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J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:166–168

DOI 10.1007/s10327-014-0571-x


Rickettsia-related bacteria associated with papaya plants showing

bunchy top disease in Cuba
M. Luis-Pantoja • P. L. Ramos-González •

M. Naranjo • L. Hernández-Rodrı́guez •
J. Rodrı́guez • E. Pérez-López

Received: 7 April 2014 / Accepted: 3 September 2014 / Published online: 14 December 2014
Ó The Phytopathological Society of Japan and Springer Japan 2014

Abstract Papaya bunchy top (PBT) disease has been bunchy top symptom (BTS), with symptoms similar to
associated with Rickettsia-related proteobacterium. To those of Papaya bunchy top (PBT) disease (Arocha et al.
study the occurrence of this proteobacterium in Cuba, 2005; Davis et al. 1996). Two phytoplasmas, Candidatus
during 2012, we collected 264 samples from asymptomatic Phytoplasma aurantifolia group16SrII, and Candidatus
and symptomatic papaya trees in three regions of Cuba. Phytoplasma caricae group 16SrXVII have been identified
Symptomatic tissue evaluated by transmission electron in BTS-showing plants and in its most likely vector, Em-
microscopy revealed Rickettsia-like morphology. PCR poasca spp. (Arocha et al. 2005, 2006, 2009).
using rickettsial sdhA-specific primers amplified a single The causal agent of PBT-affected plants in Florida has
band with expected size from 95 % of symptomatic plants. been correlated with the invariable presence of a fastidious,
Phylogeny confirmed the presence of Rickettsia-related laticifereous-inhabiting, rod-shaped, small Gram-negative
proteobacterium in plant showing PBT disease. This work bacterium member of the a-subdivision of the Proteobac-
confirms Rickettsia-related proteobacterium is a general- teria, genus Rickettsia (Davis 1998). Specific PBT symp-
ized pathogen in papaya plant affected by bunchy top toms include diffuse chlorosis; rigid, downward cupping of
disease in Cuba. leaves; necrosis; reduced expansion of leaf blades and
elongation of internodes; hard petioles; discrete, water-
Keywords Bacteria  PBT  Phytopathology  soaked spots; and defoliation have been reported for PBT
Non-cultivable disease. Also, flowering and fruit set are rare in plants with
PBT, but when fruits are produced, they are small and
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is extensively cultivated in deformed (Davis et al. 1996).
Cuba to consume as fresh or processed fruits (Alonso et al. Based on PCR evidence, Rickettsia-related bacteria was
2009). Systemic diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and detected in some PBT symptomatic plants from western
phytoplasmas are the main constraint on papaya yields in Cuba during 2003 (Arocha et al. 2003). However, Rick-
the American continent (Teixeira et al. 2007). In Cuba, ettsia was not detected in extensive surveys beyond the
papaya is mainly affected by a nonviral disease termed same region from November 2005 to June 2006 (Arocha
et al. 2007).
During 2012, we collected 13 samples from asymp-
M. Luis-Pantoja  P. L. Ramos-González  M. Naranjo  tomatic and 251 samples from PBT-diseased papaya trees
L. Hernández-Rodrı́guez  J. Rodrı́guez  E. Pérez-López (&) in commercial areas in the western, central and eastern
Research Institute on Tropical Fruit Crops,
regions of the country to confirm the association of Rick-
7th Ave., # 3005, Playa, P.O. Box 11 300, Havana, Cuba
e-mail: ettsia-related proteobacterium with bunchy top diseased
plants. PBT symptoms included the entire range of typical
E. Pérez-López symptoms. Also we took into account the ‘‘frog skin’’ in
Instituto de Biotecnologı́a y Ecologı́a Aplicada (INBIOTECA),
the base of the petioles and floral set abortion (Fig. 1a–d).
Universidad Veracruzana, Avenida de las Culturas Veracruzanas
No 101, Colonia Emiliano Zapata, CP 91090 Xalapa, Veracruz, We used molecular and morphology evidence to identify
Mexico the pathogen.

