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Name: _______________________________ Grade:_____ Sec: _______

Topic: _______________________________________ Group Work assessed:______________

Outstanding Competent Developing Needs Improvement

Ideas Ideas are well-focused and Ideas are significant and Ideas are somehow Ideas are not relevant/not
relevant to the topic. relatable to the topic. relevant to the topic. directly relatable to the
Description using Paints a picture using vivid Shows a picture using few Attempts to describe Sensory details have not
sensory details sensory details. sensory details. using limited sensory been used effectively.
Use of modifiers- Used a variety of Used some adjectives and Used a few adjectives and Used limited adjectives and
adjectives and adjectives and adverbs to adverbs to describe adverbs to describe adverbs.
adverbs clearly describe characters, objects, places objects, characters,
characters, objects, places and actions. places and actions.
and actions.
Elements of Ideas are well-organized Ideas are organized into Ideas are divided into Ideas are not organized.
organization and into multi-paragraphs. different paragraphs. paragraphs with weak Introduction, body and
coherence: Coherence of ideas is well- Coherence of ideas is coherence within the conclusion are not present/
introduction, body maintained, with maintained. introduction, body and do not serve their purpose.
and conclusion introduction and conclusion conclusion.
efficiently serving their
Grammar and Writing shows consistent Writing shows strong Writing shows some Writing shows a high number
Mechanics application of: evidence of: evidence of: of significant errors in:
- Subject-verb agreement. - Subject-verb agreement. - Subject-verb agreement. - Subject-verb agreement.
- Punctuation and - Punctuation and - Punctuation and - Punctuation and
capitalization. capitalization. capitalization. capitalization.
- Correct word order and - Correct word order and - Correct word order and - Correct word order and
spellings. spellings. spellings. spellings.

Teacher’s Signature: ________________________ Date: _______

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