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Dilution of Precision
Richard B. Langley
University of New Brunswick

How accurate is GPS? This is a question that centered on the transmitters (see Figure 1).
almost every newcomer to GPS asks. And the There is some uncertainty, however, in the
answer? It depends. It depends on whether we receiver’s measurements, and so the location
Dilution of precision, or are talking about standalone (single receiver) of the range circles will be inexact and result
DOP: we’ve all seen the or differential positioning, single- or dual-fre- in an error in the computed position. This
term, and most of us know quency receivers, real-time or postprocessed error depends on the geometry relating the
that smaller DOP values operation, and so on. Even if we confine our- receiver and the transmitters.
are better than larger ones. selves to the Standard Positioning Service In Figure 1a, the transmitters are far apart,
Many of us also know that (SPS), the official, standalone service the giving a relatively small region in which the
DOP comes in various United States government provides to all users receiver must lie with some degree of cer-
flavors, including geometrical worldwide, the answer is still — it depends. tainty. Transmitter 1 lies in a direction
(GDOP), positional (PDOP), The specified SPS accuracy is given in orthogonal to that of transmitter 2, so the
horizontal (HDOP), vertical terms of “minimum performance levels;” that receiver’s X and Y coordinates are deter-
(VDOP), and time (TDOP). is, accuracy will be no worse than a certain
But just what are these level for a certain percentage of time. For any
DOPs? In this month’s point on the globe, the horizontal accuracy is
column, we examine GPS equal to or better than 100 meters based on
dilution of precision and the twice-distance–root-mean-square error

how it affects the accuracy measure. This means that over a 24-hour
with which our receivers period, the horizontal coordinates of a posi-
can determine position tion determined by GPS will be within 100 Transmitter 1
and time. meters of the true position about 95 percent
of the time. The corresponding specified
“Innovation” is a regular accuracy for heights is 156 meters and 340
column featuring discussions nanoseconds for time transfer.
about recent advances in GPS These predicted accuracies are predicated Transmitter 2
technology and its applications on a 24-satellite constellation (additional
as well as the fundamentals satellites are a bonus), a 5-degree satellite ele- X

of GPS positioning. The vation mask angle with no obstructions, and Y
column is coordinated by at least four satellites in view with a position

Richard Langley of the dilution of precision (PDOP) of six or lower. (b)
Department of Geodesy and So, even the basic SPS accuracy is qualified.
Geomatics Engineering at the This means that depending on where we are

Transmitter 1
University of New Brunswick, and the time of day, actual SPS accuracy will
who appreciates receiving vary. In urban canyons, we may in fact not
your comments as well as even have four satellites in view, and if we do,
topic suggestions for future the PDOP may be greater than six.
Transmitter 2
columns. To contact him, The variability of actual SPS accuracy
see the “Columnists” section from place to place and time to time is domi-
on page 4 of this issue. nated by the effects of dilution of precision, a X
geometric factor that, when multiplied by
CORRECTION measurement and other input errors, gives the Figure 1. In any ranging system,
The time scales of Figs. error in position, some component of posi- receiver–transmitter geometry influ-
3 and 5 in the original tion, or time. Before we examine how obser- ences position precision. In this figure,
article were incorrect. vation geometry affects GPS, let’s look at a the uncertainty in the receiver’s position
They should run from simple, non-GPS example. is indicated by the patterned areas. In
1200 to 1200 UTC and (a), the position uncertainty is small (low
have been corrected in GEOMETRY: A SIMPLE EXAMPLE dilution of precision). In (b), transmitter 2
this version. – R.B.L. Imagine a radio positioning system in which is moved closer to transmitter 1, and,
a receiver measures the ranges to two terres- although the measurement uncertainty
trial transmitters to determine its horizontal is the same, the position uncertainty is
coordinates. The receiver lies at the intersec- considerably larger (high dilution of
tion of the circular lines of position that are precision).
52 GPS WORLD May 1999

mined with equal precision. In panel (b), the availability[SA]). There are n such equations T –1 T T –1 T T

