User - Guide - Grants Framework 1 v2

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Guide Grants Management Process– Framework I

Grants Management Process - Framework I Manual

Table of Contents

Module 1: Grants Management – Framework 1 Overview .................... 2

End-to-End High Level Process .............................................................................................. 2
Key Terminology .................................................................................................................... 2
Enterprise Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 3
Key Concepts ......................................................................................................................... 4

Module 2: Set-up Master Data ................................................................. 5

Module Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5
A. Display sponsored program ............................................................................................. 5
B. Create Sponsored Program ............................................................................................. 7
C. Create Grant ...............................................................................................................10
D. Change Status of Grant ..............................................................................................19
E. Create Internal Order......................................................................................................20
F. Link Revenue Internal Order...........................................................................................22
G. Change Status of the Grant to Award/Operational ......................................................23
H. Create A Project/WBS ................................................................................................23
I. Link WBS to Sponsored Program ...................................................................................24
J. Create Internal Order for Expenses ................................................................................25
K. Link Expense Internal Order to Grant .............................................................................25

Module 3: Perform Billing...................................................................... 27

High Level Process................................................................................................................27
Key Terminology ...................................................................................................................27
A. Maintain Billing Plan .......................................................................................................27
B. Remove Billing Block from Billing Plan ...........................................................................30
C. Perform Grant Billing & Verify Billing Log ....................................................................32
D. Verify Invoice & Grant Information ..............................................................................33
E. Check Customer Account ...............................................................................................33

Module 4: Create and Approve Unreleased Budget ............................ 35

A. Create Unreleased Budget .............................................................................................35
B. Approving the Unreleased Budget ..................................................................................39

Module 5: Create and Approve Released Budget ................................ 41

A. Creating the Released Budget ........................................................................................42

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B. Approve the Released Budget ........................................................................................46

C. View the Approver of the Budget Document................................................................48

Module 6: Grant Execution.................................................................... 52

Module 7: Post Indirect Cost (IDC) ....................................................... 53
Module 8: Close the Grant..................................................................... 55
A. Grant Closing Statuses...................................................................................................55

Module 9: Reports.................................................................................. 57
A. Grant Line Item Display ..................................................................................................57
B. Available Balance by Grant ............................................................................................58
C. Available Budget in Funds Management .....................................................................59
D. GM Cash Balance Report (ZGMBUDGET_REL) ........................................................60

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Module 1: Grants Management – Framework 1 Overview

This course teaches the user how to create a simple grant. This type of grant is used for US dollar
contributions that require report from the donor. The guide shows the user in detail the basic steps to
create a sponsored program, a simple grant, an internal order, the budgeting and approval process and

End-to-End High Level Process

Transactions T-Code

A. Display sponsor master data BP

B. Create sponsored program GMPROGRAM
C. Create simple grant GMGRANT
D. Create revenue internal order KO01
E. Change status of grant GMGRANT
F. Perform billing GMGRANT
G. Create unreleased budget GM_CREATE_BUDGET
H. Approve unreleased budget SBWP
I. Create project or expense internal order CJ20N/KO01
J. Receive/clear cash receipt FEBAN
K. Create released budget GM_BDGT_RELEASE
L. Approve released budget SBWP

Key Terminology

Key Terms Description

A Master Data element used to maintain the terms and conditions of the
grantor’s contribution

A fund is established for the purpose of financing fully or in part the cost
of programme and project activities consistent with the United Nations
aims and policies. It is used to identify the source and use of funding from
voluntary contributions
A donor in UN terminology. It is a government, institution or individual

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that provides funding to a grantee organization (in this case, UN)

Grantee An organization or an individual directly receiving funds from a donor or
Grantor A donor or sponsor that provides resources to UN. UN can also act as a
grantor by providing resources to other non-profit organizations such as
implementing partners or end beneficiaries
Donor A legal agreement between a donor and UN outlining the terms and
Agreement conditions for the use of a voluntary contribution

Enterprise Roles & Responsibilities

GM Account User
• Creates and maintains grant and related Master Data
• Creates Finance (FI) accounting transactions
• Creates GM Purchase Orders (PO’s)

GM Account Approver
• Approves documents and further processes the GM Master Data
• Approves A/R, A/P and General Ledger (G/L) documents related to grants
• Approves GM PO’s

GM Creator
• Creates and maintains grant and related Master Data in substantive offices
• Creates GM PO’s

GM Budget User - Unreleased

• Pre-posts the GM unreleased budget

GM Budget Approver - Unreleased

• Posts the GM unreleased budget

GM Budget User – Released

• Analyzes the cash received for budget release
• Pre-posts the GM released budget

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GM Budget Approver – Released

• Analyzes the cash received for budget release
• Posts the GM released budget

Key Concepts

Simple Grant

A Simple grant is used when a single donor contributes in US dollars and the UN is required to
report on the specific donor contribution.

