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Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo

Management Studies
Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

1 Introduction
UNIT GOAL . Introduction. Talking jobs. Biography. Spelling and editing

A. Speaking focus: business introduction

1. Listen and complete the missing words.

Victor : Thank you very much.

Sam : Hello, I don’t think we’ve……...Sam Erick.
Victor : Victor Tang. Pleased to meet you.
Sam : And what company are you from Mr. Tang?
Victor : Ocean Wide. I’m the sales……… for this region.
Sam : Ah yes. I know your company. Your business is
Expanding very rapidly at the moment.
Victor : Yes, we’ re doing quite well. And yourself? Who do
you…… for ?
Sam : Actually I work for myself. I’m C.E.O of small export and
packaging company. We……… in sea food.
Victor : It’s growing market.
Sam : Yes, but very competitive one Mr. Tang.
Victor : please call me Victor.
Sam : Sam. Victor, let me……….. you to someone. Lin-this is
Victor Tang-He’s the regional rep. For Ocean wide. This is
Lin Chan, my sales manager .
Lin : How do you do Mr. Tang ?
Victor : I’m very well thank you. Nice to………you Ms. Chan.
Lin : I do.
Victor : Can I get you another drink ?
Lin : Thank you.

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 1

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

2. Practice with your own language and situation.

Important: body language to remember: smile, eye contact, firm handshake

3. Introduce yourself to other students in class.

Hello. I’m……..

I’m from……..

I work for…….. I’m a salesman at.……..

I’m in the……..department I sale……..

4. Ask further information about your partner with the following questions and
complete the chart.

What is your name ?

Where do you work ?

What is your position there ? Are you manager ?

How do you like your job ?

Can I have your phone number ?

What is your address ?

Can we have some business ?

I have an excellent business that is…………….

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 2

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

Name Company Position Phone Address

B. Listening focus : business introduction

1. Listen and complete the missing words.

a. Andrew Walsh introduced himself.

1) My…….Andrew Walsh.

2) ……to meet……………

3) ………Dublin………….Ireland.

b. Florence Grainer Introduced herself.

1) ………Florence Garner. Please………, …………… Florence

2) …… meet ……….., …………….

3) ………, ……… The Human Resources Department.

2. Listen and complete the introduction.

a) Good morning. My ………….Erika Schulz. I’m a……..from

Germany. I’m in marketing.

b) Hello. I’m Nikolai Ivanov. I’m from Russia…….. an accountant.

c) Hi. I’m Bo Cheng………..China. I’m a University student.

d) Hi. I’m from Argentina . I’m a senior manager ……… name’s Eva.


source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 3

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

3. Listen to for some business people from different countries. Complete the table
with the names different people use for them.

Pamela Bryson Vladimir popov Elisabeth Reiser Koji Hirano

( USA ) ( Rusia ) ( Germany ) ( Japan )
Friends Ell
Visitor Gospadin ……… son

C. Vocabularies : jobs
1. Job Titles

Write the words from the box under the correct heading.

Customer Service accountant finance

Marketing manager technician engineer
Research and development cashier production
Director doctor telephone human
Resources receptionist lawyer analyst
Secretary sales assistant personal assistant
( PA ) import department treasurer CEO (Chief
Executive Officer )

Job Department

Accountant Finance
………………………….. ……………………………
………………………….. …………………………….
…………………………… ……………………………….
………………………….. ……………………………….
…………………………. ………………………………
……......................... …………………………………..

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 4

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

2. Nationalities

a. Complete the chart of countries and nationalities. Use the words from the box.
Add other countries and nationalities.

Brazil Polish Germany Kuwaiti French oman

Italian Spain Russia Turkey Japanese Swedish
China Greece britsh Amerikan Somali Lebanese
Scottish Yemeni

Country Nationality-an Country Nationality-ish

Brazil ……………….. Poland ……………….
Argentina ………………... Spain ………………
Italy ………………… Sweden ……………….
Russia .………………. Turkey ……………….
Scotland ……………….
Country Nationality - ese Country Nationality-others
Japan ……………… France ……………….
Lebanon ……………... Greece ……………….
China ……………… The Uk ………………
The Us ……………….
Country Nationality - i
Kuwait ……………….
Yemen ……………….
Somalia ………………
Oman ……………...

b. Here are nine adjectives. Write the names of the corresponding countries.

1) Danish..Denmark.. 4) Czech………… 7) Qatari……….

2) Dutch…….. 5) Turkish………. 8) Egyptian…….

3) Pakistan ………. 6) Senegalese………. 9) Indonesian……

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 5

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

c. Here are nine countries. Write the corresponding adjectives.

1) Norway.. Norwegian.. 4)Taiwan………. 7) Brunei……..

2) Portugal……………. 5) Slovakia…….. 8) Colombia…..

3) Switzerland……….... 6) Thailand…….. 9) Congo……..

D. Language focus : to be

We often use the verb to be to describe people.