transmitters are closer together resulting in a that a receiver must solve using the n-simul- C∆x = A WA A W C∆Pc A WA A W
considerably larger uncertainty region, with taneous measurements. T
= AC∆Pc A
–1 –1
the confidence in the Y coordinate being The parameter ρ is a nonlinear function of
smaller than the X coordinate. We say that the receiver and satellite coordinates. To in which C∆ x is the covariance matrix of the
the precision in case (b) is diluted in compar- determine the receiver coordinates, we can parameter estimates.
ison to that of (a). linearize the pseudorange equations using Equation 5 represents a fundamental rela-
Although fictitious, this simple example is some initial estimates or guesses for the tionship widely used in science and engineer-
not too far removed from the case of Loran-C receiver’s position (the linearization point). ing not only for actual measurement analysis
radionavigation (although in Loran-C, We can then determine corrections to these but also for experiment and system design
because we typically measure range differ- initial estimates to obtain the receiver’s studies. It allows a scientist or engineer to
ences, the lines of position are usually hyper- actual coordinates and clock offset. Grouping examine the effect a particular design or
bolas, not circles). In fact, the concept of our equations together and representing them measurement capability will have on speci-
dilution of precision originated with Loran-C in matrix form, our model is now fied parameters without actually making any
users. ∆Pc = A ∆x+ ec
With this simple analogy under our collec- In GPS-related studies, for example, we
tive belt, we can now examine the effect of in which ∆ Pc is the n-length vector of differ- might use the equation to answer a variety of
geometry on GPS accuracy. First, though, ences between the corrected pseudorange questions: What is the behavior of the esti-
let’s quickly review the basics of GPS posi- measurements and modeled pseudorange mated parameter covariance matrix as a func-
tioning using pseudoranges. values based on the linearization point tion of particular satellite configurations?
coordinates; ∆ x designates the four-element How do various model errors propagate into
PSEUDORANGE MEASUREMENTS vector of unknowns — the receiver position the receiver coordinates as a function of satel-
A GPS receiver computes its three-dimen- and clock offset (in distance units) — from lite configurations? What is the tolerance
sional coordinates and its clock offset from the linearization point; A is the n 2 4 value that a particular model error should not
four or more simultaneous pseudorange mea- matrix of the partial derivatives of the exceed to achieve a desired positioning accu-
surements. These are measurements of the pseudoranges with respect to the unknowns; racy? Such questions are not limited to the
biased range (hence the term pseudorange) and ec is the n-length vector of measurement analysis of pseudoranges; they can also be
between the receiver’s antenna and the anten- and other errors. The first three columns of asked about more precise carrier-phase mea-
nas of each of the satellites being tracked. the A matrix are simply the components of surements and differenced observables.
This is derived by cross-correlating the the unit vectors pointing from the lineariza- In Equation 5, if we assume that the
pseudorandom noise code received from a tion point to the satellites; the fourth column measurement and model errors are the same
satellite with a replica generated in the is all ones. for all observations with a particular stand-
receiver. The accuracy of the measured The receiver (or postprocessing software) ard deviation (σ) and that they are uncorre-
pseudoranges and the fidelity of the model solves the matrix equation using least lated, then C∆PC is Iσ2 (in which I is the iden-
used to process those measurements deter- squares. (The receiver might use a Kalman tity matrix). The expression for the
mine, in part, the overall accuracy of the filter, which is a more general form of con- covariance of ∆ x thus simplifies to
receiver-derived coordinates. ventional least squares.) Equation 4 gives this –1
C∆x = A A σ2 = Dσ2
The basic pseudorange model is given by solution:
–1 T (A more accurate error analysis can be car-
∆x = – A WA A W∆
P = ρ + c(dT – dt) + dion + dtrop + e
[1] [4] ried out using slightly more realistic non-
in which P denotes the pseudorange mea- A weight matrix (W) characterizes the dif- homogeneous variances and nonzero
surement; ρ is the geometric range between ferences in the errors of the simultaneous correlations, but for pedagogical as well as
the receiver’s antenna at signal reception measurements as well as any correlations that planning and assessment purposes, the equal-
time and the satellite’s antenna at signal may exist among them. This weight matrix variance, zero-correlation assumption is usu-
transmission time; dT and dt represent is also equal to σ02 C∆P -1 , in which C
C ∆PC is ally more than adequate.)
receiver and satellite clock offsets from GPS the covariance matrix of the pseudorange Because the least-squares estimates of the
Time, respectively; dion and dtrop are the errors and σ02 is a scale factor known as the a parameter offsets are simply added to the lin-
ionospheric and tropospheric propagation priori variance of unit weight. In general, the earization point values — a linear operation
delays; e accounts for measurement noise as solution of a nonlinear problem must be iter- — the parameter estimates and the correc-
well as unmodeled effects such as multipath; ated to obtain the result. However, if the lin- tions have the same covariance. The diagonal
and c stands for the vacuum speed of light. earization point is sufficiently close to the elements of C∆ x are the estimated receiver-
Assuming the receiver accounts for the true solution, then only one iteration is coordinate and clock-offset variances, and
satellite clock offset (using the navigation required. the off-diagonal elements (the covariances)
message) and atmospheric delays (from mod- The Covariance Matrix. So how accurate are the indicate the degree to which these estimates
els programmed into its firmware), we can receiver’s coordinates and clock offset from are correlated.
simplify the pseudorange model as follows: such a solution? What we are actually asking UERE. As we mentioned, σ represents the
is how do the pseudorange measurement and standard deviation of the pseudorange mea-
Pc = ρ + c ⋅ dT + ec [2] model errors affect the estimated parameters surement error plus the residual model error,
In this equation, ec represents the original obtained from Equation 4? This is given by which we’ve assumed to be equal for all
measurement noise plus model errors and the law of propagation of error — also known simultaneous observations. If we further
any unmodeled effects (such as selective as the covariance law: assume that the measurement error and the
54 GPS WORLD May 1999