In Framework 1, the donor is represented by one grant. It is typically a Simple grant. For grants
not in USD, an RM grant linked with a MIG needs to be used (Framework II). The layout of a
typical Framework 1 grant is displayed in the diagram below:

Incoming cash posted

Expenditures and payments
Refunds of cash posted

Simple Grant A

Relationship Simple
to Pass-through
Passthrough Grnt - 1
Passthrough Grnt - 1
Passthrough Grnt - 1
Passthrough Grnt - 1
Passthrough Grnt - 1

Expenditures and payments

Refunds by implementing
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Module 2: Set-up Master Data

Module Introduction
In this module, the user learns how to display the sponsor’s profile as business partner, create
a sponsored program, create a simple grant, change the status and process billing.
A. Display sponsored program

Role: GM Account User, GM Creator

Business Process Context

Business partners are set up in Umoja by the Central Master Data (CMDT) team. As a
result, a Grants User will only be responsible for viewing the sponsor’s business partner
profile to confirm that the sponsor has been entered in the system correctly.
Transaction code – GMPROGRAM

Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to confirm the business partner (Canada) are:

1. Enter BP in the Command field and click the Enter icon. Search for the sponsor using the
BP number. Review the general role information.

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In case the BP number has data in it and is greyed out, move your cursor to the left of the
screen. Enter the BP number if known. If not, use the search function by clicking on the
dropdown list to find the sponsor’s number and click start. Note that the number appears on the
bottom left section of the screen. Double-click and note that the BP number is now shown on
the field at the middle of the screen with the corresponding data.

2. Select UN Sponsor from the Display in BP Role drop-down list. Click the Grant Basic
Data tab. Review sponsor-specific information:

 Grant Type: The grant type that can be used for this sponsor. M1 for MIG grant, P1 for
Passthrough Grant, R1 for RM grant and S1 for Simple grant
 Valid From Date: The day the grant is valid
 Currency: The currency associated with the BP

3. Check that the following details in the Sales and Distribution area are correct:
 Distr. Channel field is 06
 Division field is 00
 Click the Billing Tab
 Review the details in the AccntAssgGr field for the type of sponsor:

Account Group Sponsor Type

Z1 Govt Member St
Z2 Govt Non Member St
Z3 Inter and Local Gov
Z4 NGO and Public
Z5 UN Agency FuProg
Z6 Commercial Customer

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4. To get back to the main SAP menu, click the exit icon .

B. Create Sponsored Program

Role: GM Account User, GM Creator

Business Process Context

As soon as negotiation with the donor starts, the initial Master Data elements need to be set up
in Umoja. If a sponsored program has not been set up, it needs to be done at this time. The
sponsored program defines the program from the sponsor’s view and links to a WBSE through
the funded program.

A sponsored program can be assigned individually to a grant, or it could be assigned to many

grants depending on the agreement. For example, it can have one to many relationships with
grants in cases where the purpose of the agreements with many donors is the same.

Transaction code - GMPROGRAM

Step-by-Step Instructions

The steps to create a new sponsored program are as follows:

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1. Enter GMPROGRAM in the Command field . Click the Enter icon. The Maintain
Sponsored Program screen displays.
2. Enter UNAC-SAU-00001 in the Sponsored Program field

The following sponsored program naming convention should be followed:

 First: Name of Mission/Office
 Second: Dash
 Third: Fund
 Fourth: Dash
 Fifth: 5 digit sequential number 00001 to 99999

3. Click the Basic Data tab

4. Enter Program Description field
5. Select the Validate Budget Transfer Object check box. This verifies that the FM object
used in budgeting exists in the FM objects list maintained in the Sponsored Program
Master Data

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The description field of the Sponsored Program defines the purpose and level of earmarking.
 If the Donor is contributing to a specific project, the description field of the Sponsored
Program can contain the name of the project
 If the Donor contributes to a group of projects, for example a “cluster”, the name of
the Sponsored Program can be the same as the name of the “cluster”
 If the Donor contribution is in support of on-going activities, the description field of
the Sponsored Program should reflect this. For example, “in support of DPA

6. Click the Additional Data tab. Enter the required details in the following fields:
 SP Type: For Framework 1, click FR1
 SP Classification: Select from the drop-down list approriate entry
 Select the check box for Vol Contr Fund from the Level of Earmarking to area and
enter the applicable fund.
 Select the relevant check box from the Geography of Beneficiary area

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7. Click the Save icon.

