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Word Bank Amelia Earhart Billy Sunday

bootlegger Evolution F. Scott Fitzgerald

flapper James Weldon Johnson Jazz
Langston Hughes speakeasy The Great Migration
The Harlem Renaissance Transatlantic Values

1) _______________ was the first women to complete a solo flight across the Atlantic.

2) _______________ was the writer of The Great Gatsby.

3) _______________ was the movement of tens of thousands of African Americans from the
South to the industrial North.

4) _______________ was an era of African American cultural flowering based in New York City.

5) _______________ was the leader of the NAACP.

6) A _______________ was a young women who behaved and dressed in non-traditional ways.

7) _______________ are key ideas and beliefs.

8) _______________ is a strict belief in Biblical truth.

9) _______________ is a scientific theory concerning the changes in life on Earth.

10) A _______________ is a seller of illegal liquor.

11) _______________ literally means "across the Atlantic.

12) A _______________ was a place where illegal liquor was bought and consumed.

13) _______________ was a preacher.

14) _______________ was an African American poet.

15) _______________ is a type of music that combines multiple styles and relies heavily on

16) How did radio bring rural and urban people closer together?

17) What changes came with women voting?

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