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EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 Qi JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 2 PART-I PHYSICS ‘SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32) «This section contains EXGHT (08) cuestons ‘+ Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE cf these four options) sar) correct answer} ‘+ For each question, choose the optio|s) corresponding to (ll) he comect answers) ‘+ Ansner to each question willbe evaluated according tothe flowing marking scheme: FullMaks = +4 Horly (ll the corect option(s isfare) chosen Parial Marks = 43 Fallthe four opions are conact but ONLY three options are chosen Partial Maks < 42 Vthreeor more options are cmect but ONLY two options ae chosen and both of which ae correct Perial Marks: +1 Iftwo or more options ate correct but ONLY one option is chosen and itis @ correct open, ZeroMarks —* 0 Hnone tthe opfonss chosen (e.the questions unanswered), Negative Maks > —1 In all othe cases + For example, ina question, (A), (8) and (0) ae the ONLY three opons eorespening to corect answers then choosing ONLY (A, () and (D) wil get +4 mars, choosing ONLY (A) and (8 wil get +2marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (D) wil get +2 marks choosing ONLY (8) and (D) wil get +2 marks choosing ONLY (A) wl get + mark; choosing ONLY (8) wl get #4 mark, choosing ONLY (0) wi get #1 mark, choosing no option (12 the question is unanswered wl gt O marks; ard choosing any cher combinafon of option wl gel 1 mark A thin and uniform rod of mass M and length L is held vertical on a floor with large friction. The rod is released from rest so that it falls by rotating about its contaet-point with the floor without slipping. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct, when the rod makes an angle 60° with vertical? Ig is the acceleration due to gravity] (A) The angular speed of the rod will be iz (B) The angular acceleration of the rod will be a (C) The radial acceleration of the rod’s center of mass will be “2 (D) The normal reaction force from the floor on the rod will be Sa JEE (Ademco!) 2019, Paper 2 Q2__ A block of mass 2M is attached to a massless spring with spring-constant k. This block is connected to two other blocks of masses M and 2M using two massless pulleys and strings. The accelerations of the blocks are d;, a and ay as shown in the figure. The system is released from rest with the spring in its unstretched state, The maximum extension of the spring is xp. Which of the following option(s) is/are correct? [g is the acceleration due to gravity. Neglect friction] 2M . + . “ey aM am Ax = Se (B) When spring achieves an extension of for the first time, the speed of the block connected to the spring is 3g, fz (©) At an extension of =? of the spring, the magnitude of acceleration of the block connected to the spring is # (D) a, — a, =a, — a3 IEE (Adeancet) 2019 Papa Q3 A small particle of mass m moving inside a heavy, hollow and straight tube along the tube axis undergoes elastic collision at two ends. The tube has no fiction and it is closed at one end by a flat surface while the other end is fitted with a heavy movable flat piston as shown. in figure. When the distance of the piston from closed end is 1. = Lo the particle speed is v = vp, The piston is moved inward at a very low speed V such that V < “vp, where dl. is the infinitesimal displacement of the piston, Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? | (A) The rate at which the particle strikes the piston is v/L (B) After each collision with the piston, the particle speed increases by 2V (© Ifthe piston moves inward by di, the particle speed increases by 20 (D) The particle's kinetic energy increases by a factor of 4 when the piston is moved inward from Ly to zo {BEE (Adan058) 2019 Piper 2 Qa Qs An electric dipole with dipole moment 22(f-+) is held fixed at the origin © in the presence of an uniform electric field of magnitude Eo, Ifthe potential is constant on a circle ofradius centered at the origin as shown in figure, then the correct statemeni(s) is/are (cq is permittivity of free space, R >> dipole size) way n= (2) arent. (B) Total electric field at point A is