C. Create Grant

Role: GM Account User, GM Creator

Step-by-Step Instructions
The steps to create a simple grant are as follows:

1. Enter GMGRANT in the Command field and

2. Click the Enter icon. The Display Grant Master screen is displayed
3. Click the Create icon

4. Populate data in the following fields:

 Grant Number: The format of this number is Grant type-fund-auto generated
number (example: S1-2SAU-)
 Grant Type: S1
 Sponsor: Select the sponsor confirmed at the beginning of this process
 Copied from: To copy all the information from an existing grant, enter the grant
name here
 Press the Enter key on the keyboard

5. Click the General Data tab

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 In the Basic Data section, enter the required details in the following fields:
 Authorization Group: Click the drop-down and select the appropriate
authorization group (e.g. UN Habitat will use 0004.
 Enter the Award Type

The Award Type field indicates where, in the negotiation, the grant currently is. This field
includes the following options:

6. In the Description section, enter details in the Name and Description fields

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Name: Enter the name or short description of the grant. The 20-character short
description of the grant is text used by various reports to identify the grant (example:

Description: Enter the long text description of the grant. The 80-character long text of
the grant long description (not case-sensitive) is displayed. Example: Grant by Denmark
to support De-mining activity in North Afghanistan

7. Populate the required details in the Currency and Conversion Factors section:
 Enter the currency in the Grant Currency field, as stated in the agreement.
Valid Grant Currency must be USD for S1
 Enter the value in the Grant Value field
 Enter 1 in the Exchange Rule field

8. Populate the required details in the Grant Validity section :

 Valid From Date: This represents the date upon which grant negotiations begin
 Valid to Date: The end date of the grant is the financial closing date. At this time
a user can no longer post any transaction against this grant

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For the UN, the Valid to Date of the grant is the financial closing date. This presents the final
closing date of the grant. Following this date, no transaction can be posted to the grant.

9. Click the Reference tab

 In the Reference section, enter the required details in the following fields:
 External Reference : This is to match the Donor’s agreement number
 CFDA Number : The level of GM budgetary control is defined under this field. If
the budget is to be controlled at Fund and Grant level without sponsored class
and time slice, choose AVC4 which is the most relaxed budgetary control. If the
budget is to be controlled at each grant element, choose AVC1 which is the
strictest budgetary control

Value Description

AVC1 slice/Grant/SponProg/SponClass

AVC2 slice/Grant/*/SponClass

AVC3 Fund/Time slice/Grant/*/*

AVC4 Fund/*/Grant/*/*

10. In the Grant Recipient section, enter the “IMIS 4 digit project code-fund code” in
the Internal Reference field. In the Financing section, enter the IMIS project
external symbol in the Funding Origin field.

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Note: After IMIS has been decommissioned, an internal reference number

will be entered in these fields.

11. In the Donor Agreement – Basic Information section, populate the following fields:
 Grant Value in US Dollar (at UN Exchange Rate of when the agreement was
 Framework Donor Agreement External Reference
 Framework Donor Agreement Internal Reference
 Date: Signing Donor Agreement by Donor
 Date: Signing Donor Agreement by UN
 Donor Agreement Start Date: This is the operational start date
 Donor Agreement End Date: This is the operational end date

12. In the Substantive Office and Fund section, enter the required details in the following
 Substantive Office: Enter the fund center responsible for this grant
 Fund Code: Enter the applicable fund

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13. Click the Responsibilities tab. Only the responsibility type fields are populated with the
approving roles for the unreleased and released budget:
 0005 – GM Budget Approver Unreleased
 0007 – GM Budget Approver Released

14. Click the Budget tab

 Populate the required details in the Budget Validity section:
 Enter K4 in the Grant FY variant field
 Enter the rule number in the Splitting Rule field:
1 for the life of the grant
3 for splitting by UN fiscal year
2 is only for conversion purposes

15. Click the Billing tab. Enter the required details in the Billing Rule field. This field
specifies whether a grant is conditional or unconditional, and cash or in-kind. The user
must select from the following options depending on the terms and conditions of the

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20: unconditional, cash contribution

22: unconditional, in kind contribution for goods
50: conditional, cash contribution
52: conditional, in kind contribution for goods

16. Verify the required details in the Sales Order section are prepopulated from the BP:
 1000 in the Sales Organization field
 06 in the Distribution Channel field
 00 in the Division field
 In the Billing Data section, enter details in the following fields:
Internal Order (if you have not created the internal order, leave this field for
the moment. The steps to create the internal order are in the next section.)
Total Billing Amount

17. Click the Dimensions tab. In the Financing Sources section, enter details in the Fund
field. The external fund for the grant (32xxx) and the corresponding internal fund (62xxx)
for the program support costs should be entered. Select the IDC Recovery check box
for the internal fund. If it is anticipated that there will be implementing partners, enter the
auxiliary fund (33xxx).

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18. Note that the following are defaulted Sponsored Programs:

 ADB-Program is used to calculate interest allocation
 CO-Settlement is used to settle (allocate) cost to cost objects such as cost centers
 FI-Assets is used to calculate depreciation for fixed assets
Do not delete any of these structural sponsored programs.

Enter the Sponsored Program created earlier right after the defaulted structural
sponsored programs.

19. At this point, the system forces the user to enter the Sponsored Class Series. Select
the applicable grant type series (AS1 for simple grant) and click Enter. The system then
defaults all sponsored classes under the section Sponsored Classes.

