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Experiment 1

1. To understand the concepts involved in the distillation of binary liquids

2. To successfully perform the simple distillation of glacial acetic acid
3. To construct the boiling point diagram of glacial acetic acid
Binary liquids are a type of solution where the components are completely miscible and do not
react with each other. The distillation of a binary liquid should separate the components.
Distillation is a separation technique that utilizes the difference in boiling point and volatility of
the components in a solution. The boiling point-diagram of a binary mixture is a graph obtained
by plotting the mole fraction of a component, in liquid and vapor phase, against its boiling point.
Using Raoult’s law, this can be obtained by titrating different parts of the distillation process and
titrating them with the necessary titrant. Raoult’s law states that the vapor pressure of a solvent is
equal to the vapor pressure of the pure solvent scaled by the mole fraction of the solvent in the

Experiment 2
1. To understand the concepts behind steam distillation
2. To successfully separate toluene from water via steam distillation
Immiscible liquids are liquids that vary greatly in polarity and have very small mutual
solubilities. Undissolved liquids usually involve organic compounds, which are heat sensitive
and will decompose under high temperatures. This is why distillation cannot be used to separate
immiscible liquids so steam distillation is normally used. Steam distillation is a separation
technique that is performed by bubbling hot steam through the mixture to be distilled, and
collecting the vapor that results. Using steam to heat the mixture makes sure the solution does
not exceed 100 degrees.

Experiment 3
1. To understand the properties that affect miscibility of a system
2. To understand the concepts behind miscibility and a solubility diagram
3. To generate the solubility diagram of partially miscible liquid system
A solubility diagram is a special type of phase diagram. It is a graphic representation of the
equilibrium composition of solutions as a function of temperature and pressure. The solubility
diagram of a partially miscible system can be obtained. Miscibility is the property of a solution
with two or more substances to form a homogeneous solution, which highly depends on the
forces of attraction between the molecules. Partially miscible systems are composed of
substances that do not mix in all proportions at all temperatures. This results in the formation of a
homogeneous solution and the formation of two layers. The upper critical solution temperature is
the highest temperature in which two partially miscible liquids form two phases. The lower
critical solution temperature form weak complexes at room temperature. The two components
mix in all proportions below and form two phases above the lower critical solution.

Experiment 4
1. To determine the values of the distribution (Kd) and the ratio of the average molecular
weight of the solute in each solvent (n) in the distribution of acetic acid between water
and diethyl ether
The Nernst distribution law states that at a constant temperature, a solute distributes itself
between two immiscible solvents only in a particular ratio. This ratio is represented by the
distribution constant. Kd = C1/C2 where C1 and C2 are the concentration of the soute in the two
The distribution constant is the equilibrium constant for distribution of an analyte in two
immiscible solvents. Nernst distribution law holds true if the solute does not react with either of
the solvents, solute concentrations are low, and the two solvents are immiscible and remain
immiscible upon the addition of the solute.

Experiment 5
1. To understand the factors and properties involved in a three-component liquid system
2. To understand the concept behind a three-component system phase diagram
3. To prepare the phase diagram of a three-component liquid system
The phase rule is a rule relating the number of components, phases, and independent variables to
the degrees of freedom, or variance, in a chemical system. This is represented by the equation F
= C – P + 2, where C is the number of unique chemical compositions and P is the number of
phases. A liquid system with three components has a variance of four: temperature, pressure, and
composition of at least two of the components. Due to the difficulty in constructing the graph
with four variables, temperature and pressure are usually held constant.
A ternary graph, triangle plot is a barycentric plot on three variables which sum to a constant
(K), which is usually represented as 100%. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables
as positions in an equilateral triangle.
To construct a phase diagram of a ternary system, it is necessary to know the three binary
systems of the three components. Mutual solubilities are sometimes necessary to know in a two-
phase system.

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