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Katherine Yeacker kyeacker@missouriwestern.

com | 248-961-5108

Educa on
Missouri Western State University – Honors Program Golden Griffon Scholar Cumula ve GPA: 3.88
Bachelors, Elementary Educa on- Early Childhood Special Educa on (4.0) Fall 2020
Minor: Spanish (4.0), Biology (3.53)

Teaching Experience
Mark Twain Elementary School SJSD 2nd grade- Missouri Western Sophomore Experience Fall 2018
● Helped my coopera ng teacher with execu on of wri ng, reading, math, and social studies lessons
over the course of the semester in the classroom
● Led reading groups and class discussion, provided math interven on, and led addi onal direct
instruc on and small group instruc on

Lindbergh Elementary School SJSD kindergarten- Math Instruc on Experience Spring 2019
● Led small group instruc on over math curriculum using a variety of methods for subtrac on,
addi on, and coun ng skills
● Led whole group lessons over math concepts
● Wrote lesson plans following the 5E format for each day in the classroom

Clarkston School District (SPICE program)- Classroom volunteer teacher 2016-Current

● Volunteered 200 hours/year in an Early Childhood Special Educa on classroom, teaching students
ranging from 2 years to 5 years of age
● Led music and movement me and whole group learning (including gree ng, read aloud, kinesthe c
engagement ac vi es)
● Led direct instruc on and interven on with individual students and in small groups (including fine
and gross motor interven ons, speech interven on, math and reading interven on)
● Observed Physical Therapy, Occupa onal Therapy, and Speech services
● I observed my coopera ng teacher, co-taught, and led my own lessons.
● I created lessons daily.

Oak Grove Elementary School SJSD Preschool- Missouri Western Special Educa on Prac cum Spring 2020
● Observed and co-taught.
● Created and led lessons daily.

Oak Grove Elementary School SJSD 4th grade- Missouri Western Junior Experience Spring 2020
● Observed, co-taught, led reading groups and interven on.
● Created and led lessons daily.

Employment Experience
Missouri Western State University- Resident Assistant January 2017-Current
● Promote safety and structure on campus
● Conduct events to increase student involvement on campus

Rotpac Racing- Event Coordinator and Race Timer March 2012-May 2018
● Directed the set-up and comple on of events
● Managed and trained groups of 2 to 4 people at events
Genesys Athle c Club- Tennis Instructor Summer 2017
● Created a fun environment that emphasized the importance of play, posi vity, teamwork, and
prac ce while teaching youth summer camp tennis classes (ages ranging from 6-12)
● Developed a wri en lesson plan daily to ensure comple on of program goals
● Integrated beginner hand eye coordina on skills and rhythm skills into lesson plans of young players

Flint Summer School Sports Program (Flint Public Schools partnership)- Tennis Instructor Summer 2017
● Taught remedial tennis skills and created individualized plans to fit specific student needs
● Worked closely with behavioral support systems/student structural plans devised by the school
Leadership and Academic Achievements
2020 Interface Conference- Co-Presenter and A endee February 2020
● Presented research over new STEM standards in the state of Missouri and how teachers can address
them successfully
● A ended presenta ons by professionals over STEM topics, integra on, and diversity

2020 Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavioral Disorders- Volunteer and A endee February 2020
● A ended presenta ons on addressing mental, emo onal, and behavioral needs
● Assisted in coordina on of symposium presenters

Great Plains Honors Conference- Presenter of Research February 2019

● Worked with two students with Williams Syndrome periodically throughout the Fall 2018 semester
providing interven on and analyzing behaviors and a ributes
● Conducted research on Williams Syndrome and presented research paper and poster

Student Athlete Advisory Commi ee (SAAC)- Women’s Tennis Representa ve Missouri Western 2016-2018
● A ended mee ngs as spokesperson for women’s tennis team and performed community service

Alpha Chi Honors Society- Member 2019- current

Missouri Western State University Honors Organiza on- Member 2016- current
Missouri Western State University Athle cs- Women’s Tennis Team Athlete 2016- current

Skills and Interests

● Spanish
● Makaton and baby sign language
● Distance running and tennis
● Music- guitar and vocals

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