speak plainly, so you may have understanding, so your eyes might be healed and your ears opened, so
you may come to know the folly of your speech... So you may know the truth of My word: Paul, My apostle and
prophet, being sent and appointed by The Most High God, ceased NOT from proclaiming My name in truth, and
also kept My Commandments in and by My name... The name above all names, YahuShua HaMashiach... Where
he then taught men to walk in them, according to the grace which he had received, that they might also do as he
did, to the glory of their Father in Heaven... Yea, even upon his death did he proclaim The Christ as The Only Way,
Truth and Life.

Therefore, thus says The Lord: Who among you has committed no murder, whether in heart or in action? And
who among you has committed no adultery, whether in heart or in action?... And who among you, all peoples and
nations, has committed no sin?...

Behold, all have fallen short of the glory of God

And all have failed, utterly, in their attempts to gain righteousness...

For even the works, of the best among you, are but filthy rags before Me.

And for this reason did I come into the world, being manifest in the flesh... Immanu El... Bearing the sin of the
entire world, even Paul’s. I tell you the truth, his sins were forgiven him, and he did I cleanse... Imparting to him My
Spirit, which is called Holy and True, so he might proclaim My name to the Gentiles, testifying to The Greatest of
All Loves... For I became his righteousness, for I alone am righteous! Says The Lord.

Therefore, get wisdom and seek understanding...

Seek My face according to the truth, and humble yourself, and I shall surely reveal it to you,
Bringing you into a more profound knowledge of the truth and who I am,
Which can only be received in Me, The Holy One...

Says The Lord Yahuwah... He, who has become your salvation... YahuShua.

Assuredly, I say to you, you will not see Me, until you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of The Lord”...
Laying aside all this filthy arrogance and foolish-talking... For it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who
preach The Gospel of Peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!”... Of which you have failed to recognize.

Repent, therefore, and return to Me, and I also shall return to you...

For the mouth of The Lord has spoken it.

Letters from God and His Christ 228 Volume Six

1/5/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Abir, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Surrender to Your First Love

My son, you only need surrender to Me, and surrender your beloved also... She is Mine. Come to Me as a man
willing, a servant girded... One who has no faith in himself, confessing every weakness at My feet. Until you come
to Me naked, I can in no wise clothe you in My Spirit. And without My strength, neither will you be able to bear
the armor I have given you, nor will you be able to withstand the adversaries... For I, alone, am Lord and God, and
apart from Me you can do nothing. Therefore, forsake yourself utterly, and give up your beloved also. Then shall I
come in and make you a stone for My name... A great rock of offense, a rock set against the world, one who can
not be moved by neither man nor beast, nor by angels, nor by powers. For where I come to dwell darkness flees
away, with all being brought into subjection to My Word, by the power of My breath and by My name put forth
through My witnesses, says The Lord... Your strength and your shield.
Only one who dies to himself, who is also naked of this world, can be clothed in My glory. For the cleansing of your
spirit is accomplished already, yet My servants, they who will go for Me, must become greater than their fellows...
And this can only be done according to the decision of their heart. For the servant I send, who shall become great,
becomes great only by first being destroyed... A broken vessel, refashioned in Me. For among men, the greatest
shall be destroyed and brought to ruin; and those, who seek to be great, shall be severely humbled.
Yet among My own it is not so, for in these, only their “old man” shall be destroyed, and this by their own plotting...
Dying because of their love for Me, in where they have grown to hate their sins and to loathe their stumblings; also
abhorring all things in the world which are against Me, holding up My name in the highest regard, even above all
things seen and unseen which are greatly valued of men, which have become meaningless to My chosen.

My son, glorify My name in all your doings...

And do nothing apart from Me.

Understand this: Because you love Me, so then are you hated by those unseen, and will shortly be hated also
among men. Fear not, but rejoice in this, for I am coming quickly, and I shall also come to live in you fully. And so
men and devils fear, because they know their time is ending... For I am come to judge, to take My throne and to
rule. They lie and deceive, for there is no truth in them, yet they testify. Their fear and hate testify loudly, My son...
Yea, they reveal that you are Mine. Therefore, rejoice, for you shall soon become as a master over them, because
of The Master you serve, who also lives in you...

For I am The Lord... Over all.

Volume Six 229 Letters from God and His Christ

1/7/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an On-Line Bible Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Here I Am, Choose Me... For I Have Already Chosen You

[YahuShua] Abir, My son, who do you choose?

[Abir] Let The Father’s will be done, that’s what I choose... Whatever The Father wills, I choose that, but I wanna
hear it, I wanna know, because I have asked.

[YahuShua] Abir, My servant, your answer speaks to the dullness of your ears, for the mouth speaks out of the
abundance of the heart. Therefore, I shall ask you once again, and not you only, but all gathered here... Who do
you choose?

[Bible Study Participants] You, Lord!

[YahuShua] And in this are all your questions answered. Therefore, My treasure, no matter the question, who you choose
is the answer... For I am The Only Way, The Only Truth and The Only Life. Apart from Me there is nothing of any value,
and those separated from Me become nothing, for by Me do all things consist and have their being. If you come to Me
with any question, and choose in favor of another, you have walked not in My will but contrary to Me...

Here is wisdom...

Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer,

For who you choose defines what you do.

And whosoever chooses another, and not Me in truth,

Has chosen themselves, and has done according to their own will.

Beloved, you have now taken the first step,

Toward the knowledge of how to truly abide in Me...

Yea, you have crossed the threshold, says The Lord YahuShua.

Letters from God and His Christ 230 Volume Six

2/18/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Lauren, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Zeal of The Lord of Hosts Has Done It and Shall Surely Perform It

This is what The Lord, Your God and Salvation, says: My love, discern the times, also discern the intention of
your heart... And come to Me, so I may teach you to see. You did not escape of your own accord... I am The
Author and The Finisher.

Have you forgotten My words in The Scriptures of Truth?... One who loses their life in this world, for My sake, shall
find it; and one who holds fast to their life, in this world, shall lose it...

And one, who is delivered from bondage,

Shall in no wise return to it...

For what is it you seek?... What will you find there?...

Where are you, and where are you going, My child?...

Upon what foundation have you come to rest?...

By whose strength do you stand?...

I have called you out of darkness into The Light of Life...

Behold, I shall do so again!

And you shall be gone from this place.

My love, I am jealous for all My daughters, and My zealousness for you can in no wise be overcome. Listen no
more to the faint whisperings of the evil one... See with greater eyes, discerning the fruit thereof. You are called out,
stand still in Me... Until the day comes, where I shall call to you once more, saying, “COME UP HERE!”... For what
you seek is yours, and is found only in Me. Calm your heart, therefore, and quiet your mind. Stand still in Me... Yea,
lay at My feet and find peace. Make ME your meat and your drink daily... Am I not sufficient?... Receive of Me!

For I am coming quickly!...

Behold, I have passed through!...

And all who are Mine shall be taken.

I am He, My love... Yes, I AM HE...

And you are My inheritance...

And yes, I, even I, am yours also...

Your Father, your Most Beloved Friend, your Healer...

Your Lord and your God...

Look up!

Volume Six 231 Letters from God and His Christ

1/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jason, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me and Let Go... Receive of Me

Jason, My son, do not be caught up over all this understanding you seek, over which you also stumble...

Only seek My face as one who runs to Me, seeking for nothing...

One who comes to Me, wanting for nothing... Be still...

A faithful servant who comes empty, waiting only to be filled, for I am with you...

Come to Me, and receive of Me.

Men have no understanding, in and of themselves. For that, which a man owns, becomes mere ruts and crevices in
the path of their understanding. Therefore, seek to know Me only, for knowledge of Me is understanding. Seek out
My righteousness and the Kingdom, which I have prepared for you... Then shall everything be revealed to you, in
the proper time and season appointed for you, when you shall come to know Me as I am. Until then, walk in that
appointed to you already, and do that which is called of you at present.

Come to Me, empty...

Cease from being heavy-laden, and give no occasion to the adversary to gain advantage over you. Walk with your
brothers as you wish to walk with Me, for you are all My sons. And grow not weary when correction comes...
Embrace it. And remember: Those who I have appointed, to be set over My flock and this ministry, shall lead you.
Yet see with eyes wide, and know how My servants lead others... Lo, they lead by becoming your slaves, having
first become slaves to righteousness, which is in Me and I am.
Therefore, you know My commandment... Love one another, and wash each others’ feet. Let the adversary no
longer divide you, by any means... No, not in action, nor in heart... Nor by envy, nor by strife, nor by knowledge,
nor by age. My son, I have told you already, that you are to become a stone for Me. Yet to be that stone, you may no
longer stand firm for yourself, but for Me only. To become My servant and witness to My glory, one who shouts in
the streets preparing My way before Me, one may only do so after they have been broken... Then shall you shine!
Shall I send Timothy to free you, My son? Is human power of any use at all?...

I am your freedom..

. Behold I, even I, your Lord and your God, remain your servant...

Ask of Me...

Call on My name and waver not, and it shall be done for you.

Letters from God and His Christ 232 Volume Six

1/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Jason, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me and Let Go... Receive of Me cont.

Yet ask nothing of Me according to your own wants, and I shall fill you according to My will. Give up everything,
and you shall receive everything, which has been laid up in store for you... Good measure, pressed down and
shaken together, and running over, shall you receive into your bosom. Yet wiser still is the servant who comes to
Me, saying, “Lord, You are enough. I only want to be with You, where You are. Lord, I am desperate for You. I can
not go on apart from You... You alone, are Who I live for... You are My love and purpose for being, My only food and
only drink... My life.” And what wisdom has a servant, such as this, displayed?... They have understood love, and
what it means to truly abide in Me... This is what I offer you, My son.

Come to Me and let go...

For you are not chosen because of anything you possess or have received...

You are chosen because I have loved you, from the very foundation of the world...

And even now, I see you and know you as you are, in My Kingdom.

Come to Me... Receive of Me...

Then in turn, reveal Me to others...

For I am with you... Even to the end of this age...

Even forever after are you already with Me...

For I am The Lord, and I am also your Father.

Volume Six 233 Letters from God and His Christ

1/28/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Son... A Vessel For My Glory

Behold My servant, the one in whom I am well pleased, the one whom I have loved from the foundation of the
world, the one who loves Me also... He whom I am sending... Trent, you are Mine, and I am yours.

Why, then, have you not chosen Me this day, even to be that example to your wife and to your associates, even to
yourself... Testifying in heart and by action, and with speech, testifying to that place I hold in your life? You feared,
and have rationalized according to those seeds planted by your wife, which she received from the evil one, of
which you have also accepted and taken to yourself, as though that which you have is needful and must be kept;
even allowing it to have mastery over you... You have one Master! And you are part of this one flock, over which
I have appointed you as a shepherd, along with your brother, in place of My servant, Timothy, so he may be given
to prayer and fasting, to complete My will and My book, before I gather. Yet you have falsely discerned within
yourself, that these things of the world better serve Me, at this present time, and are needful... Behold, they are
taken from you and your wife also.

My son, I am yours...

And I shall be fulfilled in you, and you shall go for Me.

And when you go, you shall take nothing with you...

I am your bread and your drink...

Everything you need is fulfilled in Me...

Lo, I shall also be fulfilled in you.

Have I not also commanded you to feed My sheep, and to take care of My lambs, and to give aid to the ill of My
flock, until I come? And when you feed them, even as a teacher, feed them that which they can handle at one
sitting, that which is purely of My Word. Feed them many individual bites, then help them chew each one... I will
help them digest and cause it to prosper. Feed them not according to your own knowledge and word, but according
to MY knowledge and MY word, and also according to that which is most needful and foremost. Yet at all times,
wait for the slow and weighted down of the flock, for a good teacher knows that if the least among you, the slow
to understanding, receive, then all will receive... Then look how they all rejoice together and give Me glory.

Take no thought against repetition, for repetition is needful, and is also required for those of the flesh... Even as a
continual sup from the same plate, served from the same table. For by this will they, in time, grow strong in faith,
because of that which is continually served, longing for it if absent from My table... Refreshed and washed in the
Word, as one in continual need... Blessed to receive it, no matter the number of times it has already been served.
My son, let go of everything, so you may receive everything... For everything you own is Mine, and everything you
hold onto shall be taken from you...

Letters from God and His Christ 234 Volume Six

1/28/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Son... A Vessel For My Glory cont.

For the servants of the Day shall come to truly know Me as I am...

And from this knowledge will gladly forsake everything for Me...

For their every fiber shall shout within them, to My glory, saying...

“The Lord is One! The Lord IS The Lord! ALL is in His hands!”...

A continual song played upon the strings of their hearts, saying...

“It is well, it is well with my soul”...

To the glory of My name.

Trent, as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten... This you know.

And concerning those sons I am sending, they must be broken before the time.

Volume Six 235 Letters from God and His Christ

2/1/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Daniel L. and Sasha, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Bearing Fruit in The Beloved

My son, My daughter, stifle not My Spirit when it moves another to speak.

And when any sheep, beloved of The Shepherd, comes forth because of hurt, also lacking understanding, seeking
affirmation and counsel, I will move in My servants and they will give aid according to My Spirit. Let them speak
and inhibit them not, lest you be shown to be as the hypocrite... One who bears corrupted fruit, though he speaks
to the contrary. Abide, when not called upon, and show respect to your elders at all times and in all seasons...
Speak not one word against them, whether in open or in secret.

Let your hearts receive and flow with the fruit of My own Spirit... Receive of Me!

Love one another, and harbor no ill will toward another, nor hold any grudge at all...
For these things are evil and have no part with Me.

Love one another and be one in Me, as My Father and I are One...

Even as I am one Shepherd with one flock...

Having all things in common, even with one accord, in Me and because of Me.

Concerning My banquets: You are to adhere to the guidelines, as I have set them forth through My servant... You
are not to enforce them, for I am The Head. And the elder of My flock, along with whosoever I have appointed as
teacher, shall uphold My commands concerning fellowship at My table... Unless a prophet be among you, then he
may also speak, for he hears My voice and heeds My Spirit.
Therefore, be My examples at all times... And be gracious with these who are new to My table, for I have brought
them, having brought you already. Pray before speaking, take all your thoughts captive... Discern the fruit thereof,
when sitting with Me at My table. Bear your heart before Me, continually, and I will lead you according to the
counsel of My will. And when I fill your heart, sing! And when I am quiet, you also remain at peace, and listen...
Even as Mary, who chose that which was most needful and good... The nourishing of her soul... Though her sister
was worried and troubled about many things...

Abide in Me...

Love one another...

Love your brothers and sisters in Me.

Humble yourselves in the sight of God. Call on My name, and cast evil thoughts far from you... For all evil thoughts
open the door to the evil one and welcome in judgment, condemnation and hate, which quickly lay hold on you,
fulfilling in you the very thoughts you had against another.
And Daniel, My son, let go of these things you hold against others... No longer lie to yourself, nor bear false witness
before My Spirit... Let go of these evil musings which have come in. Speak not one word in your heart against My
servants, nor against your elders, nor against any in My flock, to bring them low so you may feel exalted... I alone
abase, and I alone exalt. For I look upon the heart, and the innermost thoughts I know. Therefore, let go of this
pride, and keep envy far from you.

Letters from God and His Christ 236 Volume Six

2/1/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Daniel L. and Sasha, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Bearing Fruit in The Beloved cont.

Even now I have called My prophets to intercede on your behalf... Not because they are at all greater, nor because
of their own righteousness, but rather they bring themselves low, and in this have they become meet for The Master’s
use... Slaves to righteousness... Sons who continually hunger and thirst to receive more of Me. They do not seek
after spiritual gifts as one in need of them, nor do they seek greatness... Only that My name be glorified in all they
do. For The Gift they seek is fulfilled in this: They seek to love Me with all their heart, with all their mind, with all
their soul and with all their strength, wanting also to please Me by loving their neighbors as themselves... With these
words repeating softly in their ears, while they strive toward perfection: “He has shown you, O man, what is good,
and what does The Lord require of you?... But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
For the fear of The Lord is their only wisdom; and the knowledge of The Holy One, their only understanding...
Consumed in My passion, which has become their bread and their drink, sustaining them unto eternal life.

The time is ending... The sun is setting upon this age of men. All things shall come to pass quickly, yet not at all as
many have imagined, causing some to fall away. Behold, all shall be tested... Yes, everyone who claims to follow
Me shall be tried. Therefore, pray always that you do not fall away... Hold fast. Remain steadfast in Me, and give no
occasion to the adversary to gain advantage over you, because of that which is in your heart.

For all shall stumble in their walk...

Behold, the day is coming quickly, when all My sheep shall be tried,
And they shall be severely tested, unable to go on...

In that Day I shall carry them!

For I am The Lord... I am He, beloved...

