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Course Code CMT555





Partner’s Name NURSAHIRA BINTI CHE MAT (2017428078)

YUSOFF (2017463828)

Date 23 SEPTEMBER 2019


a) To identify the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode during the electrolysis of various
aqueous salt solutions
b) To observe the electrolysis of water and the gases liberated at the electrodes.
c) To study the suitable electrode and aqueous solution for water splitting process.


In order to predict the products of electrolysis, we first need to understand what electrolysis is and
how it works. Electrolysis is a method of separating bonded elements and compounds by passing an
electric current through them. It uses a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-
spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is very important commercially as a stage in the
separation of elements from naturally occurring sources, such as ores, using an electrolytic cell.

The main components required to achieve electrolysis are:

 An electrolyte: a substance containing free ions, which are the carriers of electric current in
the electrolyte. If the ions are not mobile, as in a solid salt, then electrolysis cannot occur.
 A direct current (DC) supply: provides the energy necessary to create or discharge the ions in
the electrolyte. Electric current is carried by electrons in the external circuit.
 Two electrodes: an electrical conductor that provides the physical interface between the
electrical circuit providing the energy and the electrolyte.

The key process of electrolysis is the interchange of atoms and ions by the removal or addition of
electrons to the external circuit. The required products of electrolysis are in a different physical state
from the electrolyte and can be removed by some physical processes.

Each electrode attracts ions that are of the opposite charge. Positively charged ions, or cations, move
toward the electron-providing cathode, which is negative; negatively charged ions, or anions, move
toward the positive anode. You may have noticed that this is the opposite of a galvanic cell, where the
anode is negative and the cathode is positive.

At the electrodes, electrons are absorbed or released by the atoms and ions. Those atoms that gain or
lose electrons become charged ions that pass into the electrolyte. Those ions that gain or lose
electrons to become uncharged atoms separate from the electrolyte. The formation of uncharged
atoms from ions is called discharging. The energy required to cause the ions to migrate to the
electrodes, and the energy to cause the change in ionic state, is provided by the external source.


The products that result from the electrolysis of various salt solutions were observed and identified.

Carbon/Graphite Rods, Copper wires/plates, U-tube or Beaker, Power

Materials/Apparatus: Supply or Battery 6 V, Two wire leads with crocodile clips, Retort stand
with clamp or Cardboard with two holes, litmus paper (blue)

NaCl solution, NaBr solution, Na2SO4 solution, Phenolphtalein indicator

1. The Electrolysis Apparatus was set up

Two wire leads (different colours) were connected and attached to crocodile clips to a direct current
(DC) power supply. A glass U-tube was mount on a ring stand or clamp at a retort stand (as in Figure
2.1a) to set up the electrolytic cell as in Figure 2.1b. The alligator clips were ceonnectd to the
corresponding electrodes, listed in Table 2.1.

2. The solutions were electrolyzed

The U-tube was filled three-forths full with a solution from Table 2.1 and 10 drops of phenolphtalein
were added. The solution at 6V was electrolyzed for 5 minutes. The suggested electrodes were used.
During the electrolysis, each electrode was closely watched for any evidence of a reaction in the
anode and cathode chambers. (Note: test for Cl 2 gas: A greenish-yellow gas with a pungent and
choking smell is released or the gas turns the blue litmus paper red and then white)

Solution Electrodes (Anode and Cathode)

Distilled Water Carbon (Graphite)
0.001M NaCl Carbon (Graphite)
0.5 M NaCl Carbon (Graphite)
0.5 M NaBr Carbon (Graphite)
0.5 M Na2SO4 Polished Copper Metal Strips
0.5 M Na2SO4 Carbon (Graphite)
Table 2.1: Electrolytic Cells for Study

Disposal: All the salt solutions were discarded into the ‘Waste salts’ container.
The power supply was handled cautiously to avoid electrical shock.