E, = V2E,(t + J) (C) Total electric field at point B is By = 0 (D) The magnitude of total electric field on any two points of the circle will be same. A mixture of ideal gas containing 5 moles of monatomic gas and 1 mole of rigid diatomic gas is initially at pressure Pp, volume Vp, and temperature Tp. If the gas mixture is adiabatically compressed to a volume Vp/4, then the correct statements) is‘are, (Given 2'7 =2.3; 2°? =9.2; R is gas constant) (A) The work |17| done during the process is 13RTq (B) The average kinetic energy of the gas mixture after compression is in between 1887 and 1927 (C) The final pressure of the gas mixture after compression is in between 9Pp and 1075 (D) Adiabatic constant of the gas mixture is 1.6 {BEE (Adan058) 2019 Piper 2 Q6 Three glass eylinders of equal height H = 30 cm and same reffactive index n=1.5 are placed on a horizontal surface as shown in figure. Cylinder I has a flat top, cylinder TI has a convex top and cylinder III has a concave top. The radii of curvature of the two curved tops are same (R =3m). If H1,, H,, and Hare the apparent depths of a point X on the bottom of the three cylinders, respectively, the comect statements) is/are A A,>H, @) A, > A, © H,>H, (D) 0.8 em<(H#, —H,)<0.9 om SEB (Advanced) 2019 Paper 2 Q7 Qs Ina Young’s double slit experiment, the slit separation d is 0.3 mm and the sereen distance Dis 1m. A parallel beam of light of wavelength 600 nm is incident on the slits at angle a as shown in figure, On the screen, the point O is equidistant from the slits and distance PO is 11.0 mm. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (A) For a= as degree, there will be destructive interference at point O. (B) For @ = 0, there will be constructive interference at point P. (C) For a = oss degree, there will be destructive interference at point P. (D) Fringe spacing depends on a. A free hydrogen atom after absorbing a photon of wavelength 2q gets excited from the state n = 1 to the state n = 4, Immediately after that the electron jumps to. n = m state by emitting a photon of wavelength a,. Let the change in momentum of atom due to the absorption and the emission are Apa and Apo, respectively. If 2g/2e = 2, which of the option(s) is/are correct? [Use he = 1242 eV nm ; Inm=10-% m, f and ¢ are Planck’s constant and speed of light, respectively] (A)m=2 (B) A, = 418 nm (©) Apa/APe (D) The ratio of kinetic energy of the electron in the state n = m to the state n EE (Advanced 2019, Qo ‘SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 18) + This secon conains SIX (06) questions. The answer fo each question is @ NUMERICAL VALUE, + For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric Keypad in the place designated to enter the answer. Ifthe numerical value has more than two decimal places, the valve to TWO decimal places. + Answer fo each question willbe evaluated according tothe folowing marking scheme: FullMarks 43 ONLY the corect numerical valu is entered, Zero Marks 0 Inallother cases. Paper 2 A ball is thrown from ground at an angle @ with horizontal and with an initial speed ty. For the resulting projectile motion, the magnitude of average velocity of the ball up to the point when it hits the ground for the first time is %j. After hitting the ground, the ball rebounds at the same angle @ but with a reduced speed of t/a. Its motion continues for a long time as shown in figure. If the magnitude of average velocity of the ball for entire duration of motion is 0.8 V,, the value of ais wy Uo Wo/ga We) agn Ly LB JEB (Advance) 2019 Pager 2 Q.10 A 10 cm ong perfectly conducting wire PQ is moving with a velocity 1 cm/s on a pair of horizontal rails of zero resistance. One side of the rails is connected to an inductor L = 1 mH and a resistance R = 1 Q as shown in figure. The horizontal rails, L and R lie in the same plane with a uniform magnetic field B = 1 T perpendicular to the plane. If the key S is closed at certain instant, the current in the circuit after 1 millisecond is x x 107? A, where the value of x is . [Assume the velocity of wire PQ remains constant (1 cm/s) afier key S is closed. Given: e7! = 0.37 , where ¢ is base of the natural logarithm Q11 A monochromatic light is incident from air on