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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages: 02
Total No. of Questions: 09

B.Tech.(CSE) (2011 Onwards Elective-II) (Sem. – 7, 8)

M Code: 71898
Subject Code: BTCS-906
Paper ID: [A2988]
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students have to
attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks each and students have
to attempt any TWO questions.


.r c
1. Answer the following questions
a) What is multiplicity of an association?

b) What is the purpose of system sequence diagram?

p o m
a .r c
c) What is meant by a scenario?

r p
d) What are the basic elements of the observer pattern?

e) What is the purpose of state variable?
f) Define unit test.

a p
g) Define domain modeling.

h) Why CASE tools are used? Explain.
i) Explain visitor pattern.
j) Explain proxy pattern.

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2. What are the objectives of each Unified Process (UP) phase? Explain.
3. Draw a class diagram, including minimum and maximum multiplicity for the following. The
system stores information about two things: cars and owners. A car has attributes for make,
model and year. The owner has attributes for name and address. Assume that a car must be
owned by one owner and an owner can own many cars but that an owner might not own any
cars (perhaps she just sold them all, but you still want a record of her in the system).
4. List the primary steps for developing statechart.
5. What is a design pattern? How are design patterns used in the design discipline?
6. How are sequence diagrams helpful in assigning responsibilities? Explain.

7. Develop an activity diagram based on the following narrative. If you need to make
assumptions you can do, also note them.

o m
The purchasing department handles purchase requests from other departments in the

.r c
company. People in the company who initiate the original purchase request are the
“customers” of the purchasing department. A case worker within the purchasing department

receives that request and monitors it until it is ordered and received.

p o
Case workers process request for the purchase of products under $1,500, write a purchase

.r c
order, and then send it to the approved vendor. Purchase requests over $1,500 must first be

p a
sent out for bid from the vendor that supplies the product. When the bids return, the case
worker selects one bid. Then, he or she writes a purchase order and sends it to the vendor.

b r e
8. To develop the first-cut sequence diagram, you should follow three steps. Briefly describe
each of those three steps with an example.
9. Write a note on aspect-oriented and service-oriented software.

b rp

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