Figure 2.1


Electrolyte solution Electrodes Observations
Distilled water Carbon/Carbon (C/C)  Gas evolved at cathode
 Pink colour at cathode

0.001 M NaCl Carbon/Carbon (C/C) Pink at cathode at 1 min first

then disappear

0.5 M NaCI Carbon/Carbon (C/C)  Gas evolved at cathode

 Pink at cathode, more on

0.5 M NaBr Carbon/Carbon (C/C)  Yellow at the center

 Pink at cathode, gas

0.5 M Na2SO4 Carbon/Carbon (C/C)  Pink at cathode, gas
 Gas evolve at anode

0.5 M Na2SO4 Copper/Copper (Cu/Cu) Pink at cathode, gas evolve


Electrolyte solution Dissociation of Electrolytes Expectation of selected ion
and product
NaCI (Dilute) Na+ + e → Na Ions migrating to cathode: Na+,
CI2 + 2e → 2CI- H+
O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O Ion discharged at cathode:
2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH H+
Product at cathode: H2 gas
Ions migrating to anode:
CI-, OH-
Ions discharged at anode: OH-
Product at anode: O2 gas
NaCI (Concentrated) Na+ + e → Na Ions migrating to cathode:
CI2 + 2e → 2CI- Na+, H+
O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O Ion discharged at cathode: Na+
2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH- Product at cathode:
H2 gas
Ions migrating to anode:
CI-, OH-
Ions discharged at anode: CI-
Product at anode: CI2 gas
NaBr Na+ + e → Na Ions migrating to cathode:
Br2 + 2e → 2Br- Na+, H+
O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O Ion discharged at cathode: Na+
2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH- Product at cathode: H2 gas
Ions migrating to anode:
Br -, OH-
Ions discharged at anode: Br -
Product at anode: Br2 gas
Na2SO4 Na+ + e → Na Ions migrating to cathode:
S2082- + 2e → 2SO42- Na+, H+
O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O Ion discharged at cathode: H+
2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH- Product at cathode: H2 gas
Ions migrating to anode:
SO42-, OH -
Ions discharged at anode: OH -
Product at anode: O2 gas


In this trial, the products produced from the electrolysis of different salt solutions, such as 0.5 M
NaCI, 0.5 M NaBr 0.5 M Na2SO4 (copper and carbon) and 0.001 M NaCl, were found. During the
electrolysis of different aqueous salt solutions, responses to the anode and cathode were recognized.
In this case, carbon / coal and copper / copper electrodes are the electrodes used.
For distilled water, gas is evolved at cathode and formation of pink color at cathode electrolyte. Next,
formation of pink color at cathode for first 1 minutes then disappeared in 0.001 M NaCI solution. For
0.5 M NaCI solution, gas is evolved at cathode while pink color at cathode move upward of the
solution. At 0.5 M NaBr solution, we can have observed the indication of yellow color at the center of
U- tube, pink color at cathode and gas evolved. After that is 0.5 M Na2SO4 solution, pink color at
cathode leads to gas evolve and gas also evolved at anode. Lastly, formation of pink colour at cathode
and gas is evolved using the copper/copper electrodes. Ten drops of phenolphthalein are added to act
as an indicator of acids (colorless) and bases (pink).
From Table 2, which produces hydrogen gas for cathode and anode oxygen, was diluted with NaCI
solution, while a hydrogen gas for the cathode and chlorine gas for the anode were generated by the
focused NaCI solution. Cathode hydrogen gas is produced by the NaBr solution and Na2SO4
solution. However, bromine gas is produced with NaBr solution, while oxygen gas is produced by
Na2SO4 solution. By observing water and gas electrolysis freed by the electrodes, we understand that
a cathode is released with the least favorable decrease capacity and vice versa.
The components of an electrolytic cell were familiarized, and the reduction-oxidation reactions that
occur simultaneously in each set up were analyzed. Products have changed the color of the solutions.
It is recommended that more accurate equipment be used, and human errors be lessened. Also,
computations for the voltages can be added so that the transfer of electrons is measured in quantitative
observations as well.
Some precautionary measures should be taken while the experiment is being handled. First, to prevent
pollution of water, all the salt solutions are thrown into the ' Waste Salts ' container. The next step is
to safely manage the power supply to prevent electrical shocks.