The One who remains faithful, The One who is true and wavers not...

The same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Listen to those I send, then go quickly and lay yourselves aside...

Lie not to yourselves, put nothing before Me...

For I am He... I am HE, beloved...

I am He...

Come to Me!...

Says The Lord who bought you, and remains your Father and Teacher...
The One who has loved you from the foundation of the world.

Volume Six 237 Letters from God and His Christ

2/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
One Commandment Broken Are All Commandments Broken... Therefore, Choose Righteousness... Choose Me

Question asked by Timothy, for Trent: By putting God first and refusing to take part in the modern holidays, are we
dishonoring our parents and family, who say we should take part?

This is what The Lord YahuShua says:

A sincere desire to be free, from the iniquity of men and the world, is good and well pleasing to Me. Yet if one does
nothing, his prayer can in no wise be fulfilled... For one, who truly loves Me, seeks to please Me by doing those
things placed in his heart. And one, in whom I dwell, has eyes to see and will run from these holidays of men,
which I hate, despising them. And one, who remains in disagreement with My word in the Volumes, shall in no
wise be gathered, for this is to deny Me in favor of self and the doctrines of men, which he has embraced contrary
to Me. Understand this: Anyone who refuses, disagrees, or speaks against My Letters, has chosen their own way
and has refused Me... These are friends of the world and men. And all, who remain friends of the world, have made
themselves enemies of God... Therefore, all lovers of the world shall be left in it. For the world shall be broken and
brought down; and in the same way, all those left in the world shall also be broken and brought down... Many,
broken and uplifted; and many more, broken and condemned.
Therefore Trent, My son, you have spoken well... In love, with compassion. Yet concerning these sins I hate, let
all those who have knowledge depart from them... Let the division be made clear. And among those who want to
be free, yet make no effort to pick up their cross and follow Me, let them bear that which they have chosen in the
Day, for they are not worthy of Me.
Trent, My son, the answer concerning breaking one of The Father’s commandments, in favor of another, is
this: I am first... And the commandments speak to this also, for their order is according to My will, in all things.
For one, who serves and obeys Me first, has obeyed The Moral Law, and has broken no commandment. Rather,
to honor any parent, who sins against Me, is to partake in their sins with them. So then, to honor your parents
who transgress the Law, according to these holidays of men, is to transgress the Law. Yet by honoring Me in truth,
obeying My word, one can by no means transgress the Law. Therefore, again I tell you, those who ask, “Would
you break one commandment to obey another?”, speak without knowledge, and have also failed to notice the lie
hidden within... For those who do so give heed to the subtle deceptions of the evil one, by which he causes those
who seek to uphold the commandments to doubt them, to see contradictions where none exist.

Therefore, again I tell you, who you choose defines what you do...
And one who chooses Me will not sin.

Yet anyone who chooses another, and not Me, has denied Me and has sinned...
For to disobey God is sin.

Again, to deny Me, for the sake of another,

Or to choose anything of this world instead of Me, is to sin against Me.

Yet anyone who calls on My name, in true repentance,

With sincere remorse in their hearts over that which they have done, shall be saved...

For Love has saved them.

Therefore, thus says The Lord to all His people:

Here I am!... Choose Me.

Letters from God and His Christ 238 Volume Six

2/4/10 Additional understanding from The Lord YahuShua, given to Timothy during an on-line Bible/Letter study
fellowship, regarding the previous Letter, “One Commandment Broken Are All Commandments Broken... Therefore,
Choose Righteousness... Choose Me”.

[YahuShua] My sons and daughters, you have yet to understand My word and My commandment, concerning
these things of love and family versus obeying the commandments of The Father. When a parent comes to their
child, saying, “Obey me”, and their request leads to sin, the child who has received knowledge of My ways, also
discerning what is right, must walk in the righteousness they have received. For by refusing to obey their parents,
who would have caused them to sin, they have not dishonored them, but have instead obeyed The Lord and
revealed that which is most needful... Beloved, this is where you have erred. For you still listen to the whisperings
of the evil one... Listen not to his subtle and dark speeches.

[Timothy] Brothers and sisters, satan would have us believe that in obeying God there can still be sin; and that
placing God’s will, over your parents will, will cause us to break the fifth commandment!

[YahuShua] Beloved, awake! Open your eyes!...

For your eyes remain dim...

You have yet to come into the full knowledge of My ways,
And that which is right and good...
For knowledge of Me is understanding, and awareness breaks satan’s power...

Be fully awake, therefore,

And come and sit in the light of My understanding.

By disobeying a parent who asks you to sin, you have testified to them by your refusal, followed by your actions,
of a better way... Also magnifying that which must be first. In this you have blessed them with the truth, so in time
they too may seek to please Me, remembering your example when their time comes... Where then, I ask you, is
the dishonor?
Again I say to you, one who chooses Me and My will can not sin, nor can dishonor in any form be found. Therefore,
obey your parents in everything, and honor them in all things which are not against God or His Commandments.
And honor no request from one who chooses sin, asking you to partake of it with them, for this dishonors Me,
which also shows them that what they do is well and good in your eyes.

Be My examples, therefore...

Increase in the knowledge of My goings out and comings in,

Loving one another as you love Me...

And to love your parents is to reveal My love to them, which is also to walk in My ways before them. My beloved,
you ask of Me many things, yet I do not honor your every request... This is not dishonor... For I love you and do
only that which is right concerning you. So then, My treasured ones, as I had spoken it to My beloved in the past,
now also do I say it to you...

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,

For I am gentle and lowly in heart...

And in Me you will find rest for your souls.

Volume Six 239 Letters from God and His Christ

2/10/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Walking in the Footsteps of My Passion

Timothy, hear the word of The Lord your God: Before you have I set many things... All of which you shall honor and
obey, in their proper times and seasons.

This I tell you, regarding the feasts of The Lord:

Three are fulfilled, one is,

And three are to come, coming quickly.

Of the three fulfilled in Mashiach,

You shall remember and honor them, according to how I command you...

The dates and times, and new moons and seasons, are not the focus...

Rather, YahuShua is the focus...

And the significance of these Holy Days

Is found in their meaning and revealed by their order.

Therefore, you, your family, along with this little flock, which I love, shall not keep My Holy Days as the worldly
churches, nor shall you follow the traditions of the Jews... They follow their own way, holding fast to religion,
seeking the praise of men, walking in the doctrines of men, abiding not in The Savior, The Only Way. Therefore, you
shall be set apart; and because of My voice, you shall be separate and do all I command you.
In the world, many will begin the Passover at the end of March, yet you will begin the Passover on Tuesday evening
at sundown, of the week prior. You will follow Messiah’s Passion, gathering together to bless His name, according
to each day He has fulfilled in His glory, to My glory. Four holy convocations, plus one, shall be kept... As Messiah
celebrated Passover with His disciples, so shall you do in like manner... As He was afflicted, so shall you also afflict
your souls; as He slept, so shall you mourn... As He rose, so shall you rejoice and sing praises!... You shall complete
the week with joy and feasting... Then later, meeting once more, to remember the Bridegroom being taken from
you, and to rejoice in the blessed hope of His soon return.

In this way your hearts shall be glad...

And you will come to see with greater eyes,

Entering into a more profound knowledge...

Understanding the glory thereof, and that salvation,

Which has been accomplished and fulfilled in The Son of Man...

Even as it was from the foundation of the world,
Where your names had been written in blood...

With The Blood of The Lamb who was slain.

Letters from God and His Christ 240 Volume Six

2/10/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Walking in the Footsteps of My Passion cont.

For in many things, you are counted as last partakers by the Jews and among the men in the churches... But I tell
you, I have made you first partakers! I am The Lord... And I do what is right and good in My eyes.

For those, who diligently seek

To abide in The Son of Salvation, shall do so...

Even these same ones shall become a living testament

To those without knowledge...

Soon taken up...

Becoming also an ensign to the nations,

When they have departed and can not be found.

In the same way, you shall also be first partakers of these spring feasts of The Lord, supping from the table of knowledge,
with understanding and joy in The Beloved. For in this is the Scripture fulfilled and My will made manifest...

Those accounted as first shall be last...

And those mocked and persecuted for My name’s sake,

And because of this Word, of which I have spoken and you have received,
Shall be first partakers of My glory...

Even the first to sit at My table before the time,

Supping from the plate of My knowledge,
Drinking from the cup of My understanding, in My presence...

Until the day you come to rest fully in My bosom,

In the house of The Lord.


Volume Six 241 Letters from God and His Christ

3/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Leap of Faith

Oh My beloved... My beloved... How I long to gather you, how I long to hold you... Where are you? I hear your
voices, I see your words, even these offered up before My face...

Oh beloved, why have you not leaped?...

Why have you withheld your hearts from Me?...

I hear your voices, yet the sound of your hearts remains quiet...

Unwilling to break free and just believe.

Know you not, that you are Mine?...

Even I had formed you... And by Me are you born again.

Hear now: I call to you once again, with renewed strength and vigor... Beloved, the Day has come, it is upon you...
Even the pangs have begun and are being felt around the world... Beloved, My treasure, GIVE ME GLORY!
You see My words in the Volumes and those in the Scriptures of Truth, even as these Letters shall be called the
same, yet they have not entered in, nor do I see them written in your hearts. You listen to My words, yet I do not
see them resonating in your lives... BEAR FRUIT!... Beloved, bear fruit.
The time is ending, the end of the age is here!... AWAKE! Come now and take the leap!... Leap! Yea, run forward,
and watch how strongly I hold you. Grasp Me by the hand so we can move quickly, with your feet barely touching
the ground... Oh how blessed shall you be, so blessed.

Beloved, My little ones, My children, hear Me!...

It is time!...

It is time for rebirth, glorious rebirth!

Yet for the world, it shall wane. Behold, it is diseased, mortally ill... It is dying. Even now it gasps for its last breath,
fading into darkness. Even so, amen... For from death shall come new life, even a New Day without end.

Beloved, awake!... It is time!

I am on My throne!...
And I have come to harvest and to judge, to renew and to destroy.

For I am King over all creation!... The Creator of All Things...

Even from everlasting, I AM GOD...
Lord of Heaven and Earth!

Glory, great glory is coming!... GREAT GLORY!

Beloved, rush forward and partake of Me fully!

Letters from God and His Christ 242 Volume Six

3/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Leap of Faith cont.

All those who wait, those who bear no fruit, who yet walk according to this world, shall not escape. Yet even
among these, there are many who I know and must bring also... They shall ripen, they shall be severely broken and
ripen very quickly, in the Day.
Therefore, beloved, I call to you once again, I am pouring out My heart upon you... Receive. Bow down and wail, offer
up your tears until your eyes run dry... Come to Me. Then stand up and give Me glory, giving Me your every moment,
your whole heart. Offer up your entire life as holiness to The Lord, says The Lord Your Righteousness, The Author of Life
and Love... The Bearer of your cross, The One and only True God from whom you were separated... Behold, I have
drawn you very close.

Come and share in My joy, receive of My love, partake of My life...

Drink in My fullness.

Behold, the time of refreshing is coming quickly,

For all those who forsake all and run to Me!...

My children, RUN!...

Make Me your everything... Leap! Run!...

Fall into My arms!

I can wait no longer.

Make haste, and run from this world... Beloved, run! Run from your sins... Run! Run from all those who deny Me...
RUN! Run from all these churches made by human hands, who sit in the dark, lulling My sheep to sleep... Beloved,
AWAKE and run! Run from all these preachers who steal from My body, rape My daughters and corrupt My bride.
Run from all who practice vain glories, shining their false light before men to receive glory from them... RUN! Run
from all these voices, from this choir of false doctrines, who sing the songs of man’s traditions... Yea, run from the
deceiver and he who accuses you.

Hear MY voice, and run toward the sound of MY voice... Hear Me calling!

Beloved, lose yourselves in My love...

Fall upon Me and break, and I shall surely bear you up...

Behold, you shall be refashioned.

Look, here I am beckoning to you... Run to Me!

Abandon this world and collapse into Me...

Oh My treasure, I have been waiting for you.

Volume Six 243 Letters from God and His Christ

3/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Leap of Faith cont.

Behold, from the beginning I have loved you, knowing the day we would be together... You are Mine... You are
Mine... YOU ARE MINE... And who can steal you away from My love, who can overcome The Lord?! For My Father
is greater than everything, and who can snatch you from His Hand?!... Beloved, I am He, The Lord’s Right Hand,
and who can take you from My grasp?!

Run into My arms, and hold Me fast...

For who can break MY hold? And what can cause ME to let go?...

Who can overcome MY love?...

For The Father and The Son are One... Our power infinite!...
My love beyond words, My ways past finding out.

Therefore, have peace and embrace Me now...

Hold Me fast through all these storms...

For I am The Lord, I have defeated the world...

Behold, it is My footstool.

Letters from God and His Christ 244 Volume Six

3/11/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For John and Elizabeth, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Wheresoever One Partakes of Me

With Their Hearts Contrite, With Their Spirits Hungry, and With Their Souls Thirsty...

Behold, I Am There Also...

Sitting at Their Table, Sharing from My Own Plate... Overflowing Their Glasses

This is what The Lord your Redeemer says, regarding My Passover, to those beloved of My heart who have made
Me their beloved also:

John, My servant, Elizabeth, My beloved... You have done very well. In you have I seen My love, My grace dwells
in you... And as two as one have you sought to please Me, even as two in Me, seeking after My own heart...

Therefore, you need not journey... Let My Passover be eaten and remembered in your own house. Honor Me
there and fulfill your commitments; be My examples to your children and family, even among your neighbors and
acquaintances... And lo, I will be amongst you also. For the word, I have spoken through My servant, Timothy, is
true, and was written to reveal the hearts of all who read it and take it to heart, even as the word spoken from My
own mouth, to convict and to bring to the forefront the faith of all who read it... Of which yours is now exposed,
and is found well pleasing to The Lord.
So then, remain and care for your parents, and honor and remember Me as you see fit. Remember each day,
according to how I, Myself, have commanded... According to My Passion... And you shall surely be blessed, even
as I have blessed you already... For I am revealed before you and in you...

Behold, the day is coming very quickly now,

Where I shall reveal Myself once again,
And you shall hear My voice and come to Me in an instant...

And from Me shall you never depart.

I am The Lord, and I lose not one of whom The Father has given Me...

For those given Me were Mine from the beginning,

And have always been in the bosom of The Father...

Even as I am there also...

In Me, in Him...

Eternal joy.

Amen... And amen.

Volume Six 245 Letters from God and His Christ

3/8/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, Lauren, and The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Passover... Come and Partake of My Supper, Receive of Me Fully

Trent, My son, I have spoken to your heart, and indeed your brother and his wife prepare to eat the Passover in their
house, as I have commanded them... Lo I, Myself, will be there also.

Though I am not seen by men, I am there amongst you,

And My presence shall be made known...

Indeed, I shall be felt...

As a warm cloak in winter...

As a Father’s hands upon the shoulders of His children...

Yea, as a strong embrace of a Father revealing His love and approval,

Relaying His strength to His sons, before they depart for battle.

So then, let no one prevent you from arriving, nor let any care of this world prevent you from coming to this
banquet, prepared in My honor... Behold, I sit at the head of the table. I, Myself, have chosen the day and the hour,
in which you shall remember Me and eat of My body, and drink of My blood, and give thanks. Shall any, who
say they love Me, refuse to come to My table, or tarry for the sake of another? My children do greatly err and are
unable to leap, nor can they run, unless that which they say they believe in is shown them... My children, come to
Me and place your hands here in My side, and place your fingers here in the holes of My hands, and cease from
your doubting... And believe. For you shall not partake of the Passover, in this manner, again... Until the New Day
comes, in where you shall sit down with Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham at The Lord’s table, in His Kingdom.

Truly, most truly, I say to you...

I am coming quickly...

And the days of worldly pleasures are at an end.

Your only comfort shall be in The Lord...

Your only refuge shall be in My strength...

Your only peace, in absolute trust... Knowing, I am The Lord...

Your only escape... Upon The Son of Man.

My beloved little flock, how is it you say you believe without seeing... Lying to yourselves? If I were to appear at
this feast, who among you would not come running?... Even a promise of an angel would bring you running. How
is it, you see only My servants and a mere gathering in their households? How long will your vision stay narrow?
How long will you see the world and remain blind to My glory? How long must I wait for you to give of your life,
to open your hearts fully to Me?...

Letters from God and His Christ 246 Volume Six

3/8/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trent, Lauren, and The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Passover... Come and Partake of My Supper, Receive of Me Fully cont.

Therefore, this is what I say to you:

Those, who are able to accept My words, shall walk in them, even to do them...

And those of you, who are not yet able, you may come later.

Yet those among you, who love anyone more than Me,
And choose family and the world over Me, need not come...

