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7th Grade Elevate Final Project

Project focus = Service (CECFCMS Word of April/May)

Definition of Service = the action of helping or doing work for someone without the expectation of

being paid back or rewarded

Your final project in 7th grade Elevate will focus on providing service for someone outside of school,
either within your family, church, community, animal shelter, nursing home, etc. It is recommended, but
not required, that the service you provide is something that you don’t ordinarily do.

Part 1: Pick a Service you will provide. Below is a suggested list of service ideas. If you have an idea for a
service you’d like to provide but you do not see it listed below, please must ask Mrs. Hughes for
permission. No matter the idea, you must get the service idea approved by Mrs. Hughes before you
begin your service.

Suggested List

• Volunteer at your church OR speak during your church service

• Volunteer at a nursing home
• Volunteer at an animal shelter (clean stalls, walk dogs, etc.)
• Work on your family farm
• Help your grandparents around their house for a week without getting paid
• Help your parents around their house for a week without getting paid
• Babysit without getting paid
• Shovel snow OR clean up a yard for an older neighbor (if applicable)

Part 2: Get your service project idea approved by your parents/guardians. Since this project must
happen outside of school, your parents/guardians should know what you would like to do before you do
it. This way, you have teacher support and parent/guardian support to help you be successful with this
project. Turn in your teacher- and parent/guardian-signed approval slip by Friday, March 13.

Part 3: Perform the service. Suggestion: Wear your CEC shirt or hoodie when performing the service.
Don’t have any CEC gear? Mrs. Bowers may have a shirt you could borrow for free!

Part 4: Create a poster about your service. I want you to hand-make a poster showcasing the service
you provided. I will pass out a separate poster rubric for you to follow.

• Yes, you will present your poster to the class.

• Make your poster creative and colorful! Add pictures!
• No PowerPoints/technology allowed!
• Alternative option: You may write a paper about the service you provided instead of making a
poster and presenting. Please follow the separate paper rubric to help you write your paper.

Part 5: Turn in your poster (or paper if you chose the alternative option). Your poster (or paper) is due
at the start of class on Thursday, April 30. If you do a poster, you will be expected to present your
poster to the class. Presentations will start on Thursday, April 30 and will continue through to the next
day (Friday). The teacher will put student names in alphabetical order (based on last name), and that will
be the order in which you present.

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