model error components are all independent, the clock offset. To do this, we simply take or
then we can simply root-sum-square these combine the appropriate C∆ x variances:
errors to obtain a value for σ. When we com-
bine receiver noise, satellite clock and σP = σ2E + σ2N + σ2U
ephemeris error, atmospheric error, multi-
path, and SA — all expressed in units of dis- σH = σ2E + σ2N
tance — we obtain a quantity known as the
total user equivalent range error (UERE), σU = σ2U
which we can use for σ.
σT = σ2T [8]
For SPS, the total UERE is typically in the
neighborhood of 25 meters. When SA is For each of these error measures, we can
turned off, total UERE could be less than 5 determine the corresponding position, hori-
meters, with the actual value dominated by zontal, vertical, and time DOPs:
ionospheric and multipath effects. Dual-fre-
σ2E + σ2N + σ2U
quency Precise Positioning Service users, PDOP = σ = D11+ D22+ D33
with the capability to remove almost all of
the ionospheric delay from the pseudorange σ2E + σ2N Figure 2. If only four GPS satellites
HDOP= σ = D11+ D22
observations, can experience even smaller are observed, the tips of the receiver-
UEREs. Future users of the proposed new σ satellite unit vectors form a tetrahedron
civilian GPS signals will likewise be able to VDOP= σU = D33
circumscribed by a unit sphere. Two
compensate for ionospheric effects and σ faces of the tetrahedron — formed by
achieve superior UEREs. TDOP = σT = D44 [9] one satellite at the zenith and three at a
10-degree elevation angle, equally
THE DOPS Note that PDOP2 = HDOP2 + VDOP2, and spaced in azimuth — are shaded in this
With a value for σ, we can compute the com- GDOP2 = PDOP2 + TDOP2. These relation- figure. The tetrahedron’s volume is
ponents of C∆ x using Equation 6. We then ships may be useful for interrelating the vari- highly correlated with GDOP. Maximiz-
can get a measure of the overall quality of the ous DOP values. Because the various DOPs ing the volume tends to minimize GDOP.
least-squares solution by taking the square are functions only of receiver and satellite
root of the sum of the parameter estimate coordinates, they may be predicted ahead of
variances: time for any given set of satellites in view the zenith and three satellites are below the
from a specified location using a satellite earth’s horizon at an elevation angle of
σG = σ2E + σ2N + σ2U + σ2T almanac. –19.47 degrees and equally spaced in
= D11 + D22+ D33+ D44 σ [7] If the tips of the receiver–satellite unit azimuth: GDOP works out to be 1.581. Of
vectors lie in a plane, the DOP factors are course, a GPS receiver on or near the earth’s
in which σE2 , σN2 , and σU2 are the variances of infinitely large. In fact, no position solution surface cannot see the three below-horizon
the east, north, and up components of the is possible with this receiver–satellite geom- satellites, so in this case, the lowest possible
receiver position estimate, and σ T2 is the vari- etry, as the matrix ATA (see Equation 6) is GDOP (1.732) is obtained with one satellite
ance of the receiver clock offset estimate. If singular: The solution cannot distinguish at the zenith and three satellites equally-
the solution algorithm is parameterized in between an error in the receiver clock and an spaced on the horizon. Some early GPS
terms of geocentric Cartesian coordinates, it error in the position of the receiver. DOP val- receivers could only track a maximum of
is a straightforward procedure to transform ues are smaller and hence solution errors are four satellites simultaneously. Such receivers
the solution covariance matrix to the local smaller when the satellites used in computing made use of a satellite selection algorithm to
coordinate frame. This estimate of solution the solution are spread out in the sky. choose the best four satellites of those visible
accuracy — the square root of the trace of the We can most easily visualize the depen- — the four that would produce the lowest
solution covariance matrix — is equal to the dence of solution error on receiver–satellite DOP values.
pseudorange measurement and modeling geometry if we assume a receiver is observ- HDOP versus VDOP. Generally, the more satel-
error standard deviation (σ) multiplied by a ing only four satellites. This scenario has no lites used in the solution, the smaller the DOP
scaling factor equal to the square root of the measurement redundancy and makes possi- values and hence the smaller the solution
trace of matrix D. The elements of matrix D ble a direct solution of the linearized obser- error. Figure 3 shows the DOP values com-
are a function of the receiver–satellite geom- vation equations (as long as A is not puted for the current GPS constellation
etry only. And because the scaling factor is singular). However, the covariance of the viewed from Fredericton, New Brunswick,
typically greater than one, it amplifies the solution, again assuming equal uncorrelated Canada, with an elevation mask angle of 15
pseudorange error, or dilutes the precision, of errors, has the same form as that of the least- degrees. HDOP values are typically between
the position determination. This scaling fac- squares solution given in Equation 6. one and two. VDOP values are larger than
tor is therefore usually called the geometric The Tetrahedron. The tips of the four the HDOP values indicating that vertical
dilution of precision (GDOP). receiver–satellite unit vectors form a tetra- position errors are larger than horizontal
Rather than examining the quality of the hedron (see Figure 2). The volume of this errors. We suffer this effect because all of the
overall solution, we may prefer to look at geometrical figure is related to the DOP satellites from which we obtain signals are
specific components such as the three-dimen- values. The larger the tetrahedron’s volume, above the receiver. The horizontal coordi-
sional receiver position coordinates, the hori- the smaller the DOPs. The largest possible nates do not suffer a similar fate as we usu-
zontal coordinates, the vertical coordinate, or tetrahedron is one for which one satellite is at ally receive signals from all sides.
56 GPS WORLD May 1999