Bring your cursor to the section above the Sponsored Class Series to the Sponsored
Classes. Select the IDC Relevant check box for the Sponsored Classes that the UN
earns PSC on. The PSC classes are added automatically; hence, there is no need to
click this box on.

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20. Click the Supported Objects tab.

On Budgeting Allowed column, bring cursor down to the sponsored program you
created earlier and select only the boxes that are applicable for budgeting.

21. Click the Overhead Costs tab

Select 1 PSC Actuals and Commitments from the IDC Rule drop-down list
In the Overhead Cost Record section, enter the applicable PSC (IDC) rate in the
Indirect Rate field, for example 13% for Simple grants, for the classes that are checked
as IDC relevant

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22. Click the Terms and Conditions tab

Select the required option in the Terms and Conditions section, based on the
IPSAS Conditionality field
Treatment of Interest field
Treatment of Unspent Balance field
Select the Donor Restrictions Exist check box and specify below, if applicable

In the Donor Reporting section, select the desired data in the Report Type field
You can select multiple options, if required. These options can be:
 Interim Financial report
 Interim Substantive report
 Final Financial report
 Final Substantive report

23. Enter the report due date for each report selected

24. Click the Save icon.

The grant has now been created. The status of the grant is Initial Draft. The Master Data
saved for this grant can continue to be updated.
As negotiations continue, the status of the grant has to be changed to reflect this progress.
Note: The user will be notified by a system error if a required field has not been completed.

D. Change Status of Grant

Role: GM Accounts User

The steps to change the status of a grant are as follows:

1. Click the Pencil icon
2. Click the Change Status icon
3. Select the appropriate status and press the Enter key

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4. Click the Save icon.

This process is repeated to transition the grant through the following statuses:
 Application / In - Process
 Approved by UN or Rejected by UN
 Approved by Donor or Rejected by Donor (System defaults to Rejected by UN so be

E. Create Internal Order

Role: GM Account Approver

For grant billing purposes, a Revenue Internal Order will be created.

To link a grant to an Internal Order, the grant and sponsored program must be documented in
UN Assignments tab of the appropriate Internal Order.
Note that the grant information has to be populated before the grant status can be set to

The GM Account User creates the Internal Order using the T-code KO01. Enter the Order Type
in the initial screen. Select the order type for GM revenue.

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After saving the revenue internal order, click Change or use t-code KO02 to delete the number
on the Budget Control field of the UN Assignments tab and enter FPNR.
This step is important because the system will generate a Funds Management error if it is not

The Create Internal Order screen is displayed. Enter the following:

• Order Type: 1910 for billing purposes
• Business Area (derived from Cost Center)
• Functional Area (derived from Cost Center)
• Profit Center
• Responsible CCtr: Cost Center that the Internal Order is linked to
• Start and End date: This should match the grant start and end date

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F. Link Revenue Internal Order

Role: GM Account Approver

The UN Assignment tab links the Internal Order to the grant. Under this tab, populate
the following fields:
 Grant: Enter the grant number and click Enter on the Grant field
 Sponsored Program: Click the drop-down and select the sponsored
program you created. The applicable sponsored program will only appear if
you had pressed enter in the grant field
 Country or Geographic Region: An entry in either field is required

The link to the grant must be established before the grant is set to Award/Operational
Save the Internal Order when completed. Edit the grant’s Billing tab to add the Internal
Order number.

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G. Change Status of the Grant to Award/Operational

Role: GM Account Approver

Finally, the status of the grant can be changed to:

 Award / Operational
Before changing status to Award/Operational, ensure that the appropriate revenue IO has been
created. In addition, the Funded Program needs to be completed. Note that following the linking
of the IO in the grant, SAP may take about five minutes to save the data in the SAP tables. The
change of status can only take place after the revenue IO has been established in the system.

H. Create A Project/WBS

Role: Project User

A Project (WBS) is created to capture actual expenditures for the grant. To link a grant to a
project, the grant and sponsored program must be documented in UN Assignments tab of the
appropriate WBSE.

The WBSE is created by users in Project Management. Users in GM can view projects and
WBSE’s using the T-code CJ03. Verify the information on the UN Assignment tab of the
WBSE. The grant information has to be populated before the Project user status can be
set to Ready for Release.

On the Basic Data tab of the WBSE, the Operative Indicators area informs the user of the
type of transactions the WBS element is capturing.
The Acct asst elem option is checked for budgeting and recording of actual expenditures.
The billing option functionality is currently not utilized in UMOJA.

To learn the steps to create a project, please refer to the course materials for Project
Management in I-Seek.

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I. Link WBS to Sponsored Program

Role: GM Account Approver

To be able to transfer budget from GM to FM, the Budget Transfer tab of the Sponsored
Program must be completed.
1. Update the Sponsored Program. Click the Budget Transfer tab.
2. Populate the following fields:
 Enter 1000 in the FM Area field
 Enter the funds centre in the Funds Center field
 Enter the functional area in the Functional Area field
 Enter the Funded Program field
 Select the Default check box.

