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Cementing Program

Job Number : 11-0452-001

MD646 / TP202

13-3/8" Casing

Formulation code
Preflush :SC5, Spacer : SC1
Lead Slurry : LT2
Tail Slurry : LQ2

Revision: Final Bis


Reviewed by : Prepared by :
H.Daoudi M.Bouaraki
Lead Engineer Cementing Engineer

+ (213) 29 73 01 53

BJSP Qualité Management System

Document Réference: SMQ-005-Tec ( Rev 00) Cover
Job Number 11-0452-001
Prepared For SH-FOR-HMD
Well / Rig MD646 / TP202
Casing 13 3/8"
Revision Final Bis
Date 28/07/2011


Density Volume
Top Mud 0 m kg/lt lbs/gal m3 cu ft bbl
Mud 1.25 10.43
Top Diesel 94 m Diesel 0.85 7.09 3 105.9 18.9
Top Preflush 138 m Preflush (SC5) 1.00 8.34 2 70.6 12.6
Spacer (SC1) 1.30 10.84 10 353.1 62.9
Top Spacer 167 m Lead slurry (Surface) (LT2) 1.32 11.01 60.01 2119 377.4
Lead slurry (BJSP Lite-down hole) 1.35 11.26 58.68 2072.1 369.1
Tail slurry (LQ2) 1.90 15.85 43.8 1546.8 276
Displacement 1.25 10.43 191.5 6763.8 1205
Top Lead slurry 312 m

18 5/8" Csg Shoe 512 m 3. CAPACITY

lts/m cu ft/m bbl/m
13 3/8" Csg (68#/ft) 78.08 2.757 0.491
Annulus 18 5/8" Csg (87.5#/ft) x 13 3/8" Csg 68.94 2.435 0.434
Annulus 16" OH x 13 3/8" Csg 39.07 1.380 0.246
+ Excess LT 3% OH 40.16 1.418 0.253
Top Barremian @ 1528 m + Excess LQ 3% OH 40.16 1.418 0.253
Top Tail slurry 1528 m

16" Open Hole 4. Temperature

BHST = 94 °C 201 °F
13 3/8" Float Collar 2453 m BHCT = 61 °C 142 °F
13 3/8" Shoe 2477 m T° Gradient = 2.70 °C/100m 1.48 °F/100 ft

BJSP Qualité Management System

Document Réference: SMQ-005-Tec ( Rev 00) Page 1
Job Number 11-0452-001
Prepared For SH-FOR-HMD
Well / Rig MD646 / TP202
Casing 13 3/8"
Revision Final Bis
Date 28/07/2011


Capacity Depth Range(m) Height Volume

Lead slurry (BJSP Lite-down hole) 1.35 kg/lt (lts/m) Top Bottom (m) (m3) (bbl)
Annulus 16" OH x 13 3/8" Csg +O.C 10% 40.16 512 1528 1016 44.9 282.3
Annulus 18 5/8" Csg (87.5#/ft) x 13 3/8" Csg 68.94 312 512 200 13.8 86.7
Total Volume 58.7 369.1

Tail slurry (LQ2) 1.90 kg/lt

Annulus 16" OH x 13 3/8" Csg +O.C 10% 40.16 1528 2477 949 41.9 263.7
13 3/8" Csg ( FC - FS ) 78.08 2453 2477 24 1.9 11.8
Total Volume 43.8 275.50

Displacement Volume
Surface to Float Collar 78.08 0 2453 2453 191.5 1204.7
Total Volume 191.5 1204.7

6. Hydrostatic pressure after displacement

OC = Outside Casing, IC = Inside Casing

Volume Depth Range (m) Density
Fluids Outside casing (m3) Top Bottom (kg/lt) (psi) (ECD)
Mud 6.51 0 94 1.25 168 1.25
Diesel 3 94 138 0.85 221 1.12
Preflush (SC5) 2 138 167 1.00 262 1.10
Spacer (SC1) 10 167 312 1.30 530 1.19
Lead slurry (BJSP Lite-down hole) 59 312 1528 1.35 2866 1.32
Tail slurry (LQ2) 41.93 1528 2477 1.90 5431 1.54

