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My name is Juan, I live in Colombia, I am 16 years old and for three years people
have been asking me this question: "Why study medicine?" And I always answered
with "Because I like it" or "because it's interesting", but now I understand very well
the reasons why it is good to study medicine and become a doctor.

The goal of studying this beautiful career is to learn more every day, because in
this area, each person is different and is wrapped in a special way; This career is
for people who are curious and whose thirst to learn more and more is not satiated
with anything.

I have not finished my high school, but since I can remember, I have admired
everything related to medicine, I consider myself a person who always Is anxious
for knowledge and I get it thanks to the research I can learn about related topics
with medicine; I love knowing things about the human body, and I am anxious by
the operation of each of its parts.

The profile that each person who is going to take the profession of being a doctor
must have special skills and characteristics like to be at the service of the
community, it is necessary to be a restrained person with others, because this
profession is very dedicated to service.

Second, a potential doctor should be anxious for knowledge; every time you see a
patient, you should not see him as another person who enters your office with an
illness or disease, but see him as a human you need help and not only that, but for
the professional part you should see it as a new adventure since diseases or
ailments manifest themselves in people in different ways.

Returning to the topic of service, I think the nicest thing about being a doctor and
the most satisfying is to look in the eyes of a person and feel grateful because you
helped her to solve a health problem and helped her to feel better, and for you,
there is the satisfaction that you did something good for a person.

If you want to study medicine and become a doctor, let me tell you that this will not
be for the undisciplined, you must overcome yourself every day, as new challenges
will come through that door of your office or your hospital, to test you every day.

Medicine, is for those who are applied and organized in the study, because you
have to do many things at the same time: sacrifice your hours of rest and take your
free time to read and always update with new knowledge that comes out over time.

Maybe, while you are studying this career you will feel frustration, and you will start
questioning if that was really the career for you, but always when you feel of this
way, think about what made you take that decision and in the end you will realize
that later or early you will see the results of your effort. If you are reading this and
you are studying medicine, you must learn to work as a team in the university.

Generally, health professionals see doctors as some arrogant people, but the fact
is that these are the managers that patients are well, all the team that is in charge,
should follow their orders.

If you are going to be a doctor, the most important is to learn to delegate functions
and get the most out of profesional of the best way and without creating

I know that some people believe that doctors are like gods, but they are wrong:
they are exactly like us, they talk like us, they suffer like us and they feel like us,
the only thing that differentiates them from other people is their knowledge and
their way to see life.

I think we should always be grateful with all health professionals, from auxiliary to
nurses, anesthesiologists, urologists, nephrologists, cardiologists, neurologists and
any doctor with or without specialization because thanks to them, we have
someone to go to when we need help to heal us in something that is hurting us.

Each doctor has a particular history, but regardless of the branch of medicine he is
practicing, his purpose will always be to help other people, and they will not rest
until you are in the best possible way.

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