I am (I’m) I Am (I’m not)


You (you’re) You (You’re not)

We are (we’re)
They ( they’re) We Are (We’re not)

They (They’re

He (He’s) He (He’s not)

She is (She's)

It (It’s) She Is not (She’s not)

It (It’s not)

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 6

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

Am I Yes. I am

You No. you are

Are We Czech?
No. we’re not
Yes. They are

. He No. He’s not

She Yes. She is

It Yes. It is

1. Complete the information and about Inggrid with shorth forms of the verb to
My name …….Inggrid I……a graphic designer. I…..German, and I…..from
……….married with two children. They…….. both in high school. Their school
……….near my office.
My husband……… an engineer. We…….interested in travel and cinema.
My sister…… accountant.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form from the box.
Am ‘m are ‘re is ‘s

a. Lucien and Marie Claire are our agents Bordeaux.

b. Mrs. Turner ……..a programmer in Leeds.
c. My boss and I…….from Frankfurt.
d. Where ………your new assistant from?
e. Excuse me, ………….you the new technician?
f. I……….Swiss, but my company ……..Italian.
source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 7
Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

3. Put one or two forms the box at the correct place in each sentence.
Am ‘m are ‘re is ‘s

a. His English very good His English very good is

b. Where they from? …………………………
c. What her name? …………………………
d. My office in paris,but I not French …………………………
e. Mrs Lopes a lawyer …………………………
f. Alex and Rob from Italy …………………………

4. Put the words in the correct order to make questions, you need one form the
box for each question.
a. Your / Ingrid / name is your name Ingrid?
b. Spain / Isabel and luis / from …………………….?
c. a / you/ programmer ……………………...?
d. Marketing / in /you and tom ……………………?
e. I / tomorrow / in / room16 …………………….?

E. Reading Focus: famous businessman.

1. Read the article and complete the chart.

Azim H Premji
Asim Hashim Premji, the chairman of Wipro Technologies, is one of the richest
Indians. He is an icon among Indian businesspersons, especially in the software

Born on July 24th, 1945, Premji was studying Electrical Engineering at Stanford
University, USA when due to the sudden demise of his father, he was called upon
to handle the family business at the age of 21.

Wipro was then Western Indian Vegetable Products, a small cooking oil company.

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 8

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

Premji diversified into bakery fats, ethnic ingredient based toiletries, hair care
soaps, baby toiletries, lighting products and hydraulic cylinders. Then shifted focus
from soaps to software.

He transformed Wipro into one of India’s most successful IT companies. Under

Azim Premji’s stewardship, Wipro has grown from a fledgling Rs 70 million oil
company into an IT giant with a turnover of $2.4 billion and an employee strength of

Azim Premji has regularly featured in the Forbes’ list of the world’s richest people.
He was also rated among the world’s 100 most influential people by the Time
Magazine. In 2005, the Indian government honored him with Padma Bhushan, one
of the nation’s highest civilian awards.

Azim H Premji
Type of company
Number of employee

2 .Tick the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences.

a. Azim H Premji is Indian businessman in the hardware industry.

b. He is not rich.

c. He is 55 year old.

d. Wipro is automobile company.

e. He is the most influential people in India.

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 9

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

F. Writing Focus : spelling and editing


Beat the spellchecker, add the missing letters(s) in each of the sentences

a. Is you wife a manager…………………

b. She is Marred with two children………………
c. Tom wants to be a layer ……………….
d. Is Olimpic to be a layer ……………..
e. My boss’ favorite sport is foot ball………………
f. The ales manager is very company………………
g. She works for a sipping is very buy…………………..

2. Editing

a. Put an apostrophe ( ‘ ) where necessary

1) Her names Paola. Name’s

2) Anemic from Japan . …………….

3) Her companies in Osaka. ……………..

4) It’s very modern, but isn’t very large ………..

5) are you and your colleague from large.

- No, we aren’t. were from Ukraine ……………

6) Whats your Job ? ………..

b. Rewrite the sentences, add capital letters where necessary

1) Nikola is from Croatia. Nikola is from Croatia

2) Mrs. Kimura is Japanese. ……………………….

3) is nokia Danish? ……………………… ‘

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 10

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

4) Paul is married with two children ……………………..

5) This is George ellis, from marketing …………………..

6) Mr. brown’s new boss is from London, Ontario ………….

c. You are at an international trade fair in another country. You write an e-mail
about the fair to a colleague in you office. Complete the e-mail with items from the

a sales manager company sells do business is from

business is is a great country electronic business is

Hi !
The cyber fair is very exciting, and Singapore is a great country
There are interesting people from all over the world here at the fair.
Adam Raj……..2 in India. He’s……….3
His…………4 furniture for he-tech offices, and he says
…………..5 good at the moment.
I think Mr.Raj is very good business contanct. I’m sure we can………. 6
With him.

Bye for now.

d. Now write your own e-mail about the fair or vacation to a colleague in your

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 11

Business English Course Management Studies
delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

e. Read this Note and e-mail which you receive from a colleague, and fill in form

CV. Global Edu products

Can you complete a staff registration form for my new
Support assistant? His employee number’s 2057. I’ll for ward you
an e-mail with other information you need.

To :Ms.Ani

From : Andre

Dear Ms.Ani

Thank you very much for the offer of a job with you in CV.Global Edu Product in

the post of customer support. Here’s the information you asked for. I have the

Computer Training Ceritificate, and I speak English and Chinese (intermediate


I look forward to my new job and will see you on 24 March.

Kind regards

Andre Lelono

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 12

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delivered by Tenri S P Dipoatmodjo FE UNM - 2018

Staff Registration Record

Family name : ( 1 ) ………………….

First name : ( 2 ) ………………….

Department : ( 3 ) ……………………

Job title : ( 4 ) ……………………

Line Manager : ( 5 ) ……………………..

Employee number : ( 6 )……………………..

Languages : ( 7 )…………………….

Start date : (8 )……………………..

source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 13

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 14

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 15

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 16

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 17

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 18

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 19

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 20

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 21

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 22

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 23

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 24

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 25

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 26

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 27

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 28

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 29

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 30

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 31

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 32

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 33

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 34

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 35

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 36

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 37

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 38

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 39

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 40

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 41

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 42

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 43

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 44

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 45

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 46

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source: Anwar Rahman| Business English 47

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