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NAME: _____________________________ SCORE:______________

PERMIT NO:_________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle your answer.

1. The following are the characteristics of democratic government. Except

A. Follow the democracy
B. Power lies to with government
C. Makes decision for the people
D. People are not treated equally

2. When a single person heads the government, it is known as an _______.

A. Monopolist
B. Oligarchy
C. Junta
D. Autocracy

3. The second chamber of the UK parliament.

A. The House of Lord
B. Lords Spiritual
C. Lords Temporal
D. House of Common

4. A Turkish Constitution wherein women were given the right to vote and stand for
A. The Constitution of 1982
B. The Constitution of 1921
C. The Constitution of 1924
D. The Constitution of 1961

5. The following are the fundamentals social right. Except

A. Right to Strike
B. Right to organize union
C. Right to Social Security
D. Right to vote

6. Belief that society is built upon a fragile network of relationship which need to be upheld
through duty, values and institution.
A. Conservative democracy
B. Social conservatism
C. Social democracy
D. Democratic socialism

7. Type of democracy that signals an on going concern with the radical extensions of
equality and liberty.
A. Conservative democracy
B. Radical democracy
C. Social democracy
D. Democratic socialism

8. Sweeping political, social, cultural and religious reforms designed to separate the new
Turkish state from its Ottoman Predecessor.
A. Islamism
B. Kemalism
C. Nationalism
D. Secularism

9. Refers to the relationship between religion and state on the country of Turkey.
A. Islamism
B. Kemalism
C. Nationalism
D. Secularism

10. Political principle aim of gaining and maintaining the nations sovereignty over its
A. Islamism
B. Kemalism
C. Nationalism
D. Secularism

11. Political ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market
A. Pan-Turkism
B. Neoliberalism
C. Socialism
D. Communism

12. The philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose
ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society.
A. Pan-Turkism
B. Neoliberalism
C. Socialism
D. Communism

13. A Turkish Constitution introduced the senate to form a bicameral system with the
National Assembly.
A. The Constitution of 1982
B. The Constitution of 1921
C. The Constitution of 1924
D. The Constitution of 1961

14. Local self-government in Russia shall be exercised by citizen by means of the following,
A. Election
B. Referendum
C. Direct Expression
D. Autonomy

15. The following are the powers of executive branch in Great Britain, except.
A. Declare war
B. Credit and receive diplomats
C. Appoint commons
D. Ratify and make treaties


_______________1. First constitution of Japanese. The 1889 mejia consti

_______________2. Most important political event in Russia and even in the world. Rus Rev
_______________3. When was Russia proclaimed an Empire and became recognized as a
world power? 1721
_______________4. Who is the leader of the communist Party Bolsheviks? Vladimir Lenin
_______________5. In case of incapacity of the President and PM of Russia, who acted as
President of the Russian Federation? Chairman of Federation Council
_______________6. A process of decentralizing the government and giving more power to
the local administration. Devolution
_______________7. Title given to the members of the House of the Lord who neither Lords
spiritual, who hold office, or law Lords. Lord Temporal
_______________8. Who is responsible for making decision in financials, such as proposed
new taxes in Great Britain? Commons
_______________9. Who established Marxism-Leninism Communist Ideology? Joseph Stalin
_______________10. France third longest political regime. 5th Republic
_______________11. Who is responsible to the Parliament of Turkey for matters of national
security. Council of Ministers
_______________12. Who established the France current republican system? Charles de
_______________13. First communist state in the world. Soviet Russia
_______________14. When Russian became independent country? 1991
_______________15. Refers to the succession of republics after the proclamation of the
French Revolution. French Republic
_______________16. Regime in which a small group of individuals exercises power over the
state with no constitutional responsibility to the public. Authoritarian
_______________17. Authoritarian means of control that the state provides specific
benefits to a person or group to elicit their support.
_______________18. Centralized regime that possesses some strong form of ideology that
seeks to transform and absorb fundamental aspects of the state. Totalitarian
_______________19. A system of governance where the citizens exercise power directly or
through elected representatives who form governing body. Democracy.
_______________20. Who is the head of the state of Japan? The emperor


______________1. The PM and cabinet in France can only be removed by National

Assembly. True
______________2. In Turkey the president must be required by the age of 50 and must be
degree holder. False 40
______________3. Membership of House of the Lords is appointment or else by hereditary
or official function. true
______________4. Lords Spiritual is title given to the members of the House of the Lord
who neither Lords spiritual, who hold office, or law Lords. False lord temporal
______________5. In Turkey Prime Minister is the second highest constitutional office. F VP
______________6. In Turkey executive is elected every four years on the principle of
universal suffrage. False 5 years
______________7. The house of common or Commons is publicly elected. true
______________8. The House of Representative of Japan has 465 members who are elected
for a 3year term. False 4 year
______________9. The Japanese Diet is a bicameral legislature, both are elected under
parallel voting system. true
______________10. The House of Representative of Japan is considered the most powerful
house. True


1. What are the distinction and similarities of the Philippine Politics in Russian Political
System? (15 POINTS)
2. Discuss the 2-round majority system in France. (5 POINTS)

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