Fluids Inside Casing

Mud 191.5 0 2453 1.25 4363 1.25
Tail slurry (LQ2) 1.87 2453 2477 1.90 4428 1.26

Hydrostatic pressure differential (OC-IC) 1004 0.28


Viscosity / PV Ty
Fluids Rheological Model
(cp) (lbf/hsqft)
Mud Bingham Plastic 20 13
Diesel Newtonien 2 0
Preflush (SC5) Newtonien 2 0
Spacer (SC1) Bingham Plastic 10 4
Lead slurry (BJSP Lite-down hole) Bingham Plastic 84 14
Tail slurry (LQ2) Bingham Plastic 78 20

BJSP Qualité Management System

Document Réference: SMQ-005-Tec ( Rev 00) Page 2
Job Number 11-0452-001
Prepared For SH-FOR-HMD
Well / Rig MD646 / TP202
Casing 13 3/8"
Revision Final Bis
Date 28/07/2011


Metric Volumes API Volumes

Diesel 0.85 kg/lt Volume 3 m3 Volume 18.9 bbl

Preflush (SC5) 1.00 kg/lt Volume 2 m3 Volume 12.6 bbl

Additives Description Unit per m3 Total Unit per bbl Total
Water Fresh Water m3 0.975 1.950 gal 40.95 515
MCSB Mud Clean Surfactant lts 25 50 gal 1.050 13

Spacer (SC1) 1.30 kg/lt Volume 10 m3 Volume 62.9 bbl

Additives Description Unit per m3 Total Unit per bbl Total
Water Fresh Water m3 0.877 8.8 gal 36.83 2317
D 42 L Defoamer lts 1 10 gal 0.042 3
Barite weighting Agent kgs 396 3960 lbs 138.60 8718
GW 22 Gelling Agent kgs 1.5 15 lbs 0.53 33
MCSB Mud Clean Surfactant lts 25 250 gal 1.05 66

Lead slurry (Surface) (LT2) 1.32 kg/lt Volume 60.0 m3 Volume 2118.9 cu ft
Additives Description Unit per Ton Total Unit per Sack Total
Cement Dyckerhoff "G" HSR Ton 1 25.5 Sack 1 598
Water Fresh Water m3 1.281 32.7 gal 14.43 8629
D 42 L Defoamer lts 1 25.5 gal 0.01 7
CaCl2 Calcium Chloride kgs 5 127.5 lbs 0.47 281
BA-56 Bonding Agent kgs 15 382.5 lbs 1.41 843
BA-58L Micro Silica lts 300 7650.9 lbs 28.20 16865
CD 33L Dispersant lts 20 510.1 gal 0.23 135
A3L Silicate de Sodium lts 15 382.5 gal 0.17 101
FL 32L Fluid Loss Control lts 25 637.6 gal 0.28 168
SR 31L Retarder lts 11.5 293.3 gal 0.13 77
LW-6 (A12) Light Weight Additive kgs 300 7650.9 lbs 28.20 16865

Yield 2.353 m3/Ton 3.543 cuft/sk

Total Mix-Water Volume (without LW-6) 42.51 m3 267.3 bbl
Total Mix-Water Volume (with LW-6) 51.96 m3 326.8 bbl

Tail slurry (LQ2) 1.90 kg/lt Volume 43.8 m3 1546.6 cu ft

Additives Description Unit per Ton Total Unit per Sack Total
Cement Dyckerhoff "G" HSR Ton 1 57.5 Sack 1 1348
Water Fresh Water m3 0.438 25.2 gal 4.93 6650
D 42 L Defoamer lts 1 57.5 gal 0.01 15
R 12 L Retarder lts 8 459.9 gal 0.09 121

Yield 0.762 m3/Ton 1.147 cuft/sk

Mix-Water Volume 25.67 m3

Total Product Requirement Metric API

Product Unit Quantity Unit Quantity
Cement Dyckerhoff "G" HSR Ton 83 sack 1946
Water m3 69 bbl 431
D 42 L lts 93 gal 25
CaCl2 kgs 128 lbs 281
BA-56 kgs 383 lbs 843
CD 33L lts 510 gal 135
FL 32L lts 638 gal 101
A3L lts 383 gal 101
BA-58L lts 7651 gal 16865
SR 31L lts 293 gal 77
R 12 L lts 460 gal 1014
LW-6 (A12) kgs 7651 lbs 16865
GW 22 kgs 15 lbs 33
Barite kgs 3960 lbs 8718
Fiber 32 Kgs 124 lbs 274
MCSB lts 300 gal 79.26