a reffacting surface of a prism of angle 75° and reftactive index mp = 3. The other refracting surface of the prism is coated by a thin film of material of refractive index n as shown in figure. The light suffers total internal reflection at the coated prism surface for an incidence angle of @ < 60°. The value of nis BEE (Advanced 2019 Paper 2 Q12_ A perfectly reflecting mirror of mass M mounted on a spring constitutes a spring-mass QB Qua att = 10% nr? with A as Planck’s constant. N photons of wavelength A= 81 x 10-6 m strike the mirror simultaneously at normal incidence such that the mirror gets displaced by 1 pm. If the value of N is x x 10, then the value of x is [Consider the spring as massless] system of angular frequency @ such that Light Mirror Suppose a Ra nucleus at rest and in ground state undergoes a-decay to a “2Rn nucleus in its excited state. The kinetic energy of the emitted o: particle is found to be 4.44 MeV. “An nucleus then goes to its ground state by y-deeay. The energy of the emitted y photon is__keV. [Given: atomic mass of {Ra = 226.005 u, atomic mass of {Rr = 222.000 u, atomic mass of 1 particle = 4.000 u, 1 u=931 MeV/c’, ¢ is speed of the light] An optical bench has 1.5 m long scale having four equal divisions in each em. While ‘measuring the focal length of a convex lens, the lens is kept at 75 em mark of the scale and the object pin is kept at 45 cm mark. The image of the object pin on the other side of the lens overlaps with image pin that is kept at 135 cm mark. In this experiment, the percentage error in the measurement of the focal length of the lens is EE (Advanced 2019, SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12) + This section contains TWO (02) List Match sets. }+ Each ListMatch set has TWO (02) Mutiple Choice Questions. + Each ListMatch set has two lists: List4 and List + Listas Four ets () I) (land) and List has Six ents (P), (0), R(T) and (U) '+ FOUR options are given in each Multiple Choice Question based on List4 and List-l and ONLY ONE of these {our options satisfies the condition asked in the Mukiple Choice Question. + Answer to each question willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks +3 IFONLY the option comesponding to the correct combination is chosen; Zero Marks 0 Hfrone of the options is chosen (ie. the question is unanswered), Negative Marks : -1 In all other cases. SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.15 and Q.16 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph A musical instrument is made using four different metal strings, 1, 2, 3 and 4 with mass per unit length 2, 2u, 34 and 4p respectively. The instrument is played by vibrating the strings by varying the five length in between the range Lo and 2Lo. It is found that in string-1 (j2) at free length Ly and tension Ty the fundamental mode frequency is fy. List-I gives the above four strings while list-II lists the magnitude of some quantity. List-I List @) String-1 (4) @. dD String-2 (2) @i1/2z (UD) String-3 (34) (Ry 1/v2 (AV) String-4 (44) (S) 1/v3 (1) 3/16 (Uy 1/16 Q.5- Ifthe tension in each string is Ty, the correct match for the highest fundamental frequency in fy units will be, (A)I9P,19Q, MT IV oS @)I>P,15R, MS, 1V3Q (19-OU+8, MFR IVP M151 +P MSR IVOT Q.16 The length of the strings 1, 2, 3 and 4 are kept fixed at Lo, “2, “2, and 2, respectively, IE + Strings 1, 2, 3, and 4 are vibrated at their 1*, 3" , 5", and 14* harmonies, respectively such that all the strings have same fiequency. The correct match for the tension in the four strings in the units of Ty will be, (IOP MSR MT IV5U (B)I>P,1+Q MT, Vou (©19P,19Q M+R IV >T (D)1>7T,1>Q MR IV 5U SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph Ina thermodynamic process on an ideal monatomic gas, the infinitesimal heat absorbed by the gas is given by TAX, where is temperature of the system and AX is the infinitesimal change in a 3 thermodynamic quantity X of the system, For a mole of monatomic ideal gas X = $R In (4) + ). Here, R is gas constant, V is volume of gas, Ty and V, are constants ‘The List-I below gives some quantities involved in a process and List-II gives some possible values of these quantities. List-I HT @) Work done by the system