If there are multiple funded programs, the user can check multiple lines. This tab identifies all
FM objects to be considered as default entries at the time the GM budget document is created

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J. Create Internal Order for Expenses

Role: GM Account Approver

As mentioned in the previous section, all expenses in SAP require a cost object. The user has
the option of creating an Internal Order instead of a Project/WBS if the project is quite simple
and doesn’t require a comprehensive donor report.

To link a grant to an Internal Order, the grant and sponsored program must be documented in
UN Assignments tab of the appropriate Internal Order.

The GM Account User creates the Internal Order using the T-code KO01. Select the order type
for GM revenue by entering 1910 (GM revenue) on the initial screen..

K. Link Expense Internal Order to Grant

Role: GM Account Approver

The UN Assignment tab links the Internal Order to the grant. Under this tab, populate the
following fields:
 Grant and Sponsored Program: This has to be populated on the IO before the
grant status can be set to Operational / Awarded
 Country and Geographic Region, as applicable
Save the Internal Order when completed. Edit the grant’s Billing tab to add the Internal Order

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To be able to transfer budget from GM to FM, the Budget Transfer tab of the Sponsored
Program must be completed.
1. Update the Sponsored Program. Click the Budget Transfer tab.
2. Populate the following fields:
 Enter 1000 in the FM Area field
 Enter the funds centre in the Funds Center field
 Enter the functional area in the Functional Area field
 Enter the Funded Program field
 Select the Default check box.

If there are multiple funded programs, the user can check multiple lines. This tab identifies all
FM objects to be considered as default entries at the time the GM budget document is created.

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Module 3: Perform Billing

High Level Process

Remove Perform Check

Maintain Billing Grant Customer
Invoice and
Billing Block from Billing & Account &
Plan Billing Verify Accounting
Plan Billing Log Entries

Key Terminology

Key Term
It is a document created when a customer confirms the purchase of
Standard Order (Sales a product or service. The order includes information about the
Order) customer, material, quantity and delivery. In the GM process, it is
used for grant billing purposes.

A. Maintain Billing Plan

Role: GM Account Approver

1. The steps to maintain a billing plan are as follows:

 Enter GMGRANT in the Command field
 Click the Enter icon
 Open the grant for which billing is needed and click the Change icon. Select Billing
Plan from the Environment menu

2. Add the billing installments based on the Donor agreement. Billing can be handled as one
document for the entire amount or multiple documents that bill in several installments over
time. The dates for each installment represent the date on which the grant should be billed.

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3. The billing block is automatically placed on the installment after it has been created.
Navigate back to the grant and maintain the Payment Due Date section under the Billing
tab. Enter the date on which the donor needs to pay in the Payment Due Date field

4. When a grant status is set to Award, the integration of the GM and Sales and Distribution
(SD) modules automatically creates a Standard Order. Display the grant using the T-code
GMGRANT. The standard order number can be found under the grant’s Billing tab, in the
SD Order section. The user can verify the standard order information using steps on the
following screen shots.

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Note: Each line in the table is equivalent to one billing document

5. The steps to verify standard order information follow. Double-click the Sales document
number to open the Standard Order

6. On the standard order verify the following information:

 Net Value = Grant billing amount
 Sold To Party = Sponsor number
 On the line item level, confirm that the description matches the Grant Billing rule
 Double-click the material number in the Material field

7. In the Account Assignment tab, verify the following information:

 Business Area matches the Cost Object (WBS Element or internal order)
 WBS Element or internal order number matches the number listed on the grant

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8. Click the FM AccAssignt button and verify that the following information matches the
information listed in the Grants Master (correctly derived data):
 Funds Center
 Fund
 Functional Area
 Funded Program
 Grant

Click the Enter icon.

Click the Back icon twice to return to the grant.

B. Remove Billing Block from Billing Plan

Role: GM Account Approver

1. The next step is to remove the billing block from the billing plan. This is first done
via test run to ensure accuracy. The activity is then repeated without a test run.

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2. Populate appropriate data in the following fields to search for the grant and the
specific billing block:
Sponsor (if you want the data to be filtered by donor)

Make sure that the Test Run box is checked. Click the Execute icon.

3. On the next screen, confirm that the grant information is accurate. Click the Back
icon to exit the Test Mode.

4. On the initial screen, clear the Test Run check box. Click the Execute icon.
Confirm that the status of the Verify List Grants Management: Billing Plan Status
is displayed without an ‘x’ in the Test Mode and BBD (Billing Block) columns. The
absence of ‘x’ in both the columns indicates that the billing block has been
successfully removed.