BJSP Qualité Management System

Document Réference: SMQ-005-Tec ( Rev 00) Page 3
Job Number 11-0452-001
Prepared For SH-FOR-HMD
Well / Rig MD646 / TP202
Casing 13 3/8"
Revision Final Bis
Date 28/07/2011


Stage Description Volume Rate Time

(m3) (lts/min) (min)
1 Pump Fresh Water 0.75 750 1
2 Pressure Test Line @ 4000 Psi 10
3 Circulate prior to the job 1000 240
4 Pump Diesel 3 800 3.8
5 Pump Preflush 2 800 2.5
6 Pump Spacer 10 800 13
7 Mix & Pump Lead slurry 60.0 800 75
8 Mix & pump Tail slurry 43.8 800 54.8
9 Drop Top Plug 10
10 Rig Pumps Start Displacement 120 1000 120.0
11 Reduce Rate 66 800 83
12 Reduce Rate 5.5 400 13.8
13 Bump Plug & Csg Test 10

Total Job Time (Hours:minutes) 10:35

Total Cement Time (Hours:minutes) 06:06

* If losses occur while circulating prior to the job, add Fibers (Fibrin 23) to lead slurry with ratio of 0.22 kgs /m3 and 0.65
kg/m3 to tail slurry, after discussion with company man.
* While pumping slurries on fly, Densities may varies with ± 0.02 s.g
* The last 5 m3 of tail slurry must be pumped at least 1.95 s.g
* Mix Water, cement and Slurry samples, need to be brought back to the yard once the job performed.
* The job must be monitored from the beginning until the bump plug and test casing
* Make sure to leave the erea clean after performing the cement job.


Lead Tail Temp
Slurry Slurry °C

Thickening Time 40 Bc (minutes) 590 450 61

Thickening Time 40 Bc (hours:minutes) 09:50 07:30 61

Thickening Time 100 Bc (minutes) 615 480 61

Thickening Time 100 Bc (hours:minutes) 10:15 08:00 61

Safety Margin (hours:minutes) 03:43 02:38 61

24 Hour Compressive (psi) 2800 94

BJSP Qualité Management System

Document Réference: SMQ-005-Tec ( Rev 00) Page 4
Where performance counts

Job Number: 11-0452-001 Rig: TP-202 Test Date: 27/07/2011

Client: SH-DF-HMD Mud Type: Test Number: 836/11
Well Number: MD-646 Mud Density: API Schedule: E-1
Casing/Job Type: 13 3/8 CGS Mud PV: Mud YP: Consistometer: 02/02
Slurry Type: Depth (m): 2459 BHCT(°C): 61 BHST(°C): 93

Slurry Composition Thickening Time Chart

Additive Concentration Unit Log No.
CEMENT "G" 1 Tonne C-078-11
Fresh Water 1281 lts L-158-11
D-42L 1 lts C-046-11
CaCl2 5 kgs C-027-11
BA-56 15 kgs C-074-11
CD-33L 20 lts C-034-11
FL-32L 25 lts C-049-11
A-3L 15 lts C-076-11
BA-58L 300 lts C-075-11
SR-31L 11.5 lts C-087-11
LW-6(A-12) 300 kgs C-030-11

Yield: 2353 Lts/Tonne

Density: 1.32 Kgs/Lts

Thickening Time
POD: hr min
40 Uc: 9.00 hr 50.00 min
70 Uc: hr min
100 Uc: 10.00 hr 15.00 min

Fann 35 Data
RPM Ambient BHCT
300 98
200 70
100 42
6 22
3 14

PV 84 cp
YP 14 lbf/100ft2

Gel Strength
Ambient BHCT
10 sec: 10 sec: 11
10 min: 10 min: 23

Free Water
0 % cc

Fluid Loss
48 cc/30 min @ 1000 psi

Compressive Strength
Test Temperature: 93°C
Test Method:
psi @ hours
psi @ hours
psi @ 24 hours
psi @ hours

BJSP Quality Management System

Document Reference: SMQ-004-TEC [Rev00]