in process 15293 (PERT In2 QD) Change in internal energy in process 1923 @tRT, (ID) Heat absorbed by the system in process 15293 (R) RTy (AV) Heat absorbed by the system in process 132 ()4RT, (1) FRT9(3 + In 2) (U)2RT SEE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 QI7 I the process carried out on one mole of monatomic ideal gas is as shown in figure in the PV-diagram with PyVy = SRT. the correct match is, (ISQ05RM> RIVoU @I> QUSRM> sIVoU (148, 19RMIQIVoT M)19Q 08, M+RIVsU Q.8_ Ifthe process on one mole of monatomic ideal gas is as shown in the TV-diagram with PiVo = SRTo, the correct match is, (ISP. RIS TIVIS @®IsP1sT, M+QIvsT OISP,19R M37, IVoP M)1F8, 197, M+7QVsU EE (Advanced 2019, Qi Q2 JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 2 PART-II CHEMISTRY Paper 2 SECTION T (Maximum Marks: 32) + This secon contains EIGHT (06) uesfons + Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four options) sire) correct answers) «For each question, choose the options) corresponding to (all the comect answers). + Answer to each queston willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme: FullMarks 44 If only (al the correct option(s) is(ar) chosen; Partial Marks ~ +3 Wall the four opfons are corect but ONLY three options are chosen: +2 Ithree or more options are corect but ONLY two options ae chosen and both of which are cored; Partial Marks = +1 two or more options are correct but ONLY one options chosen and itis a correct option: ZeroMatks 0H none ofthe options is chosen (.e. the quesion is unanswered), Negative Marks ° 1 In all other cases + For example. ina question, if (A), (B) and (0) are the ONLY three optons correspending to correct answers then choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) wil get +4 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (Bll et +2 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (D) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (B) and (0) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wil get +1 mark choosing ONLY (8) wil gt +1 mark choosing ONLY (0) wil get +1 mark, choosing no option. the question is unanswered) wl get marks; and choosing any other combination of options wil get ~1 mark ‘The cyanide process of gold extraction involves leaching out gold from its ore with CN" in the presence of Q in water to form R. Subsequently, R is treated with T to obtain Au and Z. Choose the correct option(s) (A) Qis O; (B) Tis Zn (©) Zis [Zm(CN).P (D) Ris [Au(CN)eP With reference to agua regia, choose the correct option(s) (A) Aqua regia is prepared by mixing cone. HCI and cone. HNO, in 3:1 (viv) ratio (B) Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces an anion having Au in +3 oxidation state (C) Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces NO in the absence of ait (D) The yellow colour of aqua regia is due to the presence of NOCI and Cls SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper? Q3 Qs Qs Consider the following reactions (unbalanced) Zn + hot cone, HpSO.> G +R +X Zn + cone. NaOH > T +Q G + ILS + NELOH — Z (a precipitate) +X + Y Choose the correct option(s) (A) Z is dirty white in colour (B) The oxidation state of Zn in T is +1 (C) Risa V-shaped molecule (D) Bond order of Q is 1 in its ground state ‘The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is —13.6 eV. Consider an electronic state of He* whose energy. azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum number are —3.4 eV, 2 and 0, respectively. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true for the state 4? (A) Itis a dd state (B) It has 2 angular nodes, (C) It has 3 radial nodes (D) The nuclear charge experienced by the electron in this state is less than 2e, where ¢ is the magnitude of the electronic charge Which of the following reactions produce(s) propane as a major product? “ MO Ago ong NAH.ca0, A ®) HsC_~coona + H,0 © electrolysis Hoo Zn, dil. HCL 9 @) Br HC’ See SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper? Q6 Choose the correct option(s) that give(s) an aromatic compound as the major produet {A) ial, KOH i) NaNHp ii) red hot iron tube, 873 K {B) oO NaOMe (Cc) I Br NaOEt ” as (J+ cr torcers) 250046 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper? Q7 