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of the
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956

Emissions optimization of a biodiesel fired gas turbine

C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell *
UCI Combustion Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California,
323 East Peltason Drive, Irvine, CA 92697-3550, USA


This study investigates the operation of a 30 kW gas turbine engine operated on biodiesel. Atomiza-
tion, vaporization, combustion, and emissions are compared for operation of the gas turbine on bio-
diesel and, as a reference, diesel fuel distillate #2. The role of liquid properties on fuel preparation and
subsequent engine performance, injector operation on the resulting droplet sizes, and fuel vaporization
characteristics are examined. Results show that while compositionally simple, biodiesel’s fluid properties
result in inferior atomization, longer evaporation times compared to diesel. Theoretical and experimen-
tal findings indicate that optimizing the fuel injection process will improve NOx emissions for biodiesel.
The minimum emission levels achieved for biodiesel still exceed the minimum attained for diesel. It is
apparent that factors in addition to atomization contribute to the generally higher NOx emissions
observed for biodiesel.
Ó 2009 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gas turbine; Biodiesel; Emissions; Atomization; Liquid fuel

1. Introduction load applications. Fuel stability still remains an

issue during storage, a hurdle which must be over-
This study investigates the use of soybean oil come in order to maintain fuel quality.
derivative methyl ester (biodiesel), the primary crop While demonstrated to a limited extent, com-
used for biodiesel production globally and in the bustion systems for environmentally preferred
United States [1], in a 30 kW gas turbine engine. alternative fuels like biodiesel have yet to be
Globally, other major biodiesel feedstocks include fully optimized for emissions. As a result, the
rapeseed, cottonseed, sunflower, jatroptha, and feasibility of biodiesel as a low emission alterna-
palm oils as well as beef tallow [1]. Feasibility of tive fuel option is still being evaluated. Studies
biodiesel as a renewable fossil fuel replacement reporting the impact of changing from low sul-
for power generation, particularly in California, fur diesel distillate #2 (DF2) to biodiesel on
must consider emissions of pollutants including both NOx and CO emissions are inconsistent
oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur (SOx), [3–9]. For the most part, results have shown
carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate [2]. This an increase in average NOx emissions for biodie-
is true for both emergency (backup) power and base sel as operated in diesel engines [8]. Yet recent
results suggest no statistically significant impact
on NOx emissions for a 20 percent blend of bio-
* diesel in petroleum diesel (B20) in automotive
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 949 824 7423.
E-mail address: (V.G. diesel engines [10]. Major differences exist in
McDonell). flame structure between gas turbines and diesel

1540-7489/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2950 C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956

