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Physiognomy is the belief that physical attributes, such as a large nose or a

wide forehead, were directly related to a person’s character. This is no
longer a matter that is studied, however, in Chaucer’s time this was
prevalent. In “The Prologue” Chaucer introduces a wide variety of
characters that belong to different social classes and through direct and
indirect characterization, we learn physical and mental qualities. In today’s
society, this study is no more, even though humans are always seeking to
understand behavior. In Chaucer’s “Prologue” Physical qualities of a
character are believed to be directly correlated to their personality;
however, in modern society, this belief is no defunct. 

To understand this concept with full capacity one most understand what
Physiognomy rally is. Physiognomy is the “art of judging human character
from facial features” This refers only to the face. Besides Chaucer’s time,
ancient Chinese also looked into this art. It is very controversial, but even
universities taught this as science. Modern science suggests that all of this
is false. Chaucer uses this “art” to help paint a portrait of his characters.
Chaucer used Physiognomy to describe his characters. The nun
that he describes is over sweet and shy, though she is very interested in
courtly life. The description given to her was, “Her nose was elegant, her
eyes glam grey.” (156) The grey eyes suggest confidence, but also
conformation. The nun likes to fit in and go with the status quo. “Her mouth
was very small, but soft and red” (157_ Her red lips suggest she is
emotional. Chaucer displays this in her tenderness for animals. “Her
forehead certainly, was fair of spread.” (158) This also suggest she has
some ability towards rational thought. Chaucer describes the woman from
bath as arrogant, outspoken, and married several times. “She had gap-
teeth” (478) the gap teeth symbolize prosperity and wealth. He explained
the Summoner as gross looking, but kind hearted. “His eyes were narrow.”
(643) This suggests a suspicious nature. “Black scabby brows he had”
(645) His brows indicates strength.
Chaucer also uses the Physiognomy to portray a story does not live a life of
solitude or abstinence; rather he likes to indulge and be wealthy. “His head
was bald and shone like glass and he was fat” (202) “His prominent
eyeballs never seemed to settle (205) He was able to talk well, but in a
deceptive manner. He was the type of man to con someone out of his or
her money. Miller is a large rambunctious thief. “A great stout fellow big in
brown and bone” He was arrogant and reckless. “His nose displayed/ a
ware” (570-571) He had bold and quarrelsome nature, always ready to
fight. Chaucer used all of these physical attributions to highlight the
person’s negative mental attributes. 
In the modern world, we are still concerned with trying to
understand human behavior. We still also find ourselves assuming
personal traits by appearances. The world looks at someone who is fat to
be lazy and someone who is good looking to be trusting and sincere. Image
and appearance is also still important, but real personality traits are not
represented by specific physical descriptions. Modern society tends to
study the mind and attempt to look at the brain to determine qualities.

Chaucer used the aspects of Physiognomy to paint pictures of his

characters, which his modern audience would understand. However, this
science has died out over time and now we do not follow these beliefs. In
our society image is till important, and we are always fascinated with
learning who people really are.

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