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C. Perform Grant Billing & Verify Billing Log

Role: GM Account Approver

1. The steps to perform grant billing and verify the billing log are as follows:
 Enter GM_MLST in the Command field
 Click the Enter icon
 Enter the date range and/or grant range to be billed
 Click the Execute icon

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2. Select the appropriate line item and click the Simulate billing button. Confirm that a green
checkmark appears in the Status column.

3. Now that the grant billing has been validated, billing can be processed. The steps to process
billing are as follows:
 Click the Bill Grants button.
 Click the Log for Billing doc. button and verify that the billing document is saved with
the appropriate accounting document.

D. Verify Invoice & Grant Information

1. The invoice and grant information can be verified using a Grants Management: Line
Item Display report. See additional information in the Reporting module. The steps to
check individual documents are as follows:
 Enter FB03 in the Command field and click the Enter icon.
 Enter the grant and verify the accounting entries.

E. Check Customer Account

In addition, the sponsor accounts can be checked to view outstanding receivables. The
steps to check the customer account are as follows:
 Enter ZARFBL5N in the Command field
 Click the Enter icon
 Enter the customer account number and click the Execute icon
 Review the customer account information

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Module 4: Create and Approve Unreleased Budget

Key Term Description

Unreleased Grant Budget A portion of the grant budget for which cash has not been received

A. Create Unreleased Budget

Role: GM Budget User - Unreleased

1. The status of the grant has to be set to Award/Operational before the unreleased budget
can be created. The steps to create an unreleased grant budget are as follows:
 Enter GM_CREATE_BUDGET in the Command field
 Click the Enter icon. The Grant Budget - Create Document screen appears

2. Select Enter from the Process drop-down list

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3. On the next screen, enter the following:

 Grant name in the Grant field.
 EU in the GM Doc Type field (EU: Unreleased)
 Description in the Header Description field

4. In the Budget Version field, enter 0. (This value should always be 0.)Click the Enter icon

The descriptions for the four options in the Process drop-down list are as follows:

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Enter: Original budget created based on the Donor agreement

Return: To reduce the budget
Supplement: To increase the budget for subsequent budgeting, e.g. in case of
Transfer: Transfer within a grant, from one sponsored class to another sponsored class

Based on the Cost Plan developed by the program manager, the user has to budget how the
money is spent.

There are two methods to enter the budget:

Total Amount:
The Total Amount method is used when the sponsor’s donation is inclusive of the
indirect costs. In this case, the amount to budget is entered in the Total Amount
column. When the user presses the Propose IDC button, the PSC line and the Net
Amount and Total Awarded columns are automatically updated. This is discussed in
detail in the next pages.
Net Amount:
The Net Amount method is used when the sponsor’s donation does not include the
indirect costs. In this case, the amount to budget has to be calculated by the user and
entered directly in the Net Amount column

To switch between the methods, click the Extras menu and select Workbench settings. Then,
select the method using the Amount Type drop-down.

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5. Using the Total Amount method, enter the appropriate budget for each line item in the Total
Amount fields. Note that only expenditure classes added on the grant master are shown
here. In this example, out of the 3 million dollars total contribution, the user budgets 1.5
million dollars each for Contract Services and Travel.

6. Click the Propose IDC button to generate the Indirect Cost (IDC)
The Net Amount and Total Award columns are updated automatically and the PSC class
captures the IDC value depending on the rate set up on the grant Master Data

7. Click the Pre-post button

8. Click the Continue icon twice to post the document

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B. Approving the Unreleased Budget

Role: GM Budget Approver - Unreleased

The Budget Approver Unreleased posts the unreleased grant budget through the Umoja
Business Workplace. When the Budget User Unreleased creates an unreleased budget and
pre-posts it, a message is sent through the Umoja Business Workplace to the Approver that a
document is ready for approval.

Click the Business Workplace icon to access the Umoja Business Workplace

1. In the Umoja Business Workplace, navigate to Inbox > Workflow > Grouped according to
task > Umoja GM Document Approval Process
Note that Umoja GM Document Approval Process is displayed in the list only when there
are documents to be approved.

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2. If the grant, substantive office or document type are not in the inbox, use the Layout icon to
add them to the inbox

3. Click the document to be approved. There are three options to choose from:
 Approve Document
 Reject Document
 Decide Later

4. If the Budget Approver Unreleased approves the document, the document is removed from
the list of documents for approval. If the document is approved, the Budget Creator can
view the same in the Unread Documents folder.

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5. If the Budget Approver Unreleased rejects the document, the document is removed from the
list of documents for approval. The Budget Creator/Budget Assistant will be able to view the
status of the document at the following path: Umoja Business workplace > Inbox >

6. If the Budget Approver Unreleased decides to approve the document later, the document
remains in the list of documents for approval but the status of the document changes from
Ready to In Process.


