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Cuenca´s and Texas´ independence activities

Theme: holiday
Student: David Feijoo
Around the world, there are many holidays that represent traditions and customs.

One of the holidays is the Independence Day that has each city of the different

countries. However, all of them have their own customs and traditions. This is the case

of Cuenca and Texas that have similar and different activities and traditions during the

Independence Day.

Starting with the similarities, we should know that people have a day off to enjoy

the activities that take place that holiday. Beside, one of the most important activities

during the independence of Cuenca and Texas are educational activities; for example,

visiting museums to learn the facts of the independence and history of the city.

On other contrary, there are also differences between these two cities, especially

with their dates and parades. First, we must know the date of independence of the two

cities. In Cuenca, it happens on November 3rd, unlike Texas, which happens on March

2nd. Second, the activities that are carried out are the parades. In Cuenca, there are

student and military parades, (Astudillo, 2016). The students’ parade is a dance of the

fourth elements such as; air, water, fire and earth. Similarly, the Military parade is the

presentation of the Armed Forces of Cuenca. On the other hand, in Texas, people have a

5K parade which is very colorful (Psencik, 2017). Finally, in Texas, people have a

memorial service for Texas veterans in the state cemetery, but in the independence of

Cuenca, the election of the Queen of Cuenca and the Chola Cuencana takes place

(Astudillo, 2016)

In conclusion, the independence of Cuenca and Texas has similar and different

activities that represent customs and traditions in which people enjoy participating.
However, it is surprising that Texas independence has activities or services for veterans

in the cemeteries. Beside, these two cities have differences due to their great cultural

variety. Nonetheless, something that characterizes Cuenca is its parades that might call

the attention of any foreign. Finality, in my opinion these two cities have many customs

and traditions, because we must respect those cultures

Word: 349

Astudillo, G. (2016). 350 actividades para festejar la independencia de Cuenca.

Diario El Comercio. Recovered from:
Crosswind. Recovered from:
Psencik, K. (2017). Where to celebrate Texas Independence Day in Austin.
Crosswind. Recovered from:
PVP. (2018). 140 actividades para fiestas de noviembre. El Mercurio
Recovered from:

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