Choose the correct option(s) for the following reaction sequence ZtHO i) Hg, dil. SO, 4) SOCl, Zn-Hg ii) AgNO;, NH,OH pyridine R pone. HCL s Meo” iii) Zn-Hg, conc. HCL ii) AICI; Consider Q, R and § as major products re) wD we a 0 oe OH Co 0" Meo’ ®) «© 'COgH ©) Q8 Choose the correct option(s) from the following (A) Natural rubber is polyisoprene containing trans alkene units (By Nylon has amide linkages (C) Teflon is prepared by heating tetrafluorocthene in presence of a persulphate catalyst at high pressure (D) Cellulose has only c-D-ghucose units that are joined by glycosidic linkages EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 Qo Quo Qi SECTION 2 (Maximum Warks 8) + This section contin SIX (06) qusons. The answer each qusfon is a NUMERICAL VALUE. > Fr each question, ene he cect numerical vale ofthe answer wsng the mouse and the onscreen vital rumericeypadin he lace designated to en the ans. the numeral vale has more tan bo decal sles, tncatoundof the vue to THO decal places. + Answer to each question willbe evaluated acering tthe folowing mating scheme: FulNaris —: +3 ONLY the corect numerical ae is ered Teollaks <0 inal her cases ‘The amount of water produced (in ) in the oxidation of 1 mole of shombie sulphur by conc. HNOs toa compound with the highest oxidation state of sulphur is (Given data: Molar mass of water = 18 g mot") Total number of cis N-Mn-Cl bond angles (that is, Mn-N and Mn-Cl bonds in cis positions) present in a molecule of cis-[Mn(en);Cl] comples is (en = NH:CH.CHNE2) ‘The decomposition reaction 2N>Os(g) * 2N2Ou(g) + O2(g) is started in a closed cylinder under isothermal isochoric condition at an initial pressure of 1 atm. After Y < 10° s, the pressure inside the eylinder is found to be 1.45 atm. If the rato constant of the reaction is 5 = 10“ s+, assuming ideal gas behavior, the value of Y is. ‘The mole fraction of urea in an aqueous urea solution containing 900 ¢ of water is 0.05 If the density of the solution is 1.2 g em, the molarity of urea solution is (Given data: Molar masses of urea and water are 60 g mol and 18 g mol", respectively) SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper? QU3-_ Total number of hydroxyl groups present in a molecule of the major product P is |) Hp, Pd-BaSO,, quinoline ii) dil. KMnO, (excess), 273 K Q.14 Total number of isomers, considering both structural and stereoisomers, of cyclic ethers with the molecular formula C4H,0 i EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12) «This section contains TWO (02) List Match sets + Each ListMatch set has TWO (02) Miliple Choice Question. + Each ListMatch set has two lists: List4 and List + List has Four entries (), (lI), (Il) and IV) ang List.thas Six entries (P),(Q), (R). (8) (T) ane (U). 1+ FOUR options are given in each Multiple Choice Question based on List and Listull and ONLY ONE of these four options satisfies the condition asked inthe Multiple Choice Question 1+ Answer to each question will be evaluated according tothe flowing marking scheme: Full Marks +3. ONLY the option coresponding tothe corect combination is chosen; ZeroMarks 0 Ifnone ofthe options s chosen (Le. the question is unanswered), Negative Marks : -1 Inallother cases, Answer Q.15 and Q.16 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph Consider the Bohr’s model of a one-electron atom where the electron moves around the nucleus. In the following, List- contains some quantities for the n® orbit of the atom and List-II contains options showing how they depend on 1, List tr @ Radius of the n™ orbit yen? QD. Angular momentum of the electron in the n' orbit @Qen (II) Kinetic energy of the electron in the 2" orbit Rar? (QV) Potential energy of the electron in the 1 orbit Sax Mart (U) « n'* Q15 Which of the following options has the correct combination considering List-I and List-II? A) 0.) ®) ©.) «C) dD, (Q) (D) d).