15 15
10 10


5 5
0 0
12 18 0 6 12 12 18 0 6 12
15 5


10 3
5 2
0 0
12 18 0 6 12 12 18 0 6 12
15 Hours (Coordinated Universal Time)

Figure 5. Lowering the elevation mask angle to 5 degrees
5 removes the spikes just before 0000 hours in the DOPs of
0 Figure 3. Now, the GDOP has an average value of about two
12 18 0 6 12
15 and never exceeds 3.5 (#SV represents the number of visible
satellites [space vehicles]).

5 If the Earth were available and the HDOP value drops to about
0 transparent to radio one, with a correspondingly small GDOP
12 18 0 6 12
waves, we would be (see Figure 5). In fact, the HDOP value stays
able to determine close to one for the whole day except for short

vertical coordinates periods when it grows to about 1.5 or so.
5 with about the same Latitude. The disparity between HDOP and
0 accuracy as horizon- VDOP values is larger for higher (north or
12 18 0 6 12
15 tal coordinates. More south) latitudes because there are fewer satel-
realistically, we can lites high in the sky. This limitation comes

also get improved from the fact that the inclination of the GPS
5 vertical coordinates satellite orbits is about 55 degrees, which
0 if we have an accu- means that you can never have a satellite
12 18 0 6 12
Hours (Coordinated Universal Time) rate receiver clock directly overhead at a latitude north of 55
or one whose offset degrees north (or south of 55 degrees south).
Figure 3. DOP values at Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, from GPS Time can At the poles, the highest elevation angle pos-
— computed from broadcast satellite ephemerides using a be accurately deter- sible is about 45 degrees.
15-degree elevation mask angle — are sufficiently small mined so that the If we use an elevation mask angle of 15
except just before 0000 hours when HDOP, PDOP, and receiver only needs degrees and track only four satellites — the
GDOP increase to more than 12 (#SV represents the number to estimate its posi- four that produce the lowest DOP values —
of visible satellites [space vehicles]). tion. For example, we find that while HDOP values are always
let’s assume we are between one and two, VDOP values are
observing one satellite at the zenith and three almost always above three and sometimes as
N equally spaced in azimuth at a 15-degree ele- large as seven. This isn’t too surprising
vation angle. If we estimate the receiver because we are only using satellites in an ele-
0° clock offset along with the receiver coordi- vation-angle band of about 30 degrees around
nates, HDOP is 1.195, and VDOP is 1.558. the sky. How bad is a VDOP of seven? If the
If, however, we assume the clock error to be UERE is 25 meters, the root-mean-square
60° zero, and we only estimate the receiver coor- vertical error would be about 175 meters, and
dinates, then HDOP is still 1.195, but VDOP at the 95 percent uncertainty level, this error
E is 0.913 — actually better than HDOP. would increase to 350 meters. Dropping the
Getting back to Figure 3, we notice a large elevation mask angle to 5 degrees improves
spike in the HDOP values (and hence in the the VDOP values to between two and three
PDOP and GDOP values as well) just before with an occasional excursion to four.
0000 hours. What’s going on here? At this More Satellites. High DOP values can some-
time, the number of visible satellites above times occur even for all-in-view receivers
the mask angle has dropped to five. While operating at midlatitudes. In some environ-
this is not particularly unusual, the arrange- ments, such as heavily forested areas or