For you have shown yourselves unworthy of Me...

You will come to Me after.

Even so it must be... Even with a heavy heart... Amen.

Lauren, I have beheld your heart... Do what you feel you must, for you are yet a child. You may come later, and I
will embrace you, along with any who feel they should wait and accompany you.

Yet My watchmen shall not tarry... Let them come forth...

Let them come and worship, in My presence, and remember My Passover...

Let them come and kiss The Son, and sit at My feet, and receive of Me.

My daughters, trust in Me... My sons, partake of Me fully...

The time has now come... Spring draws near...


Volume Six 247 Letters from God and His Christ

3/5/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Conversation
For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
That, Which Remains in Part, Shall Be Made Whole

Beloved, that which I have given you, you have received in part, and must be completed before My coming.

Therefore, I have called you to write for this short season... Even as I have called My servant, Timothy, to honor Me
and to write My Words, even a week before the time. And through him shall I take that which is in part, and make
it whole, to the glory of My name... Yea, to the sounding of this trumpet, which I have brought forth and placed in
the hands of My created, My beloved, who wait for Me with love... The love of such a kind, I have yet to behold in
their fellows, though they are called by My name... Says The Lord who bought you... YahuShua is My name.

Oh precious one, am I not a God close at hand? Do I not count your tears?... This you know. And what of your
tears?... Do I not share them? And what of all this fear?... Am I not also shaken by your tremblings? Beloved, no
need to tremble, no need to fear... Come to Me, for I am your Sanctuary, your Hope. Take all that weighs upon you
so heavily, and give it to Me... For My back is strong, and My resolve is set and can not be moved.

Behold, I am coming quickly...

And My love shall sweep through, and My heart shall be satisfied...
For I am He.

And those, set apart, are set up within Me,

And I shall surely gather that which is of My body...

Behold, I shall come for all those, in whom I dwell,

And they shall become the beating of My heart, in that day...

Joined... Reunited in My love.

Beloved, when I am speaking, be still in heart, mind, and body, and receive My words according to the new spirit
I have given you... What more do you seek?

Beloved, I have told you already, look past My prophet and see with greater eyes, yet you have looked past Me to
behold My prophet, seeking answers from My servant, when The Master has spoken to you already.
Therefore, hear and understand: My servant shall only speak according to how I move him, and how he hears My
voice, and that only shall he write. In no wise shall he make your decisions for you, nor shall he speak to the things
of your household, from this day onward, apart from My commandment to speak.
You need not repent, only seek My face and understand... I am The Lord. Timothy is My servant, and his wife is
My servant also. They shall not speak to these matters, nor shall any hold them accountable... I am The Lord. Seek
My face, for My will is made known... Walk in it. Beloved, fear not, for I know the hearts of all men... And the
innermost thoughts of My beloved, I keep close at hand.

Seek My face, and give yourself away...

And in return, I will receive you to Myself,

And you shall receive of Me also...

And together shall we be...


In the Kingdom of My Father’s joy.

Letters from God and His Christ 248 Volume Six

3/8/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-line Conversation,
For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Let Each Be Given, Receive, and So Do... Each According to Their Faith

My sons and daughters, I require your whole hearts, all your love...

A complete forsaking of this world...

A letting go of your wills...


A sincere, yea, a consuming desire to be with Me...

Even as Mine is to be with you...

And from this shall all these works and obedience follow. By no means shall they precede Me, nor shall any, who
run ahead of Me, run without falling. Therefore, come to Me... Wait upon your King, and I will speak to your hearts.
Then shall you do as I have spoken, according to the grace which I have given you.

I am The Lord...

MY will shall be done.

Therefore, to those who are able... Eat, and take your fill, and go and bear fruit according to how I, Myself, command
you. And those of you, who are yet unable... Return to the milk, and pray.

Volume Six 249 Letters from God and His Christ

3/10/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Prodigal Sons

Concerning a brother in Christ, who, by deceptive means, took money from a church to buy drugs, as well as many
other things unbefitting a servant of God.

[YahuShua] Beloved, have you been seeking Me so long, and have yet to know Me?... Beloved, harden not your
heart... Only receive of Me, and let your flesh slip away. Remove these walls, and embrace the prayer you have
asked of Me... Judge not and you will not be judged. And when your heart is troubled over a brother or sister, stop
and ask yourself, “Why am I troubled? And why does this matter plague me so?” For none can draw close to Me,
unless it was given to them by the Father, that they should do so... Indeed, He has made it possible for them to do
so. My beloved, see with My eyes, broaden your understanding and read the Scriptures within the context of My
Book, within the context of My glory... With empathy and understanding, when looking upon these in this flock...
Or have you forgotten My words, when I told you of the sick and ill-favored sheep of the flock, and how much
more attention they require?

Beloved, I AM THE LORD...

And you are My servant, serving My children, the heirs...

I, ALONE, shall say who shall be turned over to satan for a time...
I, ALONE, decide what is required, for I am The Author and The Finisher...
The One, who is the discerner of the thoughts of the heart...
Yea, the innermost intents are laid out before My eyes...

And that, which I command be done, shall be spoken to My prophet,

And he in turn will speak it to the flock.

How, then, do you make a case against any, whom you have not known?... Nor are you able to look upon their
heart. Yet you have judged the outward appearance, and worse still, sought to discern, having never sat in their
presence, nor counted their tears, nor suffered their pain.
Therefore, I say to you, cast them NOT OUT! Rather, pray and shed tears for those departing, and for those heavy-
laden with iniquity... Yea, look past the surface and hear their pleas, for they cry out and wander in this darkness...
Seeing the light, yet unable to get there, separated by this gulf that has come up between us. It is a lie, a deception,
an illusion, a path heavy-laden with sins past and present, with addictions, and accusations without ceasing, from
within and without.

Beloved, help those who are seeking to be free, and cast them not out,
For they are indeed willing and wish to unleaven themselves...

And one who seeks to be free will not leaven the lump...

But the lump shall help to unleaven them.

Letters from God and His Christ 250 Volume Six

3/10/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Prodigal Sons cont.

Yet here is the truth, which My servant Paul has spoken to:

When one is not willing and does not repent, in truth,

Nor do they endeavor to turn from their sin, this one is not of the lump,
And should be removed for such a time, The Lord deems necessary,
That they should be given over to their sin...

Yes, delivered to satan and to this world,

Until the time be changed that they should return...

Until brokenness becomes their companion.

Oh My Beloved, soften that which is yet hard... Stop stitching up the rents, I have made and you have asked for.
Cease from distancing yourself from My troubled sheep, for these are not those of whom Paul was speaking.

Have you not read also, that if a brother sins, let his sin be made known to him? And if he refuses to repent and
turn from it, let another be brought to speak of it a second time, even a third time before the church? If he remains
hard and unyielding to The Lord’s purpose, as it is accomplished through his body, then shall he be separated out
from among My flock, lest he infect others with his rebellion and by his iniquity.

Yet, what if this same one returns later, humbled?...

With sincere remorse, in all repentance, having squandered his inheritance?...

Shall he not be welcomed back, with much rejoicing, and held even tighter?...
With his wounds bound up, his thirst quenched, and with his hunger satisfied?

And who shall serve a man such as this?...

Behold, the very same who served him at the first...

They, who remained faithful, shall see to it.

For he, a beloved brother, was lost to the flock...

Even as one dead...

Behold!... He is found and has been washed, and is alive once again!

Volume Six 251 Letters from God and His Christ

3/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Passover, My Table... Come and Partake of That Which I Offer

Thus says The Lord of Glory: Let all those, who come to My Passover, come and receive of Me... And rejoice
in their Salvation.

To those who are near, and to those who have been called to journey, hear My words and take them to heart: Those
who are near and those afar off, who were called to the house of My servant for Passover, yet do not give heed to
My leading, also ignoring My words in The Volumes, choosing another over Me, are not worthy of Me, and shall
in no wise come to the remaining Feasts of The Lord. For I gave of Myself for you, placing My love for each one of
you over all else... Fulfilling the will of The Father... Yet you have chosen yourselves! You shall not attend, nor shall
any of you sit at My table after The Passover, as one arriving late to My table, seeking to honor Me before others as
a show, when the truth of your love will have already been on display by your absence at My table.

Have I not spoken already? Was My Word not delivered?... Behold, this is what I have said in your hearing, beloved:

“... Again I tell you, who you choose defines what you do... And one who chooses Me will not sin. Yet
anyone who chooses another, and not Me, has denied Me and has sinned... For to disobey God is sin.
Again, to deny Me, for the sake of another, or to choose anything of this world instead of Me, is to sin
against Me. Yet anyone who calls on My name in true repentance, with sincere remorse in their hearts
over that which they have done, shall be saved... For Love has saved them. Therefore, thus says The Lord
to all His people: Here I am!... Choose Me.”

And again: “Yet those among you, who love anyone more than Me, and choose family and the world over
Me, need not come, for you have shown yourselves unworthy of Me... You will come to Me after. Even so
it must be, even with a heavy heart... Amen.”

Yet these same ones say in their hearts, “The way of The Lord is not equal”. My children, My ways are right... It
is you, who remain out of step with My Spirit... Your ways remain unequal. For indeed I have excused these very
few, while welcoming others after, according to the decision of their hearts which were made and set to honor
Me... For they did not give heed to the world nor their flesh, but set their faces to do what is right in My eyes. I
know the hearts of My children, even the innermost intents are displayed before Me... And by this are you judged,
even according to My own reflection I behold in you, whether seen or absent. For all of you honor Me with your
lips, yet there are some who have yet to be consumed with My glory... To taste deeply of My love. And for these I
have wept, causing My servants to weep also on their behalf. Even so it must be... Until that, which is required, is
accomplished. Amen.

The time is here! I shall make ready!...

Lo, I hasten to perform My will and gather My sheep, even every lamb.

I am The Lord, and I shall wait no longer.

Am I not your Father?... Indeed I am, even I created you. My created ones must be refashioned... Behold, I shall
do so very quickly and shall not spare the rod, nor hold back the outpouring of My Spirit. For as many as I love, I
rebuke and chasten, making them ready to receive of Me fully...

My children, receive of Me! Partake of Me!... Breathe Me in...

Taste from My cup, and eat of My bread.

Look! I am coming quickly, and My return draws near!

Letters from God and His Christ 252 Volume Six

3/25/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For The Lord’s Servants in the Field, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Sons, My Friends... Witnesses of My Name and My Glory, Trumpeters of My Coming

Thus says The Lord YahuShua: Is there not a prophet among you? Yea, is there not two seated at your table?... I tell
you the truth, more than two. Do not all those of the truth listen to My voice? Do not all My sheep hear My voice,
whether in the heart or in the ear, loud or soft? Have I been with you so long, with My Word before you, and still
you fail to discern? Behold, even My prophets have heard, and remain standing... Still and unmoved, chained by
fear and self-doubt. Behold, you have asked and I have answered you already, even in The Volumes; and there is
My answer within The Scriptures of Truth, concerning My watchmen. Even of that required of all My servants is
there before you in The Gospels, even spoken plainly throughout the epistles of My apostles, which you are also,
if you so choose to bear it... For I am coming quickly to accomplish it.

Yet who is a wise and prudent servant in The Lord?...

Is he not one who seeks out My will, with prayer and fasting?...

One, who then waits on The Lord,

In all patience, in faith, with all trust?

Or shall the servant take the initiative, as though he were the master? Yet I tell you the truth, you are no more
servants only, for you are My sons who are also My friends. Therefore, you shall come to know My plans, and you
shall indeed walk in My will, according to how I have revealed it, even in these many Letters... And behold, I,
Myself, shall move you to do so.

Let it be known to you: Each one of you were given the opportunity this day, even I prompted you to do so, yet each
one of you failed to act. Each one of you failed to listen, each one of you failed to stop what you were doing, and ask.
You neither asked My will, nor asked for My strength to do that which you knew was right and good in My eyes.

Therefore, this is what The Lord your God...

Yes I, your Redeemer, by Whom you were bought for a price, says...

Awaken your hearts and pay attention, and be ready always...

Attentive to My Spirit, eager to follow My leading...
Prepared to act upon My command.

Be vigilant and prepare...

Make ready and wait, hear and so do...
Walk in My strength, according to My will.

Volume Six 253 Letters from God and His Christ

3/18/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Love is Greater Still

Beloved, I have beheld your heart and that place you keep for Me, in love. Yet of your mind, it deceives you. And
your desires lead you astray, endeavoring to do those things which are against My will. You have not made Me your
sufficiency, neither is your heart right toward My Passover... For you remain on the part of your husband, running
from that which I said you shall not run from. Shall one who has ulterior intentions partake of My Passover, in an
unworthy manner?... I require a pure motive and a contrite heart, void of worldly intentions.

Therefore, this is what your Lord speaks, concerning the one He loves: You shall not come to this Passover. You
shall remain at home, and partake of it with Me in secret, even privately, revealing your love for Me by trust and
in your obedience. And that which you have learned of My sacrifice and of these Holy Days, which are and were
and will be fulfilled in Me, shall you teach to your children.

Beloved!... Beloved child...

Beloved, stop running and learn to abide... Abide in Me.

Do not depart from Me, but draw very close. Draw close to Me in all sincerity, in every manner, at every opportunity...
And run. Grab hold of Me when you lack understanding. And be still in Me and obey, when your will and your
desires are struck down in the instituting of My will.

For My love has not departed...

Rather, it is established...

And brought to pass in My children,

When they seek to obey My will, even to perform it... To walk in it.

Fear not, nor be concerned with the others of this flock and how you are regarded, for your brothers’ and sisters’
love for you increases, for I have revealed My love in them.

Beloved, when you come to cry and to wail at My feet,

Drink first from the cup of My tears...

And partake of the majesty of Who I Am,

And know and remember...

Consider My love.

Come to Me, run to Me... Run to Me without moving, with a new heart, which seeks no longer to escape from the
bed in which you lay and have made.

Letters from God and His Christ 254 Volume Six

3/18/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
My Love is Greater Still cont.

Come to Me and offer up your tears and sins, even to lay them at the feet of your King... For I am indeed willing to
receive them, to take them, to wipe them away. Yet how can we be one, if the place which your heart holds for Me
remains in part, and your mind goes this way and that, seeking a foothold, with a spirit to flee?...

Be still!... I am your strong hold, your solid ground.

Behold, I am coming quickly!...

Yea, My Kingdom is already with you, and is there for you to receive...

HERE... I... AM.

Obey My word and My voice, which I have spoken through My servant... And TRUST. Look up this night and tell
Me what you see, number the stars if you are able... Look around you and tell Me what you see. And what of all
these creations? Who has made them, and who has brought them forth into being? What of you, and these I have
given you?... Are you not Mine, as they are Mine also?...

You are not your own,

And all you have, and seek to possess, is Mine also...

Even all things are Mine...

Even the whole of all creation... It is Mine, beloved...

Yet My love is greater still.

Volume Six 255 Letters from God and His Christ

3/26/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hidden Treasures in the Fields of The First Harvest

My sons, trust in My ways, and look not to your own... Obey only, with all trust, because of that love we share.

I have many hidden treasures... In this much My servant has spoken well. Listen to him, for this is wisdom in
service. Even at present, this is My will for you...

For I send you out, to seek the few, that I may bless them by you.

It is not the many, for which you are sent out this day, but the few.

Therefore, I shall speak to this day before you, even of My will, which is both simple and plain, also to the wisdom
thereof: Go to the college next to you, and go into every building that is open to you, and seek out a place to display
My Word. Be attentive and read the writing thereof, to honor it... Break not the rules, nor disobey the guidelines.
For that done, which is acceptable, will remain for the next passerby; and that removed, due to a violation, profits
no one, and will be removed throughout.

For in the same way I send you out seeking My treasure,

So also do I call to My sheep, to seek out the gift which you have left for them...

I am The Good Shepherd...

And I have never ceased from shepherding My flock.

So then, do as I command you, and add not to it nor take from it, and be watchful and alert while doing so. Watch for
those I send to you while you are yet walking, for next to you there are many treasures, and several who shall soon
be Mine. You will not find them all this day, neither are you able to be led to each and every one. Rather, it is I who
shall call them out and turn their hearts to Me, and give them an eye to look and to notice... Even I shall draw them
to this Word.
Therefore, go with joy on your faces, with eagerness in your hearts, and with rejoicing in your speech... And share
My gifts, leaving them also for the passerby, even as many as I call... Even for the scoffer, so they may also look upon
it to reject it. Then, when it is accomplished, go and do as you will and that which you desire... Lo, I am going with
you, and yet a few more shall cross your path to be blessed in it. Therefore, watch and be ready, for I am with you.
And those, with whom you shall speak, shall be set before you, and upon them a light will shine. Yet understand
this: It is not My will, that each one you meet leave contented and thankful...

