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December 01, 2010             Category : Campuses - College / Universities

The job application process can be a nerve racking experience; one that
may involve a great deal of preparation and stress. However, being able to
interview through campus recruitment presents a unique opportunity that
not everyone has the chance to experience. Rather than having to go out
and pound the pavement, send endless emails, or have the voicemail
messages you leave unreturned, getting a job through campus recruitment
can have the recruiters coming to you. This opportunity however, is one
that can be even more beneficial if you are properly prepared to take full
advantage of it.

1. Study - Similar to a college exam, proper preparation can be key to your

success in a campus recruitment interview. Understanding what a possible
employer does, knowing the history and circumstances surrounding their
company or organization, and having knowledge about the position for
which you are applying can make a favorable impression upon those with
whom you are interviewing.

2. Test Yourself - Before your all important interview, you might take some
time to test yourself and your interview acumen. Consider questions that
you might be asked by your interviewers. If you don’t have ideas as to what
these questions might be, you might want to search for typical interview
questions on the Internet. When you answer these questions, you might
want to try answering them aloud to hear how your answers sound and
practice proper phrasing and articulation.

3. Prepare Your Own Questions - Asking questions related to a particular

job or company can show that you are interested and educated regarding
the position for which you are interviewing and the company or organization
you are interviewing with. Sitting there with a blank stare when asked if you
have questions for the interviewer can be a sign that you are unprepared or

4. Remember the Little Things - The little things can make a big
difference in the overall impression you make upon your interviewers.
Having items like a working pen, paper, extra resumes and cover letters,
and similar items can prevent you having to ask to borrow them from the
interviewer or worse, sitting their seemingly unprepared or uninterested,
both of which are potential interview killers.

5. Dress Appropriately - In most instances, it’s best to wear professional

business attire to an interview whether or not it’s required or requested. It’s
often better safe than sorry and being a bit overdressed probably won’t hurt
your chances as much as being underdressed will.

6. Eat Something - As nervous as you may be, putting something in your

stomach before interview time can keep embarrassing belly rumbling to a
minimum. Sitting there in the crushing silence before that first critical
interview question is asked, only to hear the churning of your stomach
echoing through the interview room might have your interviewers raising an
eyebrow or two.

7. A Bottle of Water - You certainly don’t want to flaunt having a bottle of

water, slurping from it noisily or taking constant drinks from it throughout
your interview, but having it available can come in handy. Few things can
be more distracting or a turnoff to interviewers than that smacking noise
your mouth makes when you’re nervous and your mouth is really dry.
Worse yet might be that white stuff that accumulates around the edges of
your mouth when it is excessively dry. Such things can severely detract
from the overall impression you present during your interview.

8. Timeliness - While it shouldn’t have to be said, timeliness is often critical

when it comes to campus recruitment. This isn’t a party and it’s not the time
to arrive fashionably late. But when it comes to timeliness during your
interview session, it may pertain not only to arriving on time, but not
overstaying your welcome as well.

9. Graciousness - It’s probably not the best idea to just get up and walk
out after your interview is completed. It can be important to show the proper
respect and give your appreciation for the opportunity to interview for the
position, but not overdo it. Acting as if you’re the interviewer’s best friend or
being overly friendly by giving hugs, high-fives or slaps on the back might
raise some red flags for the interviewer.

10. Follow-up - Depending on how an interview ends, a follow-up could

involve numerous scenarios. A telephone call, note, or email thanking the
interviewer for the opportunity to meet with them is often appropriate. You
might stop by to do a follow-up if the company is locally located and you’ve
been invited to do so. And even if your interview ended badly or you don’t
think you have a shot at the job, a follow-up or thank you is still appropriate
because even though you don’t think so, you may still be in the running for
the job and it could be worth a call or email to find out.

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