In conclusion, we had successfully conducted all of the experiments and the objectives of the
experiment were fulfilled. We had learned to identify the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode
during the electrolysis of various aqueous salt solutions. Other than that, we also managed to identify
the reactions occurring at the anode and cathode during the electrolysis of various aqueous salt
solutions. Next, we also studied the suitable electrode and aqueous solution for water splitting


1. Electrolytic cells and electrolysis (2019), Stephen Lower. Retrieved from

2. Electrolysis, Electrochemistry, Lumencandela. Retrieved from

3. Galvanic and electrolytic cells (2012), Professor Patricia Shapley, University of Illinois. Retrieved

1. Would solid NaCI conduct electricity? Why did the salt make the water more conductive to

Solid NaCI cannot conduct electricity due to their ions fixed in position and therefore these ions
cannot move. Salt solution such as NaCI conducts an electric current because it has ions in it that
have the freedom to move about in solution. These ions are produced when sodium chloride
dissolves in pure water to produce sodium (Na+) and chloride ions (CI-).

2. What gases were formed at anode and cathode in beaker containing 0.5 M NaCI? Write the
half-reaction that occurred in this beaker.
Anode: 2H2O + 2e → H2 + 20H-
Gas evolved is H2 gas
Cathode: Cl2 (g) + 2e → 2Cl-
Gas evolved is Cl2
3. What was the purpose of adding phenolphthalein to the solution?
The purpose of adding phenolphthalein to the solution is to show pH transition from acid to
alkaline or alkaline to acid. It is often used as an indicator in acid-base titration.

4. If copper electrodes had been used instead of the carbon (graphite) electrodes for the
electrolytic cells, the observed reactions may have been different. Why?
Carbon electrode is an inert electrode; thus it will not compete with the ions present in the

5. Why does more gas form at one electrode than at the other electrode for electrolysis of 0.5
M Na2SO4 solution?
Anode: 02 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O
Cathode: 2H2O + 2e → H2 + 20H-
At cathode, reduction occurs and the H2 gas is evolved while at anode, oxidation takes place.

6. In the electrolysis of an aqueous salt solution, the nitrate ion,NO 3-, migrates to the anode.
Considering that the nitrogen in the NO 3- (aq) is at its maximum oxidation state (of +5),
what electrolysis products(s) might you expect to observe at the anode?
NO3- would not be discharged because it is located at the upper top while OH - located at the
bottom based on the electrochemical series. Hence, expected product would be oxygen gas.
O2 + 4H+ + 4e → 2H2O

7. Calculate the volume of gases that will be collected at anode and cathode when an aqueous
solution of Na2SO4 is electrolyzed for 2 hours with a 10 A current.
Cathode (reduction): 2H2O + 2e → 2OH-
Anode (oxidation): 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e
Overall: 2H2O → 4H2 + O2
From oxidation: 1 mol O2 = 4e
Q =It
= 10 x 2 x 60 x 60
= 72000 C
Q = mnF
= 4 x n x 96500
= 0.1865 mol
Volume of gas = no of mol x 24 L
= 0.1865 x 24
= 4.4 L
From reduction: Q = 2x n x 96500
m = 0.3731 mol
Volume of gas = no of mol x 24 L
= 0.3731 x 24

= 8.95 L

8. Describe in your own words the whole process of electrolysis of water from your findings
(including the electrochemical reactions occur at both electrodes, the suitable electrode and
electrolyte used).

Unwanted gas evolved such as Br or CI gas occurs because the electrolysis of water is considered
a well-known principle to produce oxygen and hydrogen gas. Based on the electrochemical series,
the most suitable electrode and aqueous solutions for water splitting process are copper/copper
and Na2SO4 respectively. Halide ions are reducing at cathode and OH - is oxidizing at anode. SO42-
is the best anion that the most difficult anion to oxidize.

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