How Literature Play Apart in Developing Quality Education

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Name: Elsi Diya Gustanti


Indonesia is a country that has a high birth rate where the younger generation is our hope
to develop this country and the generation that must be nothing but high in
education. With rapid development, especially in the Globalization Era, it has penetrated
into all sectors of Indonesian life, which in turn has an impact on the way of thinking of
Indonesian people.
Good education will certainly give birth to the next generation of the nation who are
smart and competent in their fields. So that the condition of the nation will continue to
improve with the existence of the next generation of nation's generation who are qualified
in various sciences. This is where education is needed for all countries, especially
Indonesia, and education is a right and obligation that must be carried out by every
human being. From education a person will learn to be a person of character and have
high social and educational knowledge. Such as quote expressed by Albert Einstein
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school”. Many
people will probably forget most of the subjects or lecture topics they have taken at school or
university. But education is what is left after years of leaving school or attending college. If it is
true that you are educated, it will be seen from the character and integrity that you show in your
daily attitude and behavior, both as a social society and as a professional. A person of integrity
will promote honesty rather than merely having material or high position.

The quality of education in Indonesia is currently very poor. According to a Political and
Economic Risk Consultant (PERC) survey, the quality of education in Indonesia ranks
12th out of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam. Data reported by
The World Economic Forum Sweden (2000) shows that Indonesia has low
competitiveness, which only ranks 37th out of 57 countries surveyed in the world.

Some of problems of education are:

The poor quality of physical facilities, many of our schools and colleges have damaged
buildings, ownership and use of learning media is low, library books available are also
incomplete. While laboratories are not standardized, the use of information technology is
inadequate and so on. In fact, there are still schools in various cities or villages that do
not have buildings or places of their own that are not even feasible, do not have libraries
and do not have laboratories and so on.

At that time, Indonesian children were only able to master 30% of the reading material
and it turned out that they were very difficult to answer questions in the form of
descriptions that required a turnaround. Because it can be too accustomed to memorizing
and working on multiple-choice questions. Some individuals are able to get several
achievements with the aim of being able to make Indonesia proud.  But still the quality
problem is seen as a whole not just from one individual because Indonesia has a high
birth rate that must be given a good education.

Technology, with rapid development requires us to be more active in following

developments. In the world of technology, education has had a very positive impact
because it began to show significant changes.  Because there is already an E-book and E-
learning makes it easy for us to learn.

Environment is very important for the development of individuals who support God's love
and all of His creation, independence, responsibility, honesty, respect and courtesy are
very important in the world of education. Moreover, the family is the first institution
where children develop their character.

Lack of reading literature awareness. When we study literature, our horizons are broadened,
because we can learn about and come to understand people who are different from us.
Conversely, we might discover characters or poems that we really identify with—it can be really
exciting and validating to discover that someone else has also experienced your exact thoughts
and feelings. Because of these effects, literature encourages us to be sensitive to the whole
spectrum of human experience and to consider this when making decisions in our day-to-day
lives. Academically, studying literature also helps us to refine our own writing skills and expand
our vocabularies.

But actually the fundamental problem of education in Indonesia is the education system
in Indonesia itself which makes students as objects, so that the people produced from this
system are people who are only ready to meet the needs of the times and not be critical of
their times. Therefore, this is where cooperation between the government and the
community is needed to overcome all the problems of education in Indonesia and make
the people of Indonesia have good quality education, and improve the quality of
education in Indonesia.

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