Module 5: Create and Approve Released Budget

Releasing a grant involves the following activities:
 Establishing the grant spending authority
 Releasing the budget

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The released budget is displayed on the grant and represents the spending authority amount.
The main purpose of releasing is to ensure that spending is effected in accordance with the
donor requirements and restrictions. In Umoja, the process of releasing a budget provides a
basis for budgetary control from a donor’s perspective and also from an organizational

It is the UN’s policy to release the budget when the funds are received from the donor. Staffs
who are assigned the roles of creating and approving the unreleased budget have the
responsibility of ensuring that cash is received in the bank before releasing the budget.

The Budget Officer decides how and where to release the budget. The budget document is
created in Umoja using both GM and FM dimensions. After it is approved, the spending
authority amount is reflected in the released budget on the grant.
If the budgeting changes, the user needs to go back to the unreleased budget and change the

A. Creating the Released Budget

Role: GM Budget User - Released

1. The steps to release a grant are as follows:

 Enter GM_BDGT_RELEASE in the Command field
 Click the Enter icon. The GM Budget - Create Released Document screen
appears next.

2. Select Enter from the Process drop-down menu

 Enter the grant name in the Grant field
 Enter ER in the GM Doc Type field
(ER: Released Budget)
 Enter a description in the Header Description field

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3. Enter 0 in the Budget Version field (This value should always be 0). Click the Enter

4. The GM Budget screen appears. Two tables are displayed in the List View tab.
The table at the top shows the budget in the GM module. The table at the bottom
provides a view of the FM objects and defines how funds should be transferred to

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5. On the top table (GM dimension), for each Sponsored Class, input the amount to
release in the Total Amount column. Note that this amount cannot exceed the To
Release amount.

6. For each expenditure, the various FM lines differ based on the budget period.
Amounts can only be released for the current budget period.

If applicable, the PSC amount needs to be released on the line level as well. The
user needs to ensure that the Posting Date column reflects the accurate date.

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7. The Bdgt Line dropdown allows the user to access the bottom table (FM dimension)
for each Sponsored Classes line item. For each Sponsored Class, the amount
entered in the bottom table’s Amount column must sum up to the Total Amount
column entered in the top table. Once this is done correct, the Status of the line will
change to green.

8. Update the Distribution Key for each commitment item receiving budget (should
match posting period, for example August is Z008, September is Z009)

9. Once the budget has been entered, click the Pre-post button. This action sends the
budget document to workflow for approval.

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Note: If the budget document is rejected by the Approving Officer, the

document is automatically “returned” to the processor. He/she should click on
the Undo button.

10. Click the Continue button to pre-post the document

11. Click the Continue button again to post the document to Umoja Business Workplace

B. Approve the Released Budget

Role: GM Budget Approver - Released

The Budget Approver Released posts the released grant budget through the Umoja Business

When the Budget User Released creates an released budget and pre-posts it, a message is
sent through the Umoja Business Workplace to the Approver that a document is ready for

This posting generates two budgetary documents in GM and FM. The spending budget is then
set to release and the spending authority amount is reflected in the released budget on the

1. Click the Business Workplace icon to access the Umoja Business Workplace

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2. In the Umoja Business Workplace, navigate to Inbox > Workflow > Grouped
according to task > GM Document Approval Process

Note that GM Document Approval Process is displayed in the list only when there
are documents to be approved.

3. Click the document to be approved (for example, document number 10000001549).

On the next screen, there are three options to choose from:
 Approve Document
 Reject Document
 Decide Later

4. If the Budget Approver Released approves the document, it is removed from the list
of documents for approval. The approved document appears in the Budget
Creator’s/Budget Assistant’s folder with the notification that the document was

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5. Click the approved document to view the detailed notification.

6. If the Budget Approver Released rejects the document, the document is removed
from the list of documents for approval. The Budget Creator/Budget Assistant can
view the rejected document in the Documents folder.

7. If the Budget Approver Released decides to approve the document later, the
document remains in the list of documents for approval but the status of the
document changes from Ready to In Process.

C. View the Approver of the Budget Document

Note, it is possible to view the users (agents) who are assigned to a document as

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1. Enter GM_DISPLAY_BUDGET in the Command field. Click the Enter icon. The
GM Budget – Display Preposted Document screen appears. Click the icon on
the top left and select Workflow > Workflow overview

2.Click the Display workflow log icon

3. Click the Agents icon

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4. Click the Agents button

5.on the next screen, note the agents (people) who are assigned to approve the selected
budget document are displayed on the screen.

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After the budget has been released, users within and outside of GM are executing financial
transactions which consume grants budget. These transactions include create PO’s, JV’s and
IDC batch, and occur outside of the GM module.


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Module 6: Grant Execution

After the budget has been released, users may start processing financial transactions that
consume grants budget.

These transactions include creating Funds Pre-commitments (FPC), Funds Reservations (FR),
Funds Commitment (FC), Shopping Carts and Purchase Orders (PO). These obligating
documents require a funded program which is either an “expense” internal order (IO) or a
project (WBS). These two funded programs should have been previously linked to the relevant
grant, fund, fund center and functional area in their UN account assignment tabs. Such link is
vital in establishing the availability of funds for budget consumption.