For I am The Lord...

And My words, whether soft or hard, shall always convict.

Let all things be separated, starting with the hearts of men...

Let them choose and make their decision.

Let the first harvest be separated, prepared, and taken.

And to the rest... Let it be left,

And cast into the furnace to be burned, even seven days.

Letters from God and His Christ 256 Volume Six

3/26/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hidden Treasures in the Fields of The First Harvest cont.

For you are sent to the remnant of these, not the whole... You are sent to complete the harvest, not to bring it in. For the
Gospel, at present, is being preached in the whole world and is readily available, even as My Spirit is poured out.

Therefore, many have been chosen...

And those, called, have harkened...

And that, which is to be accomplished

Through My Word in these Letters, is being done...

To make the warm into a flame...

While causing others to grow indignant, even cold...

A hardening of their hearts against The Lord’s purpose,
A refusal of My Word, even to reject it.

Thus the faith of many shall be exposed for what sort it is...

Laying their hearts open before Me...

And with their mouths they testify of the same,

As a witness against themselves.

Volume Six 257 Letters from God and His Christ

3/27/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Riley, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Until Every Last Tear Has Fallen

Timothy, I have revealed My love, and My compassion is made evident. Even in these days, which I have set apart,
is it put on display in all My glory, so each one of you may be blessed in it... Even to the walking in My Passion,
bringing each one into a greater sense of My love... My love growing rapidly in My servants, even one for the other...
A tightening of this bundle, which is held fast in My right hand, in tender love and with much affection.
Yet there are some in this little flock, who refuse to be bundled, and remain unable to receive of Me in this manner,
even fleeing from My strong embrace and this Word... While others have become rigid, seeking to be loosed from
this bundle so they may run free, returning to the world, while at the same time attempting to grab hold of My love,
yet only loosely, keeping it in tow, not realizing they are already free...

How shall one, who holds onto Me loosely,

Not be swept away by the world’s alluring winds?
How shall they withstand the harsh winds, which shall soon follow?...

I weep for them.

Therefore, concerning My sons and daughters... Am I not their Father? Am I not filled with jealousy over these I love?...
I shall surely bring them back again. Yet they must first hunger and thirst for righteousness, and depart from all worldly
food, all worldly desires, of which they are continually tempted... Behold I shall make it possible for them to do so!

And when their hearts turn...

Forsaking the world,

Seeking to be filled with only that which is of Heaven...

Then will I turn quickly also, filling them,

Gathering them up into My arms so very quickly, catching them away in My love,
Healing every bruise, wiping every tear...

Thus is the love of your Father...

The One who was poured out for you, and tasted death in your stead,
So you may receive life in abundance, even forever in the shadow of My wings,
High and lifted up, in the day I come for you.

Riley, My most beloved, this is what I say to you: Hear Me and receive of My wisdom, partake of My love and give
heed to My leading. You shall seek My face and consider My love, yet you shall not partake of the Feasts remaining.
Rather you shall remain at home to pray and consider, being still in Me, learning trust and obedience... Until the
day comes, when you come to drink fully from the cup of My tears. For in that day, the veil shall be fully gone from
your eyes, My glory revealed, with the knowledge of My love coming to abide in you... The power of My love. And
all things, which you had sought after so diligently, going this way and that, shall pass away... Some passing from
remembrance, while others shall be fulfilled in My love...

Then shall you never depart from Me again, for I shall hold you fast,
Even close upon My bosom, where you shall shed many tears,
Abiding in My arms until all hurts pass away, until every last tear has fallen.

Then I shall wipe your face, taking you by the hand,

And we, together, shall walk hand in hand into My Kingdom, My joy...

In the garden, forever.

Letters from God and His Christ 258 Volume Six

3/31/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Bethany, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Be Still

Be still... And know I am with you. Why do you plead with Me, as one who has no home?... As one with little
trust? As one, who has lost hope? Believe Me when I say, wheresoever you are, I am also; and wheresoever you go,
there I am already, even I am going with you. Be still, therefore, and know... I am The Lord. And if you know and
believe that I am, how is it you ask, as though I have not known your needs?... Will I not provide? Truly, most truly,
I say to you, I do know and have provided for you already. Even all that is required is given, and that which remains
lacking is prepared and waits for the time appointed, abiding until the fullness of this present time is fulfilled... Even
as you, My Flower, must wait and abide, while you are being prepared.

Abide in Me, seek Me out... I am your Refuge.

Behold, I shall be your Shelter.

So then, again I say to you, be still and want for nothing, and wait upon your Lord in all trust, and I shall surely come
and rouse you out of sleep... Where I shall then take you by the hand, and we shall run. Yet for now, be at peace, and
wait in trust and abide with rejoicing... All shall be revealed. For one, with trust absolute, abides in Me, wherein peace
flows as a river. And servants, such as these, have no need of a prophet for guidance in earthly matters, for I deal in
matters of the heart... And this is what I hasten to finish, in those I love. Yet a prophet remains in your midst, therefore
I have spoken and he has heard... Behold, he has written My words, as I have given him to hear.
This world is passing away... Behold, it wanes and is fading quickly now, soon to be swallowed up in evil, suffocating in
unbridled sin, even of every kind. Behold, My judgement shall fall, and this world shall be consumed! If then, the world
and all therein shall be consumed, why do you seek a foothold, even a place to call your own?... Lo, I will answer you,
so you may have peace: Depart from those who are against My purpose, and be separate from those who curse My
anointed, in open and in secret. Behold, the land is before you... Go. Yet dwell not in the cities, and keep Dallas afar off.

Trust in Me...

Trust with eyes wide open, with your ears cupped and ready...

For how can one hear Me while talking?... Be still and listen. And when you hear nothing, rejoice in this also, for My will
is being accomplished in you everyday, and in each and every moment. For you have sought out My righteousness and
My kingdom also, and so it is yours to receive, even of all I am...

I am yours, even as you have always been Mine...

Rest in Me... Receive of Me...

For that which is coming, no man has known...

And that which I bring, no man has received...

The prophet’s reward.

Volume Six 259 Letters from God and His Christ

4/3/10 The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, While Watching a TV Special About the Shroud of Turin -

I was watching a Shroud of Turin special on TV, where they recreated Jesus’ face from the information embedded
in the shroud, and I heard The Lord say, “That, which is beyond human understanding, points to only One”. And
when they showed His face, The Lord’s presence came upon me strongly, and He said, “Behold My face”.

4/3/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Conversation, For Trent and Jason, and For All Those Who
Have Ears to Hear... Regarding the Image of Christ’s face on the Shroud of Turin and The Prophet’s Reward
Behold My Face

[YahuShua] It is I... And that, which I left, was left for those who seek My face, yet have the mind of My servant,
Thomas, so they may believe.

[Trent] Can I use the quote?

[YahuShua] Trent, you may use My words, for they are true, says The Lord... Even all, of which I have spoken this night,
for the time has fully come... Even as it has come for My servants also. Yet I tell you plainly, many will not believe you,
for them it is not yet given... Therefore, they will not receive. You have received, therefore you will go for Me.

Look upon My face, My sons, for it is as it was...

And the day is at hand, when you shall truly behold My face,
For My glory shall be revealed, and in you shall I come to dwell.

[Jason] We love You, Lord!

[YahuShua] And I, you. Therefore, hold fast to My love, even as I hold fast to you. The day has come... And that
which shall be manifest, in this season, shall be done... Even very quickly now. Spring is here! Says The Lord... The
One who is, and was, and is now come. Amen.
My sons, I have filled your hearts with gladness this night, yet I tell you the truth: The day is upon you, where this
prophet shall no more prophesy to you, nor shall there be a need for him to deliver My words to you... For I shall come
and dwell fully in him, even as I shall come and dwell fully in you. And that, which he hears, shall also be heard by
you. This is why I said, “Is there not two prophets with you at your table?... Yea, I tell you, more than two.”

[Trent] To You be all glory!

[YahuShua] Amen, I say to you. The glory is indeed Mine, even as The Father is glorified through Me... And that same
glory, which is in Me, shall come also to dwell in you... And by this shall My name be glorified in all the earth.

Prepare My way before Me!

Letters from God and His Christ 260 Volume Six

4/8/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship -
For Bethany and The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Come to Me and Take Shelter... It is Time

[Bethany] Am I to “eat” of The Lord’s Word, three times per day? And pray, eight times per day?

[YahuShua HaMashiach] Do whatsoever comes into your heart concerning Me, for one can never go astray
seeking to partake of Me, says The Lord, your Redeemer. Yet here is wisdom: One who comes to Me seven times
in a day, to worship, shall be filled with peace, with trust strengthened... And one who comes, yet once more
to pray, shall receive of Me. And yes, beloved, feed yourselves night and day, with the food from My own table,
even of that which I have put forth for this generation... Partake of it fully. For My book shall be completed, and
the door which lay open shall be shut, and that which is written shall be spoken aloud... And that, which has
been written, shall be left as food for the desolate...

Spring is here!

Come close, My little ones... Draw close and enter in...

Come and be united to Me, and I shall be united to you.

Obey all that which I have commanded you already. And when I have not spoken presently, wait... And abide in Me, and
take shelter in My strength. For that which has been seen, yet is ignored by the people, shall be brought to the forefront...
Even it shall increase quickly now, for My jealousy has come up into My face. And that which has remained hidden, in
the lake of My burning heart, shall be made known... It shall be poured out... A blessing and a cursing... Judgment and
escape. No more shall anyone say, I am a God afar off... For I am The Only God, and I am close at hand...

Behold!... I am coming down to you! My presence shall shake the earth!...

And all hearts shall melt, all men shall fear,

And all My beloved shall be gone in an instant...

The earth left drowning in tears...

It is time, says The Lord.

My sons and daughters, take My words to heart, for that which shall be done I have withheld from you, for you are
not yet able to bear it. Yet understand this: I am your Father... And My jealousy, over My beloved, has caused My
anger to come up into My face...

It shall be poured out!...

Justice shall be served, and My beloved avenged...

Trust in Me, and question not My ways.

Take refuge in The Son...


Volume Six 261 Letters from God and His Christ

4/8/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Jayse and Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship -
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I am Close at Hand

Thus says The Lord of Heaven and Earth, The One True God: Behold! I am coming quickly!... To gather My bride,
to establish My servants... To fulfill, says The Lord YahuShua. Have hope, My children, for I am yours. Take and eat...
Be filled with your Lord, and shine forth! Yes, burst forth, My beloved little ones!... It is time.

Sing halleluYah... Sing!...

For I am come!

I am close at hand! Says He, who is filled with jealousy... I am close at hand...


My grace is poured out...

Behold, My strength is coming, says The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 262 Volume Six

4/12/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Marriage in the Eyes of God
Married Unto God

Question asked by a sister in Christ: Does The Lord see my fiance and I as married?

[YahuShua] In the flesh you are indeed married, yet in spirit you remain separate... Even a great valley has formed
between you. Neither have you, together as one, brought your hearts before Me, so I may bless you in the union
of marriage... Therefore, unmarried you remain. For no one may become truly married, except they marry under
God. And if one is not married under Me, and in My name, even that same one lives in sin, save those who practice
abstinence. Therefore, this is what I say to you...

Beloved one, you are married unto Me.

Be My Bride...
Walk beside Me...

Says The Lord YahuShua.

Volume Six 263 Letters from God and His Christ

4/11/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Draw Near

My beloved one, am I not with you?... Beloved, I am with you, and in you, and from the Kingdom you are not far,
for within you have I seen that which is of Me.

Beloved one, precious daughter, I have felt your tears...

Lo, I am He, by which you have come to this place...
Daughter, even I have drawn you...
And from Me shall you never depart.

Beloved one, hold fast now...

Hold Me so very close... Hold Me fast...

Embrace Me and hold fast, for the time has come... Behold, the winds of change have begun blowing, and the heat
of persecution shall now increase and rage against you. Fear not, I am with you, and I am coming quickly to hide
you... I will deliver you! And of your most precious son, he is Mine also... Behold, he rests solidly in the palm of My
right hand. Even all the little ones know of My coming, for I have already called to them... Behold, My hand reaches
down for them. Rejoice, therefore, for the time is so very near... And where my gifts are, so shall you be also. It is time
to let go, and trust, for the time is fully come, and I shall surely hide My treasure... In My love shall they be hidden...
Yea, they must be gathered. For the fierceness of My wrath has fully come, and must be poured out... All foundations
shall crumble, all cords shall be broken, and those in bondage shall be set free. My beloved shall fly away, yes, all
those who I see of Myself in them. They must be separated from this world... Far from all who hiss at them, from all
who hate My name and My coming, from all who hate this Word, which proceeds from My own mouth...

The time is fully come... Spring is indeed here!

Shout amen, beloved... Beloved one, sing for Me!

Beloved one, hear and understand this also, and accept My words and that which you have begun to perceive
already: The words, which you have written, though they contain a similitude of truth, are not My spoken words;
neither did they proceed from Me... From you they have come forth, and that according to your intake of My Word,
both in The Scriptures of Truth and My Word in these seven Volumes, The Letters of Truth. You have filled yourself
up, and by the overflow thereof have you written these words, according to your understanding which remains
limited and in part, leading to confusion of speech. Shed no tears over this, for indeed, you have felt My presence.
And that which the Spirit speaks you have heard, yet only in part... As one who hears an imperfect echo, unsure of
its source. For to you, it has not been given to prophesy, in this manner in which I speak to you now. Be not taken
aback, nor be swallowed up in much sorrow, nor look back... Let go and press forward, for all these stumblings
have led you to this very place, in which you have come to dwell at My feet, in deep and pure love.

Beloved one, you have waited for Me, and I, you.

Come to Me, so our joy may be complete... Come close, come very close, precious one...

Receive My life, for your time has fully come,

For you are now ready to receive it.

Letters from God and His Christ 264 Volume Six

4/11/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Draw Near cont.

I gave of Myself for you, nothing held back... Behold, I am risen... And in that same moment were you revived also,
though you had not yet come into the world, by way of water and blood. Even then, I saw you as you are now, crying...
Where I came to you quickly, laying My hands upon you, to bring you comfort and to free you... Beloved one, that day
has come! It is here!...

Receive of My life, daughter... Receive!...

Drink and eat!... Partake of Me fully.

Beloved one, I am He!... I am He!...

He who has always known you...

The One, who has loved you from the beginning...

Yea, before you were made, I knew you and loved you,
Holding you close upon My bosom...

For those, who receive life eternal,

Were made for Me, and I died for them...

Love’s completion.

Therefore, do not hesitate...

Come! Come, let us rejoice together!...
Come and enter into your Father’s joy, says He who lives in you.

Volume Six 265 Letters from God and His Christ

4/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an On-line Conversation
For Jayse, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Poured Out

[YahuShua] Why withhold, My son? Why do you suppress that which is revealed, that which you know to be true?
Submit to the whole truth, when I speak. Embrace it ... Hear... And so write. Withhold nothing of all I give to you,
whether soft or hard... For that, which I reveal, shall bring those appointed into My fullness, whether it be before
or after the door is shut... Trust in Me. It is time to lay yourself down, it is time to let go of the lusts and doubts of
your heart... Decide!... Decide, My son, and I shall surely finish it.

[Jayse] I choose you now, Lord.

[YahuShua] You have indeed chosen Me, even as I have chosen you. Yet understand this: I will no more share you!
I will no more be divided in you! Decide, make the decision... Draw the line in the sand! Rebuke temptation in
My name! Say to temptation and he who is the tempter, “You shall proceed no further! I am The Lord’s, and I will
no more give myself to diverse lusts, to the cares and deceits of my flesh and this world... I AM THE LORD’s... My
heart, it is The Lord’s... My mind, it is The Lord’s... My will, it is The Lord’s... My flesh, it is The Lord’s. The whole
of my body, even all I am, I give to The Lord... I am The Lord’s. Yea, I pour out my life before The Lord, even as He
poured out His... Let me receive it! In the name of My Love... I call out in YahuShua’s name... I ask to receive it...
YahuShua, my life and my righteousness... I want Your life! My Lord and my God, I am yours... Do with me as you
please, according to the good pleasure of Your will... I give myself away. Amen.”

Letters from God and His Christ 266 Volume Six

4/20/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Trina, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Love One Another, by First Loving Me

Trina, honor your son and show him love, yet do so separate from the wicked.

Beloved daughter, I have heard your pleas, and know how your heart breaks over your beloved... Is My heart not
heavy also?