engines. A diesel engine presents an intermittent Three liquid fuel injectors, each housing a
non-premixed reaction, whereas the gas turbine plain-jet airblast atomizer, four orifices for the
considered in this study produce an overall lean, introduction of combustion air, and a helical swir-
premixed reaction both from a local and global ler are used to inject the fuel air mixture in a
view due to increased residence times associated staged approach to facilitate engine turndown.
with the fuel preparation process. As shown in Fig. 1, the fuel and air interact in a
The majority of research efforts evaluating complex manner for the length of the premixer
the emissions performance of biodiesel in recip- (Lpremixer). The fuel spray is injected adjacent to
rocating and gas turbine combustion systems the combustion air in a confined area (a tube of
have considered simple ‘‘fuel switching”. The diameter 2.67 cm). The presence of the preheated
fuel type entering the combustion system is combustion and swirling air is critical in promot-
changed, but the balance of the fuel preparation ing droplet evaporation and minimizing fuel
process has remained unchanged. Other research impingement on the injector walls. Combustion
has identified a need for changes to the system occurs a short distance downstream of the exit
hardware and control strategies to ensure robust of the fuel injectors. Each of the three injectors
operation of a biodiesel and biodiesel blended is inserted into bellows circumferentially around
fuel system [11,12]. Problems have been the combustor on the same plane of the cross-sec-
observed where biodiesel produces buildup in fil- tion as shown on the right side of Fig. 1. The
ters and engine hardware, accelerated engine empty bellow on the right houses the igniter.
corrosion as well as problems during initial cold The circular combustion flow phenomena with
start-up [6,13,14]. Solutions such as heating the sites of ignition identified is also represented in
fuel stream or using a pilot fuel to bring a sys- the figure.
tem up to operating conditions have been con- The engine relies upon lean premixed, preva-
sidered [6,16]. A specific example is in cold porized combustion to achieve low pollutant emis-
climates where additional energy is required to sions. In addition, the design is configured to
initiate reaction. Less prevalent are more funda- introduce the well mixed fuel and air into partially
mental studies which attempt to optimize atom- oxidized combustion products within the combus-
ization, combustion and system logic in diesel tor. The design is similar to that explained by
engines and gas turbines for improved perfor- Wünning and Wünning [21] and others [22,23].
mance and emissions [15–18]. The balance of plant associated with the engine
The results to date have illustrated promise (e.g., control logic, auxiliary hardware, and tur-
for use of renewable liquid fuels. However, a bine hardware) was left unmodified. Also, engine
lack of systematic evaluations of how the renew- start-up and shut down logic and procedure were
able fuels impact emissions performance has yet maintained. Three tests were conducted at differ-
to be carried out and is the subject of this ent ambient conditions on different days for each
research. The approach taken in this work fuel to test variance and repeatability. Each test
involves the characterization of emission levels point was monitored for 8 min and averaged.
produced by a 30 kW gas turbine engine as Each test started with the engine ignited from cold
operated on DF#2 and biodiesel. To optimize start conditions. Ambient conditions were care-
the emissions, an external atomizing air circuit fully monitored in order to insure like test
was implemented to allow independent control conditions.
of the atomization process during engine The engine was equipped with transducers con-
operation. sisting of thermocouples, resistance temperature
detectors (RTDs), pressure transducers. The
transducer outputs were recorded using a
2. Experiment National Instruments data acquisition system to
document engine properties during operation.
2.1. Small scale gas turbine A special ‘‘measurement” injector was fabri-
cated to allow the connection of pressure (pres-
The engine testing was carried out using a com- sure transducers) and temperature
mercial liquid fired 30 kW gas turbine (Capstone (thermocouples) measuring devices near the air-
C30), commonly referred to as a Microturbine blast nozzle exit of the injector during operation.
Generator (MTG). This gas turbine is primarily Measurement of the flow conditions allowed the
used for backup and remote power generation calculation of the mass flows. Data obtained with
and can operate on a variety of liquid fuels. This this instrumentation, also recorded with data
engine uses a recuperated cycle to improve effi- acquisition system, established the conditions for
ciency while operating at a relatively low pressure laboratory experiments on the fuel injector. The
ratio that facilitates use of a single shaft and radial recorded data were synced with the MTG moni-
compression and expansion. Additional details toring software to ensure accurate time resolution.
regarding this engine are provided elsewhere Time recorded data were taken at ten second
[19,20]. intervals.
C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956 2951

Fig. 1. Airblast spray phenomena (left) and planar cross-sectional of injector configuration and combustor flow in
engine (right).

2.2. Emissions console a B99 b DF2

Exhaust emissions were measured with a Hor-

iba PG250 emissions analyzer via an extractive
sample probe centered at the exit plane of the
exhaust stack. The emissions analyzer was inte-
grated with a refrigerated water dropout sample
conditioning system. The analyzer measures NO,
CO, CO2, and O2 using EPA reference methods.
A vacuum pump pulls the sample gas from the
MTG exhaust stream via a stainless steel probe 72-deg 58-deg
and Teflon tube. Sampling systems and testing Fig. 2. Comparison of B99 and DF2 Sprays at Baseline
protocols based on California Air Resources Condition.
Board (CARB) Method 100 were followed. The
accuracy of the NOx and CO measurements is
±0.25 parts per million volume dry (ppmvd) and In this case, an external air feed system was
±2 ppmvd, respectively. The PG250 was zeroed used to facilitate independent control over the
and spanned before the start of each test using atomization and resulting preparation of the fuel
EPA certified gases. Analog outputs from the air mixture prior to combustion. For the air-blast
gas analyzer were connected to a National Instru- atomization used in this system, a strong depen-
ments data acquisition system. dence on drop size was observed as shown in
Fig. 3. Knowledge of the relationship between
the injector air-to-liquid ratio (ALR) and the
3. Results resulting droplet sizes was used in the optimiza-
tion process that follows. Details regarding the
Previous work illustrated that the atomization developed relationship are provided elsewhere
and fuel dispersion characteristics of DF2 and [24].
B99 are substantially different due to the variation The impact of the fuel properties on emissions
in liquid properties [24]. For example, the spray was first established by comparing the exhaust
generated at the DF2 baseline engine injector air composition generated by both fuels at the same
to fuel ratio for both liquids is shown in Fig. 2 nominal engine operating condition (i.e., ‘‘simple
and exhibits obvious differences in spray angle fuel switch”). Emissions measurements for B99
and general appearance. and DF2 corrected for 15 percent oxygen are
2952 C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956

