Genetic Modification

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In the last few years, there's been an increasing number of techniques and developments

regarding the cure of human genetic diseases by manipulating and modifying the human gene
structure. This scientific breakout has come to create new doubts and theories of whether it is
ethical or not to continue with these practices.

One of the most common topics, is the so-called "baby design", which consists in the capability of
the parents to choose the phenotypical, or observable, characteristics of their baby to be born
with. While this may not sound so bad, there's more to it than just selecting from a list of
characteristics one would like. For a baby to be genetically "built", several embryos must be
subjected to many different techniques, where some of them may not survive.

And, while many people don't consider these embryos to be human yet because of their
unconsciousness, there is the undeniable fact that these are already living human beings.

Taking this into consideration, we are left with many babies dying for the breeding of one single
"perfect" baby, and while everyone has the right to be a parent, is it worth sacrificing the lives of
that many beings instead of choosing another method of parenting like adoption?

I would like to finish with the thought that while the therapeutic objectives of these solutions are
quite positive, we must always remember the end never justifies the means. Let us be open to
more human solutions, for a more human world

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