J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:166–168 167

Fig. 1 Symptoms caused by Rickettsia-related bacteria in PBT laticifer cells with rod-shaped bacteria (bar 500 nm). f Bacteria
diseased papaya and pathogen morphology. a–d Natural symptoms. delimited by a double membrane with a periplasmic space (Ps)
a Reduction of internode length. b Absence of latex efflux. c Frog between cell wall and cytoplasm, and electron-lucent inclusion
skin at base of petioles. d Chlorotic leaves with interveinal mosaic. bodies (Ib) (bar 200 nm)
e, f TEM of morphology of pathogen in laticifer cells. e Collapsed

To examine plant tissues for Rickettsia-related bacte- (95 %), was then purified (Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-
ria, tissues were fixed in 4 % (v/v) glutaraldehyde in Up System, Promega, Madison, USA) and cloned (pGEMT-
0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.2, washed with Easy Vector, Promega). Two individual clones per region of
buffer, dehydrated in a graded ethanol series, and the country (six total samples) were sequenced by Macro-
embedded in Spurr’s resin (Spurr 1969). Thin sections gene, South Korea. The PBTF1/PBTR1 sequences were
(50 nm) were cut using an Ultratome 2128 microtome trimmed, assembled into a consensus using the Staden
(LKB). Tissue sections were contrast-stained as described Package (Bonfield and Whitwham 2010) and compared
by Reynolds (1963) and examined in a JEOL 2000 EX with reference sequences from GenBank using the BLAST
transmission electron microscope at 25 kV. program (
In the four samples from symptomatic plants examined The PBTF1/PBTR1 sequences of the rickettsial sdhA
by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the laticifer detected in the symptom-bearing papaya plants were
cells were collapsed, and rod-shaped bacteria were pres- 100 % identical. The consensus sequence (705 nt) of the
ent in the cytoplasm of laticifer cells (Fig. 1e). The bac- rickettsial sdhA (GenBank accession FN825675) showed
teria measured *0.3–0.5 lm long and 0.09–0.2 lm wide the highest sequence identity (100 %) with the rickettsial
and contained electron-lucent inclusion bodies. These sdhA (AF018287) and rickettsial sdhA (U76909) reported
bacterial cells were delimited by a double membrane with by Davis (1998) in Puerto Rico.
a periplasmic space between the cell wall and the cyto- PBT disease etiology has been under study for some
plasm (Fig. 1f). time, with virus and phytoplasma among the candidates.
For the molecular identification, DNA was extracted Attempts to isolate this bacterium in axenic culture have
from 0.5 g of leaf midribs of papaya plants collected in been unsuccessful, impeding verification of its pathoge-
every region of the country (Murray and Thompson 1980) nicity (Davis 1991; Davis et al. 1996).
and used as a template for the PCR assay. Specific primers The use of electron microscopy, PCR with specific
that target rickettsial sdhA PBTF1/PBTR1 (Davis 1998) primers, cloning, sequencing and alignment with the
were used. PCR products were separated using 1 % (w/v) reference rickettsial sdhA sequence permitted us to
agarose gel electrophoresis, and a band of the expected size demonstrate that Rickettsia-relative bacteria are strongly
(*750 bp), obtained from 239 of the symptomatic plants correlated with typical PBT disease in Cuba.

168 J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:166–168

Acknowledgments This research was supported by project 0578 Arocha Y, Piñol B, Acosta K, Almeida R, Devonshire J, van de
financed by the Cuban Fruit Group (Grupo Empresarial Frutı́cola, Meene A, Boa E, Lucas J (2009) Detection of phytoplasma and
GEF). E. Pérez-López thanks CONACYT for a scholarship (CVU: potyvirus pathogens in papaya (Carica papaya L.) affected with
517835). ‘Bunchy Top Symptom’ (BTS) in eastern Cuba. Crop Prot
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