0 The Adverb

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1. Rewrite the sentences putting the words and phrases in the right order:
1. I/take/probably/my health/seriously/these days/much/more.
2. students/in our school/have/roughly/mobile phones/fifty.
3. hit/enthusiastically/this time/the ball/he/into the back of the net.
4. the post/sometimes/arrive/doesn’t/on time.
5. I /always/wanted/have/to play/well/the piano/well.
2. Underline the correct form or phrase in italics:
1. You are bound to be promoted; the boss thinks very high/highly of you.
2. The elephant trek took us deep/deeply into the forest.
3. I’ve had a lot of insomnia recently. I only slept yesterday/yesterday I only slept four
4. Weekly I get paid/I get paid weekly so I can pay the rent on Saturday.
4. Here lies the tomb/the tomb lies here of Sir Jasper Willoughby.
5. The train strike won’t affect her , she arrives usually/usually arrives by taxi.
6. Liz isn’t our most punctual member of staff; she is often/often is late for work.
7. I’m afraid that still don’t/don’t still know his name.
8. My parents aren’t very sociable, in fact they go out hardly ever/hardly ever go out.

3. Translate into English:

1.Nu doresc să-l întâlnesc deloc.
2. Era extrem de nerăbdător să pornească în călătorie.
3. M-am purtat prosteşte, te rog , iartă-mă.
4. N-am intrat bine în casă, că au şi sosit musafirii.
5. În fiecare zi merge două ore cu bicicleta în jurul oraşului.
6. Uneori nu înţeleg cum reuşesc unii oameni să se menţină în formă.
7. Am cântat la pian în grădină fericită toată după-amiaza.
8. A închis uşa zgomotos imediat ce au plecat musafirii.
9. Întreaga situaţie a fost corect analizată.
10. De-abia mi-am putut lega şireturile de la pantofi . Eram chiar obosit.

4. Choose the right form and place it in the correct position:

1. They were writing something on states (busy/busily).
2. The Queen looked (indignant/indignantly).
3. He was accused of theft (right/rightly).
4. The law was interpreted yesterday (wrong/wrongly).
5. It proved to be a fight (bitter/bitterly).
6. She tried to convince me (hard/hardly).
7. The road fell into the sea (sharp/sharply).
8. He was welcomed (unhappy/unhappily).
9. This is a question of money (large/largely).
10. The king turned to the jurors (sharp/sharply).

5. Correct the mistakes if necessary:

1. Milan cathedral is slightly huge.
2. I can’t stand that actor; he’s absolutely ugly.
3. Steve’s new girlfriend is very attractive.
4. The club is very empty for a Saturday night.
5. As usual, he bought me something absolutely cheap.
6. Some of these laptops are hideously expensive.
7. That night’s episode was really gripping.
8. It’s slightly free to get in; less than one Euro, in fact.

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