(R) Q.16 Which of the following options has the correct combination considering List-I and List-II? (A) CID, ) (B) dll), (S) (C) dV),Q) @) Vv), U) SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper? Answer Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph List-1 includes starting materials and reagents of selected chemical reactions. List-II gives structures of compounds that may be formed as intermediate products and/or final products from the reactions of List. List-I cy CN 2 a : Oe ap ce "CO2CHs ay) .CO;Me Ccome i) Zn, HO ii) NaBH, Iv) cone. HO KCN li) H0°, iH) LIA iw) cone. HO, i) LIAIH, 1) cone. H2SO, List ®) @ ® s) @ © yore Aco ~S OH ZA_OH SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 QUT Which of the following options has correct combination considering List-l and List11? A 0,Q,0,~ (B) dh), ®),(S), 7) (C) db, @®), (8), (U) D) (5, QR) Q8 Which of the following options has correct combination considering List-I and List-lI? (A) MD. (S), 8) T.@.O ©) db, (D) AV), (Q).(R) EE (Advanced 2019, Qi JEE (ADVANCED) 2019 PAPER 2 PART-II] MATHEMATICS Paper 2 ‘SECTION 1 (Maximum Marks: 32) This section contains EIGHT (08) questions Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE ofthese four optons) sare) corect answers). For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (al the corect answers) Answer to each question willbe evaluated according othe folowing marking scheme FullMarks = +4 Hfonly (all the correct options) sre) chosen Perial Marks +3 Ifallthe four opfons are comect but ONLY thee opfons are chosen; Perial Marks +2 Iftree or more options are correct but ONLY two options ae chosen and both of which are correct; Partial Marks +1 ftwo or more options are comect but ONLY one option is chosen and itis a correct option; Zero Marks: 0 none ofthe opfons is chosen (2. the question is unanswered); Negative Marks; —1 Inalther case. + Forexample, in a question, if (A), (B) and (0) are the ONLY three options corresponding to corect arses, then choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (0) wil get +4 marks choosing ONLY (A) and (8) wil get +2 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (0) wil gt +2 marks choosing ONLY (B) and (0) wil get +2 marks, choosing ONLY (A) wll get +1 mark choosing ONLY (B) wil get +4 mark; choosing ONLY (D) wil get #1 mark choosing no option (ie. the questions unanswered) wil get O marks; and choosing anyother combination of opons wil got —1 mark Let noo res ere oe ree fa 3 and X=) Peli 0 2/ PP moi 21 where PY denotes the transpose of the matrix P,. Then which of the following options is/are correct? 1 (A) TEX] 1 1 =«{i} then « = 30 u (B) X is asymmetric matrix (C) The sum of diagonal entries of X is 18 (D) X= 30 is an invertible matrix SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Q2 Let x € Rand let 24% 2 = # P=/0 2 2], Q= |0 4 0} and R= Pap. 10 0 3. = <= ‘Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) There exists a real number x such that PQ = QP 2x x ®B) detR=det}0 4 0} +8, forallxeR x x 5 1 © rare = ete 6 D 1 ¢} timato=s b G (D) For x = 1, there exists a unit vector ai + Bf + yk for which nf y El For non-negative integers 1, let Som Ss) on ht) eo yeh) Assuming cos~1x takes values in (0, 71], which of the following options is/are correct? fn) = A f@M=> ®) lim) = (C) Ifa = tan(cos“!f(6)), then a? + 2a — @D) sin(7 cos F(5)) = 0 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Q4 Let fil > Rbea function. We say that f has Fh) FO) PROPERTY 1 if lim: exists and is finite, and Tal FO) h PROPERTY 2 if lim. fe exists and is finite. ra Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) FG) = [x] has PROPERTY 1 (B)_f() = x7 has PROPERTY 1 (©) f(x) = 2[x| has PROPERTY 2 (©) f(%) = sinx has PROPERTY 2 QS Let sinnx foy=E, roo. Let xy < ay < x5 << ay < ~ beall the points of Local maximum of f and J < Yo < Ys < “+ < Jy < “be all the points of local minimum of f. ‘Then which of the following options is/are comect? A u 2 foreveryn 1 C) me (2n2n +5) for every n (D) |x, —ynl > Lforeveryn Q6 ForaeR, |al > 1 let 14 V24--4+ V0 i z (ant+1)? © (an+2)? lim nova 7/8 ‘Then the possible value(s) of a is/are «a -9 ®) -6 © 7 ©) 8 SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Let f:R > Rbe given by f(x) = (x — 1)(x — 2)( — 5). Define Q7 Qs FQ) = [rode x>0. ‘Then which of the following options is/are correct? (A) F has local minimum at x = 1 (B) has local maximum at x = 2 (©) F has two local maxima and one local minimum in (0,0) (D) FQ) #0 for all x € (0,5) ‘Three lines ky: #=aL, AER, ly t=hk+yj, eR and ly: #=14+)+vk, veR are given. For which point(s) Q on 1, can we find a point P on Ly and a point R on Ls so that P,Q and R are collinear? ® & © key ) kay EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 Qo Q0 SECTION 2 (Maximum Marks: 18) + Ths section contains SIX (06) questions. The answer to each quesion is @ NUMERICAL VALUE. + For each question, enter the corect numerical vale ofthe answer using the mouse and the on-screen vitual numeric keypad inthe place designated to enter the answer. the numerical value has more than two decal places, the value to TWO cecil places. + Answer fo each question willbe evaluated according tothe folowing marking scheme FulMarks > +3. ONLY the correct numerical value fs ented; Zero Marks: 0. Inal other cases. Suppose Five persons 4, B, C, D and F are seated in a circular arrangement. If each of them is given a hat of one of the three colours red, blue and green, then the number of ways of distributing the hats such that the persons seated in adjacent seats get different coloured hats is Let |X| denote the number of elements in a set X. Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6} be a sample space, where each element is equally likely to occur. If A andl B are independent events associated with S, then the number of ordered pairs (A,B) such that 1 < |B| <|A|, equals SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 QI2 The value of ieee GS 525) in the interval [—= QU3__ ‘The value of the integral ap f 3 Vcos 6 de 3 (veos8 + Vsin@)° equals QI Leds 24+j— and B= 1427+ betwo vectors. Consider a vector é= ad + fb, a, ER. Ifthe projection of Zon the vector (@ +b) is 3V2, then the minimum value of (€-@B)) -@ equals EE (Advanced 2019, Paper 2 ‘SECTION 3 (Maximum Marks: 12) + This section contains TWO (02) List-atch sets. + Eact List Match set has TWO (02) Nuitple Choice Questions ++ Each List Match set has two lists: List and Listll ist hes Four ents (I), (I), ll} and (MV) and List has Six enbies (P),(Q) (R), (8), (T) and (U). + FOUR options are given in each Mutiple Choice Question based on List and Lis. and ONLY ONE of these four opons satisfies the coniton asked inthe Multiple Choice Question, + Answer to each question willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks ° 43. MONLY the option corresponding tothe corect combination is chosen; Zero Marks ~ 0. Hfnone ofthe options is chosen ie. the question is unanswered): Negative Marks = ~1 In all other cases. SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.15 and Q.16 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph. Let f(x) = sinGrcos x) and g(x) = cos(2rsinx) be two functions defined for x >0, Define the following sets whose clements are written in the increasing order: X= br: f@)=0}, Y={x: ('@) =03, Z={x: g(x) =0}, W = (x: g'G) = 0}. List —1 contains the sets X, Y, Zand W. List —II contains some information regarding these sets. List-I Lista o x ® ay oY (Q _ amarithmetic progression a Zz (R) NOT an arithmetic progression aw w » 2624} (T) © Q.15_ Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination?” A OO@ 8 OAM © OG ) d.R.(s) Q16 Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination? (A) @D,(R),) ®) dV), ®),(R),) ©) A, P).(Q).(U) ©) dV...) SEE (Advanead) 2019 Paper 2 Answer Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given in the paragraph. 9 and C;: (x — 3)? + (y— 4)? = 16, intersect at the X and ¥. Suppose that another circle Cy + (x —h)? + (y —k)? =r? satisfies the following Let the circles C,: x? +5" conditions: () centre of Cy is collinear with the centres of C, and Cy Gi) C, and G, both lie inside C,, and Gili) Cs touches C; at Mand C, at N. Let the line through X and ¥ intersect C at Z and W, and let a common tangent of Cy and C3 bea tangent to the parabola x? = Bay. ‘There are some expressions given in the List-1 whose values are given in List-II below: List-I List © 2ht+k ® 6 Length of 2” is OS Tether Q % Area of triangle MZN 5 @) Tract ‘triangle ZMW Qa 7 21 a) a © > (1) 26 10 oO F Q.17 Which of the following is the only CORRECT combination? (A) B 0.0) © @.Q @) ), (7) Q.18 Which of the following is the only INCORRECT combination? A) ©.) i) MO © abe @) V).(S)

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