To be able to charge the grant when processing an invoice, enter the PO number in the
appropriate field and click Enter in order to allow the system to validate the existence of this PO
and derive the appropriate account assignment information.

For invoices charged to a FC, enter the appropriate FC no. in the Earmarked Fund field and
click Enter. This action will prompt the system to validate the existence of the FC and derive the
account assignment (grant, fund, functional area and fund center).

If the grant information is not derived from a commitment (neither from a PO or FC) and the
transaction is to be charged to a grant, the user must indicate the internal order or project linked
to the grant. The system will then derive the grant from either cost object.

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Module 7: Post Indirect Cost (IDC)

Indirect cost or program support cost are posted against the grant when the commitment or
actual expenditures are recorded. As stated previously the rules for IDC calculation are defined
in the grant record by marking sponsored classes as IDC-relevant.

The steps to post indirect costs in Umoja are not going to be performed by every end user.
These steps will be done centrally, through a batch program.

When necessary, the indirect cost program can be run manually. The access to run the IDC
program manually is given to very few people.

The steps to post indirect costs in the Umoja system are as follows:

1. Enter GMIDCPOST in the Command field and click the Enter icon

2. Populate the following fields:

 Enter 1000 in the Company Code field
 Enter the grant number in the Grant field
 Enter the cut-off date in the Cut-off Date field
 Enter SI in the Document Type field
 Enter the required text in the Text field
 Enter the document date in the Document Date field
 Enter the posting date in the Posting Date field
 Select the Test Run check box

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3. On the next screen, click the Enter icon. Select the appropriate grant under the
Processed Grants column, then click the IDC Line Items button to view the IDC-
Relevant Line Items.

4. When you are back to the initial screen, Click the Back button to reach the initial
screen. Clear the Test Run check box and execute the program to post the IDC


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Module 8: Close the Grant

A. Grant Closing Statuses

Closing/Operational Closing - this status is changed automatically by the system when the
donor agreement end date is reached. At this point no new commitment (shopping cart,
purchase order, funds pre-commitment, funds reservation, and funds commitment) can be
created in the system.

All open commitments within the grant are completed and liquidated before proceeding to the
next status.
Invoices, payments, journal entries, settlement of advances and other follow-on transactions
may be processed at this phase.

Ensure that WBS or Internal Order is closed before the status is changed to the next phase. The
grants user should coordinate with the project manager to ensure that the related project or
WBS elements are closed properly.

Closing/Financial Closing – this status is manually changed by the designated Grants

Accounts Approver in the system. At this point, only cash receipts and refund to the donor are
the only transactions allowed to be processed in the system.

Closed – this status does not allow any transaction. All types of transactions charging the grant
are now blocked and the user will experience a “hard” error when the grant is used.

The steps to close a grant are as follows:

1. Enter GMGRANT in the Command field. Display the grant then click the
Pencil icon to edit the grant.

2. Click the Change Status button

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3. Select the appropriate status:

 Closing /Operational Closing
 Closing/ Financial Closing
 Closed

4. Click the Save icon.


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Module 9: Reports

A. Grant Line Item Display

Transaction code: S_PLN_16000269

It may be easier for users to follow the menu path. This transaction code is not easy to
memorize. Alternatively, you can include this transaction code in your favorites.

Menu path: Accounting> Public Sector Management> Grant Management> Grantee

Management> Information System> S_PLN_16000269 - Grants Management: Line Item

This report shows the detailed grant information, such as sponsored class/program, fund,
reference documents, posting dates, etc. The user can use the Subtotals button below to
review subtotals by grant, or by sponsored classes and grant. In addition, the user can use
standard filter and layout functions in ECC to manage the look of the report.

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B. Available Balance by Grant

Transaction code: ZGMRBUDACT

The user can run an Available Balance by Grant report. In this report, the user can review the
output of the report using four different options below.

This report is an overview for a funded grant at the aggregate level. It shows the unreleased,
released, and total budget by fund, grant, fiscal year, and sponsored program/class. Within the
report, the detailed breakdown of expenditure is available.

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C. Available Budget in Funds Management

Transaction code: FMAVCR02

This report reflects the approved budget, budget consumption and budget balance.

On the initial screen, enter the grant, fund, fund center or funded program as the case
may be. Note that selecting a specific grant limits the report to only the transactions
affecting the grant. If you choose to enter the fund, the system will provide you with a
list of grants or a list of fund centers. Selecting the fund center or funded program will
likewise generate only the transaction for the specific fund or fund center.

Click Execute.

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D. GM Cash Balance Report (ZGMBUDGET_REL)

This report provides the following information:

 cash inflow projection based on the receivables recorded (Select the radio button
Cash Inflows)
 cash balance for a specific grant (Select Available Cash Balance)

Transaction code – ZGMBUDGET_REL

Select the appropriate radio button and click Execute.

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