120 ture, and latent heat of vaporization) and sizes

determined from analysis of the atomization mea-
100 B99 Laser Diffraction SMD surements presented in Fig. 3. In the fuel switch-
80 DF2 Laser Diffraction SMD ing scenario, the initial sizes of the B99 droplets
SMD (μm)

are 20% larger than the DF2 droplets due to the

60 differences in liquid properties (50 vs. 40 microns)
at the baseline engine operating condition. Figure
40 5 shows that B99, a fuel with higher viscosity (a
larger initial droplet size) and relatively low vola-
tility requires 56% more time to evaporate than
0 DF2. The compounding effect of larger droplets
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 and lower quantities of volatiles result in a signif-
ALR icantly longer vaporization time for preparing B99
Fig. 3. Measured SMD vs. ALR for DF2 and B99.
for combustion. The times shown in Fig. 5 can be
compared to the measured average droplet travel
time to reach the flame anchoring zone of 2.5 ms
presented versus power output in Fig. 4. Both NO as determined in a test rig simulating engine con-
and CO increase as load is increased from 50 to ditions [19]. This comparison suggests droplets
100 percent. NO increased by 4–13 ppmvd from may not be fully evaporated exiting the fuel injec-
13 to 25 kW. CO increased by 1–3 ppmvd. Note tor which is consistent with visualization tests
that CO2 emissions remained invariant between conducted on the fuel injector at full engine condi-
fuels and ranged from 4.5 to 4.7 percent in volume tions [20]. While this simplified analysis does not
corrected at 15 percent oxygen for increasing account for other effects such as heat transfer
power output. Oxygen concentrations in the from the reaction, but the comparison of the
exhaust stream remained stable; varying from trends for B99 vs DF2 is useful and consistent
18.4 to 18.8 percent from high to low load output. with the observed emissions behavior.
No visible signature or detectable scent of smoke Secondly, the engine was configured so that the
was observed during operation at any load test atomizing air flow could be independently con-
points for B99. NOx levels were uniformly higher trolled (increasing ALR) in an attempt to achieve
for B99. Furthermore, upon completion of these similar premixing levels for B99 as exist for DF2.
tests, inspection of the fuel injector revealed signs The result of the increase in atomization quality
of liquid impingement for B99. (air assist flowrate or ALR) for both B99 and
To explain the reason for the increase in NOx DF2 is shown in Fig. 6. Based on the hypothesis
emissions, the role of the fuel preparation process that improved atomization would result in better
was examined in two ways. First, the relative prev- mixing and reduced emissions, the air flow for
aporization characteristics of the two fuels were air-blast atomization was first increased for DF2
examined to establish the extent to which a lack in an attempt to further decrease NOx levels.
of prevaporization could be responsible for the Interestingly, NOx could not be reduced for
emission increase observed. An evaporation DF2 by increasing ALR and indeed increased
model incorporating convective effects was devel- with ALR. However, the NO decreased with
oped (described in [25]) and applied using the con- increasing ALR for B99 until it reached a mini-
ditions measured from the engine (pressure, mum and then began to increase with increasing
temperature) as well as initial droplet properties
(including liquid properties, evaporation tempera-
55 Heat Up B99
50 Steady State B99
35 Heat Up DF2
B99 NO (1) 45
SMD (microns)

Steady State DF2

NO & CO (ppmvd @ 15 % O2)