Therefore, this is what I say to you: Have your celebration, yet honor Me first when doing so, for this shall be
an example for your son. Invite no one, who hates My Word and My coming, whether adult or from among the
children who have come of age. Let those, who hate Me, do as they will... Separate from your household. Enter not
into agreement with them, in any form. Have a family convocation for your son, and let him choose. In this way
you honor Me first, and your son also, if he so chooses to receive it for what sort it is. Yet again I tell you: Have no
agreement with, and stay far from, those who hate Me by persecuting My beloved. And let not the lines be blurred
according to kindred... I am The Lord and am no respecter of persons... I discern the hearts.

Those, who follow My voice, shall be blessed in it...

Though they yet lack understanding,

With their vision blinded, due to their heart’s intentions.

And those, who do not give heed to My voice...

To them, only pain and many tears await them.

Therefore, beloved daughter, I tell you these things not to trouble you, but to free you... To reveal My love and to
build your trust. For I am a Great King, and all creation is under My will! And those whose countenances remain as
adamant stones of hate, who bring shame upon themselves, shall be broken. I am The Lord... And all shall come
to know the truth of Who I Am, and choose. Therefore, do what is right in My eyes... And reveal to all, Who your
First Love truly is... For this is love...

For one, who truly loves another, loves Me first,

And reveals that love in obedience, pointing their loved ones to Me also...

For I am that Gift... The Greatest of All Loves...

Even I am He who laid down His life for them, though they did not ask.

To love Me first in all your ways, and with all your heart, mind and strength,
Is also to love your neighbor as yourself...

For I am The Source of all, which is right and good...

And through Me, only, is true love revealed.

Volume Six 267 Letters from God and His Christ

4/17/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Larry, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This is My Will For You

My son, you seek Me, and this is very good... Behold, I shall answer you.

Yes, go and seek work, and provide for your family and fulfill your obligations, as you are able. For in doing so
shall you meet those with whom you shall speak, telling them the good news of My coming, and warning them
of that which is about to be poured out and is poured already. I shall place them in your path, and you shall share
My words spoken to this generation. And when you are forced to depart one place, shake off the dust and seek out
another, until the day I come for you...

This is My will for you...

For you are My beloved son, and you shall serve Me as such...

I am The Lord.

And while you serve, your brother shall provide for your needs and expect nothing in return, for he is also My son and
must obey as such. Therefore, you shall both sound the trumpet together, one this way, and the other according to that
which I have commanded already. And when you are both idle, go!... Go together, and search out and place My Word
in the way of the passerby, while holding to the rules thereof... This is My will for you... I am The Lord.
Larry, you have many questions... Ask. And if you do not yet receive, ask My servants, Timothy and Trent, and
they shall point you quickly to where understanding is revealed. Do not hesitate, there is little time to tarry. Yet
understand this, My son: The knowledge and understanding, you seek, is not foremost...

First, seek to enter into My love...

Seek to abide in Me, seek to escape, seek to know and understand the knowledge,
Of which I give and comes from Me, which flows in rivers of grace and peace...

For I am He.

And that, which is required,

Flows from My side in rivers of running waters, for I am poured out...

Receive of Me.

And that, which you seek, shall be yours also,

A fountain of knowledge and understanding, which never runs dry...

Even for one week in the Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 268 Volume Six

4/17/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Larry, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This is My Will For You cont.

I am The Bread of Life!...

I am The Drink, which sustains you unto eternal life!...

Partake of Me!

And all that, which is of Me, shall be yours also...

Even all that I am shall be revealed to you...

Receive of My life!

And together shall we walk... You in Me, and I in you.

My son, we shall count the stars together,

Even you shall come to know them in that day...

The day in which The Father’s joy is completed...

The day without end.

Amen... And amen.

Volume Six 269 Letters from God and His Christ

4/26/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord, Yahuwah: True wisdom, by nature, can not be of man; nor can it be found in the earth, but is
from above... Heavenly... Holy. For that created was created by the wisdom of Him, who created all things... Even
knowing their form from the beginning. Therefore, men seek out wisdom, yet never find it.
Behold, the earth abides, and everything in it gives heed to the wisdom of The Most High and that Word, which was
spoken into the face of the deep. Yea, all things conform to the line, which is set and can not be moved, for it remains
forever and unchanging. Yet that polluted, and that which appears crooked, shall once again be made straight, restored
to the form in which I created it, even of and by that same wisdom in which it was first made... To My own glory.

So then, men who have received knowledge, who also receive of Me in The Son, grow wise...

Receiving of that wisdom, which is eternal, according to the new heart I have given them...

Which leads them along mountain streams of living water,

Filled with a fervent desire to seek out its Source...

Drinking from it while on their journey,

Gaining strength, yet experiencing increasing weakness...

Leaving all behind in their holy pursuit.

Yet with the earthly man it is not so, for he proclaims the wisdom of the world, even to take hold of it, to make it
his, in an effort to gain power over his life and over those things which he thinks he owns. This man, he shall indeed
gain the world, and lose everything, when all he has built up in the world crumbles before his eyes... Even all,
who remain married to this world, shall share in its end. Thus is the wisdom of men, which shall come to nothing,
destroyed together with the knowledge which had come up from beneath... A lie, a growing deception, separating
them from The Truth and The Life. For they have lost their way, never seeing or believing, instead grasping always
at particles of dust blowing in the wind... Worldly men, sinking fast into the pit, suffocating in the shifting sands of
religion, philosophy and science, falsely called truth and wisdom, built upon the knowledge of men which shall
burn in the Day, even as stubble before the fires of The Lord’s indignation.

Thus says He who is, and was, and is to come: Here is wisdom, and true understanding: I AM... And you are in
Life because of Me. And all that is, even all these worlds and all that is within them, were made according to The
Father’s wisdom, which brought them forth into being, with the fullness thereof being manifest through The Son,
whose name is as The Father’s... YahuShua...

For I am and have always been,

The Way and The Life, The Salvation...

The Only Truth, from which all understanding flows,

Which is received by all who accept Me...

They who hold fast to the knowledge and belief, that indeed, I AM WHO I AM,
And there is no other and none like Me...

Accepted in The Beloved, abiding in grace, dwelling in peace,

Seeking after the only true wisdom, which is received in Me,
Built upon the foundations of unending love, of which I am...

The Loving Mercy of God.

Letters from God and His Christ 270 Volume Six

5/1/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior, Our Comforter, Our Redeemer -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study
For The Lord’s Little Flock and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Hold Fast to the Line

Timothy, many shall come from the east and the west to persecute My beloved, and the time of great testing shall
come in. And though many, even some among you here, lose hope and fall away for a time, don’t you fall away...
But remain firm...

Yet if you waver, look straight ahead,

And keep your focus and hold fast to the line...

For I am with you ...

Behold, I am mighty to save...

Says He who is coming quickly, to deliver.

Volume Six 271 Letters from God and His Christ

5/2/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am Yours... Receive Me

I have come already... And lo, I am now coming quickly to gather you. Hear Me and receive, for I am with you...

Oh beloved, I am with you!...

Beloved, I am with you...
Trust in Me!

Come to Me, receive of Me... And shine!

I have healed you!...

Yea, in My presence you are healed!

Therefore, oh sons and daughters of men, who are My children also... Remain in My love!... And love is what you
shall surely receive. Partake of My word at every opportunity, consume Me as your food and your drink, and you
will surely live...

Even forever shall you live with your God, abiding in His Salvation,

Says He who is Faithful, He who is true, whose love is everlasting.

Beloved, My love is yours...

My life is yours...

Receive it!

It is time...

Letters from God and His Christ 272 Volume Six

5/8/10 From God The Father -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship...
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear, Those Who Believe This Word in Front of Them, Knowing The Author Thereof
Go Out and Trumpet My Word

The time has fully come...

And I, The Lord your God, send you out...

Yes, all of you, who are willing...

Yes, each one of you, I now command to go out and trumpet My word...

Each one of you, according to the faith you have received in Me,
And according to how I, Myself, lead you...


You shall go to every church near to you, and to every neighbor which resides within your reach. And if there is a
sign, saying you may not solicit at a certain church, you shall still go forth... For I am sending you. Go forth into
their lots, and leave My Word there, putting it into their hands and upon their vehicles.
And when you go into the towns, and to all places where people congregate to buy and sell, and you see there a
sign saying you may not solicit, turn aside and go not into that place, but remain outside and hand My Word to
the passersby.

I am The Lord...

Pray, and so do as I, Myself, lead you...

Even according to that which I place in your hearts.

Volume Six 273 Letters from God and His Christ

5/14/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Trying of Your Trust, A Testing of Your Resolve... Your Faith Revealed

Little flock, I will also speak to you... Hear My words, and give heed to My commands.

In your doings, I am well pleased, yet you have not awaited My command. Have I commanded you to keep this feast, at
such a time as this? Behold, even Timothy did run ahead, and waited not for My command. Hear the word of My mouth,
therefore, for it is I who commands you... Yes I, The Lord of heaven and earth, Yahuwah... Yes I, who causes to be...

Thus says The Lord to His little flock, beloved of The Shepherd...

You also must be tried, you also must be tested.

Hear My words: This Pentecost is, and will be, yet is not and shall be no longer. Therefore, you shall make this
day, you have set aside, holy... Yet you shall do so by service, and you shall honor your Lord, by doing that which
I command you on this day.
For some, this shall be a beginning, while to others, a falling away... A backsliding, a shrinking back from the power
of The Lord and His proclamations... Yes, a testing of your resolves, a trying of your judging hearts, an exercise of
your obedience, according to your faith. Yet know this and consider: No matter your actions, whether within or
without, I, Myself, have looked upon it... And I will be there, close by, watching, and waiting for your call.

Lo, some shall judge and be offended...

Yea, some have done so already, and are indeed offended,

With their hearts departing, and their eyes distracted by this world and the deceiver...

And some will remain.

Therefore, this is what I command you, and this is what you shall do on this Pentecost, even as it remains one
week ahead of the time: You shall go out and warn them from Me... You shall warn all those in the churches, as
many as you are able, on this day. And behold, the one, to whom the trumpet was given, shall not go with you;
neither shall he leave his house. For I have placed the trumpet in his hand, and he has trumpeted for you. Even
together, with his wife, have they put the message into your hands. Therefore, neither he nor his wife shall go out.
They shall remain, and pray, making intercession for you.

Behold, beloved little flock, I have set before you a call to service, by trust,
And a stumbling stone, over which some shall stumble...

For as I have given you much, therefore much shall I require...

And only a very few shall remain.

And so that, which was begun, shall be finished... The first week of two is ending, and the second is about to begin.
Therefore, you must ask yourselves, “Where have all these seeds been sown?... Have they taken root? Or are they
choked for the multitude of weeds, which have sprung up?” Beware, for the birds have gathered, and wait eagerly
to devour the seeds which are strewn about, which have no foothold... For the gulf widens.

Letters from God and His Christ 274 Volume Six

5/14/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Trying of Your Trust, A Testing of Your Resolve... Your Faith Revealed cont.

Only that which is first, along with that which is now brought to the forefront, shall bear fruit... For that, which is
first, bears fruit according to the seed and The One who has sown it. And that which is put first, which is not of the
seed nor of The Sower, must wither... Even it must die and be devoured, until nothing remains.

For many are called, but few are chosen...

The first harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly...
The second, plenteous.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear...

And those who are able to receive, let them receive.

And those departing, let them depart...

Until the time be changed.

Volume Six 275 Letters from God and His Christ

5/15/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Workers in the Field of The Lord’s Harvest

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, are we not called to trumpet this Pentecost, as the others in the flock,
because we have done something wrong, or because we have been judgmental?

[YahuShua answered]
Behold, I have sent into My vineyard, husbandmen,
And one who is to be as a chief husbandman...

And those, who are sent, are the same, who came seeking that they might serve.

Behold, The Lord over the harvest had sent out a call, to all lands,
That laborers should come and work in His fields...

For the laborers are few, for many labor, yet are not of this field. They serve another master, seeking only to serve
themselves. Behold, they have grown fat and large, and hate the smaller vineyards and the laborers thereof. For
the quality and value of the wine, produced in the small vineyards, is much greater, with the early and latter rains
abundant in their seasons. And so the small vineyards are persecuted, by those large in number... Yea, they are
hated by the multitudes.
Beloved, you are of the small in number, where the wine is superior and the rains abundant. And your husband is
appointed as a chief husbandman, over this field and its laborers... For he listens to The Master, and delivers His
commands, and makes His wishes known... And you transcribe what he receives from the Master, so it may be
delivered to the workers.

Therefore, the one whom The Master appoints,

As both a servant and a lord over the harvest, enters not the field,
But stands outside relaying The Master’s orders, with his helper beside him.

And if the laborers hate the chief husbandman, who The Master has appointed, because he hears The Master’s
voice and has obeyed Him, have not evil thoughts entered their hearts, causing them to judge unrighteously?...
For one, who hates any I appoint, hates Me also, for I am He who has commanded and sent them... The Master
shall be their judge. And husbandmen, such as these, who harbor evil thoughts, shall be fired and taken out of the
harvest and left standing outside, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth... By this shall the faithful and
the unfaithful be made known.

For all flocks shall be tested...

Even all, who call of themselves by My own name, shall be sifted,

No matter their number, whether great or small.

So then, you ask if you are set outside, due to your heart?... No, you remain within the gates. And you shall indeed
make intercession, with many supplications, for those who are in the field and for those whose hearts have turned
from Me... Is this not also the job of the chief husbandman and of his helper? For one appointed, over any flock or
group of laborers, also speaks to The Master on the flock’s behalf... Or have you forgotten what The Scriptures say,
concerning the apostles and the saints? (Ephesians 6:18 and Acts 6:4).

Letters from God and His Christ 276 Volume Six

5/15/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For He and His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Workers in the Field of The Lord’s Harvest cont.

Let this be known to you, also, Beloved: As Timothy is appointed, as a chief husbandman over this harvest, not
yet going into these fields, likewise shall he be a husbandman in the next harvest, with The Chief Husbandman
set over him. Therefore, the one who spoke to the laborers, and for the laborers, shall become the laborer in the
second harvest, speaking to the harvest on the behalf of The Land Owner, speaking as The Land Owner, with his
Master’s words placed in his mouth... For in that day the laborers and The Master shall be one, with laborers few
compared with the number of the harvest. And they shall be for Me, My hands and My feet, and mouthpieces of
The Most High God.

Therefore, see with greater eyes,

And rejoice in My commands, for they accomplish My will. Amen.

Beloved, the very thing, over which you were concerned, serves as an antidote... For judging another man’s servant
is sin, and is like poison, yet judging one’s own judgment toward others, renders this poison neutral and of non-
effect... Even as checks and balances... Right discernment, according to that which the Spirit reveals.

Seek My face, therefore, and obey My will...

Give heed to My voice and see with My eyes,

Even as I have told you already...

Like the dove on the high branch...

And be at peace, and trust... And KNOW, I am The Lord.

Rejoice!... For The Lord of the vineyard comes!

Volume Six 277 Letters from God and His Christ

5/28/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Amy D., And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Gardener’s Children

Concerning your dream: It was a foreshadowing of things to come, a reflection of things that are, and a representation
of things that shall be no more. I will reveal it in due time, so you may have peace and know, that I have not ceased
from leading you, nor have I ever left your side... I am with you... You are My own beloved. Behold, I will speak
to your dream, and through My servant shall I reveal those things which, at present, seem to be hidden from your
eyes... Even that, which is veiled, shall be lifted from the heads of the humble.

I am The Good Teacher... Therefore, perk up your ears and hear My council... For I had spoken, saying, “For
whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what
he has will be taken from him”...

For he, who has received of Me, is planted in the good ground,
And upon him shall I send much rain,
So he may blossom quickly and bear much fruit...

Understanding also, that whatever is put first will bear fruit of the same.

Therefore, I shall increase quickly in My beloved,

According to My will and their willingness to be increased in Me...

For now is the time, says The Lord.

You have called out to Me, and I have heard, and this is My answer... “Here I am! Draw very close to Me... Hold
fast”. Even I have spoken it through all these Letters, in these seven Volumes... So all My sheep, who do hunger
and thirst for Righteousness, may come out from among this multitude... To sit at the table of The Lord and be filled,
drinking Me in.
Behold, these words, which I have spoken, are also a warning and a call to repentance, for the great and terrible
Day of The Lord shall soon begin... Lo, it is here! Yet very few have ears to hear, nor will they see, and just a very
few have harkened to My voice... And this too is My will, that many forbear, while still others come running.

For I know all who will come to Me, and the means by which they shall come...

Wherein they shall embrace My love fully, and that brokenness which is required...

For The Father has made it possible for them to do so,

Having loved them from the beginning...

Even as I laid down My life, nothing held back...

The greatest of all loves revealed...

God in the flesh...

Immanu El.

Letters from God and His Christ 278 Volume Six

5/28/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse and Timothy, For Amy D., And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Gardener’s Children cont.