Job Number: 11-0452-001 Rig: TP-202 Test Date: 17/07/2011

Client: SH-DF-HMD Mud Type: Test Number: 776/11
Well Number: MD-646 Mud Density: API Schedule: E-1
Casing/Job Type: 13 3/8 CGS Mud PV: Mud YP: Consistometer: 02/02
Slurry Type: Depth (m): 2477 BHCT(°C): 61 BHST(°C): 93

Slurry Composition Thickening Time Chart

Additive Concentration Unit Log No.
CEMENT "G" 1 Tonne C-078-11
Fresh Water 438 lts L-158-11
D-42L 1 lts C-046-11
R-12L 8 lts C-035-11

Yield: 762 lts/Tonne

Density: 1.90 kgs/lts

Thickening Time
POD: hr min
40 Uc: 7 hr 30 min
70 Uc: hr min
100 Uc: 8 hr 0 min

Fann 35 Data
RPM Ambient BHCT
300 98
200 72
100 46
6 23
3 12

PV 78 cp
YP 20 lbf/100ft2

Gel Strength
Ambient BHCT
10 sec: 10 sec: 11
10 min: 10 min: 20

Free Water
% cc

Fluid Loss
cc/30 min @ 1000 psi

Compressive Strength
Test Temperature: 93°C
Test Method:
psi @ hours
psi @ hours
2800 psi @ 24 hours
psi @ hours

BJSP Quality Management System

Document Reference: SMQ-004-TEC [Rev00]
Circulate prior to the job 240 min @ 1000 lts/mn
Puits / Appareil : MD646 / TP202
Opération : 13 3/8 Casing

N° Position Nbrs
1 Superviseur  1
2 Opérateur 3
3 Aide Operateur 2
4 Chauffeur 3
5 Manœuvres   
6 Personnel de maintenance
Total 9

Superviseur ou Operateur Responsable de l'opération :

Prenom :  Abdelaziz
Fonction :  Technicien Cimentation Niv 3

Experience professionnelle : 18 Années

‐ 1992‐ 1998 : Technicien Cimentation Niveau 1
‐ 1998 ‐2002 : Technicien Cimentation Niveau 2
‐ 2002 ‐ 2010 : Technicien Cimentation Niveau 3

Formation professionnelle 

‐ Formation de base: Forage et production (Naftogaz).
‐ Formation BJSP: Technicien Cimentation.
‐ Formation Cimentation Niveau 2 et 3.

Inventaire : Date: Dernière Opération: 18 5/8 Casing

Prodiuts Unité Quantité Prodiuts Unité Quantité
Cement "G" Dyckerhoff Ton 120 Inflo-40 lts
Blend Cement (S8+"G") Ton NaCl (Sodium) kgs
DGM Blend Ton CaCl2 kgs 200
LW-6 kgs 12800 W-10 kgs
A-3L lts 550 FL-50 kgs
BA-56 kgs 550 BA-86L lts
BA-58L lts 11000 A2 Kgs
CD-33L lts 600 NE-118 lts
CD-32 kgs F-300 kgs
D-42L lts 200 Fibrin23 Kgs 200
FL-32L lts 1000 LS-1 lts
GW-22 kgs 20 BJ Thixo lts
MCSB lts 400 KCl Kgs
R-12L lts 800 Ultra Flush 2 lts
SR 31L lts 800 SS-2 lts

N° Equipement Spécification Nbrs
1 Unité de Cimentation UP119/121 2
2 Batch-Mixer 1
4 Batch-Tank 35/15 2
5 Bac Agitateur
6 Silos / Bulk 2
7 Compresseur 1
8 Tête de cimentation et Coupling 13-3/8" 1
Job Proforma Date : 28/07/2011
Job Number : 11-0452-001

RIG : TP202 Well: MD 646 Activity: 13"3/8 Casing

Preflush Spacer
Volume (m3) Code Cost/m3 Total ($) Volume (m3) Code Cost/m3 Total ($)

2.00 SC5 270.75 541.50 10.00 SC1 309.32 3093.20


Volume (m3) Code Cost/m3 Total ($) Volume (m3) Code Cost/m3 Total ($)

60.01 LT2 1458.01 87493.61 43.80 LQ2 476.83 20885.51

Product added
Item Quantity Cost/m3 Total ($)
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Service Charges $ 22 879.21

Total Product Charges $ 112 013.81

Total added Product Charges $ 0.00

Total Job estimation Cost $ 134 893.02

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