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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

I. Objectives: At the end of the 120 minutes discussion, the students will be able to:
 differentiates union, intersection, mutually exclusive and not mutually exclusive
problem correctly;
 solve word problems involving the topics accurately and;
 participate in the class discussion.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Probability of union, intersection, mutually exclusive and not mutually
b. Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module p.338-331.
c. IM’S: Gallery Walk
d. Teaching Strategy: Collaborative Learning

III. Lesson Proper:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
Good afternoon class. Good afternoon ma’am.
Before we proceed to our formal discussion, let
us prayer.
Kindly lead the prayer Ms. Abriz. Our Father …….. Amen.
I will check your attendance first, say “present”
if your name is called.

B. Review

What was our last topic all about?

Yes Mr. Caranzo. Our last topic is all about simple event and
compound event.
Excellent. Thank you for participating.

C. Motivation
I will divide you into three group.
The first group will give the different
characteristics of a dancer, the second group for
the singer, the third group for the similarities of
the two.
The group with most characteristics written
Example for the dancer is flexible, for singer
should have high notes and for their similarities
they are dreamers. Write it on the space
provided written on the board.
understood? YES ma’am.
I will give you 2 minutes to do that.
Let’s start.

(Students will do the activity ) (Students will do the activity)

D. Abstraction

What have you observed in the activity earlier?

Yes Mr. Roxas. I observed that we are comparing the two and
finding their differences and similarities.
Very good. Thank you.

Yes that’s correct.

we are finding the union and intersection of the
and that is our topic for today.
Now let us define the two,

Kindly read everyone

Union of Events is a set that contains all of the Union of Events is a set that contains all of the
elements that are in at least one of the two elements that are in at least one of the two
events. The union is written as ∪ . events. The union is written as ∪ .
The probability that Events A or B occur is the The probability that Events A or B occur is the
probability of the union of A and B. The probability of the union of A and B. The
probability of the union of Events A and B is probability of the union of Events A and B is
denoted by P(A ∪ B). denoted by P(A ∪ B).

When we say union we are taking them all.

Example: A two-child family is selected at

random. Let B denote the event that at least one
child is a boy, let D denote the event that the
genders of the two children differ, and
let M denote the event that the genders of the
two children match. Find B ∪ D and B∪M


A sample space for this experiment

is S={bb,bg,gb,gg}S={bb,bg,gb,gg}, where the
first letter denotes the gender of the firstborn
child and the second letter denotes the gender of
the second child. The events B, D, and M are

B={bb,bg,gb} D={bg,gb} M={bb,gg}
Yes ma’am.

Each outcome in D is already in B, so the

outcomes that are in at least one or the other of
the sets Band D is just the
set B itself: B∪D={bb,bg,gb}=B.

Every outcome in the whole sample space S is

in at least one or the other of the sets B and M,
so B∪M={bb,bg,gb,gg}=S.

On the other hand is intersection which defined


Intersection of Events is a set that contains all

of the elements that are in both events. The (Students will listen).
intersection of events A and B is written
as A ∩B  .
The probability that Events A and B both occur
is the probability of the intersection of A and B.
The probability of the intersection of Events A
and B is denoted by P(A ∩ B). If Events A and
B are mutually exclusive, P(A ∩ B) = 0.

Example: In the experiment of rolling a single

die, find the intersection E ∩ T of the events E:
“the number rolled is even” and T: “the number
rolled is greater than two.”


The sample space is S={1,2,3,4,5,6}. Since the

outcomes that are common to
E={2,4,6} and T={3,4,5,6} are 4 and
6, E∩T={4,6}.

One way of showing this relationship is through

venn diagram.
A diagram that uses circles to represent sets, in
Did you know what that is?
which the relations between the sets are
indicated by the arrangement of the circles.
Yes that’s correct.
Venn diagram is a diagram that uses circles to
represent sets, in which the relations between
the sets are indicated by the arrangement of the

Let’s try an example.

Example: The extracurricular activities in which

the senior class at Kananga National High
School participate are shown in the Venn
diagram below.

Extra-curricular activities

1.How many students are in the senior class?

2.How many students participate in athletics?
3. 3. If a student is randomly chosen, what is the
probability that the student participates in
athletics or drama?
4. 4. If a student is randomly chosen, what is the
probability that the student participates only in
drama and band?

(after a minute)
who can answer the question number 1?

Yes Ms.Lazaga? They are all 345.

Very good. Thank you.

We all need to do is to add all the number in the

venn diagram, including the 67 outside the
circles because that is part of universal set.
Where that is called is Complement.

Before we answer the number 2 , let us define

Complement of an Event is a set of all
outcomes that is NOT in the event. If Ais the
event, the complement of the event A is denoted
by A’

So that’s why we add also that one because its

part of universal set.

Who want to answer for number 2?

159 ma’am.
Yes Mr. Legaspi?

Very good. Thank you.

For number 3 ?
remember that the question is probability so
remember the formula.

227/345 ma’am.
Yes Mr. Masculino?

Very good. Thank you.

Since the question has athletics or drama, so the

or here is in union.
and you need to add all the event can occur and
divide to all possible outcomes, that’s why its

For number 4?
30 ma’am.
Yes Ms.Babano ?

Very good. Thank you.

Only 30 because the question has

drama and band only, so we need to find the

Understood? (The students are doing thumbs up)

If you understand, Can I see your thumbs up ?

We have also called mutually and not mutually

Mutually Exclusive Events is a events that
have no outcomes in common. This also means
that if two or more events are mutually
exclusive, they cannot happen at the same time.
This is also referred to as disjoint events.

While mutually is opposite to it where it has in


P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A AND B)


A bowl contains 15 chips numbered 1 to 15. If a

chip is drawn randomly from the bowl, what is the
probability that it is
a.7 or 15?
b.5 or a number divisible by 3?
c.even or divisible by 3?
d.a number divisible by 3 or divisible by 4?

Consider the Venn diagram below. What do you

notice about the events A and B? These two
events are mutually exclusive. In problem 1b of
the preceding activity, the event of getting a 5
and the event of getting a number divisible by 3
from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15} are mutually exclusive events.

On the other hand, the event of getting a

number divisible by 3 or the event of getting a
number divisible by 4 in the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} are not mutually
exclusive events. Observe that a subset of
numbers divisible by 3 also contains an element
which is a subset of the numbers divisible by 4.

The Venn diagram below shows

events A  and B which are not mutually
exclusive because A and B intersect. Note that
there are outcomes that are common
to A  and B which is the intersection of A and B.

E. Application

Alright, since we are done now with our

discussion, lets put to the test of what we had
learn earlier. Shall we? (Students will get 1\2 sheet of paper and
answer the questions.)
Kindly get 1/2 sheet of paper and answer the
questions with the necessary solutions. You will
have 10 minutes to do that.

1. Define and differentiates union and

intersection and mutually and not mutually

2 Mario has 45 red chips, 12 blue chips, and 24

Yellow chips. What is the probability that
Mario randomly selects a red chip or a white
chip. Draw a Venn diagram to show the sample

3. The Venn diagram below shows the

probabilities of grade 10 students joining either
soccer (S) or basketball (B).

Use the Venn diagram to find the probabilities.

(After 10 minutes)

Kindly pass your paper to the center aisle.

F. Assignment

For your assignment, study in advance the

Independent and Dependent Events. Goodbye Ma’am.

Do you have any questions? If none then you

are all dismiss. Goodbye class

Prepared by:

Delig, Iremae Y.

Digamon, Leslie S.

Approved by:



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