Nothing is outside My will, beloved, for I am The Lord over all things. Even before the foundation of the world, I
knew all who were given Me of the Father, and all who will come to Me in their due season...

I am The Lord... And there is none like Me.

Therefore, My beloved child, in whom I see of Myself, receive these robes of white and wear them well, for the
wedding supper is about to begin. And all those who have come out, fleeing this present darkness, shall be seated
at My table in the house of The Lord... Lo, they shall eat angels’ food for one week, in The Sanctuary of The Lord’s
Therefore, grow quickly in Me, even as I grow quickly in you... “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I
am gentle and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your soul”, as I have said.
Again, it is written... “No temptation has overtaken you, except such as is common to man; but God is faithful,
who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way
of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” And again... “Count it all joy, when you fall into various trials, knowing
that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and
complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without
reproach, and it will be given to him.”

I am not a God of force...

For that, which I give, must be received...

And oh how blessed are those, who have truly received,

For a multitude of joy awaits them...

Soon lifted up...

High, upon healing wings.

Therefore, come and share in My love with this little flock, for they do seek to honor Me, even to walking in My
ways, giving heed to My commands. Beloved, your love for Me is great... And truly I say to you, even as I increase
in you, so shall your love increase for those around you, says The Lord Your Redeemer, The True Vine. For I have
tended to My garden, having watered every plant according to their need, and in accordance with their faith, that
which they are able to receive... And I will continue to do so, until they are in full bloom, growing up quickly in the
noonday sun. For the storm approaches and has come, and so I must gather all the mature wheat, the first ripened
of My harvest... I must gather them in, and hide them in My barn seven days.
And so, My beloved one, understand this: I want you to be with Me, where I am... Even as I am with My Father.
Come now, and drink deeply of all My words, which I have spoken through all these Letters... The Volumes of Truth.
And put no difference between My word aforetime, and this word which I have spoken presently... For indeed, I
have poured out My spirit in these last days, and you have received.
So then, beloved, this is what I say to you: Draw near to Me... Ask, and it shall be given you... Seek, and you shall
find... Knock, and the door shall be opened...

Receive Me, and I shall surely come in,

Says The Lord who is faithful, He who is true.

Volume Six 279 Letters from God and His Christ

5/29/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Spoils of War

Question asked by Timothy: Lord, what do you say, regarding those who take it upon themselves to be “spiritual
warriors”, rebuking demons in Your name?

[YahuShua answered] Have I not spoken to this already? Is My will not made clear?... One who endeavors to gain
advantage, over that which they know nothing about, shall surely be ensnared by it. There are those who are
chosen by The Father, in whom I dwell, who may rebuke demons in My name, but only those to whom it is given.
And it is not of their own authority, but My authority, which comes from The Father... For I am in The Father and
He is in Me.

Have you not read the words of My servant, who prepared My way before Me, when he said, “No one can receive
anything, unless God has given it”... For apart from Me, one can do nothing! Vanity! People, who practice such
offenses, walk in pride... Neither knowing Me nor My will, nor have they asked Me. Have I not said, those who
seek to understand the dark, both understanding of the dark and of the light will be removed? For one who seeks
to do battle, with the hosts of the high ones, will fail... They will be severely injured.


The Lord over all!...

Over the good and the evil...

ALL are subject to My will, to My every word.

I cause the earth to tremble and the demons to fear!...

For where I am, there is no darkness at all!...

Nor can darkness approach the light, lest it be utterly consumed by it.

What is man, then?... He is but flesh, having no power at all... His pride speaks in vain, a false glory. And so he
continually turns to his own devices, deceiving himself... Thinking he stands, though he has fallen. And so he runs,
running into a battle which leads to the pit, where his injuries form scars, scars of false glory... Scars leading to
death, putrefying sores, wounds that will not heal, which infect the whole of his body. Yet he continues on in his
pride, unable to see that he has indeed fallen, that he is cast down, resting instead atop his self-made laurels, saying
within himself, “Look at my accomplishments, look upon all I have done.” All the while satan laughs, saying,
“Behold my acolytes... See how these men of battle have become like me.”

Sons of men, I alone bear the scars of battle!...

Behold, I bear them in My hands and feet...
I bear the stripes, of which I received in the house of My brothers...

For this is life!...

The only Victory, in a battle which was won from the beginning.

Letters from God and His Christ 280 Volume Six

5/29/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Spoils of War cont.

My sons, beloved sons, you are not warriors, not one of you. You are the victims, the spoils of war, servants serving
the master of your choice... one pulling the veil down over your eyes, holding it in place because of your pride
and securing it because of your arrogance... And The Other, removing it quickly, according to the light of your new
understanding, which flows from The Beloved, and the knowledge of Him who is The Only Way.

Therefore, turn now and return to Me, so you may again see...

Lo, I shall also bind up your wounds and set your backs straight...
Bearing your infirmities, always...

Drink now, for you are yet thirsty...

Sons of men, look upon Me, for you gave Me these wounds...
I bore them gladly, for I love you...

Am I not your Father?...

Turn aside now, little children, and return to Me...

It is time.

Volume Six 281 Letters from God and His Christ

6/5/10 YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Elizabeth, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding Elizabeth’s question, where she asked if she should fast on the behalf of others.

Have not My servants fasted, in your presence1?... Yet you have not discerned, says The Lord. Whatsoever one does
with love, with compassion, with empathy, or with concern for their fellow man, is well and good in My eyes...
Even as a suffering on the behalf of another, in My name, is righteousness, for this is true love.

Therefore, fast as you are moved, and according to your faith, so it may be strengthened. But fast not for the dead,
for this is done in vain and bears evil fruit, which is against The Promise. And fast NOT as a recompense for your
sins, for this is to deny Me. Lo, a new command I give to you: No more fast, as one from whom The Bridegroom
was taken... Rather rejoice, for I am coming quickly...

Yet one, who fasts in remembrance of Me,

Will draw closer to Me by their need...

Forsaking their fleshly need, to fulfill in themselves the truth,

Of that which I had spoken in the wilderness,
Even of that which you shall live by2...

Even of that food, which is to do the will of your Father in Heaven3...

A proclamation, that I am The Only Bread,

Which can truly satisfy your need and give you life...

Your Manna from Heaven....

Says The Lord YahuShua.

1. For additional understanding, please read, “Woe to the Captives of This World... The Prison House Is Opened,
Yet You Remain Therein Holding Onto Your Sin, Abiding In Your Transgression” - Volume 5.

2. Matthew 4:4 - But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ “

3. John 4:34 - Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”

Letters from God and His Christ 282 Volume Six

6/5/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Peter, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Testimony Shown by Your Example... Signs Wrought in Obedience

My son, you have done very well in seeking to please Me, by being that example to others, yet this was not My
will for you... Fast not. Rather offer up those things, which have brought you to this place, and seek health for the
temple I have given you... And let this be a sign unto them, until I come.
For I had commanded My servant, Timothy, and those watchmen who remain on My part, to take up a fast from the
morning to the going down of the sun, as an example of what must be first... Then later commanding them to take
up this fast, from six to six every Sabbath day, as a sign to those around them and between Me and them...

Are there not twelve hours in a day, in which My people may work?...

For I tell you the truth, there is a Day coming,

When no one will be able to work, for night has fallen.

Did I not also work, and suffer, for one day on your behalf?...

And so My servants fast, to show nothing is more needful than I...

And they have chosen to put nothing before Me...

Save that which is of pure water,

Which they must pour out continually, into the cups of the thirsty, until I come.

Therefore, again I tell you, My son, you shall not fast in this way, for when you do so, it does not go well with you.
Rather, you shall fast from those things which do you harm, and you shall seek health, to strengthen and cleanse that
which I have given you... And you shall do so each day.
And on the Sabbath, you shall do no work at all, of yourself or for your home. Instead, you shall seek out those in
need, and help them in any way you are able... Trust in Me, I will go with you and lead you... And by this shall your
beloved begin to see what a servant of God truly is, says The Lord.

Volume Six 283 Letters from God and His Christ

6/5/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Jason, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The Ill-Favored of the Flock

Jason asked this question of The Lord, during prayer: Lord, how do I pray for those, who blaspheme Your Word and
persecute Your servants? How do I pray double for them? What does that mean?

[YahuShua answered] Where does a shepherd spend most of His time, and with what sheep of the flock?... Therefore,
let your prayers be as such also, says The Lord. And though there are many who stand inside locked gates, while
you stand outside, are they still not of this fold? And when they have been freed, will you not rejoice together?...
Therefore, treat them as such, and pray for them accordingly...

For as many, of all who arrive last,

Will be embraced by those who had arrived first...

Therefore, pray for them as such.

So again, I tell you...

Those, who are the ill of the flock,

Are the same whom you shall pray for the most...

Even double, says The Lord.

Letters from God and His Christ 284 Volume Six

6/7/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Eugene, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Begin Again, in Me

Begin again in Me...

For I have not left you, says The Lord...

You are forgiven...

And in true forgiveness, there is no remembrance of past offenses...

Behold, your sins of tomorrow are covered also.

Therefore, My son, fix your gaze upon Me, and give your sin no attention... Give no power to temptation, nor to
the tempter. Turn aside and come to Me, and together we shall walk hand in hand... Until you, also, have forgotten
your sin. For it is dead already, therefore revive it not, nor consider it...

It is separated from you, as far as the east is from the west...

LOOK TO ME! For here I am.

Give Me your weakness, and take My yoke upon you, and consider My words... “Come to Me, all you who work
to be free, who are heavy-laden, I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
and lowly in heart... In Me will you find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light, for those
who abide in Me with unwavering trust, wherein love is perfected by obedience.”

Therefore, come to Me, in all times and in all seasons.

And when temptation comes, run to Me and ask...

Ask Me what I would have you do...

And whatsoever enters your heart,

Which is good and brings glory to My name,
Whether in secret or in public, do...

Says The Lord, your Righteousness.

Volume Six 285 Letters from God and His Christ

6/7/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Jesse, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

[Jayse] Lord, was it you, who spoke to Jesse the other night?

[YahuShua] It was I, for I am with My people, increasing quickly within My beloved... I shall surely make Myself
known among My own. And when the day comes, for it is indeed coming quickly, behold, it is upon you... The day
in which I gather My beloved, all those who I have known and are known of Me, for I dwell within them... They
shall come and rest upon My bosom, in the house of The Lord. Jesse, My son, My voice is within you. Therefore,
drink deeply of My word, and as I increase in you, so too shall My voice.

Take heed and understand...

Seek My face, ask, and you shall receive...

I am always near...

I remain with My chosen, having never departed.

Come, beloved, come to Me... Lay yourself at My feet, and I shall be your confirmation. For I am shown within you,
the light of your eye, and you have begun to shine for Me. I have seen your heart, and in you am I well pleased...
Therefore, come.
It is not given to you to prophesy, yet My sheep do know My voice. Therefore, run not ahead. Rather, continue on
as you are, and I shall make Myself known to you, and you shall come to know Me as I really am.

Therefore, abide until I come...

Abide in Me...

Abide with all patience in faith, with enduring trust.

Letters from God and His Christ 286 Volume Six

6/9/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Jayse, For Patricia and Eugene, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
That, Which is Not of Me, is Against Me, and Comes From the Evil One... Says The Lord

Thus says He, who is true: Have I not made the matter known?... Beloved, have you not discerned?...

Tell Me, in this doctrine of eternal torment,

What fruit is displayed?...



Tell Me, then, if it bears none of these fruits, according to My own Spirit... Tell Me, from what spirit must this
doctrine come from?... And upon what is it built?

Behold, I shall speak to it, once again: ANY, who hold fast to this false doctrine, of eternal torment, have not
embraced Me in truth, nor do I know them... Neither does My spirit dwell in them. Refinement shall be their
companion, in the Day of The Lord... I shall surely correct them... Even with a strong hand, of a loving Father, shall
I discipline them.

Therefore, forsake this doctrine of demons,

And give it not a second thought...

Forsake any who come to you, teaching this doctrine,

For it is great blasphemy...

Come to ME, and embrace Me, as I am,

And I shall also embrace you...

And that, which was brought forth from a lie,

Even as a veil of darkness, to pollute My name and My teaching,
Shall be destroyed by the light of true understanding
And crushed beneath the weight of the Truth,
Which I am and can only be received in Me...

Says He who is faithful, He who is true.


Volume Six 287 Letters from God and His Christ

6/10/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Serve Me, as I Have Loved You

My sons and daughters, what is trust with abandonment? What is obedience without expectation?... Tell Me, what
does it look like?... Is not your reasonable service in The One who loves you, who also gave everything for you,
love without condition?...

Yet I tell you this truth: Trust is more than letting go...

For it remains standing, that it must also be shown in your obedience,

And by your example, and by your willingness to never deny My name,
No matter the time or the season.

Beloved, I tell you the truth: Place your beloved in My hands, as I have said, for at no time were they not in My
hands... For I am the gate for all My sheep, and they also will hear Me calling, in the day their hearts crumble... And
they will cry out. Yet one who has given over those they love, leaving them in My hands, must now walk according
to that trust... Being an example of The One, in whom they have placed all their hope. Are you not also My hands
and My feet? Are you not a voice and a testimony of Me? Therefore, at all times and in every season, do not deny My
name to please others, or because of fear... Make no effort to keep the peace, for their sakes... For I am with you...

For one, who truly loves Me, speaks about Me...

And one who loves Me first, placing Me above all else,

Has shown their beloved what true love really is,
And this is to love them also...

For there is no true love apart from Me...

For I am that Gift, of which they are lacking...

The Greatest of All Loves, which endures forever.

Therefore, to speak of Me, in the company of others, is to love them. To deny Me, for the sake of others, is to hate
them... For by your silence, you show yourself to be in agreement with their doings, whether they be in ignorance
or rebellion, whereby you have also revealed that your comfort is more important than the Truth...

Therefore, whoever denies Me denies love,

And has forsaken their beloved, in favor of the ways of the world...
A false peace, to their own hurt...

For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction,
And there are many who go in by it...

Therefore, tell them how to enter in, by the gate which is narrow...

I am The Way!

Letters from God and His Christ 288 Volume Six

\6/10/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Serve Me, as I Have Loved You cont.

There are many sheep in this field... Most have wandered and gone astray. And many rage as lions and bleat
as goats, yet they are no lions and never were they goats. They are ill sheep, living in a pasture which is greatly
polluted... The stink thereof bringing forth a thick fog of delusion, from fear.
Therefore, from this field I have called some, a select few, to be My examples to the rest, not according to their
own righteousness, nor because of their own strength or intellect... For I have given them new eyes to see clearly
the way ahead, and new ears to hear Me above the noise of the pasture, and a new mouth to speak My words,
at all times in which I cause them to speak. They shall serve, not because they are in any way superior to the rest,
for who I call, I call... I am The Lord. Rather, they are called, and so do as I command them, according to My own
will. They have forsaken everything for the sake of their Shepherd, and will listen only to His voice, and will in no
wise listen to or follow another... For they are defeated in My love, destroyed by My glory, and broken because of
the power of My words, which have entered deep into their hearts, piercing them... And all this because of their
heart’s innermost desire, which I am the fulfillment thereof.

Therefore, this is what I say to you...

Trust with abandonment...

Obey without expectation...
And love without condition...

For in this shall you truly know Me,

With your faith progressing quickly toward perfection.

Do I move you, beloved?... Am I your heart’s desire? Your innermost hunger? Your desperate thirst?... Beloved, you
are these things to Me! I love you! I love you!... Beloved, I LOVE YOU! And of your beloved, I am desperate to hold
them... I am in love with them also. Therefore, give them to Me, and in turn reveal Me in you, so they may see...

In open, reveal My love...

In secret, reveal My love...
When no one is there, walk in My love...

Drink Me in! It is time!

Hurry! Seek out the thirsty and fill their cups, feed the hungry and the poor in spirit. And those who resist, pray for
them, and be My example... They will drink later. Beloved, I love you as you are... Now serve Me, as I have loved
you. Remember My words: “Whatsoever you do for another, you have done it for Me; and whatsoever you do to
another, whether in goodness or malice, you have done it to Me”.

There is no life apart from Me...

All remain in The Vine,

Until that, which must be, is done,
And those seeking death are broken off...

Now serve Me, as I have loved you!

Volume Six 289 Letters from God and His Christ

6/14/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study
For The Lord’s Little Flock and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
New Wineskins

This is what The Lord, Our Redeemer, says: Beloved, there are many here, who shall soon come into My fullness,
and be caught up to glory, in glory... While still others must receive of My fullness, according to My will, for they
will go for Me in The Day.