B99 CO (1)
B99 NO (2) 40
30 B99 CO (2)
B99 NO (3) 35
B99 CO (3)
25 DF2 NO (1) 30
DF2 CO (1) 25
20 DF2 NO (2)
DF2 CO (2) 20
DF2 NO (3)
15 DF2 CO (3) 15
10 5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
5 Time (ms)
11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Fig. 5. Droplet evaporation model at engine conditions
Power Output (kW) with inclusion of convective effects for B99 and DF2
using expected drop sizes without modifying injector air
Fig. 4. Emission vs. Load Output for B99 and DF2 [19]. flow.
C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956 2953

Change in Emissions (ppmvd@15%O2) ible fuel deposits or greater wear to the walls of the
injector occurred. While 4 h is a small period com-
DF2 NO pared to expected maintenance cycles for this
15 DF2 CO engine (8000 h recommended service), the lack of
B99 NO
B99 CO degradation compared to the original operation
is noteworthy.
5 The next step taken was to address the ques-
tion, ‘‘what are the minimum emissions levels
which this gas turbine can produce with B99 with-
-5 out compromising performance?” A series of tests
were conducted to explore the emissions reduction
-10 achieved using optimized atomization for a range
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
ALR of kW loads. In addition to 25 kW, two lower
load set points of 23 kW and 21 kW were tested
Fig. 6. Increasing air to liquid ratio and its effect on where NO emissions levels are substantial in an
emissions for DF2 and B99. attempt to expand the reduction of NOx emis-
sions. Repeatability of emissions was demon-
strated prior to each test. Figure 7 shows that
ALR, just like with DF2. The minimum NO emis- minimum NO emissions for B99 were observed
sion for B99 was found at an ALR of 0.86 with a at an ALR of 0.85 (and the same corresponding
decrease of nearly 7 ppm. The levels of CO were ALR change from the baseline condition) for all
shown to slightly decrease which is on the enve- three load set points. The significance of a single
lope of the uncertainty of the test equipment of ALR value resulting for the lowest achievable
±2 ppmvd. The CO emission at an ALR of 0.86 emissions affirms that the changes in emissions
decreased by about 1 ppm compared to the base are, in part, a result of the atomization.
ALR of 0.39, while CO2 remained unaffected. At 21 kW, ALR has less effect on emissions
While the CO levels approach the measurement reduction compared to 23 and 25 kW. This result
uncertainty of the emission analyzer used in this is explained by the fact that, while atomization
study, a trend in CO emission is apparent which plays an important role, mixing and injector
is clear from Fig. 7. This result illustrates the momentum also affect emissions. Previous work
importance of optimization of the combustion on atomization quality for DF2 at elevated pres-
system to achieve minimum emissions with B99. sures attempted to establish the relative contribu-
The difference in how the increase in ALR affects tion of atomization, mixing, and momentum on
the emissions behavior of B99 compared to DF2 emissions [20] and illustrated the complex inter-
suggests that a simple fuel switch is not likely to play between these different phenomena. Figure
result in similar emissions performance. Because 6 highlights this as well where increasing ALR
the engine used was designed for low emissions (and reducing drop size) actually results in higher
performance on DF2, it may not be surprising NOx emissions for DF2. Similarly, NOx emissions
that altering the ALR leads to degradation in for B99 eventually increase with ALR for all load
NO emissions. set points tested (shown by the oval region in
Upon completing this second investigation, the Fig. 7). With the increase in ALR, a larger num-
injectors were again removed and inspected. Note- ber of smaller sized drops are produced, but the
worthy is that, after almost 4 hours of operation overall mixing behavior within the injector
on B99 with improved atomization quality, no vis- changes such that emissions increase. Since the
fuel mass scales with the cube of drop diameter,
a point is reached during optimization where the
individual droplets on average possess a momen-
tum which does not allow adequate penetration
downstream. At 21 kW, the role of mixing and
momentum apparently becomes more important
than at 23 and 25 kW. This is labeled the ‘‘overly
optimized” region in Fig. 7.
The emissions produced with B99 under origi-
nal and optimized conditions are shown Fig. 8
along with the baseline DF2 results. Despite the
improvement, the optimized NO emissions are
still higher for B99 than they are for DF2. To
achieve minimum emissions levels with B99, the
ALR was increased by 170 percent vs DF2. The
Fig. 7. Emissions reduction for B99 by increasing air- drop size decreases from 32 to 24 microns for
blast atomizer ALR. B99 at the optimized ALR, which is significantly
2954 C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956