Figure 4. The spike in the DOP values
ment of these five satellites in the sky is (see urban canyons, a GPS receiver’s antenna
in Figure 3 is caused by the almost
Figure 4). The satellite positions, projected may not have a clear view of the whole sky
perfect alignment of the five satellites
onto the user’s horizon plane, are almost col- because of obstructions. If it can only receive
above the elevation mask angle.
inear, which makes the elements of matrix D GPS signals from a small region of the sky,
large. If we accept a lower elevation mask the DOPs will be large, and position accuracy
angle of 5 degrees, several more satellites are will suffer. Being able to track more satellites
58 GPS WORLD May 1999

can help in such situations, and a combined geometry plays in determining GPS position standalone GPS position accuracies even in
GPS/GLONASS receiver may provide accuracy. While this geometry will always be urban areas of a few meters or perhaps better.
acceptable accuracies. New receiver technol- of some concern in GPS positioning, the new Stay tuned. ■
ogy permitting use of weaker GPS signals, satellite signals, improvements in receiver
even those present inside buildings, will also design, and use of additional signals from ACKNOWLEDGMENT
be beneficial. GLONASS or the proposed European Thanks to University of New Brunswick’s
Galileo constellations of satellites will help Paul Collins for generating the DOP plots for
CONCLUSION to minimize its impact. And in the not too Figures 3 and 5.
In this brief article we have introduced the distant future, we might expect real-time,
concept of dilution of precision and exam-
ined the important role that receiver–satellite

For a more in-depth analysis of GPS dilution
of precision (DOP), see
n “Satellite Constellation and Geometric
Dilution of Precision,” by J.J. Spilker Jr. and
“GPS Error Analysis,” by B.W. Parkinson, in
Global Positioning System: Theory and
Applications, Vol. 1, edited by B.W. Parkin-
son and J.J. Spilker Jr., Progress in Astro-
nautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 163. American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Washington, D.C., 1996, pp.177–208 and
469– 483.
n “Performance of Standalone GPS,” by
J.L. Leva, M.U. de Haag, and K. Van Dyke,
in Understanding GPS: Principles and
Applications, edited by E.D. Kaplan, Artech
House Publishers, Norwood, Massachu-
setts, 1996, pp. 237–320.
For a discussion about how DOP and
Odetics Telecom
various error sources affect positioning
accuracy, see 1/2 Page Island
n “GPS Performance in Navigation,” by P.
Misra, B.P. Burke, and M.M. Pratt, Proceed-
ings of the IEEE (Special Issue on GPS), Vol.
Ad Goes Here
187, No. 1, January 1999, pp. 65–85.
Several Internet sites provide online Keyline does not print
computation of DOPs for a specified
location and time interval, including the U.S.
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
page 59
at China Lake, California:
n <>.
For a Java-based DOP demonstration, see
n <
For a detailed examination of the role
geometry plays in high-precision relative
GPS positioning, see
n “Impact of GPS Satellite Sky Distribu-
tion,” by R. Santerre, in Manuscripta
Geodaetica, Vol. 16, 1991, pp. 28– 53.
For a discussion of GDOP in terrestrial
hyperbolic ranging systems, see
n “Geometric Dilution of Precision,” by
E.R. Swanson, in Navigation: Journal of The
Institution of Navigation, Vol. 25, No. 4,
1978–79, pp. 425 – 429. Circle 38 GPS WORLD May 1999 59

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