Yet hear and understand, My watchmen: You must be cleansed and prepared... (No, not according to My blood
and My sacrifice, for that is finished, it is accomplished)... And be made completely new over time. Remember
what I have taught you, of the new wineskins, for in this is understanding and speaks to that which I am doing...
And will be accomplishing in you, very quickly now.
Therefore, when My presence comes upon you, stop what you are doing and embrace it fully. Stop and close
your eyes, and be still, and receive it. For it shall wash over you, also coursing through you as your blood courses
through your veins... And you shall be washed, and receive peace which surpasses understanding. And when it
ceases, when it has diminished, go and pray, give thanks and worship... Says The Lord, who makes ready to reap
His harvest in its due season, which has come.

Letters from God and His Christ 290 Volume Six

6/21/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Faithful Witness

Beloved, hear Me...

Understand love, know mercy...

Then go and do justly, walking humbly with Me,

Sharing what I have given you with everyone you meet...

For My gifts are not treasures to be hidden...

They are a wealth of life and love, to be shared.

And if they turn away, wail for them, for they know not the valley in which they tread... They are walking into death!
And of those who rebel against Me, and speak evil of you because of Me, tell them also and warn them from Me,
for those who reject My gifts must be warned... This is love also.

Only a wicked and evil man would neglect his people,

And fail to warn them, when darkness is overhead...

And only a sluggard would sleep, with the trumpet in his hand,
When the sword is about to overtake his land.

Therefore, I tell you again: Warn them from Me! Says The Lord... For calamity increases quickly and evil spreads
forth, ravaging the nations. Behold, judgment comes, with great recompense as its companion! My jealousy is a
burning fire within Me, and can in no wise be quenched, until the consummation.

In seven, it shall be poured out...

In seven, it shall be finished...
And by seven shall My witnesses be made ready...

And lo, the fire which burns in My heart, shall be placed in theirs...
And that, which you behold in My eyes, shall shine forth from theirs.

Behold, as The Son of Man was, so shall My witnesses be also... They shall lack nothing at all, for My fullness shall
be within them, and My presence shall be shown about them... Even the Word of My mouth shall flow from theirs
as a raging river, as a whirlwind of words and proclamations, bringing great glory to My name!...

It is time.

Volume Six 291 Letters from God and His Christ

6/21/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Sasha, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The First of Many

Sasha asked this question during study, regarding this quote from The Lord, ”Turn now from the churches, for it is
finished... The bride is prepared and shall be taken out from among them”: Is this only the people in the churches,
or everyone? Because I was thinking of others that don’t go to church, just some random person, they could repent
and turn to The Lord today, and be raptured tomorrow... Right? (If the Rapture happened tomorrow).

This is what The Lord says: Beloved, you have seen well, yet only as one who abides in the world, while having
blurred vision... No one can see as The Lord sees, nor are you able to look upon the heart. Those prepared and
bundled will be taken, both the first and the second of My harvest... Yet of the first, it is finished...

My bride is prepared and awaits My hand...

And lo, My hand is indeed proceeding forth,

Even as My voice calls to her already.

Behold, I tell you a wonderful thing... Your children know already, and have heard, and in their dreams they reach
toward Heaven, with arms outstretched... They know Me... And long to return to the place, from which they came
and has always been theirs. In the same way, all My children of the first harvest, though they have come of age,
know Me, and stretch forth their hands... Some running, while others are just now standing up. Behold, even those
in the grave will soon reach forth and fly away.

Therefore, the first of many is finished...

The lowly, of the lowly, will be taken...

Every person, in whom I see of Myself,

And every innocent child, in whom I dwell, having never departed...

Behold, even the mentally handicapped shall be taken,

And made whole in an instant, to the glory of The Father!

Therefore, trust in Me, and believe My words also, though you can only see in part and your understanding is
restrained. Believe in ME! Trust in MY ways, for the will of The Father is manifest through Me. And I am that Light,
which is shown in the darkness, yet remains apart from the world... For I am set apart in glory, even as The Father
is set apart in glory, the power of which has no limits and has always been... Even from everlasting to everlasting, I
AM... From which I have also loved you.

Even everyone, who will come to Me, is come already,

And will yet come running...

For those, made for Me, were created in My image, and can in no wise depart...

For they remain with Me, always, where I am...

For I AM, and you are in life because of Me,

And My life has no end.

Letters from God and His Christ 292 Volume Six

6/21/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Sasha, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
The First of Many cont.

You do not understand now what I am saying, but you will later... Even very soon now... For that, which is of
Myself, must now return to Me... And where I am will you also find love’s completion, for there is no love apart
from Me. Even as The Father and The Son can in no wise be divided, in the same way, neither shall any, who are
Mine, ever be divided from Me...


Nothing exists apart from Me!

And if nothing can exist apart from Me... Yea, nothing can be outside The Father or His will... Then why, I ask you,
do you fear, as though I am not able at this very moment, to set in order ALL things which the Father had ordained
from the beginning?...


And if I am Lord over all things,

Then I shall surely do everything,
Which is in My heart to do, concerning My beloved...

For they are the heart of My heart...

My breath is in them...

Behold, they are living souls,

Made after the kind in which they were created...




Volume Six 293 Letters from God and His Christ

7/1/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study Fellowship
For Michael, and For The Lord’s Little Flock, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Deny Me Not... Receive of My Love and Have Peace

[YahuShua] Michael, My son, you are Mine... Let this be sufficient for you, until I come. No longer deny Me, as
though My love is not displayed already, as though My blood does not cover you...

How many times shall I be crucified for you, My son?...

It is finished!... Lo, it is accomplished...

You’re free!

Now come to Me, and stay very close. Seek no more after forgiveness, as though it is out of reach, unable to be
grasped... This is also to deny who I am. For the forgiveness, I offer, is to be received, it remains very close... Drink!
Be still! Be very quiet, say not a word...

Abide in My love, says The Lord your Redeemer...

Yes, He who bought you...

For you are not your own... You are Mine!

[Michael] I am so guilty, Lord... You are so righteous and worthy.

[YahuShua] Michael, My son, be still. For if you remain guilty, then am I not also guilty? For that, which you are
guilty of, I bore on the tree... How then do you say, “I am so guilty”? For I am indeed righteous, and I am also
worthy... In this, you spoke well. And if I am both righteous and worthy, then those who are Mine, who abide in
My body, are of the same... Even I have made them worthy, for I am The Lord, their righteousness... How then, do
you still count yourself guilty? Says The Lord.

Thus says The Lord, to His little flock: If everyone has life in Me, and I am He by which all things consist and were
made, how is it you have troubled hearts, little flock?...

Therefore, this what I say to you...

And that which I speak is everything you need,

And shall be sufficient for you,
From now until time has no meaning...

Even it is the foundation of all your trust...

Behold, it is both your food and your drink,

The healing of your spirits, adding peace to peace,
To the quieting of your souls...

“I love you.”

Letters from God and His Christ 294 Volume Six

7/19/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Suzanne, And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The following was brought before The Lord, on Suzanne’s behalf... She said: “I have been thinking of plastering
the sides of my truck with something like, ‘Adoption is the Loving Option’. I have not heard either yes or no. The
reason I am asking you, to ask The Lord, is that I do not want to take away from what is already on the back tailgate
of my truck (the Trumpet Call website sign)”.

Thus says The Lord: Regarding the sign and trumpet, by which you reveal Me and My Word to others, detract not
from it... Let it stand alone, a bright and shining lamp post, an ensign for this sleeping generation.
Your intentions are well and good, and the intent of your heart is well pleasing in My eyes, yet trumpet My Word only.
For in My word is this cause brought to light, with many strong and fierce warnings. And those who receive My words,
concerning abortion, will indeed seek other options, choosing life. And those who reject My word and destroy My
gifts, those who murder the little ones, they will receive full recompense for their error!... I AM THE LORD!

Therefore, again I tell you, trumpet My word only, and distract not the onlooker, for that which must be first is set
above all, even above the atrocities of men.

So then, warn them from Me...

For I am The Only Way!

I am coming quickly!

Apart from Me nothing else matters...

Apart from Me is death and darkness.

Concern not yourself with the little ones, in this manner, for they have always been Mine and will always be with
Me. Concern yourself, rather, with those walking into death, with those who tread the wide path, for destruction
comes nigh... Behold, it has come already and grows quickly in its fury.

Trumpet loudly, beloved...

In all manner of speaking and devices....

And trust them ALL into My hands.

Volume Six 295 Letters from God and His Christ

7/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy - To His Watchman on the Hill, Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Offenses Must Come

Trent, My son, I have called you to trumpet, to proclaim the truth, the truth which proceeds from My own mouth...
To be that example, which also speaks to the truth of who I am, testifying by action, according to the Spirit and the
Word of Truth... Displaying fruit in The Beloved. Yet by cleverness of words and witty speeches, you have caused
offenses, which are void of My word as it is...

For offenses shall indeed come...

Indeed it must be so...

Let them come.

Yet any offense, brought forth from among those whose hearts have turned against Me,
Knowing neither Me nor My Father, shall only come by the reading of My word,
Or by hearing it through the mouths of My witnesses...

It shall not come by the words of My servants, but by The Master’s alone.

My son, indeed I have called you out to blow this trumpet... Even as one, who shall lead My little flock in their
edification, by the reading of My word... Even as I had commanded you, that you first listen, then teach, also
discerning the needs of this flock, catering to those slow to understanding... Keeping all things in order, while at My
table. Yet not by a firm word shall you do this, but by a soft word of correction shall you keep My flock in order,
so I may feed them... For a soft answer turns away wrath; but a harsh word stirs up anger, as it is written, the end
of which is hurt.
And this is the food, by which they shall be fed: MY word, and My word only... Lest you be exalted for that which
I have not written. Rather, rebuke all praise added to your account, and let your heart be warmed by another’s
gratitude toward your obedience... Having a clear conscience concerning your service, where you have sought to
bring glory to My name, by that which has glory in itself... Supplemented by the wisdom given you, which flows
from My Spirit, causing you to understand, also bringing into remembrance all I have taught you.
Therefore, My son, in whom I am well pleased, heed My correction so you may grow wiser still, bringing forth
even more fruit in The Beloved... The seeds, of which, I have planted through you, sown in the hearts of My little
flock, who seek to be cultivated in the good ground.
Anyone who represents Me, by way of this Trumpet, must display those things which I require, according to the
purpose in which they are called. Therefore, do not cause offense among the dull of hearing, by clever words, or
cast down the blind by words of your own making...

I am The Word!...

And by My word, alone, shall the sleepers be awakened,

And by My word, alone, shall the offended be warned...

Even some shall be brought forward, because of this, and they shall blaspheme My words...
The hidden intents of the heart revealed by the tongues of the foolish...

For this is My will, according to the division, which must be made...

My ways are not humans ways.

Letters from God and His Christ 296 Volume Six

7/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy - To His Watchman on the Hill, Trent, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Offenses Must Come cont.

My servants shall cause no offense at all, save that which comes by the trumpeting of My Word. And those who
come forward, who are offended in Me because of My words, take nothing they say to yourself, lest you also
disavow the promises which must be met, for which you are also called.
Feed ALL My sheep, and warn them from Me, for the time is fully come. My bride is chosen, for she is wise... But
the foolish shall be left standing outside the gate, shouting, because of the door which has been shut to them. And
so it will remain, until the time be changed, and I cause them to come out from among them, high and lifted up.

Therefore, have compassion on them ... Pray for them...

For only by great travail shall they enter into My rest...

And no more bring offense, by your own words,

But let it come forth because of Mine only.

For you are My representative on earth, until I come, even one among many... You bear the name of the watchmen,
who stand on the hill, outside the city... The first of many, who shall be offered before The Father. Let no guile be
found in your mouth... Let only the songs of The Lamb roll from your lips, and let the great noise of this Trumpet be
blown by your hand, to all within the reach of its sound.
I am The Lord... Behold, I hasten to finish a great work in you, to My own glory... Even the prophet’s reward...
A work, which may only enter in, by way of a contrite heart and a humble, broken spirit... One whose heart is
fastened securely to The Holy Covenant... One whose shoulders are set, and can not be moved, though the enemy
approaches... One who trumpets the warning, in the face of every adversity.
And when one, who claims to know Me, comes and asks you for more, feed them with the sound of My own voice.
And to those who take offense, who also endeavor to cast down My words, serve them also, though they will in
no wise receive...

Serve them by sounding the trumpet and warning, then turn away...

Quickly shaking off the dust, entrusting them to My will,

To the freeing of your conscience...

For they fight NOT against you...

I am The Lord.

Volume Six 297 Letters from God and His Christ

7/7/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Conversation
For Emily, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Flowers You Are

[YahuShua] I hear the thoughts of your hearts, My beloved ones... You have served Me well.

The time approaches for you to depart... One of you taken, and the other thrust forward into service... Both of your
hearts satisfied in My love, with My strength revealed in My prophet.

Emily, I will speak to you, concerning you and your sister, to whom I have sent you and with whom you shall dwell
for a short season.

[Emily] Yes, Lord.

[YahuShua] Patience and love, patience with love, love and understanding... Love them without condition. See with
My eyes, indeed ask Me... When all is quiet, speak to Me.

[Emily] Lord, how do I see beyond myself?

[YahuShua] It is what you see, that causes you to stumble... Rather trust, in that which is beyond yourself. For
though I seem afar off at times, I am always with you, having never departed... For at no time were you ever apart
from Me. And if you have always been with Me, and I held you before your formation, why do you carry on in this
manner, as one defeated?... You are your own enemy, judging the outward by that which is in your mind... Look
only to your heart, and see Me there. For everything, you now see in the world, is passing away, though the world
and all in it deny it. Even those people you love are passing away, for everyone you now see, you will never again
see, in this way... For they must also be transformed. Even the Timothy, you now know, shall be gone shortly.

Worry not on those perishing and those asleep... Yes, some must sleep, while still others must be awakened... Fear
not, none are destroyed until the consummation of all things.

[Emily] How soon, Lord?

[YahuShua] Why do you ask Me about times and seasons? Is not that, which I have spoken already, sufficient for
your trust? And if I had not spoken at all, would you still love Me?

[Emily] Yes, my Lord.

[YahuShua] You have answered well... For this purpose, you were made.

Letters from God and His Christ 298 Volume Six

7/7/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Conversation
For Emily, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Flowers You Are cont.

[YahuShua] So then, rest in Me and this knowledge, for you are My flower also. And soon, every plant, which I have
planted in the good ground, shall be in full bloom.
Yet here is wisdom: My servants are brought together, to help one another, even to the washing of one another’s
feet... Yet this is not always as it seems. For faith is revealed in a certain manner for one, while for others it is
revealed in another. If I take two flowers, and plant them very close together for a time, will not their roots become
entangled?... Even to the competing over water and the light of the sun? Yet what happens, when the heavy rains
come, and the water thereof begins to erode the ground, and the winds lash them this way and that?

[Emily] Their roots are stronger together.

[YahuShua] Amen, I say to you... Yet you say, “I am not able to see beyond myself”?

[Emily] Thank You, Lord.

[YahuShua] Wiser still is the one, who sees as you have seen, yet sees farther still...

[Emily] Show me, Lord.

[YahuShua] Flowers you are, but I am the root and the stem... Your faith, the branches... And you, you are the

[Emily] Give me understanding in my heart of this.

[YahuShua] Yet in the day I lift you up, you will partake of the whole of this tree... And its life will be your life, and
your life will be My life... In that day, you will ask of Me nothing at all.

Volume Six 299 Letters from God and His Christ

7/22/10 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Daniel L., And For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Son and Heir

My son, I have abased you these many times, to bring about in you a right spirit and a new heart... To draw you
very close to Me, before the time. Therefore, think not in any way, that My servant has had any part in it... He obeys
My voice, and holds love in his heart toward you.
I have given you many things, which I deemed necessary according to your asking, inwhere I am bringing your faith
quickly toward perfection. And some of those same things, I have taken from you and given to another... Lest pride
entangle you, and envy becomes a cord about your neck, choking My breath from you. Therefore, look not upon
these things as punishment... Punishment is for those who hate Me, and for those who persecute My beloved.

Correction, guidance and a firm hand is for a son,

Who also calls Me their Father...

And this you have done.

And as your Good Father, who has given you life in The Son as your inheritance, so also must I give you exactly
what is required, for you to come fully into that life. Until then, I must also remove those things which you stumble
over, lest you should fall...

For though a son stumble, he shall never again fall...

For My Spirit upholds him, and the love of Christ sustains him.

Therefore, when a gift or task is imparted to you, whether by the Spirit, or in body, or understanding, give thanks
with all praise, sharing that gift with others, in My name. And when I remove from you any gift, or delegate tasks
to others, or dull your understanding, give thanks with all praise also... For in this is greater wisdom gained... For
in this is The loving Father’s hand revealed...