Nonetheless, the results show the potential for

emissions reduction through ALR optimization.
Figure 8 compares optimized airblast atomization
NOx emissions with emissions for a straight fuel
change. Through ALR modification, a 21 to 25
percent reduction in NOx emissions was achieved
for B99 with CO remaining unchanged. However,
the emissions for DF2 were still lower than those
for B99.
In light of the various factors affecting emis-
sions as described above, it is difficult to assess if
the levels attained are the lowest possible levels.
Experimental well stirred reactor work performed
Fig. 8. Emissions improvement via optimization of at the University of Washington has shed light on
atomization for NO and CO for B99 in comparison to this subject for various fuels as illustrated in Fig. 9
DF2. [26]. That work has shown that NOx emissions
correlate well with carbon to hydrogen ratio. This
correlation work [26] was performed at tempera-
smaller than the 40 micron SMD for DF2 at the tures (close to 1790 K), residence times (on the
baseline ALR. Thus B99, with optimized ALR, order of 10 to 25 ms) which are similar those
features a significantly shorter droplet evapora- found in the Capstone C30 for this work. As a
tion time than DF2 by comparison of potential result, it is reasonable to add these results for
evaporation histories. This finding shows that B99 and DF2 for comparison (C:H ratios were
the atomization quality with B99 at optimized determined from mass spectroscopy gas chroma-
ALRs should be more than sufficient to achieve tography). Both fuels fall within a trend region
the desired fuel/air preparation, yet emissions lev- of alkanes, methyl alcohol, and diesel fuels. Soy
els are still higher than they are for DF2 at the methyl ester possesses molecules with portions
baseline conditions. However, as discussed above, which are either alkanes or alkenes, a mix of both
atomization alone may not dictate overall emis- single and double carbon bonds, and a methyl
sions performance. alcohol molecule bonded on the hydrocarbon

Fig. 9. Entitlement NOx emissions for biodiesel (B99) in comparison to DF2, where S and L represent short and long
residence times of 18 and 25 ms. Adapted from [26].
C.D. Bolszo, V.G. McDonell / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2949–2956 2955

chain’s end. The influence of the methyl structure sion, additional developments in chemical
on the emissions is not yet well understood. How- kinetic mechanisms are needed for fuels such
ever, this fuel possesses 11 percent oxygen by mass as B99 are needed to help explain observed
compared to 50% by mass for methanol. Despite NOx emissions behavior.
the presence of the methyl groups for methanol
and B99 fuel, both fall in the general vicinity of
the NOx vs C:H ratio trend line shown in Acknowledgments
Fig. 9. Due to the similar carbon to hydrogen
ratio between DF2 and B99 fuels studied, the The authors thank Professor Scott Samuelsen
‘‘minimum” NOx emissions may be expected to for his leadership, input and support. Thanks to
be similar (between 7.35 and 9.25 ppm at 15 per- the UCICL staff and students for their contribu-
cent O2). However, the B99 emissions are higher tions to the Alternative Liquid Fuels Project;
than those observed for DF2 in a manner that is especially Adrian Narvaez for his great aid in
consistent with the relative C:H ratio. Hence, if experimentation and data analyses, Peter Therkel-
C:H can be used as a suitable correlator, it stands sen for his contributions to the combustion anal-
to reason that, for all else equal, B99 NOx emis- ysis of the engine and James Maclay for the
sions may never be as low as those for DF2, many productive discussions and fruitful input
although the role of the methyl group must be provided. The support of the California Energy
considered relative to this observation.The pres- Commission (Contract 50-00-020) relative to the
ence of significant amounts of aromatic com- development of the engine test facility and test
pounds in DF2 presents another distinction hardware used for this research. Lastly, the
between the two fuels which may also influence UCICL acknowledges the support of Capstone
their relative NOx emissions. Turbine Corporation for the provision of the
C330 Liquid Fired Gas Turbine Generator used
in this research effort.
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