For a son, who receives correction from The Most High,

Whether in word or deed, is indeed a son...

And is being made fit, to receive of all The Father has...

Behold, he is an heir... Says The Lord.

Beloved son, I leave it in your hands, whether or not you share this gift with your brothers and sisters, says The
Lord... Your Father.

Letters from God and His Christ 300 Volume Six

7/26/10 From God The Father and YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For Oliver, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Abide Until Called

Thus says The Lord, to His servant and beloved: My son, in you am I well pleased. Suffer no more in your spirit,
nor plague your heart with indecision. For your willingness to serve, even that of going to a far country to serve, is
well pleasing in My eyes.

Now consider My speech and seek out My will, seeing with greater eyes...
For what is it to Me, if a man goes or he stays?... For the heart’s intent is what The Lord looks upon. Even by this is one
judged... Either bringing forth works to repentance, glorifying My name by all his doings, in My name; or for a pretense,
declaring My name with his mouth though his heart is far from Me, with his actions bearing fruit of the same.

Yet for this purpose are you called, and for this reason have I separated you out, from among the worldly sheep:
That you should glorify My name among your countrymen, and to bring the word of My mouth, spoken to this
generation, to all you meet...

Even much more will I require of you, My son,

According to the intent of your heart
And the desire I behold there...

For you are indeed a son...

And if you are My son,

Then you shall surely go where I send you.

Yet understand this: Where you are, at present, is where I have sent you... For those I send are first sent to their own
people. And there you will remain, declaring the word of My mouth before the people, even from the pulpit shall
you declare it... Until your service is complete.

My son, much more shall I require of you...

Therefore, abide, until you are called away.

Remain steadfast, until you are replanted...

I am The Lord.

Volume Six 301 Letters from God and His Christ

8/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Pray With Thanksgiving... Completing Your Trust, Strengthening Your Faith

Beloved, pray as one who comes to Me, with all trust and thanksgiving... As one who knows that, which should
be done, will be done, in The Father’s own perfect timing... Oh yes, beloved, as one who comes to Me in prayer,
knowing in his heart, even it is present in all his thoughts, that I AM THE LORD. For a servant, such as this, comes
to Me with great peace, with thanksgiving and praise upon his lips for that which is done already... Though he has
not yet seen, nor has he heard, nor is there any evidence at all that it is done, or will come to pass according to his
own expectation or desire... Rather, he knows that My will shall be met, and is accomplished already...

For whatsoever I think comes to pass...

And the will of The Lord is set, and can in no wise be changed...

For as I AM, so is My will...

It was, and is, and shall be...

Therefore, give Me glory!

The prayers of a righteous man avail much... For a righteous man abides in trust absolute, wavering not, praying
according to My righteousness, knowing, I AM WHO I AM... For this servant’s prayer begins as it ends.

Here is wisdom: The prayers of My sheep are indeed precious in My eyes, and in My ears they are as a unique song,
a beautiful song, played by the heartstrings of My beloved. Yet every song, sung in My name, whether soft or loud,
sorrowful or full of joy, is received up before The Holy One of Israel, as a memoriam and testimony of the saints’
devotion, even as incense before the altar... Incense, which shall indeed be poured out.
Yet I tell you this: It is poured out already, and shall yet be poured out upon the whole world, as a recompense in
judgment, at the time appointed. And that which had come up, which is poured out already, is that blessing which
is received back again, upon the head of the very same one who offered it... Even to the filling of their heart, if they
so choose to receive it... A wonderful recompense for fervent prayer on another’s behalf.
This, then, is the blessing: That prayed according to the trouble of the heart, offered up on another’s behalf, comes
back again, to heal not the heart of the one on whose behalf the prayer was offered, but to mend that which is torn
in the heart of the one who offered it... Whether it be from anger to forgiveness, or from anguish to peace, or from
tears of sadness to tears of hope and joyful expectation... From hopelessness to thanksgiving, flowing from pure
trust which rests solidly upon love... Knowing, I AM WHO I AM.

For I know all My sheep...

I know all who are Mine, having always known them...

Behold, the entire field is Mine!...

And I shall surely reap all I have sown...

Not a single grain falls to the ground, apart from My will.

Letters from God and His Christ 302 Volume Six

8/4/10 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Pray With Thanksgiving... Completing Your Trust, Strengthening Your Faith

Therefore, hear Me, and understand My love: All those you love, I love also. And every tear you shed, on their
behalf, I have shed also... Lo, I weep with you.
I know My own. Did you think I am set apart from your pain?... I know it and share it. Behold, My own Spirit
intercedes on your behalf, for you know not how to pray as you should. Beloved, the intimacy we share you have
not understood, for you yet keep Me at bay though I have come in... Embrace My love!... KNOW ME, AS I AM!
And not as you would have Me be.

I am He who suffered for you, pouring out My life...

And I was glad!...

It is finished!...

And that, which appears undone in your eyes, is finished also...

For it was accomplished,

Even from the foundation of the world...

Of which I was also slain...

Eternal love.

Volume Six 303 Letters from God and His Christ

8/4/10 From God The Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding the “Book of Enoch”
Polluted Fountains

Thus says The Lord: Though the book contains a similitude of truth, it is not the Truth undefiled, as spoken by the
mouth of The Lord your God. For as I have spoken it, to this generation, so I say it again...

Any pure water, mixed with poison, becomes poison...

Polluting the whole...

I am The Lord.

This book is not at all as it seems. Drink not, therefore, from any polluted fountain... Lest you are taken ill, caught
in subtle deceptions, which may only be purged by death of the mind. Renew your mind in Messiah, and turn
quickly from that which is not of the Word, though it remains in its likeness... Deceiving My people, even the elect,
if that were possible.

Thus says The Lord: The created may not create life, on the order of God! There is but One, who has come by the
Spirit, the water and the blood, through the womb of the virgin, and One only!... The Messiah... Jesus, Yeshua...
YahuShua is His name!... Immanu El...

All who conceive, of such wickedness, in their hearts,

Shall suffer the wrath of God, which comes quickly!...

Unless they repent, and turn from the doctrines of demons...

Says The Lord of Hosts.

Letters from God and His Christ 304 Volume Six

8/5/10 From God The Father -
The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an On-Line Bible/Letter Study fellowship,
For Michael, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
A Bruised Reed Swaying in the Wind

Thus says The Lord: One who sits on any fence, between two houses, can not be welcomed into either...

My son, I have spoken to you many times, and you yet deny Me... And lo, even now you rebel against Me, says The
Lord. I have spoken it, and I hear no “amen” from your lips. Behold, it is written for you already, in the Scriptures
of Truth, yet you remain sitting upon the fence, with one foot in the pastures of men. You have called to Me and I
have answered, yet you refuse to be replanted... How, then, shall you welcome Me?...

For between us, a gulf widens,

According to that which you refuse to release...

Let go!

There is no argument, there is no debate...

I am The Lord!...

To choose any, doctrine of men, is to deny Me...

To uphold any, doctrine of men, is to fight against Me.

Before you is an open door, which I have opened... Yet one may only pass through, by leaving all behind, coming
to Me empty.
Lo, I shall speak to it once again, yet I will not speak of it, to you again, after this day: NO ONE, who holds any part
of this doctrine1, which I hate, shall escape the Day of The Lord!... Whether one holds to it in part or as a whole,
according to the churches of men, all have polluted My name!

Therefore, I call you to repent, to turn away!...

To run to Me, as I am!...

And I shall surely heal you.

Turn not, and I shall surely refine you...

For I shall not lose even one of My treasures,

But I shall indeed purify that which is Mine...

Even the dross must be purged!...

Says The Lord.

1. The doctrine of “hell” and eternal torment, as taught in the churches of men.

Volume Six 305 Letters from God and His Christ

8/5/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
In Spirit and In Truth

Thus says The Holy One, our Redeemer: What is the knowledge of men?... It is a stumbling stone. And the pride
of men?... Is it not a rock of offense? How can the blind see, unless someone heal them? Or a man grab hold of a
line, unless it is first placed within his reach?...
Such is the arrogance of men, who seek out knowledge, believing they know the way already... Deaf children,
unable to hear the voice of The Lord their God, nor will they give heed to any guidance, nor can they be led. Yet
the wise man remains still, waiting...

Yet the faithful servant, of The Most High, is wiser still...

For he fears The Lord and waits upon Him,

Nothing at all doubting.

A servant, such as this, reads My Word,

And knows I am The Author and Finisher thereof,
For I live in that man...

By which he is also healed...

With all arrogance and pride fleeing away.

In him is no want at all, for The Lord is his fullness...

Yea, The Lord is his justification.

When he wakes, and when he lies down to sleep, behold, I am there...

I am his life, and he is My joy.

Therefore, when a man, such as this, comes to an impasse in My word, according to his own understanding,
what is his reaction?... He moves on, without any hindrances or doubts, because his relationship with The Author
is intimate, trusting in Him without reservation. He remains still, and waits upon The Lord, his God, for the light
of understanding... KNOWING that every word is true... Receiving the spirit of the word, stumbling not over its
letter. This man, My servant, has established in his heart My Word is true. And until one is established firmly upon
this premise, that indeed My Word is absolute Truth, he will remain daunted... Striving to see, but never fully
understanding; straining to hear, but remaining dull of hearing. Yet for the wise servant, all barriers are removed...

For he is at peace in the knowing,

I AM THE LORD, and all I know is his...

Though he stands at the beginning, unable to see the end...

An heir of all I will reveal to him,

When the fullness of time has come in.

Letters from God and His Christ 306 Volume Six

8/5/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
In Spirit and In Truth cont.

And this, beloved, is what remains lacking among you. And this is why you struggle, though it need not be... Let
go! And the Spirit shall come in, and you shall receive that which you long for and that which you need... Or have
you forgotten, I am also your Author?... Behold, I am your Finisher... Your Father.

For it is written...

“Fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

And knowledge of The Holy One is understanding”...

Outside of this is vanity, wrought in human power, leading to great vexation of spirit... I AM THE LORD!... From the
beginning, it was I who had done it! Even to the end, I shall perform it!... Lo, it shall be fulfilled, according to MY will.

Therefore, in My name is great wisdom, surpassing human knowledge... For I cause to be!... Having called all
things into existence, and by Me do all things consist!...

This is wisdom... I AM!

And this is salvation... Immanu El.

And this is love and mercy... YahuShua.


Volume Six 307 Letters from God and His Christ

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am The Lord Alone, and I Shall Surely Tend to My Sheep

Thus says The Lord: I WILL TEND TO MY SHEEP! And the hired man shall be sent into the fields... Lo, My shepherds
shall gather together My flocks.

I am The Lord... And not one, in all creation, shall be gone from My sight, until the consummation. Neither shall
I lose even one who is Mine... None are gone from My sight. I know all who are Mine, and they never leave My
sight... Whether awake or sleeping, I know exactly where they are. Behold, I see them as they are, and shall be, in
My Kingdom... Held fast in My love, forever, to the joy of The Father!

I am The Lord... I am HE!...

Trust in My goodness! Rely on My strength!

I am The Lord, and there is none like Me!...

There is no other!

I, alone, am life!...

I, alone, am salvation!...

I, alone, AM!

Apart from ME, there is nothing...

I am The Lord alone.

Letters from God and His Christ 308 Volume Six

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am Calling You Out

Little flock, and you, the small of My flock, hear My words and give heed... Yea, drink deeply from My cup, for it
is filled with blood and many tears...

Thus says The Holy One, your Life: Beloved, I am calling you out, and from this world have I called you out
already, to stay separate... Set apart, for My glory, until I come. Yet many of you remain, standing still, with your
cup in your hand, sighing.

Beloved, depart from this world, in thought and in action...

Reveal your love...

Display your love for Me openly!...

Rest in Me on the Sabbath, and receive of My blessings.

And those among you, who still work on My holy day... Of which I, Myself, had sanctified from the beginning...
From My table, depart. For you have not chosen that which is most needful... Coming to Me, that I should heal you.
Your love is of such a kind, which only brings tears to My eyes.
Beloved little flock, I have blessed you in a way few have regarded, nor has any seen the like since the apostles
walked with Me. Yet among you, I see some who turn not their foot away, from doing their own pleasure on the
Sabbath, The Lord’s Day... The day which I made for you, and called you to remember and to keep holy.

Oh beloved, do you not love Me?...

How is it, you take no pleasure in Me?...

Know you not, you are My pleasure and My heart’s desire?

Yet when I look upon you, yes, I do see of Myself, but only dimly... As one who is made to stand afar off, as one
waiting in an outer room, until called for... You have lost your grasp! You will not be able to stand against what is
coming!... Yea, against that which is already here.

Therefore, those among you who forsake My sabbath,

For your own way, reveal who is first...

Depart from My table...

Even with many tears, I command you to depart.

Volume Six 309 Letters from God and His Christ

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am Calling You Out cont.

Behold, there is a day coming quickly, a day and hour which remains unknown to you, in which I will call you to
stop what you are doing, so you may come and worship Me. Yea, I will call you to keep this day holy, and you shall
do no work therein... Even it shall be fulfilled a second time.
Yet of the first, I will indeed call to you. And some will come out and worship Me, each in their own house, set
apart, with their beloved, set apart... And in each household shall it be decided...

Who, among you, loves Me more than these?...

More than themselves?...

More than this world?...

And those who fail to come to Me, without condition, will not be asked to depart, neither shall they escape.
I am The Lord, and this is My will: That one, who burns for Me from within, display that love openly before Me.
And one, who is neither cold nor hot, depart from Me, until such a time comes and is fulfilled, that by great distress
their flame is stoked and becomes a great fire, glaring in the eyes of the passerby, shining in the midst of a cold,
dark night... A warm heat, drawing others toward it, those who sought to be warmed by it... While singeing others,
even to the point of death, as many of all who sought to extinguish it.
I see your hearts, beloved. I behold your innermost thoughts, and know every intent... Even those which remain
hidden, those you suppress. I know, beloved... I know. Pretense is not, at all, becoming of a servant of The Lord;
neither is the world a garment, which any of My elect shall wear.

Strip yourself naked of this world, and come to Me!...

Yea, lay yourselves upon the altar!...

A living sacrifice, acceptable before The Lord.

Beloved, by no other means shall you escape! Oh beloved, My treasures, My battered and bruised sheep, come
to Me and be healed... Lay yourselves down and be broken! There is no more time to wander in all these desolate
fields... The storm is overhead! The storm is overhead, beloved!... SEEK SHELTER!
Beloved, I have spoken to you firmly, and I have done what is needful, speaking to you in a multitude of unending
words, with love of the same. How is it, I call for a right heart, and no pure works follow?... Behold, I have called
for works befitting a loving servant in The Lord, yet your works last only for a moment, then soon pass away... Works
done out of obligation!... Works without trust, with no real love, only self-preservation... A fruitless endeavor to
keep the door open...

BELOVED, AWAKE!... Awake out of your slumber!...

Letters from God and His Christ 310 Volume Six

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am Calling You Out cont.

Awaken your hearts to the majesty of who I AM, of all that I have done...

To the love which flows pure,

Love which flows from My heart through yours, filling you...

Soon reaching out to others, bearing much fruit in The Beloved.

Beloved, upon these words does all life, all knowledge, and all truth rest... Even by which all things consist: “I AM
THE WAY... THE TRUTH... AND THE LIFE!” And this is true, pure, undefiled love, the only means by which The
Law of The Father may be fulfilled: You shall love The Lord Your God, with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with
ALL your soul, and with ALL your strength... And yes, beloved, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. For this is
to walk in Me, THIS is to abide in Me. And apart from this is the world and much darkness... And much pain, a
multitude of tears and sorrow.

It is time for My servants to walk in My strength,

Drinking deeply from the cup of My grace, while along the way...

And for all others, to fall along the wayside,

Until that, which was planted at the first, has taken root once again.

I am The Lord...

I am coming quickly, and I shall surely call out...

And the first of many shall be gone from this place.

Amen, and amen...

I am coming quickly!

Volume Six 311 Letters from God and His Christ

8/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior -
The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy During an Online Bible/Letter Study Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Am Calling You Out cont.

[Addendum from The Lord, after discussing the previous Letter] Oh beloved, how quickly some of you turn
outwardly to look for meaning, when the answer should be there within you...

One Love...

One Way...

One Truth..
One Life...

One Consuming Passion...

The only means, by which one shall surely escape.

Beloved, where I am all My works are made plain, for all good things come from Me. And that which has a veneer
of goodness, yet did not come forth from love, which I am, is a lie... A show, performed as a pretense, in which one
has attempted to impress others, that they might receive praise from them... When in truth, it is only themselves
they have deceived, covering over a wound which remains unhealed... Even that same wound, which I received in
the house of My friends, says The Lord.


Letters from God and His Christ 312 Volume Six

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